The New York Clipper (November 1904)

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940 THE NE¥ YORK GLIPPEE. November 26. Tin gong that ha» hli Oirm 10 hard, wntili f>tl to dtifrlbr the mtrlti ofilili phcnomrntl raceni, The Big Firm have been responsible for inch HITS a. HIAWATHA, BEDEL1A, NAVA.10 VII.LAOE 111' THE IE*, (HtlfOOUEH daring <ne iiiien of 1903-0*. Whit maile nabllsnlng Arm can show nek larr.n.i! K_vcr in the Hitlory of Music Publie-hing has inch an Array of Hit* been Published by one Firm. BvO" < Vir WONT YOU FONDLE ME? Will Positively be the Blggeat Sacreat tbat this Firm Eur Published. "? Eaty to Explain. It Contain* Every Element that is Essential to Make a Sons a Saooess. IDEA and a. Malody which mn Audlenos Cain ORA8P Qulokly. We Want You to Come and HEAR THIS SON C, LEARN THIS SON C, Sing this Song, and CI ve the Public what They Want. WONT YOU FONDLE ME? ■ THE BIC FIRM are ever mindful of their great army of friends In the Profession, and appreciate most heartily their co-operation. Our Offices In N. Y., 45 W. 28th St., MOSE CUMBLt. Manager. Chicago. Crand Opera House Blk. Ask BOB ADAMS to give you the key to the C l« y. Detroit. 10 Withered St.. HENRIETTA B. BLANKE, will teach you this Big Song Hit. WONT YOU FONDLE ME? PROFESSIONAL COPIES and ORCHESTRATION! Id any key FREE to recognized ilng.r.. Kindly address all mall to SHAPIRO, REMICK & CO 45 W. 28th STREET, ii NEW YORK. "In Awkward Mistake." Is one of Harry Montague's greatest bur- lesques. By epeclal arrangement It ap- pears complete In Madison's Budget No. 9. World's rfeateet book or stage fun, con- taining SI Original Parodies, i oew Mono- logues,! greaTSketohet, new Dutch, irlak •Ad. Hebrew specialties; Oomie Poems, Toasts and Epltaptis; two roaring farces, two big burlesques, besides bnndreda of new dags, Stories and Jests—SO big pages. One douarper oopy. Book numbers as fol- lows: any J. |1.M: any 8, S9; any 4, $1.(0 or Budgets i, 4, 7, 8 and 9. $u. Others out of Klnu Send all orders » my agent. L. J. It. BI1<, 14H Third Ave., New York. Dot Karroll Stock Co. WANTS QUICK, AI FKATUBK ACT, Play pa'rtt: ai character woman with Dp to Date Wardrobe: Ai SINGLE specialty man. foraen. Baa. State age, weight, belttht. lowest: payow.n. 7 J.' g WELCH, Vortli Adams, Kits., or Route. Piece . *.'• A.t' X^itber ty, TIM § KIT Comedian and Sonbrette. Double specialties. Change for .week. One <ir Flr.t Cia«a Kapertolre 6n)y, Address TIM LEAVENS, Gen. Dei., Washington, II. C. WMOTW! For First CaJK.RiH'erlolre, a Swell Sketch Team, man and woman (must play some parts), with red hoi singing and dancing speoaltlfB; Good Looking ■luveulle Man, ,Al Comedian who . alugs ana dauees, Strong Osueral Aotreen, General Actor to alng picture xouga.