The New York Clipper (November 1904)

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NOVEMBER 26 THE NTTW YORK CLIPPER. 927 WASHBURNE'S M SSL FASTENERS! Tfc. rMUMMf wit* a BUU-DOG «w» ' *-t Md «uii; u ib^r ■» ajsM a L.j Oil' u< Kl.[, 15* Brawtn UatiMrtvn, fta, " IKF •ine. Mitral* o»- ASKrlcss Ring Coapanj, B*»C 14 W»l«btrj, Olorld of Players. Lyman K. Abbey writes: "My wife, I oulse Jordan Abbey, and I have just closed with Will Llndsey's 'Other People's Money' Co-, with which we were playing both charac- ter leads. We have now signed with "Way Out West' Co. for the rest of. the season, opening Nov. 21." _,V7 A. Varney writes: "I have Just closed a pleasant and proiltable season of fourteen weeks with the Yew a May Co., and open Dec. 1 with Boyer and Burke a new comedy, 'HI, SI and I,' to direct and manage stage." Notes from "The Circus Day" Co.: "We opened cur season nt Assembly Theatre, West Chester, Pa., Saturday, Nov. 5, making a big bit, and the theatre was packed. Tie cos- tumes and musical numbers created favor- able comment and much credit is due H. M. lielss and Jaa. C. Morton for staging the pro- duction. Jas. C. Morton and Miss Mamie Diamond, as the tramp and biddy, carried oft tbe honors. The company as a whole la the best which Mr. Belss has ever bad, and he looks forward to a long and successful sea- son." ' — Maxwell Drlscoll writes: "This Is my seventeenth week with the Garslde, Condlt and Mack Co., playing heavies. The com- pany Is meeting with success." — Notes from the Tomlinson Co.: "We are playing to big business everywhere. Tbe roster of the company follows: L. S. Tomp- son, manager; W. J. Currier, advance agent; O. M. Grubb. musical director; Munroe Hop- kins, property man C E. Tomlinson, Alda Dalton, w. B. Price, Georgia Brown, Walter Wilbur. Mrs. C. E. Tomlinson, George Brown, Dona Wilbur, W. B. -Mason, Birdie Wilbur, Le Boy Lewis and Harry Boyale." — E. E. Scbrlmpf, agent, closed with the Fowell & Partello Co., at Rugby, N. D., Nor. 5, and joined "The Great Way" on the same day at Lakato, N. Dak. — Edna May Crawford, former leading lady, and Tan It. Boyd, former leading man nod stage manager of "The Streets of New York," which closed at Booneville, N. 1'., Oct. 22, have been playing vaudeville dates, presenting the one act farce, "A Transfer Trance." They have been very successful. They are playing clnbs and lodges in and around New York City and Intend doing so until after the holidays, when they will again take to tbe road. Mr. Boyd was last season connected with George Lehman In the man- agement of the Orpheum Stock Co., which Mr. Lehman haa again on the road this sea- son, and reports meeting with success. — Horner and Barry open with tbe "Uncle SI Hasklns" Co. Dec 5, to do their musical act, Mr. Horner acting as band master and Mr. Barry as cornet soloist. — Notes from AI. Beaaley, ahead of Myrkle-lTarder Stock Co., Eastern: The big one Is still doing a great business despite the fact that the territory is completely over- run with popular priced companies. The Sress Is unanimous la proclaiming Mr. Har- er'a company one of the strongest shows louring New England and the East. Leon- ard Kane, novelty dancer, haa rejoined and It a big card, as Mr. Kane enjoys the dis- tinction of being one of the greatest dancers in the show business. We are now carrying eight separate vaudeville acts that have no parts In tho plays and all have at some time or other been feature acts. Every play In the repertory Is mounted with splendid scenery and the costuming Is the sunject of favorable comment in every city we have visited. The No. 2 company Is now playing some of the territory visited by lis early In tbe season' and ihere Is much good natured rivalry between the companies as to the strength and