The New York Clipper (November 1904)

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NOVBMBBB-5. THE NEW YGBrK CXilPPEK, £55 -menagcr).—After, many- weeks -et prepara- tion Miislc ml open* on Monday aftcnirrnn. i.1; . W, St to ^ , rdK,.^tf I ai ? s r,s SI.%iioW?! SsSfc ffife^K^ " d ,he bur: 's Mlnsiret Maids nod Wntemrtlon .'■ • Oct. .1], with u vaudeville Hit that should till ;be bouse.- The house baa been recon- structed and redecorated and made prnctl cally. new. *asv JfeSraSK ^d ds c, a ."r. Sf«o°f n Venella'a eight 'educated horses and boxing poulea. Mansfield-Wilbur Co., Tim McMnhon and Edytho Chsppclie, Kelly and Aslibv. Jus. Thornton, .Bertie Fowler and the kloeto- graph. : Columbia Mtsic Hall (Harry N. Far- . ren, manager).—'The Japsky'a" Is tbe title ?S n ,?n ll! J <ldon ™UI or tbe new burlesque by the stock company is. ST"" ■ V u"5 d .'^ B "">'*' u -">- "Dowi tor the current week. The leading roles ore 921, '"V # hna {? lr . bo* 1 ?*") Oct. 28 28. taken by Clora Borteaux, Gracla Marquette, „J/!. t ;„.i« JS™ Jgg*i_g w * ,0 wllent Llbble Blondell. Dan Anderson, Leonard RS'Wt 28, . The Admirable Crleblon." Howard. Mark Bennett and Sam Shannon. S \SJSPLSSS^Sh, ok The vaudeville mention* Johnson, Deven- '-ffiEffftH Kt& & &'? h .. ea . *,£?•• mal1- port and Lorclln, 'The Students and the J W??" *^31. Jo* Welch.In "The fed- ETibe:■• the Three Polos, acrobats: the Mrs- S»„f*a,*.JiS~- wc 5! c pnvld rlarum" bad excel- tic Four, musical act; the Browning Sisters '* n i*1? 10 ,^- < v om i D R : Sk ' *»'»•' „. , "Ik- (Shea & Milton, managers).—Week JaJ^rJJaajP *- ajft WilBasmv.Oaei and May Helena, Auulo Goklle.' Grace Riiswli nud Woodward and Julie ('alhmm. ' Joshi Ivan. C.\8,ixo <W. L. Gallagher, manager).— EiucUmo.v'8 Mail III. D. Griffin, Business was goo.I last week. BUI week of manager)—Week of 24: Jennie Ripley. Ably Alchols. Conlln and Russell, DemarlR. .Via Orlando. Vic Lewis'end Hose ♦ ■ » OHIO.^if CTJ-.*!" g ^gyw. Theatre .cilMrlnvauftU.—Theatrical offerings fur the e*JF., Bock, manager). "The Prince of .eurr*nif week..include only one.noveltr-^-The ford, In "lied Feather, 55f j?^58r *S# »*KW* play, booked will repeat the tremendous bual. field. In "Ivan tbe ■ ^One Of the strongest bills of"the *aVo'n i 1 *^f M, H™?H«J C 2iLi and ?cn ° ,nd WIleti, - § offered pntFons.of Keith's this Jveek. B ™% AC b (Ch* *p^'i Tbe second and last week of the engagement of the Klaw & Krlanger spectacle, ".Mother Goose,"'was marked by trvuicndons outpour- ing*, and the Oiiren of tbe West empbnt'- cally proved her right to rank as one of tbe greatest of tba theatrical towns In lade sntn'L domain. Nat Goodwin will eome Nov. T, In "The Csnrper.'^ ' Ander- Anna ikcnlng Vas nb- naj crowds 27-2D. "The Curse of Drink*' TJer-Sniithcrrr SKIe*'* Bad a-good bonne 25. ;n-Nov. 2. .. "ahoata".-an, "Tba Tenderfoot 7 ' 28. Paul Oil- I'aiik (<;il Diirrow^. uiaungeri.—The Broad* liioro Nov. U. ",' . "•' ''' witif B(irle».quers were wSIl patronised. 2T-2rt* — ■ " »«♦ ■ ' ■. Frederick tJ. Strickland lecture* 30 on "So- xi;w TOnK STATU, ctttltam." * ".' ' ' i Ot.Kos-». T. Cufran. nianagerV—A BnlTalo.—At the Star (P. C. Cornell, pupnlar MudcTlle bill Pleased :J4 *W» JWjfc manager) l.lcliard Mansfleld appears Oct. 31- Iticlitdlng: Hivgh and Bessie, the Three Nov. i!, "The llllllonalra" a.n Pthel Mbm ""KoKSi!, 7 fe THFATng.