The New York Clipper (November 1904)

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856 THE 1>FEW : YORK CLIPPER. November 5. STEREO. VIEWS ■ SETS FOR Drop Picture Slot Machines. The following Excellent Series of Stereoscopic Comedy Scenes, All in Complete Sets of 15. with Consecutive Numbers and Titles, we offer for a limited time, at a SPECIAL BARGAIN PRICE OF ii.80 for 15 (sold only in complete sefa): J 105. The lev Butting Soil. 108. Jolly Mr. Jack. 107. Hervy Hit Flndl • Bad. 108. Bigger in the Woodpile. 109. A Siren io Petlloom. 110. Tie Oirl it the Window. 111. The Buiiae Parlor. ENLARGEMENTS FOK HIOV8, IS CENTS KXTHA All C. O. D. Orders must be accompanied by a deposit. Ill Lore'i Toang Dream. 113. Living Picture Modal. 114. Hiking a Welsh Babbit. US. A Virginian Bella. 116. The Adientnreae. 117. Two's Company. 116. Come Into the Garden, Kaode. AHERICiN "OTOSCOPE 1HD BIOGWH CO., II K. 14th Stre«t, Now York Oity. PLAYS, WITH PRINTING, ON ROYALTY: "Theltna" (Cbsno version), the only successful version and the "onlv one" selected for stook bosses; "Wornwood" dramatisation, cast e and a; "ReorTectlon*," only successful version, 7 and a: "Darkness and Daylight,'' Society Drama, a and l; "A Life's Hlsuke," Romantic Drama, 0 And i; "Quo Vadli," 'RellKlons Play," 8 and 8; "Parslfsl," two versions, big production, Block and Repertoire Verxlon; '■Uncle's Darling," Sou- in ette Play, B and 8; "Little Coquette." Sotibrette, « and t; "AOlrl from Sweden," Swedish Comedy Drama, e and 4: "Fahio Romanl," only sncceis- f ul Terslon, 6 and 2; "The Deemster," Melodrama, • and 3; "Our Ksllroad Men," Comedy Drama, v and a; "Where the Laugh Comes In," Fsrce Com- edy, 4 and 3; "The Forbidden Marrltge," the Season's Snccesa: "The Ooontertclteret" Sensa- tional Triumph. Plays written to order by three eminent authors, eipresaly engaged by the Emer- gency Play Bureau, T. H. winnett, Director, 1402 Broadway, New York. OSMAN STOCK CO. WANTS MANAGE STAGE. Always pleased to hear from clever people. JNO. OSMAN, Portsmouth, Vs. ED. F. DAVIS WANTED, People for All Parts "Ten Nights." l»uu Frauck, wlro. Open Nov. 10. Address ; MAllTIN I'RIMUOSK, Port Huron. Mich. AT LIBERTY, OWEN BARTLETT, CHARACTERS, HEAVIES and CHARACTER LEADS. FURNISH SCRIPTS. Dlreot it desired. BTTA ARTHUR, INGENUES. JUVENILES, GEN. BUS. •Best of wardrobe and experienced. Reasonable salary with responsible manager. Join on tiokets. Joint engagement. South preferred. Permanent. address, BOX 3M Wlllonghby, O. (Suburb of Cleveland). Wanted, 3 YOUNG LADIES That oan ride and drive horses on trotting tracks and fair grounds tor season of 1M6, commencing Jan. 1. State age. height, weight and experience. Address B. H. L., care of CLIPPER Office, New Tort At Liberty, RELIABLE AGENT. EXPERIENCED, SOBER. RESPONSIBLE. Write or wire. PRBBOOTT R. LOVKLAND, 804 Broadway, Fatcmon, N.J. At Liberty, BOTH PLAY PARTS. SLATER & PIHCH , Mitchell , S. D. PARTNER WANTED To flo in the Wagon 8now Buslness, With SI.OO0. Must be sober, n hustler and untiMrstaud advance work. Addrem J. A. SUEKTII. 1288 Wlltou Aveuue. Chicag o. FOR SALE-VAUDEVILLE THEATRE FOR $600. Now running in a oity of over 100,000 population. Ground floor. Long lease. Playing to packed houses nightly- SICKNESS reason foi selling. Would sell half interest for $350. Will bear investigation. Address MANAGER VAUDEVILLE THEATRE, T French's Court, Brocton, Masi. At PROCTOR'S 'J3D ST. THEATRE Last Wee*, OBVIL.LK and FRANK With the BOY a strong tevorlt*,Bot (1RKAT AP- PLAUSEforthelrtlneact.