The New York Clipper (November 1904)

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NOVEMBER 26. THE .NEW YORK CLIPPER. 920 ! BOYS TRIO Week Hot. 91, CIRCLF; !fov. 99, ORFMICl«, Brooklyn AND CERTAINLY MAKING GOOD. KINO OR BAD! Ell, FRM.UIVB t IOWA. Sir a Moines.—At roster's Opera House IWm. Foster, managerr amateurs, under tbe direction .of 'W.-Jv Baker, presented the musical comedy, "The .First Lieutenant," to i ,(»<- uuci wrn pleased audiences Not. 11. 12. Mrs. J. uevnor and F. I*. Beale, from St. .inf. Mo., compoaera of tbe opera, were here to see Its presentation. Edward Morgan. In ••■jihe Eternal. City," 10, drew capacity, ward abu VuKes lei, '1'im Murphy 23, lii. Oiu"ND'Orr.n»- House, twm. Foster, man- ager! — The Koynl Llllputlans, lo "Slnbad," {•ave one of tbe best productions seen at this iouse tbls season to full houses 10-12. ••Her FIrat False Step" showed to good houses 14-18.: "Her. Only Sin" 17-19, "To Dawn" 21-23. . •_. AimiTOBiuu (Wra. • Foster, manager).— "Babes la Toyland" Nov. 23, 24. Lyceum .(Nellie Wlllard Nelson, mana- ger).—This popular house reopened 14 with a permanent stock company, in "The Octo- Address care of WIL-L.IAIV1 IN/lORtERIS. a permanent roan." i .- Hi-tou (W C. Buchanan, manager).—This opens 21 with vaudeville. On the open- \i hill will be: Forrest and Forrest, Bisson- etfe add Newland, Whelnn and Phelpa, In • "\\y Papa's Friend;" Collins and Keene, and NoTif^The McNutt Twins are In the city, ha%ug closed wit h the Jack Hoe ffler Co. *Ceds,r Rsplde.— At Greene's Opera House (Will 8. Collier, business manager) •Woodland," Nov. 10, played to the capacity. North Bros.' Comedians closed a good week's bnslntss 12. William Owen, 14, In "The Lady of Lyons," pleased. Tim Murphy, 15, In •Two Men and a Olrl," gave excellent satis- faction. "Nettle, the News Girl,". 10, drew a ton heavy house. "The Eternal City," 1<, i cBsr'ncd a good house. . White's "Faust" 19, •T Desperate Chance" 22. "Qnlncy Adama Sawyer" 23, "Kudolph and Adolph" £M. •Habes In Tovland" 15, "York State Folks'' 28; the Flints 28 and week. •Auditorium (Edward Curran, manager).— Bill for week of .14: I'hllllp9 and Sharp, Hay W> t'lougb. James Neary, Billy Graham, Frank .Comer, a farce and the polyscope. Non»,r—Manager Edw. Curran left 14 to visit his theatre «t Marlon, Ind Ed. Hluskl Is home, having closed tbe season with Blngllng Bros. ' Advertising Car, No. 2. Krnknk.—At the Keokuk Opera House (I>. Jaeger Jr., manager) Williams and Walker presented "In Dahomey" to a large and satisfied house, Nov. 10. "Rudolph and \dniph" amused 11. "The Sign of the Cross ' attracted a fairly good audience 15. Eva Tancuay, -in "Tbe Sambo Girl," comes 21 ; • •Irish Pawnbrokers" 23, "Ole Olson" 24. .Mont.—Batterman'a Opera House, at War- saw, 111-, haa recently undergone a number or 'mnrovemeots. Tbe stage haa been sup- Slled with a new equipment of scenery and rop curtains, a balcony has been added, and tne seating capacity increased considerably. Wm. Buev, of the Keokuk Opera House Btafl, ■painted the scenery. SENSATIONAL AMERICAN REAPPEARANCE, Is more talked about on the stage than any other store in the World That is because it . is the most popular. W> Allow PrcfaulonUs A SPECIAL DISCOUNT OP 10 PER CBHT. on their pnfcasM U feelr itata art m ear Mllitratlon Book*. HO C0BNE0TI0N WITH ANT OTHER STORE. ntaosrw amnion/ Dubaqne,—At the Grand Opera House (Wra. T. Roehl, manager) Tim Murphy Pleased a fair audience Nov. 14. "The Bil- lionaire," 18. and "The Eternal City" scored successes. Clara Thxopp 24. Erra Kendall 2S.