—The Game J «7^ «>'•»PP<''t«l. delighted her frleada of Life" drew fair attendance 2ti. Colonial "T TkCk (Walter S ItiMoin nimx.i Moving nctures Nov. 1. The FnldVinMelvlllo StSk Lu"ttBf^Jte In, "The Man from Mexico." "Du Barry" next week. •Thelma" proved to be Quito magneto. * C'IXVbnton lUt.t, (II. L. Meech, Vonuastown.-AI (Peter Rice, manager i tilled the bouse Oct. 2(1. the Opera Hour* "Way liown Kant" "Patrice" drew fair is did "When the Bell Tolls" 2*. dian).'-^j'oVe'f lioffmann'coraea fc "The WUard, of Ox" played to bit .business ;2l». Bonking*: Sant T. Jack's Burleque Co. 31, Fthel Batr.vmore Nov. 2, "Afrer Mld- nlEht" ;ir,. -T'nele Ilea" T. "ThOu Shalt Not Kill" (), M»„rt Adams 11. "A Trip to China- lown" 12. I'.nK tC'lms. t. Lillian, mauager).— Last week, "Paris by Night." Attendnnco -was very-nood. Weok of ai: Ellsworth nnd Burl, Leonard nnd ljrnke,- Messenger Boy Trio, Mlllman Trio, the M^olassos. the Pelots nod H !"K?J iK ? ,KN THB*TRk (M. 8bea, iflann- gi'r).—Hill this week: Herrmann the Great, Holrombc, Curtis and Webb, Rosalro and Do- teito. tbe Five Mowatts, .lame* M. McDon- ald, tarmen Sisters and Duffy, Sawtelle and Duffy. AMBIWT (0. C. Steven*, manager).—"A \Jnrkng (tlrla Wrongs" tbla week. "Tilly Olson" next week. "On Thankaglvlnjr Dny ' drew very good attendance. Orou llocsc (Oeorge F. Fish " Fish, managers).—The I'ore- - _ , , us „ .,, uv » company will put on "Sol- glnleys, aerial acrobats; Collins and Hart, cTsfv. twW x. r«ii- * „, .. <" er » of Korttuae" Oct 30, after a most nerobats: Tierce and Mnhee, vocalists; Dl C q?. niiil^.il L *i 1 i e '. man ?, Ker8 >rr,"'^*^ successful week with "Cumberland , 81." Iu Newell nnd Niblo, mnslcUns; St. Jofe and j, or ,i- &&3&Li9*J&m!!*t Ml dr«d l* FeVre, "rmart set donterV:" MbyTtvans, p»«2H* vL-2 i. U o*ii K *, t i e Uestol V, 'wne whistling solos: Carlotta Dellnar. bicycle ol fi^il%^f a f-J± a B ^tiJ' , ° trac ? i W, «? er - liert. nnd Mr. and Mrs. l.ucler, In a comedy ,„1„J e ..Sg.' iSSSK •! l V, rIi ty m " na . tne nU1 '- ?..—v x-— _... ._..._* c « ».uu4c«jr lesqe. "1<lip McGlllls.' Business Is Imprivlnu. Mtsin Hau. (Phil. K. Uose. manager).— Meek^o} 31 .-The Matxonla. Golden and Les- lie, Helen Austin, Ida Bergen. Renn Bur- fleauj, and the stock, In ^'When Reuben (ante to Town. 8. B. 0/ business ntles. solutely Holdout at several,of the>rtorm. "h 'k ' ,oV™ n h w«kTv« • 7h» £' wf J S. rt !»„»*! T l RU « ll "J!- manager).—Joseph ances of "My Wife's Family" In wiilcli Hal A m .i»men?^^ -TrTn to SS-ni '■■ '?, if Murphjr tOU week. "The White Tlgreaa of nod Mabel ^iggS^Jff.lSJm'u £>» affiVw«^der k • Aftw U1<tol ^" ™ LAfAVCTTB (Charlea .M. Bigf, manager). —3"!?_JB 0 -'Pr?».0«rB..Po- and.Chaa. Cookie Han tons' ••Bnperba'" aovoixj MARYLAND, thlj weW. .foe J. Bollivnn nnd lAtrj Smith make tbelr reappearance Jointly. The Bo- Ford'a Opera House hemlan Burleaquers did good business here . Bultluioro. — At . f(:hnrles K. I'ord, manager) "Tho County ■« week. PhfllMnnn" hanlna n H>iub*a n>iitni»nianl n.u Oct. sketch. New motion pictures are nlso given. Howard Ath».\aki:m. —The current bill Includes: The Piccolo Midgets. Faust Trio, In "The Haunted Mill;" At. Carleton, Brooks Brothers, comedians: Hennlngs, Lewis and Hennlngs, the burlesque company, In a bur- tetta,-eBt!g*a "A Mixed School;" Bobbins fidt- .Trenniman, Vera., llarte, the Two MjgeS, Freda Lancaster, the Two Johnsons, e Jtamsay Sisters, Tanner and Gilbert and the production of that war story Gilbert Chairman" begins a woek's engagement Fly, as Brenner Alnsley, aLd Frederick For- 31, with a lnrgi< advance sile.. "The Farl of ' portrayal of Dirk Gannett were the Pnwtuckct" had n nro«|ieroiii week, ending t characters. The heroic roles were 20. Nov. 7, "The Virginian." renter's si rouges In the hands of John J. Fnrrell nnd Lavluta Shannon. Jennie ttlllson was a very .Acapkmv ov Mt-sii 1 (Nixon & Zimmerman, managers).