The New York Clipper (November 1904)

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I 6 942 t£g8 ;i«fEW NovEMBEfc Efi. owr !: ■letake* delivery In this lite, ddrraard Bimt ?r, smd o Wrltt*a» tMletter, *l 8 ned with the aard addrrsa and tbe line • followed l.y Iho sender, ln> enclosed, fcivS 35] saoatloa tfc*> dale <o» nnm- TUB CLIPI'BB la whUh tka aver) letteraTaent for were advertise*. LADIES' LIST. Alien Blltcia dray, Jennie Ardeall, JeasM floourlcb, Wan Adelle, Mils. utilcftlM Jennie * Utlsrst, Geflrnde (HITor.l. Julio M Gardner, Jessie (Irani Mn<. Cliff (trlersM Sister* dole. Mrs. W.M. Qoodsll. ElUa Gilbert, Mignon {laylord. Bonnie Otff, 1'COllD* Glrard. Mrx.T.O Garnells Asanas MeU* J Alexander, Lillian AtoolAJMlth Afolo, Jenny ATfilon, Grace Adorcla Maters Addison, Alls* A more*. Mir* ArnoltfKra. Adl Attonrst. Louise AitSrarpe. iter* Alli um . Flora Oarnflla, Baye*. Not a Mr*. Rqtx BrardAT Mall* 011164. Fanny Biefcj Helen. BnA-Jrltw- Ballsy, .TRr* A Huts. OlxeU ■ Burry, Mildred Brought 0 "- Madeline Bennlster, Virginia Brunnt, Nettle Bertram, Ilelrn Barnard, Maoda Buana, May . Butler, Helen M Boraera, Alargaret Bertleft, Louise Blgdro BtaOJtbe Ciaraf MM. Jew MP Collos, " Cuapl Cox, 1__ . Family Crutchley, Emllj Comer, lmogene Calhoun, Julia *». Grannon. Ill llo|w, licirl Banna Mrs.W.J llopir, KMlier Harm*. Alrglnla llimcllinjiu. Louis W. Hubert, Carrie Hickman.. . Mrs. Let Hart, Mr*. .Virginia none, Mud Unrte Mi-». Johr llnrrK. . '• Fannie M Herrmann, Mmi illll, Flora Halu*n, Marie Hamilton, Masli Harvey, Rlsle Hawthorn, , ■ Velm i. Hill, Cirrie I is y ward, lira. Harry Hilda, Mm*, llyem Constance Hart, Mm. Chan Heme, lenna Chatham illsttr* Hrrppman Nettle Cohan Josttaine Clamminess Pea tl CaKod. One* Chattoam, Ktta Hart?. Jnne . Soil, Caroline ofTmnu. ' Mlaa Mm Corlnaw'^— Jackson, Ktbel Cooke," JnlU Cl«rkhir~ Caafinsen, 1 , \ Hauclon Cooper, Jane Classen Ulsters Cat**, Mabel Colter, BUM: Coleman, Msy C'armeu Blatera Coad, Jr.nnlta IM-Welse, JerrtliV LeMntt Beatrice DeVanu, Lllliin Dixon, Gertrude Dresser, Lonlse IKKlrair Slaters Direr MrsLlsxtt Dtirew glatera DeVere Caroline UeVere, Kitty Loneganj Nelile Uaroond! VlTlan Doyle, Bell DeVeaux, Marie Delnore, Ollle Dayton, Belle Dorian. Bertha Doro n. tett* Drlrtr. Anpa DeVere, Maude De Simla. May Daly, Dot Kytlyo, Cora Kmmett, Otade I.lliworta, ■ cm™ C Rdmtdi flanu l.lllott, totua Knrlgkt, Mailge Karl Mm- U. H. Hnnfcralda Kdna Ilrltn, BlancU l<aj, Joaenklne. leel, Mlaa J. L 1'renwnt, Lottie l'.d*ar<la Berlba ralk, Eleanor ritlda, Nettle Francla Delia L. rrtncla, Kmma Treneb, . Mr*. Irrlnf Farnuru, afn. 0. D, FranaJIn. May (laylot. P. M. Gray, Ploaale Gaaaman, JoaeptatM Ollmore, Marie Rqbert ackaon. Viola Kelly Afra- Tliw Kirk Nellie Kelso, Mae Kellcrmau,, Mlia E. Klefer, ilrace Klmialrd, Irene Kemon, Dorolby Leslie. Iilurn I.itlfnn, Bt'itHle Leroy. Gcl'llo tune Star May LaJos Mr». Theodore Unay, Marie l.lTlngxtoii. Jeaae V Lewis, Lillian l.nFour, Irene Leroy, Erelyn l.lttledeld.- Emmo Leroy, Erelyn LawBOD. Laura Long, eOSle Lai to. Mlaa Ella Lewis. Margaret Lawrence, , Mails B Mantall, Idk Mantneld, Mlts McCaualand, Bualan Marlon, . _. ■Mra. Sam Ulrabill. Flora MalcoT.e, Beanie Sarttit. Bthel arfhall, _:, Annette Mantell. Grgee Siney, M*ed Miller. Attn Mantall. Grace Murah Klliobetli Miller. Jennie Mordnant, Madeline Mnnhall Lillian Montrose Ixnilae Miles, Maxlne Mlakel. Cora Merlin. Ira Mitchell, Cora I. Millard, • Marsarrl Montague, May Mldgelay, Finny Mahr, Acnea MOntclnir. Beth Norrla. Coi lime Kelson Katherln Norwoou, (• ■ i Haianna Kelson, Gusale Nfife, June Olirer, Marie l:uck. Era Primrose DoTolhT L'hlllpa, Queenle I'atlersm Verne 1'oronto Flora A Porker Kenny L Phelps, Oertnde I'snlrer. Blanche Pea body, Mae E Power., Mlaa K. A. Plnnkett Blanch Panlaer, Una rNabod*, Kinma <JVUjUy;,Mnri» Itoblnson, Mac Uolllna. TliereM RedlUlf?: rioae Rlaser, Jonet E. Joseflne , l*»lle irnl, Etlia ilucannva. Mary Itomerill, Matle Itemlngton, > Majnw Itlchnnla Mis- ter'g Sboir itartt. Nellie tobtke, Mr*. Gusslu jvlgett. Marie apracuejlo,,Mra, Snbel. ioscflne itemblcr. Bailie sefien. i.lllkin Behiefer, Mae McUell, Hattle »larr, Llllle KtoddiM, Mary Speneer, Grace Summers Loulso Unrour, LaaM Siorer. H. Nellie shepifd Mabclle Shaw, Lillian -. rjlaM. RoaV - - «|erublcr, MUe Ht.Clalr, Andrey BmlUi, Bella Smith, I«-.iliell« Seldon, Pauline SoUlene, Nellie rtlegel, Mary She,. ■ • Mile. Mnrlbe Steiens, Kitty mewart, Verne frnlih, Oranne I'rulvllle Aihlell Tnylor, Lurctta iixile, Mra. Charles Trelet'an, >• Mndcllnj Tabor, Eugene Taylor, lottle Towner Slstera Troy, Donna Ty-Bell, Jollan Turner. Ruth Taylor, May TrejuKry, Queen Tbomaa, Inn Urllne, Edna vipceat. Mubel Van, Marie ' Vun, qia-lyi Vance. Rote Vernon, Rita hi Mndelme Walte.s. Nellie Woodbury Annie Wallaw. .. - ••aertmdB Wvafitigii .