- All must be drat cImph Willi good wardrobe and experience. Tell all quick, wlthlowest salary. MANAGER, Itoom 19, Irving Iionse, CATSalLU S. Y. . Alia Lravitt'a Famoo. RENTZ-SANTLEY CO. LEO LEAVITT Business Manager. Singer, and Eccentric Buck Dancers. CLIFF FAEBELL, The Merry Moilcal Minstrel. THE NOVBLTY DUO, .. ekn«t THE RAGKETTS CLABA introducing the Steeple on the Hill. HAWTHORNE & BURT, Premier Eccentric Dancers'. CHAS. W. DOUGLAS, Monologolng Parodist. BIJOU COMEDY FOUR, Peer or All Comedy cjuartettes. f If You Have Any Money to Spend for a Good Act, ROBERT GORDON MANAGER TERRY an. KUEIt and iPEL In "THE DANCING MISSIONARY," HARMONIOUS SELECTION*. RELIANCE QUABTET, THOMAS, REYNOLDS, K1RB Y, CHAP PELL. CHARACTER ENTERTAINERS. BRODERICK and JESSICA CLEVER COMEDY COUPLE. THE GINGER OIRLS. ALLEBNE and HAMILTON, ACROBATIC DANCERS. I'OSITIOSS FOR FIRST AND SECOND CORNET OPEN. DRUNKARDS BEWARE. WANTED, A First cia»s Singing and Dancing Performer lor a Aral c as« M- dloine On. One that can floubie inliroai. nut DRUMS, or play Piano, preferred. S ibrlety Indlspensalile. FlrslClasa Sketch Teams, write. Drauulo ability preferred. State lowest salary,In tint.letter. 1 on pay your own board. '. UK. W P. 0 aiilkr, Warsaw, Indiana. Winttit, a Pirtflir fir Cunidr Ambits. Muat be a good underetander. Address ERNEST DALE. SO. M R. aith St., N. V. City, late or LKNTON BROt'HERS. Will sell u.ooort. Claw B, average n{ so. per root. GOOD SFHJECW. GEO. U.THOMAS, ,., , jOO .Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. WRNTED. Hat PEOPLE Delno, Wallace, Cunningham, others write or wire. DM JOHN UAKcK, Rraldwood, III, Wellington. O., HS; Pit. Gllead, O., JJOj Ptisan, p.. jOj -, SENSATIONAL ACROBATS. 3 LUIOI BROS. 3 The Smallest Big Act Before the Public, i'lurphy'i Masquerade." Prodncedby KEID and GILBEKT. An Uproariously Funny Farce Comedy. PICTURE MACHINES. Hew and Second Band Btereoptlcons, Films, Bong Slides and Supplies. Picture machines re- built with all Improvements. Rheostats any volt- age. Mechanical effects lor acts made. Expert repairing done. NEW YORK FILM EXCHANGE. N. POWER. Mgr., UT Nassau St., New York, Panne WO Cortland. (MORAS and FIRTH) (HERLAN and HKLFi Room 501, Knickerbocker Theatre Bld'ng., 1402Bway, N. Y. City. WE HAVE WRITTEN Piaylettes, Burlesques, Sketches, Monologues, Songs, Etc, FOR SUCH ARTISTS AS Lew DockBtader, Rogers Bros., Harry Bulger, Joe Oawthorne, Jos. Sparks, Christie MscDonsId, Maud Raymond, Hilly B. Van, Rote Beaumont. Trlxle Frlganza, Elfle Fav, Burke aid 'La Rue, Stuaii Barnes, Melville and Hteti-on, Oeo. Wilson, Elsie, Madge Ellli, The. Q. Seabrooke,B?r.>r. and Langdon. Lottie Olleon, Jas. H uoiien, Msrlnnand Deane, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Murpa», tliss. F. semon, J. K. Emmett, Cbas. Earnest, Carter De Haven Sextette, AI. Carlton and others: ' AND FOR SUCH MANAGERS AS' ' Klaw A Erlanger, Sullivan, Harris ft Woods. Broadhurst A Cnrrle, Hyde A Bellman, Scrlpner-tlrew Amusement Co, Harry Bryant, Rush A Weber and many others. - ~ WE HAVE ALSO WRITTEN SUCH 80NC 8UCCB8SB8 AS I'd Leave My Happy Home lor You, it A'lnt No Lie, How'd Yon Like to Be the fcemsir'In the House or Too Much Trouble, In the Lives or Famoos Men, HerNane Is Rnse.' 