The New York Clipper (November 1904)

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November 19. : the: isnzw yoek ctjIppeb. 915 AN INSTANTANEOUS SONG HIT FOR THE BIG FIRM ■ "WB TAKB PLEASIRK lit ANNOlNCINO THAT TUB BIQ BONO 81'tCKIB OF 1905 «*« J«'»»T )1»DE ITS APPBAAAHCK. WB WILL GUAHAflTBB IT-WE WILL SWEAR BY IT. IT 19 CALLED WON'T YOU FONDLE ME A deacrlpt.oa is out of the question. All yon want to do Is to hear It. It la so good It cannot be equaled. It oan be used for any kind of an act. and tur first ones mlng It will get all the cream, so be one of the first. We alio have a. Crackajack In the March Song Line, by MADDEN and MOflKT, called ONE LITTLE SOLDIER MAN' it » • Everybody that hears this quaint little Japanese March Song agrees with us that Mr. Madden has another "Blue rtell," Mr. Moret another "Hiawatha" In this song. We are alio Working Very Hard on the New JBROBE and SCHWARTZ Ron* Hit, WN IN THE SUBWAY" .. You have your audiences with you on this song from the flrat line to the end of the chorus. It's great! That Pltlfal Wall of a Baited Coon, BACK, BACK, BACK TO BALTIMORE By WILLIAMS and VAN ALSTYNB, Is still on top of the heap of all coon songe, and It certaluly deserves It. It's a great Bong. M Then we have a little Bong that stands alone, without a rival, by WILLIAMS and VAN ALSTYNB, .. .. 99 We also have words now for the great Instrumental piece, so much advertised, THE TROUBADOUR This Is by W. C POWELL, the writer of "The flondoller." This plet* Is ready for hand and orchestra. Musical acts will do well to send for a ropy. We also have a Successful Child Ballad by JOB MAXWELL, SEMINOLE" . It Is not alone the greatest song, hut there are none that can possibly compare with It .. Wo have New Slides by DE WITT C. WHBBLBR for that Greatest of all Southern Ballads, -■■ ■■ The Sweetest Girl In Dixie" "Nobody 8 T Love Me Now" By ODEA and ADAMS. Slides* that canot be excelled, made by A I,. SIMPSON. When tu New York, don't foil to call on us. Professional Parlors at your service. MOSB GDMBLB and large staff of Assistants In charge. In Chicago, MR. HOB ADAMS Is always on hand to most yoa at 87-89 Clark St. MISS HENRIETTA. B. BLANKE, at our Detroit office, 10 Wltherell St., will be pleased to play and tench any of the above Songs. ADDRESS ALL MAIL MATTER TO * r r r r w SHAPIRO, REMICK & COMPANY A NEW MUSICAL INSTRUMENT TM8IN0 Anyone with out. knowledge of Music can play it. just Insert the music roll and blow to produce any kind of music same as a skilled musician. No fractloe, no rouble. Send stamps forests logue, etc, A. BRAUNEI88, Mfr.,452 Lenox Avt.,NewYork. WANTED. The Midnight Flyer, CHARACTER ACTOR. To Doable Old Han and Italian. Btate age. height, weight and lowest salary. ED. ANDERSON, Zanesville, Ohio, Nov. ID; Lorain 21, beilevue 33, Delaw are 21. , REPERTOIRE. Managers, I have the week of Dec. I open; also weeks of Jan. 16 and 23, Only one a month. J.H, BRAY, Wllllmaolic, Cora. At I*it>e«*tye DR. KIT KENYON Extra Strong Leoturer and Oflico Worker. Look and Oil. the pan. Strictly sober and reliable. (Not