—Viola Allen comes Oct. 31, In Hooli«»t«-r.—At the Lyceum (M. B. Wolff, manager) "The Wizard of Ob" played to cnpoclty Oct 24-26. Return engagement, 27, of Walter K. Perkins, In "Who Goea Thoro'/" . -Lynn.—At the Gem Theatre (Charles W. Hheafe, manager) good twslnes la reported. This week: lilack Ilusaars, Musical Seeds, sweet Pink. "The Coaquerora" will ho staged •Winter's Tale.' 1 Lulti QhuBF did" well lalit McDonald nttn^'Siilllvi'" wilV n prodnco' 0 "i'hrt - Vo r¥ °- . a ., ... .. week with "A_ Madcap PrlMcas." The Islo of Haronoss Fiddlesticks," for tntflnt tln« —-d woek. , . on nuy stage, 7-0. 'nrren 1> Witt, manager). t National (Max Hurtlg, manager). Stella in "I" Hcitk's On:n.v HOCM (Heuck, Feuuessy Spice" Nor. 7 and week & Stair, managers).—"Queen of tho Wh'to CjiasK's (W. W Slaves" will Th> Introduced by. Al. II. Wooils Oct. 30> Last week "The Smart Sat" packed tho bouse to (he doors, and MOrlon Smart nnd John Hnlley were among those Mar- mAn- (he and Crushes were tbe Co., has Joined the Do Witt company. . ArnrromiiM (.Tames L. Kernan,manager).— The Kiluore Sisters Oct. 31, In "Mrs Itelnney of Newport." Billy B. Van playwl "The Mr- . rand Boy," to 8. K. 0., woek ending 20. mele/: I>rlU!B^hcrg t * , ;.are sure to pack the "•'"I" at tho ton line Crushes were the "Running for Office" Nov. 7. . .• , l'alnce this week. Is the vaudeville are men- l"e formerly managed by Major Bishop, and «''dcr of last week, when a good show was eh- .MarVlaxp (James U Kerurtn. mnnnger). tlohed Ward nnd Raymond. Clcmeoso Bros., ''»s been thoroughly overhauled. This week- J"yed by capacity busliiess. Olive May. who ^llnllen ami Fuller arc the heudllners Oct, Held and Buckley, ltnhoff, Conn and Corinne, Hartford and Davis, Bert vvarren. May Rus- presented "The Girl (rem Kansas," with J. 31 mid week on n nnd Henry and Hoon. Manager Waldron'.« "ell. May English, Ilcnn Campbell. Soroker : r - Albnngh Jr.. mil Matthews and Ashley, ' Bros, nnd Charles Osborne. '« Money Mad,'' wore the features most Salem Thhatrk, Salem. Mass. (Oeorge II. « nl r K(,<1 nbou , t - ,,, , _. . . „ Cbeetbam.innnncer).—The Thurber & Nash- Lri'BKM. Tiieatiik (Heuck. Stair & Fen- er Co. had exrellent business last week The DC ' lli . v . managers).—Al. W. Martin's Interpre- Cook-Church Co. 31 and week. "The Prlnco tatlon of "Uncle Tom's Cahln',' will be seen of Pllsen" Nov. 3. Oct. .10. following; Hnl Iteld's new play. MkiiuxIc Haix (F. L. Mivosey manager) "Alone In the World," In which Sydney —Ku.ilr.pss continues good. The current Carlyle figured as the ouicnst child. Bust- hill: Walter Le Roy and Florence Calyton, neaa was great. "What Women Will Do" Is den nnd Somcrs, aruet and Oruet,3urkh«rdt Irving Jones, H. V. Fitzgerald, Powers and coming Nov. 6. and Moore, Yulr and Stork, and Mullen and Freed, Sadie Funaan, Marshall and Lor-. I'boKk's Tirwrm: (Hubert Heuck, mnna- ralne and the 8a-Vans. - ger).—The Rose Hill Fnglleb Folly CO., Hlce Notes. —Vlgdor Bros, and Vntchcr are the * Barton's cluster of fair burlesqlter*. are Manager Waldron's own company, the Trocaderos. occupied the stage last week and scored a success. Lycsdm Theatbk ((}. 11; Batcheller. man- ager).