The New York Clipper (November 1904)

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852 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. November 5 Percy Williams These Stands Show the Position Occupied BY TBB GREAT HENRI FRENCH With His Iimlooi Llgltnlng Character Channel on U. WILLIAMS* Bills, Weeki of Oct. 3 and 10. THE WORLD'S GBEiTEST HTE1U1UL SMART, NEAT, QUICK AND UP-TO-DATE. Appearing nightly, tkis week, OCT. 31, at the PROCTOR THB1TBK, Bewarki ITOV. T, PROCTOR'S 33d ST., Hew York. OPEN TIME: NOV. 14, JAN. 16, AND LATER. Address THE GREAT HENRI FRENCH, 112 W. 28th Strut, New York. WANTED AT ALL TIMES, BIsTGLE FEMA-LX SINGERS and DANCERS. SISTER TEAMS, SKETCH TEAMS, MUST BE UP TO DATE, FOB THE WRITS FOR EARLY DATR. EDWARD BRAMOAN, Prop.; JOB MER8EL, Mgr- MUM Vina Btreet, Cincinnati, Onto. BIG SELLING Contain Bong,, Joke•, Pa rod Ie». Recitation., Kte., 75c. Per 100; $6 Per 1,000. Ce.h with order. Ho O. O. D. Samples, 10 Cents. WEHMAN BROS., IBS PARK ROW, H. T. WILSON'S SCHOOL. STAGE DANCINGI AND COMPLETE STAGE TRAINING, »50 WEST »3d ST., N. V. Indorsed by tbe Entire Theatrical Pro res-1 •Ion. Bend tor particulars and valuable] l Information. Engagements guaranteed. JAMES GOLDSMITH NEW YQBI CITY. RUBBER COLLARS, CUFFS and SHIRT FRONTS. A GOOD SENTIBENTAL SINGER, AS PARTNER FOR A UOHTNINO CRATON ARTIST. One who knows how and will get work only sddress. THOB. 0. ORR, 88 Straight Street, Psterson, N. J., care of MATT ORR. mmm opera bouse, MONE88EN, PA., on.ltoco; letting oa opens Deo. 1. stage equlppei "OOD -• FopoUUon, 1L0O0; seating oansolty.l.lOO. Theatre opens Deo. 1. stage equipped for any prodnotlon. Open time for GOOD attractions only. Write or wire. A. N. BHl'STER, Manager. SHOW TENT8. Bsaal to any la workmanship, ahapa and Jlty. Oct our prices before buying. Agents Eldd'e lights and Baker torches. Black tor moving pictures. Good second hand from 8oi50 to 120x300, at Bargains. IB ft LOCKWOOD. Successor to V. 1. 41B Delaware St, Kansas City, Mo Flu nTgleil Apparatu, ILLD8IOSg.TOOBB.Bw. Grand Bad el Osornrr. funy Illiistrstee. BO»K CATA- LOBDB, »«., frw by ItalegM s( Parlor Tricks trs* MABTINaA a 00., MOV CM Its AW, 1. T. PLAYS A.W.BROWNL C 0*>X HVKOH.SI CHICAGO Filrbiry, Nib— Stall's Niw Optra Hnsi. Ballt In 1»04 Beating Wanted, Strong Company for opening last ot October. A. V. PEASE, TreMursr. Second Band BAUD 1H8TBUMEHT8 BOCOHT, BOLD and EIOHANOKD. Bend for 0OR- ptfwLitt. PRAHK HOX.TOK 4k CO., W B. Madison Street. Ohloago, DL WIGS 8.SHINDHEL.,Tkittt1eilWI| MAKER. Good work for low prions. Ul West loth STBEBT, Few Tork, nd stamp tag' price list M. ITRA88MAN, sMTOBNBT, U* Broadway, Mew fork City. PROCTOR'S ENTERPRISES. F. F. PROCTOR, Soli Proprietor and Mtnsgir. J. AUSTIN FYNES, Otniral Msnsgtr. 