-Lew Dockstader 28, Ralph Stuart 30. Bijou ,Theaibe (J. Rosenthal, manager). opened Its doors Nov. 14 and turned people away. The management has thoroughly 'rehuVated the house, and will give two vaude- ville - - 1 performances dally. Those appearing (he&nneniug week were: 8toddard and Wl- Eod, the Zatnora Family, Walter Yacot. Wil- son and Demonville. Charles Heclow, "Guy.' jthe "handcuff king," and the klnodrome. Pop- ifftrj prices and a good show drew well. Roone.—At Aries Opera. House (Wiley & ' Klrsy; managers) "Johnny On tbe Spot" Co. haT fair business Nov. 8. "Over Niagara alls" drew a good bouse 11. "Her Only Bin" had good business 10. "Rudolph and Adolph" 18, "On the Bridge at Midnight" 22, "A Bunch of Keyg" 23, "That Little Swede" • Sil "The Sign of tbe Cross" 26, "Dora Thorne" 20, "QnUu.-y Adams Sawyer" 29. K, :*. TENNESSEE. , M emi>h 1..—At the Lyceum Theatre (Frank k Orsy, manager) darkness prevailed Nov. 10- 12. Murray and Mack, In "An Kngllsb Daisy," played to a packed bouse 14. The performance pleased, (ieorge Sidney. In "Busy !»».''came to S. R. O. lo. Adelaide Thurs- tST presented "Polly Primrose" to very good hows 1«. 17. Everyone left the theatre sing- ing her'pr'alsea. Coming: Joseph Murphy 21, 29, "The Sign of the Cross" 23, "Our New >ftin" 24, '.'Tbe Silver Slipper" 25, Paul 011- raore' JW: "Human Hearts" 28, 20,- Frank Daniels ^0, Dec. 1, "Babes In Toyland" 2. 51. HopittXH' Ghand Opf.iia HooSK (A. B. Mor- rlaOTi. manager).—"The Butterflies," 14-10, {•attracted crowded houses. Mr. Jassey, the new leading man, who succeeds Mr. McLarlne, received a most cordial welcome. Miss Bow- map- and . Mr. .Haddock deserve mention. ".Thurston, the Illusionist, between acts, was farfsnperlor to any vaudeville feature offered thlt siason. "Hearts of Oak" 21-28. •vBhoo (Benl. M. Stalnback, manager).— J'Only a 8hop Girl," week of 14, played to gaid Business. Lottie Williams made a de- cldfcd success and was applauded to the echo. "A r H<H ■ Old Time" 21-20. . »fa>«Nviiie>—At tne Grand (M »- T -J- Joyle,' nianager) "Out of the Fold" proved a (ppd-drawing card. J. Francis Klrke and Bo; ijFtle'May were'particularly fine in. their work. ' Miss Ten Eyck (her flrst arjpeniance bees) was good- In her character of Mrs. Cobb.' Others did well and made an even performance. "The Columbians," a specialty feature -between acts, entered Into the play during one act and were much applauded. For 111 and week, a spectacular production of Vcinderella." , . _ . Bijou (Allen Jenkins, manager).—"A Hot OloTTlriie" proved a very strong feature at this, WMIlam McRoble Is a very eleysr comedian and kept tbe ball of laughter rolling. He was ably assisted by Florence Jiugiils, Victor Stone and Joseph Weber. WT. SI and week, "Only a Shop Girl." " VEKbouE (W. A. Sheets, manager).— Local T2. B. P. 0. Elks, gave fine perform- ances of "A Night In Bohemia," 14, ID. Tbe charm work was excellent and reflected much credit tin Minnie Crudup Vesey. A. W. Fremont took tbe role of Old Bohemia, and hlaTtoast to Elks brought forth a burst of annjyiae. . Claude Bogle, In "Ghos ts," 21, 22. . O»»«!