The New York Clipper (November 1904)

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860 ■THE ■ XEW YORK CLIPPER- NOVEMBEK 5. THE MAN WITH THE LANTERN AND THE VOICE WHEN MY GOLDEN" HAIR^TsTuWdTo" SILVER GREY. .. SLIDBS 9B PKR 8KT. BEAUTIFUL WORDS, MUSIC AND PICTURKS. PROF. COPY »nd OHCH. DPOH RECEIPT OP PROGRAM. ftBBTD TODAY. VOL St AT FORGET TOMORROW. 8»J Wibiib Avenue, CHICAGO. 74 Firth Avennr. ISW YORK. Igega* <»». Palace, 8I011-. City. fa.. 7-12. I'iceblo Mld**t*. Howard, Boston, Sl-Nov. 6. Plrnv .> Ainlree. Kettli's. Boston, 31-Nor. B; K'eltbVPrnTl.lrrr*. 7-12. ■ Piew Two Comical, London. London, Cm., 81- Vov B. • • ■ rowers Bro*.. Olympic, Chicago. ■ 31-N«t. B: 1. 0: H.^lndlanopolfs, 7-1*. Polk A Tress, Moore*. PonlinA Me.. 31-Not. r.. Powell's Marionettes, Kelih'a, N. X. C, 31-Nov. Power* ft Freed. Mechanic. Baleta. Main., 91- poweri ft'Ttieobsld. Arcade. Toledo. O.. 31-Nov. J. Pot "ft Hcrtwell, Yorkvllle. N. Y. C. 31-Not. <.. SBi Troupe. Keith's. N. V. C, 31-Nov. B. 1'robet, Olympic. Chlcaco, Not. 0-12. ft Howard. A. ft R., Boston, 31.N0T.B. oJlHei Bros., II. & B., Bkln.. :il-No>. u; H. A 8* X. V. (\, 7-12. Rarowy StstoT", Howard, Boston, 31-Not. 0. my. IS). «em. La Salle. 111.. 3t-NoT. R. Pickett ft JlnMrd, Weut'«, Peoria, III.. 31- Nor, S. Raymond. Mawlo. Victoria. N. T. C.. »I;Nov. R- Itanf. Clmsle. Acme. Sacrsmonlo, C*S.. 31-Nov. B; Novelty, 8«n into. 7-12. Raymond, .loo. Solent, llu., 31-nor. 5. Reed*, Musical, Oem, Lynu, Maw., Rl-Xor. ft. Hers* I'D. Tacoran. ML MM 0. Itecd A Show, Orpbeum, Sin Fran., Cal., 31 Remington. Mayme. Orpbeotn. Bkln.. 31-Nov. B. llevminl, E<1. P.. Victoria, K. Y. O., 31-Nov. B; Keith's, Beaton, 7-12. Relmcr, Helen. KeltlT*. r/\»ton. 31-Xor. 6. Plot! ft Cohen. l-roctora 38th St., N, T. C, 31- ■B ?4). H. ft 8.. N. y. C.. 31-Nov. 5. Klee A Prorost. Pol!"*, Hartford, Conn., 31-Nor. 5! Yorkvllle, N. V. 0.. 7-12. UlT» riroa.. Onto, Lawrence, Mass.. 31-Nov. r.. Casto. lowelL 7-12. RlcbnnUen, Carrie, Pnbee, Worcester. Ma**-. 31-Nov. 5. _.. _. -, - Rlceobono's Horses. Orpbcnr.. Bkln.,A»J « Pica Family. Haltiaway'a, Sew Bedford, Mas*.. Rlgcirt?"' Bro*., 0. O. H.. Plttaborg. 31-NOV. ft. Kleh. Jack A north*. Trocadero. C.ilcaB", 31- Nov. 6.; . • • I'.lre, Fanny, Kerney'*. Bkln.. 31-Nov. R. Richmond, LUIlan. Palace, Woreeater, Mass.. .H- Ultehle A VranrU. Torrington, Conn., Not. 7-12. Unv, I/»lle. Casino, Woatcrter, Maw., 31 -Nor. r.- Bolfea. The, Ktnplre. Krankfjtd, Pa., 31-Ncrv, r., Ga.Tlck, Wllmlmrton. Del.. ?-l£ ., V . M r Roche* 1-aroUy. Hbm's, Toronto. Can.. 31_-Not. 6. IU«jnoy. Pot. Temple. DelroH. 31-Not. 0. KlrVa .Tbi. Main *.. P'orl«. III., 81-Nor. «. How, Victoria. Oa»lno, fforM^ter,' Mnaa., 31-No*. RolHniwn. MM. K-CTcy'*. j tt»» »M ft*i*: . Itohlna ft Treanamaii, Hownnl. Boatpo. 31-Not. ••• Itolirtr Fanilly, H. ft B.. BHn.. 31-Not. 6. Roealro A Dorretlo. Slien'". BulIaU., 31-No>. ". Itiivwlln. Tie. Acme, Norfolk. \a., 31-Not. is. IlMM«rtl ft Buckley. I'roctor'H 125Ui Sr.j N. \. *-■, ■3kV.*ilV, 0>Je*i«, Lynn. Moaal, 31-Not. 0. Idivell A imntnr. Star. Hamilton. Oku., 81-Nor. fit l«ndon, I^indon. 7-12. Rnwell. Phil ft Carrie, Hlnr, Hamlltnn, Can., 31- Ry»n!"li«tCT ft Hyan, TVeaat'B, Peorli, JU., 31- i;ynu V 4 illcbfleld, KelOi'a, l»roTUlence,' B. I.. 31- Not R » «nt«umH.."Kry»t«l Palnit. Ulprla. Oer.. Km. . 1-W. Ss ta C*a». ft Mlnnl.% Mecbaiilc.Raleni. Mian.. Kj>'nto'i A Hill. Boston, T.ynn. M*M~jV4k*%B> Rti,, O'Mona. ^'fc Woiceater.-Maaa., 31-NoT. fj. Baiito* ft Marlow, Jacolw', Peoria, 111., 31-Nn\. r.Hlalety. Hi^oateM, 7-12. • „ Sal«l. Joaepblile. H. ft S.. N. Y. tt. 81-Nw. li. Suwyer, F.rully ft Orare, Brook, Morion, lad., dl- Sci»w.ek,fc Morae. Andllorliim, lirfolk, Va„ 31- (trott'ft Johnson. Keith-*, K. T. G.. 31-Not. K Man; Carrie M., Market, Toledo. O..'11-NoT.n. Senmn. Cliait. K., Sbevdy'a, Near Bedford, Main,, Sevaimir ft May, Clcrelaml'a, Cb|ca«o, 31-Not, ri, Khorry. J. TV.. Main St., Peoria, 111., 31-Not. J. Sherman ft Bo Forreal, Victoria, N. \. Cm ■«• Sliertnan ft Fuller. Kmplre, noboken, N. J.. 31- Rlilir'nwka, The. Bllou. Dulnth. Minn.. 31-Not. «. Shair, Mr. ft Mra. I.krry, Proctor 1 * 125th St.. N. T. 0.. 