The New York Clipper (November 1904)

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'•; 932 THE JSUZW YORK CLIPPER. ^November 20. WORLD'S BREATEST COMEDY ACROBATIC CYCLISTS. The Only Act introducing 3 High Work on a 40in. Unicycle. We arc absolutely the Only Act presenting this Most Difficult Trick in Public. A BIG HIT OVER the KOHL & CASTLE CIRCUIT, CLOSING THE SHOW. ?'„ We have just finished the Hopkins Circuit, and now play the Anderson Houses (Nov. 21 and 28,) and the Orpheum Circuit, commencing in New Orleans, Dec. 5. BELASCO TIIKATC.K. «d ST. Bv. 6.18. Mats. Sat. and Thanksgiving nay at 2. "WABPIBIiW COMEDY DRAMA, The IVIutMlo Mast«r, By CHARLES KLEIN. Direction or DAVID BELASCO. B. ff. KEITH'S International Circuit. Theatrical Enterprises. E. P. ALBEE, Ocneral.Manager. HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE. 8. K. HODODON, Booking Manager, Association ot .Vaudeville Managers, St. James Bldg., Broad- way andaatnSU.N.T. PASTOR'S 14th St-, near 3d Ave. CONTINUOUS. PREVOBT& PREVOST, SRLBIBl A ORDVINL MITCHELL A HA8S0N, I.A BKLLK BLANCHE, ORLETTA * TAILOR, NELLY MAOC1RE, 8C0TTIS TRIO, DON A THOMPSON. 4 MISTLETOE OIRL8. Mil. A MU8. YOUNQ, VORDEN * DBNLAP, BROWN. HARRIS & BROWN And Other Act*. TIE East 14 st. LADIES' MAT. DAILY. M. Y. Stars Burlesquers "STOLEN SWEETS." K5th8t.48d*v. LVDIKS' MAT. DAILY. HARRY BRYANTS BTJRLESOUERB a Hnrlesgncs. "Vaudeville." Huber's ■£ Museum Om. H. llober, Propr. J.H. Anderson, Mgr. WANTED, Attractions and Freaks for Ourlo HaUi. Add. J. H. ANDERSON, as a bove. GEO. and BAY WOODWIRD, KEENEY'S THEATRE, Broifcly n, This Week. WALTER BEEMER. AND UtllO RHODES AVE., CHICAGO. JUGGLING GIRL. TOM BA.TJKMAN, Descriptive Actor, Vocalist, Chang* Artln, Gen. Ota., Per atddresa, 11 ■* BOHDIN ST., Kali River, MASS. AT UttEHTY FUR NBXT SEASON. TROCADERO QUARTETTE. 1858 W. POLK ST., CHICAGO. ILL. • •' JOE BIRNE8, Rep, BERTRAM MILLAR LEADS and heavies, h w. asm St., New York. Harry Holman ! HINGING AND TALKING COMHDIAN. Hn route llnrvcy & Gage C». JUGGLING MATHIEUS . Now on thi' Kohl A Castle Circuit. Tlila week, Olympic Theatre, ciilc.-.go. Harry H. LAMOUNTand PAULtTTTE Lsulse AND 1)00 BENOHIE ALWAYS MAKE GOOD. AMERICAN OYMNAHTS AMD PHYSICAL OUL T IIRItt ART18TI. CASAD and DE VERNE Hlg'i Class Ctmedy Musical Entertainers. CEO. W. SNOW, NOVELTY MUSICAL ARTIST. IQH lWEKK WIT H J. ti. ItEEDE'S NOVELTY CO. NEW ILLUSIONS WANTED. Addreit r«- Rou'o. FREVOLI. MURRAY A MACKEY 00. AT liukkty, Afi«r cloning at Star Thea- tre, Pittsburg, KRAXE LEWIS, the Trump Slack Wlro and Crayon Artist, for. unit class Vaudeville, Sllna rel or llurle.iiuo. Address 2012 Magnolia St, Allegheny, I'e. P. b.—An act that pleases the best. HARRY THOMSON T||B MAYOR oVtHK BOWEUY (Title Protected) . -v.