«wnoar«,—At tbe New Opera Iiouw ifPfflt R- Albert, .manager) "Dolly Varden" Hrw to good business Nov. 7. "Babes In TnyJand" played to a fine boose and pleased |. .Waxde-iStid, Kidder did well, 12^;Hn«er pouthfrn Skies" lft, "At Crlppta Creak" 16, U .-■■ •• ■ SlEGClOOPERg HBW YORIC ""'• s - AT LIBERTY—Robert Waldron, reflneu musical act. Besp. mgre., write. Al musical hits a«d ward- robe. Ticket If lopg Jump. Carotneravtlle. Mo. HOW TO BTAHT IK SHOW HIISIHEH (copvrtght), • different books, 10c. All kinds act. kORFHTPa SOHOOIs B8T N. lath St., Phils-, Fa, great BABOAtsr—Fine 28ft. wood and Iron Ferris Wheel, S coaches, seats 16 adults or 24 oblldren. No engine—2-h. p. engine or motor will ran it—weight, i »j ton: 2 men can operate It, set it uporukeitdiwn. Will clear cost at one street fslr. Price. $224: terms, f in ossh on shipment, b'l- snes 124 » month. Firstoome,flrsis»rved Triners save stamps. Address W. I. cook. Haledon,«. J WILL IHLL OH KXCHArToic GA- lstea Illaslon for Moving Picture Machine and Pilmi. Inqnlre U CLINTON ST., Newark. N. J . WANTED, fur Med. Show, Good All Around Comedian that can change for one week staous. Also Sketch Team. Dr. Wl Ham Herbert and kd. St Clair, write. Tlciets If not too far. Address Jsck Fello*™, Modern Rem. Co. coolvm*. Athena Co..O. THE HIT OF EVERY PERFORMANCE AT HAMNERSTEIN'S VICTORIA THEATRE LAST WEEK Five Son en at Every Performance. Re-engaged for March 6,1905. Address NA/JV1. MORRIS, 'WAITED, Sketch Teams. Single Acts, come- dians. Sieger with Illustrated Machine. Change forlweeks. Laige towns only. Jo'n on wire. No fares. Teams u, singles la. Psy own board. I pay transportation after Joining Manager Med. Co., New Bsriln, oaenango Co., N Y. PARTSEK WAtTEO-I will Invest t for I In small show with a reliable men who does go^d act on stage and has an up to-date Moving Picture Machine. Tell *U von do In first letter. Address E. BOWARD Winchester hotel, Svraonse. N. Y. WASTKD-Ladj Palmist (good looking and good reader). Man or Woman Clairvoyant and Trance Medium; who can lecture preferred. Strong Worker to travel: work on percent. Ex- penses paid. For sale, St. Piano and Banners. J. L. PORTZ, Postorla, Ohio. Lac ARM to Throw Tour Voice. Ventruoquiim taught. For terms and full particulars, address Prof. L lngerman, 7 04 N. till S t., Philadelphi a, Pa. A. GOODRICH, LAWYER. 441 West Madison St, Chicago; esubilshed 1444. Business legal and eulst. Branohess od facilli les In ot he r Stales. MEDICINE PJCRFOHHWRS WANTED, who chants for week; put on acts; Piano Player who works stage. Name salary. I ray R. R. own board. Parllculars. I)R PRANK now. 444 Superior St., Toledo,Onto. •x y WA\TED-Graceful novelty dancing act. Send full particulars Address PARTNER, Care of N. Y. CLIPPER Young Lady, for 1 WAaraSO. TWO A Ho. 1 MKDKIH OOMKOIANS, Novelty or Musical Man and Sketch Team Those pit; log org*n given preference. State salary and save time MURRAY A ROSS, Welltvllle, Mo. AT LIBERTY, ri'st Time In MX Years, the Versatile Duo. HOLBstg it HOIMM. High Class Comedy Musical Aot; a Novelty, a Featare; Repertoire, Faroe Comedy, Vaudeville, ur any show that pays money. Both plav parts, do singles and produce illustrated songs. The