The New York Clipper (November 1904)

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930 THE NEW YOEK GX.IPPEB. November 26 THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER THE FRANK QUEEN PUBLISHING CO. (LlmHM. PROPRIETOR*. ALBERT J. BORIE. BorroBiaL *Jg Bcbime** MANAomu SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20, JW>4. C. A. L., Fort Branch.—B'a hand Is dead ond lie forfeits all Interest In the pot, loalng all the has put in It. The remain Ins player. Way Die game oh usual, the'highest bimd tihmvii wlnnjhg the pot. • ■■••' •■ ^~ D. W. K.— Ar long ns lie won not called I'c only was -obliged to show the opener*. M. I... (.'olumbtm.—C'a hand-la dead and tlic pot goes to the beat hand held by either nf the other player* who "stayed.',' e E. II. X., eu route. —J. In poker a player **-1 RATES. rnn not play with more or leu than. Ave card*. 2. If Im dloeovenr the error and mak«a the claim before he has rnlsed the card* from the Advertisements—$2,80 per Inch, alngle col- omn. Advert He meat* set with border, 10 per teat. extra. fL-uicniFYion. One'year In advance, $4; als months, $2) three months,' $1. Foreign' pottage extra. alula coplea will be sent, postpaid, on re- celpTei 10 cent*. ; " ; H' ' ' ^Bf^SSMim svama*!*.* n rt THE C UPPER. Is Issued wry Wednesday m'oralDg. The last feur (advurtlilDg) pagts GO TO PttttB on Saturday mMM&m the other page* on MONOAT shd TUESWf. The rofa.HCIo-ii.8T VromViiT, T«ea- darf, alio o'clockA. M. «»«. Please remit by expreia, money order, check, P. 0. order or registered letter. All cash en- closed, with letter Is at the risk of sender. Address All Coramenleationi to '" THE SEW YORK CLIPPER, 47 West 28th otreot, New York. Rcglitcrtd Cable Addicts, "Authority." THE WESTERN BUREAU Of tns CttFFSB'ls located, at Boom 602, Ashland Block, Chicago, Walter K- mil, manager and correspondent, whore adver- tisements and subscriptions are received at our regular rates. ""; ■ :X '■ '■ THE LONDON BUREAU: Located at 48 Cranbouroe Bt, London, W. C, John U. Carney, manager arid correspondent, where advertisement* and subscriptions are received et our regular rates.' '1HS CL1PPX-R CAN BB 0BTAIN1D, WBOUS- sii« and sbtaiLj at our agents, Brentano't news depot, 87 Avenue do 1'Opera, Paris, France; M. LUIentbal, Frederick Btraise 101 (Terminus Hotel), Berlin, NY W., Ger- many ; Diamond News Co., 07 Prado, Ha- vana ; Manila Book and Btatlonery Co., 128 Eacblta, Manila, P. I.; Albert 4 8on, 137- 130 King tit, Sydney, Australia. THE NKW YORK CLIPPERpublishes only one edition, and that la dated rrotn New York. table and before the next player In served with carda, the dealer must take back the extra cord. If, however, be haa raised one or more of the cards from the table or the next player hag been^served by the dealer, he Is compelled to accept the three carda. BASEBALL. J. P. R., Shamokln.—If. ns you state, the remaining gamed 1 were- "declared off" by mutual con went of the two clubs, then the bet 'a a draw, each party taking the amount he- placed on-.the:rCBiilt of the series. • i y .•"'.U'V^IXG. "'-■. 'V'"" -' J. P. rt„ Shamokln—As he failed to knock out hla opponent,.A'loses. ^'•'..: ..-. M<9CE1LLAX BOl'». Box G12,'CarjaKtotn—It was the evident intention oft the.-parti**'to the wager that by.tie term "homa'' they meant net aetuaJly the house in which C lived, but the town.iC therefore wins. . ■ O. P., Oaklnml.—The House of Representa- tive* was Democratic. V. K 8;, Boy City.—Webster's Dictionary will answer,your-qaery.. . DICE. .7. E. P., Boise.—In dice 6 li high and 1 is low. . aie> i OUR .CHICAGO LETTER. raoM ocn own correspondent. (JUEEIE8 ANSWERED. No Replies by Blall or Telegraph. AUPIESSBS OB WHEREABOUTS HOT QIVIN. All in quest oc such should waiTs to THOSE WHOM THHI BEE*, IN CAUB 07 TUB CLIPPER Post Oiticb. All lettbbs wm na i Abvaaxiaro one . week, osn-r. Ir tub not II OF AN! TUKATIIICAL COMPANI IB HOl'OHT. BBt'EU TO O IB LIST OF llOUTEB ON ANOTBBIJ TAOB. WB CANNOT BBKO B00TB8 arRAII, 01 TBLBOBAl-B. DRAMATIC. M. It., Toungatowu.—We have no knowl- edge of the present whereabout* of the patty, AadreHB a letter in our care and we will ad- vertise It la. Tat CLiiTEJt letter list. M. k OVFaJi Ulver, Miaa B. B., Mt Klaco, A. U. M., Philadelphia, W. J. It., Cnnajobarle, .1. R. K., Ban f'rauclnco, V. 8.. IndlanapollB, M. M. I>\. New York, (j. H., Lorain, II. D„ Philadelphia, V. Ti., Boston. ^i^M*. _.j Toledo, Mius J..C, Milwaukee, .1. U., .Basi Uadlan, 8. II. H., Boston, and l'. C. c, Baker City.