The New York Clipper (November 1904)

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November 19. TETE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 911 <*««»• iii m nun con WTTB RED UTTiS, MD SHOWODRTEADSIARI RATHE FILMS Latest Novelties, 12 Cents Per Foot. COM! AND LOOK AT OUR ORIGINAL FILM8 AND YOU WILL NEVER BUY "DUPES." SELLING AGENTS, Kill OPTICAL CO., A PR1HCESS IN DISGUISE (Very Pretty Fairy Tale),: BULL HfiHT (Entirely New, Most Realistic Ever Out), AU6UST, THE MONKEY (Very Laughable), - . THE STRIKE (Realistic Social Scene),! • - • Wl Sill Oulr Oir Original Films. x»a • - • 574 feet A CNEEKY TRAVELER (Very Funny), - - • • • 377 feet INDIANS AND COWBOYS (Attack on a Coach) - - • - - 246 feet DRAMA IN THE AIR (Sensational), • 442 feet JOSEPH SOLD BY HIS BROTHERS (Famous Biblical Scene), TBB OXZ«riEaiMC^L-X l OO-XCA.X>ia OO.. 42 E. 23d . 164 feet • 590 feet 180 feet • 623 feet Strut, Niw Yerk. C 3. Primrose writes that bis "Uncle 81 Hasltlna" Co. opens Its fifth season at Oi'onomuwoe, Wis., Saturday, Dec. 10. The roster will comprise several members that have been with him several seasons. Tbe paper will be all special,' and his time Is booked solid. Tbe company will carry a band and orchestra. — Jacob* and Vantyle played tbe Howard, Boston, and Poll's, \Vaterbury, and Inform us that they.wero very successful. They are re- hearslnit with Martin Julian's "Because She Loved Bo." .Mr. Jacobs created the part of the Cbinaoan last reason. The company will open at tbe Third Avenue Theatre, this city, Thanksgiving week. — George C. Tyler, manager of Llebler & Co., salleo. Nov. 12 for Europe to make ar- rangements for the homecoming of Eleanor Robson, who Is playing at the Duke of York's Theatre. Hiss Bobsoa will arrive home 01 Dec. 22, and It was arranged that she should appear at a matinee performance of "Merely Mary .Ann,"-at the New Amsterdam Theatre as a sort of "welcome home." After tnis she will go direct to St. Louis to resume her American, tour. While abroad Mr. Tyler will go to Switzerland to confer with flail C'alne regarding the forthcoming production nC "The Prodigal Son," wblcb Is to be a dramatisation, of bis latest novel. The play will be given in New York early next season. — Notes from tbe Chas. .Mortimer Co.: F. F. Keith has arranged to reopen the tour of this popular attraction at Tltusvllle, Pa., Nov. ;i. ' Mf. Mortimer will be seen In a strong line of. new plays and tour In con- junction With tbe Crockett Comedy Co., with the popular comedian, Will P. Crockett. After a tour of Mr. Mortimer's old territory, twenty weeks will be spent In Canada. Master Bob Adolphtts la at tbe head of tbe vaudeville corps, which. also Includes Laska and the Carlton Slaters. . — "May Irwin's Home Cooking," a neatly bound volume of over 250 pages, has Just reached this office. It contains over a hun- dred recipes for tasty dishes, and accom- panying eacb. of these recipes are pen and Ink Illustrations. The book also contains numerous comic songs and sayings, selected by Miss Irwin from those that have been used In ber stage work of previous years. — Mme. Modjeska has signed a contract for a abort engagement In vaudeville, and arrangements have been concluded whereby the actress will make her vaudeville debut at the Victoria Theatre, New York, Dec. 1U, probably In. a condensed version of one of the emotional plays in wblcb she has ap- peared. —. Daniel - Frohman sailed for Germany Nov. 8. — F. Jfeck De Castillo writes: "I am In my ninth Week with J. 0. Stuttz's 'Was Sbe To Blame?" Co., playing tbe artist, Law- rence Severn. We are touring Texas, and having (rood business. Mr. Stuttz will cele- 1 rate the