The New York Clipper (November 1904)

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916 THE NEW.; YORK CLIPPER. # N0VEMB]BB 19. Cli pper PosfOff ice, l« (trder to mold mistaken and to ■■••re the prompt delivery of the tetters advertise* in thU list, mm envelope plainly nddreaaed nml be ■ent for each letter, and a written order for the letter, signed with the toll name and address and the line orknlMH followed by the ►ender, ■that alio he enclosed. Please mention the date (or nnm- ber) of THE CLiPl'EB la Which tha letters seat "for were advertised. LADIES' LIST. Auatln, Helen Ailanu, Ucrtta A meli. — . Aahton, Dorrlt A ditna. Con Abrahams, Annie V. Applotcn Marlon Bordeaux, m i»»x luittoo. Nellie guena. Mae lair. Alice Ilrooka, Florence Hurt, Harriet BE not lialdwln, Edna liaflra*. Bitroe linnDuell, Gertrude Barlbelldt JosuJ ltryant, Flora llarnc*. Miimlc Hurilock Slater" Barbour, May H Bennett. Trlx llartlelt Mrsll.8 Brocee, Florence Horn«,Mlss E.Bc 1**00 Mrs.B.K Boimont, TU-ta HeUnr. Marlon Benson, Bdn* Broower, Mandie Cox, Ruj Carew, Mabel Clifton, Mra. Jos. D Obaae, Msna-rct Onint, Cewy Uoodwln, Sualc UOlilen Beatrice Uravc*, L. B. '.Irejeoii, Klora (Jlllmore. Howie II Oamella, Mra. Booerl Ollmore, Uactcl A. (IrvrotT. .Bessie lirxiiw. Mae Herbert, Mabel , tlefts*, Ortrudit lowell Jeahtiti lafllcy, Flora Hndsell, Grace Hamilton, Mra. John Hansen, Mario HnrtOa Vera Have*. CJcrtlc BaUeld. Kannle, Irwin, Hi'lle Joelin. Harriett Jenaro Mn». Ilnrry Kraft, Viola Keen, Alberta Kirk, C'elcuo B. KravlU, Annie Kerr, Klla Kemp, Marlon Klrwln. Suale LaBrahv, Marie Leonard Beittrlc I.uea*. Helen !,«wspn, Laura Livingston. Muriel LaMarr Dorothy, Lulu ' l.ntlnn. Mile. Lovarldgo Mra.H Connelly, Clara Lawrence, Clement*, Jcssa |. MMt E, & mIf can, Marie (*l»tf* Mra.jr.M (.'i»r*. Leey Cleveland, Mi Carlton, Mali Cnrcw A Hnjes Cliathnrp, Slater* Cole, Mildred cKtt'lBtaBL i-pprr, raisji it. Clark, Man OxitnTTo, Myrtle Cornnlly. ICmma Curtl*. Wern Cmuuian, Alice COcstlyn, Alice Dean, Badle Delora, Bra DosMoude Ferol Dor'aje. EletiDOr DcSlla, Miss Ilencaw, Minnie Del Met*. Ninanlre Duro, Marie hhtI*, Eva Il'iDcunn, Nellie DlArsuno. . ClirlKtlMii U. Dotty. Maud Doralbea Ulsters Dawson, Mr».EU McDonatlgh llalley.- Baby Dwlncll, union DaTCupcrt, Blonclic Tlcsslcr. Oraee De* Jarls&v Do! Ina Dobertr. Llllle D'Arrlllo . ■' Slalers Orrfalcl, Mma DeVrrc, Paullue Pelmoi-c. Mabel lapiil. Mr*. John Uclmorv. Mra. Joliu Raston. Margie Fniuiclf, (IracJ* Fmlvlllc- Aildell 1 'uiiuar, K* gJ EBB fe I'nrd Sister* Fisher. Mario Fay, AmiW K. Faust. Tilly Flaniuie, (Insslo Flainiue Slsler* Garland. Fannie Long Slater* Lewis, Ucrllc l.ui-llcta. Miss Iiyun*, Nellie l«(Hte, Muudo l«*lie, Bertlua LUsby, lines Little, i.'.itu Leslie. Itosabel I.uclcr. Mr*. Frcil Morrison, Belle May. Funny Mortlaml, Anna Mansfield. Alice B Mancroft, Ml** Mnntell. Blanch HiileMicr Millie Mordant. I<eo Marlon & Tear] Minor, Mm. H. Madeaps, U Martin, Mini V. Mabel, Ml*) Muller, Fniinie Moutmssa Veslu Moore, Muriel la Mndden, Maul Madison. Llllle Mlteiiell. Era : Annie Mllbonrn Slaters Maun. Nettle II. Maytlils. Aria Maura, Paula Moottroc. Mae Mnrelh, Edna May, Bertie Mills. Hultle MaiMen. Tlielina Newall. Allle Norrls, Corluue Newton, Margnnrlle Neta. I'rincesH Nelson. ' M(iy (Photoi O'NeU KelUe.W U'Mrara, MlO. J. J. O'Brteu, Kato OKden. Melon I'lillllo Sisters I'dnte, Mela rabldlug Miss A I'erklns, Kiln T. I'll.VilOII. Di'iolliv Hnnifunl. Nellie ltlsbec. Vlrgl* Itutberfoiil, flenelera lteeee, Italic lllcbar.ln, lidltb W. Rumler, Lulu Itolanil. Mra. Jack llacbel, Mlaa nw. Bui* ^& h B. Biysaend, •■' ' Eunice Uenls, Oraee Ualston. Mr*. Joale Heed, Andrla Kay, Virginia Itandell. Flora Ilaytnonil, Pearl Rejoolds, VlrgUiU Becd. Mabel Bt.Clalr Amlray StoTcnt. Kitty She, .Ml** I'teveu-. Edna Swit'Koit, Marie Sanders, Mr*. 0. H. Hears, Miss P. St. John, Wtftont B. St. John PrapUa Stanley, Jill* flldnnU, Strata Shaw, .GladyM stilly, Mr*. Lew Stark, rVellle Mreater. Nellie Weo, ^Hle Tyson, Lena 't'relljan. Madeline Tlnney, Dnlsy Tudor, Llllle Tlbblli, Maude McBee Taylor, Irceo fnrncr. Lull: hoinas, Eilim Trenary Qufenie Tliornton, lira, -lame* Trnnie, Rae Tuylor. Lnretta Teqienlng, Mrs. Nellie Tlnney, Daisy Wrcjtilinrt, Isabel Veylor, Maud k May Varney. VUInn A. Volkmnn, I-.lile viola. Kmcly Van Nell. Countoaa Valllere. Alice Venn. Aticla WrlRlit. Lillian Wood. Maud Wlukieiuaii. Mr*. W. A. Walton. Lillian Westtwr. Lillian Willie. Mnuil Wilson, Nellie White, Mue E. Wymlliani, Mae Wood*. Amelia Worton, Besjlo Wood, t. TJ. Wllllauet, Llllle Wblteilde. Mrs. Walker Williams. Ida Wcnlwurth.' < Flora Wall. Emily Waaltbum. 