—Bee answer to M. R., abeve. H. P. il., Cincinnati.—We have no record of the death of the party. 4. W. P. Kosllndalc— Tuo company baa not' been on tbe road for some time. 0. O. A., Hureka Springs.—Watch our touto list each week. M. K. B„ Kansas City.— Address Col. T. Allston Brown, ia.18 Broadway, New York City. w. C. McC., Lamed.—Watch our route list. I,. D., Ashcvlllc.—L. M. Martlnottl died March 1, Kioa, nt Victor, Col. "K. Now," rjummerslde.—Address tbe Bn- ti'rprlbC Music Supply Co., 40 West Twenty- olKiitb Streat, New York City. It. W. C., Brantford.—Address M. Wit- mark & Sons, 144 West Thirty-seventh Street, New York City. V. & V.—Tim space would cost $31.30. Advertisers furnish cuts. 5. M. C Washington.—The lotttr has not bceu claimed, If. V. B., New Orleans.—1. Change of bill. ". Repertory tncans the list of playa pre- sctiteo by a company. Vaudeville,.as under- stood In this country, Is variety.. 8. He 1* dead. . ■ . Amkiiican in London-. —The party herself la beat qualified to answer your query. B. M. G., Peoria.—The letter has not hoen claimed. ■ • 1. 3. V., New York.—Watch our route list. I. A. C, Kxctor.—Address party In car* of the Players' Club. Now York City. it. If, hi., Broekvllle.—The Sautello Circus has been ayUlred by .1. T, McCaddon. His address Is 140 West Forty-uecoud etrpot, New York. A. II., Springfield.—We can not aid yon, R. B. 8., New York.—1. Address M. Wit- mark & Sons, 144 West Thirty-seventh Street, New York City, 2. Apply to vaudeville agents, a. The performer, 4. "Prop." ltst la list of properties required for the net. 0. A scene in one Is a scene in that portion of the stuge below the first *et of groves. "To open In one" is to open In a scene thus set. II. 8,, Inloutown.—We hare uo knowledge of any such linn. TmccnAM, Troy.—Address managers of companies as nor route list lu our columns. .1. 1\, West l>e Pcre.—Address Dick A Flts- gcwld. 18 Ann 8trev>t, New York City.' M. v., New York.—Address U. ft. Bttcet, Brooks Street. Hartford. Conn. L. C—Lettera have been claimed. G. 13. I 1 ., Detroit.—We can not. M. C. L., Newton.—Watch our route list each weak. CARDS. •'MututAv," New Haven.—A makes a run of four poiuts. a N„ Xawl>nrg.*T-lf C. has playod the proper card, that Is. ir be has not revokod, the-card must remain ou the trick. . K. M. Men., Provldonce.—A wins with high. .»..'• FLAT Inox, Kansas City.—Four O's nud a 3 count twenty points. Weatcra Borcao, OC the Now York Clipper, Room BOS, A»blurid Dlork, Chicago. Four of our theatres offer productions new to Chicago for Thanksgiving week. At the Illinois LulaOlsger will he seen In "A Mad- cap Princess s" Billy 8. Clifford will "How He Won Her," at the Alhambra;" at the Btudebaker wc will have "The Clngalee," and at the La Salle the stock company will present, for the first time on any stage, "His Highness, the.Bey," a musical comedy by two students of the Chicago University. Other offcrlugs for.the we?k include: Willie Collier, In. hi* second week of "Tbe Dictator," at Powers", Kyrle Bellcw, In hie second week of "Rallies,'" at the Grand Opera House; " 'Way Down Kast," In Its second week, at McVlrk- er'*: Ward and Yokes, beginning a fortnight of "Tbe Two Pinks," at the dreat Northern ; A I. H. Wilson. In "The Watch on the Rhine*" lit tho Columbus; "Alone In the World,".at the Criterion; "Queen of the White Slaves," «l the Academy of Music; "When Women Love," nt the Bijou ; the continuation of "Fan- tuna," at the Garrlck; dramatic atock presen- tations of "Lovers' Lane," at tbe Bush Temple," and "Two Little vaerants,"'nt the People's; burlesque stock at Bam T. Jack's; vaudeville at the Olympic, Chicago Opera House, lluymarket, Hyde & Behman's and Cleveland's; Arnold Daly, In "Candida," at Music 11*11; tho Kay Poster Co. at Troca- dero, and Al. Reeves' Co. at tbe Folly.. Thanksgiving matinee*, almost needless to record, will lie given at all of our theatres. Our manager* will centre their thanks. It Is very likely, upon the knowledge that their houses are open, coupled with praise that the Board of Aldermen have nearly completed their experiments with tbe building code, as npplled to amusement places. Illinois Thlatke (Will J. Davis, mona- eev).