The New York Clipper (November 1904)

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XOVEMBEK 5. THErMFBW) YOEK CLERPER. 857 , . TABLE OF CON TENTS. Mhui Cllppsr's Anecdotes. Etc Willi- (li» Bill Posters Work) of Players Millard Bra.—Sketch ....■».. Sln*\ iknoraanu-Helnk—Sketch Vairo.'vllly,and MloatreJ Queries Answered oar.Loudon J-etter ..,..., <>0r Chlcsgo letter , Clipper Post Older UlRit br Telrgraoii im (lie ltosd 937, rdM Route MM Ctuler tie Teats..•.....■ Heaths la tin? Profcs-'.luii. . New. York City—Review >tid Comment... Hnsl' and Son* , ' THEATRICAL CORkKSPOXDEXC MxKXMb'IWttK Oregod Ohio - > Mirftind ..;.....:.. Rhode Islaud ,... , Vlrglula ....' New.York Stale Deiascare .'....- Maltte- West Virginia Minnesota loirs ..'. ImllSua ...'. Oklahoma ■'■ Texs> .'. New Jcrwy ' , , i ?auiidi . i Kentucky . . Michigan Mlwoorl' ."...:....'. Nebraska' New Hauiiiiuilre Dlatrlct of^Colniubla . LouIhImos .... (ieorgla South Carolluii Pcniijlvanla '. Illlnuls Coueectlrut • • Vtot. .... Sin KM, 800 8.V>. 8.11 ....830 .... 831 .... RSI .... 834 834 834 80H 831 838, 830 W.H. 84)0 mm Silt SU2. H(13 .... 804 R. 834, 833 .... 833 833 .... 833 835 835 .... 855 .... 835 .... 855 .... MB .... 8(WI .... H80 SOU 860 .... 807 .... 807 807 807 .... SOO .... ."00 S0O S01 ....SOI ..:. 801 801 ..'..'HOI «tl:l .... SOU sua UTE3T BY TEL EGBAPE. Monday Jftshfa Openings l» All Ute * B1b Show Towns. ''GOLDEN GATE (JLBANlJiUl Basilicas' Is At Top Notch At Almost «• •-. •" ■ Every Heme. jujiasal IMipittahtt 16 The New Ionic t'Lipptn. HAN FKASCIsco. Nor. I.—At the Colura- lil.i Theatre "Glittering Gloria" began yes- terday a week's engagement to a good house. MsUks-tic. —"Hamlet" Is the current offer- ing, tacked house* every ulght last week. Aicazau. —"Dniaa' Wayne" la the present week's play. Business has been Immense. Grand Opbba Hdihi:. —.lane Corcoran, In "fretty Pejnry," opened Sunday for one week. and deceived a perfect ovation by an Immense atKllenee. <'AuroB\u. — Haverly's Mlusltels began a week's stay on Sunday, the opening draw- ing 'a packed houae. i.'E?tTitAi*---"The Worst Woman In Lou- dan' it here (or a week. Before 8 o'clock lust ulglit the bouse was picked. TivOLt . OPkr v Hdubk. —"The Messenger Boy" was given 31, for the first time here. UiiHUKi'u.—Bill for the week opening Sun- day t Watson, Hutchlcgs and Kdwards, JViclilnir Brothers, llolley and Meban, Pel- more Sisters. Harvey Comedy Co., Owley and Itandall, the Three Dutnonds, Sullivan and l'asmelena and the hlogrupb. COtrrts.'—Week beginning yesterday pre- sents the following programme: Fields and Wbrjleo, Obevrlel, Mabel Lntuaun, Robinson .lone*, the Avalous, Stafford and Stone and the olograph.-' .NOTBS,—-Morris Meyerfeld Jr., president of the' Orpheum Circuit Co., left for Mln- ueapolis Tuesday, lK-t. IS. on Important busl- neas connected with that house, and especially to attend'the opening of the Orpheum, that 1 ■'■ty t . which occurred 22 The mother of Mir.. Tittle Moriisey, and mother-lu-law of .lobn Morrlsey, resident manager of the Or- pbaum, in this city, died in St. Louis, Oct. -1. lire. Morrlsey was with her mother wlipa ghe died, and after the funeral will rirtnrn here..'.. ..The Majestic Co. and the Oliver Morosco .Co. have been consolidated, and -as such consolidation will hereafter ap- pear at the Majestic Theatre lu this city, "f the former the following have been re- tained,:" J.' H. Glluour, Henry Stockbrldge. Margart Maclyn. J. 1) O'Hara, Joseph Cal- lahan. Eleanor Gordon and Linda Arvldaon. IK the latten: Amelia Gardner, Klsle Esmond. George Woodward, Harry Mestayer and Frank Mc\Tctrt;* ' . ton Theatre, Itanman Toompaon was sesn •gain in "The Old Homestead;" well tilled bouae Walter Perkins, In "Who Uoes There'/" at the Globe, and "Wedded and Parted," at the Grand Oi-era House, were popnlsr priced Attractions drawing well the following continued shows had usual ra- pacity honsea: Colonial. KrlUI Scueff. In "Tlie Two Roses:" Park, May Irwin. In "Mr». Illacfe H Back:" Majestic, Wright Lorlmer, lu "The Shepherd King." At Columbia Music Hall. Keith'*. Howard and the hur- lempie houses, new bills pleased large audi- ences. Pllli;ADM»lliA, Nov. 1.