The New York Clipper (November 1904)

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NOVpipBBtt. THE HZJ&W YORK GJLIPPteR. SOS at BradenburglTs.... ..On tic evening of 8, Manager Sheafe, of tho Gem Theatre, pro vlded stage entertainment for the bar- tenders' union ball and presented Ma June, Helen Austin and the Van Fleets, In their Hpeetaltlee, nil maktwr successes... .l&t<& FtWrfelrs, BW^agfeWj MP pony (ralm»r, who bas been lllllag engagements In Boiton, visited friends fntbfo oily t»st week. Sears and Allen are a new sketch team lust organized here. Their sketch is entitled "The Funny :«Jp." Hprlwarfleld.—At the Court 8quarc Thea- tre, (W. F. A. Engel, manager) "Bed Feather," Nor- 8, filled the house with a large and enthusiastic audience. Draco Van Studdlfotd pleased gwaOr. "Dorothy Vernon of Hart- den HalJ," '9, at presented by Bertha Oal- land toffrlttd a much larger house. Orrln Johnson, JFrank Xosee, Helen Tracy, Helen Uell *ai!3'Kite-Dentn Wilson girve heir awe support. "The Sleeping Beauty and the Boast," 10-18, did good business. Isabelle Underwood made a charming prince nnd Rose Sartelle a fascinating beauty. The comedy rolee were looked after by Arthur RUrbT, Harry Le Clair and Tim Cronln. Booked: Victor's Venetian Band, afternoon *Ed evening, 14: William Faversham 15, "Kin* Dodo" 16, "The Olrl from Kay's" 17, Otis 8klnner 18, "Winsome Winnie" lt», Benefit for Indian School 20, Savage's En- glish Opera Co., In "FarslfaJ,"' 22: James K. Backett «1. "Fju. Faff!! Ponfll!" 24, "Bbadows on the Hearth" 26, 2«. New GlLUonn Theatbb (8. P. Callonan, manager).—Large audiences witnessed "The Secret of the Subway" 7-9. St George Hussy, Jenn Caldwell and Carrie Eckharjlt ail played thc>r roles well. "A Woman's Struggle:'' 10-12. a thrilling melodrama, en- tertained well tilled houses. was lib excellent one. Coming: "Wedded and Pirteo" 14-1 ti, "The Unwritten Law" 17-10, "Great Hero" 21-23, "Escaped from Sing Sine" 24-20. . _ Kelso* (Z. T. Damon, manager).—Tho New York Stars played to fair returns. Ilia Grannon, Ethel.Elliott and Chas. B. Watson, and the specialties of the Three Elliotts, were the beat features. Cherry Blossoms 14- 10, Thoroughbreds 21-20. ;. Pott Thbatre (Chas. W. Fonda, manager). —The finest bill of vaudeville Is the verdict of the patrons, and as a result the house has been ailed at every performance. Week of 14: Bobert Billiard, Hill and Sylvlanl, Mit- chell and Marron, George W. Day, Martini nnd Max Mlllan, Joe and Nellie Donncr, and Marlon Garson. The Foil Theatre was for- merly the Grand Opera House, and was re- cently teased to 8. Z. Foil, who has com- pletely remodeled It, opening It 7. Chas. w. Konda Is'resident manager; Florence J. Bate- mau, treasurer; George F. Hill, stage mana- ger: C. A. Casey, pianist; Faul Davis, adver- tising agent, and George B. McBrldc, officer. The opening offering consisted of : Three Jos- carry*, Carlton Macy and Maude Edna Hall, Smith and Fuller, Four Huntlngtons. Empire City Quartet, the O'Bourke-Burnett Trio, and W. J. Kurtls, with his educated dog. The scale of prices will be ten, twenty and thirty, evenings, and ten and twenty cents, after- noons. Boxes, fifty cents at,any performance. Nons.—Caroline Eckbardt has replaced Isador Martin, who resigned as leading lady with "The Secret of the Subway." Mrs. Charles Evans, of New York, Is visiting her old home In Chlcopoe Kails Some of the members of the New York Stars Co. were In the tire at the Raymond Hotel on Monday morning, and carried themselves well, acting cool throughout The Springtield Lodge of Elks will tender a complimentary banquet lo the newly appointed district deputy, J. It. Mckerson, on Nov. 17. Among the out of town guests will be: Past District Deputies .lullus C. Zader and Emit Lader, and Exalted Huler Fred Clee, of Worcester, and A. K. Bonn, North Adams, past district deputy.. Wllllatn J. Kohler, assisted by local talent, wll present "Louis XI" at Court Square The- atre 29 Roger O'Connor, of the Casino, Bar Harbor, Me., Is visiting his parents In Chlcopee Falls P. F. Shea k Co., as an Inducement to women and children to at- tend the Nelson Theatre, arc to give away it pony, the drawing for which will take place on Christmas Eve. i Worcester.—At the Worcester Theatre (James F. Book, resident manager) week of Nov. 14, "The Sleeping Beauty and the Boast." Savage's production of "Parsifal" is booked 21? "A Chinese Honeymoon" Thanksgiving, Richard Carle, In ''Toe Ten- derfoot,' 26. "The Bed Feather" drew very well 7. Richard Mansfleld crowded.the house 8. Nance ©"Nell drew well, In 'fMsjgda," 0, ".Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall" drew an appreciative audience 11. "Tho Other GUI." 12, played .to excellent returns, and received well deserved ptafse. Fbamkuh SarjAius TnsAiBB (P. F. Shea * Co., toatiagere):—Week of 14. "A Trip to Egypt,'* Last week "Sky Farm" did good business. Next, "Capt. Harrington." FAbk Theatres (Shea k Wilton, mana- gers).—Week of 14: Hayes and Hesly, In '•The Clerk and the Eel! Boy," the Fotjr nieoos, Edwin Eeougb and company. In "A Vaudeville Surprise r Frances Gerard, Ernest gofah, Virginia Levies, In "Tho Perfect an," and the klnetograpb. Business la very 1'alacb (Chas. F. Hoffmann, manager).— Week of 14 the first part will open with "Dewey at Manila Bey'' followed by Carrie Richardson, Edith Allston, Ada Buble, Marlon Barry, Lottie Reynolds, Berths Armolctte, Hall and Pray, McDade and Welcome, j»de- le'ne and Robber and the Twentieth Century Show Girls. Business is still Improving. Casino (Davy and Leslie, managers).— Week of 14: Chas, and Helen Mack, Newton and King, Lillian Newton, Melroso and El- mer, Vivian Rose, Lena Labelle, Sadie Gray and Davy k Lesllo's Burlesquers. Business Is very good. i ' Fall Hirer.—At the Academy of Music (Cabn & Grant, managers) Nanco O'Nell presented "The Fires of St. John," Nov. 7, to a R. R. O. house, giving entire satisfaction. The Harcourt Comedy Co., with Charles K. Harris, played to fair houses 8-12. Special- ties between the acts by Peter Griffin. Fred Walsh, Grayce Beebc und tho Flood Bros. were we!! fecelved. Booked: The Fays 14-19, excepting 1(1, when Bertha Galland appears: May Flske Comedy Co. 21-20, cicept 23, "A Chinese Honeymoon" conies. Bwov (Henry Myera, manager).—"Wedded and Parted-," 7-0. was enjoyed by good sued audiences. Amatonr vaudeville played to fair business 10-12. Due: "Tho Unwritten Law" 14-10, "Whoop-Dee-Doo" 21-20. Casto ' (Al. Haynes, manager) .-^-Thia house opens Us eighth season 14, ana the entire protlts are given to the striking mill operatives. - The bill Includes: Dolan and Lenharr. Marie Glrard, Bonney, tbe educated borse; Tony Armstrong, Vern and O'Brien, Marvelous Spauldlng, Smith and Smith, Con- Well and 8wah. -' ■ SiretOT's <-M. F. O'BHen, manager).— A good bill played to good business last week. Current: Smith and Hartl!. Mae-Law- rence, Auger and Hanley. Edwin George, Ida Mclntyrc, Three Dally Slaters, and tbe vita- Srapb. North Adams.—At the Empire (James Sullivan, manager) the Kbitlr-l/rttn Co. Week of 7 a strong bill was presented and pleased lmru wisely. The "Florence Ulsters and tbe Cbllbuahua Mexican Troubadours were tbe principal features. Doe week of 14: Eugene Ellsworth and Madge Burt, the UshersTln "Saw K V °V' and '•Tough Love f the VedWafs. Wliftiins and Slater. McCue and I'oole, Lillian Shaw and the vltagraph. ' H ' l a , 111 i ' Lawrence.—At the Opera House (Grant k Cabn, managers) the Daniel Ryan Block Co. told the boards week of Nay/ 7. with the exception'of 10, when Rleharu iWosflcld was seen to good advantage. In "Ivan, tbe Terri- ble." Shepard's moving pictures pleased good houses 13, Including matinee. Booked: Ben- nett-Moulton Co. week of 14, May Flske week of 21. Colosial Triatius (Weber & Bush, mana- gers).—'"The Unwritten Law" came to good business 7-9. "Over Niagara Falls" pleased btr honsea 10-12. Booked: Week of 14, vaudeville, Including Wormwood's animal act, Nollle Floredo, Fijed Nlblo, Ford and Dot West, Xeno, Carl and Keno, Deltorelll and G!ls!ando, O'Brien and Havel, and the Ameri- can vltsgraph. Casto <ai. navnes, manager).—Business has been very good. The Village Choir Quar- tet are worthy of special praise. Booked wee): of 14: Woodford's dogs and monkeys, Mooney and Holbein, Nichols and Croix, Hen- Dings, 'Lewis and Henclngs, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lucler, Thos, Glllen, Kmello Bcnner and Bush-Devere Trio. - i I " Holyoke.—At the Opern House (B. L. Potter, manager) thu Dot Karroll Co., In a repertory, week of Nor. 7, did fair business. Booted: Victor's Royal Venetian Band, mati- nee only, 15: "Sbadows on the Hearth" 21, St'.. 'Tbe Fortune Teller" 24. Emptor T. F. Murray, manager).