'Ida Walton, ilraee Wnrtau. Bessie Walby Mrs. Jose Wu.r. Ruth . Walling. Ida Weill,, Mabel Wllbnnn. Edna While, Blsneli wtitiiiey. Mr*. Ward, May Wostp; Kuiina Yoniig. Miss Xcph, I'mius Zenn Mr*. W.H. Kaawlt, J. KT Korltib. W. P. EUMtTpiek KllsrorUi. ■> '■ Emrene Edwards, John Erenele. wa. Ely, O. 9. Edwards. "Bonner" Rarle & Wilson I'Jafnon. W. B. Fair*. Meli Francis. C. P. Fay. V. M. Iletebvr, U. L. Forrest « Lawnaea Farrall. F. K. Flatier, Frank Fox. Ed. A. Pester, Oeo. 1 Fales, Anrelo Fale*. O. T. Fountain, Bobby 1 atist. Jack A. 1'arnum. Bnd Foster, B. H. lsraandei, Harry Feabtn Trio FulMf, T. W. Fox * Hughes Fowler, J. 0. Fredericks Bros, A Burns Farally, Frank Fortune, Tbo*. Fordham. A. Francis, O. O. Fowler, J. C. I'allerton, Lew FnetCT, W.A. 2c Fonlt" J*h" dulse, ptek Golstcr, Vernon Otockers, The Oir.lncr Bros. Green, D. D. Grant, C. 1. Gllllban, Mr. Gordon, Harry Gregory, P. L. Geuuaw, J. P. Orabam. Fraak Green. Veno Ollmore 4 Lc Moyne Gardnir, A. i. Glentnore, Lot Green, Arthur Getter, E. E. Gregory, QUlle Gorman, A. T. Grew, Josepb Golns, Qua Orttory, O. J. Green 4 Werner Green, Veno Gardiner, Chaa Gilbert. G. Glcasou, t. A Bertha Oartellc, P. (Illlett, A. M. Gardner, Geo. Gallagher. 1. P, GafTy, Thomas GrflM, W. E. Grey, Norman (lamella, Robert Urambllng, Oats Grant, 0. W. Gesdall Blchard Ooms, Qua Gregory, F. L. Good man Arthur Gregory. Frank lliintlnctou, W. lllbbard. 0. L. Ilosau, Fred Illllnian, Chaa. Howard, Diet Howard Dr.H.B. Watt, D. o. Henry, J. A. ' Herbert '■■' (Frog Man) Hureourt, Wm. Herbert (of I.aVlne A Alma Usdevar. Obak. Lloyd, Okas. Llrlagsitoee. K. J. LnPorte, 8. M l^wls A Willis l^nton. E. C U Boy, J. 0. IsPage. Francis I*»by. J. A. Loeawood, O- 8 LaPoK, Fttak 1 .aw, Alex. Jr. l«t, J. H. Litanr. Hadji Lee, Lew Lamb, Charles Lafayette, Mr. Lyon. Damon l *q, Frank u-iton. James '.ninonf, P. W. Lnmolnes, The l.olloo. Mr. Lnmolnes, The Long. Nick U Bar, Mr. Letltt, Jack Lydtli A Butferworth I.Tswt, Mr. I.tbbey A Troyet LlOTd, «. C. LeFerre, John Lee, P. W. Lauder, B. J. LawTcnce. Ed l>wls, William lonel. C. 3. LaMornd. Frank Irfonhanll.. Al Lynch, Great Lore, TBarry Mbooey & Holbein Mirllno, T. MtGee. J. B. Mack. J.ACarrle Murpliy, Mark Morbacb, Eddie Morpbv. Bert Meyerson, Eddie Minley. Merrl* Mack, Bobby Manrell Westley MtClosker. Harry Maddox, A. W, MatUee. V. V Mack, John Mack, 0111c Mcdoskey, H.J, Mason, s. L. Uatbews. II. F. Mosher, Jnines MnnSfo. Felix MaraaUlet, Jame* Mareena. M. He til II L. B. Moeer, Frank Mtssey, Tames Moore, Frank Mason, S. L. HBraden. B. McDonald, Ralph McArdle, E. A. Miller A Kresko Miller. F. F. Martell. (Hirer Mitchell, E. K. Mason. J. Maqulro. W. 8. Marco, James Mack, Barry Morris. J. B. Mack, Wilbur McNamara, P.J. Mac CorMac t Oof Martin A NUcuiny Sorrlany A ftlcli artlnA Quia Miller, U. L. MacVey, Fred Mffler, Fred Mlgro, John H. A Wtlllng) MaunUu; Trio ...lut.v ... ,i<-.ii«- «rn<, .,if. ...^ Ilaynioud. Pearl PZImrdua, Mile. Anderson, V. "la tt-rK-B" 1W walto,, Andrews, Ueo. Alfonso (CMltleb Arnold A; •• ■ Gardner Arnold. IWdlo Asclikevase H.S. Alien. Bob AdamB C,,M. AlUwcbt,. Han* A«sl«i. n. a Adell. E'ldlc Armstrong A Vera Albran, J: O. Aislale.Juck AWo, Fteil Ahebtatc, G. P. Atf.^Jobil Adnm*. Mark Ariiby. G. P. ADPlCiatc. H.B. Kbit, Clarence r.luudell, Frank GENTLKMEN'S LHT. ».n !( ..JUr. lilake. Harry lllekel, U. I- llreuuuu, John Itateinuii. 1'oul llolscs, 4 ' Bloom. John Bnxler, 'Sid Htmell. George llluinpldu, J. E. Kuckmun. Burt Brewer. Charles Heliport, Cluwle llolteau, George Bryant. Johnnie Brewer. Charlie Hera, L. M. Huldnin. Ed. O. Byron & BraiSy, J. B. Bonda. BendlttX llrothcrton O. P. Rertram, It. 11. Cell. O. A. Banister, J. V. tMnnlng. O. D. Clark, Geo. S. dialling, Bert CiTonl, N< Bl»ei acou. I. G, nrandou AWlley Burton Bros. li/itea Mil*. Trie Henuam. E. J, Brown, J- U. tirudy.a The ■feftgc llrady,' James Hauker. Thoints mm, w. it. Bowman, Fred Brrnkmin, W. ltorke. F. A. lllaek, Bam Black. J. J. Gulseppl nurdan ARehau Bennett. Pl-ed Btenasl, Wm. Blyth. D. It. BatrlBBton, R.A Boweii.'C. V. lironsden. Geo. Berry, Nllea Tlenuelt.-Mark BUokslleii U M. Bsrttlll. Joseph nockwiib. a. Ilelmoul, Harry Benedict, F. B. Harrow*. A. B. tiarnello. Tbno i)ut(lno, Biirt Brown, G.'P. nrencan, James iiKiisli. dim Btnuo. Ons nrltoiis, The Blugbais, oJe Ned Christopher. Frank ChRpuilc. Ch«i, Crane. John Chevliu. Jack Cautwt'll,' 1011111)1 Ourren, J. 11. Oolllns, B. P. Culnes, Tom Corbetl, II. It. Cowan, Frank Hire, U. IV Jallahuu, T. U frlstle. A. K. Carta y, Dan Collins, Stewart Curtis, Dare A Lot Cinquers, 1*. O, Crystal. Albert Crane, J. 1 ■ Craue, Larry CcMrtcuay, Fred (Villllis, 0. I'. Clyde. J. Cullabau, J. A. Creamer. T. 1\ CorclU, Kooney A Itoyer Cruudall. Mill Cumpbcll. Doc Camp, Jack CuonlDGitam t Lord iVlllni. Jack CoUler. P.P. crane, J. r. Olark. 