—Robt. Fnltnu's Jolly Grass Widows furnish the amusement at the Lyceum this week. Two breezy niuslci: skits are called "Tbe Widow's Wedding Night" and "The Merry Month of June." 1 he olio presents : carleton and Tcrre, Jeanerte Uulcbard, Gar- rilMitcs. "The Fortuno Teller," with Blslu Jnnls. .11 nnd week. B.vichr (J. 1). Boyle, manager) "Too Proud (t> Beg." 2-I-20, came to good aminos*. "Slaves of the Mine*' bad folr business 27- 2H. "A Girl of tho Streets" lll-Nov. 2, "Hit- ntun Hearts" 3-5. . , Coor oraiA Housr (J. H.'Mooro,.mnnn. ger).—S. It. 0. aeema to be tbe rule of this popular house. Bill 31 and woek: Dliby Roll, Urnud/Opcra Trio, Hassan Ben All's Arabs, Sandor Trio, lloch, HIton and Co., Ilonttli.o and Stevens, Brandotr mid Wiley and klneto- grnph. Corelll. Last week, Bice k Barton's Co., bended by Cbaa. Barton, drew large bouses.' Austin & BtoxK's Muskuu (Stone & Shaw. aiaoagers).—An entire new list of enrio hall novelties thla wcji Include: The Hon faced boy, Carlotta, hirsute marvel; George.Brown, living skeleton; Ricton, Juggler; the He Mar- cos, Prof. Bauni. Bnalle, Slgnor and Slgnorlnn Bobeftes and others. On the stage nre: Quln- Ian and Howard, Musette Sisters, Thorn and managers of a new one cent amnsement pal- ate at 1.1 Munroe Street, with picture ma- chines nnd other amusements. Springfield—At the Court Square The- atre (W. F. A. Fngcl. manager) Savage's Kngllsb Cruud Opera Co. appeared Oct. 24- irlesqtier due Oct. 80. They will follow Phil Sherl- dau's New City Snorts, who put on "Desde- mona" nnd "The. Maids of Slam", last week. Phil Mills and Rutli needier nnd Adelaide Mnrsden were the hits of the olio. The Slerry Mnldens Nov. 6. bill Including: Lew Stilly, Raymond arid Caverly. Melleh'a trained birds, Kennniv and Quattreltl, the Three Merrills, A. O. Duncan, Lucln nnd Vlate nnd new hlo- grapb pictures. ... Hollioav Strbbt (George • W, Rife, man- ager).—"Shadows of n Great Clly" opens .11 tor one Immense Bells for Her" Nov. 7, . vagnuxa Co. 81 and VfMg itiAMEv's (Charles R Blaney, manager). "Nqm—Tho Sunday night concerts hi the —"The_ Wayward..Son' Oct. 31-Nov. 0. nhker Thcuito nro proTlng to bo extreniel* "Thotu Shalt Not Kill" drew packed Houm«. popular. w«*»«oir, "The Child Wife" Nov. 7. . t (Moxi:mkntai. (Junies U Kernan. mann Allianr—Harmantiii Olewker Hon (II. R. Jni-iriw, manager) la now largely given over to pnlltlral meetings. Wallor H. I'nr- ).—"Shadows of n Great Clly 'opens 31 (i.tttxTnnv (IL>nry C. Jacobs, malinger). one week. "The Fatal Wedding did —Tim Thoroughbreds gave a good show la rnso business Inst week. "No Wedding exvelleqt business. Miner's Bohemian Kxtra- , f^if lift.-" Vn* T. .Ann,,.. ('.. 01 ..A _..L. g»r).—The Imperial llnrlosquers Oct. Welter's 1'nrWiiu Widows- drew well 2 The iinv Morning Glories Nov. 7. * » » 31. 1-20. IIIIOOi: 181AM). |. ■ Ll|ii,l liirill -INK KJIIIM. . -' • ■ t'rut iitenoo,—At the Providence Opera by ,many, mid "A Trip to ( levelaiul,—At tbe Operu House (A. F., House iFelix II. WciidftlKclinPfer, iiitmngel') liessed by good Sized nudlei Irts, manager) "Mother Goose" commences •James K. Iluekett, in "The Crisis." and "J'lle Nurse" 31-Nor. 2. kins. In "Who Goes There?" Oct. 28, 21), lllletl the house. Willie Collier Nov. G. M.Mi-iiii) (II. R. Jacobs, manager).—"Es- caped from Sing Sing." 24-20, was enjoyed by ,maii.v, mid "A Trip to Africa" w*» wll- * nudlencos. "Tho Charity »' engagement Oct. 81. Robert other Girl" divided tho week of Oct. U, Pane mil's (Howard Graham, resident ma»- IluriHons Polly," had big houses SS etijoyvd good business. - Lionel ' Unify- ager).