The New York Clipper (November 1904)

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808, THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. November l& SIoiiroe. George W. i Robert B. Monroe A' Fred Irwin, mgca.)—N. Y. Cltj 14-18, Providence, McTuIIf/e, Jere—Salem, Kin., 14-19. HaveralJI 31-26 _ Myrtle-Harder Stock, Eastern (W. H. Harder, ragr.)—North Adams, Mans., 14-19, Siietn 21- SG. Myrkle-nnrner Rtock, Western (Eugene J. Hall, ragr.1—Port Jervlt, N. V., 14-19, Mlddletown 81-26. "HI* Sou's Wife" fGeorgeW. Strpbcns, mgr".)— Mong, William V. (George J. Onrt»,i>gr.)—Bot- Kcntotf, O., 14, Onllonlli, Crestline 16. tlneau. No. Dak.. 16, IT, Bu«b-rJ8, Mlnot 19. '•Hot Old Time •• Gui Hill's (Harry HUI. mgr.) Marka Bros. (Joe Marks, mi" )-3nHt, Can., 14- —Nashville, Tern., 14-19, Memphis 21-20. Retainer, mgr.)—Des Moines, la., 14-10. Omn- ha, Nsbr.. 17-19, Kansas City, Uo., iW-20. "How He Won Het" (Tom North, mar.)—Cin- cinnati, O., 13-13, Chicago, III.. 20IX*. 10. "Human Hearts,'' Eastern (Jesse M. Blanchard, mm-.)—Hamilton, Can., 21, 22, Ht, Catherines 28, . "Human Hearts," Western (Claud Sounders, mar.) —EtBogbam, 111,, 10, Ontralla 17. Carbondale 18, Pad>cab. Ky., 1ft, Calm, III., 21, Alton 22. Fana 2.1, Blooailaglon 24, Oanton 25, Peoria 20. "Happy Hooligan," Eaalern, fliia Hlll'a (D. A. Kcll.T. mgr.)—Philadelphia, Pa., 14-19, Wash- ington, D. a, 21-20. "Happy Hooligan," Weatern, Ons Hlll'a (Al. Dolson, mgr.)—Hlllaboro, Tex., 10. Cleburne 17. Waxabachle 18, Coralcana 19, Dallas 21, Fort Wortll 22. ■ "Hank Hanson" (Jos. T. MeAlpin,, mgr.)—Fair- field. Nebr:; Iff, Edgar 17, Belevltlera 18, Heb- ron IK, Wilbur 21, 22, Dewltt 23, Marysvllle, Kan., 24, Blue Rapid 2*., Clay Centre 20, I Irwin, May (Edward n. Slater, mgr.)—M. T. City. 14, Indefinite. "Itfgomar,". John A. Preston (Holden Brothers, mrra.)—Sandimky, 0., 10. "In'-IOM Keulocky," Jacob Lilt's—PlttaJborg. lOhr., 14, Chrfmite IS; Iola lrt. Ottawa 17, Leavenworth 18, Topeka, 19, Kanaaa City, Mo., 2D-E6. "lrlab Pawnbrokers" (Ollle Mack 4 Joseph W. Spears, mgr*.)—Danville. 111. (Slldlers' Home) In, Marshall 17, Charleston 18, Decatur 1ft. Springfield 20, Jacksonville 21,'Beardatown 22. Keokuk, la.. 23, Barllngton 24,. Muscatine 2r,, Dlxob, III., 20. "In Hn> Far Emit" (Hampton A Hopkins, nigra.) S Aurora, III.. 21, Dwlght 22, Keokuk, la., 23, onmouth, III., 25, Canton 20. "In the.Shadow of the Hollows'• (Morgan D. Wllaon. mirr.)—Alliance, 0„ 10. Ashtabula 17, Erie, Pa., 18, HI, Dnnklrk, N. Y., 21, Niagara Tails 22. "Iris" (f,. J. KodrJgnei!, mgr.)—Atlanta, Oa„ 17, Chattanooga, Tenn., 18, Knoxvllle 19. J' Jefferson, Thorns.*—Seattle Wnsh,,' 17-19. Jefferson, Joseph, Jr., * William W.—Evnnsville, Ind., 18, Pnducah, Ky.. 22. Jeavons, Irene. Stock (Thomas Hoffman, mgr.)— Btratford, Cnn.. 14-11), Gnelph 21-20. "Jnice* Boy* In Missouri" (Frank Gaxxoto, mgr.) —I.nke Ounrlcs, I.n., 10, Orange, Tex\, 17, Beaumont 18, Sour Lake 19, Galveston' 20, Houston 21, Ban Antonla 22, Austin 23, Belton 24, Temple 25. Waco 20, "Jerry from Kerry," Patlen 4 Perry's—Ooderldi, Can., 10. Clinton 17, Exeter 18, Ht. Marys-10. Haroln 21, Petrolla 22, Btratbroy 2.1, Ingcraoll 24, llrautronl 25. K Knott, Roaelle (Frank I,. Perley, mgr.)—Jack- aon. Mich., 23. Saginaw 24. Kendall, Kara (Llebler A Co., mgrs.)—St, Louli, Mo., 14-11). Springfield, 111., 21, Milwaukee, Wis., 22, 23, Rockford, III., 24, Dubuque, la., 20, Albert Lea. Minn.. 2U. Kellar, Harry (Dudley MeAtlow, mgr.)—Mil- waukee. Wis., 13-19, St. Paul, Minn., 20-80. Kennedy. James (0. K. Wee, mgr.)—I.ogansport, Ipd.. 14-lft. Elkhart 21-20. Kirroll, Dot (J. O. Welsh, mgr.)—Plttsfleld, Mass.. 14-11). North Auuma 21-20. Keith Block (Del Lawrence, ingr.)—La Grande, Ore.,, 14-1(1. Pendleton 21-20. Keystone Dramatic (Lawrence R. Meant, mgr.) —Corning, N. Y., 14-10, Watertown 21-20. Klark-Urban (Ilnnlln B. Klerk, mgr.)—Gardner, Mass., 14-10, Nashua, N. II.. 21-20. Keller Stock (A. M. Keller, mgr.)—Burr Oak, Kan., 14-10, Atchison 17-23. Kerkboff Dramatic (Iran KerkhnlT, mgr.)—Kl Do- rado, Kan., 14-20, Wlchlln 21-27. "Knttcnjnmmcr Kids" (lllondell A FenneaBy, mgrs.)—Ilaraboo. Wl*., 10, Porlaiie 17. Fond dn Lac 18. Green Kay in, Appletota 20, 21, Chippewa Fall* 23, Lu Cross 24, Winona, Minn., 25. Rochester 20. "Klepto Maniac," Edltb Kent (Geo. A. O'Brien. mgr.)—Havana, Cuba, 22-27. Is Lottos,-'Cecelia (Daniel Frohman, mgr.)—Wash- ington, D. C„ 14-10, Baltimore. Mil., 21-29. Lackuye.-Wlltoa <Wra. A. Brady, mgr.)—Jackson, Mich., 10, Detroit 17-11), Indlanaiiolls, Ind.. 21, 22. Kvansvllle 23, Louisville. Ky., 24-80. Lorlhter, Wrlglit—Baltimore, Md., 14-20. Leech, Al.. anil the Three Rosebuds (Wm. A. Brady, mgr.)—Jersey City, N. J„ 14-19, Lyman Twins (Lyman Bros,, mgrs.)