forty-fifth anniversary of his stage carver next 'week, and we all look forward to a fine, time." — Oarelde, of the Garslde Stock Co., left last week to enjoy a well earned rest at his country home In Ohio. He was accom- panied to Pittsburg by bis wife (Emma Warren), and Jimmy Phillips, of tbe sup- porting: 'company. Incidentally they wit- nessed the all star revival of "The Two Or- phans" ut the Nixon. -—"The Mulligan's Holiday" Co., present- ing Fred Vice In the title role, opened re- cently at Mingo, O., and, our informant state*, "was pronounced the laughing hit of. the season." The roster: Fred Vice, Ed. Browning. Guy Stone, Fred Carpenter, Harry Sparks', .Emily Viola, Irene Browing, Maud l.ockhnft, Emma La Voice and the feature act, Blby Browning. Wesley C. Lockhart Is musical director; Chick Leemlng, in ad- vnnce; under the management of John Leem- lng. •. — Lizzie Vkn, In private life Mrs. James Horton, mourns the death of her father, E. F. Thompson, who passed away on Nov. 8. Interment was at Cornwall, N. Y., Nov. 10. — Robert B. Mantell opens In his Shakes- pearean repertory at Pottsvllle, Pa., Nov. 7. — Jim Ratigh, character comedian, closed with Arlngton T s Comedians at McCook, Nev., Nov. '4,'.and started Immediately for Hot Spring*. Ark.i .Where be will remain for Six weeks,, rejoining the A ring ton Co. in January for a stock engagement la Denver, Col. Mr. Bauph frill'be. connected with tbe Arlngton Co. lor' the' next three Seasons. — Fred Mackley writes: "At our cozy little opera bouse here at Keystone, W. Vs., good business Is very much In evldenece, and thanks'to your advertisements in TBS Cur- I'kr we' nave booked ahead Some splendid companies.' Mrs. Mackley and I are In good health, and, with our clown' dog,' 'Tops}',' inking n good rest;" - 1 -Daniel F., V. Flynn Is now playing the lead la" Rowland & Clifford's "Over Niagara Falls" (B),. And will continue in same for (he rest of the season. , — : M:lbelle Lorona, who was ploying Patsy, the waif, In "The Tenderfoot" Co., has left St. Mary's Hospital, where she underwent a surgical operation for'a fractured knee. She, will rejoin the company later in the season.' • • — Lemuel B. C. Josephs and Boot Pfar left New, York Nov. 2 for St. Louis, to begin rehearsals with the Stewart-Josephs Co. Tour begins Nov. 10. , , — May Montford has been engaged' ny Henry W. Savage to play the part of Pamela Frances Jackson, in George Ade's comedy satire, "The Saltan of Sulu," succeeding Flo irwlo. mIbh Montford was last season with "The Runaways,'" playing the role created by Fay Temple ton. . Previous to that she was with Mrs. Leslie Carter's, Company. Miss Montford wilt Join "The Sultan of Bulu" Co. „ —.Recent' engagements by Harry Doel Parker, for, bin Western "Under Southern *khni" Co. are: Grace Hopkins, Harry W Collins, Curlotta. Josephine Lynn and T. F. Warburst... .... — llobson Dalton, Chas. Osborne, Jeanettt Mills.aud.Blanche Paull have been engagtd as the, principals with "Strange Adventures of Amos Bkeeter," Robert Graff, manager. . — May,Treat Is playing her old roles with lit* Henderson Stock Co., with which she has been Identified for the past five years. —'Richard Silver, Anna Osborne and The- resa De Btiy hate been engaged by the Kup ham Syndicate for their No. 2 "Carmen" Co. - 1 Harry Rnapp Is wltb the Easter 1 "uncle Josh Bpruoeby" Co.