—Ou Monday evening, Nov. 21, Lulu Glaser will be seen here for tbe first time. In "A Madcap Princess," tho same being nn operatic version of "When.Knighthood Was In Flower." Miss Olhscr will succeed Louis Maun, who, for two weeks, has been present- ing "Tho Second Piddle" to good sized crowd*. ; .^ PowcnH' Tiiratbh (Harry J. Powers, moh-' uger).—William Collier begins tbe second and lust week of bis engagement Monday night, . continuing "The Dictator." On 28 Mrs. G. II. Gilbert will open her engagement. Leon Wochsner Stock Co., from Milwaukee, come hero Sunday night for tbslr. customary week- ly performance In Uerman. , Gband OrtibA House (Harry Askln, bqsl- nc** manager).—One week of capacity busi- ness ha* been credited to Kyrle Bellew, "Raflte8." Hla second and next to last week begins Sunday night, 20. ' K.-M. Holland has v.on an Individual success aa Mr. Bellew'* ohiet support, and the coming fortnight promises a continuation of prosperity. . i QAXjgjcK Tiiuatbb (Sam P. Qeraon, bnsl- nesH manager).—^"Fantana" I* a big suc- cess and business continues at a mott nlghly gratifying standard. Reel entertainment Is. provided by Jeff De Angelle and hi* clever iiasuclutes for the .eighth week of the run, etartliijr Sunday night. Mcvickeb'b TltBATnn (Geo. C. Warren, business mtfunger). —"'Way Down Ea*t'' starts upon the second week of it* annual visit to this house Sunday night, CO. During the past week business has been Immense. STVSUBAKEn Thcatuk (It. E. Harmejor,. business manager).—nOa. Tueaday evening Chlcagouns will havo their first opportuni- ties to witness "The Clhgaleo." On Satnr- dny night, 10, Richard Ooldcn finished a fortnight of "Common. Sense Bracket," a clever rural play, by Chas. }I. Doty. Gih:at NdiiTHERN TiIeatmu (Fred C. Eberts, business manager).—For two weeks, starting Sunday afternoon, Ward and Yokes will present "A Pair of Pinks." During the past week James 3. Corbett, with Hal Davis and lueit Mncauley In chief suppoit, present- ed "Pals" to Immense buali|e8s.. The play ' and star won great favor. 1 "'■ : La Sali.h Tiieatiik (Albert Campbell, man- - uger).— "The Jolly Baron," with Sam Col- lins, ended It* tenth and una) week 10. Al. Sheen returns along with Blanche Homan. to strengthen tho role of favorites, when, on Monday night, "Hla Highness the Bev" Is presented. ■ Joseph E. Howard has written the music and staged tbe production. Will M. Hough and Frank Adams, Chicago Uni- versity students, being credited with the au- thorship of the book. "Billy" Rlblnson. who recently celebrated tho fifty-eighth anniver- sary of bis professional life, will be In the cast, together with Walter Ware,- James C. Marlowe, Ersulln Marsh, Olive Vail and Frances Kennedy. Music Ham In the Fine Arts Building, wherein la nlRO located the Btudebaker The- atre, 1* presenting Arnold Daly. In "Cen- didu," for n run of Indefinite duration. Tbe second week beglus Monday night. 21. Cui'NtnioK TnuATtiu (Ben XL tilroux, bu*N< ness manager).—"Alone In the World" takes up the entertalumcnt of North alders Sun- day afternoon for the customary two dally performuuees, where, on Saturday night, "A,- Ivspcrste Clmncc" left after a week of good returns. ,ACApi;uv OF Mi sic (\Vm. Roche, bustnesa niauiigor).—"Alone In the World" enjoyed u week's prosperity, finishing off with tho usual l>lc Saturday night's performance, 10. "Queen of the White Slaves" opened Sunday, 20, for one week, retiring Just In time to eacap*,, "The White Tigress of Japan."*' which no-' gin* a week 27, i iCoLCMntiN TnrtKTiin (WcVr Bros., Btaaat- pars).—Al' H' Wllsou. appearing lu "The Watch QD thQ Rhine," succeeds the Royal I.lllputluns. who hold' possession last week. closing t;u]urday night, 19. Mr. Wilson opeus Sunday i aitornoou.- so. Next week, Howard Hon, ju "Thfl wiiri ?•»«•*" ■ * ' ■ i » Ai.iiAiifijiA Tiikatre (James II. Browne, business manager).—Billy 8. Clifford cornea to this boose ftundar afternoon. :»AV to ttve us oar first ideas nf "How He Won Her." Re- ports rrotn the show bring testimony of n prosperous tour thus far, and as "Billy" Is one,of our greatest favorites his Chicago en- gagement* should . prove equally profitable. Lait wrek, "Queen of tho White Stave*" wa* in-profitable evidence. The following attrac- tion wtl)-be "Hearts Adrift." The Alhambra 1« enjoying a fine season:and. greatly beauti- fled by-the enforced alteration*,, caused: by law* and Ore. Is one of our handsomest houses. Bijou Tiir.ATiu; (Wm. Roche, business manager).