popularity of their respective shows. — Notes from the "Hlck'ry Farm" Co.: We opened our season at Hayward, Col., Sept. 5, and business has been very good, with the exception of one week when we had rainy weather. We carry a full band and orches- tra, a good line of paper, special scenery, etc. Itoster: Burt Imson and Howard Hogan, pro- prietors ; Howard Hogan, manager; Geo. Bee- ley, leader of band; Joe Sato, leader of or- chestra ; Fred Birch, In advance; CUB Fur- long, props; Lloyd Engrahnra, Eugene Whit- ney, Bunt Stonel, Wm. Hushkohn, H. R. Jones, Billy Williams, Delia Orable, Maud Monroe and Mrs. B. Imson. We are headed North, having just finished a coaching trip through the gold camps of Colorado, and the business outlook la good. The Presidential campaign has not bothered our business at all. — Notes from the "Other People's Money*' Co., under the management of M, A. Mose- ley: Jerry Herzell Is being featured In the character of Uncle Dudley. We go South, playing ope night stands. — "The Secret of the Subwaj." a new melodrama, In five acts and seven scenes, was first given at the Grand Opera House, Burlington, N, J., on Sept 17. The play being by Jean Caldwell. The cast of the company Included: Herbert Colby, Chas. I. Coaouefd, R. Osborne, C Van Dyne, Jack Catley, B. B. Smith, Wm. Seward, T. Hogau, Jack Sidney, P. Murphy, W. Kay, Carrie J-.ckhardt, Annie Singleton, St. George jjussey, Grace Murdock and Jeatt Caldwell, executive staff: W. L. Mallery, general man- ager; James A. -Blake, business manager; w. a. Butler, treasurer; Herbert Colby, stage manager; B. B. Smith, master carpen- ter; Thomaa Conley, master of properties. — Clint and Bessie RobblnB, in "A Run- away Match," under the management of Chase * Lister, write that they are meeting with great success. They opened July 27 and their business has been extremely good. But two coanses have been made. Emily Hoi replac- ng Blanch Blgden and Don Mathews replac- ing Adelaide Bockburn as musical director. The roster: Glenn F. Chase, manager; Will 7 Wf' business manager; Clint and Bes- •M Bobbins, Emily Hoff, Grace Burdettc, Mrs. \< A ; Bobbins, Ray Brown, Edwin Krafft, 1 toni Mathews, H. J. Williams. All the spe- i? i!" ano - muslca l features are successes. At burets Springs, Ark., the entire company tuok a horseback ride of fifteen miles through the Ozark Mountains, enjoying the beautiful •"■■enery. — Claude D'Nalre (Mrs. Charles A. White) i; lned her huuband in Chicago last week. "-he has had several offers for stock, but has. iut accepted as yet — George W. Monroe writes: "I produced my new play at Elisabeth, N. J., Nov. B, and . J 8 ^ niee J ln * Wth great success. It Is a "imedy drama, entitled 'Mrs. Mac, the -"-lyor, snd Is a new and successful de' Iirture for me." — Wilbur Mack has been engaged to play •he role of Uumbolt Jones, in "A Royal f, 2 v f j N °-"tae"«> Co. Gertie Lewis If play » laadort "n the tans company. ; | •-. , i ■*■■■ WHYfNOT HAVE BEAUTIFUL HAIR? HAIR RESTORER Prodnew HI SHADE in O.IK Application. It does not Destroy the Curling and Crimping, snd It Is tbe onli preparation which satisfactorily Restores Bleached, Gray and Faded Hair to any natural shade desired, giving lite and lustre to the hair, leaving It soft, silky and clean. It is Harmless, Pore, Kffeotive and Sure. For Bale at Leading Hair Dressers snd De partment Stores. Price One Dollar a Bottle. BEND FOR ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET 0. KMl'HKSB MFQ. CO., TJM Md TUT Broadwavy, S. T. — Notes from the Thorns Dramatic Co.: On Nov. 6 we finished a twelve weeks' tour of Important stands In Ohio, West Virginia and North Carolina, jumping from Ports- mouth, Vn., to Dover, Del., where we played the new Dover Opera House to the largest three nights' business ever