- .. . „ — Mildred teW Joined v "Tbe Crest Way- Co. on Sept. 22, and reports meeting wltb lucoess with her singing. tinder m tints. Ab. Steele's "Unclb Tom's Cabin" Notes. —The third annual season ot this company closed at Vandergrlft Heights, Pa., Oct. 29, making a season of twenty-five suc- cessful weeks. The show visited five States, traveling three thousand miles, by wagon. The weather was "op aod down" nearly all the time, cold rain and wind storms alter- nating. However, no blow downs were en- countered and no performances were lost. The show is now comfortably boused for tbe Winter at Vandergrlft Heights, Pa., our Winter quarters, where active preparations are already under way for the next tenting Beaeon, which will open about May 1. Woody Van, tbe minstrel comedian, wbo has been with Mr. Steele the past three seasons as general manager, has bought one-half in- terest in tbe show, and tbey will launch a first class one ring circus next season. We will have eighty head ot horses and ponies, twenty four wagons, with a b'g top, 80ft., wltb two 40ft. middle pieces: a side show dressing top, horse top, and everything In rst class condition. New baggage and parade wagons will be added, and also an outfit of new harness, trappings and unique wardrobe. Sam Dock has been engaged as equestrian director, and will re- main at Vandergrlft Heights all Winter, where he and bis wife will train a herd of ponies and a troupe of .dogs for next sea- son. The executive staff will be: L. Steele & Woody Van, proprietors; Sam Dock, eques- trian director; Joe Warnlck, boss canvas man; Woody Van, general manager. Mr. Van Is now located at his borne In Maucb Chunk, Pa., where he Is building a large sleeping wagon, to be used as a general of- fice una sleeping wagon for Mr. Steele and himself. «»» DEATHS IN TUB PROFESSION. Piiof. Hermann Endb, musical director of the Clara Matbes Co., died at St. Joseph's Hospital, Port Arthur, Ont., Oct. 18, after an illness of one week, from pneumonia. He was In his sixtieth year, and was an officer in the German army, having served during the Kranco-Prusslan War. Previous to that he was a German Lutheran minister. He came from the old country to Brandon, Man., eight years ago, and Joined tbe Clara Mattes Co. shortly after. He was a member of the Eagles, Aerie No. 2S0, Le Grande, Ore. The remains were Interred in Riverside Ceme- tery. Port Arthur, Ont, Oct 20, by Miss Manas. Billy Fitzgerald, a comedian, died Nov. 4. from brain fever, aged twenty-eight years. He had played successfully with North Bros.' Repertory Co.. and 'later was with "The Eleventh Hoar' Co. The last company with which he appeared was "A Bunch of Keys," in wblcb he played Grlmsy, Me Boy. His mother, a brother and two sisters survive him, Blanche Guichard, a vaudeville per- former, whose name Injirlvate life was Mrs. Harry Lewis, died In Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 4. from consumption, aged twenty-four years. Sbe was leading soubretto. for two seasons with the late Matt Flynn's 'Big Sensation Co. A brother and fonr slaters, all professionals, and two children survive ber. Interment was In Evergreens Cemetery, N. Y., Nov. 0. Grace Moore, whose name In private life was Mrs. C. B. Radford, died at her home in Baltimore, Md., Nov. 1, from pneumonia. Sidney Belasco, author and composer of a new song called 'Three Cheers tor the Red, White and Blue," died at Mt. Slnal Hospital, New York City, on Sunday, Nov, 0, after an operation for Appendicitis. On Tuesday even- ing of the previous week he bad witnessed the first production of this, his first song, by the Rice and Barton Co. He was nineteen years of age snd leaves n mother, sinter and two brothers, one of whom, Alfred Mayo, Is with tbe Joe Welch Co. Vai.kuh Kemy. an actor, whose name In private life was Louis Eugene Tremblny, died at his hoarding bouse in New York City on Nov. IS, from apoplexy, aged twenty-eight vearn. He was bom in Ottawa, Can., and the last company he appeared