—Blackwell. "kin.. 10. Guthrie 17, Stillwater 18. Bhawnee II), Oklahoma City 20, Ardmore, Ind; Ter„ 21, Noruiaii, Okla., 22, Perry 23, Arkansns City, knu., 24, Ooffeyville 25, ludependcnM 20. I-ewla, J 0. JW. A. Junker, mgr.)— Brockway- Tine. 1 Pa., 10, Kane 17, Mount Jewett 18, Johii- Hunburg 10, St. Marys 21, Port Allegany 22. Bmethport 23, Du Uola 24, Ourwensvllle 25, Clearflold 20. ' Lillian Lyons (Frank J. Dean, mgr,)—Linden, Mich., 14-10,- Ciwosso 17-10. Fentoa 21-20. Uckes, The (Will II. Locke, uigr.)—Clay Center. Kan., 14-10, ayda 1710, Manhattan 21-23, Junction City 24-20, ■ Lyceum Stock (E. 0. aroslean, mgr.)—Newklrk. Oklu., 14-10, 'tlilsaa. 1ml. TerVT 21-20. ' Lambert's Oomeillana (F. W. Lambert, mjrr )— Anbum, Nchr., 14-10. I.lndon, Edna. Stock—8t; Catberltles, Can.. J4-19. "Iftgbts ot Home" (Harry Doel Parker, mgr.)— ?''. rnc « u .* p i- N ' Y » Ula > Rochester 17-197 But- talo 21-20, "Little Homestead" (William Macanlcy, mgr.)— P|lleat!ne. Tex., 10, Tyler 17, Coralcuna 18. Olelninie 10, Wasnhachle 22, Temple 23, Sun Antonio 24. "Looping•■ the Loop" (Frank Turner, m«.) ?8 hn v"i£. WD '.» Pa i» 1 ii Vomlergraft 1.1, Altoona ' >0. HSBJfi Wastalngton 18, Wayneiburg 11. Connellsvlie 21, Dnlontown •J2, ltocheste? Si W^VaT. 1 '"o" °" ' Cn,,,brl,1 « e 2S - Slsterrllle; " r p'i l? SSafC i 0 .™' 5 J? lll ' 0 P«T)-Plttabura;. ..Pa-. 14-10. BulTnlo, N. Y., 21-20. Colo., IU. lort Onlllns 17, Windsor 18. Greeley ft. Puehlo 20. Salldn 21, Grand JiinctSaS, .JHS»J*t, V.-, r 1 - »«" &*• o»» 24-20. "Little Outcast" (II. A. Hawks, mgr.)—Oonnella- y lie, Pa., 10. Cliarlcrol 17, SqMetlnVlE Unpnport 19, WIimIInv 21, Pumsutawney 23, „, P L' '"l'»biirg 24. Ilrookvlllo 23. Du Bols 20. I, tile Chun-h Around tho Comer" (Vance A Sullivan, nigra.)—Scranlon, Pa., 14.10, Wllkeo- imrra 17-lti. llolwkcu, N. J.. 20-2:1, Trenton 24 "LlglithptiHc by the Sea" (Vonec & Biillivnn', f t "wSnSS^ m > J?'''.-i W& Camden, N J., 17-10, Brooklm, N. Y„ 21-20. "tfg&i Wreck" (Phil llauilln, mgr.)— Peoria, 111., 15, Canton 10, Qnlney 17, Keokuk, la.. 18. Fort Mudl«on 19, Burlington 21. "Ixist raradlws" (O. D. Woodward, mgr.)— Quince, 111., IB. KunmiH filly, Mo., 20-20. "Lost Buy"—Cniiulen, N. J., 24-20. ■ MansOeld, Richard (Ben. D. Stevens, mgr.)—Boa- ttfu, Mass.. 14-21'.. May, ^Rdiia (diaries Frohmnn, mgr.)—N. Y. Olty Mnck. Andrew (Itlcb A Harris, mgrs.)—N. Y. City 14 -Dec, .3. Milter, Heury (Charles Frohmnn, mgr.)—N. Y. City 14. Indenulte. Maun, 1,'iul* (0. B. Dillingham, mgr.)—Chicago, Murphy, Timothy (T. E. Sanndera. mgr.)—Dn- hnque, In., 14. Cellar Raplda IB, Maraballtown 10, Fort Dodge 17. Bloux City 18, Lincoln. Nebr., 10. Omsba 20-22. Des Moines, Ia„ 23, 24, Hurllngton 25. Jacksonville, 111,, SO. Miiyhew, Stella (Stair A Ilavlln. mgrs.)—Provi- dence, R. I., 14-10, N. Y. Olty 2120.. Morrison, Lewis (Jules Murry, mgr.)—Wilkes- barre, Pa.. 24, Plttston 23. Scranton 20. Murphy, Joseph (George Kenney. mgr-)—Louis- vAle, Ky.. 14-10. Memphis, Tcnu., 21, 22, Chattanooga 23, Birmingham. Ala., 24, At- lanta, On., 25, 80. Mnntell, Robert B. (Max Zocllner, mgr.)—Wll- llsmsport, Pa., 25. Mas.m ond MsBon (Broaittiurst A Currle, uigrs.) —Seattle, Wash.. 13-10. • •• Murray and Mack (O)Ile Mack A Joseph W. Spears, mgrs.)—Little Bock,. Ark.,. 10. not Springs 17. Texsrksna 18, Sbraveport, Lai. IV, Alexandria' 20, Monroe 21. .Vlckkburf, Miss., 22, Oreenvllle 23. Jackson 24, Natcbes 25, Ba- ton Bongo. La.. £0. Melville, Rose (J. II. sterling, nun.)—Fargo, No. Dak.. 10, Great Falls 18, Helena. Mont., 10, Hutu' 20, Stokane, Wash.. 22, 23, Everett 24, New Wbulcoai 25, Now W'enlnilmter, II. 0.. 20, Vsueouver 28. Nuualina 2ft, Victoria 30, Scuttle, Wash., Dec, Ml. Mi'Henry. Nellie (Spencer A Aliorn, mgrs.)— Clncluuatl, <>., 20 !>U. 19, London 21-20. Mortimer. Charles (F. F. Keltb, mgr.)—Titus vllle, Pa„ 21-23, Tldloute 24-20. Marks Bros., May A. Bell Marka (R. W. Marks, mgr.)—Burlington, Vt., 21-20. Morey Slock (Le Comte A Fleaher, mgr*.)— Enid, Okli., 1410. Gnthrle 21-20. Myers, Irene, Big Stock (Will H. Myers, mgr.)— McKeesport, Pa., 14-19, Wheeling, W. Va., 21- 3«. Myen, Will H . Block (Sim Allen, mgr.)—James- town, N. Y., 1419, Erie, Pa., 21-20. Matties, Clara—Brandon. Man., 14-27. Murray A Mackey (John J, Murray, mgr.)—<Bel- McDcaald "stock (George W. McDonald, mgr.)— Morrlltoo, Ark., 14-lf). Dardeoelle 21-20. ■ Mar. Verna, Comedy 1H.-A1 Du Bols, mgr.)— Sslem, O.. 1418, MeadviHe, Pa., 21-28, Maxam A Sights' Comedians (W. K. Maxam A J. W. Sights, mgrs.)—Enderlln, No. Dak., 14- 10. Mnrray Comedy, Charles Lamb's—East Liverpool, O.. 1419, afarletla 21-20. ?77 "Marriage of Kitty" (Jules Murry, mgr-)—Baboo Rouge. Li., 10, Bhrcreport 17,-Alexandria 18, Beaumont, Tex.. IB, Oalveston 21, Houston 22, Corsicana 23, Dallas 24, Sherman 25, Fort Worth 20, "Mrs. Wlggs of the Cabbage rateh" (Llebler A Co.. mgrs.)—N. Y. City 14. Indefinite. "Mummy and the Humming Bird" (Jnles Murry, mgr.)