—NEW TOBK CLIPPE R. AGENT AT LIBERTY, REFERENCES. STRICTLY S011ER. HARD WORK- ER. ROUTE sud BOOK. P. L. WHEELER, '■ Revere House, Chloago, 111. BUS. OH ASr&KCE &6EHT AT LIBSBTY Can furnish best of references. O. A. ROBERTS, care or Odeon Theatre, Dayton, Ohio. wiBlia, A Versatile Black Fice Comedian; a dancer preferred, who can put on acts and mule them go. Changs f->r one week. Others write. Address DOC NEWMAN, Alliens. Kansas. EUGENE CLINE *CO. EDISON MOVING PICTURE MACHINES HWH GRADE STEREOPTICOHS BEST COLORED S0N6 SLIDES -THE- OXYLITH GAS MAKING OUTFIT 18 THE BEST. CALL AND SEE it in Operations FREE CATAL06. EUGENE CLINE & CO.; IO E. 14th St., N*»w York Oity. NEW PICTORIAL Write for Samples sud List of New Taper. THE D0HALDB0H LITH0. CO., Newport, Kentucky. ATTBA0TI0N8 BOOKED AT BUTLER, 10., TO WHITE AT OBCE. , ROBERT SHERMAN, » Plymouth Pisco, Olilcugo, III. WANTED, Lady Piano Player, Bight Reader; play small parts. Also General KtiBlueBs Man. Most be reliable and a gentleman. Make your ealary ACCORDING to the times. Address SAM BRYANT, Llvermore. Ky. Regards to friends. Mr. Cole, plcaee write. •TOf roii KENNEDY'S COMEDIANS SKETCH TEAM that do Singles and Doubles, COMEDIAN, SOUBRETTE Wltn Specialty, PIANO PLAYER. MAN WITH PICTURE MACHINE and BONO SLIDES. Change for one week. JERE KENNEDY. Carthage. S. Y. IM. HIE nil 11 That can change nightly for one week. Only 01 e .ketch a night. No singles Salary $20 per weak end all expenses. Address WALTER ROSS, Heltonvllle. Lawrence Co.. Indiana, ALSO PIANIST WANTED; easy work; only two specialties a night and usual overtures ATLIBERTV S'TAXKISG, ARMIR lEfRIIAN, THE ACROBATIC" SAHOIBO, TRAMP. ato STATE STREET. Chicago, III., BasemssWr— • A TREME1VDOUS SXJCCESS^I a "STAR" RIL-tVIS. W AN IMPOSSIBLE VOYAGE AN INCREDIBLE EXPEDITION OF AOItOUP OK SAVANTS OK THE INSTITUTE OF INCOHERENT GEOGBAPHY. COPYRIGHT 1904 BY ... iv: The Latest and lost Gorgeous Spsctacle in I0YII6 PICTOBES, la 40 Tableaux! LENGTH, 1,230 Feet. PRICE, $2IG. Write tor our Supplement No. 21, which contains halt tones and full description. AMERICAN HEADQUARTERS, OFFICES AND WOHKI, fa 204 CAST 38th STREET, W. T. OITX- 4 ' rZ OA8TON iVlttuiES, General Managor. K ONE OF THE PRETTIEST CONVERSATION SONGS EVER WRITTEN. NO SKETCH TEAM SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT IT WAS AND STILL IS THE GREAT BIG SONG HIT OF AND THE TITLE OF IT 18 SHOULD By HARTLEY ( OSTELLO and LEO FRIEDMAN. If I should, take you out a-walklng In the garden, If I ebotild kiss you would I have to beg your pardon. Or would your little band Into my own be stealing While at the shrine of love both of our hearts were kneeling? If I should ask you would you always linger by tat'! Then do you think your heart could truth- fully deny me? If you should love me, would you, tell mc, n-ould you marry? If I told you that I loved you, loved yutt dearly, too? Profn.lonal Copies to Recognized Performers, __|al A»% sfT» A D sTA O "■ or those senatno; up-to-date Programme. IH V UHlt UOi >sVI«masjrlc Building, (44146 West 37th ajtroot, Now York. LOOK. FOR THE BEE HIVE CLOCK TOWER. if IRIOINAL. The GirBs in the Overalls" LENGTH, 350ft. (COPYRIGHTED.) PRICE, 143. SEND FOR CIRCULARS. TRACKED bt BLOODHOUNDS A LYNCHING IHEADLINER OF ALL AT CRIPPLE CREEK. [ MOVING PICTURES, The Most Sensational Film Ever Made. Negative Actually made in Colorado. Length. 