wltb was "The Yankee Consul." His wife and one child survive bliu. James Whitney-Swops, whose death was announced in last weeks Clipper, began his professional career with bis brother, Howard, In 1802, and not in 1002, as tbe types made It read In tbe obituary notice. lBADORE IU-8H (White), an, actress, died Mondav, Nov. 14, at San Diego, Cal„ from heart failure caused by shock. She was In bathing accompanied by several members of ber company and was struck by a huge comber and knocked down. Before any of her 1 companions could reach her she was carried out by tbe undertow. Sbe was finally brought to shore by Milton Henrlot, a member of her company, who himself had to be resusci- tated. Miss Rush was unconscious when brought to shore and was at once taken to the California Hospital, bnt In spite of the efforts of tbe physicians she never regained consciousness. Miss Rush made her profes- sional debut In 1688 bb a member of Roland Heed's Co., playing Mrs. Lucy Joy, In "The Woman Hater/' and scored a snecess from the start. She contlnned as leading lady ot Sir. Reed's company up' to the time of the Intter's death, over three years ago. Later she assumed the role of Lady Holyrood. In "Kloradorn." and afterward played a leading role in • "The Medal and the Maid." This season she was being featured In "Glittering Gloria." Miss Rush was born In Wllkea- barre, Pa., about thirty-eight years ago, and her married name was White. She Is stir- vl.ed by a'daughter. Carroll Tilton, wbo has for tbe past six years been connected with Hyde ft Belt- man's theatrical Interests, died at his home in Brooklyn, N. Y., on Nov. 12, from s com- plication of diseases, aged forty-one years. . . ♦ <» KENTUCKY. Leslnirton.—At the Grand Opera noose (Cbas. Scott, manager) Mande Adams played to a very large bouse N>v. 7. "Thy Moon- shiner's Daughter" played to fairly good houses. "Other People's Money" li, Robert Edeson 19. 4 »♦ — Whttely and Bell are with Geo. W. Heath's "Peck's Bad Boy" Co.. Playing parts and doing their specialty. This ll tbelr third season with that company. * "HABBACH'S" * ... BULLETIN ... LIGHTS. HIGH LIGHTS-LOW PRICES. ON£ EACH. $14 ACETVLENE MGBT OUTFIT $9.15 120 BRIGHT WHITE LIOHT $16.00 lie HYDRO. CARBON LIGHT aio.OO US ELECTRIC LAMP AND RHEOSTAT $T.W $36 60 MODEL B OXY. UTI10, LIGHT *01 Cfl ODTFIT $/(iOU One; Tbe Best By Mail, 51.25 EACH. SONS, POSE AND SERPENTINE SLIDES -ALL. THE FEATURE.- EDISON AND BIOGRAPH WILMS* ALSO WE RAVI 8. H. Films $2.50 Up. Many 1,000 Feel WE WANT MOTION PICTURE MACHINES. BTEREOPTI0ON8, FILMS, SLIDES, Etc, Head for list and prices. FILM BOXES, REELS, BIANOHI CEMENT, EUREKA BINGLE DISSOLVED IlSI'lllIM, m LATEST AND BESt MOTION PICTURE MACHINES, |» UP. 809 Filbert St., ., PHlLA.,Pi. WANTEO-8INQER, for Illustrated Bongs; Lady or Oent: Piano Player preferred. Address OHAB. BAY, Cumberland, Md. FOR BALE-SEVERAL THOUSAND FEET OF FILMS, 6c. to 7o. per foot. Address OHAB. RAY, Cumberland, Md. miscellaneous. Mysterious Caebab and bis company of wonder workers and entertainers, are tour* ing California, doing well. The roster ot the company is as follows: Cesar, In bis trunk mystery, assisted by Helen Lewis; Le Petite Magretta, comedienne; Delmar and Dexter. comedy boomers; Bchoenwerk, "tbe Talkative TrlckBter," with Bert Newell, leader of or- chestra. Knso Ladon has retired from the stage and gone Into the hotel business at Unloa City, Conn,. ... Piior. Will H. Mean writes: "I have Joined hands with Col. M. Bchult, tbe well known dog and cat trainer (for tbe past Ave sea- sons with the Forepaugh A Bells Bhow), snd our show from now on will be known as Sbult A Mead's Animal Actors. We feature tbe Colonel's