The New York Clipper (November 1904)

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November 19 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 919 MAHLER BROS., 6th AVE. and 3 l»t STREET, NEW YORK. THE PROFESSIONAL UNDERWEAR HOUSE OF AMERICA TO MMGEflS- m THOSE IHTERESTEQII THEiTSICJU. EITEfiPBISES. Wl ABU HOW PBBPAHBD TO FURNISH ESTIMATES OH DAME SHUTS AND BLOOMERS IN QUANTITIES, ALSO STAGE MILLINERY, HOSIERY, FOOT WEAR, ETC. SEND FOR INQUIRY. Spoolal for On* W«ok Only. OUR MAKE-UP BOXES Made from the very best tin, are black enameled Especially made for professional nse, having a tray with compartments for Grease Paints, Powders Comb and Brush, Wigs, Etc., MW*P Etc. Has double action lock, with two «■%** keys, at . . ™W Our COLD cream, Bipreesly prepared for the The- atrical Profession, guaranteed to be absolutely pure and never became rancid In any climate. Pat np in IB Screw Top Tin 0am at 45c.» am at a Be. SAMPLES OF CKKAM SENT FHEK. All mall orders must be aooompanled by money order. None sent 0. 0.1>. |PERFORMKR8 AND STAGE MAN AGBBg. WE INVITE TOD TO SEND FOB OUR LATEST CATALOG OP NOVEL ELECTRICAL NOVELTIES, ; MANY OP WHICH HAT BE USED For SptaLge Purposes* Onr Eleotrlo Light Walking Canes, In the hands of Minstrels, Chorus Olrla and Hen, make a brilliant effect on a darkened itage. Our Electric Candles (cannot be distinguished from wax ones) are ideal for the stage, and they cannot set Are to anytMng Inflammable, our Haglc Pocket Searob Light Is Jos t the thing for you. No breaking your bones la dark passages, almply presB jour Angers and the whole place Is Illuminated. Olber novelties are explained in our catalogue. Mention THE CLIPPER when asking tor It Agents make big money Belling oar goods. No experience necessary. Write for particulars* J. W.SCRIBHER & CO., Tonawanda, lew fork. Ml Acts Booked by ARONSON ft STERNAD For STAR THEATRE, MUNCIE, IND,, T. J. BURNS, Manager. MONS. PAULO and MLLE. MARLOW Retarned from Successful Tour of Europe. Opened Not. 6, at Proctor's Ota Avenue Theatre, In t heir Hinging and Comedy Succe... FRENCH F- R A F> 1= E E . TREMENDOUS SUCCESS. THREE CtiRTAIV CALLS. Managers, addresa S80 W. SSth ST., New York. Willy Zimmermann, WEEK NOV. 1*. KEITH'S, PITTSBURG, PA. Sale Representative, RICHARD PITROT. FUNK*CO.^*o^ Mc vicker'9 THEATRE, Chicago, 111. Telephone—Central, 604. fiend for Catalogue, The Only Thtatrlcal Supply Home In Philadelphia. OUR SPECIAL FOR NEXT WEEK, OUR CELEBRATED COLD CREAM, POUND CAN, 35c. floods sent everywhere C. 0. D. when deposit accompanies order. Send for Booklet. WAAB * ■OR, S86 north Eighth St., PRILA.. between Race and Tine Hta, Mil IT A DV Pnnnfi Uniforms, Onns, Swords, Revolvers, Cannons. Tcois, Etc. ITIIL.I | An I MwWlavOBverythlngintheMUltarvLlne-fniiydescrlbedlnour large Magazine Oatalogae, containing net oash prices with onwards of Illustrations. Price of catalogue 16 cents—milled on receipt of o cents In stamps, mentioning this advertisement. Customers write nsthat our •CATALOGUE IB WORTH ITS WEIOBT IN COLD." We have the largest stock In the world of military goods from Government auotlons. [Dealers Supplied. Frances Bannerman, 679 Broadway, New York. FUSSNER 0 HOPPEN AT LIBERTY, OOHEDT ACROBATS, INTRODUCING THEIR ORIGINAL TRICK BILL BOARD. Open for Minstrel Burlesques and Vaudeville. Address I08S VINE ST., Evansvllle, Ind. tu . k h E S, op JAMES B. iSESSWXS There Is so much BAD in the most of