—Hill 3t mid week; Wright, Hunting- eygi -o.un-n kuuii icim-iis, • jiriuce •»■" »■->■-». ( _ . „ . „ '' ittbre was taken HI, and 'Fully Mai .lio.ll. ton and comiviny, Mile. Ktigoiile Jelsler, the 9m^^^T^%J^U^^t^StJS£. ot p|lsen «o«ded the hoqse. Jess Dandy Comwiai. (Drew &_ Campbell, mnungers). 2g£, ; laamtKi - tor "The Other Olrl" (*„ Wnlermeloi. Trust,. tho Ujlchlo Duo, Wm. «n,.« inif -Li, *-r°«''3 teie in attend- KCored a mmetm. Booked: Mandolin and —"Die Maklstrato" Is being given by the gpk his place in n highly satisfactory innn- . Cnblll, Claud and Fannie IJsher, Ilruco and BBfi. ^ ■;_ .; guitar conceVt (local) J(ov.l, Willie Collier Vaughau .Jlsser Stock Co. this week. fier. Andrew Muck 31-Nov. 2. mid 'Red lmlgnenu, Gregory and Wood und the Proc- " Andrew.Mick- 3, Ada Reban 4, 5, "Beil "Heartsease," by this popular company/drcw Feather," with Uraeo V^n Slnddlford, Mi torscoiw. Nickelodeon, (L. B. Walker, manager) —The Nickelodeon, celebrates Its twelfth an- Hd»; jr Bertha" GalTand bT"ThB'sieenTng I'apaclty houses Inst "week. "Mrs. tSSTS? JSS - C WEL VnLPiSi: Tl°. Beauty anl.the Beast" 1(V?2. " 8,eepms DeVeuse" next wtnZ nail are seen: Minnie Clifford, subre act; vru- ii, M , nl ,i, ,u p ..„n,,,,,,,. «.„.„.-, '- - •■ B * —• - — James Morton, elastic skin man': Prof. Halt. _-^ Vwd Jleri- M-M^ w^we?! fi&Bk ffffiSdWllWi? & ••'">^H/orV°of VSJS^S. 'SS& Vendre, Jaa. H. Shaw, Maud Frltx and (he "HSLS W 5"U2 Nnsmyths. Concert biixb Sunday, 30—Boston The- atre: Nine Arabs, Kittle Bingham,. Kruplrc Comedy Fonr, Grant and Green, Fred Zo- bedle, Master Grimm, Manning and Lang, Dillon Slaters and Nelson and Lawrence.... Glo&t Theatre: Stanley and Wilson, Pbll. Ott, Teddy 8lmonds company, Irving Jones, the Rolfes. Yackley and Bunnell, Tanner and nyi.son (Z. T. Datnon, manager).—Ful ton's Jolly Grass "*' week. Dainty of 31. -• B BMllS^ manaiwf weik of Oct! 24 Uie C6. thla week. Watroiu. late of bi\l was • FrederiS HaTlen and Mollla Fnl tn « c a» tIe 8< l" 8rr (: °- and a Cleveland gift, le" in "Flection Sets * RanS?l^ Allan 8haw has Joined the Umpire forces and will slqe ■Wni« ,M AU-E v, Sr. c J u Vt "tr","' A »^«" ! *-<» and comnanv Brolhew S *Tiiafrrl and Prasqnlta this week. "Cnvallerla Rustieana" Gilbert, Alpba Trio, the Taylors, Barr and anu company, uroinera tmmm. Leonard ana d '•Lueis" woro suns week of 21 "Bliro- Evans and the oiobcoaconJ!......Bou:dof» Bureh,.Arthur Whli daw and f,^" n«t week? ; manager).—Kiln Cha*. Here, and Cooper. formed the bill ontlnues big. Bane a ■Chcckel*".7-12. . • . ' *l-:i(Pii:H ISplta fc Nalliiiii;iui r . managcis). liTi'BOM (J. K. Cookson, .manager).— —"CalK. Bhiriiifcton" did well 24-20. Wll- 'l*arls by Night" this week. "Our Now Mlu- t'lanv ft. Turner, lit "David llarilm," 31 and Ister" drew well last week. Joseph Murphy week, and Bob I'ltmliumoiis, m "A light next week. ,_'__. „ for Mve," next Clbvkuaxd iJ, K. Cookson. manager).— llMi-fBUI The Waifs^Parartlse" this Veek. "A Work- ag..i) apnble presenlntlim of "The Lottery ' 24-20. "The Royal Box" current; .horouabbred'' next -week. . Several Kmi'ihh (Mar Kaetkeiilieuer, mniioger).— ueW n-?opH have Jolqed the company, lh- Carmen" will he sung by the Fmplre Opera fthalhg Adeline DunlAp, 'Richard Allen tillil Widows put In a profitable Ing Girl's Wrongs" had good business last gave a f Duchess Burleaquers week week. "Shadows of a Great City" next u f i l0V <c week. . "Tbc-T (b' WuudeUchiicfer. liulll- I'lie l'rovlrleuee Drainallr Stork Co. ({Alert (II. B. Nichols, mnnnger).