act ron have been looking for. Address HOLMES A HOLMES. Ketne, New Hampshire, Care of Lome Elwyn Co. . ' aiaic composed aid arranged for any Instrument or number of Instruments BoBfsvwords and music, sketches, et c send stamp OHAB. L LEWIS, 43* Richmond St., Cincinnati, 0. WATTED, M08ICIAN8 for Navr Yard Band, Portsmouth, N. H.: Clerlonettlst, Trombonist and Bass Drummer. Una): donbie ou Vlelio, 'Cello or Harp. Want a man that can prompt for dancing. Sure pay, easy work. Long engagement. BANDMASfER RBINEWALD, Portamouth. S. H. WAFITED— Med. Performers, Teams and sin- gle Tarns; salary, all you are worth; tiokeia if I know you; Join on wire; state flrst letter all Spe- cialties: also, if yon Kake Organ. MGR CLIFTON' REMEDY CO, No rt h Star, Gratiot Co., Mic h. 100 LETTISH HEADS 24c; Env., same; 6.000 coupons, $l; 4.000 14ths, 11.74; halftone, si: etc. Samples, 4c. Howell Show Print, Howell, Mloh. WANTED—Single 8. and D. Soubrette, to do Sketches and work In Acts; also Mogle s and D. Comedian: salary, all von are worth. Jennie lie Weest. write; must Join on receipt of wire; tick- ets? yes. Or. E. A Pollsrd, Mgr. Modern Remedy Co.. Appalachla. Va. WASTED—SPECIALTY PEOPLE FOR HYP NOTIU ATTRACTION'. Musicians, doing song, musical or comedy specialties; At Advance Man, Others, write, stating experience, etc. Address DrriANTAN'ELLt ATTRACTION, care or Opera Honse. Bartlesvllle, Ind. Tar. AT LIBERTY for U, T. C, Marks and Des con, or Ualey and Oate Alto In band. Scenic and Ad Artist. Jack De F ranc e. Richl and, Iowa, WAIfvKD, Piano Player, Sight Reader and Fakir: Stnglug and Dancing Comedian. Alao al- ien' Man. Both change nightly lor a week and work- in a;is. S'ate yon lowest; It Is sure. JAS O'HAKA. Rising Sun, ftood Co., Ohio. Kll SYNDi 1931 BB01OWAY, HEW TOBK, trOTW BOOKING, Orand Elaborate Production of *! •' OI.OANKTIIERSOLE'8 Success, CARMEN. Spertol Bceaery. MagntOcent Costumes, Kleotr' Effects Introducing the (,'reat Bull Fight. MANAGERS IN PENS. 8E9D OPEN TIME. NEW YEAR'S OPEN. THEATRICAL HOTELS and 17-113 double. BOARDING HOUSES. Wabash A Madison, CHICAOO. 0. 0. Vanghan, Prop. Btrlcuy American Plan, is 111 tingle: HUt*$ Niw Htiel Gift Jf 6 [lr ,? fijf 5SIS Rooms too. to 74c. per dayt Btuo and |3.oo a week. Ladles'Restaurant on second floor. No. 4 E. 4th St., Wilm ington, Pel. ^O^R, HOLT, Prop, eT. JAMBM HOTEL, TOLEDO, O. Anjetl- ,i ■ Plan. Ttiestrlcal Beadqnanan. |i.» slsais, II donbie: f 4 and »7 per week. VICTOR HOVBB, 814 E. Indiana SL, Chicago. Room and Board, ta week. Italian and French Oniain e. Oentrally located. V. Oaateuaal. Prop. First dates People, all lines, nlso Lratl- Ing Woman, heputable Managpr anil Agesit tor Up, I Coiapany. WANTED—All Around Med. People, Sketch Teams, Comedians. Med. show. Must make good for week. Don't write. Money sure. No boozers an I Meters. Dancers preferred. MODERN MED. CO., Bare ay, Ills ■ Stngamon Co. WAMTED 4XUICK, 2 Versatile, Man and Woman, Sketch Teams (Slngits and Doubles), Novelty Act, snd other useful performers, for high class medicine show; ch«n»e for week. Musi be ladles snd gentlemen. No boozers tolerated. State all flrst letter. DR. BORATIO. Wliber, Neb. AT LIBERTY AFTER NOV. S4, HELEN WALTON, PIANIST. Double small parw. MADRID. IOWA. "Iris" 18, Hermann 10, Robert L'deson .22, Jos. Murpby 28. "The Sign of the Cross" 24, "The Virginian 1 ' 25, "The Biirgomsstei" Dec. 2, Ellnore Sisters 3. e x » NEW HAMPSHIRE. Manchester.