—Good patronage was «een at the thentres Monday night al- though crowds of |>eople were on the street ■elebratlng llolloween The Boston Sym- phony Orchestra began Its season at the Acndemy to A large gathering. Open- ing "Isle of Spice, at the Oarrlck, proved ti strong drawing card and delighted those In attendance The chestnut bad a pop- ular offering with, Lulu Olaser, In "A Mad- dtp ■Prince*)," nnd tilled the house The Walnut attested the curiosity to see Blanche Wabh, In -Resurrection.".. .."Taps," arili-? Broad; "Dorothy Vernon, of lluddon Hal:,' at the Chestmu Street Opera House, both i-ontlnned In favor "The Street Singer,," at the I'ark, and other combination openings were approved The stock houses had good openings Vaudeville at Keith's and the Bon Ton drew well, anil burlesque nt the other booses found little room for complaint. Cincinnati, Mot. 1,—Louis Mann opened at the Grand Monday night, presenting; "The Second Fiddle," to good business Charley Grapewln. In "The Awakening of Mr. Plpp. jammed the Walnut Street Theatre "The Jiieon of the White Slaves" proved a thriller that pleased Hem-k's big outpouring The.Korepangh Stock scored heavily at Hob- Inson'B, In "Soldiers of Fortune."....... Mc- Intyru and Heath were the cards In the Orpheum Show that crowded the Columbia. At Ihe Lyceum Al. W. Martin's "Uncle Tom's Cabin" drew large audiences The Rose Hill Co. played to big business at the Peoples. Mii.WAfKKi:, Nov. 1.—"Babes lu Toyland" opened at the Davidson Sunday to big at- tendance, and played to capacity Monday. Al. Reeves' Big Show, at the Star. also drew capacity "L'nder Southern Skies,'' at the Alhaubra, and "A Desperate Chance,' 'at the Bijou, both opened auspi- ciously. .. .Kline Kramtn and llerr Kleeinann were the stars at the Wachsner production Sunday The Thanhauser players (Sit on "The Black Flag" Monday, with good re- sults. Wasiiixciton. SOT. 1.—Annie Russell, In "Brother Jacques," had a full house at her opening at the National Lawrence D'Orsay, In "The Karl of Pawtueket," packed the Columbia Al. Leech and the Three Rosebuds, in "Girls Will Be Girls," filled the Lafayette MhIh-1 MeKlnley was the top liner of a very excellent hill at Chase's, and the house was crowded afternoon and night. "No Wedding Bells for Her." at the Academy, attracted u packed bouse Weber's Parisian Widows bad S. R. O. bouses twice at the Lyceum. LofisviLLK, .Vov. 1.—Hanlous' "Superba" opened tit Masonic Theatre to a packed bouse Billy Clifford, In "How He Won Her," opened Snnday at the Avenue, drawing big attendance The City Sports, at the Buckingham, drew packed bouses Sunday. Vaudeville, at Hopkins', played to capacity Sunday. ♦ »» '■ ■ WISCONSIN. «•'■£"'" FROM OTHER POINTS. K« Novelties, But Good Business ... RaU» Along the Line. 'CtiicAOOvftor. 1.—l&ra Kendall opened at the Grand Sunday ulght, nnd Robert Edaon, who started.a fortnight at Powers' Mouduy night? Dlovlded the novelties of the week In ''Heather 'Beaten Benson" and "Hanson's 1 oily/'; respectively. Sunday business was 'mpieiuni', as. usual everywhere; the popu- hir priced houses, attracted their usual throBgs -both matinee and night I'hpuncey Oicott began his final week at Mc- vicVcr'H, cbunging bib bill to "Terence." "r'aBtaoai" l at .Garrlck, and "The Jolly Hartm," at the Lu Salle, continued prosper- ously -the:'musical comedy represented ot the week-.,.-.-.. Willlatun and Walker beifan Their .third and last, week nt the Great North- era to Mtpifcity ' twice on Sunday The vaudeville houses and burlesque results prospered; Immensely and the stock compuny uouaes hail their accustomed good Sunday business. .■..•■."The Twu Orphans" began Its second and lagt week at the Illinois Monday night.'. ....Special legislation upon theatre eonstructtoti and operation will in all proba- I'llBy.bti jMsscid by the city rouucll at Its regular., meeting this week. The mauaga- u:ai\t of the Columbus Theatre has tiled .in oupllratton in the Circuit Court to enjoin ifc» dutliorltles from Interfering In any way with' tit operation of rhnt theatre as nt proient rectinslruetixl nnd operated. Nov. 1 :s thl- time limit to which r.u extension was Klvtn our managers to comply In all respects with tliu revised ordinances, and some un- I'sual divelopirients may result this week. ... ..«i'K#--F' Proctor, the well known New ^nrk theatre, manuger, accompanied by his wife,"ls tn't'hlcago ror a few days, the visit Iism being a.part of their trip to the World's Kansas iCity, Nov. 1.—^De Wolf Hopper, In "Wang," opened a four nights' engage- nioBtRat .the' Willi-- M'ood Sunday night, to an appreciative uuJIence, which wannly wel- 'omed him '.At the Guind n big mstiuee und il'K. O. ulaht hou»:.> greeted Nat M. Wills, Is "A. Son of Best." Suuday The Orpheum, with Mr. and Mrs Alfred Kelcy as the-Dead)Intirs, had a good matinee nud Bold "Ut- Dla|it .liouae Th; Gllils was tilted t*1cij to . sea the Royal Lilipntlans Iho usual Sunday catlreriurrs saw "At the Old ross-Roads" m the Auditorium.......The ?liloankec,—liesplte the numerous cam- jialgn meetings attendance is holding up re- markably well. Davidson. —A genuine novelty in "Bird Center," Oct. 23-20. "Woodland." 