The New York Clipper (November 1904)

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904 THE 1STEW YORK CLIPPER.* /" November 19. . 1—; ■ '' — * ' I 7& ' | : — ■"" - TTTT 1 TfffW VnU V fl| TUTDTT) ° 0 * CHICAGO LETTER, log great applause and producing much mlttl- Holmes "Travelogues" Is larger this season. Irene La Tour and;herrdog.>'VZe«a~" Wood llLu llXlVV I villi. UJJJ.J7 X XlXb ilcailon of the audiences. Ice enow was one than ever before. During the aext Ave w««ka and Hay, Golden and Hughes,'La-Vine and « , ■ (raoM oub own cokmbpondist.) of the best seen at this house In many months, be will go around a regular circuit, devoting Waltone, -Carter and llluford, Fields and TucrDAuvnueeuBiiDi icuiunrn / I ■' . HATJUIKet Thjutm (W. W. Freeman, Monday evenings to Evanston, at the. Codgre- Hanson. Pierce and Maliee, Lottie West Inn l-MANPl vucfcN ruBUtmiwvw. (Limnvo. Western Bnrcan, manager for Kohl A Castle).—The Orpbeum gntlonai Church ; Tuesday evenings and Wed- Symonda, Kennedy and Hayes, Ritchie and fropmbtobs. <M tfcs Hew Tork Clipper, Snow, under the direction of Martin Beck, nesday nfternoona to Milwaukee, at the Psbst Francis, Zanfretta and Mansfield and Madge itrtrtI portf Boom 60S, AsbLand Block, Chicago. moves over to this bonae for the current Theatre, and Friday evenings and Saturday Anderson. The house burlesque company, iuoaai », euftiB, Of.the tour Plays new to Chicago. In the week. Spessardy'a bears, Mclntyre and matinees to Chicago, at the Auditorium.... which Is a carefully selected one of Blngers Editorial and BUSINESS Makaojxb. current offering, two Introduce artistic and Heath, TJrbaol abd Bon, Frank and Jen La- Chicago friends of Leslie Preston are grail- and dancers, la seen In a new piece, (called i gentlemanly atara to hosts of local friends; tons, Clarice Vance. Grace I'elota and her lied to learn of the artistic success she has "Captivating Curves." BATTmruY NfYVFMRFR Ifl 1AM «ne adds another to the list of sensational Millinery Maids, and Smlrl and Kessner are won as Rosy Sky, In Blanche Bates' produc- Palacx. .Theatbe (Chas. H. WaldroD, SAiunuaii iwmmunn "i "™ inelodramnH. and the fourth brings forward. In the acts in the company. Other acta open- Hon of "The Darling of the Gods." during manager).—Helley A Woods' Co., beaded by - " ' a new light, a pugilist who has graduated Ing Monday afternoon, 14, are: Probst, Con- Its four months' run. now drawing to a Pat fielley, are here this week. The two RATES tato better things. At four of our down- roy and Pearl, the Tanakas, Dorothy Kenton, close, at the Imperial Theatre, St. Louis, burlesques, "Down at Relley's" and "A Night ■* "w . town houses the mils change, and temporary Aitell and Early, and Hubert Deveau. Last The success which her friends confidently be- Off" afford the company opportunities for Advertisements $2.80 per Inch, single col- theatrical use is made of Music Hail, In the week's attendance was large and the bill of lleved would follow a suitable opportunity comedy and music. The olio: Century Com- Fine Arts Building. The novelties for the continuous vaudeville pleased greatly. Mlt- has been amply achieved. Miss Prestou will edv Four, Dora Pelletler, Orth and Fern, .. _. _^. _i»v - --- m ~. week Include: Wn. Collier, In "The Dicta- chel: and Love, Charles Merrill and Billy play the opposite lead to Miss Bates when Adams and Swlnburn, Keeler and Watson Advertisements set with noraer, m per tor » at p owera - ; Kyrle Bellew, In "Raffles," Carter provided comedy-numbers which pro- "Uedda Gabler" h produced at a special and Pat Heller. Last week, Weber's Dainty cent extra. ' at the Grand Opera IIouBe; James J. Corbett, voked great merriment Olive May ana J. matinee this week Thursday, and will have Duchess Co. pleased good bouses. SUBSCRIPTION. '» "Fals." at the Great Northern, and "Alone W. Albaugh, In a dramatic sketch, were the a prominent role In "Mme. Butterfly" when Lyceum Theatre (Q. H. Batcbeller, man- . _„..