■■,-, j. ■ Mm. .tohn tVelW, Mian K. Weston. Kate V. Wilcox. Anita Wills, ,• Mrs. Iran M. Waloott, . Girtrnde Worthlnston, M)lM N. Wolford. Ollle Ward, May Wilton. Lillian Weathvrs, Llllle Wnrren, Emma Wliidom, Coiwlance Want, Mae Wardell. Kay Young Carolynn Keno Mra. *.H. QSNTLBHEN'S LIST. Alien. U H. AIL Mock Ssd Alger. U. I'. Auelenu <c Habber Allen.' I. D. Allen, j J. M. Alllneli .'oseph Adaoa; F.a ldl Asblon, L. Almom ft •it.' Dupont Alblnl, H, , Aiiunine, Walter Ambark, Muly Adams, E. B. Aldo, Pred Anderton, Fred ArmatioiiK, Tom Adima, , . Frank A ldl Atafr.Mr. a>Mn Antony, A. A. AlUn, W. B. MMaV B. C Alfredo,, Dr. Alailn, A. O. Arolo. Charley Adams, O. K. Ashton, Harry Ackeruap, I . Frank Avery, W. Allen, Searle A Violet llonwir. J. J, Pell. Harry Barton, John Itrlnkk-ya '1-he Itellerue, Adrian Barrett, H; L. lletiett. J. a Bihka, J. O. Brownle'a Broa. Boyer, D. H. Bruce. 0. C. Brandon * .. v . . Wiley Brother ton (Mgr Bennett, Harry nanan, J. V. Valley, Balph Brawn, .John Berry, Mile* Parr * Hrini llortnl :A Ntrtro Borrow*. Boyd Bownan. Fred Bats, Richard De etnas, a. H. BrawiTT. *. biiis, r. b. Bnrto, w. Burton, A. H. Bran**. Herbert Block, A. H. Bell, Frank Butler, A. B. *r Clifford Brotherton, W. W. W. Mlnst. Burton, Chas. BuchniT, Arthur "Irlck, P.nlw :eii»on. 1. T, -latidy A Wilson Bruce, Alfred UMden, G. T. Barlow, A. Y. Black, Dick . Belmont, lttymond Binec, Mr. BoJaforU, Biker Troupe Uend, Billy Boyd. V. ft. Bnnka. J^O. Birncll, Edward Bertrams ft Bishop. Chester Biker. 0. M. Borrows, Will IWIfort. C'H. Bell, Gaston Bowers, Martin Carroll & r.ller Cnrtla J. r. Cnrr, Willi* Cethier. Bonnie CahOl, William Cutbirun &_ . Bin Clalt OamVron, Duke Creamer, Joseph Clrdona, Wn>. plarke. C. 0.. Carney, Wm, J. Coulter ft Hart Carlyle, Sidney Caronft Farnnar Corbett. H. K. Clements. Four Corbett ft Forester Casgrsne Bro* Cooley Trio. The Dick Oorgtote, Jack Cluxtlon, . Bciomonl OaldwflL Mr. potter, F, G, Jhadwlek Trio Utlln, A. ^Ilrnwll, w. L. Carroll Jin. Carter, 1, i'. Oalltna, W. r. Case. Charlie Colllasft Hnwlej Crawford, John Crulktliiuk, Mr. Cressy ft '.:■■. Dune Co. Carroll, Pane Claudius, Dare Caron, Mark Uolby Family Colnnan, Mr. BMJi &„ Chimplln. 0. B. Cooke, II. 0. Copeland ft Oopeland CosgnHe. Oon- ■:* i T , cert Co, Cplllna, II. _ Colllni, B. P. CalAeroe. A.^H. Connery, J.O. Cnshmnn, Frank Chase ft Lister parser, Q. V. fe. n, Bli.y J - DeOlrlO. Frank DlVRMn; }. B. Dronet. Fetart Du Fnuse F. Deome, William Doone, Allen Drtne, bam De Man, Wm. Deralng, Arthur Don, Arthur Da*la; W. II. DeRobro, Count Dudley A Ohealyn Dearra Bowman Dodaon, B. F. Dlkehatie. Frank DOM, Darnel Drake, Frank Dei Rue, Bobby Datael, P. 1. Doone, Allen Detelm, Myjoe DeHlten, Carter Dalnwre A Lee Del more. Totp Dlllfa, Carlo* R. Drew. CerrPIl DstIm, a.B. Hwnncua. Tlv Dlckion, J. B. Donocbn*. I, W. Dally. Frank Doprce ft Dunr* De Ohio, Albert Onmean. A. O, paw«m A White] Kreiport, Mr.A Mrfcj" Deimoie, El DeEatoag M. Darts. It. L. Dale, W. I.. Darling, Fred Don A T: . 'rborapson Drummonl (Jaar Demmlng, .- ■ Artittar Dee, Royr'.- 4 Eugene, Adolf fly, A. W. i:mmett, Cha*. Mils, Joe P.meraon, Edward MSI** Frffle, Alberta Epoch. K. . Kilos. Hani Knrle; Burt Edworda, 0. P. Kip. City Quart. Ernie A Bon- egger Kldred, J. F.nrl A Wilson KidWa. ii. riorano, George I'llklni, I- C. i.'ox, ii. a Ford, l^.lle Finn, Irflng Blorence, Kd, Plgojau, Oscir Finning, J. L. Florasv I*o rieldi Bo61)T Freeman Bro*. Florence, Pre** Furlong, W. H- 1'rlqiiet. Tulea Flske. Mr. Fox ft Bnmmera Fane, Waller FI«Hl*e, Deo Feel, O. MV Fenton. H. 0. Florence, Edd# FJlth,. P. H. . Frederick, W. B. Florence,, Pre** PI yon, Geinrat IrrWtri, Oharles F rmks. Dan Frsncii ,o. q Fanahaw, A. L. Geralall, Richard Goman, W, E. Ggrdaer, Artie Germain, Harry Greeoryj P. l. Gagnoux, The Goodman Arthur Cuntle-jr. C. H Green, P, D- Grnnt, 0. W. t.ntes, J. H. lieorgi'A , Harrington Gotlloii, Mr. ft Mrs. Glrird. Eddie Oranrette, • Nlek D. Gardner, George Cregpry, £Uhert (lendall BIcbard Karl, A. L. 8. c. a. ■ -■p. a.. trl«avE.J, Q. E. ,L..L. fcSdgii. Edward PAcker, '■ifaoaaVj-. , .:. Thos. P. Klncnrd, J; A. Kearney. P. H. Keco, Welch A '.••> Melrose Knnse, O. H. Offers, Victor lTen.irargar, . - B. O. I.nce, Grant Langer, Dan l-araasner, Geo. txrne, S. W. URoy. Rob Llewellyn, George Mllford, Harry leffert-.. II. B. LeHogwell. , Myron l^e, Uearr. Lyan, D. II. .. taCrerde, l/iols l.aBelle, Mr.. tx>wry. Austin Lrifanlwii, Tots' Lladley, Harry l*andj Bros, ft Feely f.icrosae, J. F, l.otelaie. J. B. _ Le Mack, Harry Itjsenblatt M.U I'SifeTl.'PBul i^ , Mf.