6 BEAUTIFUL THEATRES 6 Devoted to Refined Entertainment. Proctor's Bth Ave. Theatre. Proctor's 23d St. Theatre, Proctor's 58th St. Theatre, Proctor's lSBth St. Theatre, Proctor's Newark Theatre, Proctor's Albany Tkeatre. PROCTOR'S STOCK CO. Presenting Beit Plays. WANTED, BEST ACTS IN VAUDEVILLE. If yon do not receive a reply, It may be because the time Is Oiled; you are therefore advised to write again In four weeks. Do NOT enclose stamp lor reply. INSTRUCTIONS TO ARTISTS ROOKED: ££. plots of acts; complete "prop" list; If can open and close in one; EXACT time of acts, and of "close la;" billing for newspapers and programmes: and CLEAN PHOTO- GIIAPI18 for LOBBIES TWO WEBKB in ADVANCE OF OPBNINO DATS AT BACH HOUSE, addressing RESIDENT MANAGER. FAILURE TO COMPLY with these IN- 8TBUCTIONS WILL SUBJECT ARTISTS to the BISK OF CANCELLATION. VAUDE- VILLE BEHBABBAL8 MONDAYS, 9 A. M., SHARP. Playwrights, Authors and Plsy Agents, Vaudeville Artists and Players, address J. AUSTIN FYNRS, General Manager, FIFTH A VE. THEATRE, H. T. CITY SIEGMAN & WEIL, 77-81 W008TIR 8T. ' ■1st tprlnfl ins' Bream*), Niw Ygrt. Theatrical Supplies, Grease Paints,... I"j5J* Tights, Wigs, ... J »c*. THEATRICAL JEWELRY) "^r Gold -SilverTrimmings, J>-&-» Spaagles, Etc H ** j°^C" Ws BM< |0*di C. 0. D., tuajaet ts Intiidlts, Btt rtfHlrg • DspMlt m *ll Ordirt. nmvmm. Sohmer Park ARTISTS OP ALL KINDS WRITE roRstrsDAr DATS. MONTREAL. (i Or. Art.. Bond's GIANT TELESCOPE. KOBT POWKRFIL IN WORLD. For Parka, Fairs and Carnivals. Pars for Itself In one week, any live place; day and night. 8100. DR. ART. BOND, sea Llpplncott St, Toronto, Canada. Stmtnii.Trtli Agists & CannssaisSinpllat Ws Always Ban the Latest Novsius*. Bend for Our New Catalogue. OSIVIttSAL SUPPLY CO., flirfPABil IBS La ftalU ItrML - - ttUlrABU. UTICA OPERA HOUSE CT1CA, M1BB. Population, BOO. Seating capacity. 400. Large stage; well ventilated hall. B. M. ORAFTON. Mgr. PERFORMERS GOING TO EUROPE BIO OOT IN OABIN RATRB. For farther Information, apply to TBB exchange office, 104 Bast 14th St., German Savings Bank Bonding. JUST OUT, I24PA8E ILLUSTRATED MA8IC CATALOGUE. Ro.; BOP. CATAL, to. None free. Only N. B. Agent tor Mabatma, loo. W. 1). LBBOT, lot Court St., Boston, Mass. TBB ABOVE IS A SAMPLE OF OUB 78o. Newspa ier Half Tone Mads tor Posters/Newspapers, Letter Heads, etc SPECIAL PRICE ON LARGER SIZES. Cats delivered when cash socompsnles the order. Send Tic. for s trial order and be convinced. We do the best work promptly and at the lowest prloe. KNOXVILLE ENGRAVING CO. 616 Bay St, KnotvlUe, Tenn. MAGICAL Apparatoa. Finest Orade Illmloni. TOST A COMPANY, 48 N. Ninth St, (EsUbllahed 1870.) Philadelphia. Kf Large new catalogue for stamp. IMPORTANT. HI IN Theatrical Movements IN ARRANGING TOCBS FOR TO BOTH If yon will kindly write me, giving particular! of movements. I will submit train Itinerary and also cost. FRANK P. DIVYER, R. P. A., Grand Trunk Ry. Rys., BOO Broadway, New York. COLD CREAM. d»B Otr. I_fc>. To Introduce our goods we will sell onr guaran- teed "Carnellan Cold Cream" at the above