The New York Clipper (October 1904)

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796 ' PHH1 NEW YORK CHIPPER. OOTOBEB 15. THE FILM RENTAL BUREAU DEVOTES EITIBE TIME AID EfFOBT II SECDBHfl Til LATfir AID BUT FILMS FOB IT8 CUST0IEB8. FILMS FOR RENT YOU OWE YOURSELF MONEY EVERY WEEK YOU ARE WIYHOUT OUR SERVICE. GET YOl'K HOI BK ON OUR SHEETS AT ONCE. FILM RENTAL BDBEiU, 64 I. OLiBK STREET, OHIOAM, ILL. SIEGMAN & WEIL, 77-81 WOOSTER 8T. ' (III Spring tni Brooms), New Ysi*. Theatrical Supplies, Grease Paints,. Tights, Wigs, BEND left. FOB CATALOQUI . 10. *. THEATRICAL JEWELRY) ■"£$»"" Gold ft Silver Trimmings, Spangles, Etc., Wt mri gooes C. 0.0., subject to Impictlon. but roquln • DopotH »n all Oram. tor Oataloew Ho/?. *o >° tloonn for public entertalnntent>,lllu»irat. influlHi'rif»jifU'iirrenievrr)!i, MHnmNc. Nothing afford. better MMH for o..« Kith mil "*** MAKE MONEY BMd fur fm, .1 cst.kwur. 1.11. whit in outfit expl.lti. the o|irralk>n .ml tnitructa vuu how to oouuuvt !■»> ln« r Mcrt.lDiitriiU. ' f f ■ciLLISIKK, If,, Optltl.. 7 «r „. <» «■•»■ Blr»n, W I _ DwwY.rk. SNf- - v *v V* IllBl Films! Films! Special Priced Outfits. On* Cineograph, with Stcreopllcon combined, Including coo feel of Film and se Sterooptlcon Blldeii, all completo for One Otneograph, villi Stereop'loon combined, with &co [eel of dim, and 10 Stcreop'lcon Slides, trie Victor Talking Machine, villi horn and sound box, and 24 nne recorda, all for nu oo. Send for Mat of Films ranging la price from fonr to nine cents per fool, according to condition. Every foot ot tbls Film Is a bargain. THE AiLEN UNIVERSAL LENS, $10.00. THE EDISON FILM MENDER. S3.50, NEW. One Double Dissolving Sterecptloon, beantl allj nickel pla'ed, two MoAlllBter ralclum Lamps and Dissolving Key, complete lo a carrying case, cost nearly $200; oar price, $00.00. Don't Infer that because wo offer the«o goods at low prices they must ho worthless. We guarantee everything we soil to be exactly »i represented, or refund the money. 338 Spruce Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. "DUPES" There are various kinds of "Duoes." The dictionary describes one kind as a "Victim or deception. In the Moving Picture Business a "Dupe" is a duplicated film; that is, one manufacturer copies a film made by another, saves the expense of posing the original, and offers it to the public as his own. Without going into the question of morals involved, the fact which concerns the exhibitor most is the quality of the "Dupe." The copy is never as good as the original and in many cases it is very poor. A "Dupe" has lost all the delicate photographic tone of the original; the finer shadows are missing, the whites and blacks are intensified, producing a blotchy effect, which renders it impossible to project a view with maximum definition upon the curtain. The best lenses are of no value in projecting "Dupes," the results being the sarre as when using a cheap lens. In accordance with our general policy of selling HIGH GRADE GOODS EXCLUSIVELY we refuse to deliver "Dupes" of any make unless the buyer