—I/mdon Can., 10, Chatham 17, Alpena, Mich...18, Bay Olty 19, Saginaw 21, Flint 22, Lansing 23, Grand Rapids 24-20. "Mlssourlans" IL. M. Good9tndt, mgr.)—Brook- lyn^^N. Y., 14-19, Rochester 2M&, Syracuse "Midnight Marriage," Forrester A Klttenbsl'a (Frank C. Rhodes, mgr.)—Toledo, O., 13-16, llrand Raplils, Mich., 17-19, Oolumboa, O., 21- 2J, Zanesvllle 24, Coshocton 28, Newark 20. "Moonshiner'*) Daughter," Esatern (W. F. Mann, nwr.)—Plqna, O., 10. Dayton (Soldiers' Home) 17, Xenla 18, Springfield 19, Bellefontalne 24. Upper Sandusky 25, Marlon 20. ' "Moonshiner's Daughter," Western and Southern (Frank Dodge, uigr.)—Council Grove, Kan., 19, Abilene 21, Osage Olty 22, Atchison 24, Horton 25, Hiawatha 20. "Me, Him and I" Hnrtlg A Beamon's (Edwin J. Col"), mgr.)—Toronto, Can., 14-19, Montreal "Midnight Flyer" (Ed. Anderson. mgr.J-Cadl*. 2"„ 10 ' c H7 ol ]! 0,, "• Zanesvllle 10, Lorain 21, Bellevne 23, Delaware 24. "»»««« *», "My Wlfe'a Family" (I. Seldenberg, mgr.)— 5i"M a ,^L 0 .' ,"'i?' ,? a3 " on 21 ' 23 ' Hamilton .,.?. 4 ' M S nc i?'. I . n<1 ;' 25 - Hartford Olty 20. 'Missouri Olr." Eastern, Fred Baymond's (Geo. J** d **'„ n, *r ,- : Malll,no ' Cit r. P«..' 10, Washing- ton N. J., 17, East Strondaberg, Pa., IS, Allentown 10. High Bridge, N. J., 21. C Inton 22, Flemlngtpn 23, New Brunswick 24, Lake" wood 25, Brldgeton 20. »*•»*- "Xllsaoiirl Girl," Western, Fred Raymond's (Harry ?-• "•Pl'lng. „mgT.)_MarUnarlUe, Ind., 18, iTanklln 17, Columbus 18, Shelbyvllle 21, Llbl erty 22. Connorsvllle 23, BrookWlle 24, ts» reiiceliurg 23. Auni'n 20. 'Mmistcr's Daughter" (Orover Bros., mgrs.)— ,.,""f'fon"., Oonp.. 14-10. Trenton. N. J.. 20. ' nJ,?^^ J lat ?' , °."" . HIII '» (CO""" «• Barton, mgr.)—IndlanSpolbi. Ind., 14-10. Co- ..liinilHis ()., 17-10, Clevelnnd 21-20. "Mr. Wilson. That's All" (H. y. Gates, mgr.^— IS lil'robs" ]0 10, Be " M K " U 1Tl """ ■ "wL'^Dte^Sl? "• Ne " 1, "*' ) " ' ""'» North Brothers' Coniedlana, Western (Frank O WoVuT' j?^- 0 "™ 1 "". Tex.. 14-16, Fort K "«!ui^ru.^ mm c^, " Ioc • ,0 » T -)-M'?-, N'ortli Brotbori' Cooiedlans, Eastern (R. J. Maek. „ msr.l-Bloomlngton. III.," 14-10. Kewsnee V*29. National Block (Charles R. Scbid. mg^Cari: 8L80 taCe ' C * D " "• 10, Ar »P"0' "-10T Renfrew N7 Okm T u^e F 2 l l , ."o 1Xn ~ Chel ' e, * IWI - ™" "- ,0 ' "gg lWj& Liup 0, 2TlS ta Bu^i. , -i4 0 ^ "New York Day by Day" T. H. Wlnnetfa— „J-owell. Maaa., 17-10, Holyoxe 21-23 N 0 e m«?Abr22. lr 23r 0a,r R * pld "' "" lfl - O Olcott, Cbauncey (Augustus Plton. mm.)—Buf- falo, N. Y.. 14-10, Niagara Falls ft, James- town 18, Akron 10, Lockport 21. Rochester 32, AV) Hlr 5„ 23 ' Siracuse 24, Cortland 25, HorneUa- vllle 28. . O'Nell, Nance (Jamea SchoelTel. mgr.)—Maiden, Mass., It. Providence, R. 1., 17-19, N. Y City 31, IndeSnlte. Osman Stock (John Osman. mgr.)—Plymouth. N. 0„ 17-19, Scotland Neck 21-23. Olympic Stock (Glbbs A Harvey, mgrs.)—Clrcle- vllle, O., 14-10, Roaovllle 17, 18, Bhawnee 10. Athena 21-23. Mlddleport 24-20. "Olber Girl" (Charles Frbbmau, mgr.)—Albany, N. Y.. 10, Troy 17. Schenectady 18. "Our New Minister" (Miller * Conyers, mgrs.) —Bradford, Pa., 10. Horncllavllle, N. Y., 17, Blngbaniton 18. 19, Brooklyn 21-20. "Over Niagara Falls," A (Rowland A Clifford, mgrs.)— Lowell, Mass.. 14-10, Holyoke 17-19, WltiHted, Conn., 21. Hartford 22, 23, Albany, "Over Niagara' Falls," B (Rowland A Clifford, mgrs.)—Oacceln, la., 10, Leon 17. Homeaton 18, Albla 10. Oentervlllo £1. Eldon 22. Falr- ilehl 23, Ottumwa 24, Slgourney 25, Oskalooaa "Over Niagara Fills," O (Rowland A OlUrord, mgr*.)—Snate Ke, N. Mer., 81, Alhuqucrque 22, Pooenlt. Aria., 24. Pomono, CaL, 20, Los Angeles 27-Dee. 3, BnkersOeld 4. "On the llridgo at Midnight," Rastern (Frank Gairolo, mir.)—Berlin, Can., 10. Brantford 17, Hamilton IB. 1ft. Toronto 21-20. "On the Bridge at Midnight." Western (Frank Oastolo. mgr.)—Omml Island. Neb., 10, Central City 17, Columbus 18, Fremont 11), Omaha 20, 21, Boone, la., 22. Fort Dodge 24, Platts- month. Neb., 25. Nebraska City 20. "Old Arkansaw," Fred Raymond's (Merle H. Nor- ton, mgr.)—Ruslivllle. Ind.. 10. Connorsvllle 17. Cambridge City IS. Lcwlavllle 1ft. Green- field 21, New Cottle 22. Anderson 23, Alex- andria 24. Klwood 25, Marlon 20. "Only a Shop Girl." Lottie Williams (H. H. Win- chell, mgr.)—Memphla, Tenn., 14-10, Nash- ville 21-21), "On Tlianksglvlng Day" (Vnbce A Snlllvsn, mgrs.)—Hohoken, N. J., 13-10, Trenton 17-10, Brooklyn. N. Y.. 21-20. "On the Suwancc River" (Stair t navlln, mgrs.) —Elgin, III., 17. Sontb Bend, lad.. 18, 10, Fort WajTie 21-23, Battle Creek, Mich., 24, Jackson 20, Bay City 20. "Old Farmer Hopkins" (Frank 3. Davidson, mgr.)—Martlusburg, W. Va., 10, Derryvilie, Va., 17. "Other People's Money" (M. A. Moseley, mgr.)