done in Dover. From Dover we go to Pittston, Pa., and on Nov. 28 we open a twenty weeks' tour on the Cahn ft Grant New England chain, finish- ing up that circuit about April 1, and closing the season at Marietta, O., where tbe company opened the season. Our season has been thus far very favorable, and we have bad only words of praise from both local managers and the- newspapers. The roster now Includes: James H. Thome, J. M. Ferguson, Frank Beverly, Frank A. -Thome, Edwin Flalg.Eu- tene Haskell, Grant Gordon, Bonnie Meyer, :dythe Danvers, Lezetta Holdswortb, Grace Flalg and Baby Henrietta, with Fred Maxon, musical director. Tbe company Is under the management of. Frank A. Thorne. Harry Nye, general agent, with two assistants. Our plays are:-"At Risk of. His Life," "Tbe-Land of Gold." VBip Van Winkle," "A Romance -of Virginia," "A Gambler's Daughter," "Jesse James," "Esat Lynne," "Fancbon, the Crick- et," and we have several others in prepara- tion. We have carried nearly all special scen- ery, and at Pittston we received a new lot of elegant scenery. Including a new palace arch setting and additional scenery for "Rip Van Winkle" and "At Bisk of His Life." — Mr. and Mrs. Edmund O'Connell mourn the loss of their youngest daughter, Clare, who died at Boston, Mass., Nov. 1, at the age of three years. „ — The "A Hoosler Daisy" Co., under the direction of Benedict, Sweet A Allen, will begin its annual tour on Nov. 19, opening at Trenton, N. J. Bessie Clifton will be feat- ured in the title role, supported by the fol- lowing cast: O. Harris Etdon, Mabel A. Bally, Alice Walker, Mrs. Homer Drake, Jeannette Coleman,' Alice Knowles, Edward Dawson, William R. Stone,-George O. Morris and William A. Cameron. We are Informed that tbe production will be new In every de- tail and Is booked almost solid for the season. — Mr. and Mrs. James.P. Lee and Little Madeline, after playing vaudeville dates since last May, joined r 'The Charity Nurse" Co. last week, for the rest of the season, making their third season with that company. -—Notes from Albert Welch's "A Domestic Blizzard" Co.: This company, headed by Albert Welch and Olive Spencer, Is being organized and will begin rehearsals Nov. 15. A full line of block and lithograph printing matter la being gotten out and a full set of scenery will be carried for the production. The company will number twelve people and tbe show is booked nearly solid to May 31, 1005. Mr. Welch and Miss Spencer will go out next season In a pro- duction of a new play by Mr. Welch, entitled "The Voice at the Window," claying the principal cities of the middle West. — Harry R. Vlckers writes: "The business of the Fenberg Stock Co., on tbe New Eng- land circuit, Is still very big, plays and play- ers seeming to meet the entire approbation of both press and public. The paper used by this attraction for such bills as 'Queen of the White Slaves,' 'Not Guilty,' 'Fallen by the Wayside' and 'Dealers in White Women,' Is a revelation. The specialties Include the Colby Family, four In number; Marie McNeil, cornetist; Will J. Kennedy, comedian: Grace Vlntons. Guy Oliver and Master AthoL Our vaudeville department le a most excellent or- ganization of talent" — Wm. N. Smith Is with Rowland ft Clifford's "Over. Niagara Falls" (C) Co. — Will F. Crbucher, business manager for the "When Women Love" Co. (Eastern), writes: "Business with this attraction con- tlnues to be big. We have not had a losing date this season and return datea are asked for at every stand. Managers speak In praise of this attraction. Leonard Dllmore joined last week to play the detective, re- placing Herbert Chestely. The rest of the company remains the same, with Sol. Braunlg manager. An amusing Incident occurred during election week. B. F. Clinton, a Parker man, and