^ , Vma. Frank Hltnn .Tana u .Joseph Purtls, Jamesr Hotter ft . IB . HartwStt Cfalgle?. It. J.. Solnlan, Eddie! Qslgley, a- Bob ft George Qttlnlin, John IK-J&. Raimopd, TeiM Riymotid ft TT Harerly Uoblnson. G. B. Rapier, Gits , Rollins, Ralph Rice Family Rice ft Preioat Rujsell ft Sin Clair ltobltoy. S.-.e*. Rearey. Harry Keaptng liar- feat Co. Reed, C. 3. blcton Mr.(Jng. Iaj*e4etlh, J«ci. Gross A Lyill Co Osnlner Chil- dren, 8 m»ens, .a; . 8*<Uner, A.' F. inld*. J.. 8. Gnyeon, James Olldeu, Mack Germane George Hia«7 Eowanl Renderaon G.A Hlllltt. W. R. Ilnller, John IlanturJ, a B. Jlirdman, W. J lolcombev^^ Herman, K E. Halnmau. A. J Hart, Jnseph Henry, Jflmes Hennessey. J. R. W Harding Edward Henneseey.. ■ •., James flttetlner, Cuis llnnn. Bfn * Hodge, Harry Itomnaa.' Joe llerrlnij, R. A Ilutchlus Fostre Ilayden, Ralph Hnmans, George Ilrnnlng*. Lewis - ft Hennmgs Hebert. w. o. Howanl. it. B. llilllngsworth, . . I'MBk Henderaon ft -.s Roas Ifaya, Ed. O, Hlrrli, N. W. liilllarl, Robert Hull. Bracnle tlnDtler (Jnrdos Howard, I'rank llonghlon, . Kdwanl Hems. Ed. L. Hoyman Charles Hawkins. Percy Ilasbands, C. 0. no win! Bros. flunUtiglob, Bill jprner. Ben links, H. A. Howe, Den . Harrlman, M.H. Hilly, ft Meet,an Halting", Harry Hnrrla AWoltera Malsfon. • ■ W. A Lottie Howard. Burt Hartley A Hays Skyman, Jack 111. Percy Hill, J. P. "In Old V«." Co. Ince. J. R. Jr. lahmael, P.-P. Johnson Bros. Johnson. Prink J rimes, H..D. Jordan, Ltwls Johnson, Thco. Jpttrs, J. R. Johnson, n. L. Jenkins, Hon, JoTtlln. L. K. Jackson. ■ A. R. Jordan. Lewis Jenner, B. 8. Jirnftle, I tarry Jehtllngs. fiteplle Jtidels, Kick Jennings ft ,i._. , Jewel Jordan, • Lewis Fling. W. H. Konue A Koppe Kiieblar, Chas. Kelly & Adams Kellv & Vlolette Koplln, Al. Kane, Mr. Kyle, W. 8. Kelley, ■atawt Lorraine ft Marnhall l*wls, M. W. I.arlne ft . J ..... Leonard La Toy Bros. I*sslg, J.:E. raeon, Bert l*reh, Theodore Leoohirdt,, Ale T^anoV>, Jaci: Ltsndo. Jo*. W. Luken Bros. LlttleueM C. W. fjrell, Fttnk La She. H. Le Roy. Paul 14 Tour, J. K. ,a M.irr. B. A, ,ynch, John Lister, W. T. Ljmont. Bert Lasklnstslp John Leailtt, King Merrill, Samuel Maxamlth, Doo Manmltb, Fred Mansfield ft WUbnr MUlott Bros. Moore, J. S. Morris, L. B. Mtllsr, II. L. Mead, W. H. MeFarland. Phil Mack, Wilbur Moore ft ■« LlttleOeld Mason, Howe ft Co. McDonald, W.H. Motley, 3. W. McKey. Wm. R. Me*d. Wm, . Mortimer. Mr. Do,Llrer,>Wllll* Durrfl. JOlitl Willie Wi-B. In, A. A. . . Chh». Doerow. Dan Dean, Louis Uowilug, J. J, Keller. E. I,. Khidlll.TFrank KOfh: H. B. Keller. T. P. Kuriailer. Etull Milieu. Tliowaa IvaU.C^ntss. lcemt*. CIishm Morrlasey, t.W. McCarthy. F. S. Morgan George Meeker Matthew alonarty, W. A. Motirt, Henry Manning. M. F. Maase, EdWord Millar. O. C, 0, Morello, Msx Mnntacne, E, B Mack. J. J. Jr. Melnotte. Hugh Martin. T. 8, ' Ulson, B, L.! - MdntM»e, Frank Slowatt Goodwin Mluptn William Marchmont A.B Morphv, Bert Murray, J. E. McKlnnon ft Reed Malae. F. W. SIcNernef, John McCrnmlaB. E.F Marshill. Jack Meyer, H. L. Mick. W. II., Georg* Martin. F. A. MorrU ft Barton Miller, Fred Marks, S. A. Marsh. E. G. ManaoeM- . WUbnr Co. McPhall. Allen Martin Kid Nick Marshall. Thos. McCrec A Poole Marco, J. MonteMyro, G. Martin ft Quleg .viirtynne, . McAnallalt. Joe Mason AFrnncls Mirks, Clarence Murphy ft I.a Marcbe Morton. Phil McCarthy, J. N, Mathews, Don Melsenhelder, ,. -.. Gny McNaughton, Mann, Danny Martin Broa. Morton. H. R. Mnrlnellas. — Malcom. Bill Nlbbe, E. New An. , ,. Stock Co. Newman, Al Nlgro, John Nles, H. V. Nlblo, a B. Norworth, Jack Nelson. Fred Nelson Harry Norton, Fletcher Nelson ft Mlllee* Nelson. C. F. Nye. Ned I.'ltro, John Nice ft Viola O'Donnell, T. H Onxnro. Mr. Ott. J. E. Ogdeii, 0. L, Oak lev, Tom O'Connor ft i . . . Goodall Oninro, Mr. OrteCa. Leo Prlnple. Johnnie pa well. Tom Prentiss, P. B Polo, Arthur Pttton ft Perry Plsratel, — Page. J. O. Power, Tyrone Pearl, William Peter*. Phillip Plissey, Alfred Persay. A. F. Plnnrd. Al Prentice Trio liters. W. A. Paul Ion, Paul Prentice Trio Plckcrt, Willi* Paris, Lionel Powers, J. T- Phillips.. J. II. Prtew, w. c,. Powers, F. J. reokhaia, CD, t'Mterso'n Edwin ftlttsrta. C: Ransrlls, The Ilentx, E. W. Rose, Julian Ranken, J. W. Raimopd. Jack Robson, W. T. Royale, Harry Itobblna. C A. Rarnolnfers,-B. Rielry. Johritite noberts, Snm Ryan, Lester ft '■^■■- i, Ryan Ralnbotb, P. J. Ujdet. Tony Klchards, Dick Sntly ft Phclpt Stewart ft Raymond Stoart (Male Pattl) Smith. C. J. 8L Cye. Eugene Schnack, P. O. Seeley, O. W. feertlss, C. D. Soldi. F. H. Slater, J. W. Simmons, W. H. Sotter. Jack Balrtnl, Ben Spann. Byron Stewart, H. M. i-hrewsnurg H.J Samnyra, Manuel Srabert, Alee St. Aobarn Wnt Bnlly. I*w • Selblnl A Groilnt Schllxong Niklai Sloans. The., Spencer, James Sharp, W. 0. Smith. J. Sully, Daniel Srabert. Alex, fchutter, H. R. Swindells. A. K. Spencer, C, M. Salsbury Charles Smith Amu. Co, Shaw. Mr. ft ' MrsPLarry Sloans. The ' 8wl(t, Herbert Suiter, I. H. fipaon, Byn.n Stanley, I latry "Sparrow" '• Sllnson ft ', ' ' Merton Snmayao, Mr. Sherman, G. S. Surony, Gilbert Stent, Ernest Snltisan & - .. > Weston Smith, F. J. B. Shntsehl, Wilt Sully, J. F. Story, F. S. Smith, W. F. Tbomaa, W. F. Taylor, H. 0. Trans. H.' A. Terrell. F. EL Tobln. 