0- A. Orampy, J, P. Caosnutn, flarr.i CogirlesbRll P.M Coniupr, Brse Udrnilla. Wn,. Conk, Sam (Nirbley ft Hurl;, Clover. Win. OlitmbetUln L.J Clark, George Clark. Satu CanUeld Cliurles Curt on, J. P. cmrk, win. Colllus'ft Kecne Cgmeron, T. W. Corballa. Wm. Cnsad ADeVerae Collins. H. Csmtllo A Fona Corualla, Pete Uornalla, Harry Crlstal. Al Carlton. Arthur Chauiplln, C. K Cnuieroii, Gerald Uarullou, Al. Collins, Maurice Cruue, Lntrrenco Corbelt, .luues Cannon, C E, Drnue, J. W. Denln, Alliert lisllon, Edward Docray, Will Denuo, Billy, Dlixnt, La I'cll Davis. G. C. lisrlbtxtqii Jack lViuglas, Fred Dafenport A. 3 Del*on Cletneut Dbt, Charles Doner, ■ i. A Nellie Cu Coin, Frank Day, Ctitlt Dec, Fraiji. D'Alnu, Jolui Demiwey. J. L. Dotwln, l'bllln llunucl. Prank Denier, Albert Day. Ediauad Db Barry, J. J. DSTls, Austin D1x*y. H. P. l>estaiig, Marcy Daltou, 0. M. Danforth A Bruce Bctertaaxi, The Dawson, (lobert Dousteltt, flltnor lhi Hue. UHI> UaTlsoii. B, L. WSfarry Daly's 10 Nights Diamond, George Dunbar. Gu* Delauy Frank A Dale, W. a.,« Dlxey. H. E. PeWolfiDayid IM w a ras , .a<av CHsn'nilh, Four Kllnwieih ABurl V.lioo. Jr.ok '•"tigllKh. VI ••gun. W. B. •■jiieiein Uuiuld Kagle Com. 4 Ktraltt, B, U, Healy, Tim HopM, Ou> neldmari, a. E. Illndo Bros. Herrmann, Ilerscll. Jerry llalsuy. Svlh 0. Harris. Louis Holden, AC. Uuwkliis, Lew Tlbferly, *. P. xxe/wan S: '• Heywsrd lluttou, George lloppe, H. A. Heath. James Hooter A DaTle* llsmiuuud. C. p. IlalliHi. Jack Hayuvs. J. It. Hill A Slyraul Howe, Arthur llelroulmus. Frank llainmlll. Tlarrj Herbert Dr.Wm. Hellbrouucr. S. Hawkins; Percy HaiiTcy. L. A. llayiim. G. L. Uuward A Collin* Ilnrrlauu, James Hunts' le, P. A. llarmou, G. B. Hurl, L. M. Hill, Harry (B. 8. Co.) Hendereon G. A. lloluiati, Al Harny, W. 8. Hume, Harry lU-er, Billy Hall, Albert Henella. Mr. Hurley, P. J. Howe. Seymour Italstend St. Co. llndtlcld. Ben lrwlu, D. L. IrrloC, II. J. lnniati, W, A. Judge. Todo Jsekson, B. M. Jennlu^H A Ryan Jones, P. J. Jenklus, Homer Jarfls, Harry Joues, Walter Jiieksnus, Three Judge, wallle Jones, Harry A, .luckaway, Mr. .Teiioing*. B. Jeunlug* A Jewell Jenkins. Homer Jones, Walter .Tossey, W. J. Joues, P. • Elelst, Musical Kifaey, Joe Kelly. J. L. Keuus. Chat. Kelly A Violette Pelot. Fred McCarthy Myles Meyers. Edward HcUooMm, J. L Tatar. 8. H Kendal, Wjlllao Krepiwr, Wm. Kenyur Kit Kate* Bros. Keeper. Hurry Klrby, C. R. Kelly. Walter ICust. E. U. Klark. Urban Oo Kllment, F.rall Lllng. Charles KrltcbflcM. J. S Kjpiiey, Joscpli Keelly. Jor. K. Kelly A Aehby Kelley, Allen Keefer. Hnrry East, E. O. Keough, Edwin Madden, Billy McHale, Trip Mnntell, George Murray, F. K. McLean, H. E. McCgrvcr. ••■ Ilnward Ungrnne, T. A. Maere;, Reno Morris & Bowea Mcttlios ABurkc itnlligan, John Kail. J. P. Nclmeycrs The 3 Nolan, Vied Newton, CUu*. Nufcut. Wm. F. Nartsger. G. K. Nortuu, Joe Nlbbi Bordeaux Normau, Henry Nortls, W. B. Nlsseii. Waller Norwortb, Jack Newell. Wlllard Neary, James Nooic, BUI Norman (Frog Man) Newton, Joseph Nlckols, Geo. y. Newman, A. C. Otlo. Nick O'Brien, D. Owens, J. J. Ourl, A. L. ^fden, W. B. O'Rourka, Rngei Orion, N. V. Onrl, A. L. Jakley, Hirers Dweu A Suulln Jnrl. A. !.. Probst, G. 8. Probaaco, Irrlng (•otter A HartweU Prlnglc, John fongo, Mr. Post, John Parker. H. C. Patton. O. L. Platte, Q. L. Packard, Tbnd C 1'arrlsli, Harold I'lxley, Gus itm, O. D. Pntcben A •. . Clifton Powers, D. J. Price. H. M. Peters, Mont Peroce, G. Paull. Ed. I'attou A Perry Powers. J. T. Frlmna-e, N, E. roysou, P. Phillips, Harry Phillip*. Go! KKIiardH. 3. J. Rogers, V. 3, Rayauond, H. T. nice. J. H. Reynard, Eddie Rockwell. J. O. NKW VOHK STATE. Rogers. P. J. Uoberls, O.T Kobsoii. Andrew tiayesc, Mtulcal Roddy. O. XT Itaymoutls, 1iic RaUtons, The Rawsoo, Goy llennbHijrbln Stock Itotoolo, Walter Itylaad. Charle* Ralcton William Raanrft, Joseph IIUfT Bros. Shuryost, 3. W. SolllTan A Weston Sa Van, Cbas. Staley. John Steuber, Freil SulllTan, — Siumm, 8. 8. Saiason A Zaccho Sou liar.!. Kataoud Snwny, Gilbert SprtjreHlae, 9m Stanley, Wm. H. 8hnnnon, Royce Slmson, Lnlu Bchooley, W. M. filter, Jos. H. SeysMmv Pete Button, Barry Sheridan, J. J. Spllker. Bdiilo iiotaon, Sol lief In, L. .J. Stana, B. C. Shapiey, "Edwin SoottUb Trio Stuart. Arthur Steuiog a NIrhols Seanlon A Stephen* Smith A Co. Floyd Smith, 3. ftllreri, The SebastlsD, ■Borneo Smith I Cook Shilling. Chas.E ScaUy, B. 'B. Solllngen, Mr. SulllTan, Arthur Slilonla, — acbad, Chaa. B. sasllle. A. L. Scammon. A. Q. Smiths, Aerial Kllfers. John Solomon, Mr. Starkweather, H. A. Sullivan, C. D. Simmons, Lew Scott Bros. Swnn, Wm. Spetlbthder* Co. SchUsooy, Nlklai Seymour. Peter Swift, Herbert Sparks, Charles St. Jltu A ■ 'Le FeTre Sanders. .0. W. Scholl, Robert Smith, Mr. Bay Stuart, Ralph Turner, W. X. Thompson, ' Harry Truebeart 11 W. Twelfth Night Oo. Tbomaa. W. P. 