—"Es- caped from Slug Sing." 7-9. and "The Min- ister's Daughters," 10-12, played to good business. Booked: "A Woman's Struggle" 14-18, "Over Niagara Falls" 17-19, ,7 N6w York Day by Day" 21-2U, "The Parish Priest" 24-26. Footliohts. — Tbe "Shadows on the Hearth" Co. will begin rehearsals here In the Opera House 14, and will give Its "first night" 21, in the same bouse. i i Tounton.—Ar the Taunton Theatre (Cabn & Cross, managers) tbe Harcourt Comedy Co. came Nov. 7, Nance O'Neill 8, "A De- serted Bride" 9, "A Bagged Hern" 1Q, "Evan- geline," by local talent, 11, and Bertha Gal- tnnfl 12. Business on the whole averaged up well. For week of 14, tbo L'enbcrg 8tock Co. is the attraction. ♦ ■» OHIO. opened a week's engagement Sov. 0. to good Uiislotssv Which continued «*rlf factory throughout the week. Dyn and Dyfc. comedy Jugglers, were the principal vaudeville feat- ures ana scored heavily. Due week ot 14: Mj-rkle-Harder Stork Co.. excepting TueEdav, 1"', when "Tbe Other Girl" will hold the Imnrda. The opening hill of the Myrklc- llsrder Co. will be "Mv Jim." Btcuuoiro (Wo. F. Meade, manager).— ClncliiHatl.—The PreshtentlRl eauipnlgn for the tlrst time In history had no appre- ciable effect on theatricals In this city, and on election night (he houses were crowded. Grand OPEaA Ilocsu (Harry Ralnforth & John II. Havlln, managers).—"The Ti»o Orphans," with the all star cast, Is coming Nov. 14. Last week, Nat C. Goodwin tame, saw and conquered In Ills new comedy drataa, "The Usurper," by I. N. Morris, In which he Introduced his new leading lady—Ruth Mac- key—ah English girl of beauty and talent, who made on Immediate and most favorable impression In the role of Beatrice Clive. All the company was good. Viola Allen, In •Twelfth Night," 21. Walnut Stsket TiieatBB (M. C. Ander- son, manager).—"Under Southern Skies" will be put on 13. Last week "Suporba," with a wealth of mechanical (ricks and pantomime specialties, was revived by Hanlon Brothers, to splendid business. Belle Gold made qui to a bit as Grctchcn, and JOiin II. Haslutn. as Dane Durden, was very aniuslag. Nat Wills, In "A Son of Best," 20. HevcK's Opeha House (Heuck, Fcnntssy k Stair, managers).—Billy Clifford Is coming 13, In his successful farce comedy, "How He Won Her." Last week Hal Held s new pley, "A Midnight Marriage," was presented by Mlttentbal & • : Fortester. As usual wit" Hat Reld creations It abounded In thrills and sensations and drew well. "After Midnight' 20. ': Columbia Tbratbr (M. C. Anderson, man- ager).—Byron Douglass, who was tbe last of tbe Pike's leading men, Is the top liner 13, and he Is sure to receive a royal greeting. The Jossclln Trio, Flora Adier, W*terbury Brothers and Tenny, FOy and Clark, Talbot and Bogers and waiter C. -Kelly arc tbe other cards on the bill. Last week, Mary Shaw, Inner sketch; "The Silent System/' proved a welcome addition to tbe vaudevilles. Sabcl Johnson, the Four Madcaps und Carou and Farnom were among the other artists well received. Business Is good. Robinson's OrtiiA House (George E. Fish & L. Forepaugh Fish, managers).—The Forc- paugh Stock To. Is to revive "Haxel Klrke" 13, after a week of "The Conquerors" that proved a most popular presentation of Pftul Si Potter's play. Lavinla Shannon was cast as Yvonne and John J. Farrell as tbe Prussia u officer. Lyceum Thkatre (Heuck, Stair k Fen- nessy, managers).—Pfitrlce will be seen 13 In "Driven from Home," succeeding Harry Jackson's melodrama, "What Women Will Do," based on "David Coperfleld." The author assumed the part ot Mlcawaber, J. II. Burton was Copnerfleld, Kate Jackson, Rose, and Louise Dunbar a dainty little Emily. "M'llss" 20. ,„,_,„ . People's XiiBATBE (Hubert Heuck, mana- ger).—Lawrence Weber's Parisian Wldowa are due 13. Last week the Merry Maidens Burlesque Company presented a neat bill, with Nellie Hanley as the Btar. Tbe Fly- ing ltatbbones were the hit of the vaude- ville contributions. Business good. Imperial BuHesquers 20. • ,. . • , Gossir ov TnB Lobbt. —Wilfred Gerdes expects to Join (lie W. J. Ledcrcr forces at tbe Auditorium In Philadelphia If the plan for stock burlesque there goes through...... The parents of George Portunc, leader of the Walnut Street Tueatro orchestra for years, John Portunc and wife, celebrated the forti- eth anniversary of their marriage, at Bt. John's Church, 7. They were serenaded nt ulgbt by tbe First Regiment and Weber's Bands II W. Richardson Is now adver- tising agent of the Walnut Street Theatre and Columbia Theatre Albert Sackctt has Joined tbe Forepaugh Stock Co., and will appear as Dunstan Klrke,.:.. .Charfc* Ii. Arnold has acquired the management of Mills Edlsonls..