„«. I4 . «._ „,„„«,« *•>. In the World," at the Academy of-Music At features. Miss Bates produces It tn tour. "The Darl- ager).—A two act comedy, by the New York One year In acivanco, M, six monies, »<s, Uutic Ht|] Arno)d j^jy o^m,, a »p ec mi en - Hide A Bkhman'b (Sidney Ellis, mana- Ing of the Gods" goes to Ban Francisco for Stars Is the bill this week. The company three months, $1. Foreign postage extra, gagetnent In the Bernard Shaw creations, per).—For the first time since the former four weeks, Including Christmas and New includes: Roberts, Hayes and Roberts, the Single copies will be sent, postpaid, on re- opening In "Candida." " 'Way Down East' 1 Iroquois opened as a vaudeville bouse, ua- Year, and eventually returns to New lor* Brennans, the Three Lelllotts, C. B. Watson, «,int «f 10 cents. comes to McVlcker's. The other new hills for der Hyde A Behman's management, but one for a long run at the Academy of Music. Alice Porter, II. J. Koaper, Julia Du Vsl, win ui iv ««». tuo weftk are . ,. A Desperate chance," at the act Is held over to engage In the current *•• Goldie De Vere, Annie O'Keefe, Josle Durand Oar Terms are Cut. Criterion :"Tbe Curse of Drink," nt tbeBIJou: entertainment The complete bill, starting MASSACHUSETTS. and others. Last week's attraction was the THB CLIPPER Is Issued every Wednesday "Queen of the White Slaves," at the AJhnro- 14, names: Sadie Mnrtlnot, in "Winning a Gay Masqueraders. ir.nrninir The last four {advertising) pages bra, end the Llllputlans, In "Slnbad," at tbe Widow," Emett De \oy and company, In jjo.ion — Pinv.oem h«v» an attractive .Austin 4 STOrnfs Mcsedw (Stone A So to PHPB4 TbiL . It i it «« Columbus. The reopening of the handsome "The Saintly Mrs. Bllflngs;" the Yankee \,.fotam^iltl^H^tr^tb^rt^t Shaw, managers).-Curlo hall features cur- GO TO PRESS on Saturday at 11^A. u., and a no practlcalW new Olympic Theatre, last Comedy Four, the Brother? Melvln, Smith LV ^K ultau it to &S rent week: Wla Mancln Family, the ital- the other pages on MONDAY and TUESDAY. Sunday, added an Important factor to local and Cook, Flnley and Burke, Zazelle and Vcr- XdAd-t Hehan « th« M^eStic .« the two ""?■ H8 renles : Dub i c and L ? Ba $e- Ca P f - B "«b- The Form, rio.lnar Promptly, Toes- vaudeville calculations and chnnges the aver- non. Lucy Clark, the Relff Brothers, and imoofumt ph^?^ in h m. l At thJ otahe ne". with educated animals; JourdAlne Gins- day, at 10 o'clock A. M. ** e , ot h 0 * °ffl™ totals at one of two of its Norrls and Brown. During, the past week a iirne Fortune ¥eHer" Is the attraction and se,tl aml h ' 3 wrestling bear, and Trlxle, the - S» JT«H.. .h»k * fv,af - flne blu entertained gooJly sl£ed crowds, „Sb" Fl^stamons Is at th.? Grand Ouera <m«ke fharmer ..Stage show: Lillian Weath- Please remit by express, money order, eheck, iu,,nom Theatrb (Will J. Davis, mana- with "Honey Boy" Geo! Evans, a hold over U ou„ to »A Fhtht for UtY- TheTrollop J, 1 ! KllzBDeth MIller . Jllck Ir *ln, Ffed Stiles, P. a order or registered letter. All cash «n> iter)^Following Lonls Mann, who remains feature, leading In popularity. Bruno and 5i u "„' *° hold o«r -Wm Gillette in ••The p'bney Sisters, Carroll and Wilson, the Mil- dg S letter U at the risk of ser^r. ^ %^^LTr S&VlZWfc SSBW ^^ *«*» - V ™ ^ Sjg ™E 'fjS ffiS-W -^'fiUa£ ^^ "*r&£*ssrssss: to ^5&ta55»jg5ga £Bm£^ w dA&& B^^^S^t^B c °S^s!S& 47 West 28th Street, New York. «udljneim their Urst views of his new play. and Way, the Keatons, Paplnta, Annie Ab- KMry Bellalrs?" at the T?emont. QssSS SSSS. t? m C <3 m ?'Vr ibber Z*?