The New York Clipper (November 1904)

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November 26 »i .i m *• THE NEW YOBK CLIPPER ,- . , • ■ ■■ j . - ., ' -, i ."'-. aj im La , * r ■< " -, 3 — 943 ^CI^tMSSM^ **** lgbt Concerts BESt TO BE HAD. Sv . .- .-'I. ;• -..',.. "• A-■ ■■!■ : WT We use ACROBATIC and DANCIKO ACTS, Etc. Do your act tbe i»m*3« Mb**, day »t;l he 6untl*» Conwii. "aoH playing i Ue TldtlHj «Vi«]di;iOp itsjfamfo I, «*. We »r<! doing t,h« Lariest Clnl> and Ente'riMniront llus'lOCM lu I lie Knit d the Boiion Ihutrt 1b. I immoi for at, write as at one*. Whw writing,'■«■«' ROWtR nnil PkflMANKVT ADDUR4 >OTK.—Ffrformen who plavysd ClB. MKA6 AIVI US BE MB NT* OO., IBB Tr*m6nt a-ti-oo*. Boston, "i no' Wsidiburn and Flynn, Coyne. Ardcll, 'i cl ^nrt*»S5 Edwafils. and" Mile. UrTosko. 'f.^^Awcrlcan Burlesqucrs 21-23, Bo- ESSf Bj ^aiuerj, 24-26. . sri««l»sv—The New Casino Theatre (0. P. . ■ i«T mflttacer) owned hut week. and. £2& fronTflie large audiences which wit- J "^d^ho Mcellem vaudcvlllo offered, the SSt nrbmlses to become extremely popular. ,h? fiSnw Is located in the Casino rink, ™?,i, has been remodeled at considerable "v^nse. The followlhs people made up.the ';S3Sc ptobramnie: Dora Larry. Prnokle ?^> « terElns. Comedy Sketch team, Bertha kJm. NetfhyW*rtandGene HumrJhfM. The^l-Offered f « Kov - 21 ond iufk^ Loft '-«• Long.,acrobatic trio; Wat- M, a sfeters,' Jimmy Humphrey, Dolly Sharp, •"TmLToTnrAKi (F. V- ?<«'• "T" „.Jni —Packed houses rnled at this place for week • Tbo hill- Included: Hale aud Sm- Seeker, Wilkes nnd company, Adelenc J.? -ndbber,'- Alice Dorothy. The bill for «Mk of 20 comprises: Jack Brown. Lillian Wrlsht/llcclne nnd 'Ra'ymnnd, Laura Mar- ticrc May Nellson. Daisy Hunt, Boy Burton and James D. Proudl ove. ■ Tr«T«^-At-41»e,.Lyceum Theatre (Burns ciilam manager) the Know Stock packed tbo mlT'aU hwt wtek. la'-'-Thclma. 1 ' "When KnUhtbood T?ns In Flowed 21-2fi. niswoLD Opeua House (M. Itcis. mana- ,„H _"The Other Girl" drew n big house 17 ScbumamvHelnk, In/. "Love"*- Lottery," ..•'•. r. TU< , isje of Spice" '24, George rtun- row's Minstrels' 2ftV ■ . , lUxn's Orr.BA Hot-SB (U rtcls. mnnacer). —••A Fata! Woddlnc" drew fairly well 14- 1(1. "Jl Game of Hearts" bad fairly good houses 17-10. "A Struggle for Gold" Is ilue 21-23, "The Great Automobile Slystery" •'i-°u. '•• • " •ii;. .'■ ii; ■ .; ■ " iiovat* Thfatre (W. IT: Buck, managerl. —The Thoroughbreds had big business 14- 10. 'Ino Runaway Girls.filled the bain* 17- lit:' 'The'Bohemian Burlescrijerr are am 21- 23J American. Burlesqucrs.24-20.. Klon.—At the Majestic Creston Clarke, hi "Monsieur Beaucatre." did fair Nor. 14. •The Game Keeper" had a fair audience 15. ••The Trolly Tarty" 15, "Peck, and His Motbcr-ln-IJtw" had a good, nudlence .IT. "Cuuld & Co." did fair 18. "Our Pastor" drew, -well. 11). -Coming:. Mrs. Gilbert 21. l'rluirose Minstrels'22. "The Isle of Spice" :>::, -Wlnsiime Winnie" 24, "New Tfork Day by Day'.' 20L- . ; .. iinriiKUJi,,—Last.week's bill was good and drew fine business. Bill 21-2C: Slierrauu. mid Dc Forest, diaries II. Bradsbuw and n.inpuUY. Kiuc.-L Uogan, Rnyuiond and Kur- niinp-, Dercnda and tlrcen, Manning nnd Urew and.the Vedmara. ,' STA«.-T-Ijast week's, bill drew well. A sluek.coiftiicny.of fourteen lieople has been arrsuged.- known ns the Star Theatre Co. This week lliey present "The World Against Her" and "The Diamond Bobbery." . 9 Syracuse.—At Welting Opera House (John J* Kerr, manager) "Cupid & Co." Nov. 18, 1'rlmrosc's Minstrels 21, "The Isle.of Spice" 22. Victor's Band 2,1, Chauncey Olcott 24, Paula Edwards, In "Winsome Winnie,'!. 