The New York Clipper (November 1904)

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November 25. THE iSTEW YORK 93$ ji. i |t ii i i tMum "DEAR OLD GIRL," _J»1IR, of NfW.leik "A HABIT I NEVER Bilina la lli» till "IF I SHOULD SAY I LOVE YOU,'' "YOU'RE ALWAYS BEHIND WHEN I'M AWAY FROM YOU, DEAR. - mil -a.nlJ.Uorllfoimir. fo.MSvrl; til V tlTTLE mi8ft CANARY," D LIKE AN OLD «OW'S TAIL, AUD ADDRESS, |. ro f,,«lonnl Copies and Orihp.lralloni of the «l)ovc now ready, mid irnt *pon receipt of program n THE NAME Loudon Tliontrc i.Iauir-R II. Ciirlln.nmn- ..vpirahain presented .•!>• KO CAHDS. Hudson Theatre (Heart D. Harris, ■i i 111 m nl , nr(t ) —Atthls liousc, on Tuesday nlgbt, user).—The Brlgadlm-a Arc presenting excel- v ,r 15 Ktliol Barrymoro and company gave lent entertainment (Ills week, with "The Wlso the first. New York City ■ presentation of Guy," headed by K'Jtnond Hayes. The many •inntlor " a play. In four Acts, by Thomas laughable situation;) are cleverly worked' out Tiori'woud. The play was first acted In by a good company cast as follows: Con \iVi-ira Oct. 20 last, nt the Lyceum Theatre, Kusse, Jack Symond: Tom Tipton, Horace HSiter N. V.. Its original production Strouse: Willie Swn.rcoll, Tom II. Nelson: iVnv nc occurred April 2; 1004, at the Comedy Tommy Tintype, Henry l'eyser; I.ord Get the t ic-ure London, Kng. Previous to the open- Coin, chns. Kuhn: Henry Hopper. Dan Olln- in" nf the story Sunday's father, a Western serltl; Walter, Jack, noon; Uertle Wondcr- infncr bad died, leaving her as a sacred bl It, Adelc Palmer; Mnudo Busse, Jeanettc trust to the care <*f his four companions. Voting. Tho supporting chortu was well Vnwier Davy. Lively add Jacky, all of whom drilled and handsomely costumed. Specinl- flrc cood specimens of the Western miner, ties arc offered by the li'oiir Nelson Acrp- ThoT sccepted tlie trust arid gave to the girl batlc Continues, nnd the Three Kuhns, singers ■In "the education their limited book knowl- and Instrumentalists. Jack Symohds enter- wire would admit, but have thoroughly In- talus with his monologue between the acts. .rilled In her the proper Idea of honor. At Next week, the World Waters. the rise of the curtain on the first act the Third Avenue Thcntrc I Martin .T.Dixon, little camp is all In commotion over the ex- manager).—"Because She Loved," under the Dccted advent of a nun from a distant con- direction of Martin Julian, is this week's vent where It is Intended to send Sunday, attraction. It Is cast as follows; llalph Los- lint her education "may be finished," ' the words of Davy. The nun .. 125 West 37th Str ut, Mr. BrtUwiy, HEW YOM, H Y, i i i ■ -- - meate'd "L-ity," to a crhftled : don,iiad Cohen^a clover trio of perforate; lit wlj I? ! «'' h A -J 0 " a ?i' 0 Hf„*&"i^*^v ™ The advance "ale R a Iwbo the lie MitliiS, Taney dancers: Laura Cttn- and wmpofcer.-who Ma W* t MS ^SSS week Wm II Crane. In "Basl- stock and hct-"pL:t-." and Carman S stars. York two years the debut;.ot Knisi- llOUSC, Nov. nne. Next netut Is IliiRlaess West Kni»' ((ieorge A. illumenthal, man- ager).—"l'lo Flo." a musical comedy. In two nets, nrcflcutlng Stella Mnj-how as the star, was given Ita flrst New York production at this house Nov. 21. There Is considerable humor In this piny, which'Is by' Coll*«. and Howard Whitney, and which Its premier at Trenton, N. J., Sept. was considerable"-laUgblef aroused . opening Bight, and Miss Maybcw. a vtvaclotn oil!