prloe. Make-Up Boxes, filled,, ga.50 and |5.oo. These boxes contain from U to so articles, accord- ing to price. CARHJRWAN CO., Office, 131N. 9th St.; Factory, fill Arch St, Send for catalog. Phlla., Pa. MTrs. of "Carnellan" Grease Palate, Face Powders, Rouges, Creams, Etc. FILMS! FILMS! And Moving Picturs Hiobinet, an makes, bonght and (or sale. PHILADELPHIA FILM EXCHAH0E, 1608 Horth 15th St., PhUadelphli, Pa., U. S. A. DON'T TAKE CHANCES. Ir Tern Want Resnlts Use a OROSB LETTER HEAD diss ■EKD FOR FIIKB BAIUPLES Printing and Rns. Co. 388 Dearborn St., Use, for Stage Money. Book of cnU, BOc CONTRalGTS nOXBTB, PABSEB, CARDS, Etc. BAMPL WBBB FTO. on., su rtaarlxin Rt_ Ohloasn. m. Great Dlsoovexy. Experts ot It from gen- uine diamond. Oosts bnl ■ not detect I ZAMBESI HI one-tenth. In brilllanoy and oat it has no eqnaL setting solid gold. Write for Illustrated catalogue. BCWBT* 0O o Dept O., 8W Dearborn St, Calosgo. FOR BENT. Pullman Hotel Cars, Steel Wheels, In one condition. All furnished. Address MIS* M. MoMARON. Wellington Hotel. Chlcaro. nostra, 1*9 and 141 W. 44th Bt New Tork City. THOMPSON'S GYMNASIUM, 111 W. V4 BTV, NE W TOBX (Old Boater A BlaJ 1), BALLBTT THOMPSON, Manager (late WoodV THE SOUVENIR POST CARD MACHINE (Slot Adjutabls lor Any Cols). A (VERY ATTRACTIVE MACHINE. The Kind that Gets the Honey. SOUVENIR POST CARD8 FOR ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES IN U. S. AND CANADA. It Is the new machines that get the money. I have a lot of them coining. . Watch my ad. In CLIPPER. F. 8. ZIHBDZRHAN, 48 W. tstk Street New York, N. T. HO PLACE LIKE HOME. PALOS PARK IS A SUBURB OF GHICA60. The scenery ot wooded hills with creeks and rprlngf makes It a charming place for home. It ts healthful and restful. Pare, 130. Many families have located, and among them quite a few families of actors who And It convenient to their business, and a fine plsoe for borne. We sen large lots, tox leoft, on timbered hills, st $250; $10 cash and $10 monthly; Bend for literature; names of actors given by request Monson A Co.. 144 LaSaUe St, Chicago. City. Oym.) Special rates to performers, (is weak. Slot Machine PICTURES. Write for Our Catalog and Exchange Proposition. LANGLEY-0RR CO.. 43 Peek Ct., Chicago. Films for Rent Spectacular, War, Bbtorlcal, Scenlo. Mysterious and Comedy Feature Subjects to Select From. LATEST ILLUSTRATED SONG SETS RENTED. Write for Ust Terms right C. E. VAN DU2EE ESSSSStfSr. IBW YORR. CHICAGO. WIO MAKER, 1M W. aath BTREET, NEAR BROADWAT, N. Y. CHICAGO BRANCH, CHICAGO OPERA HOU8E BLOCK. A. KBR8BAW, Resident Partner. Bend for Catalogue O. either office. NOW MAKING l9o5'l906 LETTERHEADS 334 DEARBORN ST.. CHICAGO ILL. agji i ib n k**Nff o - PLAYS Large List ot New Profes»Ion&l «nd Amateur Han, VandoTllla Bkctxlu*. OperttlM. Statical i»iera,Speclal Eatertalaawatis RMltatloiu, Dialogue*. Speak- DrllU, ete. CaUloara«Vr«e. era, I'ableaox, Ul T. 