27-2H, played to record business. "Babes In Toy- land" will be Manager Sherman Brown's offering week of 30. "The Pit" follows. ACADHMY.—I-Mwin Tbunhouser's jwiiular stock company offered n high class perform- unce last week, in "Heartsease." "The Black Flag" week of 31, and "Charley's Aunt" fol- lows. Amiambua. 10. K. Miller, manager).— "The Queen of the Highway" scored beavllr week of 24. "Voder Southern Skies" UO and week. "On the Suwaneo River" next. Bfjoc.—Manager John 11. Pierce offers "A Desperate Cliance" for week of HO and "The Curse of Drink" next week. "For His Brother's Crhxie," full of sterling climaxes, made a success week of 24.. . I'aust. —The standard of the productions here Is still of the highest order with one of the best companies ever put together at the Pabst. "Mamselle Nltoucho" 30, and "The Marriage Hurbor" Nov. 2. St.hi OV 11. Trottman, mnuagerl.—The Kentuckv Belles, week ot -4. drew the usual good' attendance. Al. Reeves' Big Show week of 30. and High Rollers Co. next week. Gkand(J. W. Kenney. manager).—People weel; of 81: Hastings and Burns, Bath Nelts. bhlelds and Paul. Dancing Doyle, Lawrence and Ella, D's and D's and moving pictures. CnTSTAL.—iManager F. B. Winter offers Uddle irfslle. Mile. Carrie. Baby Gladys. Wilson and De Monvllle, the Dumonts and the Crystalgraph week of SI. **+ . ' TKtfTIBSSUE. ltetu«.8*0tley Co. gave a good burlesque per- forajipeos, to big bouses, ut the Century. "lie Yutes Theatre iid capacity at ill performances. The Radium Dancers were 'he features "In His Own War" comes to the W|llls Wood on Thursday night. Bwtox, Nov.. 1.—Clear ind cool weather favprsd last night'.-* ojwr.lngs. Henrietta Cnsunau, 1 l the Tremont, in "Sweet Kit IT featuring "Little Rustic Cottage by liollilra," nnd Wililnm Ol.lflte, In "The Ail- Sirenni; John King has a laughing sue mlruhltJ.Crlt'hfofc," uf the FJollls Htreet, wero In'"The Countess of Alngaxam ;" Bert W principal unwllies. urnwliii; big bouses Bosion Music' llTiil opened In the afterauou «« a,.vaudeville, licnise, to u pntrunagc that augers well for-the future At the Bos- >ti innhla —At the New Lyceum (Frank Gray, muuager) "The Eternal City" played to packed houses Oct. 21, 22. "Two Men and a Girl," 24, drew n large house. Tim Murphy nnd Dorothy 8herrod were nccorded an ovation. "A Girl from Dixie" fair business 20.- 20. Genevieve Day, in the principal role, pleased. Coming: Maude Adams :tl, Nov. 1. "The Marriage of Kitty" 2.' "Peggy from Paris" 3-0, Al. Wilson 7, W. II. West's Mlnstrela 9. Hopkins' Gba.vd Opera Hovsk (A. H. Morrison, manager!.—"Rupert of Hentzuu" was presented by the regular stock company week of 24, to yood business. Tiros. Me- Larlne. Lucia Moore and Arthur Mackley were all that could be desired. Vaudeville feuttires were Kitamuru'e Japs and Grace Palotta'.s live mllllunry maids. For week of O. "Out of the Fold." . . . Bijou ilieni. M. Stalnback, manager).— "Superba," week of 24. pecked the bouse. Week of ill, "At Cripple Creek," und "A Desperate Chance" next week. ■ Aashvllle—At the Grand (Mrs. T. J. Boyle, manager) the Boyle Stock Co. had u week of good business with "The Only Way." Mr. De Deyu, the new leading man, has mad.; a most favorable Impression. "For* given" ; 1 u nil week. lluot (Jake Wells, manager).—Billy Clif- ford, In "How He Wou Her?' proved a good card 24-211 aud brought large audiences. "A Desperate Chance 1 '. Ill nnd week. ViiMboJiB lW. A. Sheet i. manager).—"The Marriage of Kitty" did a fair business 20. "A Gin from Dixie" had two good houses 27. Amelia. Bingham 81, Nov. 1, Maud Adams 2. ■ •»»* Principal songs Introduced In Docksbider's Minstrel Co. arc from Jos. W. Stern t Co. Lew Dockstader Is sluglng Cole and John- son's new song, "tiimme the Leavings:'* Car- roll Johnson Is featuring "Esmeralda lie- t.'ann" und "When the Sunset Turns the (■1-enu'A Blue In Gold:" James Bradl«y is lbs success Alagssnui :*" Bert White h singing "Ida. Sweet as Apple Cider:" Harry McDonald bus a splendid bass song In "The Song the Anvil Sings," and "I Want to be a Soldier" Is a success for Hastty Ellis.. Ot (be Road. All' Rontea Mas I Reach Fa Rat Later Th an Mond ay. DRAMATIC. .A.'. A'l»oi». Maude (iliarlea r'nilnuau. si»r."—Nash- title, T»«.. Nov. 2. I'.tarnvllle, Ind.. 3. Lrnlls- Tllle. Ky., 1. 