23 ; "Prince of Vllsen" 20. Kastablb (U. A. iiurtlg, manager).— "The Volunteer Organist,'' 14-10, came to good business. "The' Female Detectives" 17-19, "The Ueart of Maryland" 21-23. "The MIs- iouriaaa" 24.20. "Tilly Olson" 28-30, "Uun- nlng for Office" Dec 1-3. ^. Opeba Hocsc. —"An American Gen- tleman" 1T-J8, "Wedded and Parted" 21-23, "The Wuy of the Transgressor" 24-20. "New York Day by Day" 28-30, "licr Mad Mar- riage" Dec. 1-3. - • i • » . Jamestown. — At the Samuels Opera House (M. Itels. manager) Ernest Lamson. In "Young 'fobo Jloxle," Nov." 12, came to fair patronage. Will H. Myers' Stock Co:, 14-10, leutiirlng liosabellc Leslie, hud good business, tbaiiuccy.Olcott, In "A Komance of Athlone," 17, had S. It. O., at advanced prices. Chicago Stock Co. '.Jl-20. Xcwks. —Jule Dclmar, manager of the Ce- leron Vaudeville Theatre, Is borne, having sev- ered his connection with the Empire. Cleve- land. He Is -endeavoring to organize a 6tock i-iHupfluy to build a new theatre bere..,... Myers* Stock "played XJn)on; City 17. ... Uluslianilon.—At Stone Opera House iJ. P. E. Clark, manager) Mildred Holland bad good business Nov. 14. William Bratn- well delighted tC larrgc audience 10. Crcstoh t'lsrk did well . 17. "Our New Minister" drew good Attendance IS, 10. "Tlic Other tilrl" conies 21, Mrs. Gilbert 22, "Girls Will Be Girls" 23, Dan Sully 24, "Why Girls i-cave Hotne'" 23, " 'Way Down Bast 20. ««» - MARYLAND. ' DISTHICT OF colvmbia: naltimore. -*j At- Ford's Opera House (I'liurlcs K. Ford.. manager) Cecilia Loftus opens In "The Serfo-Comic Governess" Nov. 21. "ltesurrectlon" closed a week of folr I'lislucss 10. "Tho Prince of rllscn" Is due 2«. . . . ,' Actmxxov Mrsic (Nixon & Zimmerman, uiauagers).—Wright I.orlmer enters upon his WMM week, with "The Shepherd King," 21. The_;Sorceress^' with Mra. Patrick Camp- CnI.SB'8 (W, Warren Do Witt, manager). —"Die HenrlctU" . la the attraction for ilianksglvlng Week. Good attendance was the rule last week, with "The Strange Ad- ventures of Miss. Brown." "Held By the Lueniy" U;bllled for. 28. . ' ~-4 • '■. ACDironiuy (James £. Kcrhon. manager). —Attraction for week of 21, "ITie Beauty • Mctor.." Itors and Fcnton. who opened iielr.tpur 14. In. VTwIrly-Whlrly," drew a Mic.-essinu of full houses. "Happy Hooligan" mines 28. »t*MH**** < James L. Kcrhan, manager).— ' »e bill for the eurrent week Includes: Mil- on and DoHy .\ ol)leSi Harry G IIfoll, Lotta '•ladstone, Charles Hera. Trask and Gladden, '.? a Millard, the Nichols Sisters and the rosper Troupe. Last week's business was BteteL C Stahl ' a 8utM * s ta ' her JSO^B Stiibct XGeorge W. Klfe, mina- w«.k .)S l ' r ' w,rl8 .Leave Home" Si aiid 1 P i and week. "The v.'i l| .' bJ «••attendance ruled 14-10, with "Her Wi Marriage.!' "A Working Gir!'«.Wron.4$- -eM 0:v V. , J EK, ' Ar ' < James L. Kcrnan, mann- ih.'Vi Jc * »*, Barton's Big Gaiety Co. TV i>,"- il* ttr .'> I J"va clossd a prosperous week tJESaPSl Fair Burlesque, Co. 28. mbic (B. Dlrlcb, manager).—Melba np- K a .« la,concert 21. Cruutqrc and hie Kind u i. *<?' a r, '» ofi nlgni<i-..cngiiKi'.nii>nJ 24, «>itli niatuieeB 24 anil ^'0. ..... . ..:■■.. v ' -J i A0> '■■ ■' ■ .'•.■■ ' mSHXgSS* arrived Nov. 0, much bene- kSLS, he 2 lth by a. lira months' lour of Lugianu ana the continent, Washington.—At the Columblu Thea- tre. (Joseph E. r.uekctt, manager) this week, Margaret Anglin'. In "Tlic Eternal I'eml- nlne." Last week. Dustlti Farnutn. In "The Virginian.'' had deservedly packed houses. Grace Van Studdiford, In "Red Feather," Nov. 28-Hec i* A •■.