The New York Clipper (November 1904)

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914 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. November 26. "Met tun* ALL OUR FILMS COMK WITH RED TITLES, AND SHOW OUR TRADE MARK. FAT HE FILMS Latest Novelties, 12 Cents Pep Foot. COME AND LOOK AT OUR ORIGINAL FILMS AND YOU WILL NEVER BUY "DUPE8." SELUMG AQCMTt, KLEINB OPTICA! CO. CHICAGO. A PRINCESS IN DISGUISE (Very Pretty Fairy Tale), BULL FIQHT (Entirely New, Most Realistic Ever Out), AUGUST, THE MONKEY (Very Laughable), -. - THE STRIKE (Realistic Social Scene), - - • We Sill Only Oir Original Films. .X 557 feet 377 feet 246 feet 442 feet A CHEEKY TRAVELER (Very Funny), - - - • - 164 fett INDIANS AND COWBOYS (Attack-on a Coach) • "... - • .J90 feet DRAMA IN THE AIR (Sensational), ) - ; 180 feet JOSEPH SOLD BY HIS BROTHERS (Famous Biblical Scene), - 623 feet »42E. 23d Street, NnwYirli. T00Z00NIN ARABS. "Thegreatest troupe of acrobats in lite world, and ibis beyond any qaestlon or douht,!» per- forming at Shea's thl* wee*, nod jCBierdar set two t>lg audiences wild with enthusiasm, of the tort that la rarely heard In a theatre; thin la Hassan Ben All's Toozoonln Arab Troupe, whose members set all laws of equilibrium at defiance, and gel through epace npskle down aa easily as they do In Hie right-aiiie-up positions. Their feats am peculiar to themselves, every member of the troupe has been trained from babyhood by 8lo BaFsan Hen All. They are whirlwind performers, and aside from their marvelous tumii'lng. they give a great exhibition In human pyramid work."—THE GLOBE, Toronto, Ont., Can., Oat. 11,1»M. Now Playing Second Week at Hammerstein's Victoria Theatre. ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS ■IV HAS! A3 BKV A LI, 11T W. 13th STREET, 3. T. CITY. .THE BIG ACT... .THE BIG ACT. Miss Belle Stone DEFIES THE LAWS Of ORAVITY, Holla up and Down a Spiral, while Locked in a Stool Ball 27 Inches in Diameter, '■. V "•' Using lio Mtrhanlcal to Perform the hum, OPEN TIME, DEO. 5 AND LATEB. Address ' bulls stone, cook's ope«a house, Rochester, n. y„ Mov.ii: '\. 1 TKnPLK THEATRE, DETROIT, MICH., 21. BSVfiRIDGE STOCK COS. One, Two and Three* Management of F. Po MILLER. PABK MANAGERS—If yon want a clean, olever co. for yonr park next Summer, addren F. P. MILLER. Macon- Georgia. Wanted, for Turner-Shaker Medicine Company, PEKKOIIMERH OF ALL KINDS, Those that can change for a wee* or two. No RazerJItn or Over the River Charier People Wanted. WE WANT MUSICAL ACTS, COMEDIANS. VOCALIST. SILENT ACTS, SISTER TEAM, NOVELTY ACTA, lint must change. WANT WOMEN will) Strong Specialties, Good singers and Work In Acta. PIANO PLAYERS that can Work on Siajre. You must he swell dressers on and off the stage. Those that can appreciate good treatment and their money every Sunday morning are the oneswewant. Yon will bare to hurry for we open 6 Couipumes Dec. l. F. H.