31 -Not. r,; Proc-tor'H, Albany, N. X* Slmws, Aerial, l-oll'o. Brldgrnort. Conn., 81-Nor. .'i.* Shaw. Lillian, Pnalor'a, K. Y. C. 31-Nor. fl. Simon ft Oardner, Proctor'*. Nrwwrk, N. J.. «1- Xe-v. Bl Proclor'a, Albany. N. \'.. 7-12. SIdhii, H. C, CryxUI, St. Jnarpb. Mo., 31-Nov. o. Riiau, Weaat'i", Peoria. III., 31-Hot. B. smlrl ft Kcamer. Columbia. Cincinnati, 31-Nov. R: Olympic. Cblcaxo, 7-12. Smith ft Baker, Kelth'a, I'hito., Al-No*. B. Soillb ft Fuller, I'oll'a. New Hbtm, Conn., 81- X»t. B: Poll'a, Hartford, 7-1& Fmlth. Peier J.. Main St.. Peoria. III.. 31-Not. 3. Smith ft t\wk. H. ft B., Bklu., J.l-Nor. S. Hunter A Iluekley, fi. O. II.. PHtaburat, 31-Not. 5; Cook'a. Rwhester. S. Y.. 112, SornUn Bioh.. (Mle'a. Lynn, Mnwi. IJl-NnT. ... Stpeiet.rdv'* Beam, Olympic, (.'bli-ago. Not. ti-12. ,S|iaiinnl. Paul, Clorelanil'8, Obletigo, 31-Not. C. St«-r»-er. Bxylney. A. ft y., Boslon. 31-Not. 5. Siahl. lUwe, ft Co., Kelth-F, N. X. C, 31-Nor. &. iitevllonlani (31, Alison. Nnrfolfc, Va., 31-Not. •■. Maffonl ft Stone, Clmtea, Han Fran., CaL, 31- Not. 5 _ . -_ Htiley ft Blrheek. Keith'*, ProTldcncC, B. I.. Si- Nat. 0. Stlm-m ft M»rton, C. O. H.. Crilenira. 31-Not. I?. fit Julltu, Harry, Dnlquc, ludlanapolla. 31-Nor. S. • • • • St. John ft Le Ferre, Kelth'a, Ttoaton, 31-Nnr. 5: Tertland. Portlaml. Ore.. 7-lS. St. One? Broa., H. a 8.. N. Y. C. 31-Nor. B. Bnl It .v I'help.'. Arcade, IVjrtlnnd. Ore.. 81- Not. r.; Star. l*ortlnuil. Otv.. 7-12. Sulllvmi ft I'aaqnellna, Orpbcum. Sinn Fran., 00.. llVNoT. B: Orpbcum. Lvs Atagck^, 7-19. Solly Family, Orpbnm, New Okleans, I.a., 31- So». r>. Hnllvan A Ilocboer, i\ O, n». Grafton, W. Vn.. 31-Nor. 3. Swliiiard..Mr. ft Mm., Victoria. N. Y. Q, Nov. 7-12. Kwor A TVwibroOk, flraud, Victoria. Can., 31- Nov. B: Kmpltv, Heuitlii, Waab., 7-C ijyKrtte'. Toiilar. OsrrU'k, XVIlmloKton, IW., 31- Not. R: Chaae'a. Waabijtgton, 1). C, T-12- 7.imier ft QUbert, KvllhV, Itoaton, 31-NJnv. 5. 'runakae. Tlu-. c. 'J. II., ChlruifO. 31-NJor. B. Taylor ft Odette. KellkSi, I'rurldcuee. B. 1-, 31- NVv. C. ' Texana Sinter*. Bll>m. Sliehnigan, Wli., Sl-Nov. 5;. Orand, Milwaukee, 7-12. Ten lcbl Trou;ie, CleviMaiil'a, Clilca|roi 31-Nov. R. Temple. Dick, Proclor'a Htb Ave., Nt V. C. 31- Not. C. » Tlinrntf, Mr. ft Mra. llarrr, Itkbuond, North Adama, Ma**., 7-12. • TLotiipawn SI«t«rH, <.'li*fooraph, \*i* Angeli'*, Cal., .'(I.Not, 18. .. • t Thorn A Tru>m,- A. ft R., Roalirti, (It-Nor. 0. Tliorutou. Mnrle llnll. lUwtou. Bl-Nliv. B. 'Hiorpe. Plicebo. A. ft H., Bo*to«. nil-Nov. IS. Tlicreae, The/, Circle. N ■ Y. C. 31-Nor. B. Xoumton, Ilr.wanl. Oriilictim, MlnmijioIlN, Minn,, 81-Nor. V; Colmnhla. Ht. I^mln. 7-12. Tbomeon. V.arry. C. O. )!., <:hlcajnt> 31-Nov. R. Tlitany, Ayjile Ward, t'aato. l^wrcnBc, Mk**., SI- Nor. R* Ca»lo. l«wrtl«-7-]3. ■ Topay Terry Trio, A. $ 8., Buntcki, SI-Sov. 4. ■IVi'loar, Ornlieiun. New Tirleana. Ira. 31-Nor. 3. Trncey ft Welch. Stan, Hamilton. (Jan.. 31-Nor. 3. Tyre, Lillian, ft lp*ne Jermon, ftrpbeum. Mln- naapolle. Minn.. 31-Not. S. Tyler. Odette. Ke»»4ey'«. Bkln., 8IONor. R, Tyrrell. Al., Slfr. Hamilton. Citi., Jl-NBtr B. l-ritfjiart, I»atjo/je, ft (3o.. Shea'*. Toronto. Can., 31-Not. tt^ I'nlia A. Paul, Clerelajtd's, Cblcaco, :ii-Not. S, Urbane ft Don, Olympic. Chk-aso, Not. 0-13. V«»e», Clarlec, Olympic. Cidoigo. Nor. fi-12. -■• Van I'otsen ft McCanley, Moore'a, Portlaml, M*., 31-Nor. ■'. Vartu ft Tiirenne. ArciHie, Tole<1o, O., 31-Nor,-ft. Vaaaar Olrla »S), Hhea'a. Torooio, Can.,; 81- .NoY. 6. Verinettc ft Dlonne, Clreua Varlcte, Kopenajcen, OciL, Not. 1 £0. r Vcdmara. Tlie, Paator'*, N.Y. C, 81-Nor. 61." Vera ft.O'ilrlen, Paator'a, N. Y. 0., 81-Nor. ft. Village Chslr, Empire, Bobeken, N. J.. ai'Xor. Vol'ielln ft Nina. O. O. II.. Pltubur*, 81-Nor. «. Von Oofre, Antonio. Union, Bakeraurld, Cal.,-81- Nor. 6. Ward A Unrran, KoUh'i, Boaton, 81 -Not. 3. Wajerbury Bros. * Tenny, C. O. B.', Cblenp), 31- Not. 3. Wnt«on, Hutcblnpi ft Kdwnrrla, Orpheus, San Frio., Cal., 31-Nor. B. " WaMi-Uouiruse 'frouiie, Colombia, ClEclnnati, 31- Nor. 6. Vt'suner, Florenee, Casino, Worcester, Mtaa.. 31- Niir. 0. Waper, Alfrwl, Orpbenm, Albany. N, Y^ 81- Waldorf ft Menfiet, Proetor'a, Newirk, N. J.. Nor. W»»l»r Broa.. Norclry. Wichita, Kan., 31-Nox. ». W'oyne, A. J., Klka, Pocatelln, Idaho, 81-Nur. R. WaM ft Leater, Cryatnl, St. Joacph, Mo., 81- Nyr. S. Wabton ft Hill*. Torkrllle, N. Y. C 31-Not. B. Wnrren, Bert, Cole's, Lynn, Mas*., 81-Nor. 5. Want, Pro*. J. R, Memorial, Oakland, Me., 31- Nor. ft. Wrlau, Cbai. ft Jennie, Unique, ludlunapolla, 31- Nor. •-,. ^T ■ Welch. Jin ft Cells, Hbeedy'-*, New Bedford, Masa, ill-Nor. S. Went, Lou.