'Jvwnscud, G. 8 Thonipwn, Harry Tarlton A Tarltoa Tnttle. T. O. BuHalo At the Star Theatre (V. C. Cornell, manager) - Clmuneey Dlcott appears Nov. la-10, nTC. Goodwin IT-IB. "fiotber Goose" 21-^0. Ethel Barrymorc bad tblau her own way In "Sunday" last week, de- lighted and crowded houses filling, Tccc TiiKATnr. (Walter b. Baldwin, mana- ger),—The Baldwin-Melville Co. appears tils week In "Pudd'nbend Wllaon," "The PretJI- sal Daughter" 21, "A Bachelor's Bomanco" urew nicely. Monday night every lady ac- companied by the holder of a paid check I* admitted free. Sunday orchestra concerts •re winning features. Convention Hill (H. L. Meech, custo- dian).—MeiHa comes m. the Pittsburg Or- chestra Dee. 7. The Josef Hofman concert was a great success, and • return date 1* hoped for. Hhba'h Garobn Tueatbe. —Mm*. Blapoff- akl heads this week's bill. Including: "She," Winkler's Madcaps, Battle Kecne and com- pany, In "Her Flrat DlTorce Case:" Four Bard Brothers, Matthews and Ashley and Billy Link. A delightful bill was well re- warded Unt week. TiiEATgB (J. Laugblln, manager). —"3Jne Way of Ih* Tranjarressor" Mft Next week, "Light* ot Home"' "The White TlgnrsH or^apan" proved thrilling and diew ■ne Perry, J. H. Qnlek. J. T. ftoberU. Haves A Roberts Rudlalll, iTtn ltoote. Ollre ltobluson. Win. Hogers. Geno I'.aymond. R. S. lloblns. P. A. Ilobert*. Geo. Both, Chas. nice, II. K. Iieed. Harry L. ttlcharilson. J.L. Peasvlto, J. S- Home A Fergueson Bsdtord, C. B. Kenynn, Peter iBenselear O. M Kewajr Arttinr R Kryli IVuuimlr Klk.n!, J. O. benna, Charles Klrulfy, It. Kngcl. Leo Kelly A Vlidettc .Logau, Cbas. Lcille, Bett ttlce. J. IL Sadfonl. O. R. ace, II. K. Raymnnd. Al llocelclgh. .Lick Ulehe. Mr. Rockwell. J. C. lleeger. W. U. Uoouey, Lea Tenbrook, Lam- bert ST'tnbrook Tnpsy TiirryTrlo "111!*, P. J. Thorn psoa - H»rry Teeple, Ohsrle* Vernon, Ctrl VamOamp, "Mr. Vamoot. Victor Vldor, C. W. Va'as, V., 24C. Vamimt. Victor VanDersair. B.S Valller. Mons. Verncll, Eddie ValdlDE, I«wls Vak. P. H. vaync, Geo. Vino, William Vermont, Victor Vnck, P. IL' Vera A O'Brien Walsh, Frank Wentworth, E.P White, Bert Williams. 0. W. Wallace A Beach kVilUanus, Cbas. Warren, r. H. ft'ldm*.-, Fred Walter*, Fred West, DeForest Whltwn, Floyd Wilson. G. W. Whiteside. Jack Wsld. Joe Wilson. T. P. Wood, Wui. E. Willing. Mr, Waek, Eaiene Well. J. X Waters, Tom Wiggins. Bert Whllrtino, Jsck Well. Edward Wade, J. P. Ward's Minstrel Western, Frank Wllllsoa, 11- Wllsons. The West, WUI Wbalen, Johnnie Wheeler. A. P. William, Herbert Wright. Jack- Western, Eddie Weascr, P. L. Waters, ¥.. N. Weaier, W. W. Wilson, P. O. Wallace. P. R. Welch, L. P. >Vlueheeter, Fdwln Walter*. The Welsh, Ltui Wilson A Dlcklnsoa Wlllsrd. diss. Willi sou. ilerberrt WelngsTg, Pus Wlgbt. HtUtard Woodward. Harry Whales, Wm. Wards, Albert Walllch, Eddie Wutson. G. P. Wessells, rtobert Wire. 8ld Wblttlinore W.J Wheeler, Bert \<oodlaud. H. WrUfht. Jock WlUlams, Bert Wlnton. Col. WllUs, B. J. Watib.-Billy William* Hurtle Vonnt. Jack Vnkarna, - Tamalehl yoime, U. «. Vnntig, V. O. Vnuus Broa. Yule, Arthur Zarmw Trlu Zlttte, BfltU '. quite well. ' AcaDKMt (G. C. Stevcna, manafar).—"The Charity Nurse" this week. "A Little Oot- cast," with Anna Bloncke, next week. THIy Olson" was certainly all right last week. The Sunday concerts here and a* the Lyceum arc hecnmlng popular local features. Those appearing hero 18 were! Leon Bnd Bortle Allen. Jennie Farron, Al. Norton, Willie Foley and "Dolly .Bland.. Appealing at the Lyceum ware i Jennings and Rentfrew, Master Blllery and others. LAFATr.rrc Thkaibk (Chos. M. Bagg. man- ager).—Ruth's Bon Tons furnish the bur- lesque entertainment this week. The Ma- jesties did- exceedingly 'well. jj Albany.—At Qarmanus Bleecker Ball (H. K. Jacobs, manager) Creston Clarke made his ilrst appearance as "Jktonaleur Betu- calre" on Tuesday, Nor. 8, at two perform- ances, and made an Immediate eueeess beforo large audiences. "The Mls*Qudsrjs," 8, had two good sized audiences, and Geo. B. Mon- roe. In his new play. "Mrs. Mac, the Mayor," pleased big houses 10-12. Due: Louis J. Rus- sell, In "The Middleman," 14. 15; "The Other Girl" 10, and "The Fatal Wedding" 17-19. RitpiBE (H. It. Jacobs, manager).—Two dramas of more than ordinary Interest divided the past week. "The Stain of Guilt." 7-9, Lad good business, and "Human Hearts," 10- 1S, comfortably filled the theatre at each per- formance. Pboctor's (Howard Graham, resident man- ager).—Vaudeville at this house draws im- mense audiences, S. B. 0. being in evidence almost every performance. Bill of 7 and week Included: Louis Simon. Grace Gardner and Co., In a sketch, "The New Coachman:" Mile. Eugenie Tessler, Ward and Curran, Tony Wilson and Helolse, Sydney Grant, Josephine Amotos, Corbley and Burke, Bertie Fowler, Gillette Slaters and the Froctorscope. BUI fox 14 and week: "The Girl with the Auburn Halt," George Wilson, Kelly and Ashby, Hol- den and Florence, the Bercnlce-Breaseale Co.. In a Sketch, "The Minstrel and the Maid :" Barto and Lalferty, Hale and Francis, and the picture machine. Gaiutk (It. B. Nichols, manager).