-ORVILLE! FRANK. This Wwk Art Sailing far MEXICO. '•A liORltEK IN CORK," Geo. Atkinson. BIJOU, DUBUQUE, THIS WEEK. AT LIBERTY^ MRS. Q.E.TILDEN, Characters. 402 PINE ST., Texarkana. TexaB. BIO BARGAIN. lot 8AUE-I,ut o( First Glass Moving Picture Hum, Slides, Jets. Rump tor particulars. . BILLY SWART/, QneoBla. N. V. Working Wsrld's Big Mechanical SDiwsFor SALE, .one swell one ready to ship. Will sell at li'uf rrlne; VOrflOW. List tree. CHA8 HOOD, Mfg.. 8 Van NordenSt., No CambridgeHaas.. at wax y-aqent; Btrlo 1 v sober and flrat "'ass. One night nr rap. /■Wei. THEATRE AOT.. Centre Bunare, i%. OlTPTrnPa SONUS, Kto., WRlTTKN," Send SaVblbDbO stamp, or No Replv. A\ llof- ■ icfi*. Fnmpla Pamoy and a Onus. 10c. MAI! V Kjl'llOSPBllT THAYER, S76 Pluc St., ProV., It. I. IRWIN'S BIG SHOW. FRED IRWIN Manager CONSEQUENTIAL COMIC CONTRACTOR, .'• JOLLY ZEB The Tramps with the Pnnny Voice. The RAT8ELBENDER8 An Austrian Drill. A Specialty In Fencing, Marching, Etc. First time in America. j, . THE FAMOCS AND ORIGINAL ZEB & ZARROW TRIO Sensational, Comedy 'Cyclist. Extra Feature. WATCH FOR C8 AT THE DEWEY. 4--THE CONOLLY8--4 Singers and Dancers Supreme. PRINCIPAL LEAD. MI88 JE88IE MOORE Contralto. "THBM FELLOWS," WIL80N & 80RC Talking Humorists. «- -THE KLEINS- Dutch Comedian and Sonbrette. JLorctto VAUDEVILLE FEATURES WITH ED. F. RUSH'S BON TONS. SIM WILLIAMS Acting Manager. MUSICAfsTMPSONS, ARTISTS PREMIER. B0ly-COOKTCOOK-Ben Mirthful Blending or Comedy and Bong. THE mOHTD CARLO MILLIONAIRE*. WILLIAMS and ADAMS la Black Face Styles and Habile. THE MARVELOUS LIVINGSTONS, SOCIETY ACROBATS. GRACE LEONARD, THE AMERICAN VESTA T1LLEY. * » Dome of the Olio Feature. V 1th ROSE 8 YDELLS LONDON BELLES. W. B. CAMPBELL. Manager RELYEA, World's Greatest Exponent of Physical Culture. A UITI JACK and BERTHA RICH, singers, Talkers and Wooden Shoe Dancers. RENNET ImF BOLUS, Comedians, Vocalists and Impersonators.r NOVELTY, COMEDY and HARMONY BIJOU COMEDY TRIO, Geo. L. Doraey, Harry Waltjen, Edward Wright. WANTED AT ONCE, Photographer with Outfit, Good Man with Jeweirj Spindle, ■ Three Palmists, A 8 hoc ting Gallery ManwitbOntflt. (tare opportunity year around. Other privileges write. Will buy Jewelry Spindle, also Wheel of Fortune. State »11 flrat letter. RIGQS AMUSEMENT CO.. Columbia, ». O. AST LIBERTY, EMOTIONAL LEADS, HEAVIES or GEN. BUS. Elegant wardrobe. One piece, stock or rep. Experlenoo and ability. MM MONROE AVE., Uhlcego. HI. Wanted, an Experienced DIRECTOR To Rehearse, Stage and Direct Amateur Minstrels. />' v Also WART A PIANO PLATER Oapatile of Rehearsing Amateurs for Songs and Oh"rus for Mlnaliels. state terms and particulars In first letter. NATIONAL AMUSEMENT