5. Yonnir-toMi. O.. 11. Allen. Vlaia lOh-irleS W. Allen, nigr.i— Balll- iaon>, Mil.. Ut-Nuv. 5. Wjlmluitun. Del., 7, Trrotob. N. J.. S. Anitlln. Msrrsi-et (Frank Pcrleyi ragr-l—Plllla- ,HllJ,la. I',i.. .'Il-S'ov. 12. Antu-ey Stock, i».i*:crn. llrolbers*— New LnmiMi. Conn., a I -Nov 3. Anbrrv Slock. Western. M.(ltintkal Bmtbera' (W K. Ilinlr. urtlng nutr.)—Wi.'llanupurt, Pa., ill- Nov. .1. sn«r<« 7-1:1. "Arlruaa." Fasteni 31. B. Raynuaul's til. «'. IK- Muili. m«r. i—I.airouv. Pa.. Nor. 3. Vulun- toWn a. OonnelhivlUe 4„ r:uml*rl«nd. Mil.. 3, Morgantotrn. W. Yr... 7, Inlrtnoot 8, Claris- lairg n. Parkersbarf 10,. Martetla. O., 11, Bel- Islre 12. "Arhuoa." Weitern. M... II. . Raymond's—San Dlrau. Cal.. Nov. 4. "At ihe old Crwn Boada." Western (Arthur B. .virion, mvr. I—Kansas I'lty Mo.. 30-Nuv. 5. "\«oa» the Pacific" (Harry Clay Blaney. ni«r.) —Dea Mollies, 1.1.. ai-Nov. E, St. Josepli, Mo., :i-5. Kansas City 0-lz. "AfKr MldntgLi" iSpeiicer f. Alom. mgrs.1— Yvjngslov/ii. O., Nov. 3-3, I'itlslmrg, Pa., 7-12. "An Aristocratic Trarau" (Kllror * Brltton. inara.l—Uurant. lad. Ter.. Not. 1. Atoka 2. I.isj|»h ,'l, Otalgat.' 4. Noutli McAlcater 3. Wll- huiton 7. llart'lorne 8, Ureba ». lloldenvlllo 10. OkmiiI'»-«> tl. 't'nle-1 12 "Alone In tlw WorW." Mltt.nlbal Bros.' (Leon Williams, mgr.)— in'luiu,vils, lud., :il-Xov. 5. Urund Raphls. Ml.-).., 0 12. "Alice Wberc Art TbooS"—P«teral«rg. Va., Nov. 8. "An.Idiot Slave," Preil C. Tcylor's (K. K. Kolf, bus. msT.)—kevenna, O., Nov. 7. Barta-rtou 8. Cnjahosa Falls 9. Lornlii 10, Misllna 11, New- ark. 12. H Blanrbe Bates (David Belaaco, lugr.)— St. Louis. Mo...:ll-Der. 3. Barrriaure. Kthel (Cliarlea Krolimau. ingr.)— Youngatown, O., Nor. 2, Toledo 3, Buffalo, N. Y.. fl!. Bingham, Amelia (Lloyd Blngbaoi, rugr.)—I*x- Inittou. Ky.. Nor. &. BelleV, Kyrle (Llehlrr * Os_ mgra.)—West Su- lan-lor. Wis., .t. C-ulntb, .Minn.. 4, 5, St. Panl il-fl, Minneapolis 10-12. nrainwell, William (Uenrl Oreaalt. ragr.)—Brook- lyn, N. Y.. m-Ko*. P. Phlladelnbia. P»., 7-12. Hlalc Kngente—Wns'iltigton. D. C Nov. 7-12. Berenfonl, Hum (J. J. Coleman, rogr.)—Green- ville, Mlax., Nor. 2, Vlcksbnrg .1, Natrhei 4, Batun Kouge, La., 5, Alexandria 0, Beaumont, ■re*.. 7. Beutoii, l.unt«? (A. H. Woods: mar.)—Phlladel- pliln. Pa.. 31-Nov. 3. itlndley. Florrnrc (Forrester & Mlttenthal. mgrs.l —Philadelphia. Pa.. 31-Nov. 3, Jersey City, N. !I..'7-H. ' Bunting, Einnin (Karl Surges', mgr.)—York, Pa,, at-.Nov. 3. Breeketulilac Stock (Charles Breckenrldge, mgr.) —Neodesba. Kan.. Sl-Nov. 5, La Harna 7-12. lleleher's Comedians (W. M. Belcher, mgr.)— Ponca City. OkU., 31-Nov. 2, Medfonl a-3, Ulackwell 7-12. Rnrkr-MoCaun (Jt. McCann. mgr.)—Klngatuu, X. Y.. 31-Nov. 5. Amaterdani 7-12. Bed mine CobmsIv IV. K. Bertralnc, mgr.) — Swaropacott, Mass.. 31-Nov. 3. "Ben lint" (Klaw & Erlanger. uigra.)— St. Louis, Mo.. 31, indettnlle. "Bormle Brtar Bush." J. H. Stwldnrt (Klrke La Shelle. mgr.)—Joney City. N. J.. 31-Nov. 3. Newark 7-12. "Bird Center" (Hamlin. Mitchell 4 Fields, nigra.) —N. Y. City Nov. :!. ludcdnlte. "Blister Browii." Eastern. M. B. Kaymoud's (W. s. Bntrerneld. mar.)—Cundiertand, Mil.. Nov. 2. Hnisritown 3. Carlisle. Pa., I. Alleiituwn 3. Kakton 7. Readlm: s . T*ott«town I). Burlington. X. I., 10, Cbestei, Pa.. It Wilmington, Del.. 12. "Buster Brown," Western, M. B. Raymond's (Jeff Bernstein, mgr.)—Fremont. Neb., Nov. 2. Omaha 3-3. Dea Moines. la.. 7. 8, Burlington P. 10. Juliet, 111.. 11. Kalaioasoo. Mich.. 12. "Busy ltay" (A. W. Herman, mgr.)—New Or- leans, La., 30-Nov. S. "Biiucli of Keva"(aiis Bothoer, mgr.)—Rockfonl. HI.. Nor.. 2. B.-Jult. Wis.. 3. Sioughton 4. Mndlson 3, Ilui-lne U. Frankfort, Ind.. 10. "Brri-k for Liberty" (J. M. Ji-.coba, nnrr.)—Cam- In-h'u-e, <).. Nov. 4, Cradwr-tou 3. Salem 7. Fast I.tveiimol 8. Alliance 9. Masalllon 10. Ubrleb- vltle 11. New Comcrstou-n 12. "Breeay Tln»." F^Bterii (K. Webster F1U. mgr.) —Uirensboro. Ky.. No*. 1. Uarllogtun 3, Bus- sellvllle 4. Ellsalwthtown 3. Glasgow 7. Bowl- ing Onsen 8, (Jutlirlc U. C'llumbla, Tenn., 10, Hbeffleld. Ala.. II. Florence 12. "Breezy Tlnu.-." Western (U. Webster Fits, nivr.l —Ponca, Neb.. Not. 2. "Baidier's Child" (Horry Shr.nnon. mgr.)—Clay ('."iter, Kan.. Nor. 2. Manliatlaii 3. Junction City 3, Halloa 7. Mrl'herao-i S, Newton 0. "Boy of Ike Streets" (Herbert Tusou. mgr.)—Ox- ford. Mich.. Nov. .3. Grand ltaidds a-3. Port Huron 7. Lansing S. Jackson U, Albion in, Il'Msdule U, Warsaw. lud., 12. "Beauty Doctor". (Thomas W. Prior, mgr.) — Trenton. N. J.. 31-Nov. 2, Altoooa, I'm., 3, 4, Pittsburg 7-12. C . Crane. Wni. 11. (Charles Frobniau, mgr.)—X. Y. City dl-.Vuv. 12. Cruiiaaa, Henrietta (David Belaaco fc Maurice Catapbell. nigra.)