ns, That it hardlv BEHOOVES any of oa Andso znuohGOODlnthe sVORSTotus, To talk about the REST of US. DOING WELL, THANK YOU. DELL and FONDA S8&S8. duo? 8TB0NQ FEATDBE FOB FAROE COEEDY OB BUBLBSQOB. Both Versatile. Address BERT DELL, Representative, Western Bureau CLIPPER Office. Chicago, in. / / ww//// inmmwwwwvM SHOW TENTS. •anal to any Im workmanship, shape ant iuallty. Get our prices before buying. Amenta tor Kfdd's Ilgbte and Baker torches. Black . Good second hand 120x800. at Bargalna . HgL Mtta for moving Diettirea. Wnts from 85x80 to 128 BAKER a LOCKWOOD, Successor to C. J. Bakrr, All Delaware St. Kansas City, He- SHOW PRINTING. Stock Hangers, Posters and Cuts on hand for advertising every line of the Amusement Business. Send for Catalogue (D) of Era- saatle and Show Printing of all kinds; Cata- logua (C) Pair and Carnival Printing; Catav <B) Bill Posters, Comercial Posters. PIR8T CLAB8 PRINTING OP ALL KINDS. CHEAT WESTEBH PBHTJHG CO., ■18 Elan Street, St. Louia, Ms. WIGS'- •I lUUllS West Sand itsBp 6.SHINDHELU,TbMH1cil W« BAKER. Good work for low yr sat. US West *rth 8TRBET, Hew T<f* stamp f« price list. CRACKER JACK A delicious popcorn confection, pat up In moisture proof packages that keep It fresh a long time. A quick seller for theatres, circuses, traveling theatri- cal and medicine companies and all places of public amusement. We also make a large line of PACKAGE) CAN- DIES and the RELIABLE) POPCORN BRICK. Inform db where you hold a confectionery concession and we will aend samples and prices. BDEOSHEIH BBOS. & BOISTBIM, CHICAGO. CONTRACTS TICKETS, PASSES, CARDS, EtO. nanwrno WEBB PPB. OOuass Dearborn IL. Chicago, to. ZAMBESI (EH rSS one-tenth. In brulianoyendcOT It ass no equal, letting solid gold. Write for mussreM catalogue. ROW?* PO, Dept ftjafleajporn JIW_Clu«8, UlevelanU ELANI 1*4 BOWERY, NEW YORK CITY For a half century we have been giving real bargains in diamonds. It in ridiculous to sup- pose that stores located on Broadway, where enormous rents prevail, can compete with ns. A comparison of goods and prices will convince the most sceptical. VALUE $ISJ9. NOW SON. This is the ring we have been selling for $Utt, but for quick aotlon we offer a limited number at $ss. Diamonds will be reset In gent's rings If desired. Chance of a lifetime. Bead for oar Forfeited Lo» Hall Orders Pilled Catalog) nqniries Solicited THE ABOVE IB A SAMPLE OF OUR 75c. Newspaper Half Tone Made for Posters, Newspapers, Letter Beads, etO. SPECIAL PRICE ON LARGER SIZES. Cuta delivered when oaah accompanies the order. Bend Mo. for a trial order and be convinced. We do the best work promptly and at the lowest prion. KNOXVILLE ENGRAVING CO. 616 Hay St., Knoxvllle, Tenn. Witt Eeotrte Arc. Oallonm or niastrated Bong SUi BOUGHT AND SOLD. das, ate., colored. STERE- OPTI- CON, Acetjlsn* Lrght. xtlorad. FILMS l. HBTI. MS it ttd street, Maw York City. ELY /mvrAcruRororvtow canvasses NOW MAKING i<$05"l9<>6 '. LETTERHEADS 1 Royal Pts-Co. J34 DEAR BORN, ST., CHICAGO ILL. - i Siiii tplcs i— WatouoB, Jewel™, bfiverwareTBUfe Ilrllll»nte Mcnlrlns ■lid Gift Show Goals. Prof. WamiT<ion'i Oreaee Palnte, Burnt Cork, Face Powder, etc. liotalter'e Hour Books. Full line of Eaale EaUeu Bend far Cat*. lease. Tka Old Reliable B. 0. A CO., _ 84« Ave., 1'kte.a*. DL CARS FOB LEASE, BALE OB StOHAOE. . . . Repairs and Aiterations Mad*. NEW JERSEY CAB WORKS, Gllflu, N. J. FIbs BifjHl Apptrttis, ILLUSIONS. TRICES, Its. •rand