*-, Caalno. Mnncbeater, X. H., 31- Nor. 0. > Welab, Cba«, ft Jennie, Unique, Indlauapolla, 31- Nor. o. Went ere, Aerial. O. O. H., Butte, Mont, 31- Nur. 0. Weaton, KaUe, Casino, Worreattr. Ma**; 31- NliT. o. Welch. I^ra, Bon Ton, Pblla., 31-Nor. ft; Km- plre, Fraukfonl, Pa., 7-12. Wckber, Ljtui, Haymarket, Cblcato, 81-Nor. 8. WeKieju, Waltera A Wiwon, Cleveland's, Cblcafd, 31-Not. S. Welch. Jolu J., Novelty, Salt Uke, Utah, 31- Nbr. 5. Wmi, Ford A Dot, Yorkrlllr, N. Y. O., 31-Nor. R. Weal ft Van Bicklra, H. ft tf.. N. Y. C, 31-Nor. B'; Proetor'a :i«th St., N. Y. O., 7-1& Wheeler ft Hall, Main St.. Pecrla, III., .31-Nor. B. Whlli.. Stuart, ft Co., Yorkrllle, N. Y. V., 31- Nor. 6. Wliliebead ft Diamond, Lyric, Sen Dleso, Cal.. Nov. 7-12. • WhIU'law, Arthur, IToctor'* Sth Are., N. Y. 0„ 31-Nor. B. ... White Ac Slronion*. Proetor'a 12Bth Hi., K. Y. C, 31-Nov. S. Whitcomb, Fred, People'*, Lomll, Ma»»„ 31- Not, kh ' White, Pat, ft Co., Bradenborgh'a, Pblla., 31- Nor. ». Wlncbermaii'a Pears, )ll|ipo<1rcmc London, Eng., Nov. 7-81. WlUtauw a Tucker. Orphenm, St. Jc«ph, Mo., 31-Nov. B. Will* ft ilaaaan, Trent, Troaton, N. J.. 31-Xev. ft. Wlllanl, The Ureri, Vaudeville, l«wka. Can., 31-Nor. 12. «•».•* Wilson ft Helotae, Proctor'*. Newark, N. Jt C. 31-Nor. 4. W Wilson ft Moran, Vaudeville, Sheboygan, Wl*. Ml- Nov. 5. ' Wiley, Hamilton, Crlterlou, Tampa, Fla,/ 31- Dee. 31, -j* William*, 'gw, Keith'*, rrorldcnce, B. L-t 81- Nor. 3. , Wllaoiu, The. Watson's, Bkln., .11 -Not. 5. Wllsou, Oca., B. ft B., Bkln., 31-Nor. B. Wlsa A Milton, Star, nuiullton, Can., 31-Nnr. S. Woud ft.Uay. Paator'*. N. Y. C, 31-Not. 5. WolBng'rt sralllorw A Dow, CicTdand's, Chleaayj, 31-Nov. 12. Wood, tleo. H„ Empire, Hobokrn, N. J. 31-Not. 3. Wurmwood's Monkeys, Circle. X. Y. C. :ilrNov. /.> Woolfnrd'a Animals, Park, Worcester, Muss., 31- Nor. 5. 5 .r. Woodward. V. p., arcle. R. Y. C, 31-NoK: ft J orphenm, Utlca. N. IV. 7-12. . • Wyley ft Wylaon, OrlU'rton, Tiunpa,' FIa.jj.3t- ' Dec. 31. . / Ynckley A Bunnell, Casio. Ljwrcnce, Ma**.. 31- Nur. ft. Yoiiub, tillle. ft Bro., Orrihcnru, St. Jeaepb, Mo.. 31-Nnv. r>; Orpheum. Mlnn?ni*>ll9. Mtnu.. 7-12. Yoiucmtdu Bros., Empire, Uubokcn, X. J., 31-Xev. B. Yorko ft Adams, Yorkrlle. X. Y. C. 31-Nov. 8. Youog, Carolyn, C. O. II.. Chicago, 31-Nov. B. Yvonne 4 Hullett, A. ft. S., Boatnu, 31-Nov, B. ■„ /.nyiianl's Mldk-eta. Proetor'a BStlt SL, N..-Y. a. 81-Nov. 5. . ; Zarite*, The. Fair. Xewbnryport, Ma**., 31-Nov. B; G. O. 11.. Pint'.h-jrx, 7-11. ■ Zarrow Trio, Olyuitle. N. Y. C, 31-Nnr. S; Proe- tor'a R8th St.. N. Y. C. 7-12. Kanclgs, The, Orpbcum, Kansas City, Mo., 7-JS. Kellet, A.!B«!. Norfolk. Va„ Sl-Nov. 0. Zeno, Carl ft Zeno, Park, W»tcester, Ma**.,'31- Nov. 0. Zimmerman. Willy, .Vorkvlllc, N. Y. C. 81-Xnv. B; Maryland, Baltimore, Mrk, 7-12. Zimmerman. Al. ft Pearl, Blkti, Calumet, Mich.. Ill-No*. 12. Zlska ft KIpk. narmarlnrt, Cbloaio. 31-Not. B; Oolnmbtn, St. Lonla. T13. Zlmmer, John, Poll'a, Watcrltiry, Conn., Al-Nov, Ot Poll's, Brldseporl. 7-12. £ 11 .j <\' =s=at=a MICHIGA!*. ■& UlnDcte, In "The Little Outcast," 27-il»: "The Price* of Uonor" 30-Nov. 2, "A Boy of the street*" 3-5. Smith's Opera Housn (Mrs. W. B. Smith, matiaser).