-Want u Man with Good Specialties. Good Comedian that can put on aoia, that In tip to date and make them go. We pay all; very lowest In drat letter. Regards to all friends, turner-sh aker medicine CO., 822 King* Highway, St. Louts, Mo.l WANTED QUICK, For MAX AM & SIGHTS' COMEDIANS, Repertoire Comedian wllh Specialties, Cbaiact. r Wf man. Jnvtnlle Wtnian. n fcr Beavlessnd Juveniles, good Property Man who can act, PIANIST, or eilmttun play parte piofened. Preference «lven people that can Uu specialties. People muat lesrn lines, and be able to wardrobe their parts, fe pay board and car faro. Win advance tickets to responsible people. Long season for good people. SALARIES POSITIVELY SURE, but must be reasonable. No drinker* or incompetents tol- erated. Photo, full particular* and lowest salary In Orst letter. Al letters answered. Address MAXAM & BIGHTS, car. Oast. Delivery, Minneapolis. Mien. worn tmi /ALL HEW\ \VEBSIOIf,j AMOUO IM B. X T ; WANTI BROTHERS BO YKR, GREATEST ACROBATIC>AIlCE FROLIC ON EARTH, TWO GOOD STRAIGHT MEN, SISTER ACT, AND LKADISG LADY, WHO CAN SING. No boozers or bar room speech makers. Also GOOD AQKNT. Address ." ■' • JO*. H. AUTHOR, Central Hotel, BeaverFelli. Pa. SHOW OPENS DEO. 10, THERE. REHEARSALS START DEO. 1. ' ««."■ WE ARE NOT AN IMPORTATION—BUT ? COMB AND BBS WILLS and HASSAN CIRCLE THEATRE, NEW YORK CITY, THIS WEEK. *""f • WANTED QUICK, BUCK FACE CflHBQUi■« EBSH UMS Onewho can do BlPRlnR, talking and dancing Inside end •nil.dpnhlc comedy quartette. Always room for got ii MlOkirei People and Muali lam. Add reus aa per Uuuie In llila paper. FLORA WENTWORTH, UKADS, MKAVIKS, INOCNU ac m . Ability, appearance, magnificent wardrobe. PARKERSRURG, W. VA., HOTEL ST. NICHOLAS. « ii*r,u<9i:oivi»T, DEC. IB AND UTKUOPKS, Address IIKNRY BROWN, 1U Dearborn St., Chicago. MARION and DEANE, j - , TBI* WEEK. (LKVEbMU'l THEATRE, CHICAGO. At Liberty, DALE DEVEREAUX, ■ ', JUVENILE LEADS and OEM. 817. . • Per. Htock or One Piece ONLY. Per. Address, DALE DKVEREAVX, 119 Main 81., Ashtalmla,O, PLAYING COLUMBIA THEATRE, BROOKLYN, WEEK OF NOV. 14. FOB IE OH TO LEASE, SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS WITH STOCK MANAGERS, f. -OR- The Midnight Bide of Pill Severe. SMALL CAST FULL LINE OF PRINTING. A Historical Drama 1st Fosjr Acts. For full particulars address C. L. w Ell, Mgr. American Theatre, v avia. bsi. auwnuav iuc.lic, 4td St, and »'h Are., N. Y. Olty. A GOOD, BIG FLAT ALSO A GOOD MUSICAL COMEDY OR HIGH CLASS MUSIC A'. F A RCE. Would feature a good Singing Comedian with name. Vaudeville headllaer preferred. FREDS. NIXOK-NIRDL1NQER. General Manaser Nikon A Zimmerman Enter- prlses, Part-Theatre Building. Pnlla., Pa. JOHN A. WEBT, "The Mo.leal Brownie." OLYMPIC THEATRE • Nov. 91, HAYHAHKBT • - Now.So. P.rmaa.sti STO* Arntoar Ave., Chicago Telephone 18*8 Sooth. ORCHESTRA SIX PIECES, PLAYING STANDARD CONCERT AND DANCE MUSIC, WOULD LIKE ENGAGEMENT AT WINTER RESORT OR HOTEL. Would