BUREAU, Port Wayuc, Ind. WAKTEO, MEDICINE PERFORMERS PIANO PLAYER. READER OR FAKIR: SEETCU TEAMS (MAN AND WIFE). TICKETSr YES, IF O.K. SALARY POSITIVE. WIRE, F. W. HALL, Coyvtllo. Kaa. ZAMBEZI GEM E« Santa With Th. Unal WALLACE SHOWS. ALLEN SISTERS, Late of til Famous Nelson Family. Tumblers, Acro bat, and Contortionists. FREDsmuse & mmww Double and Single Clowns. Look oat fat Oar New S pecialty W itt Sanson. G. Z. And Bta Band. DELNO-GARIL TRIO, World'! Ctuunploe Aerial Bu Qyawaata. DONNIE, Oaeea tjf the Aeria l Biogs. Corelli, Rooney & Royer, Comedy Acrobatic Festors. THREE~NEVAROS Greatest Act of lie Kind In the World THE NEW MAJESTICS. W. L. BALLATJF Manager MaRIEIaRRISON. THE GIRL WITH THE YELLOW HAIR. SILLY NOBLE, THE REAL COON 8U017TER. Great Discovery, Experts can uot detoot It from gen- . ulne diamond. Costs bnt nnetentu. In brilliancy and cut It has no equal. Sotting solid gold. Write for tlluslmtort catalogue. KOWB A CO. . Dept. 0„ 36B Dearbor n St., Oblca go, Wanted, Partner, Lady if 6enl,»ith f Uni Hit- DAED DOLLARS, to take Interest in Repertoire snow. Booked solid nil April 1. Good time: short Jumps. Yonr money back with your per oent_aaCh. ~ ODd week ont._ A dd. BOP. Box Ml. Imn'on miT-. - * - TEHfTORSALE, Withut Palis, I4i24. Muuare cods', art. side trails; brand new; prire, $12. cash with order, or $i& C.0.1). WM. NEL«0N, 8 Van Nohlen Street, No. Cambridge, Meat. BELLE WILTON, THE DARK EYED DAUGHTER OF SPAIN. A BIT OP OERMAN NONSENSE, _FARRON and FAY. IB "THE LAST QUART OP BRER." UBRTlcCALE. THE MAN BEHIND THE COMEDY DUN. 5-SISTERSBELLATZER-5 Europe's Premier Lady ayauuuta. MAUDE . EVELYN HARVEY and WALKER THE CHARMERS. ANDERSON^" WALLACE TRAVESTY and TRAGEDY STARS. THE TIGER LILIES. UKOHDE M. HALE, Manager. oick BROWN and BOBINSOH Tom Put together by MESSRS, 80R1BNKR A DREW For Laughing Purposes Only. MLLE. SARTOLETTI, PREMIER DAN8EUSE. -'MORRISEi&FAY*- OHIO AND CHARMING. "NO MATTER," "NO MATTER." JULES BENNETT. "I'M THE SHERIFF." OLOA ORLOrr, PRIMA DONNA SOPRANO. TUF. OIRL WITH THE R EAL VOICE. THIRD SEASON, Jai. E. and Lvoia Cooper. TANGLED TALK. features with L, LAWRENCE WEBER'S DAINTY DUCHESS CO. A. D. GORMAN Manager ENGSTROM SISTERS, Tbe Ever Popular. BESSIECUFFORD. Startling S.nsaUon In Tlghta. Bumping 'Rm Hard, RANZETTA AND BE-LAIR, Funniest of all Comedy Acrobats. JAMES & SADIE LEONARD, "*** I •*•':* :jn '"Tlie Wroag Tip." chas.1ob1nson, The Laugh Maker. ALF.HQLT. In LB preparation. MY NEW ACT, written by :» SPENCER, entitled THEY CALL IE THE IAI THAT BEATS THE BAID." Address METROPOLITAN HOTPL, 27th St. and Broadway, N. Y. Ohas. RANSO M 3 Edna SPECIALTIES LOW COMEDY OR OBNTEEL HEAVY, DOUBLE BRASS. Can be engaged (or drama, farce, comedy er