—Week of 23 Dartd 3IafIon's Blc Burlesquer* pleased Jarge iKmwr*. a 1 Bay City,—At the Washington (W. J. Daunt, manager) "Dora Tnorne" pleased a full novae Oct. SO. Dan QaLnlan A Wall's Minstrel* was recelred py two appreciate audiences 22. Booked: James J. Corbetr Nor. 4. Marie Walavrrlirbt 7, "31j Wife'* r'amlly" t». Note. —Kathrvn Ryan, of this city, h»ft .Oct. 24 Cor Majilstlqae, Mich., to Join the "Princess Chic" Co, * Manistee. — At the Rnmsdell Theatre 1 knl't. II. ltamsdell, manairer) " Ctitc" ulnyed to Immenso buslnem 17. "The MU- rourl Girl"' also lmd good business 21. Porter 3. White, In "Fanst," 24, with a large ad- vance sale: "A Bunch of Keys" 25, Mack and Armour Comedian* 2C. Comiog: Local Minstrel* Nor. 10, Marie Walnwrlght, In "Twelfth Night," 15; "Qulncy Adams Saw- yer" IS. «»«♦ MIBBOL'Rt. Detroit—.\t tfcc Detroit Opvrs JJouse IT. O. Whitney, njRnngor) Ethol Barrvmore, In "ftunday," cntirtaiued large nnil appre- ciative audiences Ocu 24-2U. "Tho WUiird of Oa" wsek of 31. Lvi-K.VM (E. D. Stair, mannKerf).—Harry Keilar nud Paul VslmUm dellgbtcdf largo an- dleni-ea lout. week. Jnrae* J. Coifiett week of 3a • LAFATrrrn (R. E. Cummlng*. managor).— The Cummlng*. Btock Co.. lu "Mont*? Crlstu." drew enod housea last week. The sitnc cjns- pany. In "Men and Wonieu," week of 90.P ' W^itnky (B. D. Htalr. niaiing^r).--'iEs- cniied froni the Harem" played to theiusliul pocked hunscB 23-2I*. '^A Mttht' Outcast" week of 30. "for lit* rtrother'a Crime" fol- low*^ TKitrir (J. H. Moore, ruaunrcr).—Last week's splendid bill drer,- uverflowilng house*. ■Week of 111: Kugcno Cowlea. Will M. Creasy nud ninnclio Itattip, Bear! and ^'lolet Allen, toe Four Bard Brothers, the Jouselln Trio, Hilly L'nk, Arhurrus hcJ Jessie Millar, Pat Buonev's Street Mfcl jintl ihfc American kluetograpb. Avrxim (Draw A Campbell, rianagcrsl.— Tho Bon Ton nurlcwiuera rcc fired a dc- Mcrredly warm welcome wiwk of J 'J3 and tho attendance was good. Fred Orwln'* Big Show week of 30. P * 1- tirnrnl Rnplds—Ar. the CS'cw Powers (Hurry 0. Bnmmera ft Co., manfujiers) CJhuw- c.T Olcott, Oct. 2, played to S.i}. O. fMM- laud. 2o. plennctl n large audlenqe. Tho man- ugement announces the auspeuHH>n of vaiidc- vllle nud the house will rn» dark (V<r wme tlmi\' MAJEDTir fOrln Stair, marjager).— Ibis hou»e bn* been dark thP pnal we* k. . Comlug: Kellar 30-Nov. 2, "Nettle, 1 he Nlewiiglrl" 3-A. i__ . OM.Nfl^Orln Stair, manager* J.—-Wi n tho 2*lii Bridge atMMnlght,-- 20-22rpe^«Trjowd.Hl Ho. can., noUK(1> tl dl( , ..r^m • rh0r)ie ': .J j. a8 . « A nnle Katnaaa City,—At the Willis Wood The- atre (Woodward & Burgess Amusement Co., managers) last week Wilton Lncknye, In ■The Pit," bad good business. De Wolf Hopper, In "Wang,' 3d-Nor. 2. Maxlne El- liott, In "Her Own Way," 3-5: "A Chinese Honeymoon" 7-0, B. J. Morgan, In "The L'temul City." 10-12. ' GuANDOrrr.AlIcrsE (Hudson A Judab, man- ngers).—Last week "Bv.ster Brown came to enormous business. Extra mntlnt-es were given on Tuesday and Friday and on Thursday night the orchestra was put back on tho singe. This week, Nat M. Wills, In "A Son of Best," and next week. Ward and Yokes. ObpHiCL'M (Martin Beck, general mann- er v t.—A good hill drew big houses; last week, ihls week: Mr. and Mra. Alfred Kelcey, Howard Kmerson and Curtis, the Harry l.a Hose Family. Harry Howard'*! comedy ponies and dogs, Frank and Little Bob, Paul Barnes and Klein and Clifton. ( \,1'. H. Brlgham, manager).—Last week "Hearts Adrift" drew well filled houses. This week, the Royal Llllputlnns, and next week, "Acrars tho Pacific. AnoiTOHiuM (Woodward A Burccss Amuse- meat Co., managers).—Last week "Two Little Waifs" drew good houses. This week, "At the Old Cross Roads," and next week,' •To Die at Dawr." CtSTtmr (Josef Barrett, manager).— Jyiit-"week Bol> Manchester's Cracker Jacks nave excellent burlesque performances, to good nttendnnee. This week, the llentx- .santley Co., and next week, the Fsy Knster Co. YatE'.s TnEATOB (Lloyd Brown, manager). —six good bouses each 'day la tho continu- ous record This week: The La Touehe Sis- ter*. Han and Dillon, the Two Hobbs, the Kdwnrda, Klppy and Frank. Oroh. . Prof. Gleakon* and his horse training ex- hibition was at Convention Hall last week. ■ 'V St. I.ont*.—The great fair Is beginning lo feel tho effects of the dosing clays, and u number of the concessions are rinsing their doom. Oltmpic (P. Short, manager).