■ nnd entertaining player;-whose methods are * rtost : pleasing, aiUlivod a- personnl aflccest Tho audience appreciated Tier efforts'and ac- cordingly bestowed their approval • freely. Next week, Billy B. Van, in "The Krrsnd Boy." MKTnoroMYAN (llenrv Bnscnberg, mhnn gerL—Florence Blndlcy.'ln "The Street Slug er." Is the. attraction; this week, nnd tho bniijolsts. complete the list. Tho biirlefduc lick, gave a concert beforeit lai-ae, MfM is railed "The SWtilde Darlings." Tho Sim- In Carnegie Hall, ercnlBit of Nov. 1*. MMM da\ night concerts present an entertaining by Walter Unmroaeh and tho RH tor* programme of novelties. BtAtf (Al. Srhonhptfr, manager).—A bill that furnishes fun fast nnd furious Is pro symphony Orchestra. . TUB NIICONU 8UX0.1Y AFTntNOON CONCKBV of the New York ayuiphuii.r orchestra, an- nounced to tnko place ai Carnegie Hall, Nov. iprnu.. .uu ,u*» «.,u.». » "«— Kir^^W^oaar'ta^h^uM^K «tM Manhattan "'jfhoitr*;~o«i«*i^SBlt*; *»« nnd entertulntta P ayej.-irhose me hods are that .anafe*PPJtr U, the , Ho Tttajttra g—- lout fiOSkon. houses, with the S. IL <>. sign out beforo 8 o'clock, last week. Next, "The Isle of Spice" lntcrcati'd uudlenco. lioing of an .si tho prograawe held the nttun- and the various numWrt.wcHj.uS; rendered.. Mrs. DoHnetsui it-J Snlmon asslsled him. • ■"• . . ■■* > * il >- CANADA. l"£tv,.(Bennett Wilson, roanagerJ.^'The „Jfe ? «w«l : -At .{^ MfJf^ B (» iy .?l brings Arthur out in bis true light, and he Mdlv says that marriage Is impossible and he wants her for bis mistress. Once this truth flashes across her mind her keen sense of honor makes her recoil from him, but he l.< not to be daunted, aud with the remark that be will have her and will teal the bar- gain wllh a kiss, be seizes her unwlll- Ins form in his anus aud attempts to kiss her. Jacky, who has seen and heard the actions and words of Arthur enters and shoots him dead. Sunday goes tu the convent and later joes to visit her fath- er's sinter (Mrs. Nircsby> In England, mid It Is at her placo'Ulat the scenes of arts two and three are-laid. Colonel Uu; elder brother.nitiArthur, i the family, ineets"SuYidKy and wllh her. His affection Is reciprocated by trlfli""^' of Nov. 21, found every seat filled and full ,„|„ P ,| i, Pr refuses to ride fhc race which Is K\T;roN's, (H. S. Allen. ■•■•£*»£*", * nn vrcnu." inaiiau'cr).—Tho permanent l-'rcnch appreelatloti was evidenced by the laughter ;"S,| B gfort«ne to his master, slid Hunters •M8ti&f.ttanS^l^w'*2? V A llock' c!«ipa8j. In "Uttude," tlrow geoU and applause, 'lite cdmpahy Is made tip of tt>n volnntwrs. Hotting runs high, find Sey. g "AT^ [jg Cwatown this aw*. w ; A ; h.,V "La I'uclinrdo' 'J1-2II. clever cut'rtalners In (be way of singers nnd mollr having great confWenee In his horse, .Mortlmci-, olio of I ho fa\orlot»ol tlie oruina > 11lKATU ,j „ KB Nouvkati'Ji.