clearly understands the character of the film, and the duplication has been made with the con- sent of the manufacturer of the original negative. This refers to certain films made in England which are reproduced with the permission of the originators. In no case will "Dupes" be delivered to our customers when the originals can be obtained. In some instances the originals can be purchased at the same price as the "Dupes," in others at a slightly advanced price. ORIGINAL FEATURE RIL-tVIS: THE MOONSHINERS. THE PSCAPEO LUNATIC. THE WIDOW AND THE ONLY MAN. THE PIONEERS. PERSONAL. BATTLE OF THE YALU. GREAT TRAIN ROBBERY. THE STRIKE. INDIANS AND COWBOYS. ANNIES LOVE STORY. CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. TRIP THROUGH ITALY. DRAMA IN THE AIR. PARK IN BARCELONA BY MOONLIGHT, FIGHTING THE FLAMES. (Dreamland.) OUT IN THE STREET. We offer the best products of all makes, ready for prompt delivery. All new feature films are kept in stock, and will be shipped C. 0. D. on receipt of wire. OPTICAL CO., SPECIALISTS IX PROJECTION APPARATUS NEW YORK BRANCH* 127-129 W. 32d 8T. 52 STATE ST., CHICAGO, ILL. WE DO HOT DEAL IB SECOID HMD flOODS OF AST DE8CBIPTI0H. * "HABBACH'S" + tOISON^rKifiETOSGOPES, 1901 LATEST AND BEST MOTION PICTURE MACHINES, %'.i -mum mi box FAIj, JAPANNED BOX FOR 10 Mr : ELS! HAS LOCH, KEY ANDH ABdi • Lb HOLD LOOtf VBKT OSMbOOsv iK-11 VKRY HANDY. w5£?< METAL., JAPANNED BOX FOR 10 Irtr - wai. PI LB- FILMS SAFE AND CONVBaflf r4' ' VARIOUS SIZES. 1,! " " BY MAIL, 81.25. Serpentine and Pose Slides, RARE DESIGNS AND COLORS, Hcta. EACH LATEST FILM, cow n- FILM. ESCAPED LUNATIC, JOfT6S'fICfbb'S~6\fTFlT, 130. SON PROJECTOSCOPE, $35 i EDI EDISON DNIVER8AL KINET08COPE. IRS $126 DISSOLVING 8TERBOPTICON, $55 nun ja.50 up. hant feet. We want MOTION PICTDRE MACHINE 8TEREOPTICONS, FILMS, SLIDES, Ktr' Send for list and prices. ¥F ILMS* ItfiNlSBHOliMn \f\f LAOTERKe I ralwnuis&siOEs fP BOUGHT fit SOLD WMUBSS3Z IMff.f.lVII TBB LKADTNG • ^Tt ILiJLin,XI « MANUFACTURE K Of Theatrical Boots A Shoes. All work mad. on short notice. No disappoint- ment; we make trom t pair to 1,000 pairs. Bal- -■^■»sawa«"" wan"-' let Shoes a spe- cialty. 202 w. 13d st., New York. Tel. loo R Chelsea. INTERNATIONAL-PLAY-EXCHANGE ROYALTY PLAYS^RtrASONABiE RENTS ^XLASAiir.OT.CHICA&O.llL. EDISON MOVING PICTURE MACHINES. GREAT THAI HUH EUGENE CLINE& CO. 59 DEARBORN ST., CHICAGO. FREE CATALOGUES. WASTED QUICK, For HID 0. TAYLOB'8 EL4B0BATE 80IIIB PI0IU0TIOI, «» A1%T ■■-•sT-a.T^-fcFarw *2T.AXrX< »» ONE NISHT STANDS. Al CHARACTER MAN and WOMAN, JUVENILE MAN, 8.D. 80UBRETTR, GENTEEL IIEAVY HAN and LEADER (Piano); also BUSTLING AGENT, mum have bill trunk. State allflrst letter, together with photos and programmes, If possible. DO NOT MISREPRESENT. Address FRED O TAYLOR, Academy Theatre, Buffalo, N. Y. Managers In Indiana, Illinois and Mioblgan, send In your open time In January, February and March to E. K. K.OPF, But. Mgr., \\H W. 65th St., N. T. City. Tb» Only Thsitrlc.l Supply Horn. In Phllidilphli. *3- OUR SPECIAL FOR NEXT WEEK, .All Colors, Goods sent