The New York Clipper (October 1904)

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794 THE 3STE"W YORK CLIPPER. OOTOBEB 15. ARTHA JANE SENSATIONAL HITS MAXWELL A SIMPSON, the Kings of Song Illustrators, engaged as a special attraction this week at Hurtlg and Seamon's Harlem Music Hall, New York, score the hit of their career with these two songs. Both are magnificently Illustrated at a cost of over One Thousand Dollars! A limited number of Maxwell A 8lmpson's ORIGINAL sets of slides will be sent on receipt of 85.00 per set. First Come-First Served nTuimATORSiM! SEND FOR COMPLETE '. PROF. COPIES OF THESE TWO 80N0S 11 FREE.OROHBST.-10o. PERFORMERS SENDINO U8TBEIB PER- ( LIST OF SONGS WITH > MANBNT ADDRESS WILL BE KKPT( SLIDES. IN TOUCH WITH OCR GOOD THINGS. I,-, - - u - L ru^nruxn.r W ^ m. I. STM & CI.. TRACKED by BLOODHOUNDS 34 E. 21 ST., NEW YORK. WON'T YOU WAIT NELLIE DEAR A LYNCHING HEADLINER OF ALL AT CRIPPLE CREEK. MOVING PICTURES. The lost Sensational Film Ever Mads. Negative Aotuallj made in Colorado. Length, 460ft Price $64. JOOft, $24.00; 100ft, $12.00. - 2O0ft., $24.00- 100ft., $12.00. DAABVTVT Tf Dedicating St. LodIb Exposition MaiWBWH V WiMJM. • DedicatingLners A Clark Exposition, Portland, Ore. - •__• - -"»*•«»£t vv u/ v ™a»rr- v : DtlDDIKf/a A Great Picture taken of Indiana'* Elongated Senator, while Leaving Hla Home In Indiana pom. Toe Vice President V A.M.nMH%.a Jr4.Se candidate waa taken unawares, and he la mown here to life. The only picture ever taken of htm. - 60ft. $8.00. MULTNOMAH FALLS. &*r»?K7ve^^ MK£ THE LITTLE ROBIN HOBBARS. T&^A^kZ^^*^*"*""*"■ ^ THK Bl BEX'S UNEXPECTED BATH, gfoffi Vk&SST^ mt troB ,t * rt to "^ mmm Don't forget tb. B< I I I ■ IP I other blgTilt. BWlaU t" ■ %*W «—i I M^. ■ ^ Tbr«. Bnlla Killed and Mx Homi Gored In Front of Camera, Z, MEXICO. LEHOTH, 608ft. PRICE, ITB.OO. SEUG POLYSCOPE CO., 43 Peck Court, CHICAGO, ILL M. H, BUCK WALTER, General Weatern Agent, Denver, Colo Selling A gen U Holla's Celebrated Star F11 ra«. UNIVERSAL SHE! KLIECL BROS., Props.. 1303-S Broadway * 1S» VI. 88th St., Row Vork. EVBBITHIHQ Electrical for tluatrM tad Production*. Production. Supplied which gpeak iter Them..lT.s. PARSIFAL - METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE, DARUNO OF TBI OOBB, DU BA RRY A BEN HUB, WEBER A FIELDS' WHOOP DE POO. NINETY A NINE. GALVESTON FLOOD, BABES IN TOYLANB. WIZARD OF OZ. I. B. SOTBEBH-TBl PEOUD PRINCE, SHEPHERD KINO, LEW DOOKSTADER'8 UBBTBEU, PALL OF POMPEII. Telephone, ttts-astb St. TAYLOR TRUNKS Wo have been doing; t hla for 45 years, sad la the Only Trunk that ha ■ a sruaran. too good either In NEW YOHK or CHICAGO. C. A. TAYLOR TRUNK WORKS, St K. Randolph Street, CHICAGO. Beware of Worthless Imltatlona. lgl W. 88th Btroot, IIW YORK. Send for Catalogue, HAL GODFREY & CO., "THE LIAR," Present t Mfc 3 $$*H By EDMUND. DAY. A Twenty-five Minute Laughing Aot, Originally written for FILSON and ERROL, Has been Tried and Proven. BIG HIT THIS WEEK AT TUB CHICAGO OPERA HOUSE. ASK 'EM. NEXT WEEK, COLUMBIA THEATRE, ST. LOUIS. Time All Killed Until April 3. (filS Vnaftfimaii FILMS FOR RENT SO DEARBORN ST., CHICAGO. PLENTY OF IT