—Boston, Man.. 31-Nov. 20. Campbell. Mra. Patrick (Charles Frohoun, mgr.) —X. Y. City 31-Nov. 12, Comatock, Nanette (James K. Hackett. mgr.)— Muucbester, N. II., Nov. 3, Montreal, Can., 7- 12. Collier. William (Charles Frohman, rogr.)— SprlnsbelO. Mass., Nov. S, North Adams 3, Plttsdeld 4, Albany, N. Y.. S, Brooklyn 7-12. r.'uhaa, Geo. M.—Wilmington, Del., 3l. Eastou, I'll.'. Nov. 1, HSrrlsburg 2, 8ouUi Bethlehem a. Wllkn,barre 4, Scrantou 3, X. Y. City 7, In- HsW Corlwtt. Junes 1. (John B. McKcutle, mgr.)— Detroit, Mich.. 30-Nov.'». Cook-Church (11. W. Taylor, mar.)—Salein. Mass.. 31-Nov. 3, lowell 7-10, Waltham 11, 12. Chase-Lister Theatre. A (Joiimb Farrell. uigr.i — Kearney. Neb., 31-Nov. 3, Grand Island 7-12. Curt* Dramatic (M. 11. Carta, ingr.)— Weeptiiu Water, Neb., Not. 4. 3, Elmwood 7, 8, Pal- n.Hu II, lo, Dur.Ur 11. 12. Couray & Mark's CoraeiUans (P. P. Craft, mgr. I —Cumberland. Mil.. Nor. 2, Lonuroulag 3, Wrs- tiM. W. Vs., T. Ctttti-r il Williams Stock (W. It. Cotter i 1. W Williams, mgn.)—Marlon, lud., 31-Nov. C. Chicago Stock (Charles H. Rots Kam, mgr.) Fast Liverpool. O., 31-Nov. 3. Carroll Comedy (Ion Carroll, ingr.)—Klnirwood, M. Va., 31-Nov. 3, Lonaconlng. Md.. 7-$.' Ciescont Cuoiedy (Lergnian i: Cumiulnga, injrs.) Lafayette: Tenn.. 31-Nov. 3, Koekwaod 7-12. "County Chairman," Rasters (Brnry W. Sav- age, lnzv.)—Baltimore, Md . 31-Nov. 3, Wash- ington. D. C, 7-12. "County Chairman," Weateru (Henry W. Savage, mgr.l—Evrreit. Wash., 31. Tncooiu Nov. 1, P«rtluud.' Ore.. ".-'<■ "Checkers." Thomas W. Boss (Klrke La Bbvlle. any.)—Ni Y. Clly 31-Nov. 3. Providence, U. I., '•Ciiigi'lee" I Daniel I-'rohman, mgr.)— N. Y. City 3J, IndeUlilte. "Colleire Wlilow" (Henry W. Kueage, mgr.)—X. Y. City 31, Indednlte. . "Coiuniuii Sense Brackett" (Henry W. Batagv. WiT. i—Lawr-ui*. Mix.. Nov. 3, Worcester 3, Chicago. III., 7-19. "Chlfd Wife," Wm. T. Keogh's—Baltimore, Md.. Nov. 712. "Child Slaves of New York." Charles B. Blaney's (J. B. Isaac, mgr.) —Norfolk. Va., 3!-Not. 0, lUcliaioud 7-12. "Child of tbe Slams" IF. K. Johnson, uigr.) — Philadelphia. Pa., 31-Nov. 5. "Charity Nurse" (Ceorge H. Leonard, mgr.)— Allkny, X. Y.. 31-Nov. 2. Troy 3-3. "Country Kid" (B B. WhltUktr, mgr.)—Mania- tlque. Mleh.. Nov. 2, Gtaditone 3. Facanaba 4. Iron Mountain G, tlraen -Buy, Wli., It. New l.'iddMi 7. ficouiii S. Auilgn p, RldoelanSer'10, Bessemer II, Aslllaul 12. "Chicago Tramp" (M. De Bsntb, mgr.)—Wash. Ingtoa, Ind.. Nov. 2, Oakland Clly 3, Haul- lavburs 4, Jaaper 3. Mount Vernon 7, Kvaus- vtlfe 8. Henderson. Ky.. 9, Bevree 10, Oreeu- vllle II, Hopklutrfllle IS. "Cars* «f Drink," Cbarle* K. Blaney's—Day too. 0. gl-Nov. 2. Fort Wayne, lad., 8, 4. Mil- wankee. Wis.. 0-12. "ClMoa Day" (11. M. Itolts, mgr. I—West Chea- ' i»r. Pa., Nov. 3. Heading 7, Boston M, Ban* gor 9, l.aiu-sater 10. York 11, Chester 12. D Drew. John (Charles Fruliiiian. mgr. I—N. Y. City 31, IndeUlilte. DMrvnr. ' Uwrenee tKlrke La Wirllp. mgr.l-- Wnalilagion,. D. C. 31-Nov. 3, Norfolk, Vs.. . li. Trenton. N. J.. II. Wilmington, Del.. 12. liotN, Fay (Chard* FMhman. mgr.)—N. Y. City , NC-v. 14, InJnlolt- Oal}*, Arhold—Ctitrinw. III.. ::i>-Nnr. B, 1)0 Oraarc. Joseph (Freil A. Haywanl. uigr.)— Wlrlirtti, Kan.. Nov. 2. Wellington 3, F.I Dorado 4, Hnrlitiiitisi 3 .Council Drove 7, Abi- lene s. Lawrence, ti, osawatonilc 10, Iota II. . I'nlMii* 12. Han DarlelKu' (Holt Mink, ingr.)—llaatlngs, Pa.., ludhiiui 4. Lfechlsirg 3, Hlalravllle 7, Vaaaergtirt H. tsitrobr- tl. Jrnnnelte 10. Scott- dale II. tVmielUvUb- 12. De Voude, Che.t'er tPUU Levy, uigr.)—Beading. Pa.. ai-Nnv. 3. Davldsoo stoiit (A. ti. Davidson, mar.)—.lack- son. Mich.. 31-Nov. A, Foci Warne. Ind.. T-1'J. Dllger-tVrnell—I'arkerslsirg, W. Va., 31-Sov. 3, W. Marys T-9. Writabnrg 10-12. Date. Marie (W. I'.. Martin, mgr.)—Van Bnren. ATk.,'Ul-Nov. '•. Menu 7-n. Dalley, W. It.. Stn.-k—St. Jolm. N. n.. Nov. 7- J in. 7. Hiuller. Frank (W. IHrk Harrison, mgr.l—Cohan-, Tenn.. 31 Nov. 3. Iluiitavllle. Ala.. 7-12. Do neon's Coinedlans it, Kent Conn, mgr.)— Aiierdeen. Miss.. 31-Xov. 3. HoUy Springs 3-3, Ovfonl 7-9. Water Valley 10-12. De Pew-Burdetb* Stock (Thomas E. De Paw, nmr. 1—Danville. Ky.. 31-Nov. 3. Dodge-Howman— Carlliisrille. 111.. 31-Nov. S, Jer- ' aeyvllle il-3, Alton 7, 8, Vacation B-13. "David llsriiiu." No. I i Julius Calm, mgr.)— I'l-ovldeniv, It. I., 31-Nov. 3, Bosluti, Maas., 7- 12. "David Hartirn," No. 2 Uiilins i.iahu, ingr.)— lljnitltuii. Can.. 2. a, l.onduu 4. Brsutfonl 3, Oiielph 10. "Devil's-Auction." cbarlrs II. Yale's (M. Wlae, mgr.)