—"Ben Hur" still continues to good business, with no underline mentioned. Ckntuuv (P. Short, manager).—Nat Good- win, lu "The Usurper," was well received Sunday night, nud excellent business will undoubtedly be recorded during the engage- ment. lujT.ntAL (D. K. Russell, manager).— Blanche Bates has passed the century mile- . Htnne, In "The Darling of the Gods," and Is " iu her four teen tli week of great business. gkand (John G. Sheedy, manager).—Ward nnd Yokes, lu "A Pair of Pinks," are the at- traction this week. (•deon (Geo. V. Olendorf. manager).— •■Louisiana" will probably continue until lux nnd of November. Mrsic Qam, (J, c. Jannopaulo, manager I. —"Louisiana" Is doing good business and continues to hold Its own. Havmn's (Win. Uarcn, manager).—"Mc- Katldvn's Flats" started off on a lurge week and will probably repent former excellent business. Crawkokp's (O. T. Crawford, manager). —"Snpho." with Lylllau At wood in the name purl, fa this week'* hllL Colombia. —The Great Lafayette's Show tops the bill which Includes: Mile. De Gren- nulna and Eight Torendora, Four Musketeers, the Diver's Dream, the I'earl of Bhutau, Mrs. Aline, Lindsay's dogs and monkeys, .Millard Brothers, Walter Daniels, Bessie Baus unrt the new kluodrome. . STANDAim (Leo Relehenbach, manager).— '.The Pay Foster Burlesqucrs hold tins bourds t.tls week. Notk. —An nil star benefit was glren 27 fbr the families of the detectirns who were kllKkl 21. MnsIe'Hall was crowded and over $2,Oi10 was taken In. * ' 91. Joseph—At the Lyceum (C. V. l'bllley, manager) "A Busslnn Spy" had good buaiuiuM Oct. 2G, 27. Da Wolf Hopu»'T, in "Waiig," was groateii bv a splendid audience 2K. Ward and Kidder 20. "Hearts Adrift" 20. "Buster Ilrjwn" 31. TIni Murphy Nov. 1, Maxlne Elliott 2. "Across the Pacific'' 3, 4, •'.V Chinese Honeymoon" B, Koyal LUIpntlan* «, 7, "Kternal Cily" S, Eva Tnnguay il, Nnt Wills'10. "01* Olson" 11, 12. ORPitRi'M (Martin Beck, general manager). !—BUI fur week of 30: Eva Williams and ■Jar Tucker, Dillon Bros.. Clement Deleon. 5)* Witt Burns aud Torrence, Al. LnwBon and I'rnnels Norman. Jamej and Ronnie Farley kind tlie klnndrnnie. Crystal (J. r.. Jackson, manager).— People for week of SO: Ward and lister. Oevere nnd Curtis. Tom Hardle, Musical Lesters, H. r. Sloan. Bert Parker and Cos- moa's morliig pictures. Lyric ill. Walter Ynu Dyke, manager). —-"The Two Orphans'* drew capacity houses. "T.-aey the Outlaw," week of 30, by the Yon Dyfce Slock Co. w«> NEBRASKA. Omaha.—At Boyd's Theatre (W. J. Bur- se!,*, manager* "A Chinese Honeymoon" Oct. JiO-' Nor. 1. Era Tanguay. in "The Sambo ^«JLcL.'l 3-3: Edw. J. Morgan. In "Tbe Eternal «BvH»wr: ^Tne Jowcl of Asia" hnd good tiodlences Oct. 23.' 24. Be Wolf Hopper. In "Wang,"' drew large houses 20, 20. Wro. Owen. In "The l^idy of Lyon*," had good Ihiuscs 28, 20. Or.niKi'M (Martin Beck, genoraJ mnna- jwr).—Large audiences continue week of 30. '•Our Boys, in Blue." Trovollo, KntgbL Bros. jtnd Mis s Sawte lle, Phylds Allen. Burton lie, rnvi>i* Alien, oiinna .Mnflcal OoolniafiTTItir^TfP Kki'o (C. 3. Breed, manager).—"Yon Yon- son" 30. 31. "Hearts Adrift" Nov. 1, 2, "Buster Brown" 3-0, Nst M. Wills ti-O. "The Show Girl'" aud "Ingomnr" did good busl- nes<. ^^ agger tit gegjfg Lro Collins, high diver, slack wire walk- er, boss canvas man and superintendent of J. H. 8patks° Show, was united In marriage, Oct, 1, to Mattle Bernateln, of Warren, Pa. The FiTiso Jordans Vaudeville asd 'Cy- clb Cabnival will leave San Francisco Dec. lu for a tour around the world. Honolulu will be the first country visited, thence to New Zealand, Australia and South Africa, returning vis. Europe. This will be Mr. Jor- dan's fourth tour and the company will take as a feature Dlarolo, looping the loop; Fred Matlhelsaeu, Hie clever Jumper, and twenty- live people, using a one hundred and Ofty foot round top and two fifty feet mlddM pieces. Tbe Ortons go to Australia with the Fylng Jordans. Geo. J. Robbs, formerly of Robbs and Con- ly. has Joined bands with bis old partner, Eugene Powell, who bas been ill the past sea- son, and they have signed with tbe Singling Bros.' World's Greatest Shows