a performer.) Address „•... _ BjuE KENYON, 226 N. Main at., Wlohlta, Kas . t WANTED, REPERTOIRE PEOPLE IN ALL LINES Tell all m flrat letters mast be sble to loin on wire; people doing Specialties given preference; can place Good Team that change for one week and Piav Bmall Parts. Address THE HARRINGTON STOCK CO., lllopolls, 111. WAKTEi. .OH PEOPLE WHO CAN DOUBLE IN BAND. ALBO LADY AND WREN. HllOS.' "V. T C." LKIPBIO, OHIO. Waitil it Dice, a Number if Boad Second Band Fllms-Comlo, etc., long ones if possible; alio Edison Exhibition or Universal Klnetotoope. HOOU. CUPPER. VAAJ0KVIIJL.K ACTS, Monologues, Parodies, eto., written to order at reasonable rates. A few on hand. Music com- poood ana arranged.^ p ^ y y ouppBB Wnlid, Lady kiosiclins, 'Celt., Clirioait AND O'iRNET. Host be flrat class. Other Lady Musicians, write. Splendid engagement. BESSIE BUBNEIa,, 88sOolisx St., Toledo, Ohio WANTID, Song and Dance Comedian Change for week. Mast I.. loin at on ED AHL, osce. Windsor, III. Stereopticons, Illustrated Song Slides, Moving Picture Machines. EDISON FILMS All the Headliners In Stock. Delivered Quickly. OXYLITH GAS OUTFITS Call til Bee Ihem in Operation. EUGENE CUNE & CO., to k. i««h m*., NEW VORK OITY. Chicago Ofllee 1 SO DKAKHOHH ST. Importers of Theatrical Hose and Tights. We have jurat rrrelvrrt Inrgr Importations of Theatrical and 811k Hosiery, comprising- Tights Of erery drirrlp. tlon, In all qualities, Opera I.euitth stocking*, la all wrndesi Hllk .stocking., lu evitry conceivable shade and In various qualities! Symmetrlcnls for nil shapes. : Oar prices are the very lowest, and entire satlafaotlon guaranteed vrlth every sale. NOTlfl—Special care taken In measurements of tlirM* to order, Bstlniutes furnished by mail or a» desired, Theatrical Silks and Satins. In onr collection of 'Theatrical'' Bilks are to lie found many distinctly new effects, including Persian, Dresden and Self Colored Brocades, Hoinan Stripes and new coloring* in Sunset Silks. We have added lo onr staple Hues of I.ineu and Cotton Hack Satins many of the new and mseh needed shades. Oar prices are as follows 1 21 In. Linen Back Sntln. none better made. ..... ai.lCyd. x tin. Cotton Back Satin, very strong?, and bright finish, ... .till yd. For many years we have successfully catered to the theatrical trade, and onr reputation for correct styles and complete assortments Is widely known to the profession ull over the country. liming acquired tbla reputation by selling only .the "best qualities at the lowest prices," we still adhere to that policy. Special Discount to the Profession, ' Orders by Hall Pilled the Day Beeelvod. BROADWAY, EIGHTH A NINTH STREETS, WANTED QUICK, GEN. BIZ. OR -HEAVY MAN. Must Doable Tabs Id Bsoid. Repertoire and .specially People Playlnir Bras', wrltn. Loss en- gagement, J. ORIEBK, California. Mo. At Liberty, HAN THAT DOES CHARACTER snd Some LIGHT COMEDY; nave 1 Single sod Tilling Specialties; Oood Modern Wardrobe; bsve Square Oat. Props. Reliable Mgrs., address oeorok ski.don, Cambridge, 0., Oen'l. Pel. Al GENT PIANIST, H tit* all flrat