vaudeville. panics. Address LEADS, HEAVY. JUVENILE OR IN0ENUE8. Featured p»»t five seasons with Al com- GEN'L DEL, Slonx City, Iowa. LOOK—Something doing la. La Follette, TfBB., Meek Nov. 14. EDS A POT C01PART att^ct.on Monda» night, "Slaves of the Orient," $140.70. Tuesday night. "A Heart of Stone." »lK.3i. Wednesday night, "ATrue Kentucklan," tm so Thursday night, "East Lynne" (ladles' tickets), $114. Friday night, "Dangers of a Great City," $l,6.M. Saturday matinee, "A Bachelor's Romance,'' $32.«0. Saturday night, "Slaves of tbe Orient" repeated by request). $186. Total, $1,147.70 The above figures are correct and companv the beu I ever played at popular prices. T. T. BLANFOBD, Mgr. OperaTHoose,La Follette, Tcnn. Managers in M1.9., Ala., Ga. and Tenn. please send In open time If it is good.- Good repertoire people tn all lines, write. EDWIN WEAVER. Mgr. Kdna Foy Co., week Nov. Jl, Sweetwater, Tenn.; Nov. 28, Cleveland, Tenn. At Sai ABlenle, Tins, ImdlaliiY, FIRST CLASS VAUDEVILLE ACTS. ORPHEUM THEATRE. Address A. i. LOCKER, San Antonio, Texas. ^OJEfc &A£«Jr£, ENTIIIE Moving Picture OutfH. EDISON MACHINE, STEREOITIOON ATTACH- MENT, extra Lenses; THE OREAT TRAIN ROB- BERY, UNCLE TOM'S CABIN, and a Ion? list of others. A Lot ot Slides. BARRY alman. ____ Academy of ^luilc, Newbnrg h, N. Y Wanted, ftor~ REPERTOIRE, Character Comedian, Woman for Heavies anu Second Business, Light Comedian and Soubrette, Piano Player and General Business Man. State age, weight, height and lowest salary in first let- ter. Address RALPH STANLEY, 7i Pit month Plaoe. Streator. III. Miller's Vaudeville Theatre, LIMA, OHIO. WANTED. SISTER TEAMS, SINtiLE WOMEN and STOCK WOMEN; long engagement. Address JOE P. MILLER, Prop. P. 8.—People wiih hammers and long necks, don't write la. BABODA DIABONDS Just discovered. Brilliant as tbe genuine: one-thlrtleth tbe cost; stand actd test and PUZZLE EXPERTS; SOLID GOLD MOUNTING; thorough examination allowed before payments. Write for cata- logue and special terms. Agents wanted. THE BARODA CO.. Dept. 4, 67-71 Wabash Ave., Chicago, m. WANTBCD, Juvenile Man* Juvenile Woman. Must becorap*tenl. Lowest salary, etc. J. U. MAUR, Mgr. "When tbe Bell Tolls," . NBL90NVILLB, O . Nov. 28. WANTED QUICK, By tbe Spooner Dramatic Co., rir«t Class General Actor, for Juvenile Character or Heavies. Slate age, height and weight. Mnal have good wr.rdrobe, both ancteit and modern. Join on wire Wire F. E. SPOONER, • San Angelo. Texst*. week Nov. 21. LYCEUM COMEDY CO. WANTS PIANO PLAYBR, GEN. BUS MAN, able to play one or two Juveniles; also CHAKAOTER MAN. Address Ah. S EVANS, Manston, Mis., week Nov. 21; Watertown, Wis., week Nov 2t WANTED, Small Soubrette With S'rong Singing and Dancing Specialty; SISTER TEAM and Other Peop'e with bneclaliles. AddresB VYINN1NGER BROS., Yankton, S.D.Nov. 28 and week: Boo Falls. S. D.. after. OXYLITH GAS OUTFITS Price $39.50 FILMS OF MIMES ORDERS FILLED QUICKLY SONG SLIDES l^jre© Catnlogs. CLINE & CO., ' -io at. i«th st., -J NEW YORK CITY. ChltAgo iWHeo I .