-.. .Manager John II. Havlln has gone to Pittsburg, and will tnuvc on to New York. I Cleveland.—At the Opera House (A. F. Harts, manager) Lulu GlaBer presents "A Madcap Princess" Nov; 14-19. "Mother Goose" finished a fairly well patronised two weeks' engagement 12. Maude Adams, In "The Little Minister," 21-20. Colonial (Drew A Campbell, managers). —"An Enemy to the King" Is the offering by the Vaughan-Glaser Stock Co. this week. "Mrs. Dane's Defense" Jammed tbe house at everv performance week of 7. Week of 21, "Tess of the D'Urbervllles." Empire (Max Factkenheuer, manager).— "Itomeo and Juliet" bas been selected oy tbe Wm. Farniim Stock Co. for tbe opening piece, 14-19, This company was formed py Mr. Shea, of Buffalo, for the purpose of apnearlng In his new theatre, now building In Buffalo, Tho unexpected short season of opera at the Empire caused a radical change in plans and tbe transfer of the Fa mum Stock Co. to Cleveland. Those composing the company are Wllllom Farunm. Percy Hnnwell, Forrest Rob- inson. Marshall Fnroum. <'hn3. Msctay, Chan. neruan, Clarence Mnntalne, Thomas Wcarl- nek. Prlectlv Morrkon, Albert Smith, Oco. Staulrv, G. D. I'arnum. Olive White, Louise Rial, Daisv Loverlog, Lodlse Lewis' and Eva Aljen. "The Bohemian XJi;l,"'by tbe Fact- Veuhcucr Opera Co., week of 7, closed our season of opera, nt the Empire. The wolt of Messrs. Stevens, Davles and Shields and Mrs. Hattle Bclleladd and Miss Davis lias been particularly artistic and thoroughly en- Joyed week of 21, "?he Three Musfit-W" .. Lvcrnt (J. K CooSson, taaniger)>-'My Wife's Famll}" this Week. Joseph Murphy [■resected "The Kerry Gow" and J'Shaun Rhne" week or 7 'to good houses. Went of SI, "The Bohnle Brier Hush." Ci^vgLAirh (J. K. Cookson. .ma "Shadows Of n Great City" this «resi Women Love" had good business week of 7. Week of 21. "McFa3den's Flats." Keith's (L. SI. Elrlck, manager).—Amelia Suramcrvllle, Barrows-Lancaster Co., Gil- lette's dogs. Four Musical Avolos, James Oar* rlngton, Ueo. Wood, Barry and Halvers and Itosalre and Doreto form the current week's bill. Business week of 7 was excellent, as It should have been, with such stellar attrac- tions on tbo bill as: The Four Morton". Staley and Blrbeck, the Rlgoletto Bros and Harry Gnfoll. Stab (Drew ft Campbell, managers).— Fred Irwin's Show the current week. Tbe Bon Tons bad the usual good houses for Which the Star Is noted 7-12. Week of 21: Rose Sydell's London Belles. _ : Nunc.—Mattie Katie, of the Vaogbift Glaser Stock Co., Is seriously ill here and not expected to recover. "'. ! ".. ' ' lolambm.—At the Great Southern The- atre (0. M. Heffner, manager) the all star cast, In "Tho Two Orphans," drew (o • crowded house Oct. 11. Coming: Nat Good- win. In "Thu Usurper," 1C; Viola Allen, In "Winter's Tale." 17: Blanche Walsh. In "Re- surrection,"' 22, 23; Lew Dockatailcr's Min- strels 24. iliipiiiv: (H. A. Welsmao, manager).—"Tbe Cherry Pickers" proved very popular week of 7, awl drew good houses- Walter L>. Green and LHIlun Andrews, the new mem- bers of the Umpire Slock Co., were wry warmly received. "Old Jed Prouty" week of 14, "Lost, 21 Hours," week ot 21. The Jungle Imps will give two minstrel perform- ances on 28. Grako (A. G. Ovens, manager).—"My Wife's Family" drew good houses week of 7. Coming: "Flood Tlde' p *4-10, "FortuneHunt- ers." formerly "Paris by Night," 21-23; "El Caul tan" 24-20- High Strict (A. G. Ovens, manager).— "The Smart Set" and "How lie Won Her" divided week of 7 and drew 8. It, O. busi- ness. . Coming: "After Midnight" 14-16, "McFadden's Flats" 17-19. "A Midnight Mar- riage" 21-23, "Across the Pacific" 24-20. ■ Dayton,—At the Victoria Theatre (C. G. Mllhr, manager) a big uUdienco witnessed "The .Two OrphnnK," «« presented by tho all star cast, Nov. !». Coming: N. C. Good- win, In "The Usurper," 10; Viola Allen, In ••WIntCrB Tale," 10. National (Gil Burrows, manager).—Nelly McHcnrv, in "M'llss," drew well 7-0. "Tho Smart Set" pleased several large audiences 10-12. Coming: "Tho White Tigress of Japan" 14-10. I'.uiK (Gil Burrows, manager).—The In- nocent Maids Burlesque Co. played to good business 7-9. SoLoiEBS' Home Theatre. —Tbe Boston ladies' Orchestra gave a pleasing concert, to a well nlled house. 8. Coming: "The Moonshluer's Daughter" 17. ODi'.oN Theatrm (llartsock & Cut-run, man- agers).