Guy E. Henderson, a Roosevelt ad- mirer, both of this company, bad made a bet on the election, and on Wednesday, Nov. !), the bet was paid. Mr. Clinton, with a card reading 'I lost' attached to his back, wheeled Mr. Henderson In a wheelbarrow half a mile through the streets, followed by a large crowd. We are booked solid through New York State, Pennsylvania and Maryland, and look forward to a long and prosperous rea- son." — Patten and Perry, with their "Jerry from Kerry" Co., are featuring their band and orchestra in high class music. — Managers Livingstone ft Simmonda write: "We are producing 'Reaping tbe Har- vest.' with a strong cast. Lou W. Mars and Faith Howard are ice leads. Geo. Elmore, Ed- ward Webber, Clyde Benson, Jack Wright, Jane Harding, Maude Norton and Lillian Desmond ore with us. Business has been good all along tbe line, and the play Is well received." — Bolossy Klralfy closes his season In St. Louis Dec. 3. — Fred Maynard, Sidney Angeles and Murry Woods are engaged for "In tbe Shadows of Night," opening Nov. 21. — Harry Rogers Is In the Metropolitan Hospital, having po'roned himself from a cut with a razor while shaving. — Frederick Lewis, who has made quite a success as Edgar Allan Poe, In George C. Ha- zelton's love play, called "Tbe Raven," is now on tour, and will come Into New York In Jannary. Henry E. Dlxey will have a promi- nent part in "The Haven." . .. . — Poole and Burt joined tbe G. B. Garslde Big Stock Co. at Dubois, Pa. — Pauline De Vere joined tbe new stock company at the New Star Theatre, St Louis, opening Sunday, Nov, 20, in "The Northern Lights, as soubrette. Rica and Hai.l, who Joined hands last September, write that they have met with success in their novel and original Dutch act. They have joined the "Sunset Mines"'Co. as the vaudeville feature. The comoany, we are Informed. <s doing well over the Wallace ft Gllmore circuit. — Frank P. Maynard, .the clown, closed a successful season with the Great Wallace Show Nov. 6. Mr. Maynard has signed for the -Winter-wHb-Royer Bros,' "Next Door" Co. as one of the leading comedians and pro- ducing his comedy acrobatic acts In the olio, with Archie Royer. Mr. Maynard will also Introduce his. trained goose. — Geo.. M.'Fenberg, manager of the Fen-, berg Stock Co., now playing New England, was made a Master Mason In Pacific Lodge. No. 233, F. and A. M., In this city, night of Nov. IT. ' — O. B. Nalr writes: "I am with the Tomson Comedy Co., directing the stage and shsrlng the comedy part with Mr, Tomson. Business Is tbe very best and salary coming every Sunday. Tub Old Hclublb Is Btlll leading the field as a favorite. On Sunday, Nov 13, we passed through Columbus, Mr. Tomson's home town. The members of tbe company were Informed that they would re- main until Monday morning. Sunday after- noon the various members were called over the 'phone at the hotel and asked to spend the evening with Mr. and Mrs. Tomson at their home. Upon arriving at the house a pleasant surprise awaited them. Mrs. Tom- son bad prepared a fine dinner aa a surnrlse to the company. A most enjoyable evening was spent and the guests, one and all, voted Mrs. Tomson a charming hostess. Covers were laid for fourteen, and when the 'trumpet sounded' all answered 'present.' Tho occasion will' long be remembered, and while all realised It waa the '13th,' the only unlucky part of the programme was the manner In which tbe viands disappeared with amazing rapidity. Following is our full roster: Alfred Tomson, 0. B. Nalr, Walter S. Fenton, Ward Osborne, D. B. Turner Frederick Stewart Harley, boy specialist; It Bosen, Phosa McAllister, Gertrude Well- man, Josephine McAllister and Geo. Stanton. We are producing the following plays: 'In the Heart of New England,' 'The King's Command,' 'My