-.,. . Nationai. .TUB4IRE ( V. U. .Bnprey, mana- ger).—This week, Sam Bernard. In 'The Girl from Kay's." East week, Cecilia Loftus, In *'Tfce Serlo-Comlc Governess," had good busi- ness. James K. Ha'rkeit. In "The Fortunes of a King," Nov. 28-Dec,. 3. .. L\rAJiETTK Opkiu Ilot'sr. <Ira J. La Motte, manager).—This week, Ross sod Fenton. In "TwJrly-Wbirly." Last week, "Sherlock lloimes'' had crowded audleoi**.' Joe Welch, in "Cohen's Lack.'" Nov. 2fcDec 3. -• - 2 Acadhmv or. Music (J. W. Lyons, mana- ger).— "Happy Hooligan" Is the present week's bill. Last week,; "A Wife's secret" had large and well pleased audiences. Han- Ions' "Superba" Nov. 28-Dec. 3- . chase's Tiieatbb (Miss H. Winifred Dc Witt, manager).—This week: Lo Bisque Quartet. Earln and Earlc, Holeomb, Curtis nnd Webb, Stuart Barnes. Zeno, Carl and Xeno. John. and Bertha Gleason and Fred Houlihan, I'd. Foster's dog, "Mike," and mo- tion pictures. I.nst' wjeek • Tcw^tt, the mo- chao'cal head, held first-place- on an excellent bill, and the house was crowded twice'a day. I.vctr.M Thkathi; (Eugene Kernan. man- aMt ). — This week, Scrlbner's . Mornlnc Glories. Last week the Tiger Lilies made snort, to big business. ' Rice-nnd Bartop's Gaiety Co. Nov. 28 Dec. S; Xotk. —David Belssco lins leased Conven- tion Hall for the Initial presentation of Mrs. Leslie Carter's new play, .'.'Adrea," next mouth. . • . : , . " ~ ««» . LOUISIANA. 'rfctln Crosm»n-28i'"Thc WaekMask" Dccl, V **A-<J)ilae»c 44oneynioon''-».- l • lUu .Thkvtiil (Jas. W. Cooklln. manager). —For week ,o(. 21. Spilth & l^irose's t»cto- w rnnns. Included In the cutupfiny are n num- ber of .veil known vaudeville team.«. H.isl- ness last week was up ,to the usual, stundanl. ' ' *j ' i*j ' ' new JKi»si:v. • ' - ' ify , '• »«vnrk.—Fair business prevailed last week. _. . . ..i. rAtewar.K-TltR-^Tan (Lc-o.Oltolc.ngul, mana- ger).—"The Couhty Chatrinsn" (Kastem) Nov.. 21-20, Th«> performance 21.1s gUen for the benefit of the-Home for .Crippled Children. "Checkers," .with Thomas 'W. Ross, made n success with large audiences 14-111!' "The Other Girl" .23 and wet*: KMPlr.R (II. M. Hyatns, 'mnnnaer).— Thomas 1-5. Shea, in repertory, forms a good holldsy oft'crlni; this wtsrk. "Runtiing for omee received fairly .goid attention 1-J-lu. "The. .Volunteer Orgnnhit* 28 and .week.. i ' CoLtiMui.v Oi. ,1. Jacobs, manager).— Worthy holldsy entertainment Is-given this week liv.Bttrnev Gllm'ore, In "K!dnapt>ed In New York." "The. Flaming,Arrow" ploaawl islr sited nu<liences 14-10. "On the Bridge t MWnlght" 28 and week. :.. ,; .'.... . Blasbv's -(J. :H. Bncken,. mnnawrVr- " l'itled than.Scotriert" will give manV thrills to the patrons the present-week. "Tracked Around the World", obtained .mlr results 14-10, "A Bnce< for Life" . 28 and ■ Wamimann's (W. S. Clark, manager).—Tlic Vtonlans this week, wlfli Madden «pd Jeis. Sllldred Stoller. .Boston City. Fqur,.Frcdo nnd Dnrc, Valrabro nnd llortpo, bj\4 Itulii Jordan Moonlight Maids ' Thollrlgndlei's Sew Orleans.—At the Tulnnc-(W.. II Rowles, manager') "The Silver 8llp|)er" proved a Btrong drawing card week of Nov. 13.. Frederick Warde and Kathryn Kidder, presenting "Salambo," 20 and week. Crcscjsxt (W. II. Bowles, ■ manager).— "Tlic. Burgnmnster" played to a big week's business 13-10, and It was well deserved. Special mention Is. due Oscar Flgman. Chas. Sharp. Oscar Rngland, Fred llallev, olga Von Hatzfclt. Dorothy Rac, LouUe. Bracket; cud the Lockhart Sisters. "Undcr;Southern Skies" week of 20. " 0RANI) Orr.nA House (II. C. Fourton, man- ager*.