—The following people made up the bill for 7 and week: LlUlc Marjorle Barrett, Leonard and Baatedo, Arthur Lane and Jack- eon and Douglas. Announced for week ot 14: Madge Daytcll, the Great Onzos, Dclmt, juggler; Blanche Navarre and York and Cle- ment. a Toledo—At the Valentine (Edw. E. Fix, manager). "The Billionaire," Nov. It. and Maude Adams, 10, pleased. "Mother Goose" 14 and week. Lyceum (Frank Burt, manager).—"Tilly Olson," 3-3, bad fair business. "Paris by Night," a good sho.W, came to big business week of 0. "The Awakening of Mr. Flpp" 13-10. Arcadi (II. II. Lamkln, manager).—The bill last week was of unusual merit and at- tendanco was good. For 18 and week: Faul SpadoAl, Milton and Dolllo Nobles, Geo. II. Alexander and Co., Walter Stanton Jr. and Tina Corl, Russell and Dunbar, and Ascot Eddy and Co. Burt's (Frank Burt, manager).—'The Child Wife," 0-5, pleased good houses. "The Waif's Paradise"' had capacity business O'.i. Emfirr (Abo Shapiro, manager).—Fred Ir- win's Big Show gave good satisfaction to bouses of good bI/.o 6 and week. Rose Sydell's London Belles 13 and week. i . i i» » . i i You ngatowu.—At the Opera House(I'cter Rice, manager) J. C. Lewis' "SI Plunkard" Co. drew its usual good business Nov. 8. "Thou Shalt NoF Kill" 10, Maude Adams filled the house 11. "A Trip to Chinatown" hud fair business 12. Bookings: Plttsbuig Orchestra 14, "A Child of the Slums" 17, "Slaves of the 'Mines" 10, with matinee. Pi gcr) very L for the current week the Empire Opera i and week of 21, "Tho Awakening of Mr. Plpn." Note.— Our popular manager, Peter Rice, was agreeably surprised on Nov. 8 by a nnm- 1:it of his friends gathering ul his borne In Homer Terrace, the occasion being bis fifty- Kccond birthday. The hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Rice was greatly enjoyed by all. i ' i f union.—At the Grand Opera House (M. C. Barber, malinger) the Ire:: Myers Stock Co. guvc great satisfaction, In a repertory of popular plays, week of Nov. 7, to big Luslneim. Coming: "The Midnight Flyer" 10. "Why Women Bin" IB, Henry W. Savage's Encllsli grand opera 22, 2!l. Garorn (M. Maning. manager).—Week ot H the following people arc hare: McKIOnon and Reed, Goldle lie Roy. Leona Alfretta, tbe Cleodaros nnd the stock company. Busi- ness for week of 7 was very good. I I ■ n ' ■ Mansfield.—At Memorial Opera llouie (Mowers & Mlckley, managers) "The Smart Set." Nov. 4, bed good attendance. Sam T. Jack's Bui'letuuers bud an uudienco of good slxc 8. "The Hottest f.'uon In Dixie" pleased 11. "Tbe Midnight Flyer" 12. "In the Shadow of tbe GuIIowb" 1T». "A Trip to Chinatown" 10, "The Mummy end tbe Maid" 18. Marlon—At the Grand "Tbe Pathfind- ers" had fair houses week ot Oct. 20. Sam T. Jack's Burlesquers, 0, did well. "In tbo Shadows of the Gallows"'14, return date; Harrison Wolfe, 10 "Hamlet," 11; "Roanoke" 18, Ul Henry's Minstrels 10. ' «■» DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Acaovmt or Music (J. W. Lyons, utuua- ger).i*.Thls wee* "A Wife's M&Vt? « Mist week, !"Hhad0W9 of a Groat. Otj" had, tho usual packed houses. "Happy Hooligan" 21- 16. Chases (Mlaa H, Wlnnlfred Dc Witt, mintjger).— Tb«J»«w faces this week aro Pe- wilt, Bjgnor Qermlnal, tbe Melnnl Trio, Claude Ollllngerster and Co., Chasslno, Mab- on's Mlnatfel Maids, Contun and Gillette and the vitngtanh. _ r o»t7tEuf«w - Gay Morning Glorias Is. the current, attrac- — .LictUM (Eugene Kernan, manager).—The tlon. Last week, the Imperial Burlesauora scored welt. The Tiger Lilies 21-2A. Convsntio.v Hall. —Tho Grenadier Guards Band give one concert in. Noras.—All our playhouses kept open house on election night, after tho regular performance, till the declitoa was reached. At. Chase's the reglar performance was re- peated All were crowded Tbe Sum- mer bouse of George Denbam, late of Joseph Jefferson's Co.: Walter Aleln and James T. Hallway .of "Shore Aercs" Co., nnd Morgan Sherwood, ot tho National Theatre staff, lo- cated .at Four Mile Uun, near this city, waa totally destroyed by lire t). Mncli valuable propertv, wardrobe anil stage mementos were lost The Washington Symphony Orchostrn, Reginald De Jvoven, conductor. will give Ave concerts this Winter. Tho first takes place at the Lafayette Opera House 18, matinee, with Mme. De Montlgan, David Blsphum, Eugene D. Albert, Mme. Shot- well Piper and Mme. Klrby-Lunn aa soloists. *'» OREGON. wasblna-ton— At tbe National Theatre <W- H. Rapleyi manager) (his week Ceellla Loftus, . In "Tho Serlo-Comlc Governess." Last Week, Ada Relish presented "Tam- ing of the Shrew," "School (or Scandal" sod "The Cdtintr? Girl." to lair but Bess. t*m Birnard, in "The girl from Sayi," 21- Columbia (Joseph B. luck oft, manager). —This week "Toe- Virginian." Grenadier Guards Band jnarinec 19. Lait wseaj "Tbe County Cbsinnan" Bad large. Bourtt »I every performance. "Margnret Angltn, In^TIfe Eter- nal Feminine." -2150. r LArAVTTTE Opera HotiM (Ira J. La Motte. manager).