—The fourteenth time of 'The Curse of Drink," Saturday night, 10, ended a .week of prosperity for this Interesting melodrama. On Sunday afternoon, "When Women Love," opens for fourteen Bbows this week. Then comes "M'llss." This house Is entoylhg Its usnal prosperity this season. .. Bush Tkmpi.b ok Moaic (Elizabeth Schro- bcr, ■ manager).—<Jeo; Alison. Mabel Mont- 6 ornery, Wm. Evnrts, Gertrude Rivers, Chos. lalear, Merrls McHngh and tbe other; fa- vorites of; the Player* 7 Stock force*, w|Uibe Keen. In ^Lovers" Lan«" this week, opening -Mondayevealng; Mignon Foster will-play Simplicity Johnson. "A Social Highwayman. 1 ' was the bill which ended Sunday .night, 20.' PBOPix'a Tjimatri: (Frcd.O. Conrsd.mon- nger).—"Two Little Vngrnnts" will be offered by the stock (forces, Hunting Monday night nnd continuing- through the weeks' Lillian O'Ncll and Ktbel Davis will play the natne porta, and.Eugene Moore will have the male [cad.: Michael Tllles, Chicago's blind singer and composer, assisted by Kddle Forbes, will sing between acts, "The Christian" is In preparation for next week. Last week's bill wag "Roanoke." in which the stock force* were aeen to advantage. Hype fc'h (Archie Ellis, business manager).—Tbe Dollar Troupe of acrobats, fresh from a laurel winning tour with the Ringllng Show, Is the extra; attraction here this week. -Henry E.,.Pl»y, In "David Gar- rlck,"-la-the feature. Others In the bill opening Monday, 21, are: Geo. H. Wood, the "sbmewhat different;" the Rosalros, Lulgl Del oro (hack In Chicago- alter ten years' ab- sence), Blocksom and Burns. Francelll and Lewis, Meletka Coyne, and Scott and John- son. Smith nnd Cook hold over from last week. Tho -bill ending .Saturday, 10, de- veloped excellent entertainment with the sketch offering of Emmet De Voy In the van of popularity, Its cleverness as a vehicle and tlie expertnesg with which It was presented winning unstinted praise. Tbe Relff Bros, and F'nlny nnd Burke were especial favorites and mcr'ted the success they attained. Smith und Cook, reunited, made good. Olympic Theatre (Kohl A Castle, mana- gers). -—Opening Monday afternoon, 21- The Tanakas, Josephine Coles, Ashton and Earle, 'the Juggling Mathleus, John A. West, the Esmeralda Sisters, Howley and Leslie, Harry La R6*e and company, Klein and Clifton, Les Olopas, Talbot and - Sogers, Creasy and Day no, Irving Jones and wife, tbe Carmen Troupe and Geo. K. Spoor's klnodrome. Of last week's bill Clayton White, Marie Stuart and company were tbe features, • and those old favorites found a legion of loyal admirers to welcome then In the new surroundings. Zeltna Rnwlston's new specialty won. favor through artistic presentations, and Rooney's Urchins, Fred and Annie Pelot, ForreBt and Forrest and Mitchell and Love were others In noticeable favor. Capacity business has ruled thus. far since the reopening of this now practically new theatre, "All scats soli" being a alga of prosperity early every even- ing. Chicago Opr.RA House (Kobl & Castle, managers).—Opening Monday afternoon, i'l : Downey and wlllard. Conroy and Pearl. Hanley, Logan and Hanley, Wahlund and Teika, Billy Carter, Charley Merrill, Walter Daniels, the Nelson-Farnum Troupe, Lam- bert and Pierce, Olive May and John W. A.l- baugh, Eleanor Falk, Rooney and Bent, How- ard, Emerson and Curtis. Kltamura's Jape, and Geo. K. Spoor's klnodrome. In last week's bill Cressy and Dayne scored a most Mattering success with a new comedy sketch, based on theatrical life, which is written in Cressy's beat vein and executed to the best effect by - this talented couple. Zlska und King also carried off a liberal share of the comedy honors. Campbell and Johnston's difficult and dexterous bicycling specialty closed I he show with a storm of applause. The Dancing Mitchells, Lynn Welcher, Lav- ender and ThoniBon and Roland Sargent and company were otbers In popular vogue. Busi- ness rule* capacity at this house mott of the time. Hayjiakket TfiKATnl: (W. W. Freeman, manager for Kohl & Castle).