— "Tiic! Gunner's Mate" drew big houses week of 13 and gave entire satisfaction. "The Three Musketeers" week of 20. GittXNW.u.i. (lly, Urcenwall, manager).— "Hearts of Oak" was the offering by the splen- Old Baldwlu-Mclvillc Stov'k Cu...week.of, 13. nnd pleased large audiences. "Jim Bludsoc" week of 20. presenting the new leading .man, Juseph Kilgour. . .'. .;- ,~ .<'.- Fiu'.xcit Oi'tiiA IIoush (F. Cazcllc, man- nger),—The French Drama and Comedy Co. did fair business week of 1". presenting "La Tour Dc Xcslc," "Bcbe" and ."Colijnare I <j Blen-.Vlme." .A change of bill'for week of-20 giving Nofcmhet W\& MiXer: It wilMe eVencoltter byThanka- Seeiog that you want a heavy overcoat, why not order it to-morrow morning; 90 that we can rush it through ? $30 will> give you a 9*Up5rb^ilk lined greatcoat of heavy imported material—made.tvp in any way and cut .any le.ngth you want. . '. ,'] ., Send for samples, measuring outfit nnd fashion cards. Bribadway and Oth St, Nevr York. : VDICIMA. "1 r-„r).lft is promised. IAIIIC (Scamons & Machclte. lessees).— This place of auiii«i>nient, formerly known as. the Trocadcro Theatre, situated at the corner of Burguudy nnd Shervlllc Streets, ond was to bo under the management of the So. Amusement .Co. this season, but .owing to some .error In time of. completion, thv theatre was leased to Managers Seamon & Machetle, who ..will • present, the -Olympla Oiiera Co. as the attraction, opening 20, with VThe Telephone GlrL" , ■ . ,,OnniEt'if (M. Beck, general raauaEer).— Good business ruled week of 14. Bill for week of 21 Includes: Lewis McL'ord and Co., ■Tecliow's cats, Simon and Paris, Relff Bros.. 1'hyllls Allen, Jas. arid Bonnie' Farley and the Keleeys (second week)'. <•'.' ' : ■ Faraxta's (F. tV. Foranta, manaircr).^+ This popular lower district theatre, formerly known as the Klyslum. will open Its doors- for the season about Dec. 1, under tbe ruan- Ufrcincnt of Slznor V. W. Farsnta, who In years gone by inltlited popular priced thea- tres In the Crescent City and won much favor. Mr. Faranta will offer the lower dis- trict patrons nothing but the best, giving two shows dally at 10 and 20 cents. Business Manager Will A. Stiller, who has been with Mr. Faranta for years, states; that the bouse will-scat some eighteen hundred people, i- ,. Notbs. —The Jttck Everliardt-Lucy Dalv AH Star Vacation, Co. returned here .week of J3, snd disbanded,' everybody being paid UP to date The .local Elks will give a grand Thanksgiving dinner to' tbe poor 24. y»» ■ ■ RHODE ISLAND. Providence.—liood weather and good at- tract Ions combined to gladden the hearts of local managers week of Nov. 44.. .... . VaoyiDi:NC'i: Opeua Howsi; (Felix B.Wen- (lelschaefcr- manager).—Frltzl Scbcft and company, Nov. 14,1(>. In "The Two Ros»«." paekpd the house. "Granny," in which Mrs. Gilbert appeared 17-18. with a matinee, fared well. "The Sleeping Beauty and the Beast" 21-20, "The Secret of Foil ch cue lie"' 28 and week. •"" Kmi-ibr (SplU ,'c Nathnnson, managers). -^"Flo Flo," 14-10. was a production which appealed -to large bouses and received their r.nprobatlon. George W. Monroe- did well week of 21 in "Mrs. Mac. the' Mriyor. "Deal- ers 1n White Women" 2k and week. Imfeuial (Felix n. Wcudelscbncfcr, man- ager).—Mulcolia Williams and tho rrovldenc? Iirum.-itlc Stock Co.. which lie heads, gave a creditable production of "The School for Scandal" 11-10.. The . Private Secretary" i'l^O, "The Wlf.v 28 and week. ; i Kritii's (Charles I^ivenbcrg, manager).