'A pfcture N6 Artist Can Paint, Every Race Has a Flag Bnt the Coon, A Bit o> Blarney, and Innumerable cineri. If You Have Any Money to Spend for a Good Act, ,i For Stock or First Class Ropertotre.'Characters orGen'Blz. Can Join responsible, compeny on reoaipt or wire. Address .,..,. 2190 Canal St., New means, La. WANTED, FOR Uncle Josh Spceby Company, TLBA and DOUBLE BASS. Join on wire. Address Caney, Kan.. Nov. -»: win- neid gfl, Wellington SB DAVE B. LEVIS. WANTED— PASSIM tiki. Will exohange 8;» feet or Fair Film and p*j dim;i - eoue; will ship, »ub. to exam., you do the same, at once; don't delay. Address' i 1. E. MEED, Box 343, Ambrtdge. Pa. Attention, Band and Orchestra Leaden! Do yon want to Learn to Compote and Arrange fluster Jf go, send He. stamp for trial lesaou. Nothing to pay until yon have been taught Lessons 1,1 and «. If these lessons do uot convince yon that this Is Strictly legit- imate, then Tbey are Free. Don't write un- less you have a thorough knowledge ol the rodl- mentsof, and Mean Bnslneii. C. \V. WILCOX f Harmonist) . 1699 Broadway,». V. WANT Piano Player, MAN FOR HEAVIES, GENERAL BUSINESS MAN. Address LILLIAN MASON, Dodge City, Kan,, week :s. WANTED AT ONCE, FOR REPERTOIRE. LEADING MAN. HEAVY MAN and GENERAL BUSINISS WOMAN for lent bus 1ho*ewlth specialties preferred. Agent and Man with Picture Machine lor small part*. State lowest 1 pay all. - C. I). HENRY. Mgr. Stock Co- General Delivery, Anbnrn, N. Y. INEZ SCOTT, SENSATIONAL, NOVELTY ACT. SOMETHING NEW. . A SKRPENTIHK DAWCK IN MIDAlH. I am the orlelnator or this act, which Is a big hit. The talk of all California. Mow playing tr.e TONY LDBEL8KI CIRCDIT. ' " . ■ Managers looking for a novelty can address me care or NEW YORK CLIPPER. '■ ] PATTEN and PERRY JERRY FROM KERRYCO.. WITH SViPRBlOa UNIFORMED CONCERT BAUD AND ORCHESTRA, LADY, AI VOCALIST, flee appearance, exiellent wardrobe, eto. Alwavs glad 'ohrsr from'people Uolug Specialty and Double Baud and Orchestra. Thanks to managers rffermgtlme. ' Bo^kfd solid. See route, PATTEN * PERRY, Owners- . Va?"AlVTKI>, I^OR MILLER BROS.' STOCK CO., Good Repertoire People. Specialties preferred. We pay all. Address MILLER BROS., Horton, Hsi. 50,000 Biikir's Oavglittr Lilkss far Sals. JAMES F. CR08SKN, ins West loth St., New York. AT LIBERTY, CHARACTER SIN8IN6 MU- SICAL ACT, Punob, Novelty Act; change for two Week.; play organ; any good .bow that pajs mi- arles. Ona. Jalllet, Norman vllle, Fajeile Co., I'a. SHIELDS' RADIUM: LADY'S I EFFECT I ACTS, ■APPHO; FOUR SEASONS: SNAKE; PU08PHORESCENTSEA {DANCE). Etc. Gorgeous costumes and etlecia. These strong acts will strengthen your show. BARGAINS:—CLOAK- OD'iFlTS, III, for on.tnme andWerr^'ts: Serpentine WhiieSllk Dress. 126. worth ICO: Fire Dance OtilQts. Sound Effects, SERP. AND CLOAK EFFECTS. Write for lists. PROF. SHIELDS, lot West i9tt> St., New York- YOUR iUUAI Our Steel, Combination Lock, Trunk Safe Weight a', lb), fasten" In yonrtrnnk. It Is a great worry saver. Send for detail PmCB,f».0*» rilKJLOVVHiE SAKE AND LOU& CO., Gatestinrg, III.,or Ilea Flatiroo bidg., N. V. \«M4.,N^»»<<sWMU.r*.ji*j-,.,