— The liny Masi|iinrnders, 24-20. drew big houses. Weber's Dainty Duchess Co., 27-21). appeared to 1 good 'advantage. Good business con, tlilued. nellly * Woods 81-Nov 2. New York Stars 3-3. ' « i Troy. —At tho Lyceum Theatre (Burns Glllnm, manager) tho Snow Slock drew well last.'weak In ^'The Belle of Rlrhmond." "W bat Happened to Jones" Oct. 81-Not. d, tiiit.swoi.i) oi'KitA Ilot'HK (M. Rels mnna- r,nr).—"Sherlock Holmes" hnd a gootl liottso on. 2ii. Tho JelTcisons, In "The Itlvols." NOV. 2: "Tobo Huxlo' 7 3. Kami's Oi'LttA llut-HH (M. Rels, manager). "Iliiinun Hearts" drew well.Oct. 24-20. fllcliard II igidon, tho last In Juvenile roles. Bnsingss continues good. •:■ . .. ■Kkith'm (Charles lxweuberg, nlailiiffei).— Claude Gllllngwnter nnd company liead the bill 31 ni.d .week ln> "The, Wroug Mall,' Other fentutes are : ltynn .and It Kbrd and Williams, ftfVOVDSJt,' dorfl, Carlo's dogs, 'Stiiiey niid lllrbeck, SYflsi|iieraneriii lilid Wf Twidpf JTffi good ban Nov. 2, '"J fentutes are : ltvnn ,and Rlchlii'ld, 27-211, "Too Proud to Beg" 31-Nov. 2, "Uw mil (lehrue, Adamliil and Taylor. Oils Charily Nursi" 8-n. ; us, lllnes and Remlngtou, Prevosi alltl Uov.W. (W. II. Buck, maBggOf).—The t. Furl and l-Jnrl. Taylor and .Orlvtlh. painty' Duchess did well Oct, 24-2(1. (lay son and Serlda, Lew Welch,. Bobby Fields and Lizzie Otto Grand Opera House: Phil. Ott, Teddy Slmouds company, Stanley nnd Wilson, Worlds Comedy Four. Barr and Evans, Yackley and Bunnell, the Rolfes, tbe Taylors and Alpha Trio. Carl D. Lotbrop has been appointed business manager of tbe Howard Athenaeum. *~' Cnmphell, managers).— tjilii and l>e l-'orrest and Crowley and Foley. ' P.wti: Mrsli' Hall (Harry Young, roll- e Gay New Lowell.- ORBOON. Portland.—At the Marquam Grand (Cal- vin Helllg, mannger) Florence Roberta did fair business week of Oct. 17. "A Friend of the Family" 24-26, Isadore Bush, In "Glit- tering Gloria," 27-20; Frank Daniels 31-Nov. 1, "The County Chairman" 2-3, James J. Jeffries 7. Columbia (George L. Baker, manager).— The Columbia Theatre Stock: Co. presented "Borneo and Juliet" to tbe capacity 23. Fair business week of 16, In "Sowing the Wind." "In Mlssoura" week of 30. Cordrat'h (COrdray,ft Bussell, managers). —"An Orphan's Prayer" used the 8. R. 0. Klgn 23, "For Her Sake" did tbe record business of. the season week of 10. "Tbe Fatal Wedding" 30-Nov. 2, "Tho Heart of Chicago" 3-5. Maker's (Keating & Flood, managers).— Week of Oct. 24 t The Great Dal Adelphla, the Cordelias, Kddle Collins, Bingham and Oabie, Snukey Bros., R. G. Baldwin, the Great Mauoneys, Houston and Dallas, J. A. La Borde and the blograpb, Fred Irwin's Majesties this week: The Sam (jtat inimager).—The Parte Theatre.opins 31 as a iniisie nail, smoking pei-mtUed, Deverc Co. had good business last week. Bon Tons next. (olum|>u»—At Hie Kmplre Theatre (H. A. Welsuiaii, manager) the stock company gave "Qn the Quiet" Aveek of Oct. 24. "The Dauelng Girl" drew good houses week of 17. '•Soldiers »t Fortune" will lie presented 31- Nov. 0. "The Cherry Pickers" 7 and week. -At the Lowell Opera House (Fay Bros. & Hosford, managers) last week Nance O'Neill, In "Magda," received a.royal wel- come by an S. a, O. house Oct. 24. "The Maid and the Mummy" pleased a fair house 25. "Sherlock Holmes" had good business 29. "The Girl from Kays," 27, bad excellent business. "Tho Mummy and the Humming Bird" pleased 28, 20. Coming: "The Other Girl" 31, "The Prince of PUsen" Nov. 1, the Thurber & Nasber Stock Co., supporting Flor- ence Hamilton, 2-5. Acadkux or Music (Richard F. Murphy, manager).