The New York Clipper (November 1904)

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928 THE ]STEW YOEK CLIPPER. NOVEMBEB 26. Harsfn's Stereopticon Offer: tlM THB SAFEST BTBBEOPTICON INVESTMENT IN THB WORLD. Through the gnat buying tod ■elllnjrfaclll- it of THABSTN 4 CO., and the Unique BAB8TN BTEBEOPTICoto PLAN the pos- setslon of to artlttlc and reliable etereoptlcon It witbln reach of *rery exhibitor. We Offer 100 Cele- brated New Profes- sional Stereeplicons Which from erery standpoint represent the result of perfection la modern stereopticon bonding. If too take sdrsntage of any one of the HAB8TN 8TEBBOPTICON OFFERS at one* 700 will Save from $6 to $20, FOB THB BTEBROPTICONS OFFERED BY 1)8 ABB THB Best Made. Builf to Last a Lifetime BT THB HOST BKILLED STEREOPTICON BCILDBB8 IN THB WORLD. The SUreoptlcon* we offer an: Electric Stereopticon, With an Electric Burner and Adjoittble Bbeo- ■tat, Switch. 25ft of Cable and 15x16 Sheet, one dosen Carbons, 2 aeta of Beau- tifully Colored Song Slide* AJA A A and Carrying Cate, ill com- QraUl,!! Calcium Stereopticon, ' Box Of Limes, $30.00 With Lime Turning Jet, 1 Box of Limes, 15x16 Bneet.2 8*Uof Beautl- " fully Colored Sons Slide* and Carrying Case, all complete, A cetyline Stereopticon, ■ oi neauuiuiiy $40.00 With one Powerful 8-Tlp Burner, 1 Box of Chemical*. 16x16 Sheet, 2 Set* of Beaatlfully Colored Son* Slide*, and an " " ~ Acetyllne Oat Generator, Car. i.vlng Caae, all complete • With every Stereopticon we giro fall In- struction* bow to ran It We adrlse you to take advantage of these great Stereopticon Offer* Immediately, aa the order*, we know, will be tremendous, and prompt action on Tour part will be the odIt mean* of your being ■ure of securing one of the** StereopUcona Immediately. pVltltOntyA your old Stereopticon for kAvllUllgO t new one and pay the Balance on Delivery. We Manufacture in£ Cloak and Serpentine Slide*. Write for Lists. ALFRED L. HAR8TN A CO., 188 E. 14th St., New York, N. T. Tel. 8812-GHAM. With •11 Good WUI- We Say It Still- Cross LETTER HEADS GROSS PRINTING CO., 848 Dearborn St., OBI JAGO. Sample* McMAHON'8 ■rasaeas TaeetrieaJ rieItauramt 4TB IOTI AVBUlt, Between ttth and Mth St., NEW TORE CITI. Beat of Pood,Perfectly Cooked, Dellolootly Barred. Price* reasonable. Special Dining Boom for ladi e*. FOR QUALITY Use "Carnellan" Urease Paint*, Face Powders, Rouges, Creams, etc Guaranteed In parity. Oar different shtdes always the same. No aeTlatlon, a* Is usually found Id moat paint* and powder*. Ask your dealer for Carnellan and take no other, or tend direct to us If he does not carry It VAN HORN it MICIIL, Mire, of "Carnellan" Create Paint*. Etc. Offloe HI N. 8ib St., Factory 915 Arch, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Rhonemus Leg Improver Patented. For Men with bowed, orooked or hollow lets, state pants nana per- fectly itral*ht, no matter hnw bowed or orooked the legs. Made ot aramt- nnmt toTlslblst no InoonTenlsna*, yoa never know yon have them ont •astir adlnated with ordinary garter. By melt per pair. Writ* todavf or Fmaa Bookie I. > _ . S.F.JthonemaaBCq. Boil. Springfield. Ohio. AT LIBEETT, OWING TO CLOSING W1TB ». HAXAM-81GBT8, DBS. UK LILLI, 8TA0G, PIANIBTR, ARRANGE. VALENTINE UIL.L.I, EXPERIENCED BUCK DANUING "TOPSY;'' PARTS, STRONG SPECIALTIES. Wire or write, DELLS ULLI, Sheldon, S. Pah. WANTED. A LEADER (PIANO), Well up In drama and Ttudevllle. SMALL CHILD for parts, that can do specialties. SINGLE OR DOUBLE MUSICAL ACT, to close In one. Address BOB MARES, Marks Bros.' Company, Darlington, Vt., 81 to 28; PlatiaburgMtog. "IWAIT8 AKICLCI WHMI m: TO BE .11 AIMUkL -coo- •...