trsvel with repeitolreco. Address A. E. CHAPMAN, Mgr., Flndlty Lake, N, Y. KIM TIIV1E AT TWO 0000 0PBB& HOUSES, Edwards and Utica, Mississippi. Large stages; seating capacity, 40»; population, 1.000; good show towns, Write for dales. New mantgetaent. Everything; new.. Address B. M. GRAFTON. Mjtr. Opera Honte, Ctlce, Miss.; FREDERIC W. WA1BLINOKR, Mgr. Opera House, Edwards, Miss. Films for Rent Spectacular, War, Historical, Scenic, Mysterious and Comedy Feature Subjects to Select From. LATEST I LLC BTRATED BONO BETS RENTED. Write for list. Terms right CC Ulnl MI7CE no Hennepin, Ave. . t. lAW VUitt Mlnneapofls, Minn A Good Singing Soubrette (SCANDINAVIAN), Fine wardrobe, WANrs ENGAGEMENT WITH GOOD VAl'DRYILUB. COMPANY. Address MINNIE BRE8B, care of HALL, ' 2f>8 Hlmrod street, Brooklyn, N. Y. MM OPERA HOUSE. MONE88EN, PA., Population, 12,000; seating capacity, 1,100. Theatre opene Dee. 1. stage equipped ,for any production. Open time tor GOOD attractions only. Write or wire. A. S. BHUBTBB, Manager. SLOT MACHINES FOR SALE I liuve n few Blowing or Lang Testing Ma- chines that I would Tike to dispone of at n low price If taken at once. All in good order. Itcasou for selling, I have too many of one kind. For prices and full particulars. Address C. S. DAMON, No. 82 Laura Street, Providence, It I. AT LIBERTY, Nov. 27. on account of closing with company, JAB. J. LOWRIE, Versatile Comedian; MAY BELLE FOWLER, Soubrettes, In- genues. Double and Single Specialties; One Piece or Hep. Joint engagement oul.v. TWO HI VERS. Wis, care of Angell's Comedians, ILIOHTLI ! DSHD Alio Large Stock of 8EAM.8U1 JACiETS and FUB8. AJPREWI, 3M Stat. St., CM eago. At Ubsrty, Tit flreat BABBEAD FAULT A Brass Band of Ten flee*., male and female, and fine specialties. OPEN FOR EN'OAOEMENI 8, Address 1« LONSDALE AVK,,Pawtiicket,R. I. WANTED, Band People, Clowes, Acrobats, Plctire Machine Man, Cooks, Men with - Dogs, Advance Men Those pis vIns brass preferred. STERN SHOWS, Hllleraiown, Pa GREAT WESTER!) ARE OUR 8PKOIALTY. TRY US FOB PRICES. ALL OUR LAMPS ARE NEW CODE STYLE, AND WILL PASS USPS*. HON IX ANY STATE. Send Be. stamp for Catalogue. '•• WE ARI THE PATENTEE AND MA5TJFACTTRER8 OF THE OLENTN STAOE POCEIT. METROPOLITAN ELECTRIC 8TACE LICHTINC CO.. ELECTHO-OPTiCAL STAGS LIGHTING APPAHATCB. ' Telephone SliM-astu St. IS WEST 40th STREET, NSW TOIt, Chas. tuerbach's Dramatic and Vaudeville Agency Telephone 499S-88 St. CHILD'S BUILDING, 110 W. 3<th STBEBT, Room 808, NEW YORK. THE KINGSLEY-RUSSELL CO. M LS FOR STRONG BLACK FACE PART, Double la band, trombone preferred. Other Moslclsns snd Dramatic People write. -One night standi. Salary and * long season sure. Psy yonr own, E. B. RUSsELL, Maaager, 'Milan, Mo. Lady for Leads, Heavies. SWELL WARDROBE: MAN FOB GEN'L BUSINESS* MANAGE STAGE. Address per Rows. VERNON STOCK CO. GOOD, IrflVK, HUSTUNG A6BNT. Preference given one acquainted with the South. State lowest salary Orst