—Arkansas City. Kan.. 81. WluOeld Nov, 1. Newton 2. Hutchinson 3, Wichita 4. Km- isn-la 3, Atchison 7. Nebraska City. Nebr., 8, Freusnt H..Lini-olu 10, Ilastlnits 11. Kearney 12. "Dora Thome" (Howland k Clifford, mars, >— Angola, lud.. Nor. 2. Delnbos, 0., 3. Ottawa 4. Plndlar n, Kenton 7. Bowling Green 8, North Baltimore li, Toledo 10-13. "Driven from Home,"- Patrice—Forrester A Mlt- tenthal's— Springfield, tl.. Nov. 2. "Dr.'Jekyil and Mr. Hyde" (L. K. Pond, mgr.l — Tuaeulai III., 31. Paris Nov. 1, Terrc llante, Intl.. 2, 3. Ilrir.ll 4, Kokumo 5, Klwoisl 7. Miincle S. Alexandria 9. Blnffton 10, Anderson 12. "Dealers In While Women" (A. H. Woods, m«r.) —Brooklyn; K, Y., Hl-Nov. 5. "Dntkest Kuxahi" (W. C. Cimnlnghoni, mgr.)— Denrer. Colo.. 31-Nov. 5. "Hesertpil at ihe Altai" (Percy G. Williams, ingr.)—KPMlieth. N. J.. Sl-Nov. S. Burlington 3. New Brunswick 4. llulsikeii 3. Philadelphia. • Pa., 7-12. 'Down on thp Farm" (P. L. Jarvla, mgr.)— t'nlontowo, pa.. Nov. 2. Charlerol 3, Manou- u.ihela 4, Jeannette 3, Irwlu 7, New Keiislngluu s. Butter P. Iteuver Falls 10, Wellsvllle, (I.. 11. "Desjstriits Chance" (Miller. I'lohii i Snyder, inxrs.)—Niishvllh-. Tenn., 31-Nor. 3, Memphis 7-12, "Down be the Sea" (Phil Hunt, mgr.)—Newark, N. J.. Nov. 7-12. "Iiesiierale Clmnce," Forrester i Mlttenthal'a— Milwaukee. Wis.. Sfl-Nnv. 3, Chicago. III.. 0 12. "Devll'a Lane" (F.unlce Fttrh, mgr.)—Canton, <).. Nor. 2. Allluuci- 3, Halem 4, Cauilirldge 3, H'sj nesliorir. I'n., S. "Desiierate Crime." Donna Trey (James L. Class, mgr.>—Wheeling. W. Va.. 7-13. "ISiwu Our Way" — South Frainlnghani. Maas., Nov. g, Fliehliuig 3, Lawrence 4, Haverhill 3, IS F.lllott. Minlne (C. II. Dllllngliam, mgr.)^-St. Joseph. Mo.. 2, Kuosas City 3-3. Fsieson. Robert (Henry B. Harris, mgr.)—Chi- cago, HI.. 31-Nov. 12. Fllnore Sisters—M. B. Raymond's (Milton finuckel, uigr.)—Baltimore. Md., 31-Nov, D, Pittsburg. Pa., 7-12. Kniervoa. Mary (Hsmuel Is?wls, mgr.)—Bingham. tun, N. Y., 31. Auburn Nov. I. Oswego 3, Gen- eva 3. Canaudalgua 4, Niagara Falls 0, James- town 10. Kiwyn torno—Laeonla. N. II.. 31-Sov. 5. Kdwarda Mtoek (JvBerauu Hall, mgr.)—Green- ville, Pa.. 31-Nov. 3. Kochester 7-12. union's Comedians (G. II. lildon, mgr.)—Paola, Kan.. .'ll-Niiv. 3. Oarnett 7-12. Kvans. Brandon. Stock—I'ortsmoutb, <).. 31-Not. 3, Ironton 712. Fehols & Hawkins ldenla—Alliance. Neb., 3-3, Sidney.7-1). Cheyunnp, Wy»., 1012. "Ktemal City" (Llehler * Co.. mgrs.)—Denver, Colo., 30-Nov. 3, Omuhu, Neb., 0. 7, St. Jo- seph, Mo.. 8. Tnpekii, Km.. I), Kansas City, Mc, 10-12. "Uben Holden" (Herrlck a F.ldrldgc, mgra.)-— Zanesville. (I.. Nov. 3. "Bscaped from the Harem," J. H. Walllck'a (Harry Burl, mgr.)—Toledo, 0., 3D Nov. 2, Chicago. HI., n-12. "Bight Bells," Bros Byrne—Newark. N. J., 31- Nov. 3. "liaeaiieil froui Slug Slag." Rdgar .Seidell's— Brooklyn,,N. Y.. »l-Nov. 3. r Flake. Mrs. I Harrison Grey Flake, uigr. I ~N. Y. City; 31, todetlulte. l'uveisham, Wni. (Chnrlea Fluhmau, mgr.l— N. Y.. City 31-Nov. 12. I'lts-iiuunoua. . Hubert, aud Julia May Glfford (Jos. Kdmonstou, mgr.)—Brooklyn. N. Y., Ul- Nov. .3, Provhleuce. B. I., 7-12. l'l-ench i.'umedy (F. Cosellea, ingr.)—N. Y. City aUNov. 3. i'rnberg Stmk (George M. Fetiberg, mgr.)— I'ortsmoutti, X. tl., 31-Nov. 2, Fltcbburg, Mass., 3-3.. Nashua, N. II., 7-12. . Fleming, Mamie (W. U. Oracey, mgr.)—Danburr, Conn., -Nov. 7-12. Flake. May (J. F. Cosgrove, mgr.)—Woonsockct, u. I.,' fil Nov. a. Ferris Comedians (Harry Bubb, mgr.)—Fort Wnyoe. Ind., 31-Xuv. 12. Foy, Bdna (Weaver k. Foy, mgrs.)—Ismdon, Ky., Nov. 3-D.. Finiikllii Stick (II. F. Slutnwsi, mgr.)—Bonhuoi. Ter.. Ml-Nuv. ;1, Denlson ill. "Flaming Arrow," Lincoln J. Carter's (W. F. .liickseo, mgr.)— Cheater, Pa., Nov. 2, Boontou, N. J-, 3, Morrlalown 4, New Brunswick 3. Brooklyn, N. V., 7-12. •Tensile Detectives," Kussell Bros. (Samuel Blair, mav.)— lillaalath, N. J.. 7-U. "Fatul Wedding," Central, Sullivan, Harris & Wood.' ll.'ary McAdow, mgr.)—Philadelphia, Pa., aiiKov. 3, Byracusv, N. Y., 7-U, Itochealer 10-1". "Fatal Wedding." Kaslern, Sullivan, Harris & Wuods' lW, X. Salisbury, mgr.)—Charleston, 5, C-. Nov. 2, Suvniiuali, Uu.. 3. Brunswick 4, ■IsclsuDvllle. Flu.. 3. Albauy. Os., 7, Atuerl- cn» 8, Columbus 9, Montgomery, Ala., 10, Mo- bile 11/ l'enakcula, Flu., 12. "Fatal Wedding." Western, Solllvan. Harris ft Woods' IE. T. Zlegler, mgr. i—Pott land. ore.. 31-Nov. 2. Halem 3, Corvullla 4. Albany 3. Il-.»biirg 7, Oruiits Pass 8, Bedford 0, ltisl Bluff. Cal., 10. Mnryarltli! II. Nlocktou 12, San Trailclsoo 13-19. "From Bags to Riches," Joseph Suolley (M. II. Meyers, .mgr.)