—This week "Sbatlaek; ilolme.". UstTveek, Eugenie lllfllr, lit 'Iris," had ex- cellent lionses. Uoas mid Fcnton, In "Tvrirly WhTrly,"iil-20. Portland.—At the Mnrqunm Grand (Cal- vin Hell I it, manager) Frank Daniels did the biggest IniKlnetffl of the season Oct. 31, Nov. 1, In "The Office Boy." "Tho County Chair- man" did fair buslucss 2-.">. James J. Jeffries P, "Tbo Tenderfoot" 10-12, tbo Marino Con- cert Co. 14. the Metalukutbla (Alaska) Band, matinee, 15; White Whittlesey 15, 10, "Tho Kunawcys" 17.18, "As You Like It" 10. CoLUMutA (George L. Baker, nmnagcr).— "The Girl I Left Behind Mc" used the 8. It. O. sign 0. The Baker Theatre Slock Co. did goodbualness week of Oct. 00, with "la Mlx- r.oura." "The Gny Parisians" will bo put on 13. Roster 6f the Columbia Stock Co.: Cathrlne Counties, Edith Angus, Loulao Brandt, Roy Bernard, Rose Eytlnge, Dot Bernard. Marlon Barhyte, Edgar Bautne, William Duls, Donald Bowles, George Bloom- quest, William Bernard, George B. Berrcll, Scott Beaton, Chas. W. York and Frederick Enuieltou. Cokouax's (Cordruy ft Russell, managers). —This place of amusement hus beeu sold to Messrs. Sullivan ft Consldlue, of Seattle, Wusb., aud will bo operated as a continuous vaudeville bouse, beginning Nov. 21. Mason and Mason used tho S. It. 0. sign N»v. C, lu "FrltB and Snlta." "Tho Fatal Wedding did big business Oct."!J0-Nov. 2. "The Heart of Chicago" did good builness 3-0. "Flnnl- gnn's Ball" 13, .... BAKER'k Tiiiiatbb (Keating ft Flood, man- agers).—The KUlics Trio, Ethel Fuller, Terry und Sims, Eva Butcheldcr Perkins, Adclpbla, Cimors and Conors, Hyltoo Travis, R. G. Baldwin and tho blograpb. Stab (8. Morton Cohon, manager).—Hall, Weston and Coburn, Foul Le Croix, the Llp- plucotts, Cameroa and Toledo, Sylvester, Jones nnd l'rlnglc and the nrojectoscope. AnoAi>H (S. Morton Cohen, manager!.— Three Kellys, Le Clair and Weet, Irene Kober, the Morrises, Kate Coyle and Ameri- can bioscope. Ltiiic (Keating ft Flood, managora).— Leonard aud Fulton, Shetland Sisters, James A. Dunn, Weston and Beaslcy, Hurry Hoyt and the vltaseope. Bijou (Fred T. Merrill, umuagcr).—Rob- erts and Co., the Betnseys, Baxter, George Walters, Mabel Maltland, Fcarl Grayson and tbo vltaseope. Maze (A. Shapiro, manager).—Helen De Larralu, the Great Campbell, Orlando Slalera and Elaine Forrest Obfijkcm (W. a. Simons, manager).— Zlnn's Burlesque Co., Mac Vcrnou, Amellta, Ida Rosltcr, Francis Venlta Grey. Nellie Moore, Imogen Mansfield, Eva Winston, Nemo Catto, Leon Erro], Jack Evans, Hnttlo Ward, Miss Cecil. Lottlo Leopard, Sam Owens, Gertie Keith, Kdllh Raymond, J<u>. Durraut. VIn Mooro and Ila/.ol Llndscy. Fiiitx'h New Theatiii; (J. J. West, mana- ger). —Kooncy and Forrester, Carrie Win- ilicll. Llllle Stetson, Birdie Wrenn, Josie Myers. J. J. West, Dcrry ?pd Witting, 1^- otta Sisters, Ixiulsc Keeslng, Carmen and Davis, the Great Westlu. Florence West, the Slurlicys, Bernlco lingers, Mullun and Kunncy and Florence Russell. BLAZIKtt'H C'ONX'KUT llALI. (t£ll U, Davis, manugor).—Annlfe Goldle, Anita Dcsanehez, Almu Bailey, Vic Lewis and tho Brudfords. Euickon's Music Hall (II. D. Grlfhn, manager).—Beutrlco Lome, Lillian Black, Jennie Ripley, Bereccu Murray and Mac Jack- son. Noted. —Roster of officers und employes Marquam Grand Theatre: Manager, Calvin Ilclllg president Northwestern Theatrical As- sociation ; resident manager, W. T. 1'anglo; treasurer, C. A. Burbank: advertising agent, C. Miller; progmromcr, E. It. Uelltg; door man, F, Bullcy; door man, C. Tichonor: bead usher, C. Miller: ushers, L. Ccntro. C. Torry, W. Qlbbs, M. Goldstein, II. Clarke and J. Coblentz. Roster stage employes Marquam Grand ThcAtrc: Carpenter, L, Fried; pro- pc<-:y man, G. Lincoln: fly man, II. Muys; n:,. itHut flv man, W. Mays: electrician, G. M.'yers; grips, II. Emery, W. Bradley, (!. Dougherty, !.. McCarthy, 8. Wllllums, II. Haynes ; leader of orcheitra, Samuel W. Drls- <oli.... noster Of the Columbln Tlicutre: Geo. L. Baker, munuger: Milton W. Seaman, assist- ant