AFTER WAY OF>E IV ci n tiooke, JAN. I, 1905. HOUSE Only place oC amusement Id city one night standi and leportolro companies, write. Pa., Population, 15,000 Suvurba, 10,000. House Beats 900 First class Good shows big money. F. M. COXE, Manager. SCENIC RAILWAY The Scenic Railway at Revere Beach, Mass., together with leaser, rights, etc., la 0(Tiered for sale at a nominal price—half Its real value. Large ground apace! suitable for other attractions. Splendid chance for an amusement company. Hoaa Is complete and lias been ran for two seasons. Oood reasons tor selling. Address U. 8. SOENI0 RAILWAY COMPANY, Detroit, Mich. WILL HAUL TRUNKS OR SCENERY FREE Truara scored free. It we d* sot deliver goods aa t>er contract. LYON'S EXPRESS CO. (Rot Ine.) N». 13" No. Clark at.. CHIcano. - . Tel., North, 17*0. FUNK *C0.%< Wis Re VIC K IB'I IHBtni, Chicago, Ul. TtllBlOU-OU Oil tti. But for Catalogs*. MAGICAL Apparatus. Beat Quality. YOST A COMPANY, U N. Ninth St, (Established 1870.) Philadelphia. as-Large new catalogue for stamp. SKIN Have You Any DISEASE? THOUSANDS HAVE) ALREADY BEEN CORED AND YOU CAN NOW BH CURED BY USING BALDAUF'S HEALING SALVE. It la a positive cure for Eczema, Salt Rheum, Tetter, Old Sores, Ulcere, PUoa, Pimples, Bonloni, Coma and every form of dlseaae of the skin and scalp. BALDAUF'S SALVE .?, •£SH fo or the skin baa mora merit than any reme- dy on the market If you are suffering from any form of Skin disease don't delay using BALDAUF'S SALVE, It's the only positive cure. Manufactured by a reliable Arm. To Introduce BALDAUF'S SALVE send (once only) a BO cent box for 12 two cent stamps, or a 25 cent box for 6 two cent stamps, post- paid. Less than half tbe regular price. SEND BEFORE THE OFFER CLOSES. BALDAUF DRUG CO., Sols Proprietors, Dept D. Hllwemhee, Wis., U. S. A, uj o» ivnauiB aaaaa OUR OFFER to you, we will h inn imwn\\\w\\\v« 8HOW TENTS. Cqual to any In workmanship, shape and nuallty. Get our prices before buying. Agents for Kldd'a lights and Baker torches. Black tents for moving pictures. Oood second hand tents from 85x60 to 125x800, at Bargain* BARER A LOCKWOOD, Succeiaor to C. J. Baker, 415 Delaware Bt, Ksnaas City, Ho- FILMS! FILMS! And loving Picture Machines, all makes, bought and for sale. PHILADELPHIA FILM EXCBAHGE, 1608 Horth 15th St., Philadelphia, Pa., P. 8. A. FRED ZOBEDIE. QYHHJST. Permanent address, INTERNATIONAL THEATRICAL EXCHANGE, Boom 600, No. 67 Clark Bt, CHICAGO. PLAYS A .W BROWNE CASEY'S THEATRICAL TRUNKS. Our XXX Trunk has no Equal. Its Superiority and Low Price elves It every advantage over any trunk made, be- ing built on well seasoned Basawood, with a Continuous Steel Binding, Canvas, Glued on, and over 800 Rivets used, Heavy Rawblde Handles, Yale Lock, 6ln. Tray, made to Swing In the top, making In all the Best Theatrical Trunk. Guaranteed 5 Years. 28, S10.75; 30, 511.25; 32, 111.75; 34, $12.75 ; 36, S13.75 ; 38, J 14.75 ; 40, $15.75. Our XX Trunk Compares Favorably with any Theatrical Trunk Made. Built on Basawood Box, Covered with Ball Duck, Glued on, Bound with Heavy Steel, Yale Lock, Dowels and Double Hinges, Angle Edging, 1 81n. Tray, 1 41n. Tray. A Very Strong Riveted Trunk. 