— Programme for 21 Includes: Will 11. Murphy. Blanche Nichols and Co- In "From Zaza to Uncle Tom:" Kdwln Nlcander, of the Albeo Stock. Co.. In songs and stories; Sydney Dean and company, Singer's monkey comedians, Fulgora, "tbe transflgurator:" Wilton Broth- ers, Gardner and Vfiiccnz, the Golden Gate Quintette, Ada Arnoldson, the Cbatnberllrni. Karl and Wllsou, Cuunlngbarn and Lord and the Msrinellas. Park (Hurry Young, resident manager). —Weber 4 Fields' "i-Tddle-Dee-Dee" pleased 14-19. "•llddle-Dee-Wlnks" 21-20. WrsTiiiNsrtr.- (George.II. Baicheller, man- ngor).—The' World Beaters gsve a good show 14-11). The Runaway Girls 21-20, Amer- ican Burlesnners 28 and week. O'OonJiAN's Ml'BECM.—The first strictly department-store show In this city opeucd 10. Admission Is Tree except on evenings and liolktuvs. Tbe .bill Ihsluded.: Alfred Spcakman," Lnlu Brown. Jamt* Plinley. Jo'lb i:ilswortli, Felix Walsh. Joseph. Mark.. tola Dodge. Speakc and Vim, Eleanor Woods, Louise Samper and tbe olograph, a -human ostritii, « gypsy csiap and trained dagi*. f?.""5 ■-, - .i * *' - 1 ' - * -.' ' '. ' .-.'■i^oonneieltwto-At the WnoltHArket Opera Iloiiae (Josh 11. Ogdi'ii. manager) "i:.-u-a|i*cl irnw Sing »ro^" N.>v. 10. "Aubrey fltnek. Co. waek.of n. '.'A Kageed Hero" gave two per- farniancss 12 tn excellent business., itertlia CattamT. In "Dorathy Vernon .of Hoddou Uall,"--Uad fair returns 17. Cemlog; Beg- and Bwncho .Unsc. The pleased good audiences 14-19. week or28. l»BocTon'8 (J. Austin Fynea, cenernl man- ngcr).—A feature this week Is "The Olrl with the Auburn Hair,". The Gasch, Sisters, Mr. and'Mrs. Perkins Fisher, Joe Morris, Hal ilerrltt, McGroth Brothers and the-ttolfers complete the'bill. ..' ' . , Notes. —John PliillpnSoiifa arid his band will be here Jtotidly; Dec. .1.,.. .'.It. Is re-, ported I hat Entile A. Brugnlere Is consider- ing a plan to build a Rummer home for'the children of Indigent theatrical people, in South Orange. .. ■ , Jersey Clly.—"Tbe Ninety and Nine" closed a fair week at. the Academy Nov. 10. At the Bijou good business ruled with "Girls Will Be Girls." AI. Leech, keeping thlugB moving, nnd Fulton's Jolly Grans Widows, at the Bon Ton. nitli on olio of snappy acts and an opening aud closing burlesque Hint kept ibe inidleiK-e on u broad grin, eujoyed a fair share of prosi/crlly. ArAi'EJiY (Frank K. Henderson, manager). —Tbahksglvlng week." wllh extra mntlliee. "Klglit Bells." Captain Burrlngton" 28 nud week. ■ Bum; (John W. Holmes, proprietor)*— "Tracked Around the World'' 21-20. The Rays, In "Down the Pike." next. -Bon Ton- (T. W. Dlnklns. manager).— Weber's Dainty Duchess 21-20. To follow, New York Stars. : Notes. — -p. Hart, formerly of the Lyceum, Buffalo, N. V.. Is acting as assistant treas- urer at the Ilijou loc Mnddcu, of the team Jess and Maddrii. of the Utopians, la at home, suffering from throat trouble. linbokei*.—At the Lytic (|l. I'. Soulier, manager) "Oh Thanksgiving Ctoy," Nor. 13- 10. had-good results, and Joe'Welch, In bis- new play, "Cohen's Luck." 17-10. had Sne (fnanclal returns. "Cohenk UWk. wblch re- ceived,Its first pt'escntutlou ut this house.17, Is a comedy drama, by Lee Arthur, and de- picts the lire of Abe Cohen, the proprietor of a little restaurant on the Last side of. New York City. There is the usual amount of good and bad luck nud a pro ratio share of splrv villainy incidental to. plays of this kind. After being buffeted and tossed'ahutit from one' tlUug lu. .another, Cohen finally wins a cspitsI prize In 3 lottery, and 'there- after everything Is serene. Mr. Welch scored a big personal triumph and the play was well liked by our people- "The Little Church .