450ft. Pries 054. •MTT¥.TWs1»rlI All FAITA. A Panoramlo View of the Pride or the Columbia River, taken from sn O. R. N. Train. The IfXeuAeAJ* W t EJ J gJ ga greatest Panoramic mm ever made. weft 118.00. THE LITTLE ROBIN ROBBERS. ^ft^^iX^ *"^ 7 1**™*" *"■ THK RUBEN'S UNEXPECTED BATH. 2o^ rt sVH^«% Hlt *" ****** SSE S&F BULLFiOHT Three Bull. Killed and Biz Horses Gored In Front of Camera, LESOTH, 600ft. PRICE, OTii.OO. SELIG POLYSCOPE CO., 43 Peck Court, CHICAGO, ILL. H. H. BIXKWALTEK, General Western Agent, Denver, Colo Selling Agents Melle'. Celebrated Star Films. WM. C. BUSHMAN 9 ST. CLAIRE THAT COMEDIAN and SOUBRETTE THAT DO THAT FEATURE ACT-ASK YOUR AGENT NOW ••LOUSE AT LIBERTY, AN EXPERIENCED, CAPABLE CHARACTER WOMAN Experienced snrt responsible; wardrobe tfce beat. Stock or one piece preferred. Responsible mana- gers only. Address MISS J OL1A nERLEY, m Plymouth Ave., Buiralo. N. Y. . ■~~ WArlTBD, 600D OEREBAL BUSINESS IAB That oan ACT and Do Good .Specialty, Stag and Dance. Hunt keep sober. Hood SINMNG and DAN0INO SOUBRETTE that oan ACT. Prefer one with lltue «lrl D or e years old. Money sure. Tickets, If not too far. Tel aU, with photos. Add. EDYTBE FRANCIS CO.. Box 81, Macon. Ga. WANTED, BAND WAGON, FLOATS AND PARADE STUFF FOR Uncle Tom Show UNDER CANVAS. Address MANAGER C. T. C., csro Jim Wlnterburn, Printer, 43 M o nroe S t., Chicago, 111. VnA a tn "T* a** r* SPECIALTY MAN. Mutt do strong singing and dancing turn. Alio food Scenic Artist. Other Uaetul Repertoire conic, write. I pay all. Nsme lowest. ION CARROLL. Manager, Carroll Comedy Co., Kiugwood, W. Va. MOVING PICTURE FILMS WASTED. Five Thousand Feet of Films. Must be In First class condition. No "dupes" at any pike. Address I'-ILMSEy. c ar e of C LI PPER Office. PROPERTY HAN WAITED At PBOCTOfl'S 125th ST. TBE4TH5, I.Y. Salary moderate but season ft! week* long, -apply to STJPFRIrrT EKliBKT. At LlbertT.Niv.l .Opiritir with Edlm Muring iinjtth .».,i.iiii\r;, pleuty or anus; al*oaLad> Singer. Oan Join on wire. II. W ALRATJQH, 1001 E. 13, Kansas City, Mo. TJ>1K<PPT| GOOD SKETCH THAM ( an.1 Irani Dli«*ueiit>: Man must do lllsckFace. otisnco often; Rl« Oity Med. Show; tickets if known to me. ethers, write. Address MANAGER, MUD. CO., CCdStVlllo, S. Y. ELLA— —KITTIE VERN and O'RRIEN The Rose and The Shamrock. Featuring their Irish Skelcli. "NORA'S FORTUNE,'* at TONY PASTOR'S THEATRE THIS WEEK. On at 8.21 and 8.11. Managers and agentx Invited. Address Care of CLIPPER. ■ YOU ABE LOOKING I OR ME IF YOU WANT YOUR ATTRAOTIOlf HANDLED ON BUSINESS PRINClPLEfi-tOOK. Thoroughly Experienced, tru- tiodjing tiiMO osaentlal scqOirc- , tnenls: Strict Sobrletv, Control Over People, btralglitfotward BuelncM Ability, Good Fref« Worker, Bcavv Illller, alwajij a'tie'utlve to Interests of employer, sll day worker; original Ideas and bralus of my own to cone wl'h altemcr- genolea. Address SIM FOLSOM, MS Wabash Ave., CH10AGO. At Liberty, ADVANCE AGENT, THE LEFFEL TRIO, Introducing the GrasUast Scenic Gymnnst Act In Vande> IJIt. . '. Address all First Class Agents, or FRANK LEFfEL, 201 East I4th Street, New York|dly. IADT ORGAN AND GUTTAB PLAYER. Good Blnger and all 'round good entertainer. Small size; not over 4) years. State all, with photo, first letter. CALL BOX W, Delhi, Del. Co., N. Y. Wanted Quiok, Piano Leader Who can srrange. Reliable people In all lines, write, with roll particulars. H. A. DC BOIS, Mgr. Yerna May Co., Utssl'lon, O. THAMISaiVINQ WEEK OPfi. rSrl SB.f-.rtfl«3ld, Ohio. Address II. 1.. BOWERS, Opera House, Mansilela, O. WARTS", FOB OFBROIO RIQHT OP DOMES' NEW THEATRE, MEYERSDALK. VK. A Oood Guarantee a good house Thursday, Dec. la, 1001. Now booking for rest of season. WAITED ALSO REPERTOIRrf FOR CBR'STMAS WEES. DATE ALSO OPEN FOR NEW YEAR'S MATINEE AND NIGHT. Answer right sway to OS0AR ALLEN, Sole Lessee and Manager. WAN T E D-, A 600B KETOB TEAM. 8I1BLE PSIFOBMEBS Md PIAMIBT; Change tor week elsnds. Stale lowest ia<ary: I pay all; bams, knockers add kickers, keep on*:°ieH all vou do end no more, to OEO. CHESTER, week' ofOct.81,OroBogo,Mo.:wrekNov.u.I,lccral.Mo. AT LIBERTY, HAPP7 RRilTJDB BAND I.VADKlt. narr i dbutti, cornet b. and i>. PAMTIf SBAatM fcODBREUKSOR lanniL oiunn, versatile leads. DAHA, IND,