— Thoperntauoiit comedians, and the musical satire, "Stolen "its lie would w-nger his life en her. Hun- « ocft-ewnpww when Mr. fay on first "Pf"" ,,. J^*™, 1 ,;,^ " uulun „y, SwreLs" which cpciiR and closes the show, ter B no,)s at this. Vltlng bis lifo liwuran:t> this house, bas ten specially cngagKI lo "JJJ" »"» \ uu ^ ttl » was eircdlngly well rendered. It Is mu- SoHff ol *(W«oi) nsilnat Seymours life. P»ilUeg WMfc&SE* J2&l/%%$& i Sl'llooi" "l-20. sk-ally bright, nnd the company, headed by 'j i, P r a.'e Is run and Jessie wins, savlm; \<m hah tho role of Wlllluni Hlronir., nod hna "™ mul zl »- Chas. V. Walron and Alice I'orter, rendered Seymour's life, tanking liltn rich and bring- effective acting. The cast of the. rjrst act of "Stolen Sweets" was as follows: Herman Schmidt. Charles II. Watson: Jack Kcnningtun, Harry J. Koopjr; Colonel Tralnor, Jonn Me.Mithun: Mrs. Tralnor lug about the inevitable conclusion. Next week, '"rite Child WJfe.". I'KOCrOK'H OMB Hl'NUnBO AMI TWKKTT-VtFTn STtiBBT (.1. Mitin Kynes, ncnernl manaaer). —'"rhe Slubbortitiess ! nf Ooruldlue." which Iteed raytoti pluyK tho widow, tioud busl uess insl. Week, Next,/;ltoscdalc" Twrinitii.- Hhep- • dru her. but she Is not cosily won because of bur knowledge of tho relationship of tbc Coloucl nnd Arthur. She Unally consents to Ivrome .tlrs. Colonel Urinthorpe. Tom Oxley a friend of the colonel, discovers thut Suuday has a secret, and endeavors to persuade her to ton- lido In her future husband. Keeling herself unenual to the tusk of telling ubout Arthur's death she simply tellsColouelBrlntborpethat i-hn can never become his wife and returns tu SMvcr Creek, where act four Is laid. She l& soon followed by Colonel Brlnthorpe, who Icarus the story of Arthur's death nnd what lead up to It. and the final curtain falls v.-itli Sunday In the aims of Colonel Brlu- lliurpe. The play Is strong In heart Interest and the characters are well din-vn. It Is well written nnd many of the scenes are strong, some of them being decidedly melo- dramatic. The comedy element Is sufficient- ly prominent In rcllevc :: thc rerlnus strain of the play and Is the belter, for being the luturul outcome of events In the story. It Is. however, weak of purpose and ot poor con- sirucllun. There Is no good reason for the iicsh Insl Week. Next.VHosoUalC." „«ir*"m«niTii.ri -Tim- l'rlnea of I'lltfill'* did Xovklty (l^avld Uotiiuson. manager).— S^S«.\'w 4-tt ''tujW a Co." "The'Lighthouse"bv tho Sea" this week. «"«>* uuamewi rvov. i* aw w (loud buslnbai Inst 'week. Idry Ulrl." Next, "'llm. Knc- (icorgc llrennun; Policeman hchwartz. Joe Weegcr: Officer Levy. Charles Lorn: Officer Colin, (jeorxc Tuynv; Huii.le Mcuituliig, Lillian Brennnn. Then follows an excellent olio, including: The Ilrennatis, (laiii'liig duo: Three Lelllotts. in a nttislcal novelty; I^iro nnd 1'aync, comedy ncrohuts. and the Wutcrmelon Trust, in a mixture of comedy, singing and dancing. The second act of "Stolen Sweets" brings the long-nnd entertaining bill to a close. It employs-tha full strength of the company nnd goes with vim and snap front sturt to llulsb. Next neck, the Cherry Blossoms. Miner'* Eighth Avenue Theatre (IMwIn D. Miner, manager).—The Bowery Kurlesnners opeued a week's engagement Nov. 21, in "Two Hot Knights" add "The Gay Modiste," which, with the olio which follows, proved a tine show. In the latter was Ben Juusen, Belle Veola. Taylor Trio, Carmcllto D'Arcos, Watson und Burrelt,.und Davenport Bros. The cust: Jean de Itcskey, Lizzie Krcllgn; Baron de l'oussc. ■ Charles Bartclt: Burouess de I'ousse, Blanche Daven- port; La Jollfcr, liulsh Lee: Mrs. Cooke, Shaw. HiinTio * Sr.vMOX's Mum- Itiu.. fBcn Hurtle, tnanugen.