Mad of Osntnry, roily niustreted. BOOK CATA. looue, »«., me by mas. OataJoruo of Parlor Trials free UABTINEA A CO., aura, *ea Sth Am., W.T :;PL»YS low no YAi'r -A.WiBROWKIi, mumyrnHmm* the ban gas Maya BmssMaa aver made, Ahua- ared muuoniot then have baaa sold loaeliigleyear. OonatiptUon.tew burn, tick bctdiebe, mrrlnra, ted blraUi.e..r»lbro«taod T-T-T lllnrat aHiina from a disordered ttonuck an Muavaa or oared br Blpana BE _,««» On»wlUawiat»ilfaT»raUat For KIDNEY TROUBLES and CATARRH efthe BLADDER. Cures all gH| Discharges In mMmt* +a **0* *»* /»Mm* *** * ** TMK IN THE HEIGHT OF 1TB FROMPBRITT, :f*t v, -riTt-BC and OOO or THE Vw/IUL. CIRCUS. MENAGERIE AND HIPPODROME. One of the Largest. Oldeat and Most Bncceesfol Tented Exhibitions, Including Railroad Cars, Wsgons, Horses, Animals, Cages, Tenia, Beats, Properties, Etc, Etc. TO BE I OLD AS A GOING CONCERN. Can be seen «n tour, aa per route, delivery To takb PLACE AT CLOSE) OK THE PRESENT SEASON, AT TARBORO, N. C, NOV. IV. Winter Quarters can be rented (If wanted) at Columbus, O., Comprising about ten acres, Every Winter It baa been thoroughly overhauled and renovated for the following sea- son. The organisation la excellent and complete, both with and In advance of the enow, and can be continued-by early arrangement Large Improvemente and additions were made yearly, particularly so for lOOt. The performances have alwaya been given by tht best artists. European and American. The ahow " .. has continuously been • pioneer la the Presenta- tion of Novel Acta and Features— hit exhibited In all the large cities, from Nsw Tork to Ban Francisco, North and South, and enjoys a prestige and popularity with the public, second to none. Must be sold owing to death of Mil. PETER BELLI. NO OPTIONS. First come Brat served. THE SHOW IS DOING A LARGE BUSINESS. Interested parties should see It on the road at one ea* more stands. ROUTE I Not. 9, Petersburg-, Va. Nov. 10, Wllaon, IT. C. Nov. 11, Fayettevllle, N. C. Nor. 12, Bennettavllle, N. C. Not. 1«, Florence, N. C. BALE POSITIVE. J. A. BAILEY. W. W. COLE. LEWIS HELLS. For farther particulars addresa ADAH POHBPAUOH da SELLS Bit OS., Towntend Building, Brosdway and Twenty-fifth Street, NEW TORE. *OTE-When the property hat been sold notice will be pabllaaed la this paper over flrm'a elgnatare. No optica baa been nor will be granted to anyone. Nov. Nov. Nov. Not. Not. Not. 2, Shelby. N. C. 8, Wadeaboro. N. C. 4, Raleigh, N. C. 5. Henderson, N. C. 7, Richmond. Va. 8, Norfolk, Va. Not. IS. Wilmington. N. C. Not. 18, Goldsboro, N. C. Not. IT, Nswbern. N. C. Not. 18. Greenville, N. C Not. IB, Tarboro, N. C PETER SELLS* ESTATE. NECRESCOU HAIR GO.'S watt PERFECT FITTINa tor Stage and Street Wear Toupees Popular Prices. 162 State Street, Illustrated Catalogue Fret. 5th Floor, Chicago, 111. STRATE HALF-TONE PROCESS CO. PARK ROW BUILDING. N.Y. A.l riiffi cis. SQUARE INCH- rt l CUL f TUB GREAT ENGLISH VAUDEVILLE PAPER. THE -RK RKVICW, AND TMKATI 401 S9tar«a;zx«d«> Iiondon. '%*?.€}, rOBEIGS SUBSCRIPTION, . - - ta. Bd. PER YBAB PHOFKKMnNAL, ADVEHTIBBBTEFJTB. • - - Sa. Sd., Blnsjle Colnnasi la NEW TORK CORRESPONDENT AND IlKP., IDA CARLE, OFFICE TO* BT. AMIS BLDO,, advertisements will bo received. Oonl»s on tile. CENTRAL TRUNKS. 2Gln„ I7.S0: 281n., f 8.B0 ■ 32ln„ fn,50; 80lu„ 110.30; tOln., $12.00. Circus Trunks, 24x18x18, ,50. Iliil Tri'nks, 30x23x115, Inside. 112.00. I.ltbo Trunks, 42V4x28>r4xl2, inalde, I1U.0O. Sli: pped un receipt of $3,00, bnl. C. O. !