—The World Beaters came 7-9, giving an extra performance on election nlgbt to receive the returns. Two breezy comedies were given. "One Night Out" and "Pug, Pang, Pong;" both fall of song and wit. In the olio wcro: Bohannan and Corey, McFurland and Mc- Donald, the Three Nudos, Burnett and Wyer- son and Dorscb and Russell. Very big crowds attended at each performance. The Cherry Blossoms. 10-12, gave a very good perform- ance. "The Girl from ShanloyV* and "Look Out, Below," pleased all. This company Included: Burt Fuller, Lydla Csrlysle and Lllllo Perry, Seymour and Hill, New York Comedy Four and the Mound City Quartette. Booked: Clnrk'a Runaway Girls 14-16, Frank B. Carr's Thoroughbreds 17-19. Ouriiri h. —Last week's bill drew b houses. Bill week of 14: Carter Dejp«V Hoxlette. Fltxglbbons-McCoy arte, CgBr! und'Bucklej, (frvllle and Frank. Tom'Glllrh, Le Hoy and Woodford," "V. P. Woodward and klnodrome pictures. 8T*n fast Week's bill drew fair nouses. This week • Princess Olego, assisted by Al- lilnl Ballev Brothers, Nellie McGuirc, Abo Flnkclstcln. Charles Johnson, Llndon and Wilson and a sketch callea 'Telepathy." * ' ■ i - '■ Troy. —At the Lyceum theatre (Burns Gllbm, manager) the Snow Stock Co. drow large houses last week. In "Northern Lights." "TBelma" J4-19. GBiswdCs Opeba Hocsb (M. Hels, mana- MT1.—Bernstein's Vaudeville Stars had good nouses 7, 8. George W. Monroe. In ''Mra. Mac, the Mayor," had a good house. 9. "The MlB&ourlaus" did well 18. Creston Clarke, In "Monsieur Beaucalre," had a fair boute 12. "The Other Girl" came 17. Band's Opsra House (M. Rets, manager). —"A Funny Side of life" drew well 7-9. "The Stain of Guilt" hod good business 10-12. "The Paul Wadding" comes T4-10, "A Game of nearts" 1735. mt • Mune Hall.— -The Boston Symphony Or- cbestr*"*ppeara 14. " • ■ EOTix TnEATBF. (W. H. Buck, n»nag«ri. —Tb» Cherry Blossom Burlesquer* hod big houses 7-9. The World Beaters filled the ?late 10-12. The Thoroughbreds are due le- ft, Runaway Girls 17-19. i • i s ' ' ■ Jamestown.—At the Samuels Opera Bouse (2. Bels, manager) Mary Emerson came Nov. 10, In "His Majesty and the Mald,"'tonood business, and pleased. Ernest LeJMBn, Jn "Young Tobe Hoxle," 12; Myers Bsarco.Ti4-i8. Tub WHiObanis Cabktval, In Warner Hall, 8-12, drew many. The amusements and exhibits were Interesting. s Binghamton.—At the Stone Opera House (J. P. B. Clark, manager^ the Myrklc-Harder Co., In repertory,-drsw food business Nor. 7- 12. Mildred Holland comes 14, Wm. Bram- wcll IS, Creston Clarke. In "Monsieur Beau- calre," 17 ; "Our New Minister" 18,19. '1 »'■ » ' ■ PEJiHSYLVASLA. llocliestcr.—^At the Lyceum Theatre (at H. Wolff, manager) Messrs Macdonald and Sullivan presented un Nov. J-9 "The Baroness Fiddlesticks," a muskul satire, la two acts aud three scenes, book by George de Lone and music by ICnill Brugulere. - The work had Its first performance on any stage at BLnghamton, \. Y., Nov. C, on the stage of the Stone Opera House. The cast follows: Maahaway, Julin IS. Uenshaw: Archer, Richie Ling; Jack Klkius, Aldcn McClaaktc : Maurcl Trenchant, Tony Asher; Cholly, Walter A. Clinton; Algy, Mac Sherwood; Monty, Bdnn McClurs; Murlonelta, Anna Johnston; Duchess Reelboro. Minnie Methpt; Isabelle, Toby Claode ; Gcraldlne, Nclla Bergen : Mrs. McGurk, Mav Ten Urocck; Jenkins, Oustsv Kolvodskl; Pntrlna ("the Baroness Fiddle- sticks") Anna Fltzhugh. Local writers pro- nounce the book to be quite witty and a little above the average, and acknowledge that Mr. Brugulerc's music Is quite tuneful and full of orchestral color. Toby Claude end John K. Hehshaw carry the burden of the lierforraance an their shoulders, and they do It most creditably. One song In par- ticular, "Seeing New York," Is very humor- ous and catchy, and was most cleverly ren- dered by Mr. Henshnw. Otters worthy of mention arc: Anna Fltzhugh, Nella Bergen and May Ten Brocck. Thu costuming and scenery were gorgeous, no expense being spared. 41. Holbrodk, under whose super- vision the production was made, won great credit from our people. On the opening night here Miss Fltzhugh was the recipient of some magnificent floral pieces. Savage's English Grapd Opera Co.. In repertory, 14-11). National (Max Hurtig, manager).