—Business conlinnes good. An excellent programme drew nt both performances -1, It nnd Itayinoiid, Watson nml I ninntt Troupe. Jnmes Thornton Ions, the Marvelous Merrills, William llnrcourt nnd company Comedy Surprises. Gotham (Sullivan k Krnus, managers).— OoTitAK (Charles Wllllums, miinaeer).—A play appropriate to this time Of tha year, "On Thanksgiving aagr," Is this week's offer- ing. The loinpunv is a gowl one. SBtlsfUi'- tory Iiiisiiii'hs last week, "i'hu Little Church Around llio Cornev' 1 next. '■■' lisujtH- (r'rank It. Carr, lessee and uiuna- an Trio. vuu ^«'** mmvnmi «t»« a™,,. »i.u ,..., ■mi itiie men. Buslncs* i-ontlnueg most satisfactory, ana. itne Lvcet a: (Louis Rhllllp*. manager).—"Th '. „, Spider, or tltol'ower-of I^>vc," Is thl 'J?!? 1 -TT week's offering. All the mrmbers of th Uttisb.OpEiiA liotisH (A J. Smalt, mann- B cr;,—"Me, Uim aud I" played to fair busi- ness. "The erieta" £MMp ' -. „iii;,. lUtmma IA. J. Baiall, manager).—•'TJIIy Olson" hud good business. "On tho Brings at Midnight" 21-JO. , .... Siika'n (J. Shea, mauager).--A good bill, 14IH, drew big busluiss. Week of \il : Mtuc. hlitpoirskl, "Slie," Winkler's Mndeapa, i»m» '•■\, Matthews and Dunulds. . uugni'i. —Sntn Hfl- pluycd tu capacity. MUH1C 11am. (Utowitrt lleusion. „ ? raanngen.--Y«iyc. 21, asslsled by Uopa NOT- rto er mrmb , of th. S " d ■ jgg gg " ie - brings prove Wnlllll l,uvn I n,.r. , t „„i,L .:*.! A^i,.T. „C J»CUC )L*Olli, .HlKO .lllllier, Xllll.V tt. HKIDVH , rausc for Sunday's sorrow when she learned ,',_£:_,_ »,„.„„_ /T ,i;„ lo love Colonel Brlnthorpe. The killing of Hnbe>r ■ Mnscntn (John uairer).—^loe feature of u Men face boy. An unusually a character In a play"when" tho killTn'fellhcr m «" u ?« ter /'~ 1 ' h !. tet l UK . ot tM !_*5**Jffi directly or Indirectly reflects upoti tho hern. ' 5 Lionel, nmnnger). 'ov. Bogcrs Brothers In 1'ftrla.v i Majkmtic (Chart's II. Sturgls. manager), ■—.toe Welsh appears here U'l-20. In a new comedy drama of New York life on the lower Knst side, written by Lee Arthur, aud colled "Cohen's Lut*." Mr. Welsh, Bulbe proprie- tor of a little reMa-irant. Is given excellent Kleb Mrs. Iteptou," which received on that tiuto it- priHluctlon lu this country, lie original .prcscnlutliin having occurred on April 20 .lost, at the Duke of York's 'J'hculre. Lnmloii, ling. While It cuti- talued n number of witty lines, Uu con- struction was weak and verbosity was a conspicuous fault, tho concensus: of opinion boiug so overwhelmingly derogatory to the work that Mr: Krohunau decided to end Us career abruptly, und Saturday cvoulng, Nov. Ill, marked Its Una! performance. The plot was.a novel one, but Mr. Carton did-not ful- fill the proiiils'-'i secucs and tho ng, tnanugcil.