for season of lOOB, to do their black face act. Welch Brothers' "Newest Obeat" Show Notes. —The seventeenth season closed In an excellent manner Sept. 28 at Quarry- vllie. Pa., which Is adjacent to Lan- caster, The show visited eleven States dur- ing the past Summer, and, as a whole, tbe season was a fairly good one. Tbe weather was "up and down" nearly all the time, cold, rain and wind storms adtcrnatlng. However, no blow downs were encountered, and only six performances were lost. The sbow la now comfortably boused for the Winter at McGrann's Park, Lancaster, where acHve preparations sre already under way for the next tenting season, which will open early In April next - New baggage and parade wagons will be added, and also an invoice of new har- ness, trappings and unique wardrobe. Frank 11. Miller has been re-engaged as equestrian di- rector, anil Mr. Miller and wife will also present their many attractive riding spe- cialties. The executive staff remains un- changed, virtually the same as during the post three seasons. The new- "practicing" barn will be ready to open Nov. 10, when the work In this line will be pushed for- ward la a rapid manner. Notes raoit the Great Floto shows. — The Floto Shows traveled a little over nine- teen thousand miles, opening their season at Dallas. Tex., March 14, and they will close in Old Mexico about Nor. 25. They made two trips from the Missouri Blver to tho coast, crossing the mountains four times, the lsst time t>Ia the Canadian Pacific from Vancouver to Winnipeg. The Kioto Shows are now nn established Institution, particu- larly In the West, being the first circus and menagerie promulgated by Western capital and located In the heart of tbe gold and sil- ver regions. It will be enlarged and added to for next coming season, to further sus- tain its reputation as one of the remarkable tented aggregations. From the last stand the whole circus train will make a dead run, rtu Kort Worth. Tex. The advance cars will he picked up and attached to the main train, direct for Denver, ■ where the new Winter quarters are located, which are built en- tirely of brick, steam heated and electric lighted. Tbe arena, or training quarters, to be used exclusively for practicing and re- hearsals for next season'* entertainment. Is 144ft. long, 05ft. wide, and 35ft. high, con- tains two rings and nil kinds of aerial rig- ging. Showmen visiting Denver are always welcome. Uniformed attendants will be pleased to show them about tbe quarters. Notes proji thb Leon Co.nckrt Co.—We have postponed our Southern tour and closed our season Oct. 20. with snlsrles Kild up to the minute. All tho old mem- ■rs. fnclmllii- the hand and orchestin, have signed contracts for next season, which will open abont the middle of Mav, liion. The outfit ucxt season will be all new from stake to bale ring. We will have a new canvas theatre, with new scenery, foldlug operu chairs and electric lights. Compunv will number twenty-eight people In all, mat- ing this one of the liest aggregations-of its kind traveling. -'Roster: Prof. E. Leon. Mrs. Allle Leon, Daisy Leon, the Startucis. the Four La Reanes, Floyed Bales', Howard Gil- sou, Chns. Cody, Mary Reed, Bertba Gerhnrt, Clarence Gerard. Mlna and Fredora, Geo. Lamoureux, James Culbcrtson, Louise Jolly, Dcliure Jolly, and our msscot, Babv Leon. Notrs raoit thu Car. Mtf.wabt Bhi Citt ' Snow.—We closed our tenting season Satur- day, Oct. 15, at Angola, Intl., unci shipped homo to Winter quarters nt Fort Wavue, Ind. Next season, we will have all now tciim, but we are done with railroads. Wc will go back to wagons. We will put ont a vaudeville, show In store for the Winter nnd will- open Immedlatelv after election. Will travel lu Indiana. Ohio and Michigan and play all week stands Notes i-i«om E. G. Smith's Colossal Shows nnd Trained Animal Exposition.