1. 3. Thurston, . Teel. G. M. i ■ Trlplett,. W. M. Tracy ft Welsh Teubnioke, ■ . James Thatcher James Vnmont, Victor Via. B.' 0. Viola;'Vteet Varney, V. 'A. Vesetey, John Vincent, P. 3. Velllee, Bayard Van Derkonr, |I. E. Varo, Frink Varo Trio Wilbur, C. Williams Judson Williams, P, ,J., Wlllird cSstleS West, wiUiiD Ward. C. H. Wllker Bib i. flchnck Wrlirht, E. J. Wlgaln. Beit. ' Woods, D. H. ' William*. Wiley Wllaon, W. D. eltsvll. Jnmes 'bite ASheldon Webbs, Four Wllklson, W. M. W*lsh, Frank . Wallace. Robert Weed, R. E. Waters, Tom Waller. John Woodward. V.P. Ware, Walter Wills, J.'B. Wright. J. B. Woodward, George Washburn t-ouls Wllklni, Walter Wesson, A. K. Wearer ft De Ven Wittier Edward Warren, R. J. Wrlaht, J. Wolfe. 3. A. Wolf, H. G. Wllllsms, Gns Warren. J.' 0. Way. W. O. Walters ft Go- Carter Wilson, F. R. Wallet. W. F. Weston. Eddie. Wbslcn. Wm. >Vesley, II. O. Washer Bros. Wseten, A. H. Wllllsms, Sim Waldo ft never* Wards,; Al , Wirreu. Edward Yates, Jolin Yuat.. Bertram Zlmtsrr. Forrest , np.lSHYLVAJilA. -<«ll«*iellf|rts^-Thongli lacklnf.wyfelts thellBtOf oftrtngs at the local theatres this SBI lstao AtttactlTS one snd should ^result xjtitt ratrregate of nttendanCe. Id n(J- ' to ifirAe: coining 'rhnnksflTlna; ptf- if svbollday week, ond this Inrarlabiy A'Bliisci*as*4 rto'rorioge. l'-~~i- E o*n 8mm TitrkTBD tKixnn ft Zlrniner- u,. njssflgers).—That William. H. Crnce, ... ^"Birslaeos In Boslnesf," achieved inccesa at this house ■•■ last week could not be denied, fori the Urge patronage and the approvsl with which the offering was received room for doubt on this score/ The current week ends the engagement, next week brlog- IW'Willram Gillette, In "The - Admirable CrTchtOB..':, • ,. -„...-.■ !• . _.,.:. ; -• ■'■■■ ( iASfttCK Tnr.xTBB (Frank Howe Jr.; man- ifcerl.—^The aingsRcmerit of Annie -R»iB«<ellj In "Brother Jncquesj" cornea to an end this reek The' opening week wa* all that could tie-desired the patronage being large and the reception of the ntnr and vehicle very (•ordlnl. The nnnnol engagement of Illchnrd Masafleld Is announced to commence nett weekJ, ., _\ .i- CiftsTii'trt Htrpxt Opeba rToiisB (^lxo€ ft Klmmernian, mnnagcrs).—The end of the engagement, of "The Rogers': Brothers In Pan*'' occurs this week, tnoojh. judging t-j the continued large patronage last week, the tun, could profitably bo extended for many weeks longpr. The announcement for the corning week Is Wright I.orrlmer, in "The i ClO^STNtt rtntRRi 1 THEATllB (NllOB A tlmftsyiiMlit/.inaBagefa).—The opening al the first eight's engagement for Grace Van fetuddlford, in "lied Feather." last week, proved RatlBfactory:both In size of the at- tendance and the warmth of the reception. "Plff I PaitlY Pouf II!" Is scheduled for Hie coming week. . ,. r : ii^fe - h.U:l : WALtroT StBEEt Thejitbb . (Frank Hoars ir>, managet).—The ttlled condition of thla houne throughout Inst week attested to the favor In, which Lawrence DOrsay and "The Earl of Pawtocket" are held by local theatre- goers. The same attraction la continued during this .week, with "Checkers" under- lined tO follOW. . - ■-: -' • Casino (Ellas, Koenlg ft Lederer, mana- gers).—If the sire of the patronage bestowed on this house lost weak la any criterion the new management baa hit upon a policy that la sure to meet with success. Killed bouses prevailed throughout the week and the re- ception Accorded' Rlce'a "The Jolly Mr. Wis" was very gratlfvln'g/. The same offering Is continued until further notice. ; Park THftATRA (F. G. Nlxon-Nlrdllogei. manager).^Creaton Clarke. In "Monsrenr Beaucalre," holds the. thla house ?urine; the present week. The patronage urned out In force last week to witnessJtSe performances of the new melodrama, "The Vacant Chair." Next week, Adelaide Thurs- ton, In "Polly Primrose." '- . National TfikAtri , (Joseph M, Kelly, manager),— M A Race for Ofe" waathe offer- ing last week, and It .prospered excellently well. This week the card la "Faat Life in New York," with "Why Girle Leave Home" scheduled to follow.' ■ . (Mn Opsba. Hocss (G. A. Wegafarth. manager),—The Rays, In "Down the Pike," furnish the I current entertainment for the patrons at this house. The performances of "The Errand Boy" last week, by Billy B. Van and company, were largely patronised. Next week brings Lewis Morrison, in "Faust" l PRQPMVrJ Thhatbb-(F. G. Nlxon-Nlrdling- er, manager).