\rotind the Corner"- L'0-Ll.'l, "The Hecret of the Subway" 24-20. ■ Kmi'IRK (A. M. Bruggciuoun. proprietor).— Business continues heavy. Tlic inullnees are now given on TileVdoy. Thursday.and Satur- day.. An act closed 11. and Bailey and Wil- liams aud the Sparrow Trio were substituted. Offerings for 21-27: Fred llslleu stid Mollle Fuller. Six Mnslcal Cutlys. Four Rlanos. Carlo tta Del mar, John B'reb. LIldaB Stafr, Hedricks and J'rescott an,U Johnnieifoej, ., :' -.- - •-..- ■ ' . r ji"' - - 1 - «/*?« Trenton.—At the .Taylor Opera Houso (Montgomery 3loscs. manager) "Red Feath- er.''. Nov. 12, hqd sood business. "Sergeant Kitty," ll, dldifalrlv well. "tlulBcy Ailuni* Snwycr" IP. The OJibway Indians have been changed to 22. Coining: Lew, Fields" Stock Cp. 23. 24. "Riff! Puff IT Ponf 11 1" 2'.. Vogel'R Minstrels 2<J, Wui. Fnvcrsham 20, "The Crisis" Dec.-2, Cecilia LoTtusa.' ' ■' , • Statb Si. Tun.tTnn (Frank B. Walters, mnuugcr).—"A Working Girl's Wrongs." Ill, did welL "On Thanksgiving Day, ,r 17-19. gave satisfaction, to good Kltejg houses. Com- ing: "Sherlock Holmes"'. 21-23, "The Little Chureli Around the l orner'.' 24, 1'icAI amateur 23. 'The Minister's Diiuglitcrs" 21). "Fast ]Jfe hi New. York" JS-yn, "A Midnight Mar- rlpcc" Dec. lili. ( . . ... Tmt.vT (I'dword Kenton.' manager).—Bin; business last week. Bill for 21 nnd week: The Holies. Brandlovr nnd Wiley, 1'otter and Hartwell. Fred Nlbloi Mldgeley and Carlisle, (-'Odette Orchestra and the blograpb. . . i ' i . . ■ » i :'. . ■ Kllmlirtli — At the Jjyceum (Hlroy A Drake, managers) "Fast lylfc In New York" canie Nov. 14-10. to fairly . good business. The many scenic effects and strong cast made the show a success. Following came A leagued Hero," 17-19, to fair returns. . To come: "The Flaming Arrow" 21-22, "The Stain of Guilt" 24-20. "A,Game of Hearts" 28-30. "Kscapcd fro.-n Sing ^Ing'' Dec. 1-3. J.u-ous.--"(julncy AUaaja Sawyer" and "East. Lxnue". pleased. To^comc: "Brown's In Town 21. 1l From ■ Ragjt' to Riches" 24. "Circus Duy" 22,..V.L'ncIe ^osh .Sprucehy" 20. . i • ';. 1 1 * Camden.—At the Camden Thestre (M. W. Tuylor, manager)- "Tbo' Peddler," Kov. 14-10. did excellent bntlness, a* did "Tbe Llgiiihousc by the Sea." Bookings:. "A Ragged Hero" 21-23. "A Lost Boy" 24-2U, 1 bomas I-:. Khea, lo repertory. 28 and week. . .Nots. —The Three Musical Bachelors, who reside here, have an entirely-now -feature net that Is. keeping them as busy as beca Mother, father a'dd-sun' coiittltutc.t lie team. the latter. Little "Zckc." being brought en by bis father In.a dress case. ' , '. .,, ■ . » :. i n i Atlantic- city—At the Ocean Pier Tho- atre (W. E. «hackelford, manager) good himinesM' greeted "Raster Rniwii" .Nov. 15. "A Clitait Ddy" 17-JD. foinlilg; llie flna i.i-ti-Mo;tlti,n iU>. week of 21. Norfolk.—Tho Aendemy of Music (Curliln Shields, manuKcr) was dark recently. Shep- aid's raoflng pictures Nov. 24, 'The Vir- ginian" a.V "Qulney Adams Havfyer" > 20, "Sherlock Holmes" 28. . t.riANnv i Juke Wells, manager)."—The Ell- hoVe.Slstrn proved lo bo nb unusually atronc drawing card week of 14. "A Trlsoncr of War" week of 21. ; nii.O'tr'.Iabh. Smith,, manager). — Teoplc week df 24 nrf: ttelen Fowler, Lillian Gor- man. Riwo Melring, Dora Wnrdell and tho Three Hownids. Ifuslnesa Is-good. , AritR (Chas.' M. Wrst, mansger).