- FREB COPT AND ORCHESTRATION. WULBCHNKR MUSIO 00.. Indianapolis, lad. -- aNTCD, Al BIieilB AID DAIC1IG OOIEMAI, for Partner In Vaudeville. Address .„„„„ SAM BODBRTS, Care of N. Y. CLIPPB& j«-^ a An Experienced, ijflPratnr RelUbte Operator Va/l/CiaiUl would accept pc- iltlo* by Nor. to, with * successful lecturer. Good reference*. i. O. MILLER, Heurelton, N.T. HA6I6 AND VENTRILOQUIST OUTFIT, FOR 111. MB, J. TRCLO0K, Roaeborg, Ky. BAND and ORCHESTRA MUSIC To Introduce onr new band and orchestra music we will mail any one of the following named selections for 1ft cats, two for as cants, Are for 80 cants, or ten for •1.00. Always aute whether too wlib band or orcheitra maslo. When ordering orchestra music state whether you wish 10 part* and plsno, 14 parti, or fall orchestra. The te'ec- Uod* marked with star (•) are published for band alio. TBI BLACK LAUOH. A Great Two-step. •THE CHASER. Pine Two-step. A No. One. •RAGLAN RAVELIN08. Two-ttep. Can't beat It PANAMA RAO. Two-step. A sure winner. •FATIMA INTERMEZZO Two step. Pine. •FIELD BUGLER'S NABOB. Two-step. Fine. •DOWN IN TBB DEEP. I ^^fiftgfc LA CAS A LOMA WALTZES. Must hare It.' •LOVE'S OWN WALTZES. A great farorlte. •TELL ME WILL MY DREAM COME TRUE WALTZ. Arranged from popular ballad. •COONS IN THE CANEBRAKE. Two-step. Good. SWEETHEARTS AND ROSES WALTZ. Good also. Bend for onr THEMATIC CATALOGUE OP BAND AND ORCHESTRA MUSIC, tnd for par- tlenlara regarding oar ORIGINAL to CENT LEADERS' CLUB. THE ALBRIGHT MUSIC CO., 195 fWABASH AVENUE, OHIOAOO, IL-L-. Mention TBE CLIPPER. • "HAREACH'S" • ... BULLETIN ... LARGE CATALOGUE FREE. REX • STEREOPTICON WITH BTERT FORM OP LIGBT. BEST AND 0BEAPE8T BONO STEREOPTICON. 05LY THE By Mail, $1.25 Each. SOM, POSE Ml SEIPEITIIE SUNS GET OUR SPECIAL PRICES. -AXX THE FEATTJRE- EDISON AND BIOCRAPH WILMS* PERSONAL-ESCAPED LUNATIC, PARSIFAL, TRAIN and BANK ROBBERY, ETC. SEND FOB OUR MAMMOTH CATALOGUE. ALBO WE HAVE 8. H. Films $2.00 Dp. laay 1,000 Feet WE WANT MOTION PICTURE MACHINES, BTBBEOPTIOOHS, FILMS, SLIDES, Etc. Send for Hat and price*. FILM BOXES, REELS. B1ANCHI CEMENT. EUREKA SINGLE DISSOLVES LATEST AND BEST MOTION PICTURE MACHINES, $75 UP. fflBfllPITftPfl 809Pllbertst - nattliiiLli 61LU.. PHILA..PA. We Make a Specialty of Storing, Repairing and Sell- ing THEATRICAL CARS. Good Shop, Plenty of Protected Track Room, Excellent Loca- tion. Write for Particulars. M. MITSHKUN CO., DETROIT, MICH. JAMES GOLDSMITH, 1EW Till CITY. RUBBER COLLAR*, CUFF8 and SHIRT FRONTS. NEW YORK. CHICAGO. HEFNER WIO MAKER, IM W. 8«th STREET, NEAR BROAD WAT, N. T. CHICAGO BRANCH, CHICAGO OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. A KERSHAW, Bealdent Partner. Bend for Catalogue O. either offloe. (i