letter. No time for correspondence. HENRY F. WILLARD snd CO., Augusts, Ca., Nov. is Dec. 3; Anderson, 8. U., Dec. MO. Tremendou! Taking three encores nightly nt the BIJou and Ampnlon Theatres, Brooklyn,.with.the latent INDIAN WAR AND LOVE SONG, by 1SOBP.L RRYNOLDS snd COI.O.MBINO ARONA, AHil— -AHtl rrofesslonal copies free, with program. Orchestrations, 10c. ' - MASCOT music publishing co., ana Eighth av«s>uv, sew. York city. JACK IRWIN "SHARKEY !f A: - MONOLOGIST, Catering to High r ore heads, and Sapplyiog Bray latter far Ike Law farektaii. REMEMBER THE PASSWORD BOYS, "THEY'RE ALL BRINY." ; «&,■•;•* THIS WEEK, YORE TBEATRE, ST. JOBX, N. B, E, ST. 40B.\, N. ,iii aw ZELMA RAWLST0N A Qle Hit in Her Now Apt. B0IRQ 17 STJHOTEB II ONE. KOBL k CAS7LE 01B001T NOW. Open Time slter Dec. 5. Address Shermin House, Golcagp.' ONE OF THE BIG ONES. FISHER & WALTKK8' OVfl¥ COMFA-KY, Supporting the Clever Romantic Actor, The Charming Young-Tragedienne, , MR. JEAN BARRY'MO RE and MISS AMY S II A l!r v K H , In Four of the Strongest Plays Procurable. . .'■ ..; Jt , /. WANTED—An Al Heavy Man, Character Man, Man for Juveniles and Light Comedy, with Spec.:. Man for Props and Parts, with Spec.: Character Woman, S. and D,.Soiibtett>', Man with Picture'Machine, Piano Player, Specialty Team, with feature act, .and. Al Ad- vance Man. Tell all.first letter. Be sure and send photo. Pay your own.'' Address FISHER & WALTERS, Room B06, House Bldp, Pltlshnrg,,,^. i .i BSW aTln...... ..|B.T5. CASH 3Sln 301st ^.. 10.00. WITH 401ss............'. 331st „. S6.SS. ORDER Send for eats. BKLBKR TRUNK AND BAG QO., 13S Colombia Ave., PhllAdelphla, Pa. ,$".00. '.iT.UO. A NEW DI8C0VERY THE SELF-FEEDING POWDER HANDKERCHIEF. Made of Pine Linen and Lace, Its folds contain a small pocket and French Powder Puff. Itoao tt used atad times without oreatlng the ellghtest suspicion that yon are powdering yourself. 1 Self feed- ing Powder Handkerchief, l Box of Complexion Ponder, l Bottle of American Beamy Extract, |S,00. Agents wanted. Write for particulars. American Beauty Co., 40 W. 38th St., N. Y. SHOES «■■■"•■gpjaS" EX0LD8IYE STYLES AND Short Vamp and klOfe Lasts FOR STAGE, STREET AND EVENING WOKKMAN'saiP GDAdANTEED. aiwayB on band. Mail Orders Filled. Fit Uuarauteed. \AAII_L_IArVI BERNSTEIN, Tel. (08 Madison Square. (09 Sixth Ave., near 8Jst.Street, N, Y FRED AND ANNIE PELOT, JUVENILE COMEDY JUGGLEH*. KOHL A CASTLE CIRCUIT, RAYMARRET, CHICAGO. BOOKED SOLID F EB T ,L e WIL8QX and MORAV. "Their First Quarrel." Address M. MAGND8. Bj Clark Bt.,.OhlCigo. MORRIS MANLEY, ai /° p ^ 8 ^ fsTttrSsM 1irir<1>ir AfYt miSf ^massrra ' ins araaaaaa TAIKIR6 COSEtllaN. THIS WEEK AT THE GRAND,' JOLIRT, ILL. ±1_ "*' At Liberty. FRANK STRONO ANu COMEDY OLD MFN AND CHARACTERS. ALL AROUND ACT Oft" HelRlt; weight, DM). RaperleLceatid wardrohe; one piece or tep. Can loin ai once. FRANK ALLEN, Pulaski, N. T. EN, lit; six" feet; eaaWsssSal AOrWi/ ••» «t.