—New beoplc week of 2J : Clifton Misters, Maud Ii'vlng.'Mnv Gale and Prof. Weston's moving pictures. Business is good. ', Manhattan (J. M. & C. A. Crlnnlnii, mau- ajteritK-^New, faces (or ;week of 21 are: Floreftn, .Rio'Temple,, Wetting uml Fraser, Srandon and Crouch, penman And Harris, nsten Sister's. Emma 'Wallace, Sophia Mlunrhai'd nud Master Earl Boston. Business I* very igdodr ■ ■ rr i AruiTOtiiuSt (J. M. Barton, manager).— People for week- of 21 are: Edmonds nnd Hollerith - Joiinsun nnd Sullivan, Mull Grunt, Guy .Jobuann, It. Jean Buckley. Minnie Pnt- tei'srm, Rnfltrlce Kuppiert, Flnrcncc Edwnnls, George Dnvls. nnd. Chas- E. lleuti, bIuk<> iBniiiifc'fr. llusluess Is good. • J ( > ' ; .. % ' i. ., i Hlrhmnnrf—,At the' Academy of Munlr (Chas-: W. Rex. .manager) - Cdus. Ilawtrey played". 7A : houses, , .well 18. McKHngl .. .Mars," ,to fair Kousfs, >0\V.]n. TO. "Sergeant Kitty" did wage M •To. "':"»cn 'The Virginian" 22. "tiulncy slicpard'a moving plc- 24. F.Tltet. Gtt.KUV, AXU tbn Dnmont Slstcra^wiU aj the OtMaoflt ijhnera. -' . -.:.** l* - •- - lOv ,. wife* ires'%,,'2l|. Ili.i.Otj.. (.Wells & McKce, nietuiHi'i'H).— "Ruchel G^ltltlehi" plnved to crowded houses 14 1)1, ThVl'Jlliiorc Sisters, In "Mrs. Dc- lancr. o( Newport," 21-20; "The Llghthoitsu uj- tbn »s»" .week of 28. ' ' I , , I'oi.-rHborit— At the Academy of Music (Tho>. G.JAiaUi. manaicr),"Alice. Where Art Phon ?" pleased ^Nov. 8. "Qulney Adanis Hawyer" 2.'t, Shepard's. niovlug pictures, 2». ' Fom:i'Ai:uii-KEi.i^ Rhus.' *tyo excellent sitls(m;t.Wn. .,.;u lafge ntten da I ■' - 1 ' orkuoy, twice 0. Portland.—At the Marquoin Grand (Csl- vln llclllg. uiuliager) Jauivs J. Jc/frlcs, In "Davy, CUiyiclt,'!'eeted by a pucknd linuso Nov*.' 8. "Tho 'Icndcrfuot'' did gou.1 business 10-12. The MkrTnb Convert Co. 14, the Mutalakuthln Band matlhec 1C. Wlilln WhltllM»».r Jti, 10,-•'j'hfl Rilhdtvuys" 17, 18, •As Vou Like It" 10, "Candida" 21-23, UaV- ctl,v'a.Mlnatrel*,iM, "Arlsomi" 25, 20. VC'oi.U!lBi.\ (Geogo h. Baker, minuigcri.— "The Gay .Parisians," lly the Columbia The- atre Co., opened well 13. "The Gill I Left llelilnd Me'' did big business week of 0. "I^il' As'frny" wl|l be put oh.'' 20. A hciiellt for IWIUi Angus, a. mcinlier of the Columbia Theatre Slock Co., who Is pow In the hospital-w4th typhoid fever, will ho given ui'teniuon of 22. ■"• I ' • 'CokuiiAV'H (Cordrnv & RuKstll, mauugcrs). —"Flnaigau's Ball" had two packed Iiou«ch 13. - •MAbaif .and Mason had packed hnuses week of 0 to sen "Fritz and rjnltjc." Tills houso will,be opened with continuous vaude- ville 20, under the ntanagrmelit of Suillran & CouslrilO(V ,..;..• XlAKi it's (Keating 4 -Flood, managers).— Prof. BerAoIds, Pierce Bros, and Marks, the McShsSreyi, tha Trarlolos, 1I..G. Baldwin, tbe livings .Trio, OUrue, Mann and Franks and the olograph.,. Stau (1^. Mortbn' Cohen,'manager)'.—Three unsnao aau nose t.cnee ;OneiiKi;»r . (W. A. H '/Ann's BuUefaiuc Co., Mi Ida llosfter,-! Fran»ls \ AJvolus, llic.Yole Duo". Richard Burton, t.'ir- tcr and MetiUel, Adeline Blrehler, the Musi- cal Harts uad (he projectosrppc. AitCAiiK . (S. 'Morton Cohen, manager),— I'.crn Couiedv Fpur, Adims Bros., Alfred Anderson, Hopper ond Buricll and the Atner- ienn bioscojic. , Lvnr (Keating 4 Flood, managers).—T.m Guros, Vvrgc uiidt\eida, Douglas and ilotid- lus. Lvuuatd, Brus., Harry Tloyt and tbo vltascopc, Bijou (Fred T. Merlil, managor).—Iibwo nnd Decker, the Morions, the Great Ellwovd, Pearl (Ireyson nnd llio vltuscoiic. .Make ia. Shapiro, msangnr).