*" 1 d,,de: THB WE8TERM BUR1AU ^^H|iSSffi«5 S^^gjfi U 1 g|^S3 ^S& ( «?SL™ R^ S^^ggA««g3 M TOT Cmfpm Is located at Room B02, day night, wl give ns our first; views of burlesque offering for a second week. Charley & HarrlsT raanagers).-?Rlchart -Maisne'd Tr iS„J usl ^S s *?°$m a * ,. „, . A.hl.nd Block Chlcaa-o Walter K. Bill, 'the dictator." He will remain two weeks. Banks, Chris Lane. Ed. Morris, Alleen Vln- onens his season here on Mondav \ov 14 Notes.— Concert bills Sunday, 13—Otooe: Ashland JJIOCK, cnicago, ytaiier ju ni., Qn Snnaay n[ght ]3 , Wacbsner's cent, kelen Russell and the other favorites when he will he Jin in "tv.S thJ'T.^Hhii" Theatre : Anna Ward Tiffany and company, manager and correspondent, where adver- (i n y w ,„ comfl down froM M „. arc ec^n to excelle^nt advantage This week^ During the two ^ks" ensSremen? he will &I1 e ", a Tr 2 u P, e ,' Geo ' ^ eTl ! ,e " d ~opany tlsements and subscriptions are received at waukee for Its usual weekly performance, olio names: Ferguson and Passmor Geo E on regular rates. ,„° BAND 0l>E ? A B 0C <? B J Harry ^ A ? kln l b 5"!' A » Btln . Bush and Gordon and Wesson, Walt- THE LONDON BUREAU ^WW'.K gWgJ &T.A 'wUrCsfnls/ls e^ Fr°uTgcheff 0 c 1 o.ed r -her K e y ni ieSefSS »**fc **.**! *, jjgfl . ZS „ „ u aTT- / 7y tb n 8 vlD « W otitOnt opportunity to see the cellent and the burlesque stock Idea Is D an- weeks on1^1^^ nilht r> g rnr^Phr h.,^ f oln ,Pany, Haines and VIdocq, Genaro and Located at 48 Cranbourne St, London. W.C., piece. Mme. Rejnne will be the ensuing nlng out to Monager ^uson'ji entire satlilac- ^4 was the rule ^' Capacity busl- Bailey, Maud Hnth, Hayes and Healy and John B. Carney, manager and correspondent, magnet. On Saturday night, 2, Esra Ken- Hon. " aa»M^ UB w""" '" %™^ ,q tll | r * wnhnr _.. the vltngraph. Bowdoin Square: Kellv and rZf&zrsrsSLa m, w> o ^^ i E a H r 4 ,y T JI EA TBB ^ c . war™, iffawsssgr-wapsBfta »S?S»SS }&3%smEB&iB& S££ Miunthal, Freder^t Strass. gSffi SSfe "JS t ^J^SSTfiTSSt f^SS^^^^'&tl^^i <£$<%$& ^3? "£435 ^WftgW vnna; Manila Book and Stationery Co, 128 ! "Lfm« e . wfl " blg * ana tD0Be tollowiD K were ''«'> "P to their title and gave on enter- HoLlis Stke'et Tbeatoe (Isaac B Rich ^ Irl l h B oet ' William Butler Yenu Escdts, Manila. P. I.; Albert gAu, J3 7- «^«SS Theatbe (Sam P. Oersou. busi- SS^ «^ AgjS SSSS5i^S)S^SI ^3 6S«S#SlhS )38 King St, Sydney, Australia. ness manager).—"Fantnna" enters upon Its next. waB une - ■">«'oy l oster to. comes aWe crlchton eontlnuesi the ^'hrdweeklo a purse, containing one hundVeddoUatTn THH»BWV0KKC14PPDBpnMUlieB se-ventb successful week Sunday night, 13. FoLLT theatbb (Robert Fulton mans to be oueTof th^^ best In »hiPh If, f?i^?t^ Kold, from her friends'In front and back of only one edltloo, and that 1. died SSjfMVS 'ft Is'onfofIS?auS ^^^^^^S^'^' StS ^ «* Uh Th^excli^ "iSo* the footligh ts. from New York. cesses of our seasoTthus far fives Sunday afternoon to make merry dur- porting company has scored a auccess In liot Low-ll^-At th. i^.n n«™ n ,— a— ^^^^b mmmim s^ih^ss woafss tlnulng "Common Sense Bracket?' His stay. men t and attracted average houses Idete Bellalrs." "nters Mondav 14 thTiEUSSi com P an y was Tery capable and Introduced No Iteplle. by Mall op Telegraph. which began eectoa sight, has resulted i. ury , 8 OnrI, the teatareFS^ the s?ow, wal of F iT prosperous '^~t' 1? tnU hmutT SJffV. clev " specialties Van Camp, the pv«nin?9'» •'ThLnfcL"I?ii S "e„ N . e h t « Tu . e ; , . lay wit of the bill on account of Illness On MondaV^ 28. the Tenrv W Savage nrol m .