Daughter's Husband,' 'Wo- man Against Woman,' 'The Woodman Sol- dier,' 'An, Innocent Convict,' 'A Glided Title' and 'My Uncle from Kalamazoo.' We are looking forward to the anniversary number of The Clippbr, and sincerely hope it will be a record breaker In attractiveness." — Eugene Krlck. who has been playing Jean Gaussln, with Lillian Marson's "Sapbo" company since their, opening, Sept 29. at the New Curtis, Denver Col., closed with the company at Albuquerque, New Mexico, Nor. 12, and was replaced by Carl Winterhoff. . — Frank Milton and the Sisters De Long are with the "A Bagged Hero" Co., for tbe season. - — Notes from the Henderson Stock Co : Business during the Fall season has been good. At Lincoln, III., we opened to the largest audience In the history of the Broad- way Theatre, every seat in the house being sold before the doors were opened, snd on Tuesday night - we broke another record, it being tbe largest Tuesday nlgbt house that they had ever had for a repertory attraction, and It beat our opening house by several dol- lars. Business In Mason City, 111., waa hlg. Saturday night, after tbe performance, Man- ager McCarty, of the Mason City bouse, tendered the company a banquet The stage was cleared, covers laid, and a general good time enjoyed. We are featuring Geo. A. Lawrence's dramatization of "The vendetta,' for which we carry special scenery and ele- gant costumes of the period of 1847. Tho company follows: W.,J. Henderson, Richard Henderson, C. W. Courtney. Geo. A. Law- rence, Harry Crawford, Fred Russell, Edith Prettyman, May Treat, Gertrude Russell, Maude Nlchol, Mrs. C. W. Courtney and our Boston terrier, "Chum." — Ned Nelson Is with Johnny Galvin's "A Bell Boy" Co., playing one of tbe principal comedy parts and also doing a double spe- cialty with Ed. Dupont which, he writes, Is one of tbe hits of the show. — Mrs. J. M. Foley writes from Ashta- bula Harbor, O.: "The Empire Theatre closes week of Nov. 28 a very successful season, and will open the second week of April, 1905." — Mrs. William O'Connor, mother of Mrs. Frank W. NaBon, died Nov. 18. — Managers Will C. Sites and H. 8. Gilbert Inform as that they have taken their stock company off the road until after Christmas, when It will be sent on the road under the management of H. S. Gilbert opening in North Carolina Jan. 2, 1005. The company Is booked solid until April 16, when Mana- ger Gilbert will place It in stock In Ohio. — The SlsterB McConnell are In their four- teenth week with the Vandyke Stock Co., lo- cated permanently at the Lyric Theatre, St. Joseph, Mo. — Kathleeen Taylor has closed as charac- ter soubrette with the Florence Corbln Re- pertory Co., and has joined "Strange Advent- ures of Amos Skeeter," to play the Ingenue role. — Harry Beresford, In "Our New Man," reports that be Is meeting with success through tbe South this season, bis business everywhere showing better results tban that of previous seasons. This 1b Mr. Beresford's third year as a star with bis own company. His bookings this season Include towns played by him two or three times with other plays. — Notes from the McDonald Stock Co., G. W. McDonald, manager: Business still continues good In Arkansas, We are booked solid until May on our three years' trip to the Pacific coast. Roster is as follows: 0. W. McDonald, manager; J. D. McDonald, M. W. McGee, Harry E. Wilson, Leslie P. Webb, John Crossett, Master Sam McDonald, Mas- ter Rex Wilson, Earl McDonald, Hazelle Mc- Donald, Muriel Langdon, Beebe Brown, Mae Wilson, Baby Mack, James Godley and Ger- nldlne Godley. — Notes from the Wbyte Dramatic Co.: We played to the largest business of the sea- son at Hot Springs, week of Nov. 7, and opened at Prescott, Ariz., to the largest open- ing the house had ever had, night of 14, In "The Two Orphans." Millie Corbln Wbyte, female baritone, Is a favorite. We have bad good business all along tbe line. Tub Clip- pen is received every week. '— Teddy Le Due reports meeting with sac- cess playing the black face comedy part In Whltaker ft Nash's.productlon of "At Cripple Creek," now touring tbe Wells Southern circuit. — The new Academy of Music, Sprlngblll, N. 8., opened Nov, 0, under the management of M. Jones. The Academy is said to be a finely constructed theatre, neat and attrac- tive, finely lit with electricity, and up to date in all appointments. H. Price Webber's Co. opened the bouse. —We are in receipt of tbe following com- munication : "Ethel Stroud, who was play- ing the heavy with Callahan's new 'Fogg's Ferry' Co., received a telegram at Carey, O., Nov. 11, that her mother died suddenly at her home In Oklahoma. Two hours after message was received Mrs. Stroud was so routt to Oklahoma City. She will probably spend the Winter with her father and sister at that place. Her husband, Lucas Stroud, .will remain with the company for a few weeks, and will then Join his wife In Okla- homa." — Major O'LsughlIn has recovered from at severe attack of rheumatism. * . ,10' /Tk IS SAFE ^^^^^ As safe In tlie home na n ^^^sR ^^ kitchen table and Justus important. Yuit ti may be so fortunate ns to never need the ser- vices or a revolver to defend your life, property and the lives of those depending on your protection, but you can't tell—no one of the hundreds robbed and murdered every year suspected that he or she would be the next. IyerJohnson LOOK HERE for the SAFETY LEVER The hammer cannot hit the firing pin or the cartridge. l l 'hrn yon /*// *W trigrtr I only) this leer rlici and carries the blow to ths firing pin. Now York Mm M Clumber. Ht. REVOLVERS are ma Jo for your protection—>• mry way. The "Iver Johnson" u the original wifely revolver, and the only one with u safety mechanism worthy the name. HuMr. »o 00: luatrhH. tl.M. For'mln b.v nil UnnUaro and Hportlng (Joo,U riVntani. Learn AiMiuitht'm nuyway -it roiU you nothing. If you wilt Mil for It, we will gtnillr H<ml you our lirlaht llttlo book- let, "hhoin," togcthi-r with our h»nil«omo i-ataloguo. iVER JOHNSONS ARMS ANO CYCLE WORKS. FrTCIiBURC MASS. PETER'S THE ORIGINAL SWISS MILK CHOCOLATE A REVELATION to tk* Chocolati Lovtr I To the many people who like superior eating Choco- late, Peter • Swiss Milk-Chocolate has been a revelation, possessing a smooth, dainty flavor that has earned lor It the phrase "IRRESISTIBLY DELICIOUS" It has already attained throughout the United States and Canada an instant and enormous popularity, equalled only " J>y, _the premier position it has always held throughout Ei> ipe. TRy /7 . ( aU KnQw my Other Brand* An Imitation: VBn SABTU wt lllmtfawd b*ohUi, "AS ABOUT OT HOI SLiio.•• .,ii, umost, coauss a oo.a«u i • r »u r .. Da* l; alitalklnM, — Notes from Jere McAullffe's Dig Stock Co.: We opened our present tour In West- erly, B. I,, and have met with great success all along tho line. The company at present numbers twenty-three people, as follows: Jere McAuiirrc, manager; Harry Katies, Burt It King, Master Eugene McAulllfe, Frank De Lydston. H. Ulooser Jennings. Beeves B. Foote, William Huges, John Hicky, Charles Sandy Chapman, AI Wilson, John Earl, Rich- ard Earl, Joe Saunders, Fred 0, Stanton. Col. WUIard Stanton, Harriet Barton, Margll Dow, Louise Sage, Margaret Earl and Sadie Hawkes. Our vaudeville features Include the following: AI W. Wilson, ventriloquist, Introducing his little Willie Qreen; Chas. Bandy Chapman. In latest picture songs; Jere McAulIffe, In his songs; AI. Anderson and Blllle Brlggs, colored comedians. Our repertory of ptays: "The YoungWIfe," "Sba- mus O'Brien," "Tennessee's rardner," "A Working Girl's