— Wc closed u very successful season of twenty. four weeks at McConnellshurg, Pn.. on Oct S, and tho last wagon of our train pulled into Winter quarters Oct. 10. In the early part of tho season this show encountered it vast amount of rain and opposition, hut It kept steadily on Its course as of yore, not losing a stand or performance until Oct 1. when tbe wind blew at such a rate that It was Impossible to keep the small tents up. They lay flat on the lot all day, until time for the night sbow, when we were able to ^>ut up a rook house, but were forced to ose rho nlgbr, making our only stand lost /or tho season. The latter hal/ of the sea- sou was played to turn aw.iv business, and next season will see us out with a larger spread of canvas and more seats to accom- modate the growing patronage. The show made no change In its roster, all tbe people coining back to Winter quarters. We car- ried the post season ten head of draught stock, four head of trained ponies, two trained donkeys and a troupe of dogs. Wo left a good reputation nil along onr line of (ravel aud are sure of nn Increase In.busi- ness when wc return. The show traversed iiarts of Maryland. West Virginia. Ohio and Pennsylvania, making lu nil 1,208 miles. All •people connected with tbe show spent a healthy and prosperous season aud all re- gretted Its close. Keller Isemlnger, ■ onr agent. . weut to his home: J. J. Ray Dee •Joined a vaudeville show; Ed. Pltr went to his hotnet Ed. and Nellie Thlrc* and E. G. Smith and wife are at Winter quarters. Plans are tmedr way for next season and many Improvements will bo made and new real urea added. ItKin and Johnson are in their twentv- flfth week with Sun Bros.' B. R. Sbow. yloirn l n g and -dorsg their black face act In the concert. Notes fbom thb Orion SorTitRns Show. —We opened our season nt Suffolk, \'.i., Oct. lu. for onr annual tour of the South, and we bare been meeting with gratifying success despite strong opposition from some of the "big ones." Our show has boeh greatly Improved nnd enlarged from that of last season's sbow. The roster: Mrs. Miles Ortou, sole proprietor; Norman Orton, general manager: Myron.Orion,busi- ness manager: Philip Harris, general agent ■ Gus Fairbanks, railroad contractor. Per- formers in big sbow: The Great Norman, high wire bicyclist: tbe famous Orton Chil- dren, child aerinllsts: Jacobs and McC'uc, comedy acrobats and barrel Jumpers: Slyron Orton, slack wire: Petite Iva. in her two pony riding act: Michael Cablll, cloud swing; Norman Orton, mule hurdle act; Orton Bros., double trapeze; William McCue, band balancer; Herr Jacobs, Iron Jaw act. Clowns: Ed. Brennan. Myron Orion, Ed. Johnson sad Master Clarence. Bnnd: Mar- tin Singer, leader of band No. 1, with twelve men; Prof. John West leader of band No. 2 with nine pieces. Concert: The Musical Brennans, comedy musical act; Edward Johnson, black face comedian: Nina, novelty dancer; Ed- Brennan. eccentric act, and Ro- an 11, with his wrestling bear. Side show : Lew H. Nichols, manager; Dare Latllp anu Cbss. Lovell, ticket sellers; the Original Alabama Students, eight in number; Capt. David Latllp, high diver; Madame Leland, second sight secress; Mile. Lovella. snake enchnntress; Capt. Jack Kuhns, tattooed man; Nona, glass blower, with her troupe of glass spinners and weavers, and Rogall Bros.' performing bears. Superintendent of canvas, foi. Dick Richards; superintendent of properties. Curly Dcrfin; superintendent of stock, Peter Duprex. Notes **om Hunt's VABDErn.LE Crecrs. —This show closed Its season Thursday, Oct. 20, at Rosendale, N. Y., after touring tlvo States, making 1.632 miles In nineteen weeks and four days. It was our Intention to make a long Southern trip, but the fur- ther South we got the poorer, so we decided to turn bark and made rec- ord braking jump for a wagon shnw, and reached onr Winter quarters (Kingston, X. Y.) at about 0 a. M. 21. In the afternoon everybody was called to tlie office and paid In full and after many hearty hand shakes departed for their homes to rest up and prepare for another season of bnrd wnrk. Chns. T. Hunt will commeocc training the ponies, dogs and monkeys for nn act he In- tends to Introduce In vaudeville, with bis wife and Charles Jr.. the four year old sing- ing clown. He has some time booked at In- door fairs. Work on the tableaux