\ ?1 M lan i especially deserving mention. N'ance ADPuaan o» whebeadouts not otvitr. f^gfiS CIn * alle ' for the first time clahk Street B (Louis M.'Hodges, ductlon o/'-Parslfal," lu^Eugllsh. IfllT nr« P „t^ y ^p 1 tJ e l , i rn Bf eng ?^ m ?. nt ..A 1 'iH: AM. in «u»8T or Bucn siiouM) whim to "^MugiS*!..,. ,„ , h . P . nB Art . r„imi„„ manager).—Freaks, curiosities and modern, turn for one week only. Raymond Hltc£ S" L, ww ?}' o?> D ' « Ma S ,,a THOSE Whom tiiet seek, ik cab« of THB w ™ ta occunM bv Aral n , M fi & wonders attract goodly crowds to curio hall, cock comes In "The Yankee Consul" for gg. ISSSf J*&C.** ±*r_A . h °"?es. CLIPPER Post OFiriCB. Au LBTTBR8 WlM. night and for several week., th^elffter wi?X nn . d ? ' rlef , bu l oft "Peated vaudeville bill week of Dec. 4. Ior J- 1 '? 8 n n ^ ' r ", e J ve - d h ab ,' e „ B "P Dort fr ° m J J<-- BB advbbtmed ONE WEEK ONLY, i* THB S^n?^,,^ T »$ "seragrt "nw^ nSva c ^ e / ta,ns ln the theatorlum. Business Is „Pabk Theatoe (Chas. Frohman, Rich * Cwpeme andP comSartS D |n^nrt.n^ ra V^ e ROtTE OF ANT THEATRlCAi, C0MFANI IB K^S^.iP 08 ,,, °L t ^, n tt . r ,V„, „ in M B fin£f« s °^ ~ „ Harris, managers).—The current week la r.radt tL £ 'SS «L t tac,udln «f Jer e sought. B8FBB TO oUR MST or Uootbs Z9PS^LM«iJ» V ■"I'J*- .»■«■■«! London DtMB Museum fWm. J. Sweeny, the second and last of "The Secret of Po- acadkvv nl uJ™ nffa.** v xr ,, on another paob. Wi cannot s«nd B0UMS ^0^8 do™ from "j?J aurs(la "' ai14 manager).— In the curio hall: Prince Hcuinel.e" at this house. The piece has been ma „ c n lS: 0 "Thp xnnu^,-? F f% MU KV h - v t bx «a.l o. rm ^BAPH. ^IX^s^'c^rts, business neaT'we^-X 6 ? ffil^Tentr^oauU?-' tSSff hTd^byVn "rnlSniSf n h J ^7^1^ g^'s Ud' bouse B U . 5h ^e edge MUnsSA&si ©wEEks? "' r ^ e s&v Ta i5&i^^^S^arH JsuS^RSsni Sra^ai, 0 -^ 1x^38^ jk »tfjBj^gvtt^* ssfiHSSosSl: ?^^^sss ssss^ s^^m^^^s ^ 0N n BTA 4?* " BADKB ' Buffal0 ' or* producufn ?0 J ' B ln flDa ' reoeaNala ■«■"«» been built u*p "y'tg? emerpflse of ted engagement* ^ WlU C ° me tor » lln "- £"g, •»« ™ m P aD y- «H « h A «»medy playlet, SgOT New York. SFSV^T: t Ben M ' e 0,r0UI ' ma °e " aa "^"f foliowing^b^^^fcafe^hf geSr''T^ EA ^.un 8 e ta Ur^ ll ,s Ur ihe D ^- ^« ^ Th " Vemlmder*rC g A. 8., New York, necr).—Following fourteen performances of Dominion Theatre. Wlnnlnea Mari C ^ traction this w^ek Th» ll„.»™ tSih™ waB varled t0 « ul t all. Business was good. JiVN M -«?nVn n lsee answer to P. J.. |g» 3[K 5 « ESS^HT^mB » £««« ffSSI ^^^^fi aMn^ £ ■ b r P „,EN D , wester,y.-ne .a with th, B^^S^^^^S fESSmrSSSrS^SS &*^sNE£ff& ^"S&H "*■■"■ uanr MBddeu flna (leorge Primrose Minstrel Co., which openi ttwsa, a nd North sldcrs like exel ement. bouse"from his offlcl lithe schlUer BaUdtaZ son, Herman Hirsn^ergGr^ Boston (J. H. Tebbetts, manager) .—The the season Nov. 21. . ' , ""•'"ess last week was excellent and "Queen Chas. A. White arrived In CWcaro last Emory and Amy Lake I as? week Hteul usnal bl « business last week. The Four Shan- C T. M.. Haltlmore.-Watch our route list of the White Slaves" was voted a great sue- week, having finished his season In^ auvance Mayhlw. lS "F^-FIq 8 " pronted by well Ailed nons ' in l\ Me e»tertalnera, were a big sue each week, ««"*• of the Rlngllng Show. He is re-eneueedI for houses. The attraction annourred1 for Thank. S ess - a . n < 1 Lawrence and Thompson were also C. J. A., Bayonne.—Address Thompson * Aiuambra Theatrb (Jamea n. Browse, next season.. ... .Chicago Local No 1 Bl?l- giving: week Is Billy B Van 7a t w aZioi de?«vlng of special mention. Amateur night, Dnndy, New York City, N. Y. tj ■ business manager).