—Helen I>e liirraln, ICIoine Forrest, Amy Irtitntnirlcr. Ada Orlando dad Rose Ilodee Campbell. .. Simons, ninaager). — Mae Vernon, Amenta. . Venlta Grey, Nelllo JJoore, Imogen Muuidluld, Eva Winston, Nemo Cntto. r*ou Errol, ljattle Ward, Miss Cecil, little Leonand, Gertie Kieth. Vln Moore, Ilu rel Llndsey, Mnjorlc Mandevllle, Clura Kvuus, Mr. Winn, Burucy Tralnor and Edith Ray- taoud. ':■■■' Fbi7*'h.Nbw Tjiiwt«b i J. J. Wc«t, maun- «!),—Lillle- Stetson, Birdie Wrcnn, Joslc Myers. J, J, West, Uerrv und Wliltting, LouUu Keeslng. Rouney and Forrester. Currln Wln- tkeil. Florcuve Russell, the Greut West in, Florence West, the Sthrkeys, Mullan aud Kcuney, Ba«ter and Hontbwlck, the De Ar- mos and l<eslie Stirling. ;Bl..\giini'H CoNCSItT Hai.l (Ell. II." Davli, niatianr)-.«-Aoita Defahchcx, \Tc Lewis; Wll- sou and'Leicester. Stella Clair uad Lulu Thels. 'Esickso.n'h SIt;s:c Mil (II. D. Griffin, mnnaser'.-rJennie lllpley, Bereece Murray, Mae Jackson, Beatrice Lome and Fay Leslie. ' —"Aunt" Louisa Eldrldge fells this slory ns coming: irom William -Collier: "While playing '•Tbe Dictator;' In a small town In (he East I went unusually well. At the cloKe of the show I asked a stage band-to help mp on with my overcoat and the man thus expressed bis opinion: 'Say. that's a great o. young fellow. tk«;whole piece, III en. "I have disposed of , y, "A Mexican Girl." M.lirl J- ) nave, til-.« HWd to him 4o~tlte jjngiiiiii imehidrgnuL,-en T? "\- ■ -V .,'. Pled,T^tlmThflmc^;''rVy.wiR&*l«ved, ixo Ukmc Dchont. of; V.—SKJh f H»^SSf & plhJinS ttt role W •wiU hereafter be koowu 1 Deuton Mason, wltD the "liUlBc/ Adams Saw- m : - <v v., . . i\ 7*T^Co., for the iccoad leaiei n * ^ Bew York 'tM Now upproschcs 'bo Season' off coughs nnd colds, nfrhciiniallaui and pneumonia, which numbers tnoro wiciiniH than "plsguo, peatlk-nco and fsniih*." AtNltiat tlieau evils there Isnosuror All around ssfcgiinrdl luiii Jsegor Under- wear, famous tho wand over for lis curuiiva us well ss protective virtues. imt UWIfKNUKD HV LKAIHSIU PlIVllIOrANBt HVKRYWHKWE. Rookuts and Hampltt mt. ■ 1308 Fifth Ave. ! 107 Broadway. Brooklyn: (04 Fulton St. Boitnn: sao-!i3i Buylston 8t. Ptilladslphla: mo Oheatnnt St. Ohlc ago: ■ Slate 8u Agmti (n au titles. Caloium Gas and Moving Picture Outfit EnlarMlnlns Ida Public. Ueatnri i„ii,ruml,i|iliiis eiuipli'te onldta wllh stuipln ami i-Apllel( ititiruclliiiia. Tho Field Is Larue, cimiprUlog His reiiuUrilientre anil leeliif" ilriull, alio in.-ii UriflH In i.h'in-lit'R. Public Hchouls, i.,iiinMKii4i.i-ner<t I'nblic (istliehqal. Nnllilns iirTrji,!. Iictter iippurliinlLlea for :Zu''^, Oar Outfit Conuius the Q. P. OO.'S model. MM CALOIUM OAS OUTFIT, tha greatest cundle poyvar.the tafff* End moateoonomlonl«BS-maklft« outfit aver Invented. w«i«ktsoikt. Strrecpticoit, Moving flrturt HicMwi, n... tuA.. anil cirrv scceaaory Flint, SIIOII na .,irii (,,r contpleta *nterlalnuieiil«. Ainnlntiily thn late«t tt I idji ninl \ lewu on ih'i iiiarkoi. lucluiilnif sllaubjeet* furtne puhllc'a cnjoyinonl. FRIE antertainm.nt aupply cntalOfUai ViA SPECIAL iOFFIH fully caplslm cverytblig. CWCUO WOlECTiaa CO., MS Cea tborn 11., Dial. 107, Caleaj*. B«JS? LITHOGRflPH' ABOUT HALF THE PRiCE i IEW L1TH0-TIHT PAPER ■ MM Fon MMMM Morrison Show Print, men or pooh-you hied tbbtb . No one, old enough lo know better, ehoujd be neglectful of that most vital and useful organ df tho human system—the teeth—tho vity guards to Ihe gateway of health. 80ZODONT ) TOOTH POWDER should bo found on tho toilet table of every one, be he rich or poor. It will not tarnish gold work nor scratch Ihe enamel. A p«r« fact dentifrice—the one for you. 1 yfJRMSi LI QUID. POWDER PA8TK. haison Bernard; MODES. Stage and Street Bats. ExcluslTe Deiips. < , Seven West Tliirty-lirsl SI., :'ir '^tilw?YpifiiCa<"< * u Pe: cent. Off lo toe f roftsaleoi :?