—"Me, Him aud I," featuring the comedians, Blckel, Watson and Wrothe. turned people away the entire week of 7. It proved to be a llTSly musical farce, full ot catchy songs and dances. The coiinany proved thoroughly competent. An .died word ot praise Is due Gertrude Iloffmi u. "The play proved to be the biggest succss this house has had this season. The Russell Bros,, In "The l'e- tualo Doteotlyes," 14-10; "The Volunteer Or- ganist" 17-10. Baker (J. E. Boyle, manager).—"The Charity Nurse," featuring Sclma Hcrrmun, did good business 7-9. The company was good. "The Fatal Wedding" did fine busi- ness 10-12. Gertrude HayneB and her Choir Celestial proved to be an excellent attraction. Wm. Bonelll, In "An American Gentleman," 14-10; "Lights of Home" 17-10. ' Cook Opeba House (J. H. Moore, mana- ger).—Still the same old story at this house —S. R. O. nightly. Bill 14 and week: Annie Irish, in "An Actress' Christmas;" Four Flying Dunbars, World's Trio, Jack Nor- worth, Louise Dresser, Le Vlne-Clmaron Trio, Mills and Morris and klnetogroph. Leslie G. Slocum's "The Power of Good and Evil" had capacity audience night of 13. CofclrtTRIAN Theatre (Henry C. Jacobs, manager).—Sam Dsvere's Co. proved to he a wlnuer, week of 7, capacity business being done. Scbrodo and Schrode, Minnie Gran- ville, Gertu Le Clair, Marlon and Pearl pleased. Conttle, a Canadian wrestler, meet- ing all comers, was an added attraction. Irwin's Majesties 14-10. . . i i ■ ctioa.—At the Majestic Theatre "An American Gentleman" was well received Nor. 8. "Why Women Bin" did fair lmslurf» 1». "The T*ndrfr,*f flre\C hlg 11. "Why (llrls I.envo rionte" enmo ton fair slzfilsiidlrne« t'j. Coming: Creston Clarke, In "Monsieur Benti- culvc. 14: "The. Game Keeper" 13, "The Troliey l'atty" 10. "Peck and His Mother-tn- Uw" 17, "Cupid 4 Co." 18, "Out Pastor" 19. Philadelphia,—Now that the election Is over, with its attendant excitement, the theatres stands a good chance of renewing their hold on the popular affections, and the increased patronage during the latter part of last week gave good Indications ot an improvement already. There Is a good sprinkling of novelties for the current week, at least three being entirely new to local theatregoers, and the reopening of the Au- ditorium, under a now name and manage- ment, and wltb a new policy, gives added Interest to the week theatrically. AcADurr or Music.—The Philadelphia Or- chestra this week gives the two regular con- cerst on Friday afternoon and Saturday evening, the soloists being Ysaye for both oc- casions. Saturcay afternoon Mme. Melba gives a concert and has the assistance of the same orchestra. King Edward's Grena- dier Band has a concert scheduled for Fri- day evening at this house In addition to the one Friday afternoon at the Chestnut Street Opera House. Hkuad Street Theatre (Nixon t Zim- merman, managers).—The first local stellar appearance of Cecilia I.oftus occurred at this house last week and her work In "The Scrlo-Comlc (Inverness" won Instant praise. She had excellent support and the well filled house praised the offering highly. A fort- night's engagement for wm. II. Crane, In "Jwelness is Business," commences this week. Following comes Wm. Gillette, In "The Ad- mirable Crlchton." 'GAaftiCK Thbatbb (Frank Howe Jr., man- ager).—Annie Russell, la "Brother Jacques," holds the boards at this house during this and next week,- while tor Nor. 28^-ts an- nounced Richard Mansfield, In repertory. Both tbo press and public join In praising the production of "The Eternal Feminine last week. Margaret Anglin and ber com- pany made the most of many opportunities, while tbo play Itself Is worthy of the best performance tbst can be given It. ' ClIEKTNUT StIICET OPEBA HOUSE (NtXOn & Zimmerman, managers). — Crowded bouses throughout last week told the tale of the success of "The Rogers Brothers'1n Paris." This year these really funny German com- edians have an offering which Is a worthy successor to their former successes. Next week eiids the engagement, and Nov.-' 28 brlngn Wright LorTmcr, in "Tho Shepherd King." » : CHESTNUT Stbect TffEATiu] (NtXon & Zim- merman, managers).—Lsst week LuluGlaser, In "A Madcap Princes*," continued to attract audiences ot splendid site, and the •fort- night's engagement was undoubtedly a profit- able- one. A two weeks' engagement for Grace Vau StuUdiford, In "Bed Feather,'' begins this week. Nor.'Jo, "Plff, Pari, Pouf." '"Walmit Stbeet TilEATttK (Frank Howe Or., manager).—Lawrence D'Orsay, in "The Karl of Pawtucket," seen here last year at tbe Chestnut Street Theatre, holds the boards nt this house during this and the coming week. Last week ended the successful fort- night's engagement for Blanche Walsh, in "Ket.urrectToa." The coming attraction I* Casino (Ellas, Kocnlg «V Lcderer, mans- Setsi.