— Winchester, Ky., 17,. Lexington 18, ParTa 19, Dauvlllc 21, Somerset 22, Middleboro 23. P Perkins, Walter E. (Olaxton Wllatach, mgr.)— Montreal, Can., 14-19. Pntton, W. B. (J. M. Stout, mgr.)—New Iberia, La.. 1(1, Oiwlmwas 17, Crowley 10, Lafayette 20. Sour Lake, Tex., 21, Beaumont 22, Houston 83, Galveston 14. Payton. Corse, Slock (David J. Raman, mgr.)— Cliesler. Pa., 14-10. Klngatou, N. Yn 21-86. Payton; Corse, Comedy (A. Q, Bonne v. mgr.)— Kastou. Pa.. 14-19. Merlden, Conn., 81-26. Payton Sisters (Col. Frdnk Robertson, mgr.)— Sanlls, Miss.. 14-lti, Senatobta 17-lp. PbalaO'a. B. V., Stock (Ralph A. Ward, mgr.)— Wllllaiuspart, Pa.. 14-10, Columbia 21-237Potti- t«wn W-24. Paige. Mabel (Henry F. Wlllard A Co.. mgrs.) — Jscksotiville, Fta., 14-19. ; \ ™'v I'owi'll-Portello,' Eastern (Haltob Powell, mgr.) —Marinette. Wis., 14-10, Appleton 17-19. Foml du Liu 21-26. Powcll-Porletlo. Western (llallon Powell, mgr.)— Iliitllnran, No. Dak., 10-18, Rugby 19, Mlnot 21 20. Eug., 14, Indeflnlte. iMrts, Florence (Fred Belasco, mgr.)—Butte, Peru'cbl Ojiwwne (Henry F. Wlllard A Co., mgrs.)—Suartanalnirg, S. C, 14-19, Auderaou 21 20. Prlngle, Johnnie, Comedy Ideala—Victoria, B. C, 14-Dsc. 24, "Peddler." Bam Thorns—Sullivan, Harris A Wvoda' (Leigh Morrison, mgr.j—-Oithdeb, K. J., 14-10, Lebanon, Ft., 17, Reading 18, 10, Clearfleld 21, Da Sola 22, Punxautawnry 23, Altoonn 24, Lewlstown 23. Johnstown 26. "Price of Honor" (D. I* Sutherland, mgr.)— Escanaba. Mich., 10. Marietta. Wis., 17. Nee- nah 18, Food do Lac 19. Osbkosh 20. Janes- villa 21, Belolt 22, BelvUere. III., 23, Free- Dort 24, Rockford 25, Elgin 26. "Parish Priest"—Holyoke, Mass., 24-28. "Peck's Bad Boy" (George W. Heath, mgr.)— Jersey Sucre. Pa.. 14. WeUsboro 13, Austin 18. Port Alleseny 17, Olenn. N. Y., 18, Brad- ford, Pa., 19. Corry 21. Union City 22, Titos- vllle 83, Franklin 24, Bntler 25, New Castle 20. "Prisoner of War." Forrester A Mlttentbol's— Philadelphia, Pa., 14-19. "Peck and His MotheMn-Low"—TJtloa, N. X., "Paris by Night" —Detroit, Mlcb., 18-19, Oolnm- bus, 0., 21-23, Indianapolis, Ind., 24-26. » "Queen of the Highway" (W. McGowan, mgr.)— Soutb Bend. Ind., 10. 17, Rlkbsrt 18, Michigan City 1G, Hammond 20, Danville, III., 21, Terre Haute, Ind., 23, 23, Paris, III., 24, Kokomo, Ind., 25, Marlon 20. "Qnlney Adams Sawyer," Central (W. G. Snell- Ins. mgr.)—South Norwalk, Oram. 16, Stam- ford" 17, Elisabeth, N. - J.. 18; Trenton 19, Chester, Pa., 21, Wilmington, Del., 22. Peters- burg, Vs.r 23, Richmond 24, Newport News 25, Norfolk 20. "Qulncy ■ Adams Sawyer," Western (Frank M. Morgan mgr.)—Garner, II., 16, Eldora 17, Hrlnnell 18, Newton 10, What Cheer 21, Wash- ington 22, Cedar Raplda 23. "Queen of tbe While Slaves." Rastern (A. H. Woods, mgr.)—Heading, Pa.. 14. York 15, Allentown 17, Shenandoah IB, Altoona 21, Johnstown 22. Greensburg 23, Butler 24, Ro- chester 25, Stenbenvllle. O., 26. "Queen of the While Blaves," Western (A. H. Woods, mgr.)—Cblcsgo, III., 14-26. B Russell, Annie (Charles Frohman, mgr.)—Phila- delphia, Pa., 14-20, Relian, Ada (Sam S. Shubert, mgr.)—Boston, Mass., 14-20. Rogers Brothers (Klaw A Erlangsr, mgrs.)— Philadelphia, Pa.. 14-28. Rejane (Llebler A Co.. mgrs.)—N. Y. City 14- Dec. 3. Kotwon, Kleanor j(Llebler A Co., mgrs.)—London, Ko Mont.', 13-19. Rays, John and Emma (Stair * Havlln, mgrs.)— Pittsburg, Pa., 14-10, Philadelphia 21-20. Russell, Louts J. (Felix Blel. mgr.)—Wlnsted, Conn., 10, Torriugton 17, Little Falls. N. Y„ 18. Hamilton 21. Greene 22. Norwich 23, Wav. erly 24, Canajohorie 25, Corinth 20. Bella. Frederick (Abbott t Hensel. mgrs.)— Pauls Valley, Ind. Ter., 10, Ardmour 17, Du- rant 18, Caddo 19, Coalgate 21, Eufaula 22, Krebs 23, Sontb McAlester 24, Muscogee 25, Van Bnren, Aik., 26. Ryan, Daniel R.—Brockton. Mass., 21-20. Boss and Fenton—Baltimore, Md., 14-19, Wash- ington, D. 0., 21-20. Roberta, Gertrude (Marrow ft Arnold, mgrs.)— Oanton, Pa.. 14-10. Muncy 17-19, Renova 21- 23, Cross Forks 24-20. Hon Stock (0. J. W. Roe, mgr.)—Mlddletown, Conn.. 14-19. Yonkers. N. Y„ 21-20. Ruby Slock (Ed. Q. GUdsy, mgr.)—Orange, Mass., 14-19. Bice's Slock (W. 8. Bates, mgr.)—Watervllle, Me., 14-10. Rockland 21-2(1, Reconl Stock (J. Wallace Clinton, mgr.)—Frank- llnvllle, N. V.. 14-10, CouderMimrt. Pa.. 17-19. Renifrow's. J. N., Jolly Patlilluders—Cbllllcothe. O., 14-10, Portsmouth 21-20. Ruble Theatre (C. S. Ruble, mgr.)—Washington, Kan., 14-10. "Rudolph and Adolph" (Broadlmrst A Currle. mgrs.)—Marslialltown, Is., 17, Boone 18, Cedar Raplda 24. "Running for Office"—Newark, N. J., 14-10, Pittsburg, Pa,, 21-26. "Runaway Match," Clint and Bessie Bobbins (Chase A Lister, mgrs.)—Russellvllle, Ark., 18, Little. Rock 19, Morrlllton 21, Pine Bluff 24, Hot Springs 25. "Romance of Ooon' Hollow" (A. 0. Allen, mgr.) —Lakota, No. Dak.. 16, Furgus Falls, Minn., IS, St. Cloud 20, Hastings 21, Red Wing 22, Northfleld 23. Winona 24, Faribault 25, Mankn- to20. "Royal Slave," Northern,' Gordon A Bennett's (Geo. E. Crowder, mgr.)