—At the. Opera House (R W. Harrington, manager) Archie L. Sbep- ard'e' moving pictures, Nov. 14, 15.' came to fair houses. " TVay Down-Kaat," 16. pleueed. "Sky farm" 18, Dan Qululan and Wall's Min- strels 24. •• . ; i: i Park TnEiTftS- (John Stiles, manager).-^ "The Parish Priest," 17-10, and "I-fsceped from Slug Sing," 14-10, bgth drew welL "A Trip to ,Egypt" 21-271. Casino (Al. Mattz. manager).-—For week of .21: Dupree and Dupree, Mort Franklyn, Maud Burton, Susie Hardy and May Business Is good. Notes. —The title role In "The Parish Priest" Is taken by Harry Breman, who was during past seasons stage manager at Austin & Stone's Museum, Boston Horace M. Lorrett, of the Bennett-Moulton Co., was mar- ried to Ethel F. Lincoln, nonprofessional, at Nashua, 1 N. H., 14 Ooldle and Leslie, musical team, join the Marks Bros. Shows at Burlington, Vt.. 21. e»» ■ OKLAHOMA. Oklaboniti City. — At the Overbolser Opera House (Ed. Overholser, manager) Al- bert Taylor Stock Co., Nov: 7-12, drew good business and' the company gave satisfaction. Harry Beresford, In ■ "Our New. Man," l;:, pleased a fair audience. ♦ «4> — In a* letter" from "Aunt" Louisa Kl- drldge' regarding the late lsadore Hush, she ways "She was a member of the Professlonm Women's League and was a great favorltx' with Its . members. They, could not attend the funeral as they had hoped to, because of the severe Illness of 'Miss Rush's sged mother, who does not know of her favorite daughter's death, and ber physicians raid that the shock might prove fatal. On ar- riving nt the vrnnd Central station tbe re- mains will at once be conveyed to Wood- lawn Cemetery, followed by ber immediate relatives and a few Intimate friends, tn be deposited In the- family plot. Mise Hush leaves a daughter besides her mother an>l sisters.". — Myra Brooks has signed with Joseph Brooks with the "Home Folks" Co. — Beverly Sit Greaves haa returned to New York and ■ preparing for a course «f readings and Invitations to be' given at receptions. ' * • — Maude Leone Is leading lady with W. E. Na'nkevllle's "Unman Hearts" Co. (Wrs,f, era) and reports success. WANTED, for toe STILWELL COMKDV CO.. Character Woman, Piano Player. Heavy and Char. Man. Salary low hut sure; ladles and gen re- men: lot? season; no tickets to strung! r«. to Aim V STILWELL, ore Stilwell Comedy Co., Clinton, M«. ATTENTION—A Recogn'zed German D alect OOMEOIAN. and an Exceptionally Sweet Blgb Tenor Singer, Wants Manager or Partner with moderate capital to launch Ms Crest German Dialect Comedy Drama, -FRIT/. OUR GERMAN COCSIN'." A grand play, grind situations, grand scenic erects, beantlful songs, especially for tbls piece. A grand opportunlly. Address G. G. u., Elkhart, Indiana. . HAND BALANCKRg. FOR SALE, SWELL APPAKATl's. Pedes'*], wtihsulrcate. and a tfc aUOeJTower, Revolting Top, One steel, tollshed and pitted. Will aell cheap. WU. NELSON, ■ -. 