—N.' Y. City Not. 7-l'J. "For Ills Brother's Crime (Geo. N. Bellinger. mgr.l-—Coieaao, III.. 30-Xov, 3, Detroit, Mich., d-l*. ' "F«'tory Girl." .Kasfem 'Phil II. Issue, mgr. I— Jersey OK). X. J.. 31-Nov. 3, phliudnlpbla, Pa.. 713. ,.i . "Factory lllrl." Tranaconlluetital (Charles M. Wuers. ibgr.)—Brocktllle. Csn.. Nov. 3, Ot- tawa tl-C. SI. Hyaclntbc 7, Sbarbrooke 8, One- bs»9. Three Rivers 10. Horel 11. St. John 12. "For Motbei's Sake," llnseo k Holland's (Win, Pottle Jr., mar.)—Arkansas City. Kan., Nov. I. Wlail'ild 2. Wichita 3. Harper 4. Kingman 3. Ilutcblnsou 7, Lurned 8, Dodge City 9, Luoiar, Colo,, It), ltocky Furd II, La Junta 12. "FlBBlgau's- Ball 1 ' lOIHe Mack k Jowiib W. Spears, mgrs.)—New Whatcom. Wash., Nov. 2, Olyainla 3. Hoqulani 4, Aberdeen B. Seattle il- .12. Portland. Ore.. 13-19. •"Fast Life In New York" (A. II, Woods, mgr,) — N. Y. City 7-12i - ■ "Fnnuy Side of Life." Harris Lumbsrg'it—Merl- ilen. Conn.. Nov. 4. Peeksklll. N. Y., B, Troy 74i. Opstsassale.. Pu.. 10, Plttstisi II, »iu- baiuiy-.ttv 12. "page's Kerry" (Charh-a W. Bvnuer, mgr.)— Cellou. ().. Nov. 4. Bl. Marys fi, (lelohos 7. Van Wert s. Kpenoervlili! 9, PuuldUig 10, Cary II. ■•Flood Tide" iA. K, Nash, mgr.)—, I)., -Not.' 8. Chllllcothe lo, Wcll'tou II, Nelson- vllk.12.. .. it Goodwin. N. C. (Klaw k Krlauger, mgrs.) ' HI. Louis. Mo., 31-Nov. 3. Cincinnati. U.. 7-14. Gillette. William (Charles Frohman, mgr.)—Bos- Ion, Maas., .11 -Nov, 2«. (lllrs-rt. Mrs. II. H. (I'tmrles Frohman, uigr.) — X. Y. City 31-Nov. 12. llaltsnil. Bertha (J. E. Zimmerman Jr.. mar.)— Philadelphia. Pa.. ai-Xor. 3, Trenton. N. J.. J. Springfield, Mass., 9. ilsli', Flurenre—Kaue, Klilpmau A t'oltln's (Wni. D. Rmerson, ingr I—Spokane, Wash.. 31, Nov. 1. Rlttvllle 2, Tni-otna 3, Port Townaend 4. Victoria, B. <\. 3. Natialmo 7. Vancouver S. New Westminster 'I. New ftliativni. Wash., IV. settle II. 12. llllujore. Taiil (Jules Mnrrr. mgr.)—Roanoke. vs.. Not. 2. Blchnionil 3, Petersburg 4, Nor- folk C. OiIHIIi, John (John M. Hlck«r, mgr.l—Creep. vlllv, 8. C. Nov. 2. ilultney 3, riiarlotte, N. ' Cm 4. Wltiaton-Saleni 3. Gn-eiisrairo 7. Dnr- ham S, Oxford 9, Raleigh IV, New Bern 11. Wilmington 12. Gllmore. Barney (Harry Montgomery, mgr.)-- Hartford, Conn.. Nov. 2. Springfield, Mass., li- ft,. Providence, It. L, 7-12. Orape*In. Charles (John J. Kelraus, mgr.)— clnclnnnll, 0„ 30 Nov. 3, fjiulsvllle. Kj., d 12. Qlaaer, Vaughan, Slock—Cleveland, U., 31, In* definite. Grace Hnywant Stock (Winters A Kress, mgra.) —Calm. HI.. 31-Nov. 3. P.vanstllle, Ind.. "-12. German Llllputlans. Tschiitirs—4:hattlehl. Mian., Nov. 2, St. Ctiarlea 3, Waseca 4, Owatohna 3, Watertlllo 7. Hastings 9. Xorthneld H), Chaska 11, Jordan 13. "lllrl from Kay's." Sam Bernanl (Charles Froh- man. mgr.)—X. Y. City II Not. 3, Brooklyn, X. Y.. 712. "Girl nf the Streets." Lillian Mortimer (J. I.. Vevoiiec. ingr.)-- 'tis-hester. N. Y,. ill-Nov. 2. Syracuse 3-3, Camden, N. J,, 7 9, Atlsntlc City 10-13. "(lame or Hearts" (A. J. Pollock, mar.)—New Haven, Conn., 31-Nov. 2. Lowell, Maas., 3-3, "Grimes Cellar Door'—Ansismda, Mont.. Nov. 2. Dillon 3, Unite 4-3. Wsrdiirr. Ida., 7. Coenr il'Alene S. Colfax, Wash.. 9. Garfield to, Day- ton 11, Oakdalo 12. - - II Huwlrcy, Charles (Charles I'rolunau, mgr.)—X. Y. Clly 31.Nav.t2. Ilnnfonl, Charles II. (F. Laurence Walker, mgr.l —Denton. Tex.. Nov. 3. Itoiibaui 3. Paris 4. Greenville 3. MeKlintey 7, Waxahaehle 8, Cor- alcana 0, Briton 10. Temple II. llrenuam 12. Ilowanl Hall (Henry I'lereon. mgr.)—Cleveland, O.. 31-Nov. 3, (Toleitii (IP. Akron 19-12. Hlmtlns. David (K. D. Stair, ingr.)—Toronto, Car., Mjkss. 3. N. V. t.'ltv 7-19. Hrndrlcka, Ben (Wllllaui Gray, pigr.l—Ksrlhaull, Minn., Nor. 2, Mnnkato 3, Albert Lea 4. Maaou City, la.. 5. Kldora 7. Marshalllown 8. Grin- n.'ll 0, Crcaton 10. St. Joseph, Mo., II, 13.. Hall. George P, (Fielding Amusement Co.. mgrs.) —Manchester. N. II., Ill-Nov. 2, Lawrence. Muss.. 3-D, Kast Prp|s*ndl T, Gardner 8, South Framlngham II, Taunton in, Klvrrpotnt, It. I., 11, Wo«n.v)ckPt 12. Hull. Don C Ueno. Xev.. 31 Not. 3, Wadsworth 7-U, Istto 111 1^. Hlmmeleln's Ideals (Jolm A. lllinuieleln, mgr.)— Beaver Falls, I'n.. 31-Nov. 3, Altoona 7-12. Iltmnielpln's Irais-rlal St<s-k Ijiibn A. lllmmeleln. mgr.)—Port llmsiii, Mh-h., 31 Not. 0, Cold- water 7-12. Howard-Dorset (A. M. Miller, law. uigr.)—Hunt- ington, W. Vu.. 31 Nov. 3. Mavsvllle, Ky., 7- 13 HariHHirt Coineily, Chnrle-i K. Hnrrla (W. II. Bhlno, mar.)—New Bedfonl. Muss.. 31-Not. 3. Fall Rite-. 7-12. Iloyt's FisssilJ (H. 0. Allen, mgr.)— lluntatlllc. Ala.. 31-Nov. B, Coliimlda, Miss., 7-12. Huwunl stock (A. 0. Howard, ingr. i—I'aducah, Ky., 31-Nov. 5. Ulekiuuii Comedians (Guy Hickman, ingr.)