28, $7.25; 80, $7.75: 32, $8.25; 34, $8.75; 86, $0.26; 88, $9.75; 40, $10.25. STEEL CLAD.—Basawood Box, Covered with Cold Boiled Steel. 1 Deep Tray, Yale Lock. Large Bolts and Dowels. Tbe Best Cheap Trunk on the MARKET. 28, $5-50: 80, $6.00; 32, $6.50; 34, $7.00; 36, 7.50: 38, $8.00; 40, $8.50. Shipped C O. D. on receipt of $5.00. Write for Catalogue. M. S. CASEY, 441 6th Awe., Bet. 26th and 27th St.., if. T. Established 4)7 Years. MANUSCRIPT OF SONG POEMS ORIGINAL MELODIES, Or COMPLETE WORKS, And If they bare any merit we hare the facilities to make them go. All letters answered promptly. PIONEER PUBLISHING CO., 5J08-309 Baltimore Bldg., CHICAGO, ILL. DOHT BUT 1RE0 BEFORE CONSULTING I) AND jUrrLltj. : — STEREOPTICON AND FILM EXCHANGE^ 106 FRANKlYn'ST. : CHICAGO. - W. B MOORE M ? C - R.,'- -L KINDS. - CATALCC MACHIf "WALTZES that are gating the world WALTZ-mD* i^PrPWgglWiP "EXPECTATION" "CASTLES flf THE AIR" Orchestra, 20/ each. F.V.HQSS & CO,Atlanta t Qaj ARTIFICIAL. GARLANDS, VINES, 8PKAT8, CHOWS 8.; Bl'BHEB, Dante, Trees, Palms and Loose Flowers for stage purposes. Particularly call your attention to the workmanship on my goods, which Is unpa- ralleled by competition. Special attention given to Theatrical work. Writ* for my catalogue No. 1, 0., which contains foil description and lUoatratlons of the assortment of goods I carry. -MHiVh CARL SETSCBERT, 187-189 Se.Clark St., Chicago. I-A V Al ON THE SILVER ABGH AND CHAIN LADDEH3. Notice to all First Class Manag/rs and Agents: Bee act at Ulnar's Eighth Ave. Theatre week Oot-U. Ob atS.16-S.16. Press opinion, Sunday Telegraph, Sept. 8: "If anyof the vaudeville theatres has had a better act of Its class than the La Vails gave we have failed to see or hear of It. Praise should be given these gymuaaMques, and one Btrong point in their favor la that they are not posing or flsbl"g for applause. It Is action from the moment the; are discovered at their opening on the arch (wbloh Is new) until their finish, with a hearty recall." ATTENTION! DOCTORS. MEDICINE PEOPLE AND SHOWMEN Why handle rocky gooda when yon can handle goods that will sell themselves? Electric Belts from $1.00 per aot. up. Large variety to select from. Hectrlo Jars, wc. doz; Electrto Insoles, 87Hc. doz. pairs; Soap, $2.10 gross; Fine Medical Batteries. Send 76c. for Sample No. 14 E. B., exp. prepaid. Latest out. One third cash re- quired. Trial order will convince. Largest Manufacturers of Electrlo Belts and Appliances In U. S. A, Established 1878. Lecture and price list free. TBE ELECTEIO APPLIAJCE 00., Burlington, Kan. WIGS TOUPEES, GREASE PAINTS, ETC. A. M. BITCH 6c CO., IliaM.aUath Street, - - - - • ftllndeiphla. B.T.Rsp.: H. HALLIWKLL, kX W. ltti SL Dro» kJa a line and he will call on yon. SaOtfactlon Guaranteed. It Liberty liter Oct. 15, On account of closing with QEYER A GRI8WOLD CO., ii nounsr. WILL BIQH WITH GOOD, BKSP05BIBL.B COMPANY, OB WILL LOCATE. Address, J. BBJiTIS, Wylle, Tex., Oct. 18; Josephine, T ex , Oct. H. Orek M lr.l«<ma.llta|. n "QUEEN OF THE PBABIES" stank aad Two^taa. WIU tiil- .Hats. TUssilOBMtkaff«aad, W. L LAOttlTT* oa, ■*. M Barrar Ara, i