—This house, formerly Gllmore's Au- Itoriam, opens this Week under the above management. " What Is announced as a pre- liminary season opens with B. B. Rice's Mr. Wix, of Wickbam," from tho Bilou Theatre, New York- After a run tor this attraction the regular season will be given over to the George W. Ledcrer Musical Stock Co. The prices In the evening are to range from 2T, cents to $1.00, with matinees Tues- days, Thursdays and Saturdays at 2C cents and 00 cents. Pauk Theatric (F. G. Nlxon-Mrdllnger. manager).—A melodrama new here, entitled ■ThiTTacant Chair," Is the attraction for the current week at tills house. The an- nouncement tor tho coming week Is Creston Clarke, In "Mons.. Beaucalre.■• -Thos. E. Shea, In repertory, attracted Oiled housel lost week and delighted the patrons with bis clever work. ' National Theatre (Joseph M. Kelly, man- ager). —The card for the present week Ih th* melodrama, "A Usee for Life." Good re- sults attended the performances of "The Lighthouse by tbe Sea" last week. Sched- uled for the coming week, "Fast Life In New York." UiiANTi Opera Hoosg (G. A Wegcfarth, manager).—After a prosperous week with "Girls Will Be Girls" as the bill, this house now has Billy B. Van, In "The Errand Boy." The Hays, In ''Down the Pike," are sched- uled for tbe coming week. People's Theatre (F. G. Nlxon-Klrdltnger, manuger).—"A Prisoner ef War" holds ths boards this week. The patrons turned out In force Isst week for the performances ot "Mors to Be Pitted Than.Scorned." The an- nouncement tor tbe' coming week Is "The Child Wife." Blanev's Arch Street Tiieati-.e (M. S. SchiAloger, manager).-Joseph Bantlcv and a large company, In the. melodrama, "From Itags:to IUchSs,"- Is the card for the carfeht wee!: at this house. "A Working Girl's Wrongs" is underlined for ths coming week. The crowded houses showed that the patrons Altar," pre- nppreclated "Deserted at the Al s.'iitrtl l:.Kt week. . . fiin.mii AvENt'E Ttiratu (Miller A Kauf- man, managers). — William Mralnwell, In "Csptoln Iturrluglou," enjoyed n prosperous cugugeniout last week, and the patrons np- pcarcd well pleased with tbe performances. "Happy Hooligan" It furnishing the enter- tainment this week, and the underlining (or the coming Week''S Eugenie Blair, la "Iris." Hart's New Ttivatex (John W. Hart, manager).—The pioduitlon to attract the patrons this week Is Lincoln J. Carter's "Too Proud to Beg." Coming next week. "Descri- ed at tbe Altar." Audiences of large size greeted "Tbe Factory Girl" last week. Fosr.PAtWH's Theatre ( Miller A Ksuf. man, managers).—The slock company Is this week presenting "ily Partner." The attend- ance lost Week Was sll that could be desircl Kd tbe members of the company eiwii aril encontums Wltb the production ot "The Prlee Of Peace." "Out of the Fold" Is in rehearsal for tho corning week. BAAata'a Bijou TheaTxe (Carl Saakc, mansjrsT).—The German stock company at this house Is appearing this week In "Wil- liam Tell" and ^The Gold Uncle." STANDAJib Theatre (Dafcy & Speck, mana- gers).—"Under Two Flags'' was admlrabl) presented by the stock company last week and the patrons of tbe bouse showed their appreciation by attending in full force. This Week's offering Is "Besurrectlon," with "Jim Bludso" rn rehearsal to follow. Keith's New Treats* (H. T. Jordan, resident manager).—Ah attractive pro- gramme arranged for the current week In- cludes: Enunett Corrigah and cotnpani. Harry Gllfoll. Frees Eldrldge, tho FSdette Orchestra, Callahan and Mack, Gardner and VlBcent, Nichols Sisters, Laura Millard, Cain and De Forest, Edwin Nlcsuder, Harper, Desmond and Bailey, the Allisons, Kennedy and Quatrclll, Cunningham and Lord and ih'c Latells. Bon Ton Thcatbx (Bon Ton Amusement Co., managers).—The features on tbe con- tinuous vaudeville programme this week In- clude: Apollo Lady Orchestra, Adams and Edwards. Empire Comedy Four, Three Na- nette*, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gottlob, Elite Trio, Lottie West Symonds, Ben Myers, Star Juve- nile M'nstrcls, Josh Hart, Reynolds anil Bowers, Caldwell Sisters, the Barkers, Frank Smith, Msrvelous Crlsto and moving pictures. Eleventh Street Opma House (Frank Dumont, manager).—"Admiral BoJesveuBk.v," "Crn2y for Trading Stamps" and "Tbe Mu- sical Barbers" are all keeping the patrons thoroughly amused, and they kept the housn tilled throughout last week. There Is no change In this part of the programme for tbe current week, out the first part Is freshened with new songs and specialties. LiCEUtt Theatre (John G. Jermon, msn- ager).—Rice A Barton's Big Gaiety Companv Is the card for the present week at this house, with the Jolly Grass Widows sched- uled to follow. Last week's performances, by the Brigadiers, attracted filled bouses. Trocadeko (Floyd Lauman, manager).— Entertainment Is furnished this week by the Trocadero Bnrlesquers la a varied pro- gramme of burlesque and vaudeville. The ui.itions turned out In force last week anj heartily applauded tbe entertainment pro- vided by the Tiger Lilies. Empire Theatre (Walter Ravraond. resi- dent manager).