—Largo crowds continue. Mill week-of 2 j : I'rcd C. Btllcsj l'rank Waldu uud company, i'aluro Bros., tho Clcudores, Hual- tlno and Stevens, the Krunccllus, Ihu Uolar- dos and Clark's Dog Circus. i i Ha mil ton At tho Urn in) Opera HuUM (A, II. IiOUdeu, uiumgei) '"lTio Mumuiy and the Humming Ulid" Nov. II. "Tho Baronaw i iddlcsticks,^ 10, It), hud good slwsd audl- enccH, und. proved au enjoyable attraction. -i'i,n ivi.i. " n bad Itomcniw bunluose ana cut, artistic performancfi and his depiction of the various emotions is forceful and con- vincing. In his love making ho Is tender, his sacrifices evoke the spontaneous sympathy -. Brlnthorpe. with full knowledge that he holds her blameless for' the death of his nrotacr. There was not one Unnatural or discordant note In her portrayal—she simply seemed to "live" the life of Sunday. Good jjork was done by Charles Harbury. Josepn iTcnnnn. Hurrlson Armstrong, William Sam . s "f antl Edgar Sclwyn. The cast In ful tooncl Brlnthorpe. Bruce MeRac; Arthu '"'inthorne, Herbert Percy; Tom Oxley, uiai-les Harbury: Towaer, Joseph Brennan : {/nvy, Harrison Armstrong: Lively, William Ninipson: Jacky. Edgar Sclwyn; Abbot '» man servant), James Kearney: Mrs. resiy, Virginia Buchanan: a Nun. Anil ■•"the: bunday. Kthel Barrymore. The sei. slice*' liegan 21, t0 coutlnuc<1 °'« nttehd- "Nov. 81. n-ri—^"TDo Kactory Girl" Is presented this Uarrlek Theatre (Cliurles Krohman. «-7i,' wl "' the following cast: Cliarlev manager).—Henry Miller continues success JJ5 ix>n Hascall: Tom Harlman. J. Grant f nlly In "Joseph Kntangled," ' :"sou; Rodger Hantaan, Charles Keane: 21 bis seventh week and last finger, Guy Bawson: Mr. Hartman. Geo. Setvojr Theatre (Frank McKee, '} Beavan; Bill Turner. Will H. Stevens; —"Mrs. Wlggs of-.he Cabbage loilcjman Cannon, Wm. J. Dale; Klrst Keen- J> ' ov ' - 1 lf » twelfth week. S Ijarrv Vane; Second Keeper, George Academy of Music (Gllinore & Tuinp- "iBncImrd: Judge Crolf, Geo. O. Beavan; k| ns, munngers).—"The Wizard of Oz" be- J-ierk of the Court, Alexander S. Dale: John B"n Nov. 21 the third week of Its capacity M ,- w Hllnm Dedmund; Chlff Allen, engagement. The fiftieth aunlversury of the vnarlcs Beavan; Sallle French, Ella Came- house will be celebrated during the present. The scenic effects are elaborate. Next week, Davis. "The Stain of Guilt." I iii.Ti- ?vi!ii-t 1; SniKiner maniiiferl'— ' "LIFH IX NHWPOltT," a musical romedy. "Tie Irish lVMt Girt"' Is civet Tr^f ills l>y John J. McNally, with music by Colo and llic Jrian tost is pin .nerc tins j.n, nu ,,„ „.iii h- n^..,i,,,. n .i i,» vini a it. in . Wcls, managers).—David Hlgglns began his third week in "His Lasl Dollr.r" * I'crcy u. Williams, manager;. ,,,- ij n ^ —Art attractive bill has been arranged for "*.'",;„_ Thanksglt Ing week. Including Kugene Cowles, _A «•«* BKcitAp of Mm* OAMXt ajro the Magic Kettle. Chanslno, Kuropean »*»«ei IIisi-uam, glvoui at. Carnegln Hall on Dll.l'l US IN TUB I'llOl^SSION. Mits. Li:oroLO Damhuscii, mother of Kraak and Walter D. Uamtosch, died Nov. lb, ut lrac home In New York City, from bt She wu« the widow of Dr, LeopolL and her maiden namo was Heleno Von Holm- :y, from heart dlseaaa. Dr. Leopold Damroeftn, I. Sothern and and last week presenting the piovs ot uioii- repertory. Nat C. Goodwin follows 28 In "The Lsurpcr. - ' : Ciaplre Theatre (Charles I'robaiah, man- F"L—Maylrwln w |n "\wl Ttine?"^ tu^S*- ag«r)^John Drew' began Nov 21 hts twelfth on"Vha" KeeneVseoSI,'' fi *«^vatae«. %g&8iS5£mMBgjas. fetfiESw ~-.. ,. . . - -j A'as inaugurated Nov. fcoxt week, "The Fatal Wedding." Bijou Theatre (Henry B. Sire, mnna- Gnrdcia Theatre vltugrapb and Ihe Scott-Brothers. n *P«elal series of performanc«H of the Nl , . Him: & BBitstAN's (Nick Norton, mana- b f' u , D f ,; 1 n H ,n »' nt ., tl1 ? Metropolitan Opera on Jan. 10, 1833, studied singing ut Ulp- gen.