—"The Secret o* the Subway." Oct. 24-26, drew good business and pleased. Geo. F. Hall, In "A Bagged Hero," made a very big success 27-29. "A Game of nearts" 31- Nor. 2. "Tho Unwritten Law*' 3-5. Casto (Al. Haynes, manager).—Current: J. C. Nugent, In''The Rounders •" Hal Clem- Bta* (8. Morton Cohen, manager).—Week 28. _ eats, Bvelyn Fonncr, Leonard and King, Mas- of 24 : Three Alpine Family,^the^TbreeJRe; houses 21, 22. Coming: ;Tho Royal . the being "Wh<Kip-l)ee-Doo." Venlilitt- IliK apparatus Had lieeu ItiHtulled to carry off sflipkp. . „., Wbstsiinhtbh (George II. Ilnti'lleller, man- ager).—The Gar MangierBnVra SI mid week; Itcllly & vYoaan Co. next. '. Woousbekct.—Al the jVoonsockpt Otifta Yorlt Stars lll-Nov. 2. Rnllly ft Woods 3-5. i s i ■ . uiieii. —At the Majestic Ilormlaln'a Com- edhins, Oct. 2-1-20. cniiio to good hii.ilnuas. KoHeiln Knoll, In "Cousin Kate," draw well 27. S-ivngu's grntiil opera, 2S, 20, packed Hie bouse. Comingt Joseph nnd Wllllntu Jetr.'rKon, In "Tho Rivals." Nov, 8; "Voiing Tubo Hoxla" 4, Rlehnrd Miitislleld B. Oiti'iiti.'M. —lJist week's bill drew big crowds, Rill week of:.'II: Jni, J. Morton, Hoan Kdsail and Artliur Forbes, Mile. ter Elliott. Garaella and Shirk, Hanson and nos. Lois Mendehhall, John J. Welch, Will Nov. 4, 6, drew parked houses week of 17, Coming "Shore Acres" 31-Nov. 2, "When Women Love" .3-5, "The Smart Set'' 7-0, "How He Won Her" 10-12. OnANti Ot'FtiA ITot'SR (A. G. Ovens, man- ager).—Harrison Wolfe, In "Hamlet." and ••Kbcii llolilen" divided week of Oct 24. Tbe Hroadwuy Rurlesniiers had fair business 17. 18. Coming: "My Wife's Family" Nov. 7-12. :.-. iibeat SotjTiiFiiN- (0. M. Heffuor, mana- ger).—Louis Mann, In "The Second Kiddle,'' Oct. 2n, 20: Klhel tinrrymorc, In "Sunday," "Way Down Klst" drew good ' Chef" presented 24 to a fair sized house. "Sky ouees. .. lkrge _ This week: The Fays nnd Gordon Farm," .enjoyed good business 20. "Happy Sisters, Paul Stunts and Scottish" Trio. Hooligan,' 20, whs heartily enjoyed by a fair sited audience. "Why Olrls Go Wrong" drew fair business 27. Dates ahead: "A Bogged Hero" Nov. 12, Bertha Gotland 17. Hep (Jos. W. Coaklln, wanqger),—Bill wtwk of 31: McDade and Welcome; Allpm und Mee, Manning Twin Sisters, Marlon Blake, oihney Sisters, Kin Cold nnd I.av rem-? nnd Tl:ompsoo v Gpod business pn vnils. UELAWAItn. nw- ■u- Harris and the blograpb, Boston (J. H. Tebbetts, manager).—Busi- ness was good last woek. Current: Barr and I:vans, F. Alien Coogap, Dan McCaffery (sec- ond week), D'Alvlnl and company, and the Boaton bioscope, showing "Personal." For umntenr ulght, n btirlesiiue on "Side Tracked.' C. Hoyt and the projeetoscope. Abcadb (S. Morton Cohen, manager).— Week of 24: The Dancing Kids, Beatrice l.orne, Durrant nnd Baldwin, Glllen and Glllen, Kate Coyle and the bioscope.': The Two Orphans" 10. Lruic (Keating & Flood, managers),— ...JesrpjR on "Mine Tracked." v»eek of 24: The Mulcoms, Falardo, the Psople's (Harrv A. Woodward, manager). Drews, Beatrice Dally nnd the vltascoiie. Toledo.—At tho Valentine Theatre (l>div. K. Fix, manager) Keller hnd fair returns Oct. 22. Louis Mntru, In "The Second Fid- dle," was well received by u house of fair size 24. Klbel lturrvmorc 27, Ezra Kendall 28. "The Boyal Cher' 3D. Lxcel'm (Frank Burt, manager).