8 Van Korden St., No, Cambridge. Ma es. WAMTED—A Man. expert, to run my three Moving Picture Machines. Mnst understand how to make gaa. Prefer one who does special- Has. Dfpsomanlac or kleptomaniac, don't answer. If yon booze, you will nut last one boar. Good Medicine People, write. Make salary low; It la sure. Long, steady Job and good treatment. Write or wire, Old Dr. II. 1. Fountain, care My Golden Obost Show, Pelican Rapids, Minnesota. WANTED, FIRST CLASS REP. CO., to open new opera hoose at R0SEV1LLS, ILL., Christmas week. Sealing capacity, 400. steam heated; electric ligbte Pop.. 1,400. People show hungry. J. W. PROl'TV. Roaeville,Illinois. LEW COSTBLLO WANTS LADY PARTNER. Mnst be so. d singer, good dresser and lady al all times, No amateurs. Good proposition to right party. Piano player preferred. If you are East or Chicago dou't answer. Ne answer In ten days, po- lite refnsal. I dou't want your money. . Den Costello. Harts", Iowa. NOTICE-PATENT GALATEA, ruus by Kero- sene, weighs saoth; 10 cents a week to run; takes over !2tM every week; stamp for circular and fml Information. CHARLES K.. WESTON, 4 Carrnlhera CL. Lawrence, Mass. WANTED tVlilCH, aKETCH tIcAW] Man and wife; nuu most lie Al Singer and Dancer and hot aot worter; lady to do atrong specialties and pUv piano some. No tickets, but will ad- vance yon week'a sdary when you get hero and make good. Your money la snre, so make It low. You must bo good and strlctlv sober or »nn won't last; Address DR Ot'O, LA VKTTK. 42 fll'DHio Street, Rosedale. Kas. WANTED—Al Daii'lng Team, man and wife, doing singles and doubles. Change for week. Wort la acts. eU'ary, all you're worth. Guru treatment togood people, HARK' VAN. Mar,, Clifton Remedv Co., Piper City, Ford Co.. HI. WANTED 0.CICR— Organ Player, alao .-. and D. Comedian; mast change for one week; toil all In first letter, alao lowest salary: no time to correspond. Address ED. HENDERSON ion Llnd St.. Wheeling, w. Vs. Fou sAIjE, small Automobile st*am Oatlope, £l tiraas wtiletlea; quick steamer, burns gasoline, weight 400h; load, and bigger novelty than a band; very flaahy: One for bally hoo. Have two, choice, 1340: will doable your biz. Prof. Lewis, Caoapoeiishorg, Ind. ■ KILMS Wanted. State suliject, condition and price. Open to examination. WART Lady Pianist and Vocalist. Operator, Agent, others. <WMk stands. Strictly business first letter. We payez peases after Joining. Manager wyndham, Ever- green. Ala. CHEAP FILMS, Moving Picture Machloaa. Ottneraa, Laawrnj, Lensee, Song slides and supply sold and bought. Special alma and slides made. ■BQWa fornlssed Expert mecbaalca. Repalrtng. oeraag-Affl. cut. a FUm Co., ice E. ltih sl.N.rT AT LIBERTY, OWJNQ TO MISUNDERSTANDING, 6. ALBERT PENNEY, loilcal Director aid Arranger. Nothing too big. Twelveyesrs with the best. HOTEL TRAFALGAR, 114 E. 141 b St., N. Y. Clt.T. FILMS i MACHINES FOR SALE. 10,000ft. FILM, FROM 3 to sets. PER BOOK. bookings with nmbs, theatres, etc., for Moving Picture Entertainments. Pontilar prices. ' ' t. H. IIEUKKK A CO., N Y. Entertainment Bureau, iso sth Avenue, N. Y. city. PERFORMERS IN ALL BRANCHES OF ITHE MEDICINE SHOW BUSINESS. A flood Comedian who can sing and dance, a First Class nket jh Team who can Piay Organ. Address CllAS, BRRKKLL, Ludlow, Mo. SOBER. COMPETENT M.4\ For Juveniles and Heavies. Als-* Character Old Man. Others, write. Hpe> laity to feature. ; BEI.CBERS COMEDIANS, Kllaw« rth. Kan. PALACE HOTEL, 101 N. Clark St., Chicago. European, $4 per weekl with private bath, IT. Tnrktoh Bath, too. B . B. HOMPHRBT, Prop. WH. TELL HOVBB, Howard and Somerset Sts., Boston, Maea. Central location. Excellent meals. ™ L XT:_ BANNWART i_ p J r . 