baggage wagons will begin at once and. a whole new outfit of canvas will bo ordered for next season, when we expect to put out the fluest show ever handled by twenty-four draught horses. Emma and Robt. SncKSBt sail for'Eu- rope In December, 10 open In Berlin Jan. 1. with the Circus Albert Schumann. Arthur Wolhoe writes: "I will close with the Sells-Forepnugh Show Nov. 10, after thirty-one weeks of work, and will go Into vaudeville. The show is doing a big business In the South, turning them awav. George Whitby Is still leaping In good forin and lias not missed a double since Sept. 1. Mr. Parthous, who "leaps the gap," has Just got rid of an nffllctloa on his neck and csn look his friends in the face ngRln." Jas. Hatch, special agent for the John Robinson ("Irons, writes that the sho«- mav continue on the road until Dee. 1. L. C. Gillette, for the past eight years general agent for John II. Sparks' Shows, lias bought Hie hill posting plant at Aun Ar- hor, Mich., of Henry ('. Wllmot Mr. Gil- lette writes that he will greatly enlarge nnd improve the plant at once bv building several new Iron boards lu tho business part of the city. Mr. Gillette has been In the show husl- r-e<w since 1883 and now expects to retire from the profession, making Ann Arbor his permanent home. He will devote bis en- tire time to the hill posting business. Joseph W. Cousins and wifb visited tbe P.iugllng Rms.' Show at Dallas, Tex., Oct 24, and were heartily received by their mauy frteuils. Cait. Stewaut's Bio City Circus is stowed nway In Winter quarters, at Port Wnyne. Ind., and the rsnluln Is getting his vaudeville show ready to open Nov. 14. Wal- ter Lyons, Snm McCarty, John McCarly, tlHiid Thompson and' W. S. Garland have signed with the company. Bitfalo Bill (Col. W. F. Copy) and his vwid West Show arrived in New York Oct. 20, after a tour of Great Britain that lasted two years. With Col. Cody came Major John M. Burke, "Mike" Covle, Jules Keen, William Sweeney, Ivan McCune, Chief Iron Tall and his Sioux Indians, cowboys, Mexicans. Japauese,. United States cavalry and artillery and various other attaches and associates of the Wild West'Show. jjjjj it* Bill rjjjft Charles Joseph, president of tbe National Alliance BUI Posters and Blllers of America, writes: "In my report le the national con- vention of the Alliance,.and also In tbe an- nual review of the Alliance, I will treat upon the advantages obtained by the organization through the vast Influence of The New York. Clippek. I will also prove how tbe members have been enabled to keep In contact with • one another and the general good results ac- cruing through tho medium of said nubilca- tiou. Furthermore I will recommend In my . report that Tub New York Clipper agalu be adopted the official organ of the Alliance." ' Note* from Local No. 24, Buffalo, N. Y.— Bro. Frank Green, of Local No. 3, was here Inst week, ahead of "Ou Thanksgiving Day" Co. Bro. James H. Dunwarth, of Local No. 10, Is here this week billing "A Working Girl's Wrongs" Co. He was with tbe Hngen- beck Trained Animal Show, at St. Louis World's Fair, during the Summer season. Bro. K. W. Ball, of Local No. 24, has Just got home from tbe Wales Show*, and reports that he had a fine time nnd a very prosper- ous season. He is at present In Brantford, Can;, visiting friends. Bro. Totnas E. Lynch haa- resigned as president of Local No. 24, nnd Bro. Geo. Ruch has becu..ejected In his place.. >Bro. Geo. Rellly, formerly of Local No. '■!. but now a'member of 24, has been ap- pointed business agent of our local. Secretary Chas. L. Vincent and Bro. Rellly have beeu appointed delegates to attend the convention at Pittsburg la December. Local No. 33, Brooklyn, will give a ball evening of Nov. 0, to be held at fsoaugetbnuU Hall. It promises to bo a fine affair. ; 'Che local sends invitations to all members of the National Alliance who are able to attend The members of this local will please write to the secretary as soon as posalbje - - Chas A. Kosler, of local No. 16. Is at 8resent located at Bart's'Theatre, Toledo, ., on the advertising staff.