—"A Child. Wife" la the of- fering for the current this house. "A, Prisoner or War" fared well last week. Netf week, "A Wife's Secret." : Blanct's Arch Street TSKatbj (M. S. Schleslnger, manager).—After a prosperous week with the melodrama. "From Rags to Riches," this bouse now has Blaney's pro- duction of "A Working Girl's Wrongs." Next week brings "More To Be Pitied than Scorned,',' , Ginauu) AvENta Theatse (Miller & Kanf- man, managers). — Eugenie Blair and her company cone'to this theatre this week, pre- senting Plnerp's play, "Iris.''' The patrons Were, much amused last week with the ad- vent nrcs of "Happy Hooligan," and attended the performances HV large numbers, "David Hat-tun" is announced for the,coming week.,- i HAKT'a New .THBATflB tibhn w. Hart, manager).—"Deseried at the Altar" is en- gaging the .attention ,'of the patrons thla Seek, with'-"A-,Working G(ri's wrongs" held [reserve for the week coming. "Too Proud to Beg'.' did an excellent busiaesa last week. FOBEfALQH'S THEATRE (Miller *Y KsAlf- man, managers).—Tbe patrons are Interested this week in the productloo or Langdon Mc- gdrmlck'a melodrjuna. "Out of the Fold," r , lite stock company of the, house, "My PartnerlV Was .excellently played last week. In rehearsal for the coming-week, "Alaska." : SAAKxVa Buod Tbratbe (Carl Saake, man- ager). ;: -"The Gold Uncle"'-snd "Cue and Sword" are the- two offerings by the German stock company thla week, Attendance was of satisfactory proportions last week. Sra.NiMi>r> t heatbb (Darcy ft Speck, man- agers).—The ?tock company did praiseworthy Work' last week In "Resurrection," and the patrons showed.their appreciation by attend- ing .In large cumbers. Thla week, ".Tim Bhydsjo" ■ la;_(he offering, while . "Woman Agaitist Woman" Is in preparation for tbe cottttrr. week.....'_, ' ..; u ., \ KEixa'fl New Thsatbi. (H., T. Jordan, resident manager).-7-Au attractive list has been arranged for the current week at thla bouse, the acta Including: Delia Fox, Bar- rows-Lancaster Co., Powells manikins Charles Kenna, Snyder and Buckley, St Ooge. Bros., Moullere Sisters, Lew Hawkins, Betlman and Alqpre, Murphy and Francis, Henderson and Rosa, Van. Fosses and He- Catiley, St. John and Lefevre, Jacobs and Van Tyle, and the hlograph. Btw Ton Thbatkh (Bon Ton Amusement Ce.,' managers).—The- programme thla week Includes: The Rijoti Circus, Chick, Two Mor- rises, the Martins, Caroline Hitch lugs, Elite irlo, the Plotts, Sensational Rlcos and mov- Cnrrlck Tbeatre, fll«d sn ana»« ifcetVweek to tbe salt otEdwatdT? Davis, who JUIms a partnership In the"thsjtre.... in njs ajgrswer, Mr. How* claims that the agreement was tb nay Mr. pavis twenty per c;pt. of the profits for securing the lease of the tbeaUe from Mr. Welkkunan, the owner, ,It; Is also Sverred In the answer that. Mr t 'J>av«. eo.- eavored: to secure .sola ownensjm-of-the lesse^tMt ne ItTtruded. himself and friends behind the scenes, that he used the most desirable »eats. antl that he told managers that he was the proprietor or the theatre and Mr. Howe merely an employe. ' « ". . PI ttshnrg; At the Nlxoi (Thos. F, Kirk, Jrr, manager) Nat C. Goodwin, J* "The Usurper," Nov, ai-20. -. Maode Adams. In •The Little Minister," dosed * splendid week's business 10. Margaret Gordon, as Felice, was very successful. "Mother Goose" begins sn engagement of two weeks.28. ^: ; alvin (Harry Davis, manager).—The stock company Is presenting as the current Week's offering that sterling Irish drama, •}Robert Emmett" Last week's production of "Charley's Annt" was- a auccess in every way. Nothing • but: lBOShter wavfWard all Week, Icdnlged rn by audiences large In num- bers. Frederick Paulding, In ths.-tiue role. Was the central figure, and bin Won could not have been Improved npon. white the others nnultfed themselves la-an able manner. "The Village Postmaster" 28 and week; ,,; i GAtBTx 1 (James E. Orr; resident manager). T-Brady ftGrlspjer's Co+.In "Siberia," iiX.ifl. Business last week was all that could he de- jlred. "The Street Singer," with. Florence Bindley, proved a good, drawing card. Tbe large audiences .were well pleased and ap- plauded tbe good points liberally. "The Mis- sourians" 28 and week. : Bijorr (R. M. Gnllck, manager).—"Shadows of a Great City" 21 and week. Ilanlops' "Buperba" has been seta here on numerous occasions, but never to-better advantage than in Its present rejuvenated /shape, i This opinion seems to- be fraanlmoua as expressed by tbe Immense audiences attracted last week, as well as the press. Chauncey Olcott, In "A Romance of Athlone," 28 and week. - Di.Qt'ESNE- (R. M. Gullck, manager).