—Taylorsville, HI., lfl, Virginia 17, Beardatown 18, Springfield 10, Dixon 21, Marengo 22, Watertown, Wis., 23, Green Bay 24, Sheboygan 23, Fond du Lac 20. "Royal Slave," Southern, Gordon A Bennett's (H. M. Blackaller, mgr.)—Troy, Ala.. 16, Mont- gomery 10. Cleveland, Tenn.. 21. Mnrfreesboro 22, Russellvllle, Ky.. 23, Bowling Green 24, Lcbnpon 25, Richmond 20. "Race for Life," Sullivan, Harris A Woods' (Leon Victor, mgr.)— Pnllidelphla, Pa., 14-19. N. Y. City- 21^20. "Rabbit's Foot" (Pat Ohappelle, mgr.)—Marlon, Ala., 14, Eutaw 15. Tuscaloosa 16, Bessemer 17, Enaley 18, Pratt City 19, Birmingham 21. Sotbern, E. H., and Julia Marlowe (Charles Frohman, mgr.)—N. Y. City 14-28. Skinner. Otis (Joseph J. Buckley, mgr.)—New Haven, Conn., lfl, Hartford 17, Springfield, Mass., 18, Norwich, Conn., 19, Boston, Mass., 21-Dec. 8. Shea. Thomas B. (Nixon A Zimmerman, mgrs.)— Brooklyn, N. Y., 14-10, Newark, N. J., 21-26. Stuart, Ralph (Edward Thurnarier, mgr.)—St. Paul, Minn., 13-10, Minneapolis 20-20. Sully, Daniel (Willis E. Boyer, mgr.)— Dtica, N. Y.. 1ft. Sidney, George (Stair A Havlln. mgrs.)—Jackson, Tenn., 10, Padncsh. Ky., 17, Cairo, HI., 18, Alton 10. St. Louis. Mo., 20-20. Smart Set. Qua Hilt's (W. B. Moore, mgr.)Lonls- vllle, Ky., 13-19. Snow, Mortimer, Stock—Troy, N. Y., 14, In- definite. Snoooer Dramatic (P. R. Spooner, mgr-)—Brown- wood, ' Tex^; 14-19. Steelsmlths, The (C. M. Steelsmlth, mgr.)—Ches- ter, III., 14-19. Flat River. Mo., 21-26. "Secret of pollchtnelle" (James K. Hackett, mgr.)—Boston, Mass., 14-19, Lynn 21, Salem 22, Portland, Me., 23, Augusta 24, Bangor 25, Portsmouth. N. II.. 20. "Store Acres" (William B. Gross, mgr.)—Lin- coln, Neb., 16. Fslrbury 17. eKarney 18, North I'lntte 19. Denver. Col.. 20-86. "Siberia," Brady. A GrlBmer'a—Terre Haute, Ind., 10, Springfield. 0., IT, Zanesvllle 18, Wheeling, W. Va., 19, Pittsburg, Pa., 21-20. "Shadows ot a Great City" (O. B. Jefferson, mgr.)—Cleveland. O., 14-19, Pittsburg, Pa., 21- 20. "Sherlock Holmes" (Botbner A Campbell, mgrs.) —Washington, D. C., 14-19. Trenton. N. J.. 21- 23, Lancaster, Pa., 24, Chester 25, Wilming- ton, Del., 20. "Slnbad," Gus Hlll'a (Thomas R, Henry, mgr.) —Chicago. HI.. 18-lft, Milwaukee. Wis., 20-20. "Rtriunrlo for Uold" Joseph Martlno, mgr.)— Culiocs, N. Y„ lfl, Albany 17-10, Troy 21-23. "Slaves of the Mine" (L. J. Slevln, mgr.)— Akron, O.. 14-10, Barbertoa 18, Youngstown 10, Ashtabula 21, Greenville, Pa.. 22. Warren, 0., 23. Niles 84, Uhricbvllle 26. Cambridge 20. "Snperba," Ilaulons'—Pittsburg, Pa., 1419. "Stslu of Guilt" (Havlln A Garen, mgrs.)— N. Y. Olty 14-10. "Sign of the Cross," No. 1 (R. 0. Craerln, mgr.) —.Natcbes. Miss., 10, Jackson 17. Vlcuborg 18, Greenwood 10, Greenville 31, Helena, Ark.. 22. Memphis, Tenn., 23, Chattanooga 24, Nashville 80, 20. "Sign ot the Cross," Western (Fred G. Berger, mgr.)—Hannibal, Mo.. 14. Keokuk. la.. IB, Fort Madison 10, Burlington 17, Muscatine 18, lows Olty 19. "Sandy Bottom" (Hampton A Hopkins, mgrs.)— Valllsca, la., 10. Olarlnda 17, Muscatine 18, Atlantic 19. "Slam ot tbe Orient," Marion March (Al. S. Evans, mgr.)—Irouwood, Mich.. 10. "Secrets ot the Subway!' (Wm. Butler, bus. mgr.) —Iloboken, X. J,, 84-20. "Shadows on the Hearth"—Holyoke, Mass., 31, 22, Spriugoeld 21.20; "Sign of the Four''—Harriaburg. Pa., 17-19. Pitts- burg 21-Z6. , ■ - * Thompson," Denmsn (Frank Thompson, mgr.)— Doatoo. Mass., 14-26. : ' Tiingnay. Kva (F. M. Norcroaa. mgr.)—Kansas Olty. Mo.'. 1.110. Klrksvllle 17, Fort Madison, la., 18. Burlington 10. Keuknk 21. Jacksonville, III.. 22, Peoria 83, Aurora 24, Jnllet 25, Rock- ford 2a Tliurstou. Adelaide (Claxlon Wllstscb. mgr.)— Memphis, Teuu., 1(1. 17. Jackson 18. Cairo, III., 10. Psdocah, Ky., 21, Msdlsonvilte 23, Evans- villa, lad.. 24. . i ..„ Thropp. Cuua (8baw It. FlabKher, mgrs.)—New Clm . Minn., 10. Manksto 17, Faribault 18, Albert Lea 19. Mason City, It., 21, Charles City 22. Oeltrcla 23, Dubuque 24. Turner, Clara (Ira W. Jacksou, mgr.)—Lewtston, Me., 15-10, Babcof 21-20. Taylor Stock. (Albert Taylor, mgr.)—Shawnee, Okla., 14-10, Fort Smith; Ark., 21-86. Thnrber A Naahcr—Brockton, Msss., 14-19, Taun- ton 21-26. Troy. Donna, Stock (Jamea L. Glass, mgr.)— Newark, 0., 14-19. Marlon 21-26. >■ . Thorns Dramatic (Frank A. Thome, mgr.)— Pittston, Pa., 14-19, Aabury Park, N. J., 21- 26. . Tomltnsons, The (L. S. Thompson, mgr.)—Clin- ton, Ind.'. 14-lfl, WaVeland 17-19, Fort Wayne 21-23, Warsaw 84-80. Tempest. J. L., Dramatic—Clarion, Pa., 17-19, BeynoldsTllle 21-23, Broekwayvllle 24-20. Troy, Donna, Stock. No. 1 (James L. Glass, mgr.) —New Orleans, La., 14. Indeflnlte. "Two Orphans" (Llebler A Oo., mgrs.)