everywhere 0. O. D. when deposit aooompanlea order. Send tor Booklet. WAAsA SON, Sat North Eighth St., PHI LA., between Race and Vino 81 b, O /.RIMES NEW ACT, WITH BIS FOUR POMBS. IS CLAIMED BT MANAGERS TO BE A CLEVER PIECE OF ASIH AL THAI tl*T.. AL. G. BARNES, rormanont address, 3J3 St. Pants Ave., Jersey City, N. J. MEDICINE HEN'S SUPPLIES Cheapest Mouse In America. Herbs and Oil ($1 sum), $10.W per gross; Vegetable Specific (10 oDDce, liquid), $14.40 per gross; Soap, white or green (cartoned). $1.M per gross: DentUrlos, $e.Te per groas. Elegant printing, "Pointers" and Lectures tree. FOR REST, MY ELEOENT PRIVATE OAR. J. T. R. CLARE, Kansas City, Mo. Wanted, Good Attractions. Raper'olro preferred. All write. 1 600 people to draw from. CII AS. KNOX, Mgr.,. Opera rottso, ShlntiBton, w. Va. NAN, Your mother Is lmanr. We all love you. Baby approve i . No one k no n a yet. Write at once. YOUR MOTHER. snow PBismsMMs *$$% skis. Block Engraved, one dollar tach. Choice one or two sheet Dgares on 4-sheet dates. First Class Printing at very bottom prices. Price list. STAB SHOW PRINT CO., Mason City. Iowa. THE ESCAPED The Great Biograph Chase Film, Originated by the AMERICAN MUT0SC0PE AND BIO- GRAPH and Featured by Them on the Keith Circuit, NOW ON SALE. Length, 609 Feet; 15 Cents Per Foot. Order Quickly and Get the Season's Biggest Winner. KLKINK OPTIOAL OO., Special Selling Agents, CHICAGO, ILL. AMERICA* IUT0SC0PE AND BIOGRAPH CO., 11 E. 14th ST.. NEW YORK. CEI8HA ROUCE. A new and harmless liquid preparation tor beautifying '.he FACE and LIPS. Oa Sale at the following Department Morel and Druggists, or sent upon re celpt ol 60 cents, postage pre. paid, in plain sealed wrapper HIKER'S DRUG STORES,. S.w-V^afst.}>«Toft. BOLTON DRt'G CO., (5 Stores), Brooklyn. SIMPSON, CK AW FORD CO., eth Ave., l»th and 20th fits,. N. Y. City, llth Sr. STORE, 14th St. A eth Ave.,N.T.City, fur r A sample bottle, just enough to convince i ! J I yon of the great merit of onr Wonder- 11111 f »l Pre.aratlaa.and onr Booklet, I HLL"WOMAN r 8 BEACTY,' 1 wiu be sent FREE npon receipt of lo centa to cover cost of mailing. Address GEISHA MFG. CO., DepLO.L. 1107 BROADWAY,Brooklyn,NT. MUSICAL 6LASSES Substantial, loud, pure In tone, easy to tone and play. Photos, references, Cata- logue, with full Information How to play glaasoa successfully, will be sent on receiptofioc. A.Brannetsa. OUatophone Mfr., 8 TV. 133d St., New Tork City, LIBI ALL AROUND COMEDIAN. RED ROT PIANO AND ORGAN FAKIB. Address FRED JORDAN, Lavelle, Pa. SONG BOOKS The Chas K Harris Sonostiir r ABSOLUTELY THE BEST -i ALV^COfflffilfflEiTlllTH ^ ChasK Harris -31-Wt'si 3l. ,: j! -s ( 'w.>ivk •:i'/".-f>,'.fl,'//..i/.,'/,-';.:>v, PHOTOGRAPHS Cabinet Photos ot yourself for selling, 8 a 0 per 1.000. New Edena CARBONTAdnlsh. Samples for Cabinet Photos ot yont New Edoaa CARBO! FUTURE PS mmm fori DARBONA finish. Samples for aims. rnrsRAND or wife photos, t*.oo : FORTUNES, 600.: Samp. 10c, ~ For Future Photographs and Iiovera' Post Offloa. WUlard SU. Phlliw, Pa. VAN FLEET RIKfTE 4T WEST 28th STREET, NEW YORK.