manugor; L>-e II, Pearl, treasurer; J. D. Elms, ticket'seller: Annette 'Burr, bUuid- grupber: II, P. CnldwWI, B. E. Brooks,' W. <J. Riymohd, II. Walker, It. It. Moore, A. Caldwell, <:. Ilendershott, ushers; P. M. Mc- Kinney, programmes; II. II. McCubc, stage carpenter; A. Labrai.he, property tuun: II. Hoabour, C. Smith, F. Dixon, F. smith, Wm. Mitchell, R, Long, Wm; Cuyler, stage banda; Sylvester Meredith, Janitor: Mrs. S. Mere- dith, Junltress; F. W. Whitwell, lithograph- er; Pearl Pitts, mold; Frank King, scenic artist; Frank Ambos, assistant scenic nrtlst; E. F. Guriu, maniigi-r advertising depurt- ment: Frank M. Griffin, director of ornhestrn, and. Roy Russell. E. L. Rice Aug. Welnuer- strom, II. A. Terry and Hurry Samuels. ........Itostcr Cordray's Theatre: North Pacific (.'oast Amusement Co., owners; John F. Cordray and W. M. Itusscil. managers; Ralph R. Duunlwuy. smretnry; Maurlcu Smith, treasurer; J. D. Hiheehan, assistant treasurer; W. <.'. Meaelicr, bookkeeper; A. A. King, door tender; R. Johnson, asslslHul door tender; J. McKay, chief usher: A. L. Hart, advertising ogeut; Thos. HolTlkar, stsgo man- ager ; .Wm. Day, master properties; Ralph Itanklfi, flyman; Ed. Barbour, assistant stage manager: W. 0. Wlnatock, press agent; Ches- ter Gaunt, programmer; Prof. Relcbter, leader of orchestra, and Slgnor De Caprlo, musical director.' »■» lUDTII CAROLINA. Charleston. — At Ov.ou* Acsdeuiy of Mtiuie (WWI T» Keogti. manager) "Her Lord ■W^Master" pleiscd Nov,. 8. "nhoHtH" Pleaeted Ob appr<*elstlve sudlsnen n. Tho rest of tbe week tbe hoitse was dark. "Dolly N EW JERSE Y. Newark,—Election day helped ill tha houses to make out a good week's busluen, ^N^m'a^&A-M (Lee OtWIOflgnl.Jlan- ageri:—Another legitimate (Uceeah "Check- #r»,' Is berc this weak, and tn*'race tMoa mikes n hit. OtU Bklnacr gave tbe artistic triit of the season last week, in "The Har- vester," to good houses. Empire (II. M, Hyami. mnnager).—"Run- nlog for Otllce" la here 1410. J. H. Btod- dart. In "The Bonnie Brier Bush," came up to expectation! last week, and was greatly enjoyed. Thomas E. 8hea. In repertory, 21-20. Columbia (M. J. Jacobs, manager). —"The Flaming Arrow" this week. "Down by the Sea" received fair attention last week. Bar- ney Gllmorc, In "Kidnapped in New York," will be here 21-20. Hlanry's Theatre (J. H. Bucken. mana- ger).—"Tracked Around tho World" fur- nishes vivid sensation this week. The open- ing Week Of "A Wife's Secret," 7-12, was a profitable one. "Mot* to Bo Pitied Thin Scorned" 21-20. Waldmann's Theatbi (W. S. Clark, man- ager).—Moonlight Maids mako their first ap- pearance here this season 14-10. Tho Bowery Biirlesquers drew good houses 7-12. Including tho midnight show on election day. Utopians will come 21-26. Paocron'8 Tiicatm (J. Austin Fynee, gen- eral manager).—An exceptionally goon Dili this wcok is bended by Edward narrlgan and company, In "Darcy McGIone, Author;" Mc- Walters and Tyson, In "Scenes In a Dressing Itaora:" Frank Bush, Angcllne Norton ana Paul Nicholson, and tho Ritchie Duo are also linportunt features. Green and Werner, Dan J. Harrington and Bcrtlo Fowler complete the iist. Good business last week. Now.—Edward King, who claims to have been treasurer of the Monumental Theatre, Baltimore, Md., tried to commit suicide at tho Palace Hotel, this city, Thursday night, in. He was found unconscious In hta room with the gas turned on, but was soon revived. a Jersey City.—Splendid business Is re- ported at all the amusement resorts. At ths special matinee election day nnd at night, Nov. 8, capacity wan the rule, the BIJou faring tho best on account of being tho larg- est house. "Sherlock Holmes" was nicely presented and staged at the Academy and duly appreciated. Floreuce Bindley made a dis- tinct hit with her new play, "Tbe Street Singer," nt the BIJou. On her opening night. 7. she was presented with tlfty buncbea of violcn, Violet being the name she assumes In thu pluv. It was a slucere tribute from her many friends In this city, her homo. Thn Trocudnro Burlesque Co., wllb a very clever comedian In tlio person of Frank Urnliuui, who kept matters humming, was n hlg wlnnar ut the Bon Ton. This organization l« lo bn commended for Its superb atngo settings und tbe costumes of the chorus women. Academy (Frank K. Uoadersuu, manager). —Weak of 14, "Tho Ninety nud Nine," Thanksgiving week. "Eight Bells." Uuoti (John W. Holmes, proprietor).