—Opening Mon- day afternoon, SI: Fred and Annie Pelot, Curtis and. Adams, Forrest and Forrest, "Wer- den and Gladdlsb, Trelor and Tempest, Zeloia Rawlston, Charles L. Fletcher, the. Dancing Mitchells, Clayton White, Marie Stuart and company, Howe and Scott, Rooney's Urchins, the Three Rlo.JIros. and Geo. K. Spoor's k'nodrome. Tfte splendid Orpheum Show last week packed the house at all perform- ance*. Martin Beck has mustered.a stun- ning array of vaudeville talent with the marvelous balancing act of Urbanl and son, nnd the clever display of animal training which engages Spessardy's bears, tbe most striking feature*. Of course Mclntyre and Heath, Clarice Vance and Smlrl and Ress- ner were greeted and cheered as old friends should be, and Frank and Jen Latona won a hit through .their clever musical number. Grace Pelotta's millinery maids proved to be an. engaging and entertaining novelty, and there were other numbers of espeelal merit la the continuous bill. Cleveland's Theatre (Wm. 8. Cleveland, manager).—This week: Tyrolean Troupe, Grand Opera Trio, the Keatons, Marlon and Dean, Torcat and D'Allza, tho Aerial Smiths and the Leos. SAM T. Jack's Theatre (Sidney J. Euson, manager).—Allecn Vincent, Helen RiisbcII, Camllle Kcnyon, Carrie Soltz, Chris Lane, Ed. Morris,- James Thompson, Cbarlcy Banks and Harry Montague will be the leading factors: In the stock company presentation of Mr. Mantugue'a burlesques. "Mlsa Clover" and "Miss Plum's Reception," which goes on for a fortnight Sunday afternoon. 20. The olio will employ Arthur Kherns and Dora Cole, the Gordon Trio, All Mahmound's Bedouin Arabs, and others. Business U excellent and the entertainments ore always worth seeing. . Trucapkiio Theatre (Robert Fulton, man- ager),—.The Pay Foster Co. take* possession Sunday afternoon for a week of Joo Oppen- holmer's best brand of burlesque. The Ken- tucky Belle* gave one of tbe best shows* of the season last week, closing to a good week's business Saturday ntgbt, 10. Held and Gil- bert, Terry and Elmer, Miss Jessica and other clever principal* carried "Murphy's Musrjueradt" tu a most hilarious conclusion, and gave excellent satisfaction.' '■ Folly Theatre (Robert Fulton, manager.) —Al. Reeves' Co., headed by "tbe only Al." and Andy Lewis, came back to "The Levee" Sunday afternoon for a week of vaudeville and burlesque. During the past week Abe Lcavltt's Rentz-Santley Co. gave a scenic production of burlesque, interspersed with good vaudeville, and totaled an excellent show. .■ C'LAnx Street Museum (Louis M. Hedges, manager).— l.lchtuincr which struck tho buck of Abbott Parker need never strike In tbe same:place again, for he la exhibiting the Jicars to an Imaginative multitude who flock q v!w'hi»#hjl»ed .reproduction of the erud- ition. He is not the only curto ball attrac- tion etlhor, and llu-ro In-n good- vaudeville sbuw. brief InU oft repealed. London- Dime Museum (Wai. J. Swecuey, manager).—la curio hall: Prof. Mastiff, ma- gician i Tom Taylor, etrong man;" Mors. Harris, secoud sight, and Novotnv's musical act. On the stage: Viola Fox, Madge Mart- - icy. Piof. Taylor and ©there. Business I* 8 'AVTEKUATit.— Bills to change Dec. 6 Bt tb* down town houses brjpg* Mmc. Rejane, in repertory, to the Grand Opera IT6u»e, for two weeks; Maude Adam*, In a revival of "The Little Minister," to the Illlnol*. and Blanche Walah,J|»."Kreute«r^ Sooata/'-tO afcVjvker'e. .......The Actors' Chorea, Alliance, Chicago Chapter. at'.B recent meeting, elected: these officers Tor the ensuing year: l'resident. Her. Dr..-Stone, lectorrof 8V James Lplscopal Church; vie* presidents,. Messrs. Harry I. Powers-and Rabbi • Emll 'Hlraeh j treasurer, C. C. Curtis, secretary; Mrs. Duane H. Wager; honorary president, Bishop Ander- son, of the. Episcopal Church. Among the member* ot the executive council are :'"Mary Shaw, Donald Robertson, Grace Grlswold, William Evarts, Lyman Glover, Hart Con- way sad Mrs. Richard Carle, representing the profession... ...Geo. Atkinson and wife, Kittle Kruger, terminated their tour with the Sellh & Downs' Show, with the close of the. season at Topeka, Kan. They spent last week In Chicago, but Mr. Atkinson left Saturday afternoon to begin a series -of vaudeville dates in the middle West.-...'-. The.'Swedish Dramatic Club will, give It* second performance of tike, season at the Garrlck Theatre Sundav afternoon, 20. A Swedish version of "The Taming of the Shrew" presented. <Tbs version is In three acts, nnd Is the one generally used In -Sweden Torcat and; D'Allza send newspaper evidence of the success of tbelr net at Hopkins', Memphis, and at Maaonk Temple, Kort -Wayne. They come lu for a week of Chicago vaudeville, opening Ban- nay afternoon, -20. They are presenting a iii.'wlv constructed net, novel and strikingly individual with themselves........"Plppn Passes," by Robert Browning, will be pre- sented In thn Stndebaker Theatre Thurs- day, afternoon, Dec. 8, under the di- rection of Hart Conway... Will H. Berry Is spending n few days In Chi- cago, Just In from uls tour with Pain's "Last Days of Pompeii," through the South Robert Fulton, manager of Trocadero and the Folly, left for not Springs last Monday, where he, expects to remain a fortnight or more in the nope of recuperating his health. .'