GIANT TELESCOPE. HOST POWBRflX IN WORLD. For Parts, Fair* and Carnirala. Pan for Itself In one week, anr Ure place; daj and alght MM. DR. ART. BOND, ssaUpplnoottSt, Toronto. Canada. ' dJa"^^ Catalogs* of _ alonal* and application. tfrVALD. MAJUaH. Bre Tart PVAN FLEET v^ RINTEX1 UlevelanU 144 BOWERY, NEW YORK CITY For a half century we hare been gtrtng real bargains In diamonds, it I* ridiculous to sup- pose that store* located on Broadway, where enormous rent* prerall, can compete with n*. A comparison of goods and price* will oonrtnee the moat sceptical. VALTJE tlM. NOW to*. This 1* the ring we hare been selling for 113*, bnt for quick action we offer a limited number at get. Diamond* will be reset In genre ring* If desired. Chance of a lifetime. Bead for *ar Forfeited Loaa Catalogue Tnqn Mall Order* Filled. nqolrte* Solicited. SONG BOOKS The Chas KHARRI5 Songster r ABSOLUTELY"THIr/BEJSt<K AMY) XOMFIIitiATBTIflT) With Eeetrlo Are. OAncnst or A**tyl*ni DlBStnted Bona rkltf" B0U8HT ANDBOLD, aa**, la*, colore*. STERE- OPTI- CON, L FILM! L.HBTZ, SMB. Ha Swept, Bow Tort fAtr. M.R. ELY AUWUrACTURER or 5HCTA/CANVASLS FRED ZDBEDIE, THE GREAT HAND BALANCER, On Sparrow Amusement Circuit. COWNS^S^ SUOHTLT USED. Alao STREET GOWNS. W* bare cm hand a large assortment of allghti/worn Ere nlag Gowns, Dinner. Beceptton and Tea Gowns. These robe* an perfect In ererr respect, and are especlally suitable for wear In HIGH CLASS DRA- MATIC PRODUCTIONS. We hare a foil Us* of Seal sun Coats and Fan of an kind*. MBS. a. srABR, an sonth Btata at., oboaoo. NOW MAKING 1905 1906 , LETTERHEADS 334 DEARBORN ST,.; CHICAGO ILL. 1)0 You WANT MILITARY GOODS 7 BAND rorFOBMB, ABUT cr MATT STflTB, TENTS, GITSS and EQTJTPMEST OF EVERT gESCRlPTiON. prom OoTemment AucUon. a matter what jou want In thatllna I ean *upplj It. How or second hand. Bend for Ottalogn*. B. B. ABRAHAMS, t* Bcnth BL, Phlladalpnia, Pa. WatSfa, Itwclrf, iSrerwareTlug. BrllUanU, MnHcIqo and Ol/t Show Oooda Pror. WammoD'a Oreasa PalBla, Burnt Cork, Faoa Powdar.eie, Rotattafa Bong Books, mil Una of Baste EaaMctaa. a«ag rj r p.ta- lacae. Tkc old BcUaMa B. 8. Tjm&B * CO., 84 Waaaaa Are., Okteasw. m. PLAYS ;L(*:*v.jiorAi » AWBROWKI WANTED AT ONCE, Adiinet Mai, PIim Player .Bit en Arrugi, AND BINOINO AND DANOINO SODBBBTTB. SD. HDT0BIN08. wire. FRED VICE, Can of MaUlgan*a Hoiidaj Co., SherodsrlUe, O. WRITE AND TELL ME WHAT TOD HATS AND 8E0DRE DATB. B. P. JONB8, Mgr , AdTtaas, Iadlaaa. WANTEI-Cirlisltiis lid PtrfoniNts, Suitable for Lad* Audiences. Address WONDERLAND MUSEE, Main and Smith Btweta, Peterson, N. J. At Liberty, 8troag Cornet, B. aid ALIO BAND LEADKR. 0., PROCTOR'S ERTERPRISES. F. F. PROCTOR, low Proprietor ind ■gatfor. J. AUITIN FYNEt, fioBoral Mint osr. • BEAUTIFUL THEAT1ES I Deroted to Reflaed EatertaUaaeat. Prootor'a Bth Art, Theatre, Pr«otor'a 23d St. Theatre, Proctor'* B8th tt. Theatre. Preeter'a lSSui ■«. Tkeatwe, Proetor'a Newstrk Theatre, Proetor"* Albsmr Theatre. PROCTOR'S STOCK CO. Preienting Best Plays. WASTED, BEST ACTS IM VAUDEVILLE. If jou do sot racer** a reply. It roar be baeaos* the Ma* Is filled; jon an tasnteo adrlssd to writs agala la (ear weeks. Do NOT socio** stamp