loiter. Those who wrote me before k<ndir write ssatn. Address DR. .1. K. EMERSON. Clarenoe, Shelby Co, Mc. Af e.'Nov. lOaddrtai CKNTRiLlA. BOOSE CO.. MO. JaT LIBERTY, Pull IlUk Will lAHtt JUVENILE LEADS hllnfllUr nlLLIriaia, una i-'oiitoohkdy. ■DTTfnT flATP S0CBRETTE8and XVU XXL \JtALiXh, ai specialties. Clever, reliable and experienced people. Joint engagement only. Addre's Care of AOKEKMAN k qUIOLEY'B, S12 Msln St., Ksnsss City, Mo. AT LIBERTY, Al Orrtestrt Uidit; Dilelif Altophone in Band. Also s First OUjm Oiartonet for B. snd 0. Addreu JOSEF SAMUELS, ill Orchsrd Street, Elm Irs, B. T. At Liberty—J. R. Adams, Orchostrs Leader snd Alto, Armorer. CHAS.L. STEVENS, Comet B. and 0., Bsnd Leader. Kngssement lolntor single. Oood repertoire of music. Address PADJOAn, Ksntaclqr. WAiTO, Al S1LEST MAN. Cbinge for one DR. J , Addrtia. K.IMERSOB', OeDtralU, Mo. WANTED QUICK, FOR Tiie Ashland Dramatic Co., KXPBUIBNCBD KBPBBTUIRB PEO- PLE IN ALL hlllBB. Wardrobe imd shllltr eHientlsl. DO NOT MI8- RKPRCBBN1'. Bendphutos. Nov. 1419, BLOOM- 1N0T0N. 1ND.: Not. ai-20, NEW ALBANY, INI). AT UBEBTYr DUE DEVEflEAUX. JVVBNILV L.KAUS and OBN. BIZ. Per. stock or Ono I'Joco ONLV. I'er. Addrrnn, I) ALE DKVKKKAUX, liu Msln bt„ AshUbuls, 0. AT IvIBE>R / T , V r a CMCVBK AND HKl.lAlll K LEADING MAN and WOMAN We bave wardrobe sod ABILITY. One piece or threeulghta. Rep preferred. Can furnlili some Ono plsrB». Wo can "deliver the gnods" In anr company. 'Address LP.ADIKd MAN, lloom wc, House Buiielnif. 1'ltulmrg, Pa. PIl^O PLAIER AT LIBHTV Read, fske, for srood U'd. Bhow, OHAO.B MITH.MII W. Federal Bt.. Yoiingstown.O. AT LIBERTY 4 Ho. 1 D06ajdPuSYTBA18SB. TOR 8ALB-0NR WELL TRAINED DOO. PROP. A. BLiiDT. Wstcrtnwn. WIS. WANTED, A MAN WHO CAN PLAY 0R6AN A»D 8TN0. Also ygilH ATILE OOMEDIAN FOR MBDIOINK SHOW. Bslsrj low SO It Is sure. / j. UERW AN, leu N, Beveat b St., Phiisdeiphla. TO BUY About 10 BeoiioDH R-Tler Reserved Olrons Bests, Trained DogsorHmsll Troutw. «ld» Bliow Pslnt- logs. „ R.O. COOPER. 100 Rsvuton a., dost in, t)»as. WANTED, PARTNER, Lad; or elect,to Invest i for t lu A No,l Reperi;if,e (or season of 'Oo-'Ofl. Prefer one who esn direct state. Authors and printing bouses send par- ticular! ot plays, havlug paper, that nan either be bought or Ieaeed. Uave nad esnerlenoe. Am nn angel. Address CHAM. 7,. WATTK. (ion. Del., Sholbr, Ohio, r.rBANDs.sciioois.rinEHitN.miiTm and all others. Send for Catalogue and mention style wanted as we publish ssveral lUta. WE8TBRN UNIFORM CO, m Clark Street Chleoaolll. 0g% aiaHOpbdut sitr,. 8 MUSICAL GLASSES Sabstantlal, loud, pare in tone, esBy to tnno sad plsy. Photos, references, Csts- lng a e, wlth foil InformsUca IIow to plajr glassss snccesafnllr, will be sent on receipt of lpo. A.DraQnelss. . lasrt 8t„ New York city, OWItia TU A 9UH|/NUi£ltBTANDIat., AT LIBERTY. The Kmlnent Singing Coiusdlan, CARROLL DREW . STOCK OB FIRST CLA8S REPERTOIRE. _^ A'Hrno MKAliyiLl.S, pa. MARY I. wn itsmpor N« Rsply. Parody and t Osgs, lfc. PHOBPKK'f travih. Writes Acts, Songs, lio. Send Al Refereocrs. Sstflpli ■til Pine, Su, Ptot., M. i