8. BEN1BON, Pabltahcr, Dept IT, Chtaaa«i IB. (ROYALTY PLAYS, MANUSCRIPT. PARTS tAND RIGHTS FOR A YEAR, TEN DOLLARS. •SEND FOR CATALOGUE. ALEX. BYERS.I ,4.44 LA SALLE STREET. CHICAGO, ILLj 8LIGHTLY TJSRD Also Large Stock of SEALSm JACKETS and FUBS. AgDBBWI, 34« State St., Chicago. Edlssa Picture Machlois, StereipHcons, Song Slides, Pllma, Lenses, Qas Outflts, Bieotrtcal Goods, etc. Send for catalogue and circulars. L. MANA88B CO.. M Madlsonltreet Chicago, HI. PUffi ■PIB Catalogue of Plays and HEW Kake Up, for Frofes. slonsli and amateurs, sent on application. IBRALD. t9 Ann Bt. Maw Tork. Stage Carpenter whs can alse Paint Scenery or play small parts, sober, reliable and a hard worker, Disengaged. Write or wire, A. CLINTON, Box 19, Keswick, Albermaie Co.. Virginia. WAITED. III. 1 FIJI mm Blgbt Reader, to open NOV. 14, DEWET MUSIC HALL, Ctlca.N. T. DAVE BARRT, Manager. How to Play good Rag Tlmeon the Piano Quickly Taught by Hall for |1. Write quick for free partlcu'ars. PROF. OHBIBTKBeES, 741 Pine Arte Building, Chicago. I ' ANGEL SL'JK FBEE COPT AND ORCHESTRATION. WUL8CHNER MUSIC CO., Jndianapolls, Ind. TOBB M ft| SUA Reading and Recitation Books. |*lfs|li%. Catalogue Free. Ail dramatic ■ »■■• ■ wsvi papers on sale or mslled. CHAS. ReDONALD <b CO., IS Waahrngton St, OBIOAOO. let Wise-Something New li Vaiderille. MANDT DAM, FROM BUOKISOBAM. VAN FLEET 4T Bcsutiries and Prtscrvts the Complexion. ^•w A totltlre relirf for chapped hnndl, apaWkSB "nd all «kln afflictions. Mennen .face on every boi. Sold erery. where .or by mail. *$c. Sample Free. GERIIARD !HBS5>B.V CO., Newark, N. 1. 8 T.r , MEHNEN'S VIOLET TALCUM ESS& endorsed by 3 ,ox dentists, Is the best. It cleans the teeth, heals and hardens the gums, sweet ens the breith and by destroy Ing the harmful bacteria of the mouth, really becomes TOOTH INSURANCE At all druggists, or direct for 35c. Dentacura Company, Newark. N. J. U. A.A. "HowToIlldstbate" SI.OO km "Art of Gahicatube" • .BO Tnek taorosffalj drawiof a&d IUo> tratlas, In all It. brmicbea Prlaa, boi book., SI.28 16 pj. lllca. Catalofoe cm regnm. SMOsrai publismino co., Room 833 114 Rftlivt.llrvtwL SONG BOOKS The Chas K Harris Songster T—-AB5 0 L-U T ELrY-T H E-B E-5T—-i AIVAY5 CONTAINS THflATESTHiTy I lARfflESiZE 1 0^15^150 * • m for MM Prion for Special I Chas. K Harris 31" 51. NOW. YOl.k ,;, /.v.yiT B.ilhd//Msn.iMr •■(,'/ LITHOGRAPH BETTER D THAN A I ABOUT HALF THE PRICE MEW LITHO-TIHT PAPER •IND FOR OATAUWUB NonisoD Show Print ch^q CALL. RflcMAHON'8 Fauaosus Tkeatrlead RESTAURANT 4T2 SIXTH AVBHTH, Between 38th snd 30th Bt, NEW TORK OTTT. Best of Fr>oa,Perfectly Cooked, Dellcloudy Served. Prices reasonable. Special Dining Boom for Ladles. BOSTON FILM EXCHANGE. Second Hand Films, Song Slides and Jtochlnes Bought, Sold and Exchanged. 6*4 WA8BTNOTOH BTTBoom it, Boston, Mass.. opp. Adams Bones. MAUBIOl H. BOBBHSWHia LAWTER. PBOFBBBIOBALl MAHAOBD. mm rsat aww (Wen. istg.) bsw