—Cincin- nati. O.. 14-19. St. I-ouls. MO.. 21-26. "Two Tittle Walts," A. Lincoln J. Carter's (J. L. Bnford. mar.l—Vlcksburg, Mbva., 17, Nat- Cbe« IS, PortOlbson 19, Meridian 22, Tusca- loosa, AI»„ 23, Montgomery 24-20. "Two Little Waifs," B, Lincoln J. Carter's (0. Arthur Bellon, mgr.)—Los Angeles, Cal., 21-20. "Too Proud to Beg," Lincoln J; Carter's (Fred- eric Klmbal, mgr.)—Philadelphia. Pa.. 14-19. "Tilly Olson," Gertrude Swlggett.—Toronto, Can., 14-10. "To Die at Dawn," Elsie Crescy (B. Lawrence IaM. mgr.)—Beltrlce. Nebr., 10. Fremont 17, Yankton, Bo. Dak., 18, Sloor Falls 19, Slonx City, la., 20. Des Moines 21-23. "Thou Shalt Not Kill." Eastern (F. 0. I.nke. mgr.)—Wheeling, W. Va., 14-16. Zanesvllle. O.. 17. Lima 18, Lnfayette, Ind., 19, St. Louis, MO., 20-28. "That Little Swede" (Hampton k Hopkins, mgrs.)—Fairfield, la., 10, CentervlUe 17, Albla 18, Ottumwa 10. ■ ; "Texas Steer" (M. Rice, mgr.)—Raton. N. Mex., 16, Trinidad. Colo.. 17. La Junta 18. Rocky Ford 19, Cripple Creek 20. LeadvDte 21, Aspen 22. Sallde 23, Victor 24, Canon City 25, Pueblo 2S "Tracked Aronnd the World" (A. H. Woods, mgr.) —Newark, N. J., 14-19, Jersey City 21-20. "Two Johns" (C. O. Allen, mgr.)—Troy, O., 16, fit. Marys 17, Marysvllle 18. "Trip to Egypt"—Worcester, Msss... 14-19. "Tiro Merry Tramps" (McVenn 4 Vetter. mgrs.) —Hedalla, Mo., 21, Bollver 22, Springfield 23, Aurora 24, Joplln 25. 20. "Ten Nights In a Bar Room" (Mitchell A Law- man, mgrs.)— Warsaw, Ind.. 10. Columbia City 17; Butler 18, Montpener, O., 19. "Trip to Africa"—Conellsvllle. Ps;, 16. Scott- dale 17, Mount Pleasant 18, Charlerol 19. "Town OOlcer" (Edwin F. Wentworth, mgr.) —Ebensbnrg. Pa., 18, Lilly 19, Latrobe 21, Vandergrltt 23, Irwin 24, Scottdale 26. "Trolley Forty"—Htlca. N. Y.. 16. "Trted for Her life" (W. H. Hout. mgr.)—^Ine Bliifr, Ark.. 16. Little Rock 17. Helena 18, Jonesboro 19, Berwick 21, Carbondale 24. U "Under Southern Skies," Eastern (Harry Doel Parker, mgr.)—Birmingham, Ala., 10. Mont- gomery 17, Pensacola, Fla., 18, Mobile, Ala., 19, New Orleans. La.. 20-80. "Under Southern Skies," Western (Harry Doel Pnrker, mgr.)—Clnclnnstl, O.. 14-19. Frank- fort, Ind- 21, Munclc 22, Richmond 23, Day- ton, O., 24-20. "Under' Sosthern Skies," Central (Harry Doel Parker, nurr.)—Cnffeyvllle. Kan., 10, Cha- nnte 17, Parsons IB, Carthage, Mo., 10. Butler 21. Nevadn 22. Clinton 23, Sedalia 24, Boon- vllle 25. Marshall 20. "Uncle Tom'a Cabin," Al. W. Martin's (Ed. 8. Martin, mgr.)— lux Porte, Ind., 10, Marlon 22, Vaa Wert, 0., 24, Fort Wsvne. Ind.. 26. "Uncle Tom's Cabin," Stetson's. Central (Leon W. Wsshbnrn, uigr.)—Wllktsborre. Ps., 14-16, Scranton 17-10. "Uncle,Tom's Cabin." Stetson's, Northern (Cbaa. Qerlack, mgr.)—Denver. Colo., 20-26. "Unwritten Law" (Edward Mordant, mgr.)—Fall River, Mass., lfl3. Springfield 17-19. "t'nele Het" (Frank Adams, mgr.)—West Sa- lem, 0.. 21. Gallon 22, Lorain 23, Norwalk 24, Mansfield 26. "Uncle Josh Sprueeby" (T. P. Donohne, mgr.)— Magnolia. Miss., 10, McComb 17. Crystal Springs 18. Canton 10, Lexington 81, Green- wood 22. Winona 23, Columbus 24. Starkvllle 25, Aberdeen 26. V Van Dyke A Eaton (F. Mack, mgr.)—Moberly, Mo., 14-19, Eransvllle, Ind., 20-20. Vernon Stock (BenJ. B. Vernon, mgr.)—Waveriy. K. Y., 14-18. Bath 2120. v ' "Virginian." Dustln Farnum (Klrke La Shelle, mgr.)—Washington, D. 0., 14-19, Norfolk, Va.. 21, Richmond 22, Ashevllle, N. C. 23. Knox- vllle, Tenn., 24, Chattanooga 25, Birmingham, Ala., 26. "Vlvlan'a Papas" (Rich A Harris, mgrs.)—Bur- lington, la., 22. "Village Postmaster" (J. Wesley Rosenquest, mgr.)—Battle Creek, Mich,, 17. "Volunteer Organist" (Harry Marten, mgr.)— Syracuse, N. Y., 14-16, Rochester 17-19. "Vacant Cbslr," Forrester & Mlttenthal's—Phila- delphia, Pa., 14-19, Brooklyn, N. Y., 81-86. "Village Parson" (George Ooelt. mgr.)— Fort Worth, Tex., 16, Dallas 17, Tyler 18, Marshall W Walsh, Blanche (Wagenbals A Kemper, mgrs.)— Baltimore, Md., 14-19, Wheeling. W. Va., 31. Columbus, 0., 22, 23, Dayton 24, Springfield 26, Indianapolis, Ind., 26. Wyudbam. Charles (Charles Frohman, mgr.) N. Y. Olty 14. lnoenntte. " ~ Worde, Frederick, and Kathryn Kidder (Wagen- hala A Kemper, mgrs.)—Montgomery. Ala.. 10. Selena 17, Mobile 18, Meridian, Miss., 19, New Orlesns 21, 22. Wainwrlitht, Marie (Jules Marry, mgr.)—Trav- erse City, Mich., 10. Sault Ste Marie 17, Mar- Suetto 18, Calumet 19, Hancock 21, Iabpennlng 2, Appleton, Wis., 23, Osbkosh 24, Madison Wlllsrd, Katherlne (Edward 0. White, mgr.)— Ashland, Pa., 10, Freeland 17, Lebanon 18, Harriaburg 1ft, Lancaster 21, Altoona 22, Johns- town 23, Greensburg 24, Conneilaburg 85, Unlontown 26. WarUeld. David (David Belasco, mgr.)—N. Y. City 14. lndellnlto. Wilson, .VI. H. (Yab> A Ellis, mgrs.)—Paris, IU.. 16, Terre Haute, Ind., 17, Crawfordsvllle 18, Kokomo 19. Chicago, 111., 20-20. Welch, Joseph—Iloboken, N. J., 17-19, Brooklyn, N. Y., 21-20. Ward & Vokes (Stair 4 Havlln, mgrs.)