Wrongs," "Tbe Counterfeit- ers," "The Winning Hand," "A Mad Mar- riage," "A Woman's Victory" and "Blp Van Winkle." We have Just returned from our Maine trip, where we found business great. — Notes from the Harvey & Gage Big Comedy Co.: We are doing big bnslneas ana pleasing tbe people. Malsle Cecil, our dainty soubrette, Is becoming a great favorite in the East Our roster Is: Frank J, Harvey and Frederick Gage, managers; George A. Sullivan, buslneas manager; Joe Thayer, stage manager; Hiram IT. Lurvey, musical director; J. J. Moore, stage carpenter: U. B. Shaw, electrician: D. Casey, master of prop- erties; Harry Holman, Fred Harvey, Edwin Gordon, Herbert Bussell, La Nole Brothers, Malele Cecil, Blta Davis. Florence Mack, Josephine Sanford and Little Madeline Cecil. We are booked solid and everything Indi- cates a prosperous and pleasant season. ,— Alex, Mackenzie has Joined C. B. Han- ford'e Co. :—Quisle Hart has been engaged for the "A Prisoner of War" Co. — Engel Summer Is la vaudeville with Mr. and Mrs. Robyns. — Herbert Jones has Joined Paul Gllmore's "The Mummy and the Hamming Bird" Co. — Tho Morton Brothers will be put on tbe road next season by Percy Williams, — "In the Shadows of Night," Is the title of a melodrama that goes out shortly. — Alma Powell Is engaged for the lead In "Dealers In White Women." i—Fred Fordham has been engaged by Alfred Shelley to play the role of Zeben Cun- ningham. In "A Foxy Boy," which opens the season Nov. 24. — B. F. Nlny has joined the "Black Mask" Co., to do the German comedy role. His wife has retired from tbe profession this season on account of poor health. — Notes from Baynard & Whitney'B Trou badours: The company has been doing ex- cellent business since the election, and giving satisfaction. Tbe company la presenting the second edition of "The Bx-Presldent. or The Mayor of Coontown." Tbe principals of the cast remain tbe same, while tbe minor parts have been greatly strengthened, making one of the strongest colored organisations before the public. Wm. McCarron, manager, Is a showman with more than forty years' ex- perience, and la sparing no time or expense to place his company at the bead of colored companies. Roster Is as follows: Salem Tutt Whitney, Wm. A, Baynard, Emma A. Bay- nard; Nettle Taylor, Clcma Harris, Montrose Douglass, Alice Cassells, 3. C. Wrlght.John Balden, Harry Buckner. W. Bolken White, Walter Gordon. James Flamer. Badle Reeves, 8arab Venerable, Emma Goldlng, Tills Cott- man, Leila Burley, Minnie Jilts, Lulu Deer- tng and Chas, Taylor. — Mildred Conner has left tbe Klralfy Spectacle. — Conroy ft Mack Notes: Wm, H. Vano, of the Two Mysterious Vanoa. celebrated bis twenty-seventh birthday on Nor. 6. and re- ceived a handsome gold locket with eight small diamonds and a ruby, from the mem- bers of the Conroy ft Mack Co., and a pair of. specially made handcuffs. This company Is doing a big business, Is pleasing the peo- ple, and return dates are asked for In each place we play. Tbe Vsnos, at ths close of their engagement, will sail tor Newcastle-on- Trne, England, the home of Mrs. Vano, and after a rest of • few weeks will open on their European tear. \ lam John MacffFn tosh the Toffee King- Mackintosh's Toffee The Pure and Delicious OLD ENGLISH CANDY It Is an excellent sweetmeat for theatre, csndy standB and olrcusei. It Is s qnlok teller. Ask for dealers' quotations snd prices. JOHN MACKINTOSH, Oipt. 15, 78 IIl'DIOtV HTHKET, NEW YORK. AT LIU EHT V AFTER NOV 41, 0*»0. H. Kompohsill CHAHACTBR COM13DY, CIIARACTEBB, OLD MAN, TUBA IN BAND. ■ •rtha Kompahstll ECCENTRIC COMEDY AND OLD WOMEN, First class engagements only. One night stands preferred. Address POBTAOD, Wis. " PISOS CURE FOR r= I a*» itrroMs, I srnras hiwi cvib nistiiiM us rusuo " rffwtttaa 1 C ON sumption y>