—The niansgenient offers' this week: "S 0 " in the mouth of January. The dates ,1c, und was oogaged as a soprano In the Gertrude Mansileld-Ouiyl Wilbur Co., In "The £ '' "* gf tollovia: ihursduy, Jen. 0, "Dus Urnnd Imcal Opera ut Weimar, where she Shadow:" MeMnhon's Wutei melon Girls. Hal H „ Ue, I a * olu , : ' °'L, 3a P; ?/ DJ 9 Wnlkuare:" was one of the first to sing Ortrud, In "Loh- Godfrey and Co.. In "The Liars:" the Pant- °, n , Jan -, ™- Siegfried,* and on Jan. 20, tnarlu." She marrlou Dr. Damroscu In 1S58, and went with blm to Bceslau, when be or- role ganlzcd tbc HympUouy Society Orchestra. pro- mic did nut slug on tho operatic stage after have her marriage, but was known throughout Pilling- Uermaiiy as an excellent linger of tho ioOga appearaui.'c, of Schubert and Schumann, lo 1871 she 12 of Nor. came with bar hiwbaad to America. Five - interesting children survive her. the well known'ITrabk Avon Comedy Four. Si. II. Weston, Uvjne EJ't* 1 1 ?5I 0r «> , lar f', e audience, aaaittad-by Bamroscb, codductori Walter Damroech, cob- and Leooard. George and Mar .Woodward, gflna KTonoldi^'oelilit, and Mre. Florence ductor of the New York Symphooy Orchci Prof. Burton's twenty dogs, and new views Btwm gh an r . iAd n|Bj at the nlano. The nro- ' For au extru nttruc piituue cohUlued I rench, (iunoou and Kng- '-havo JPf. •"•*■ nnd lllzefs ''Agmia Do)," with burg. She was born In Oldenburg, Germany, b.natlon of talent. The beadllacr b» Clara ham, DanleTa manugcr, for hlsappe Wlolund, who played ibc title role In "1'eggy - < , ,S „2«JSS™K5?°« , * N , ■' lL, "' < vc n , »i from l'aris," Jflhera aw:-11a Brlttoae. l&gfWSTOJS^iAxlPj und ■ x'ompuny (Ilenrv W. .Savage, niftr").—DavhrWariU'liriiegi'm his"ninth week "VlUtHrrT'n iV.^v fltsasfca tcnTrcAr^^^CnjIffJ 1 '..>».•■%" began Us ..f-spiendM buWftew'Nov. 81, In "1T.0 Mmlc n.^JeriV-A.bill at more thnji u«u..|l-Mret l^„,k I.'V—.*"^ ^-uiirse i\ iuow oec hart week of capacity Tiouses Nov. 21 mi ,w C i"V ' I ' I, en««'« (Sam S. 61 "".ingcrl.—Amelia l'.ln^hom h...n t.. 'cello idillgato. Tin: PViFBiijiioMAi. Wniiot'.'i Lntorii h —jjr . . tfa and formerly ot the opera: Mrs. r. u. Wiecbaiiun, Mis. Duvld'Miuncs and Mrs. 11. T. SeymoiH'. AuUiun liinfiivij.w, iMiot'fly ciirtoon'r.l nail rapid lft»idncn|.« Artist, dlf-d.nt hlri how* |a Sbubcrt, (aii l w^t! - 7' A . l ?!S ,la «!? ln B ,,a,n *xgaD her sec- m nwk to 'Tlie Climbers" not. 21, Master. ^^ i L , nce |i n „ | lt)l , n prepared ftir Ttianltsglvlag week at this bous». The Brothers Oricff, Hnrletn.—At the Harlem Opera House French acrobats, head the programme. Mosh- lAlex. Uciuasteiu, manager) whilom ta- ei/s bog yuncli^g bull teniciB, Qetaon, aot- C'ving if series of euvbres at the club hinisu. TredtOb, N. J., Nor. i i, .fiom u complication 'lho'Otie held Nov. in wan well atlcoilAd «r> diseases. 'Uo Is nurvlved by bis wife nnd snd the prises vere unique. eon, Arthur &. who It professionally known Tiiomau Hi.Niiv Wi.v.nett has becoue a as Arthur La Tour. loterinant m at LloJta bcbUwi ot tue Gieea ttvoa Club. _ liili CemeUOi Bttetile. lb IL -" - Z