—Mar- ahsllti.wii. la., Nov, 33. Hoettler Show (Jack lloeltler, ingr.l—Appletou. Wis.. :il, IndeflultP. lloemcr. Jack, Kastcrn (W. M. Giilo, mgr.)—Al- latitle. Is., 31-Nov. 3, C.iunrll Bluffs 7-12. Hamilton.. Comedians (F. P. Koenlg, mgr.)— Fort Siiillh, Ark.. 3l-X..t. 2. Little BocE 8-3. llendprmsi Stock (W. J. * R. It. Henderson, mgra.)—Plalntlow, III., 31-Nr.v. 3, Lincoln 7-«. Henry Hlock (C. D. Henry, mgr.)—Clifton Springs, N. Y.. 31-Nov. 3. "Heart of Maryland" I David llelaoco, mgr->;- Kllsali-.'ih, N. J„ Nov. 3-3, Wilmington, Del., 7-9, Trenton, N. J.. 10-12. "Itniiipiy Dtimply" (Klaw «; F.rlanger, mgra.)— N. Y. City Nov. 14, Indellullo. "Heurt of ("hlcago." Llnenlii J. Carter's (Bil- niuiid Munley. mgr.)—Hcntthv, Wash.. 30-Nov. 2, Portland, Ore., 3-.*>, The Dallas 7. Pendleton s, linker City 9, Holts-. Itl'i.. 10, Pocatcllo II, Ixgsn, V.. 12. . ,. "Hpi- Only Slu," -Tulln 'Jruy —Llnenlii J. Csrter • —Peiry. la., Nov. 2. Nnv/lou 3, (Irlnnell 4. (Mar Ilnplda 3, Independence 7. Charles Clly s, Osnge I), Mason Illy 10, Casus Orovo 11, Fort Dodge 12. . "Hamlet" (Hiinley ft Co.. nigra.)—Jacksontllle. III., Nov. 2. Oulney 3, Bnrry 4. Linilslsns. Mo.. 3. Bonnvllle 7. Mr.lstrly K, Klrksvllle V, Mnrvu 10, Mexico II, Chllllcolha 18. . . ., "Hidden Crime" (J. M. Ward, mgr.)—Port Worth. Tex.. Nov. 2, Corsluaua 3, San Antonli 4, Austin S. Breiihnni 7. Ihaiatun 8, Ualves- ton 9, Orange 10. Jennings 11, Beaumont 13. "Holy City," F.aslern. Gordoo ft Honuetl's (Kil- ward Taylor, ingr.)—Irwin, Pa., Nov. J. (ireenaburg 3, JInuiil Plerjsaiit 4, Mayersdalv ft. Cumberland. Md.. 7. picdnuml. W. Va.,-8. Mlklns 0, Oraflou 10, Clarksburg II, I'arken- burg 12, "Holy Clly." Western, Gordon ft Bennett's (Hon- iy Harrlscn, mgr.)— Cohtnihua, hid., No7. 'i, Meyinour 3, Beilford -1. Illnniliigtou S. Jason- vllle «1, lllooinlleld 7. Wnshingloii 8, Jlisjutlllo 9, Henderson IV, Linton II, vIiicpuiics 12. "Hearts Adrift" (Spencer ft Aboro. mgrs.)--■ De-i Moines, I)., Nov. 3-3. HI. Paul. Mluu.. n-12. "Her Mad Mjrrhi»«" I Mayer ft On-slielui, mgrs.) —Newsrk, N. J.. 31-Not. 3 "Bar Marriage Vow" (Vance ft Hiilllrnn, mgrs.) Camden, N. J.. 31-Nov. 2. . "llooaler Girl," Kate Watson ((Jus Cohan, mgr.) —Linton. Ind., Nov, s, Hullltan 3. Crawford"- vllle 4, l.ufayetto S, West l'-adsn tl. Bedford 7. Mndlson 8, Frankllu 9, ItiishtlllM 10, Connors- vllle 11, Hamilton. O.. 12. "Her First False Step." 0. F- Whllakor's IK. A. Sstilllcr, mgr.l — St. Piul, Minn., .'IV-Xov. 3, Minneapolis H-12. "How He Won Her" (Tom North, mgr.)—Louis- ville, Ky., 30-Nov. ft. ludtenavolls, Ind., 7-V, Columbus. <),. 10)2. "Human Hearts," Muslern ( M. Blaueharil. mgr.)—Syracuse, N. Y.. .'.'I-Nov. It. llocbester "iiun'isu Hearts," Western (Claud Hauudent, mg»-.)~ Biirllnaioii, In., Nov. 2. Streator. III., 3, Aurora 4, Juliet 3, Kuttkuker 7, Danville s, Cliaiuplaln U, Dautllle (S'ddlers' Home) 10, Terre Haute, Ind., It, 12. "Human lleurts," Southern (Jay filmmuus, mgr.) -Fort Worth. Tex., Not. 4. "Hut Old Tims." Gils Hill's (Harry Hill, mgr.) -Birmingham, Alu.. 31-Nov, 3. "Happy Hooligan," Kssteru, flus Hill's (D. A. Kelly, mgr.)—Waterbur/. Coun., Xot. 3, New Hrltulu 3, I'utuuin I, .Vferldvti 3, Hartford 7-0, I'atrrson. N. J., il'12. "Ilamiy Hooligan," Western. (Jus Hill's (Al. Dol- son, uigr.)—Birmingham Ala,, Xot. 2. Annie- ion !). Dcinnpolls 4, Meridian. Miss.. 3. Vlcks- burg tl. 7. Bulou Rouse. La., 8. Beaumont, Tex., IV. Orange II, Houston 13, "Holty Toity"—Toledo. O.. 30-Xov. 3, Port Wayue, Intl., 8. "Hottest Coon In Dish-" (Kogenv Spofford. mgr.) -South Sharon, Pu.. Nov. 2, Rochester 3. Lisbon, ().. 3, Alliums- 7, Halem 8, Wiaiater U, •ialloil 10. "Hun* Hanson" (Jas. T. Mc-Alpln. mgr.)—Wis- tier, Nebr.. Nov 3, Serllmer .1, Albhai 4, Cednr 3, Itelgrave 7. I'llllerloa 8, Genoa V. Schuyler IV. Central Clly II, Aurora 13. Irwiu, Hoy lITdwnrit It. Suiter, mgr.l—Huston, Mass.. 31-Nov. 3, X. Y. Clly 7. IndeUulto. "lugoiiinr." .latin A. Prcat'iii (Holden Broihers. nigra.)—Marshalllown, la.. Not. 3. Cetksr llnnlda 2. "Irish Pawnbrokers" (Ollle Mack ft Joseph w. Spears, mgrs.)—Mon-lsui.. III.. Nov, 3, Sterl- ing 3, Princeton 4, Kswanee 3. 1'corla 0, Can- ton 7. Blmmlngton 8, Centralis V. Mouut Ver- nun 10, MurnhyshoTo 11. Jrrtfyvllle 12. "Iris" (L. -I. Rodriguez, mgr.)—l-lorsocr. 8. P.. Nov. 2. Columbia 3, Chsrlewiuu 4. Sumlsr 3, Havannuk. (la.. 7. Jaeksisitille, Fin.. S. Bron>- vslek. On.. It. Witycross Id, Thinuasvltle n. Bslnsbrldge 12. JifTerson. Joseph Jr.. und William W.—Troy. N. Y.. Nov. 2, Utlcs 3. Jenv.sis, lr-ne. Stock iThomaa lloffuau, mgr.)— CatnpbsllXottl, Can., at-N'ot.-B.