— Week of 14, "Girls Will Be girls,'* lutroduc In? Al. Leech and tho Three Rosebuds. "Tracked Around tho World" 21-20. Bok Ton (T. W. Dlnklns, manager).— Week of 14, tbe Jolly Grass Widows. The Dainty Duchess 21-28, Notes. —Ally Millers, ono of the odvertls- lug staff at tbe Academy, died lust week from consumption Thn Theatrical Pleasuro Club (employees at ull tbe theatrea in tbn county) glvu a ball Dec. G The nmouut of money received by Florence Bindley thrown on the stago during tho third act ot "Tim Street Singer," by the auditors, will be mndu Into a Christmas bos for tho Actors' Fund. e llubokon.—At the Lyric (H. P. Soulier, manager) business has been beyond all ex- pectations, taking tbe turmoil of tbe election Into coualderatlou. "Queen of the Whltn Hluves" had capacity houses at tlirco per- formances and closed Nor. 1). Tbo Bold Sisters, Cells and Nets, liuvo been ipe- < tally engaged, and do their specialty In tho first act Bella Harvey, also a vaude- ville performer, Is doing the heavy and mak- ing n big success as Mustang lltittlc. Tho Itiisselt Brothers, universal favorites, con- cluded the week lo a most credltablo man- ner. "On Thanksgiving Day" 13-1(1, Jon Welch, under tho management of Stair ft Havlln, In bin now play, "Cohens Luck," J7-1B, "Tho Llttlo Church Arouud the Cor- ner" 20-23, "Secret of tho Subway" 24-2(1. Emmiii: (A. M. Bruggomann. proprietor). —Tills rosort has licun enjoying good at- tendance, and tbo offerings wurruut It. BUI for week of 14: Mr. and Mrs. Bobyns, Manning uud Drew, Gorman and West, Harry Thompson, tho Plcos, "Don," tbo educated cyuluc, und Jean Edwards. a Trenton.—At Taylor Operu House (Mont- gomery Moses, manager) Iforlba Gallaud bail good business Nov. 7. Viola Alloa, 8, drew riumono business. "Tho Earl of I'awtuukot," 11, had good business, "Red Feather" 12, "Sergeant Kitty" 14, "Qulncy Adams Saw. yer" 10. OJIbaway Indiana 2S, Law Fields' Stock Co. 24, "1'lff! Faff 11 I'ouf! I!" 2D, Vogul's Mlnstroli 20. - State Stbebt Tiibatiib (Frank B. Shel- ters, manager).—"Tho Peddler," 70, had big business, playing two performances to ca- pacity. "The Heart of Maryland" did woll. Local 14, 1C, "A Working Girl's Wrongs" 10, "On Thunkiglvlng Day 7 ' 17-10, "Sherlock Holmes" BA "Tho Llttlo Church Around tho Corner" 24, local amateur contest 20, "The Minister's Daughter" 26. Tiiknt (Edward Benton, manager). —A splendid show drew large bouses 7 and week. Bill for 14 and week Includes: Moore and Llttlclield, Lavino and Lconurd, Rico Family, Mathews und Harris, Blreh, Rico and Pro- vost, Busquc Quartet and the blograph. MtgCKl Piuablbk I'auk (John O'Brien, manager).—Last week's attendance was good. Bill for 14 and week: Reading Sisters, 1st- tluger Siste rs and Frank Slain. Atlantic City.—At tho Ocean Tier The- litre (W. E, Shackolford, manager) good biiblnrsu was dooo by "A Prisoner of War" Nov. 7, 8. "A Girl of the StrcoU" did woll 10J2. Coming: "Buster Brown" IS, "A Circus Day" 17-10. Num.—Work on the new Savoy Theatre 14 progressing rapidly. e Camden,—At tho Camden Theatre (Mi W. Taylor, manager) "A Girl of the Streets' carried away plenty ot money for Its three days' performances here, having advantage of two matinees and full bouses election. "Queen of tbe White Slaves" repeated Its ■vMfdm" cotala 1*, "Tbe Mummy and the Humming Bird" 15, John Griffith 10. Columbia Theatre Insane Towler pre- "Fnflcr Southern Skies." 4, drew well. Helen Grnutly, 7, had fair business Paul Ollmorn l-njoyod better patronage 10. Coming: Mnrriiv Comedy Co. week of 14, "Macbeth" 10, Cliua. Hawtrcy » . . . . Coaombia.— At' the Colu (Brotfii Rroa., mansgjis) Jiuia Bentod "Irhr' NnrT 3. "Ifi • »> — Charles Dlekson Is now undur the ruin- ngemcut of John M. Illckey, who has booked a route for His new comedy, "Tbo Strunu- oslty of Teddy," by John Fowler. — William Humphrey will begin his (our Decv 3, In "The imperial Divorce," uudrr tbo management of-Mr. Illckey. The print- ers, scenic Artists, ntc. are working on their • nd of ths preparations, and rehearsals will begin In a few days. ■—•John tirUttbV Soothera tour In "Mac- beth" btf, we ere loformed, proven success- ful. Manager John M. Rickey will present bim In another Shakespearean production next season. — John A. Dougherty will ntnr thli sen- eon under (be management of E. T. Daugher- ty and W. J, Madlsou. Lew Delmore, of Jlelmore and Wiley, wrote tho play. He. will also bs the sure Bfiaager. 'i'Uc compaDj will carry gist/' p(opic, •