—Omaha, Nebr.. 13-10, St. Joseph, Mo., 17, Dea Moines, In, 18. Peoria. III., 19, Chicago 80-Dee. 3. White Whittlesey (Fred Belasco, mgr.)— Port- land, Ore., 10. Walker Whiteside—Mankato, Minn., 14, Faribanlt IS, Mason City, Is,, 10, Owatonna, Minn., 17, Duluth 23, 24. Williams anil Walker (nnrtlg A Seamon. mgrs ) —Kansas City, Mo., 13-19, Omaha, Nebr., 24- 26. Ward, Blllv A. (Edwin Felix, mgr.)—Pawnee City, Nebr.. 16, Tecumseh 17. Lincoln ' 18, Falrbury 10, Hanover, Kan., 20, Washington 21, Pittsburg 23. Wright. Frederic E. (Anlt Amusement Co.. mgrs.) —New Brnnawick, N. J.. 14-10, Asbury Park 17-19. Derby. Conn., 21-26. Wood, Fannie (Letter A. Davis, mgr.)—Sher- brookc, P. Q.. 14-19, Lyndonvllfe. Vt., 21-28. Wilbur Brothers Stock (John Miller, mgr.)— Atchison. Kan.. 14-19. Warner Comedy (BenJ. R. Warner, mgr.)—Cres- tca; la., 14-10. Wlnslnger Brothera' Own (Frank Wlnnlnger. mgr.)—Wltlmar, Minn., 14-10, Watertown, So. Dak.. 21-20. Wiedemann's Big Stock (J. E. George, bus, mgr.) —Seattle, Wash., 14. Indefinite. Wilson-Waterman Stock (Will B. Wilson, mgr.)— Houston, Tex., 14, Indefinite. Wilson-Waterman Block 10. T. Preacott, mgr.)— Dallas, Tex.. 14, Indeflnlte. Wlute Dramatic (Charles P. Wtaytc, mgr.)— I'retcott, Ark.. 14-10. Wallace's Stock—Columbia, Pa.. 21-23. "'Way Down' East" Eastern, Wm. A. Brady'a —Manchester, N.-U., 10, Cllbton; Mass.. 17, Ware 18. Northainptiui 19. PlUsfield 2L North Adams 22, rough keeps ie, N. Y., 24, Port Jer- vls 25, Binghsmton 20. '"Way Down EaFt." Western. Wm. A. Brady's —Coldwster, Midi., 10. Jackson 17. Battle Creek'18. Kalaniaaoo 19, Beuton Harbor 21, Wuukegon 82, Osbkosh. Wis., 23. Madison 24, Itrtage 2G. La Crosse 26. " 'Way Down East." Central, Wm. A. Brsdy's —Chicago, 111., 14-Dec. 3. rausgn Buffalo, N. Y.. 14-19. "Wedded and Parted," Sullivan, Harris A Woods' (Ed. McDowell, mgr.)—SprlngOeld. state., 14. 16, Nsw Britain, Conn., H/Hartford 18, 19, Syracuse. N. Y.. 21-23, Rochester 24-26. "Working Girl's Wrongs" (Howard Wall, mgr.)— Trenton, N. J., 16, Reading, Pa., 17-10, Phila- delphia 21-86. "White Tigress of Japan," Wm. T. Keogh's (A. C. Abbott, boa. mgr.)—Dayton, 0., 14-16. De- troit, Mich., 20-26. Wife la Name Only" (Garland Gaden, mgr.) Rockford, III., 16, Freeport 17, Clinton 19, Mollne 20, Monmouth 21, Canton 22, Qnlney 23. Fort Madison, Is., 24, Keokuk 25, Burling- ton 26. "Why Women Sin," Eastern (M. W. Taylor, mgr.)—Warren, O.. 17, Alliance 18, Oanton 19. "Wire's Becret" (8pencer A Abom, mgrs.)—Wash- ington, D. C. 14-19, Baltimore. Md.. 81-26. "Wedded, Bnt No Wife" (W. J. Fielding, mgr.)— ICnusas City. Mo., 13-19, Topeka, Kan., 20. Duluth, Minn., 21-26. "Why He Divorced Her" (M. W. Taylor, mgr.)— Birmingham, Ala., 14-19. "Woman'p Struggle" (Goapard Bros., mgrs.)— Holyoke, Mass., 1410. "Why Girls Oo Wrong" (M. W. Taylor, mgr.)— Portland. Me., 16, 16. ' • r*' ' "Why Olrls Lesve Home" (Vsnee A Snlllvan. mgrs.)—N. Y. City 14-19. Baltimore, Md., 21^ 26. . "Wayward Son"—Brooklyn, 14. Y., 21-20. "Where the Silvery Colorado Wends Its Wsy " Margaret Kent (George A. O'Brien, mgr.)— Norfolk. Vs., 10-19. ^y "When Women Love," Eastern (Frank W. Nasoa mgr.)—Keene. N. H., 17, Hinsdale 18, Turners Falls, Msss., ID. Orange 21, Mlddletown, Conn 24, Torrlngton 25. * "When Women Love," Western (Frank W. Nason mgr.)—Lima, O.. 17, Fort Wayne, Ind., 18. 19 Chicago, 111., 20-26. . • <. "Was she to Blame?" (Jed Carlton, mgr.)— A 0,Ir ' IS" .J 0 ' C "*/ 17 ' s,ni " !*• Outhrle Centre 19, Panora 20, Adel 21, Dallas Center 22. Woodward 23. Perry 24. v*mer "Was She to Blame7" (K. L., mgr.)— Seneca. Kan. 16, Axtell 17. Marysvllle 18, Blue Rapids- 19. Frankfort 21. Greenleaf 22 Clyde 23, Belolt 25. Glasco 20. ' "Whoop-Dee-Doo"—Fall River, Mass.. 21-20, "When tbe Bell Tolls" (J. H. Maur. mrr)— Uhrlchsville. 0., 10. Akron 17-19T mft ->~ 'TJl^'.P 0 !??" <*• '• Davenport, mgr.)—Pola, Ml.. 18, Dixon 19, Morrison 21, Spring Valley ,.88. Princeton 23. Aledo 25, Keltisburg 20 "IVho's Brown 1" (Morris 4 Hall, mgrs.)—Seat le Wash 13-10. Port TownSnd 17. Victor!?, o. S;' Ul. V . a . n< iS? Te i; 19 ' New Whatcom, Wash., &:a*p aji 22, Tacoma 23, 24, Hoqulnm 25 Chehalls 20. Portland. Ore.. 27-Dec. 3 "Wild ooose Chase" (Vincent G. Harlg, 'mgr )— Smyrna. Del., 14, Cbestertown is" HsrVlng- T "Young Tobe Hoxle" (Rslph Pinktam, mgr.)— °'«>n.J«-J-. 14. Bradford, Pa.. 15, Hometa- "Your Neighbor's Wife" (M. L. Ellis, mgr.)— «°m ,,0 ?i n h 18 ' Amb0 »' "• Mandato 18, La ,J f0 "i 19 ' Tamplco 21, Wabint 22. "lork State Folks" (F. a Wright, mgr.)—To- peka, Kan., 23. Cedar Raplda, la.. 26. lounger Brothers" (A. A. Jack, mgr.)—South Charleston O 14 Mount Sterling 1^ Ashland ay- I**, Louisa 1,, Jackson, 0„ 18, Welbnon 19. Ijncasetr 21, Clrclevllle 23, Dayto™ 2" 20 MUSICAL. B ' I ? le B |"" 1 ,. ( Tt5;. Wc ^' n >»T-)-Oedar Falls, I?