—Moving over to the posters and Billers of America, will give their comeSy. ^'he Erwnd Boy ° "The Parade of the Victors," a burlesque on L. L., Chattanooga.—Cuba's Guide, pub- South side Sunday afternoon. "Queen of the annual dance and benefit recentlon at the Grand Opera House (Geo W Mawe mnn tn e recent elections, was screamingly bumor- llsl.ed by Julius Cahu, Empire Theatre Build- WlUte Slaves" will remain throughout tho Coliseum, Thanksgiving eve, 237. Robert agerW'Bob" FitlSSa^'S "A Ftlhf for ? USl Current: James Prokus, wrestler, meet- \oh New inrk City. current days. Billy 8. ciiDforu, in How ub Fulton, manager of Trocadero and the FoBy' SSn." 's at this house-tbe current weelc The J"/*™ 1 ? f mer ?U c b aa ;K- Edwards, Dan Me "M. J. B., Wttterbiiry.—Address Franklyn Won Her." will be one of Chlcugo's novelties who has been very 1)1 for the post ten days P'ece was written especially for Fltzslmmons S alr v e 7.. <four . tb v WC 4 k) .' J " n| Per "id Hayes, rtargent, Empire Theatro Building, New York next week. During thd past week "Escaped hns passed the danger line. It is the inter!- »n<l he Is seen In a bag Hunching exnlbltkfn' the JVa's and the Boston bioscope. Amateur City. from the narem," seen for the first tlmeTn tlon of his physician to send him to Hot a n<l a 'Bo n three round glove contest He is "'^ F nuc "« " Birthday Party." -C. M. M., Romeo.—The party Is unknown Chicago, profited Immonsely. Springs Immediately, under orders to supported by a capable company including ? E0 ? LE a! (Harry A. Woodward, manager). ,0 . u *-, m ,. . .*. .- Acadbmx op Music (Wm. Roche, business remain a month or six weeks. Stomach his wife. Jnlia May Glfford. Last week ^ s ^, e Stewart ond her burlesque company h. J. T., Acusbnet—It Is the same pnrty. manager).—"Alone In the World" Is here this troubles of long standing, aggrlvated by too "David Harum" drew well "Dealers In we „" b[g , ar °wlng cards last week, and offered He Is the original Buffalo BUI. week and will be seen for the first time In close attention to business, have greatly im- White Women" Is snnounced for next week £ fl f st f la 2 8 entertainment Hits were made L. P. R., Norfolk.—Address Jnmes Madl- Chicago. Next week, "Queen of the White paired Mr. Fulton's health, but Bis friends Castle Square Theatre (L S D^laud by J J ?? 3l f Stewart, Harry Bams, Susie Hardy son's Budget, 1404 Third Avenue, New York Slaves." Last week "Queen of the High- believe that a vacation trip to Hot Springs manager).—"The Dancing airl" is -alVtri fan BDd a. P, ? f - Ernl. The burlesnue, "From Lowefl (lt /'„ ■ . r.. », .a a . way" acoomiillshed several sureessful raTds will fully restore him to good health . . f! Monday afternoon of tb if week Its first ore? to .^Louls In One MInute,''was vory funny. G. C. A,, New, Britain.—We would advise upon the pockctbooks of West slders. AI. Shean Is In town, just returned from a sentallon In Boston at po point-Drlceii "§S anu Harry Woodward's moving pictures were a course of study nt a reputable dramatic OoMiMiirm Tiieatiib (Weber uros., mana- tour of the Orpheum circuit Abe Professors Love Story'^was the nrodiictinn . "'"""g feature that pleased. Current: Jes- •fhool. «ms)— The RoyalLlliputlans will present Ifavltt came to Chicago a week ahead of ' aa t week, the work of the memberTo"the „nH I f w . ar Tl s c , Bu a r , lesque , S 0 .' ^^ week). Miss I. G., Milwaukee.—Address Ilenry ^Slnbnd," starting Sunday afternoon, 13. The his Rentz-Sant ey Co. He reports on eicel- stock company being well liked hv the mZ n" d v 0lo: -l? 88 ^ 8 ^?,"^ Thomas West. John fl'. Savage, 144 West Fortytulrd Street, next attraction will be A H. Wilson. Last lent season thus far John Block just <°t»»7 large audiences? "In the? Palace of "" . Na ?"' Fra S^ E i klai 5 a . » ai "ile W. Weston New York City. „ .. _ week's attraction wns "The I^jst Paradise," oyer from Englnnd. opened his second vaiide' the King" Ts announced for next"week A I fUiL arrr ..n^ oodW i ard .. 