...From Martin Beck, general manager of the Orpheum circuit. 1 learn, that R. D. Glrard, Eastern representative of the Orpheum, has resigned his position, to take effect Jan. 1 ..'.Greetings come from Al. Lawrence, who is playing the Barrnsford tour, In England, repeating hla American success with hi* monologue of mimicry and drolleries... .The sketch, "The Two Widows," which wag pro- duced by Agnes Chompoux and Frances Ol- ncy, at the People's Theatre, last week, met with favor nt tbe hands of the large audience* which were attracted . by tho stock company bill. Both, ladles ac- quitted themselves most creditably....... Geo. 31. Jacksou, of the Jackson Family of daring bicyclists, wrote me from McCoinh, Miss., Just previous to tbe closing of the Ringllng Bros.' tour. The Jackson Family have been one of the most successful feat- ure* with: the Ringllng Show this season and are re-engaged for "Tbe Pride of the West" next season. They will go to their home In Boston for n few weeks, where, in their private gymnasium, they will perfect their blrycllug act for presentation In vaude- ville this Winter Ferguson and Pass- more, Geo, K. Austin, Roland Sargent and company, Agnes Champoux, Zlska nnd King, Claudius and Corbln, Powers Brothers and Geo. K. Spoor's- klnodrome will constitute a speclul vaudeville bill at Swarts's Theatre, Waukeagnn, Wis.. Just north of Chicago, Thanksgiving-afternoon and evening. Other Immediate bookings at that theatre Include: 'Tiolty Tolty" 20, " 'Way Down East" 22, 'IThc Price of Honor" 27. Ralph Stuart. in "By Bight of Sword," Dec. a; "Wizard of Oi" S. Jamea Wlngfield, advertls'ng of. - the. Grand Opera House, this city,.Is one of the lessees of the Swartz The- atre, and also has the management of Towle's Opera House, Hammond, Ind., Just South of here, where . near future bookings Include: "Queen of the Highway" 20, May Hosmer, In "Fauat and Marguerite." 24; "Human Hearts" 27. Harrison J. Wolfe. In "Hamlet," Dec. 1; "'Way Down East" 4. Mr. Wlng- lield also closed a contract with J. II. Stod- dart to dedicate the new Marz Theatre,. Tip- ton, Ind., Dec 0, with "The Bonnie Brier Bush."........No hope Is held out bv the council committee on building department that the Masonic Temple Roof Garden would be allowed to open.. Representatives of the Temple Company urged an amendment to the ordinance, but tbe commute refused..... Two newcomers to tbe People's Stock Co. arc W. McCarthy, assistant stage director, and Coral Armlna. who opens in "Two Little Vagrants." Charles E. Eyles. tbe efficient and affable press representative ot the Peo- ple's Theatre, Is In St. Louis "doing" the fair. ... .Ada Lane, who Is this season with "Queen of the White Slaves," secured a divorce from her husband, "Happy" Jack Gardner, In this city Jast week... .The Dollar Troupe, which comes to Hyde & Behman's this week, ns the added attraction, Jumped directly here from Mississippi when Die Ringllng Show closed Its tour last Wednesday.- The-Dollars are re-engaged with the Ringllng Show for next weason, and will play ..vaudeville dates this Winter The Wnchsner German Dra- matic Co. will- give a special performance of Schiller's "Maria Stuart" In the Auditorium Monday evening. Nov. 28. The production Is uuder the auspices of the German -depart- ments of tbe University of Chicago and Northwestern University, and the patronngo of Dr. Waliher Wevor, the Imperial German consul to Chicago. -. _ . 4 » X ■ MAINE. MASSACHUSETTS. I Bo«lon.—The principal novelty In the theatrical offerings, current week, is the ap- pearance of Otis Skinner, In "The Harvester," at the Park. The following attractions close. their engagements oa-Satutday.of this weak: Richard Mana^ld^fatthe^Coloolal: Ada Ro- han; at the rMajesttc: William Gillette,- in Portland.—At the Jeflerson Theatre (Calm & Grant, managers) Richard Mansfield came Nov. 12,-to.blg business. " 'Way Down East" had good attendance 14. "Why Girls Go Wrong" was quite well patronized 15, 10. "David Harum" attracted good sized audi- ences 17-10. Dne: "Sky Farm" 21, "The Secret of Fol'chlnelle" 22, 23, Bertha Gal- land 24, 25, Qululan k Wall'* Minstrel* 20. Portland Theatre (James E. Moore, man- ager).