— "Running for Ofilce" opened a week's en- gagement il. John .and i Emma Jtay. In "Down tbe Pike," last week duplicated their feat of five weeks ago In packing the bouse to the doors, at eveyy performance. When the orchestra) is compelled to vacate Its cus- tomary location and furnish music from tbe recesses of the. stage comment seems to be unnecessary. That was the situation at the bouse last week. Rosa and Fenton, la "Twirly Wblrly," 28 and week. , Ejipibb t-B. J; McCflHongh, rsanager).—- Tbe management presents this week "Tbe Sign of tbe Four.'' Annie Blancke and a splendid- company pr?sen*ed "A LlttTe Oot- cast'' last week In fine style to excellent busi- ness. Mlsa Blancke Is a favorite In Pitta- burg, and In tbe character of Bob, tbe news- boy, In which she has been seen before In- creaaed her circle of.admirers. Tbe clever work of the. other members of the company apso came In for a good share of the ap- plause. Madame Herrmann and vaudeville week of 23. i Ave.nub (Harry DagJs, manager).—The Travesty Company's offering this week Is "Flddle-Dee-Dee,'.' Good, .houses ruled last Week with "Hurly Burly" and a burlesque on 'jGlsmonda," called "Hla-Mandy." The com- nany showed a decided Improvement over the work of the-prevlons week, and things moved with a dtah. and vim that was enjoyable. The audiences were enthusiastic, la prepar- ation, "Barbara Fidgety." , Grand OftEA House (Harry Davis, traana- ;r),—Crowded houses were the rule last reek. The customary first class show was irnlshed. This week: Wm. Ingersoll and •AnMaTit^dJaniJ. * Bears, managers) Creatore's Bana,"ir-10, had good houses. moTlng3»ctnr*s" ilL^soa^rvlliB'S-ie. * * Pre ■ ... T., 1 " " ! •' Reading;.—At the Academy of Mnsle IJohn I>v Mlshler, maBSger) "queen of the WhW.e8hUres"drew Well Nov. 14. Margaret An- gling appeared to good advantage In sn ar- tistic and enjoyable production of ber new play, "The Eternal Feminine," 15. ."Fast lAfe IH.Vew York" came to 17 "The Peddler" hrSJ well filed boose 18, IP, Booked^ -"One Night in June" 21, Creatore and band 22, "Down Our Way" 23, "The Other Girl" 24, Charles A. Loder 26. Grand Opera House (Nathan Appell, man- ager).—"The Black Slask" drew to 'capacity a4-«j. ■ "A.. Working Girl's Wrongs", had crowded houses J-7-llt;,. Bijou (Upoegraff & Brownel], managers) —Harry MarteH's Brigadiers and Vanity Fair Burlesquers bad successful engagements 14-16 and 1M9, respectrveryi■-- - , a . n . ' Altoona.—At the Eleventh Avenue Opera nonSe (I.'C. Mlshler, manager) "The Maid nod the? Mommy," Nov.-14, and "The Stroll- ers," J.5J bad crowded bouses. "Looping the Loop" bad a big house 1C. "Mr. Wilson, That's All," pleased 17. This play, under the management of Wood ft Jolly, Is an original musical farce, by Ed. Jolly, and was first nro- dlicedat Hlgbbridge,N, J., Nov. 3. "A Little Outcast" 18, "The Black Mask" lfl, "Queen of the WhlteJiSlsves" 21, Katherlne WTiisrd Eva Taylor, Ten-Ichi Troupe, Rice and Pre> iost, Joe Flvnn, Melanl Trio, Howard and ?land, Violet Dale, Yankee Comedy Four, duslcal Klelst, litrgerald. Pierce and Maizee and the klnetograph. Academy- (Harry W. Williams, manager). -j-Scrlbner'a Morning Glories week of 21. The Imperial Burlesquers departed 19, after leg pictures. r^I.E— inner, . Kennedy, Jhn . Payton .Com. Qo, '. _ tHB NOTICE AT HEAD OF LIST* i " ■»»*> 'l is * ■■' '• ,tjS Harrt Overton, late of the Pawnee Bill StmwK, has been engaged to go In advance of the Fields ft Uanson Minstrels. .EVENtii Street Opera Housb (Prank Dumont, rnrvnngert.—There Is no change *n tbe offerings at this house, the same bur- lesque continuing to amuse tbe patrons. Busi- ness was at tbe top notch last week. i . Lyceum Tufiatbb (John G. Jermon, man- ager). —The patrons turned out In force last week and thoroughly enjoyed the entertain- ment furnished by Rice ft Barton's Big Oiletv Co. The boards are held this week by tbe Jolly Grass Widows. Next week, tbe Gay Manqneradera. ■ TnocADRitn (Floyd Lauman, manager). —The Vanity Fatr Burlesquers are providing tbe entertainment for the patrons this week. Last week the. Trocadero Burlesquers tar- nished entertainment for tbe patrons and enjoyed the utmost prosperity. E.MPinE TiiEATnt: (Walter Raymond, resi- dent manager).—The vaudeville programme tbta week Includes: The Hollands, tbe Great Inman, Tnnsy Turiry Trio. Mannle Forcpaugb, Ronaldo Trio, Mlllershlp Sisters, Mods. Herbert, Alien and Lamar, Gorges and ilan, and the cinemstoscope.- - NlKTK AND AllCU BTnSET MU8KUM (C. A. Bradeabnrgh. manager)!—-In-the carlo ball the features this week are: Dunbar's capttne p.iradoi. Tom Burrows, Indian club swinger: Mile, morello's performing spaniels. Bam Johusou, human • fesetrolr: liny War Jell, Sdileal artist: Maurice Bjecbter. globe tftit- h ftnd Sam Cotett, expansionist. In the tltefttre the continuous vaudeville bill iu- eludes: Prof. 8, Horrmauu, Mr. Tarad Mrs. Van, Sam Ilordcll, Owen and Stinll, the r.reat Tanna. Chlcigo Comedy Quartet. May Bryant and the clncograpb. Notes.