twelve German boar hounds and my talking horse, Ben Hur. We have ufty-two animals In alt, and for an outside attraction we have three dogs on the dying trapeze, thirty-live foot in midair, the only act of Ita kind In the world. The show works under a sixty foot round top, wltb one forty foot middle piece. The roster Is as follows I Col. M. Bchult ft W. H. Mead, owners and managers; Peter Mescher, charge of canvas, with nve assistants: Fatty Edwards, charge of stock, with two assistants; Mike Singer, props, wltb one assistant; Prof.Conley, leader ot band; Mrs. Bchult, treasurer; Prof. C. D. Malt land, charge of ticket wagon; Harry Bpecke, charge of cook tent, with one helper. This llttlo show will make three and four Btands per week through Alabama, Texas and New Mexico." Notes fjiom Lobuam'8 Minhthelh and Vaudeville Co. —We closed our Summer seaoou ot thirty-two weeks with our golden chariot In Perkasle, Pa., on Oct. 20, having played fifteen weeks In Now Jersey and sev. i-nteoii weeks in Pennsylvania, Including Connhobocken, Lansdale, Bounderton, Sellers- vllle and Perkasle. We opened our Winter season, in Quarkertown, Pa., on.Oct 81, and played to pneked houses nightly. We are. this week in Rlchlandtown, with llellcrtowu, Betblehtui,. Allentown, Lebanon, Reading, Pottsvllle, Coatcsvllle, Downlngtown, 1'mk- ersvlllc, Chester and Blnlsboro to follow. The roster: John Dougherty, manager: Harry Foster, comedian: Al. Jorden, pianist; l>. Lealand Lester, vocalist; Wm. K. Forrest, musician: James Mct'nlfry, magician: Har- rison Wilbur, vocalist; Dr. C. B. Owens, lecturer: Chris. Delssler, props., and Harry L. Birch, mansger. Our Hummer season opens April 1, 11)05, in Frederick, Md., will) the State to.follow. , Notes mow Hl'iid, the Great Magician, and Co.—Wc are now In our tenth wt<ok and business has been exceptionally good. The season Is booked up. solid until Jnne 1, Itos. ter: Ceo. B. Greenwood, mansger: .SliwrireM Brlggs, advenes; Frederic Ilurd, Robert Dem- orest, Montle McAdoo, Earl WolU, Leo Dem- urest and Ona Demorest. «■» — T/."B. Beach mourns tbe death,.ot; his father, Dr. A. D. Beach, wbo died On. 24, at Olatbt, Kan. Dr. Beach had many f rleuds In the pro fen loa. SLIGHTLY USED FILMS — BIOORAPH F-t|_rVfS. THK GREAT HAIL WAY TRAOKDY, ......... $330.00 AUNT AN HA AT THK BBABIIOHK, ....... . . ng.00 THE MOAPED LCHAT1C, ths Hit of th. Csntory, - - ■ - IS 00 THK ONLY HAH—Aaotttsr Kaoekoat, - • - • - > • BO.OO PHHIOitAWrh. Kv.rla.tlng Hit, «0,0O THAI* BOBBERY, -. 00.(0 BANK ROBI1KUY, OO.CO REVENOE, ••-.-....... Ba.OO AND 100 OTHER!. 10,000ft. OF FILM FROM THREE CENTS PER FOOT UP. BDIBON EXHIBITION MACHINE, Compute, . ■ . . $TO,00 LVBIN, ...... . . . . ... 40,00 LVBIN, Compute, with OAB HAKINO) OUTFIT, - ... flO.OO BARGAIN MACHD.E9 ALWAY8 ON HAND. We Will socept your old dims snd Machines for new ones. WE RENT MACHINES AND FILMS WITH OB WITHOUT OPERATOR!, ILLUSTRATED BONO SLIDES-All the Latest: TKABINO, MAN WITH TBE LADDER AND THE HOSE, HER BOY IN BLUE, DOES THIS TRAIN 00 TO HEAVBKiBLUB BELL, and 100 others, all Beautifully Colored, at $8.00 PER BET. ' We also carry a large stock of Cloak and Serpentine Slides at $• and H cents eaoh, colored. WE WILL POSE YOUR BONO OR YOUR LECTURE AT TBE 1.0WEST PRICES. THE BEST 8TEREOPTICON ON THE MARKET, SI4.7G. WITH ELECTRIC, CALCIUM OR AOETYLtNR BURNER. WE RENT BTEREOPTICONi AND SLIOKB WITH OR WITHOUT OF1HATUR1, TBE CHEAPEST PLACE ON EARTH FOR SHEETS. ISA, IMtUABH, 13.00. LARGER SIZES IN PROPORTION, BARGAIN ALWAYS ON HAND. AL.P-RKD L. MARSTN 4. OO., 138 EAST Mt. STREET, HEW YORK. K. Y. Tax, ii H M <rpm . P. S.-ATTHNTION.