—Last week's bill included: Chas. Hradshaw end company, Jas. J, Morton, Helen Relmcr. Clifford and Burke, Adamlni and Taylor, the Maglnleys, .and .Carlo and hi* educated dogs, with business first class. Next week : Harding and Ah Sid, Mile. Olive. Rose Stahl. Crowley and Foley, Raymond and Caverly, Al. Boston and May Evans. Cray. Hall (Ira Stockbrldge, manager).— In the-Chas. A. Ellis cou»o, IP, Mclba opened her. tour to an enthusiastic audience of ca- pacity proportions. Booked: Hess Quartet and Hut. H. De Moss lip. ... '■■««» DEL A WARE. Wilmington. — At the Grand Opera House (Nixon & Zimmerman, lessees) Crce- ton Clarke made a very favorable impression In "Monsieur Bealiealrc," and did good busi- ness Nov. 10. Booked: Vogel'a Minstrels 21, "Qnlacy Adams Sawyer" 22, • "Uncle Josh Sprueeby" 24, "Sherlock Holmes" 20. DocKBTAnEit'H OAniiicK (W. L. DockstBdcr, manager).—For week of 21: Kelley and Vlo- lette, the Village Choir, nines and Reming- ton, In "Mrs. Patter, of Paterson;" Lorraine and Lillian Walton, in "The .Tramp's Droam:" Adair and Dahn. Frank Burt. Charles Colby and Ml»s May, In "The Ven- trlloenlst and the Doll," aud Hie klhetogrnph. I.M'Kf.u (Burt k Nlrnlnl. niaun»xi«).— "Tbe Llghlhouse by (he Men" -did fair bnal- ness 14-10. "Down by the Sea" drew well li-lt). Coming: "The Minister's Daughter" 21-23. "Tho Flaming Arrow". 24-2(1. "The l! B «K':«L I,er . il> '.! '^-^ "fr"" 1 L, fc 'o 'n«w York" Dec. 1-3. lUIUs at IUV rwojiaiit. , *isiii*i**av umvi Wi «u 'The Admjrahle Crlchton," at thjs llolllat; Henrietta '• Crosman,:. la '.'Sweet Kitty ..Bel. lairs," et the Tremont, and Denmaa Thcmp- son, la "The;Old Homestead," at the Boston. At the Globe, Billy ». Van, In "The Bnaad Boy," is tbe attraction, and at tbe Grand Opera House, "Dealers In White Women" Is the bill. At Chlckerlng Hall, Margaret Wyeheriy presents three plays by William Butler Yeats. The stock production* are "in the Pnlaco ot the King, at the Castlo Square," and "Fallen Among Thieves" at the Bowdbfa Square. Vaudeville and burlesque houses have strong holiday bills. 1'abk Theatre (Chas. Frohman, Rich & Harris, managers).—On Monday evening, Nov. 21, Otis Skinner begins a fortnight a engagement In "Tho Harvester." Tbe cast Includes: J. M. Colvllle, George Clarke, Wal- ter Lewis, Lizzie Hudson Collier, Maud Durbln and Marlon Abbott. "Tho Secret of Pollchlneile," with W. 1 H. Thompson featured, closed Saturday night, 10, a profitable. stay of two week*. . Amelia Bingham Is announced as the next attraction. Colonial TnBATn» (Che*. Frohman, Rich & Harris, managers).—Richard Mansfield he-. Bin* his second and last-week Monday, -21. tiring tho week he wlil appear In six differ- ent plays. "King Richard 111" will be the dpening bill, and the rest of- tbe week will be devoted to "A Parisian Romance," "Beau Brummel," "Ivan the Terrible," "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" and "The Merchant of Venice." Packed houses were the rule lest week. Mme. Scbumonn-Heink follows 28, in "Love's Lottery." - •. Majestic Theatre (Stair & Wilbur, man- agers).—Ada Rehan enters upon her second and last week Monday, 21. The plays pre- sented will be the game na last week, "'Jim Country Girl," "Taming of the Shrew" and "School for Scandal." Large houses ap- plauded the work of Mis* Reban and Charles Rlchman the past week. The attraction for two weeks commencing Monday, 28, will be Bertha Galland, In "Dorothy - Vernon, of Haddon Hall." ..:■., -.. ■--..: I Hollis Stbect Tiieatee (Isaac B. Rich, maaager).—The current week Is the fourth and last of tbe engagement of William Gil- lette, In "Tbe Admirable Crlchton." The house ha* been well filled at all perform- ances. E. H. Sothcra and Jnlla Marlowe come for a limited engagement Monday, 28. Tho production flrat week will bo "Borneo and Juliet," with "Much Ado About Nothing" and "Hamlet" to foBow. • TSEUONT Theatre (Jno. B. Schoeffcl, manager).—Henrietta Crosman, In "Sweet Kitty Bellolrg," will end her fourth and Anal week of prosperous business on Satur- day evening, 20. The-ILW. Savage pro: ductlon ot "Parsifal," In English, will. be- gin a week's return engagement Monday, 2>S, 1o be followed week of Dec 4 by Raymond Hitchcock, In "The Yankee Consul." MBlHfll Theatre (Lawrence McCarlv, manager).