8 S ov i. ag ^ ,P. lc,ureB - B. L,—Address the Enterprise Music 8np- With average bnslneBs recorded. vllle tour of America at .^-j Grand Theatre Bowdoin Square Theatre <a in r^.th Afterpiece, "Where Is My Husband?' 1 Ama- ply Co. 40 Weat Twenty-eighth Street, Now Buot; Theatre (Wm. Roche, business Milwaukee. I«e has been abroad for several ro P. manager).—"Escaped from Sine Rim?" te » r night, amateur minstrels. York City. mnunger).—Starting Sunday afternoon, 13. years... .Chaa Leonard Fletcher haT beVn will thrill th4 audlonceTat this house tnls th Mr ^ T10!J -—Shepard's moving pictures, at ft. M.. Taunton.—Write again and Btnte "The Curse of DrlnTt" will be declnrcd four- compelled to set back three months of his week. The following memhere of the stnVk the 0p ^ ra ^'"A matinee and evening 13. whether tin- party waB n professional. teen times this week, following a like ntim- time In the.English halls, to play his recent- compnny have principal Darts • Rntur h»Vi - ''.'' ■, L *? St L, Elmo / 8 dlrecUng the stage 1. M., Liberty.—Letters ore still In this her of performances of "A Desperate Chance," I)' booked tour of the Orphemn circuit which 'and. Edward Denlson Charles MlllVrwV am ',P |a J'ng h's musical specialty In "Es- «fOr*. _ which ended a big week 12. Next week, he opens Dec. 12. nt Denver. He goes to Hi" Walter and theT'Mlssei CnntweM Tin . rapfid /, roln S i?«. , SlD 8- Harry Burns S. D.. Wilmington.—Watch our route list "When Women Love." new to Chicago. England to open Easter Week, at the Tlvoll Bo's and He Realonr "True irist ita,,." ',", mt ' etln R u with big success as Btock come- enchweek. Btmit Tbmpi.b or Mastc (Elizabeth Schro- London, booked for several roonlhs abroad was given last week. Next week "rnlien !" an nt 'he People's Theatre, and his bur- J. C, Button.—Address Dick & Fltxgerald, her, manager!.— The Players' Btock Co. From Geo. M. Jackson, of the Jacfc Among Thieves." W * Fnllen h?snnes are pleasing Immensely Charles 18 Ann Street, New York City. led by Mabel Montgomery, and Geo. All- son Family, who Is one of the re-engaged Keith's Tiikatbb (B. F Keith manneerl Ji-K?. 8 ?? ^ artl 5 C«shmau are the new at- CAIIDS. wn, will present "A Social Highwayman," features of the Rlngllng Show, I leoin —A bill of vaudeville"acts hard SB L n, ohe l a , 1 . tbe Ca . 8t ?,- Pauline Gearry, 0 B Wllllmantlc Th- nnlnl. In »-tnrtlng Monday night. 14, andi succeeding of a highly successful Texas tour for offered for the current week Anion* tie hi anc , he lof Hl T "J 1 " i Inr , old "• CbQ8e are re- fills' order of i receded- KSmow 1a."k and " good week for "Too Much Johnson," whlcE 'The PrTde of the West." The show features are: Svdiej' DennI and1 Co g |n a n^ ln .? wlt . h the Cook-Church Stock Co., 1 * 0 LPK.l,i„ 'rniiS eao" w "h two performances Sunday. elosoa at Grenada, Miss., Nov. 18 and shins singing noveltv "Chrlstmn, on rh» t.i,irt * Preparatory to Joining. 21 Van Camp, wSS'kJtwTJS not t dSri!S theVestloS »*>"*9 THbatre (Fred G. Conrad, man- direct to Baroboo.' The'jackson Family goes Will H. Murphy and Bmnche Nichols in ma « lc,a "j J 0 ' 1 "* theW-Church Stock Co. wereneiuwt caninot■ decide th° niiestlon. ager .—"Roanoke" Is the current stock com- Into ynndevillo with their clever WcycHmr "•''rem 'Zaza' to 'Uncle Torn*" and PriS .'.• v: ■-Annie Wnrd Tiffany was cnterulned for ih.