for r»pl;. INSTRUCTIOK. TO ARTISTS BOOKED} plots of acts; complete "prop'' list: It open and close In one; EXACT time of i Send tnd of "ciot* In;" billing for newspaper* and programmes; and CLEAN PHOTO- GRAPHS for LOBBIES TWO WEBK8 in ADVANCE OF OPENING DATB AT BACH HOUSH, addressing RESIDENT MANAGER. FAILURE TO COMPLY with these IN- STRUCTIONS WILL BUBJBCT ARTISTS to the BISK OF CANCELLATION. VAUDB- VILLB BEHEARSAL8 MONDAYS, liU., SHABP. Playwrights, Author* and Play Agents, Viuderllle Artist* and Players, sddnss J. AL8T1N FTNEJ, Gtnertl Manager, FTFTH AVE. THEATBB. B". T. CTTT. » i i Cure Tour Rheumatism. QBIWSTTBB Compotmd Mlxt uro Of •BsBssBSj Btillinaia, Etc i- - «« ill ii i m i i i im i Mi i n SB =• IM The "Old Reliable " Internal Remedy flair BU**i**ati»m, Heaursalgla, fletatlea, Gout aad Lumbago. P. 8.—Thl! mlrtnre is carried In stock by the principal WHOLESALE Drngglsta in the D. 8^ or we will ship the LARGE SIZE to any point In ths B. 8., Express charges PREPAID, on reoelpt o! money order for list. GRIFFITH'S PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY, 6"! Third Arenne, oor. 11th 8U, New Tort. SPEGIALSaEXTRA MWUiiKl^^ TllllJIIITIIAlllstiM m —r."- 1 **' r-— ,ir ~ aUnastrsro-Slrv. ByC.I EoaJ.lVlof IA. ■ '. kUOaJAOll Aac.aU.dSruAAr.IIIP l<kyrAJ^Unyjo l x|A.,sBf,WasBf |fjw SSUS DaJbPO. WltflB-rSi. ■aff | sHHsi neitniBia Hslp , Small Ore*. ■**, Uff* OrtA.. - AectpUd AS t> CkTMlte ■ . XatlaaalDfc&rtM ■**".._ _ , bbmUI ore*.. JOr, Urn OirS, I jmmaassmszs&m m UUICU IC.BLMT Uoamartrv CUE Ue.Saaa BOIPUT D Q1LT1ES rtaila.. Saa. Tla.ank,ae.l a. I9C SI8c tdiitt iniEt saajM«!i. jk'S! 18c l>U«,uil.«W..»»,>ret J>t. Uit» Q^».,ac Baaa.ate ||*U fS^JStfiSSSSfufS^.l'iS'lSJitlttA^iMrimiS. tUt. L I31T MUSIC COBPUr, Blttli fritt, Hit.. ?0& ^a*-^-"" roil SIIO//S CAUNl/AI.S «3:c (Aitsimiiposrrit c<? tmion Hotel, H*w Oattit, S. B., STEPHEN 1. OWEN8, " Canada. show PBorniVG. Stock Hnngera, Porters and Cabjoa head Cor advertising every line of the Amaeemsat Bnslnesa. Send for Cataloan* (D) of Drt- natle and Show PrinUng of all kind*; Cot* ogue (C) Fair and Carntral Printing; Cat* ogao (B) Bill Poaten, Comardal Potters. riBBT CLASS PBINTINQ OF ALL KINDS 6BEATWE8TEBB PBHiTIllfi C0 n BIS BUaa Street. It. Laata, Mew Sllkollne Tights, |8.00| Wonted Tlgbta, Sa.OOi Cotton Tights, ll.UO; Silk Tights, from •».&& up; Shirts to match all same price aatlahtaiPampt, US cents) Gait- ers. SI.OOi Elastic Supporter*, $1) Cloth Supporters, 83 eeata. Bead for catalogae and aamplet of tights Bree. Poittlrely a de- required. Satlalaotlon gnann- led or money ref anded. SPIOBR BROS., U Woodbine St. Brooklyn, ». T. Old stand bnt new addrea*. WANTED, FOR Stetson's Uncle Tom Co. Woman for El Its and Marie, tnd Colored Woman that can sing and dance and play bran. Bute *ge, height, weight and salary first letter- Ana., m W. tad STREET, M. T. CITT. WANTED, A THEATRE. MANAGER AT LIBERTY. Wide experience. References. Ws* mtntirer of Grand Theatre, Toledo—destroyed by Ore. Would take road ahow. B. L.EMERSON, The Dnngcomb, Toledo, Ohio. i sill iw nim. 1,200 feet at sxo. per toot Add. J. W. WILSON, lilt W. Wayne St., Port Wayne, Ind. "■^•IJjtiS LSHIHHELH,i1liatriMlWlK MAXES. Good work for low Irtjen. Ul Wert Ath STBEiT, lew Tm. iSfeBtVioalKt EilMi Pletire Miclliis, StintpliUDS, Seag SOdea, PUm*. Unset, Oat Onttta, Electrical OnUta, Eectrloal aad etrealara. *WKJ»IIIIW.