-OOOI) FIRST CLASS OPERATORS ALWATB WANTED. WANTED QUICK, FOR DAN DARLEIGH ft BOB MACK'S Old Si. JStet>t>in^ Co., ad VIOLIN, -to Double Alto. Also CORNET, B. and 0., to replace s bad boy; yon must be good; that's why I urn In need; f on tat your salary here. Wire lowest to DAN DARLJBIGH, Grafton, W. Vs., in; Piedmont 17, Heyersdsle, Pa., la; lit. Pleasant, Pa., 19. DIRECT FROM EUROPE. MANAGERS INVITED. UNIT A et PAUL, NOVELTY GYMNASTS EXTRAORDINAIRE. Ttar Pistif't. this wetk, 3.15 aid 8.30. IMMEDIATE DATES VACANT, TOM F-IIMIMIOAf Not, lat Ron Ton, l'lilln., Pa. Featured as the Only Legitimate HucoassortothaLtte J, w. Kelly. Created more talk than any single act that has appuired In Unit city In years. At Gotham, Harlem, Sunday, Nov. 13. One ol the biggest hits In the history of the theatre. Ask the msnager. Nor. 14, Orpheuni, files, N. Y., for Wllmer A Vincent. Address WM. MORRIS snd all MICK AGENTS. FENBERG STOCK GO. dive.) -wrASirr® Al JUVHNILB IiVADINO HAN. AND A GOOD OHARAOTBR HAN. Appestraae* and wardrobe rural lai. Other good peoul*. writ*. Address OHO. H. PHNBBRG, Hanager., This week, 1428 Broadway, N. Y.; New Bedford, Mass., week Nor. SI. Trained Dogs and Monkeys, Rare Dirds. ' Well, KleoHon li noworer. There Is no more worry. IT WILL 00 NOW. I offer tareral Plus Trained Dogs, soma Trained Monkeys and » number of Rare Ltrge Birds fOR BALE. Alio lot of Pine Taine Monkey., very suitable for training; especially some oiutit Male Rosin, Pair Cuba, Ulsck Bears, Big Ulsck Ape, Snakes, etc. Let's have your address If Interested. Baak nt tbe old plsce kgstn. '•BUCK'S ANIMAL SO WOO U," 33* H. Front St., Philadelphia, Pa, GENERAL 1ifii88 MAN WITH GREAT SPECIALTIES, FEATURE ACT, WHO CAN PLAY PARTS. BtatO all. LORtl El.WVSf. Kt'irtf, N. II, 41 and weak. m MANACkftS PEOPLE IN ALL IIRAN I'll KS AT _ __ ALL TI.ttKN, H Si CO,. Theatrics! Exchange, 1868-70 llroadwuy, Hullo 2d, N. Y. We book aud roate companies. Reasonable terms. Homes rep- resented. People furnished on short notice. Write or wire. m him ' !] MANAGERS PENNA., W. VA. AND OHIO Bend open dates. "Society Circus." <:»ii place good HpeclAlty I'eoj PKNN. AV le with our company. Also circm People for VnKMBN'l' co., MH» Fraxler B'., Allegheny Pa.. FOR MALE—Grand Theatre, Newport, R. I., oroond Partner wanted with gsoo; pop,, 22,000. HIMOK L. ROSEN. Grand Thoittre, Newport. K. 1. TYPEWRITTEN SKETCHED, II Such. "Oct OA My Mind" (tramp, soubrette), "John tjs> ser'. Belsnre" (eccemrlu male, soclny girl), "Ten Dollars s Minute" (bell boy, society girl), •'Please Wuke Up" 1 white face, 2'm»les).i"A Little Too Strong" (black fsce, 3 uialri), "Bsy Some- thing" (Oertnun, 2 msles). Sketches written to order. Address BERNARD KLiNfi, Plsywrlgtit, 7 BalOoch Bt., Boston, Mass. iWANTBD, SKETCH TEAMS AND SINGLE SPECIALTIES that can change for week. No tlokots- I have been In the business 21 rears and jour money every week. Permanent address, ' ' /,C. ARMONP, No. Sotton, N. II. FOR SALE—New Double Spot Lsmpa, two on eaeh stand; double rheostat, w or a »m- Serei, Bwluhes, etc; 1 single Spot Lamp and Rs- rctor. Pass any lospectlon. Cheap r«r cash. •X. Z.," care of NEW YOKE CLIPPER. SKETCH TEAM (Man and Wife) wanted that are well up Inmidl- clne business snd can change often. One mast piny organ. Bute silary, when yon tan Join, and all you do. : . NATURE'S REMEDY CO., PHIX.A,, PA. Other Performers that.nisynrg.n. wilts. Music Arranged. Composed. Arranging Bmsii Snug., a Parts,» cent.. P. W. A. KRBTBMA R. 412 K. 1Mb St.. New York. FOR SALE.—sisok ArMJutiii. $H.~~!+et of Shadowgraphs, to. Nest of Boxes, ft. .Fish Pole, $$. Lot of Tricks, cheap; Slikoien* Serpantina Dance Urass, $e. 10 slide., u Stamp. MRS. WM. CARL, 284 Coon St., Rocliuster,'jM. f.