0 JL_ LAFAVKTTE HOTEL, AI.LKNTOWn" PA. THEATRICAL I1KAOU.I AIITEHS, ti.34 Single, tl Donbie, % » saasttl per week. THAKAl/tlAR HOTEL, 11S-H7E, 14, Cnlon 8q., Academy, Dewey. Rooms 40c„ 74c,, II, 11.40 day; |aJ0 to.8 w eek. W.D.HA NSIQAN.Prop . BERNARD HOTEL, Bth and Pine, St. Louis, near all theatres. European plan. Room with bath, 18.40to It week. Give trial. B. F. CAH1LL, Prop. . THE CASTLE INN, Niagara Suusre. Buflalo, N. Y. Rates, 12 to 14 per day. MR. 0. P. DONBAR, Prop,; MR8. M. F. HAIR, Mgr. The LeSure, FINEST PROFESBIONAt HOUSE IN PI1ILA. B. W. CORNER llth and LOCOBT. HOTEL VELEY ■CMOPBAN PLAN. JT Speclsl weekly rates to tbe crcfeesloB. Ml Clark St.. Chicago. Most central location la City WANTED, Playing Big Tims, Al T0D16 LEADII6 WOIAH. You can't lie too good; must have swell wardrobe. T0D18 IAN (or General Business, With experience. Those doing specialties preferred. Join at once. GUY HICKMAN, MaqtieKHi. la. LIBBRTY, SEMON TRIO. Master, age 10: Primrose, age u and 81. age ;. All £ lay parte. Uulck siudy. Up-to-date Spcclailles. nt. Aeoion also plats parts. Address MRS. bKMON, rare'conrler Ci>. BtitTa'.o. N. Y. 0NCL^J^s7 d SP?UCEBY, Orc'he Ira Leader to double tromlmne. Men- Hop lowest nuatf ; |i»j owu board. It. B. LEVIS, Mgr., Wllrnlovtn". Del., ><>v. 24: lluund Hrnok. N. J , as; Elizabeth ■:«, Port .lervls, V. V„ II; Carbomtaln, Pa., a»; I'lynioiilh, Is.,40. Musicians Wanted, For AOItOBS THE PACIFIC CO. BARITONE, CORNET aud DRUMS. MstheAI. Columbus, 0., Nov. 24,24,24: Cincinnati. 0., Nov. 27-Dec. *; Louisville. Ky., Dec. 4-11. Addreia > MAJOR MORT KPLEH, Band Master. WANTED QUIOK. DRAMATIC PEOPLE, Lead and Heavy, and Al Piano Player. All must double htase, Tut>a and 8 ide. Also Loading Uuy. J. QRIKBK, Versall es, Mo. Hot Slarlnc anJ Dsiclng Oomodlau that plays brass. Ticket. PKRU MEDICINE CO, New Glasgow. N. M.. Canada. Winiei, Mu with 6m. Plctiri Mieklii. Also Musical and other sets that play organ. MODERN hEMRDir CO., Bpsmwbnsk, Orange Co., N. Y. AT LIBERTY, AGENT. An absolute I >• sober and hustler, not arretd of pstst*. lieu, ure- ferrrd. Address NBLsJON N. VAIL, Vlrd an, HUaols. EDWIN U. S KITHRYN DCMflN weeks engagement wKn the ROAD MANAOKR"I M«KrJMJTEo(THIH[ Win cose a sixteen wc I'll ASK-L1H1 r.R CO, Saturday, Dec. 3, snd will he ?loss»d to urrango with auy responalble ONE 'lEl'E OR IlEPERTO I UK CO. tor balance of sea- son. Oentieman, Comedy aud charsoiers: Lady, Heavies, Characters, ate. Change specialty six limes on the week. Every one A FRATURK. Work In one. Quod wsrdrolu and plenty of It. Artdrots,ss per ronto, Oceo.'u, Neh.24-24: Nor- folk, Neb., 2S lo Dec. 4, csre ot CHASE-LISTER CO. Iloma sddrsss, ORI^FITU, IND, AT LIBKRTY, Agent. Strictly Reliable, for tke "MAN AHEAD." Add ress BK.N F. BLAYLOCK, Lske Chsrlts, Ls. PRJUK CAMPBELL aid WIFE AndOTIIstR VBHBATILB PEOPLS that can change fore week, wrlto EDD. IlObKBT.*, His 8. Raum a'., Sssjinsw. Mich. wisra-ii siLfefe? Jim. Others, write; state All Oral' letter. Addrss DR . J. K.. B MERSO N, Hturgenn. Iloou40o„Mb. TOM PIB'PIE"Waita. (jiirk (AirLines). Lady wltb C'hliil for Fva, deals Hmt double brass. H. OlliLMCrr, Prsmnat, 0. ,* '•■ -t ; '•