^ FOR PRICES, 1TB ARB constantly told by friends that we need more stylish offices, and to mors sp- town. Onr answer was, we an satisfied with onr present quarter* and then Is no need for anything better, for if we moved In more .ryliah offices oar rent and expenses woold be higher and we would hare to charge more for oar good*. The lack of Style la a part ot the 2stem by which we sell high grade good* at e lowest figure*. Call or write today and satisfy yourself that yon can do more with little money at than in any other place In the city. Oar price* an so attractlre that yon will not buy elsewhere but hen, aa yon can see from the price* below:» dnbl.itlii Maehlii, Liti Hidil, $70.00 CiiMiiMh, Lata, 50.00 Etlsii Combinative. '99, 40.00 EEATUBE FILMS: List Child, • • $70,00 PlfSifltl, • - 40.00 Eseapi. Loaaflc, • • 80.00 Ths Terrible Railway Tragedy, 30.00 Oit la tsa Struts, - - 80.00 TtiOiljMiB, - • 60.00 Trill Robbery, • - 60.00 But Rtbbeiy, • . 60.00 miSM... - • 80.00 Aula's Liu Stir}. • 80.00 AND 5.000FT. OF OTHER FILMS AT B CENTS FEB FT. AND DP. WE RENT MAGHINEaFILMSANDSLIDES With or Without Operators, AT THE LOWEST RATES. We take old Films and Machines In ex- change for new ones. We make a ipeclalty of High Grade Sheet*. 188 E»st 14th St, New York, N. T. TEL. 3812-GRAM. CRACKER JACK A delicious popcorn confection, pnt up la moisture proof package* that keep It fresh a long time. A quick seller for theatre*, clrcuse*, tr*Telfag theatri- cal and medicine companlea and all place* of public amusement. We also make a large line of PACKAGE CAN- DIES and the RELIABLE POPCORN BKICK. Inform na when yon bold a confectionery concession and we will send samples snd prices, . BUE0KHB1H BROS, k E0UTB11, CHICAGO. HIGH CLASS MAGICAL APPARATUS At modents prices. Large stock, Immense rarlety. Illustrated Catalogue Free. New Mammoth Catalogae jutt limed. 20c List of (00 bargains In fine apparatus for 2c. stamp. A. BOTBBBEBO, 176 Ontario St. Chicago. SEATS MO. NEW BOUSE, BIO STAGE. OPEN TINE IROM SEPT. OS. • OS. JOHNSTON, Manager. Wllllara*, Arizona. Flai Magical Aiparatu, ILLUSION*. TBIOYA Ms. Brand Bad ef Osnnry. fsQf niMtnted. book cAta- Losnc, at*., m* by sua. Catalogue or rarlor Trick* tn* BTAB.TLSSU A OO,, stir*-, s*e na an. avr TENT8. WRITE US fir Prices. Large Stock New and Second Hand TENTS always on hand. TBB CHARLES P. SIEDER TENT AND AWNTN0 Oa.Snooeason to T. W. Noble Co., Tent DspL, Detroit Bag and Mfg. Oo., Detroit, Mich. Filrbm, Nek.—Steele's New Open Hiisi, Bollt in 1904. Seating Wanted, Strom Company for opening last of October. A. V. PEASE, Tnaaarar. BOSTON FUJI EXCHANGE. 'oSaagwl^MWASBTNOTOX i, Baa*., opp. Adam* Boa**. BS^S: THOMPSON'S GYMNASIUM, UT W. Md ST, NEW TOBX (old Boater * BlalU BAUiBTT THOMPSON, Manager (late Wood's Sim. 8 pec 1*1 rates to performers. 11 a wssk. gecoad Hand BAHDIBSTBTJEEHT8 aouOHT, SOLD and BXOBANQED. Send for eoa lioaiLiat FBABK BOIVTOB * CO., lot B. Madison Btreet, Calcagp, PL