-■« DEARBORN ST. "-"WAHTas, A First Class Hand Balancer. Weight not over 140 pounds; sober and reliable. No liooiaer need teply. send photo and state ago and salary, i • ■ PIZER, of 4 Nelsons. Writ*. Address A. BBRHY, Pern. Ind. NOTICE. REPERTOIRE MANAGERS. Comedian, Character Actor, S'age'Manager, with Hts 0»n flays and Special Printing, desties en- gagement, uood R;p. Co., address '."•-.. A. OLtBSFtlRll, No. 12 Bradhurst Ave., New York City. TOPIIODNTEB. -Montt'e good Ground Tumbler who docs single act and who can work In aerie I act. Also Trap or Double Drummer, one Good Bill Poster. Stare lowest salary. Never close. You can't boone here, srate where vou can Join, candy stand roraate. Address or wire Floweiy Branuh, Ga., 26. Mall and telegrams will be fi l . warded. WILLIAM TOOT FAMOUS SHOW. AGENT WANTED QL'ICK. FOR REPERTOIRE. H. A. in: HOIS. Mir.. Meadvllle. Pa. WANTED, Performers lor Med. Co. Tickets it I know you State all 11 rst letter. DR. JOHN K, FOVE, 205 N. Money street. Mnberly, Mo. LADY XELLOIST WANTED. Permanent location, Splendid engagement. Others, write. BESSIE BURN ELL'S LADIES' ORCHESTRA, S84 Col lax St.. Toledo, Ohio. WANTED QUICK, Man and Wife, one fake organ: change for week; willing workers. WATONKEE MED. CO. ' Gen. Del'y, Conneilsvllle, Pa. (JOOD COMBDIAN Who It tip In acts and can make Ihetn go; abui PIANO PLAYER. Other useluljeople, write. MODERN MEDICINE CO.. Tldloute, Penua. WABTED, TO J0« AT OHCB, BEP. PEOPLE » AIL LINES Mention lowest salary anil full paKlcularn lu. limt letter. Send photo. Must liavo wardrobe, uppenrancc and ability. Answer by letter. . THOS. HOFFMANN, Mgr. Irene. Jpavons Co.,-8t. Catherines. Out. PABTNER WANTED—I !■ in Act.r; Wait Manager oraotor with rome capital. Have three newBaolOomedvdramas; cast* males, 3femalts. Complete set of scenery for country stages. Spe- cial printing for oompany title. PARTNER, Pare of Great Western Ptg Co., St. l.ou(s, *«o. . THE OHLY VERNELO & CO., '. II.LVaiONIKTB, En Rout e Ualttd Vanderlllo AsHoclailon Circui t. WANTED, FOR WILL LEW BROS.' STOCK COMPANY. Al LEADING WOMAN. ALSO OTHER REP. PEOPL8. WRITE. WILL LEW BROS.' STOCK CO., Loveland, 0. Rlf i'lDVIVll on-B" fy p.o. s. of a.. IWJI VMalHMI) WATERBCRV, CONN,, DEC. ii-.TOio. HASTED, Two or Three More Clean ' Shown. . '.• CHAR. E. HALL, ". 97 Prince St., New Haven, Conn. .. -. ? ■ - ■ ■ ' i., — - .^ . — ■ — .j i.j j^ ii . i , . i in ,. ,1... ' ,-> • HJ.-.V.