>., except over 800 miles, then remit whole amount IONS & CO., CENTRAL TRUN K FACTORx", Est. 1804, B. W. cor. 7th and Arch 8ts„ I'hlla, DIRECT FROM WHOLESALE, SAVING OP 10 to 2S PER OBNT,, ANY LBNOTB. Swell Effects for Shirt Waist Suits, Vljio. np. Exqulalte shapes in Orepe de Obene, eto. np. Oil Boiled Taffetas. Chiffon Taffetas, Pean de Relae, Sapho, Peau de Orepe, and all the newest, boat weaves at liberal dis- count. Send loo. for tall line samples, refunded Brat order. wjiuiu «uiiu»..i«,uu ui. JaionAjiyjg A PHIPPB, M BTATB STREET, OBIOAOO. BTln |B7B. CASH 801a MOO. WITH 401a. 33ln ORBBH Bend tar cuts. BBLBEB TRUNK AND BAG CO., ISS Columbia Ave., Philadelphia,Pa. 3ota S6.B0. .if .80. IF YOU DESIRE TO SUCCEED AS A WRITER me Act Plays, Vaudeville Sketches, Monologues, or anything suitable for presentation be vaudeville atage, you will learn aomotElng to your Interest by communicating with THE VAUDEVILLE AUTHORS' BUREAU, 265 Bast Rich Street, Columbus, 0. of One on the BLOOD POISON FACTS of Vital Impertanee to Evory Sufferer of Blood Poison. FACT ONE—It takes time to tell wheth- er yon are permanently cured by a treatment or merely patched np for the present. PACT TWO—The Cook Remedy Co, Is the only company or medical association In ex- istence that has been treating Blood Poison long enough to know that lis patients are cured to stay cured. PACT THREE—The Cook Remedy Co. has many patients who were cured by Its magic remedy eighteen years ago who art today sound and well. PACT POUR—The Cook Remedy Co. Is the largest and the only successful company In the world thst makes the euro of Blood Poison a specialty, PACT FIVE—PatlenU cured by Cook Rem- edy Co. are' conatantly passing successfully the varloua rigid examlnatlona of th» most conservative life Insurance companies, and are pasting the examlnatlona for admission to tbs army and navy of tha United States. PACT SIX—if you Use Cook Remedy Co.'a treatment under their guarantee you are ab- solutely aura of a cure or your money tack. PACT SEVEN—Every other method of treatment known to the medical profession gives but temporary relief. PACT BIGHT—Good health Is the most Important thing in tha worl d to a ny ABOVE EIGHT FACTS ABE ABBOLUTELTT DHDEHIABLB. The Cook Remedy Co. solicit tbe most obstinate cases, and challenge the world for a case tbey cannot cure. T-ia disease has al- waya baffled the skill of the moat eminent pbyslctana. For many yean the Cook Rem- edy Co. have made a specialty of treating tbia disease, and tbey have unlimited capital behind their unconditional guaranty. pay railroad and hotel bills, and make no charge If they fall to cure. If you bare pimples, eruptions, mucous pun-hen, pains, rheumatism, etc., write for Cook Romedy Co.'s free home treatment book, and learn all about contagloua blood poison. If you want medical advice, give a history of your caae, and their pbyalclans will furnish all the Information you wish without sny charge whatever. Your salvation depends on Cook Remedy Co.. and on them alone. They will surely euro you, No other method of treatment will cure yon. Tou can be treated at home for the same firlce and with tbe same guaranty. With hose wbo prefer to go to Colcago the Cook Remedy Co, will contract to cure them or Vftf MM* Hthrh litissiBf (.!■ WiHsrtil eirsl WRITE POR PR BE 100-rAC.E BOOK TO COOK REMEDY CO.. 1111 Masonio Temple, C BIO AGO, U. 8. A.