^'go " B,rcator -— ,le l )e »» one point pany ofier , nB> ^i,,, nn Mondny nlght to net, to remain until the Rlngllng Show open! Hnllen and Jlollle Fuller In "Flection Ret^' ' n y n Nfl !ff.t. ?, ! S?" at h ^, beautiful country loi i he «g- succeed "The Secrets of Notre Dame," which at the Coliseum next Spring.. .f.Tj C. Mat- 'Ihc bill also Includes ■ Wilton Brother. Hpr h i° m f' °L Nel1 Maaor ' wnl,e msa ONe " wa9 the'wkiowanycach^lnver has ole draw tal i n Tofl taW « ntfentlon during the past thews joined the Great Lafayette Show in bert Brooks, the Brl'ttons Ear™ and Wi' Eta. X ^ r , ! n B n 8 emen t here- Mrs. Tiffany tue v,iaow HM W P wm one draw. week , -rhe pr i CM , IieP9 w m ^ « n vanced af- «. business capacity, dur ng its Chicago Onera son. the Marlnellas Rnvmonil »nrt CnvoriJ P' 07 !? 1 ,, her engagement here Huntlng- MINCEl.l.Ar«EOt'<<. ter this week. "Two Little Vagrants" Is House engagement. The Trolley far Tr b Swell's Marionettea ChaTes Kennn J-fm^ ton "all. one of our largest and best equipped O. II„ Nashville.—Theodore Roosevelt was In preparation. and Raymond and Clarke join the company, F. MacDonald, Ada Arnoldson the bioir^nh 8 h . allB ,- p wa B destroyed by fire Sunday morning, elected tint reelected President. His present Or.vJirrc Theatre (Kohl 4 Castle, mnna- to finish tho season, at Indianapolis. The an <i «econd week of liquid air exDeriraents Lvo„it Ij< i wcl i 9 rch £?f ra 8 , oc| ety was 10 term Is the unexpired tyrm of Wm. Mckinley, eers).—This newly rebuilt and moat bcatitl- Great Lafayette Show has thus far met with Next week's feature will be Mabel McKhole* il"n .i glven ,. lu flr8 t Public recltel of the sea- It. H. D.. Boston.—Neither party wins. ful theatre reopened lust Sunday. 6, with the remarkable prosperity during Its present Music Haia (C. XV. And"rson manager. nere 17 ' W. II. 8., Waltham—We cannot answer Orphoum Show ob the principal factor In the tour..... Howe and Scott, after closing —The management have selectedI snnther i,.—. .^ .« r, ' ^^ . :~ . _ your query aa It Is. Bo more explicit as to continuous vaudeville bill. Absolute capacity their Orpheum tour, rested here last week strong combination of cards for -this work s., „» At ^u 06 ? 1 Theatre (Charles W. whether there was a stipulation about which was played to nt every evening show, and the previous to opening their round of the Kohl Jessie Mlliward Is an underlined !«.„» ,„' f,m e ' m anager) business was big last week. came nearest to the final result aud whether mntluocs ruled almost as Inrgc. The Orpheum « C aB tlo houses this woek Maud Rod- a one act drama, "The Queea'rM^ okr - \\ ! 'y cek ^ f ?•*&. ^ 4: Th . e , Spraguellos, the two bets were made. One on tho winner and Show, hended by Mclntyre and neath, In- Rers. a pupil of Frances Lee, of Prof. P. J. The surrounding bill mentions" P.iv!. a«» Mninlng Twin Sisters, Adams and Mack, another on the BCuro. eluded many entortalnlng acts and tho bill, « ld 8 c „ a 8tago School, has joined "Unity Slmon-Oardncr Co.. Fredorlek BiS. .mi f 8 , h , jr c\ey, Adolph and Marcel Adams aud I.. S. Q„ Providence.—If. when the bet entire, pleased Immensely. Opoulng Monday loitV to finish out the season. Several of Burns, the Redeay-Dnfflu Troiip. of aTrobl?. r, , los £ op ,^ » r. , . ~. was made, there wore no stipulations by the nftornoon. 14: Downey and Wlllnrd. Walter. Jrof. Ridge's graduates have Joined well tho Thereses, Carson and wills m nr^l'"' . Cou! a , (George A. Cole, manager) .—The parties to the tet as to tho conditions under Dnnlcls, Fred aud Annie Pelot. Curtis and J} no » -n .„ ro »<l companies this season. ...'The Harris aud Bown and new motion'nlei«?«' 'r?" 3l i .