—A vaudeville programme Is provided for tbe entertainment of the patrons this week, the turns being contributed by the Prentice Tflo, Mcrrllees and Doris, Robin, Frear and Conn, Bending Bonds, Ed, K. Cas- sldy. Bryant and Savllle, Edith Frankers and Beck's clnemctoscope. Nistk and Abch Mtjsioh (C. A. Bradcn- bnrch. manager).—Tom Burrows, who swings Indian clubs for long periods of tlmo without stopping. Is tbe principal feature In the curio ball this week, while tbe continuous entertainment In tbo theatre Is furnished by Irene Vaughn, Epps and Lorctta, Charles Illake. tbe Taneans, Tom Blssett. Proctor and Hunt, Cupid Reed and the clneograpb. 'Notes.— The Knelsel quintette has a re- cital at the BellevueStratford Monday after- noon Walter Damrosch gives a lesture recital at Association Hall Monday evening. In the ballroom of tbe Bellevuc-Strat- ford Mme. Johanna Gadakl has a song recital Tuesday evening. ' " " ' s Plttshars;,—At the Nixon Theatre (Tboe. F, Kirk Jr., resident manager) Maude Adams, In "The -Little Minister,"Ts this week's offer- ing. Annie Russell, in "Brother Jacques," closed a very satisfactory engage men t Sat- urday. Nor. 12. Large audiences were at- tracted, and evidenced their appreciation by liberal applause. Both the star and com- any received complimentary press notices. ?at C. Goodwin, In "The Usurper," 21-26. At.vix (Harry Davis, manager). — Tbe stock company Is seen this week In ''Charley's Aunt," an old favorite, "Glsmonda," as rendered by tbe stock last week, was a splen- did production In every particular. The scenery and costumes were the subject of much favorable comment, and tbe acting was of the highest order, urowflefl houses prevailed throughout the week, and the com- iiuny may well feci prond of their reception In tbelr now home. Week of 21, "Robert Em met t." Gatett (James E. Orr, resident manager). —For 14 and week, Florence Bindley, In "Tho Street Sinker." - 'Way Down East." wifh many of the original cast, closed its second and flnal week Saturday. 12. The wisdom of tbo management In securing this sterllpg attraction as an opener for the new playhouse was apparent. The bouse was simply packed from start to finish of the engagement. For week ot 21, Brady & Gris- mar's Co., In "Siberia." Buou (R. M. Gullck, manager).—Hon- Ions' ever popular "Superba'' opened Mon- day oiatinr-e. 14, for a week. "After Mid- night," a thrilling melodrama, did a big business last week, filling the house with cnUrusUsttc crowds at every performance. The company Is an unusually good one and the clever work of Its various members was applauded to the echo. Alice Mercdllb, as the heroine, acquitted herself In a most pleasing manner and made a distinct suc- cess. "Shadows of a Great City" 21-26. Dcql'Esne (IL M. Gullck, 'manageri.— The ltays. John and Emma, In "Down tho Pike," return this week for tbelr second visit this season. The Ellnoro Sisters, In "Mrs. Delaney of Newport," did well Isst week, playing to satisfactory business. They are favorites in PlttBborg and their friends turned out numerously. The company hi a clever one and received plenty of applsuse. "Running for Office" 21-26. Empire (B. 3. McCullough. manager).— "A Little Outcast," wltb Annie Blanckc In the title role, commenced a stsy of ono week 14, Large attendance was the ruin last week, the attraction being the musical comedy, "The Beauty Doctors presented by a good company, with Henrietta Lee In I lie Hue role. The patrons were liberal In their applause of the principals, who owe much lo tbe good work of their handsome and well trained chorus. "The Sign of' the Four" 21-26. Avenue (Harry Davis, manager).—Tho first week of the Travesty Stock Co. closed Saturday, 12. Tbe press and public unite In the opinion that this venture will be a suc- cess, and Juding from the volume of attend- ance last week, the prediction Is a safe one. Delighted crowds turned out to sec "Whirl- 1-Glg" and "'Way Up East" Every member of the company performed with credit. The dancing of Flossie Hope was a distinctly suc- cessful feature. Tbe current attraction Is another Weber & Fields success—"Hnfly- Burly." Gbami Opera Bouse (Harry Davis, mana- ger).— Gpod business continued last week, and tbe patrons saw a splendid show. The current bill Is: Marlon Ballou, Staley and Blrheck, Willy Zimmerman. Mr. and Mrs. Cardner Crone, Yorke and Adams. Ward end Curran, Dnam Brothers, Chorles Hera, LoiiIrq Brehaney, Trunk Sad Gladden. living Jones, Taylor and Otletta, Foster's dog, "Mike;" Dora Pelltler and tbe kluograpb. Acadeut (Harry W. Wllllnns. manager). —The alvTOJl POPQttt iBPUltl Buxlcsijueri n'