— Julia Marlowe and.B. H. Snthem, In "Romeo and Juliet," are scheduled for the 22, "Buster BrOwn" 23, 'The Peddler" 24 De Wolf Hopper 25, "Rachel Goldstein" 26 "In the Shadow of the Gallows" 28, "A. Mid- night Marriage".28., , .... , ... LAiicakater.—'At the jTiilioh Opera House (Chas. A. x'ecker, manager) the Chester, De Vonde Stock Co.' pleased large houses, la repertory, - Nov. 14-19.; Coming: Katherlne Wlllard 21, Green Itoom Club of F. and SI. Collejfe presents "Richelieu," under direction of Rev. Edwin Tanner, who was formerly on the stage as a tragedian, 22; Lillian Morti- mer, lb. "A Girt of the Streets," 23; "Sher- lock Holmes" 24, .Mrs. GUbert 25, De Wolf Hopper 26,'MirdredfloIwnd 28. ■, ■ ' • ■ • a»» »- Sg HEW YORK STATE. 4 big week's business. Tbe house Was crowd- ejd to the doors repeatedly.. There was a brightness and snap id the performance that kept everybody Iq..» good humor, and the general verdict appeared to be that, this company Is among (he best that ever played here. Scrlfiner's Tiger 28, for week. , STAs (Keystone Amusement Co., mana- gers).—Business last week took an upward Jump, tbe Increase .making It evident that this house is steadily growing In favor. Bill week of 21: Crlmmins and Mack, Elmer Clif- ton, Ethel Temple, Jose .Marty and tbe Staro- graph. with animated pictures of "Tbe Lost CnlldV' j Notes. —The Washbnrn Sisters,' With the •Imperials at the Academy last week, we're »ery' sMecessfnl, being the recipients of an enthusiastic welcome. Their snappy act gained many new .Admirers...;. .John .P. Harris, business manager of tbe Avenue The- atre and Grand Opera House, spent last tfeek in New. York on. business connected With his theatres... E. fl. Macoy, presi- dent of the National Printing Co., Chicago, was a visitor to this city last week. • '■'.., V . . '."' * ." "*'". ■ ! Horrlsbdrg.—At the tycerim (ijVBels, manager) "The I*le of Spice'' drew <alr feusl- fless Nov. 14. Creston Clarke and company 3resented "Monsieur Beaucalre," to a good adlence, 18. The Play and star made big access. Katherlne Wlllard; in "The Power Behind the Throne,'' was a success 1ft. Dae: , "It Happened In Nordland" 21, 22, Creatore's Band ia, "Buster Brown" 24, Mildred Hol- land 26. ; OFBSA House (M. Rets, manager).—Charles A. Loder, with a good company, presented "A Funny Side of Life," 14-10, to.good houses. ■{The Sign of the Four," 17-10, in which waiter Edwards and company were successfnt. The play Is well starred and the cast a strong one. John Hlmmelein's Ideals 28 and week. Notes. —Otis Harlan, one of,the owners of ■!The Sign of the Four,".was here 19 Edwnrd C. White, of the Mildred Holland and, Katherlne Wlllard companies^ was here 18, 19. He was entertained by a number of Bhrlhers...'...J. W.'Fellows, buslneea repre- sentative of Mildred Holland, was here 18- 31.......John Welsh, formerly of Welsh Brothers, will launch a road show after the holidays "A Girl of the Streets" did fair business at Middletown. Pa., 10 Harry A. Matthews, of the Fisher Academy. Lebanon, Pa„ has Joined "Tbe Showmn^s Daughter" Co ; Maurice Frank and Flor- ence J^.Sarahls were married at.York, ftr., 16. They are members of the "Ilschel Gold- stein" Co Jack Mccormick, of this city, will direct the stage and play leads for tbe Harrlsbure Dramatic Club, In "My Partner," which will open at ML Joy, Pa., 24 May Shirk, of Lebanon, Pa., a member of "The Trolley Party".Co.. was given a warm wel- come at her homo 10.. Buffalo.—At the Stir Theatre (P. C. Cor- nell,, manager J "Mother Goose" Is tbe at- traction for week of Nov. 21. The Royal Venetian Band 27, Maude Adams 28. N. C. Goodwlo, In "The Usurper," delighted last " Tick Theateb: (Walter 8. Baldwin, man- ager).—The stock this week . will, produce '.'The ProdigaLDauihter." "The Girl I Left Behind Me" next week. "Podd'uhead Wll. son" proved one of the most delightful and magnetic of the many line playa Been here this year. . . . -.:.. ;-.t.. .-•• ..•: Shea's Qasdex TflBATBB.—The following will donbtless be a highly satisfactory Thanks- giving week bill: Pewltt. Harry GUfoil, Gra- de. Emmett and Co, in "Mrs. Murphy's Sec- ond Hnsband;" Ed. Latell, Louise Dresser, and Eckert and Burg. Mme.. Slapoffskl-and Blllly Link were good hits last week. LvCEL'M Tueatok (J. Langhlln, manager). —^-''Lights of Home" this week. ''Tbe Heart of Maryland" next weeka "The Lost Child" was given at the Banday entertainment 20, which included-: Frederick Palmer, Annie Uoblnson, Arthur Verity. "The Way of the Transgressor" drew satisfactorily. Academy (G. C. Stevens, manager).