>V la }'? d t0 , go . oi , •""'ness week of 7. which the race would bo run, B w'ns, as Adams, Forrest and Forrest, Billy Carter, SB wl "oi>'s. « sketch by Con T. Murphy, Uood houses continue to nrevaii at WiV tr . bill this week Includes: Henry F. Mon- the horse did bent 'Jt.OO. voutello und Nlnu, Mitchell and Love. Tre- will be produced this week at tho ternoon and evening wrformanees ,a K uc ^. p . re derick Caldwell, Dupree and Du- F. M. L., Wllllmantlc—It Is a "catch" lour and Tempest, Zeliua Rawlston. Clayton 1'eoplc's Theatre, by Agnes Champoux Columbia Ml-sic Hall (Ilarrv<N p„,„„ pree.^vlttle Hoffmau, Thompson and Serlda bet, and we must refuse to give nny decision. White, Mario Stuart and company, Howe and "ml Irancea Olney, as a curtain raiser manager).—An entire new iMiSiiin... V. re Jl' ?"" Se ^. r8 n , nQ „ A, l eu ' ln their sketch, -The M. M., Memphis.—Wo hnvo no dnta from Scolt. Rooney's Urchins. Kltamurn's Japs and "> "Roanoke." Charles MerrUl, taking pauy this week present "TiddwS, win?.T» 1 " nuy , C °P- ,. ta ch performance closes with which to compute the matter. Geo. K. Spoor's kiuodrome. advantage of one week's break lu his tour Concerned In the fun ruktmr'<•£?■ n-.JL 8 ;. n " bctc " by the company, "The Book Agent." o.» ClilcAoo Oi-kka Hot-SB (Kohl & Castle, of the Kohl 4 Castle houses, goes to Cln- Brooks, Mae Taylor, Tom Be&on^nd KlorTn? i,. SiLBM Theatbi:. Baleni (George II. Cheet- — ... .„„/,, .»!;„. , 41 »,„ „ mnaaew).—Opening Monday afternoon, 14: c unati Moudoy. to v sit his wife, Mildred Sunford. Tho olio Incliules? M?le tdii. ? 8tu i u > atta 8* r )-—The Jere McAullffe Stock *JS52 U lJiS2£ t &?wi }? form ^ 8 that Dick Frank"EmersonrExcella. Morris MBnley.Mex- Vafihore, who is with the Parisian Widows aud her lions (second week) Bovce and' tSI n°- ls l & e e^eht attraction, opening 14 for 8 !'o?.?;. nl8 « nn| l cr , cf 9! 0r i nd Opmjlowi Is and llexls, holaud Sargent and company, this season, Ue returns to tho Chicago son, the RobemlntiT Musical TrourirTt^r '"eweek. "A Chinese Honeymoon" 10. at Butte, Mon\. has given HnrryV.-Murray Clara Ucss, Lavender nSd Tomson, Lyuu t>P«ra House 21. ... ..Bush and Gordon nliy girls, Mae ■•ftylor an embrro Fa^TS^ni. Mecuakic Hall. Salem (F. L. Munsey. the solo rannagement.of the Empire Theatre. Wclcher, Zlaka mid King. Kittle C. Thwnp- the Chicago Athletic Club Saturday nbht. Ton: Vsn Auken aid Vanwraon anrl thl ifn?" mer : : wr)..- -Good houses witnessed every ai Anaconda,-Mont. The prograrerae^for a son, the Four Mitchells. Cressy and Dane. 1?. c»d "pen 13. for n week, at Sam T dock Sisters "FlMie.Dw£K£?' S « «™,i Performance last week. This week : Thomas £E?h ^r.'vl^'^^l"^ Sr nt,n - Kn, . pl ^ c C T« X J Four, Campl»ell and Johnson JacVs-.- Then they go to Louisville to start vindovUle bill made btslntss^od^last week^ r . Rj S n , am ! ■*£<* , R 'ehBeld. tbe Golden worth..Oetirgo render. Frank | Walsh, Murray nnd Geo. K. Spoor's klnodrome. During the the Hopkins tour. .....Howley and Leslie HowAnn Atjikxaki-m —The^i thi« T^ek Ga i e Quintette, Crowley and Foley, Toletlo r? ,, f.V ln ,5l on B ,1? . Vorw V! D ' 1 C1 "l lon .;. V . ero 2!1 post week the Great Ijifnyelte's company nt- are In town to begin their tour of the Kohl Is up to the* usual high'stahdard anDreclarert and - Ptl< *' i 3 "" w ' l »'"n» •id the blograpb. D. Clsiyton will I.en-after Ih> the Illustrated frncted large business and pleased Immensely. * Castle houses at the Olympic. 21. ? I.y patrons of' thiii house The rn?5T 8 ^. Xotks.— Sam Cohen, the expansionist, B»ng singer for this house. the artistic work of Lafayette himself elicit- The advance sale of teats for the Burton The Sanaor Trio Searl sad VlSlJ? Allen ± ,P , ,H mo J" J? l ? 18 clty i na " K° ne i0 ' *" u ,, "" :l mien, PhlladelpbU to Oil a two weeks' engagement