- 2l A. l ?^ "o" 1 ** M . Slonx City 23. Ida Grovo 24, Waveriy 23. Waterloo 20. ' Black Pnttl Tronbodours (Voelckel A Nolan, mgrs.)—Denver. Colo., 1319, "Bai*s in Toylnnd" (Hamlin, Mitchell 4 Fields, K ? "-|V", 0 , mo ! ,!, ', Nebr - l!, - l °. Kansas City Mo., 17-19. St. Joseph 21, 22, Des Moines la 23 24, Cclnr Rapids 25,' Davenport 80. ' "Billionaire." Thos. Q. Seabrooke (Klaw A Er-. longer, mcrs.)—Mllwnukce, Wis., 13-ie, Du- buoue. la.. 18, St. Paul, Minn., 20-23, Minne- apolis 24-20. "Baroness Fiddlesticks" (McDonald 4 Sullivan, mgrs.)—London, Can., 14, Hamilton 15. 16. Kingston 17, Ottawa 18. 19. N. Y. City 21, Indefinite. "Burgomaster" (W. W. TUlotsoo, gen. mgr.)— New Orleans, La.. 13-19. Canadian Jubilee Singers (W. T. Cary. mgr.)— Brechin 19*% 10 ' Coldw,ter "• 0tU " A la - Cansdlnn CoioreTl Concert (WUllam Carter, mgr.) —Westfield, N. Y.. 16. Mayvllle 17, Lakewood IS, Warren, Pa.. 19. 20, Youngsvllle 21, Claren don 22, Sneffleld 23. Wilcox 24. "Chinese Honeymoon," Eastern (Sam S. Shnbert, mgr.)—Salem. Mass., 10, Maiden 17, Fltch- bnrg 18. Soutb Framlngham 19, New Bedford 81, r Newport, R. L, 22, Fall River, Mass., 23, Worcester 24, Walttaam 25, Marlboro 20. "Chinese Honeymoon," Western (8am 8. Shu- bert, mxr.)—Denver, Colo., 13-19. Victor 20. Cripple Creek 21, Colorado Springs 22, Pueblo 23; Lendvllle 24, Salt Lake City, U., 25, 20. "Cupid 4 Co." (J. Fred Zimmerman Jr., mgr.)— Cnrbondsle. Ps., 10. Scranton 17, Dtlei, N. Y., 18, Syracuse 19. Toronto, Can., 21-20. "Clngalee" (Daniel Frohman, mgr.)—N. Y. (Sty 14-19, Chicago. 111., 22, Indefinite. "China Doll"—N. Y. City 19. Indefinite. : Daniels, Frank (Charles B. Dllllngbam. mgr.)— St Pant, Minn., 13-10, Minneapolis 17-19, Mil- waukee, Wis.. 20, 81, South Bend, Ind.. 22. Indianapolis 23, 24, Lafayette 25, Terre Haute 26. ■ • "• English Grand Opera (Henry W. Savage, mgr.) —Rochester, N. Y., 14-19, Erie, Pa., 21, Can- ton, O., 28,. 23, Toledo 24-20. Edwardes, Paula (Sam S. A Lee Shnbert, mgrs.) —Springfield, Mass., 10. Empire Grand Opera—Yonngstown, O., 14-19. "F.I Capltan," Kerr Brothers'—Columbus, 0., 24- 26. "Fantana," Jefferson De Angells (Sam S. A Lee Shubert, mgrs.)—Chicago, 111., 14, Indefinite. "Forbidden Land" (Dearborn Theatre Co., mgrs.) —Dallas, Tex.. 18, Leavenworth, Kan,, 22, Omaha, Neb.. 23. . "Fortune Teller," Elsie Janls (Milton 4 Sargent Aborn, mgrs.)—Boston, Maaa., 14-10, Holyoke Grand Opera (Helnrleb Conrled, mgr.)—N. Y. City 14. indefinite. Gluaer, Lulu, Opera (C. B. Dillingham, mgr.)— Cleveland, 0., 14-19, Chicago, III., 21-Dec. 3. "Glittering Gloria" (Fisher A Ryley, mgr*,)— Bnkersfleld, CaL, lfl. Fresno 17, Stockton 18, Sacramento 19. Salt Lake City, U.. 21-23, Pueblo, Colo., 24, Color.ido Spring* 20, Victor 26. "Girl from Dixie" (George A. Kingsbury, mgr.)— Decatur. 111.. 10. Hopper, De Wolf (Sam- 8. Shubert, mgr.)—An- derson. Ind.. lfl. Rlyrla. O.. 17, Newark 18,. Caahrldge 19. East Liverpool 21, rarkeraburc, W. Vn., 22, Fremont 23, Wheeling 24, Altoona, Pa., SO. Irm* Opera (J. P. Wheadon, mgr.)—Vlroona, Wis., 10, Sparta 17, Rcedsburg 18. Bnrnnoo IB. Richland Center 81, Boscobel 22, Prairie dn Chlen 23. Rlkader 24. Decorsh 23. OreBco 26. "Isle of Spice" (B. C. Whitney, mgr.)—Pitts- ton, Pa., 10, Haxleton 17. Pottsvllle 18, Scran- ton 10, Ithaca, N. Y„ 21, Syracuse 22, L'tlca 28. Troy 24, Ncwburgh 25. Ponghkeepsle 26. "Jewel of Asia" (John P. Slocum, mar.)— Gainesville, Tex., 21, Dallas 22. Fort Worth 23. Houston 24, 25, Galveston 20. "Jolly Baron," 8am Collins—Chicago. III.. 14-19. Kilties Band (T. P. J. Power, mgr.)—London, Eng., 14. Indefinite, "King Dodo" (David Traltcl. mgr.)—Springfield. Mass.. 1C. Bridgeport, Conn., 17, Hartford 18, 10. "Liberty Belles" (Fred G. Berger Jr., mgr.)— Milwaukee. Wis., 18-19. "MIsh Bob White" (Nixon 4 Zimmerman, mgrs.) —Monroe, La., 16, Beaumont, Tex., 17, Gal- veston 18. Houston 19, San Antonla 21, Coral- cana 22, Dallas 23, Shreveport, La., 24, Teur- kana. Ark., 25, Greenville, Tex., 20. "Mother Goose" (Klaw 4 Erlanger. mgrs.)— Toledo, O., 14-19, Bnffslo, N. Y., 21-20. "Maid aud" tbe Mommy" (Charles Marks, mgr.)— MansOeld, O., 18, Detroit. Mlcb.. 21-20. "Mr. Wlx of Wkkham." E. K. Rice's—Phila- delphia. Pa„ 14. Indefinite. Pheliib's Opera (E.. V. Pl.elnn, mgr.)—Bangor, Me... 14-10. Lewlston 21-20. "Partlfal,' J lb English (Henry W. Savage, mgr.) — N; : Y. City 14-10. SprlngfleM. Mass, 82. "Peggy from Paris" (Henry W. 8avage. mgr.)— Sau Antonla. Tex., 10, Austin 17. Dallas 18, IB. Fort Worth.21. Greenville 22, Denlton 23, Sherman 24. Bonham 25, Paris 20. ' "Prince of tllsen" (Henry W. Bavage, mgr.)— Toronto. Can'., 14-19, Hamilton, Can., 23. "PUT. Patf. Poor' (F. C. Whitney, mgr.)—It. T. City 14-10, Springfield, Mass., 24, Trenton, N. J.. 26.