—"Tbe Smart Set" -attracted large houses 20-22.' "The Katxcnjammer Kids" had fair bonnes 23-2U. "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" 27-20, "Iloltjr. Tolty" 30-Nov. " VIUG1MA. >urtolk— At the. Academy, of Music (Corhlh Shields, manager) "Iris,!' Oct 20, was welcomed by a well filled house. .."Babes in Toy laud" followed 21, 22, to. good busi- ness. "Ghosts" drew.well 24. Helen (irantly 23, played to, fulr ratilfhs. Boo' (tllmore Nov. 3, Ward nud Klilde. Farl of Powiiieket" 0, ciins. llawtrey 18. II). Wiiiiilnwtoii. — At the Grand. Opera House t Nixon & /Immermtin, leliees) "Eight Bells" drew a large housooet. 28, Booked: "Little Johnny Jones" III, CeellTa I^ftus 15, Viola Allen 7, "ICurl of Pawtucket" 10, "Bus- ter Brown' 12. Cakkick (W. L, Doekitnder, proprietor nnd manager).—Tho bill for week of 81: Gardner and Maddcru, IlroWn, Harris and Drown, Ssnaome and Duitla, Loulso Sjrlvester, the Do Muths, Harding nnd Ah Sid, Mile. olive nnd klnetaarapu. Coming: Week of Nov. 7, Watermelon Girls. Lyceum (Hurt & Nlcolal, lessees).—"Her l iR!Sff.S ,rt i , i , ».?l Marrliigo Vow" did fair business Oct. 24-20, 552rV »Th„ " T « R H i» on ot utn " "fv* Wg honsea 27-21), i'.fc. T 'ia io° Booked: "The Mlssourlans" 01-Nov. 2. "A Trip lo Africa" 3-5 4 "Tlio Heart of Mary- GiiASbT (Jake Wells, manager). — Busl- ; u ,i" 7.0 «Th e Peddler" 10-12 *s continues exeelleiil. Week of 31, The """ l 7 "' ™* r<0 °' 8r 1 "" 1 ^' did Hluves of New York." mIvwis ness Child Bijou. (Abb Smith, luniioger).—New peo- ple for week of 31 : Three flceltoolans,. Lc- Kmwuk (Abe Shapiro, manager).—Rush's grand and Wordell,, Maude Barron, May on ammo. I'ortiund. — At tho Jefferson (Cahn —A good bill came to excelleut b'uslness'last Buotl (Fred T. Merlll, manager).—Week week. Current: Dollie Woodward, Cook and of 24: Stick and Stone, Wilson and Lelces- Jobnston. Susie Hardy, Mae Deneaster, Derol- tor, the Tpmlln Kids,. Two Hustles, Mcnto, lla and Harry Woodward's moving pictures. Margie Gillette and tbe vnaseope. The bill will close with linrry Burns' bur- ■■Hub (A. Bhaplro, manager). — Week of lesrjue, "Who Died FlrstT 34: Maggie Graeey. Pearl Grayson. Klalnc M „_ T . n _ nn ._ rt ^.. t - r.,,*-, ■ Forest J, fl bel Thompson, and san/ord and jft* <™ JJ-J 2&*ff£A : I m n il M l. i ttte Opera.House .(Grant P^4ia«. (1. D. Holland, manage.), ff^^- ^^ ^^.ggg^ did work. Week ot 30: Varlh ad POWers itnd,TheolKJld, Mr. and Mrs. Slark had a fair house 20. "The Maid and tbe ciara FdwardV and llmr'rliv FalrhemM Hurphy, Jack Osrdoer, Matthews and Ash- 3lummy" drew well 27. ShepAld's mov'dg o"piiei v (V A HlmoW manager) — ley and the Lovelts. ^T^atto" ^S Lawrence.—At the Opera House (Grant Wiv»-n fiinnrv (1 D Holland maiineei-l 'fu C ?!la^d^S , o2?* r S4 ek HSIS? ,, *®J! -*•*" 24™S'UsOn andLe'&rS'o'r g« BVlE*SL2$k K- Migjli and Button, Stella Clslr. AJzel Llndsey. Wal- $i Sa , AS.'feS^a ^^S^ M'SSnt l »W J."* Ullun ninek.. Lillian. Raymond, Bj 4 ,Ai;i>iTonn'>i (J. M. & C. A. Crluulau, man- _ Po»tmnd (James K. Moore, manager).— agers).—People for week of 31: Brandon BUI week of ill: Van Fossen and MoAuloy, Brar's (Frank Dtirt, manager).—"The and Crouch, Harris aod I'ennmniin, Earl Bos- Do Voe and De Vo«, Dudley and Chcslyn, "The Prince of" r Pllsen" 2. "Comnionsehse U rey; 'Nel/l^MooTe Tmoavti M'ansfl#ld"' , l- , - , va (5utcOJf r jroveti strong attractions." "Tb,o SM«f , J u ' M M... J ,Wfc !' l ." lnn ( \Sf Ao R'. F,n ff a 0o " lM, "" ^ Q ulntnttc .j"< M echan's dogs. Brackett" 3, "Tbe tVaat Bo," 4, "Sky Farm" Vvi'n's'ton. 'Nemo Catto. 'if^n^e "m^'l^u M'JJ.'JiTS"-? 1 ** " E,W '. P ^ ,rrtm ,8e »«» n n J l » H i!l 1 JUfe^. .3? ""^ l: "- ,„„. m „'J„,..,.. eguisr stork. WEST VtnoiKIA.