—"A Little Outcast" comes this week. "Wedded and Parted" next week. "The Charity Nurse" drew well 14-19. ; Lafayette Thbatbb (C. M. Bagg, mans- <sr).—Fred , Irwin's Big Show tHs week, tush's Bon. Ton Burlesquers did nicely. . Contention Hall (H. L. Meecb, custo- dian).—Prospects point to a gala night for Melba, Thanksgiving. Notes. —General; regret is manifested for George J. AppletotfB misfortune in break- ing a leg at Columbus, .0. .He Is convalesc- ing, at the General Hospital here Business baa picked up considerably since election Manager Thomas O'Brien, and friends went to Cleveland,- 0., last week to attend the opening . of the Wm. Farnum Stock Co., which opens the New Park Thea- tre, here Christmas week. . as '. " ' ji ■ , Rochester.—At thai.Lyceum Theatre (M. E,' Wolff, manager) Savage's English Grand Opera Co. made its first visit to onr city and won thousands of admirers. It Is sore of an enthusiastic reception on Its next visit. The repertory- Included : "Lohengrin," "Car- men," "Othello,". ••Tannhauaer," "L« Bo- heme," "Cavallerla Rustlcana" and "I Pagll- accL The staging and chorus work were excellent. Joseph Sbeenan, .Wm. Wegener, Frauds Boyle, Winifred Goff, Marlon lv«ll, Gertrude Rennyson, Clara Line Brooks de- serve mention. Tbe orchestra was welt con- ducted by N. B. Emanuel and Elliott Scbenck. Capacity audiences ruled tbe entire week. Night of 20 H.' J. Arbold And company, in spirUaaHstlc experiments, had a fair house. Song recltal.-ai, by Emlllo de Gogona, under local auspices. Chauncey Olcott, in "A Ro- mance of Athlone," 22; "The Prince of Pll- acn" 24, 25. National Ttteatse (Max Hurtlg, mana- ger).—The Russell Bros, pleased fair audi- ences 14-16V ln_"The Female Detectives." "The Volunteer Organist" was given on 17- 10, to good business. The scenery and stag- ing was jfooa as was the singing of the choir boys. Theodore Hamilton, Id "The Mls- soottths," 21-23; "The Heart of Maryland' 24.26, Baker Theatee (J. B. Boyle, manager). —Wm. Bonelll, In "An American Gentle- man," was a deservedly big drawing card 3cranton— At the Lyceum (Aa J. Dairy, manager) the Scran-ton Symphony Orchestra Nov. 21, ltobortJiantoll a% "Tbe.H)ther Girl"-S3. "Girls Wl|l j& Glfls." retorituea- gagefflenti 24; Louis' Morrison, In "Fatttt," 2U. 'The Isle of Spice," 10, matinee and evenlog, to largo houses. "Cupid A Co.," 17i to large houses. . — a-i. '-■ - • .; , Academy (A. J. Dully, manager).—"Ratal Wedding" 21-23, "From Rags to Rlchea" 24- 26. "I-ncle Tom's Cabin" came 17-10, to good houses. .. ... 9ta« (Alf. G. HerrltJtrtbn, manager).—The Gay Mssrraeraden* 21-23. The Btfgadltrs came 17-11), to good bouses. ujuu, w«3- a uc-. t, cuiy uijc arawing cara 14-16, and wsa well supported. "Lights of Home" . played to big business 17-19. Com- ing:. "The.Way of the Transgressor" 21-23. "Wedded and Parted'' 24-26, .-Cook Opiba House (J. H. Moore, msna- f?r).—S. R. 0. continues at this coiy house, or 21 and week: Jessie Millward, Marlon Garson, Belle Stone, Polk and Collins, Car- lln, and Otto,.Bruno and Russell, the klneto- graph and "The Sonny South." Cobintkian Theatsb (Henry C. Jacobi. manager).—^The new Majesties turned 'em awiy week of 14, und rtrst rate show was given. Bon Ton Bmlesquers 21. ' Albnny^-At Harffianus Bleecker . Hail (H, R. Jacobs, manager) Louis J. Russell, la "The Middleman," Nov. 14, 15, made a good Impression before good slxed oudlenees. "The Other Girl," 18. had an excellent audi- ence. "The Fatal Wedding,", with Gertrude Haynes, 1719, came to ijood business. Mad- ame- Schumann-Helnk 21, "The Volunteer Organist" 22, 23, George Primrose's Mln- atrels 24, .-•-,- . ■ . ... EiCTJns (H. R. Jacobs, manager)^-"A Struggle for Gold," 14-16, came to excellent returns, and "A Game of Hearts," 17-10, bad continued good business. Russell Bros., la "Tbe Female Detoctives,'' 21-23. PnocroB's (Howard Graham, resident man- ager).—The vaudeville bill last week was up to the usual standard and filled tbe house at each performance. For week of 21: Stephen Grattao and company, Ira "Locked Out at 3 a. m. ;" (Clara Ballerlnl, Angellne Norton end Paul Nicholson, Greene and Warren, Keith and Ruslc, Frank Bush, Mabel Adams, Viola Duval and new moving pictures- , (Jailtv (B. B. Nichols, manager).— Clark's Runaway Girls delighted large audi- ences 14-lfi. The one axt muslcsl comedy, "Oiir Wives," Was very fanny. Tbe olio consisted of the: LA Vslls, the Horseshoe Three,, Burg. .Bisters, Reynolds and OUhl, Gebrge T. Darls, RosalLvMnrpby, La Marcbe and Riley, and the Minola ballet. FrShk R Carr'a 'ilioroughbreds. came 17-in and bad fine business. The butlesqaes were amusing and novel. The company Included: Willie Weston, the Unique Trio, the Dancing Mlt-