—Denmnn Thompson, In "The Old Hotnest-ad." enters his fourth and last week Monday, 21. The big theatre has been com- fortably H'lcd during the engagement aud Hie piece has been more popular than ever. The Geo. Primrose Minstrels, under the man- agement of James H. Decker, comes next Week. • Globe Theatue (Stair & Wilbur, 'niana- gersi.—The attraction this week is the mu- sical comedy, 'The Errand Boy," with Billy B. Yau featured. The company Includes: Florence • Sneetman. Edith Hart. Florence Brooks. Clement Bevlus, Charlie Saxoti, Abbot Davidson, Frauk Evans and Rose Beau- mont. "The Fortune Teller," with' Klsle Jnnls, had good patronage last week. Next week, "Me. Him and I." Grand Opera House (Geo. W. iiogee. man- ager).—."Dealers lu White Women" Is the hill for the current week and big houses should ntevaU. Last week Robert Fltzsiui- mons, in "A Fight for Love," drew large sized audiences. "The Great Automobile Mystery" Is announced for week of 28. . Castle Squash Theatre (L. s. Del aud, manager).—The Thanksgiving Week produc- tion of the stock company Is *'!n the Palace of the King," with alltbe favorites In the cast. "The Dancing Girl" was well liked last week. In preparation: "The Ckvallcr." Bowdoix Sqvabk Theatre (0. E. Lolhrop, manager).—The Lotbrop Stock Company tuis week presents "Fallen Among Thieves" ns the attraction to draw holiday crowds. Last week "Escaped from SlngSlns" was a profitable bill. Next week, '"The Ylctorluu Cros3" is announced. Keith's Theatre (B. F. Keith, manager).- —The underlined feature on a strong bill this week Is Mabel McKlnley, in selections of her own composition. Other leaders in- clude : Nora Bayes, Glrard and Gardner, Ryan and Richfield, Mr. and Mrs. Allison,- Gus Williams. Harper, Desmond and Ballcv. Les Dahlias, Clifford and Burke, Kennedy arid Quartrelll, Carlo and bis dogs, Powers nnd Freed, Francis Gerard, the Nohrcns and the Mograpb. Last week'* bill wis a favorite to capacity business. Columbia Mttstc Hall (Harry N. Farren. manager).—Weber & Fields' success, "Poiispc Cafe," I* the burlesque this week, with a strong company, Including: Gertrude nolds, Ted T. Burns, Dorothy Warde, Teddy Simon*. Minnie Burke and Fred Primrose.' The olio mentions: Duffln-Redcay Tronr/p. Teddy Slmonds and company, Mclnlyrc and 1'iimrose, Cole and Warner, Hoyt and Burfco nnd Gertie Reynolds. Last week's business wa* good, with "'fiddle-Dee Winks" as the bill. ... , Music Hai.l (C. W. Anderson, manager). —Opening Monday afternoon, 21. the fol- lowing bill should fill the house during the week : Mary Sander*, In a sketch ; Lew Bloom and Jane Cooper, lu "A Picture from Life;" Smith and Campbell, Kennedy and Rooney, Anton Hegner, llelene Gerard, ' Welcli-Moa- troBe Troupe, Ritchie Duo and the klncto- graph. Jessie Mlllward Riid Co., Simon and Gardner, and Edna Aug were favorites with large patronage last week. Howard .Athenaeum. — An exceptional holiday bill this week includes: Bedlnl nnd Arthur, Three St. Felix- Sisters, Maddox nnd Prouty. Morrlscy. and Rich. Vera King. Sey- mour and May, Ma-tln and Rldgwny, the Ij» Moines. Hogun Brother*, Charlotte Stammers, (.'. K. Johnson, Humes and Lewis. Hugh Mc- Vey, John. Walsh, the klnetograph and tho burlesque company, In "Dee-lighted." House* continually Jammed. Palace Theatre (Chas. H, Waldron, man- ager).—The Cherry Blossom Burlesquera are rurn*sblug the entertainment this week with two lauah provoking skits, entitled "The Girl from Hliauley's" aud "Look Out Below.'' The vaudeville presents: Seymour and Hill, Burt Fuller, Carlyle and Perry, the Mound City Quartet and Riley and Fuller. Rllcy A Wood's Co. prospered last week. Lyceum Thuatrd (G. H. Batcholler, man- ager).—J. Herbert Mack's World Beater* hold the stage the current week. The show opens with the burietta, "One Night Out" sfnd is followed by an olio Including: Jug- cllna Brecns, the Three Kudos, Bnrnct and Wycrson. Rohannon and Corcv, McFarlaml and McDonald, Borsch and Russell, Mai. Casper Nowak. May Gcbhardt and Leulln Miller. The closing skit Is called "Ping, Pang. Pong." The attraction drawing well last week wn* the New York Stars Co. Aintiv k Stone's MnsKuu (Sinne * Sliaw. manager*).—The rurln hull attrac- tions svored so heavily last week the manage- ment decided to hold the bill over the cur- rent week. Thsv are: Amalla Manola Fam- ily, aciobats; Mm and - Lysage, novelty woujjerr, Cant, Bashjuirj trained anJoals,