The New York Clipper (November 1904)

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NOVBMBEB 26. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 045 EDISON FILMS. WAON PATKSTKD AMD COPYHIOHTED OCT. la. 1904. IV! WOUNDING OF AMFOBTAB. PBOLOQDB. GREATEST RELIOIOUS PRODUCTION IN MOVING PICTURES SINCE) THR PA8SI0N PLAT. DRAMATICALLY AND PHOTOGRAPHICALL* PERFECT. SPECIALLY POSED AND REHEARSED. IDENTICAL TALENT, SCENERY AND C0STD1ES U8ID IN THE ORIGINAL DRAMATIC PRODUCTION. LENGTH, 1,975ft. PRICE, $335.00 Complete Illustrated Lecture and Musical Score Furnished with Each Film. ABRBST OF PARSIFAL, ACT I. SCENE I. PARSIFAL IN THE MAQIC QABDEE. ACT IL SCENE IL DESTRUCTION OF THE MAOIC QARDDN. ACT II. HC'ENE III. KTJNDRT WASHES PARSIFAL'S FEET. ACT III. SCENE I. TWO PRODUCTIONS OF PARSIFAL HOW AIOTO BROADWAY ATTRACTION'S: New York Theatre, Metropolitan Opera House (SECOND SEASON). ■DISON MANUFACTURING CO. MAIN OFFICE and FACTORY, ORANGE, N. J. NEW TORE OFFICE: 88 CHAMBERS ST. CABLE ADDBBS8, KUBILIAN, NEW ZORK. CHICAGO OFFICE, 804 Wabash Ayenue. OFFICE FOR UNITED KINGDOM: 25CLBRKBNWBLLROAD,LONDON,E.C,ENGLAND. ■KLLINO AOKNTSi THE EINBTOGRAPH CO 41 B. 21lt St., Neir York. PETER BACIGALUPI '. 786-788 Million 8t., San Frsnclsco, Cat. PARSIFAL niDALS AMPORTAB AND niCCOMER KINO OF TUE HOLY QUAIL— ACT Itt. BCKNM II. CRESCENT FILMS. AVENGING A CRIME BURNED AT° R THE STAKE. Get thl, one end make i COPYRIGHTED 1904. make good. The Greatest Sensational Film Brer Made, Thrilling and Exciting from Start to Flnlih, Abiolately Clear, Sharp and Distinct. Without a doubt the biggest hit on the mnrhet today-. THE HEADLINER OF ALL HEADLINER8. LENGTH, SSO FEET, CLASS A, 15c. I=>ER FOOT. DON'T FORGET OUR OTHER WINNER. TRIALS AND TROUBLES OF AN AUTOMOBILIST. ft, 15c. F 40 WEST »8<ta ST., SEW VOBK C1TV. Tele.-3705 Madlion. « able-'Kalaitrfa," If.w York. SCENERY For Every Thine. ELIZIBEIH CURTAIN CO., write nj. ELIZABETH, If. J. BIG SELLING WANTED QUICK, American Oriental Dancing Girls. M. MAHNINO, Garden Theatre, Canton, Ohio. NA/ A. NJ TT EC sD POSITION AS MAID TO' LEADING LADY, By Woa.> wtlltna to Play Blu, with C hi Id eapahle ef Doing Specialty and Child F.tli. Join on ticket. MABLB BLAIR, __^ Johnstown, Pa., Roxbury. Street, e i Jul d Agent! & Canvessers Supplies We Alwaja Hare the Latest Novelties. „_ Send for Cnr New Cataloone. LJIIVBRSAL BUPFL.Y CO., PmflkOn iaa l« Ball, itr.n - 1 biUbAaV. CONTRACTS TICKETS, PASSES, CARDS, Etc. SAMPLES. W8BB PTO. CO.. M i Dearborn St., Cblcigo, 111. WANTED, HED. PEOPLE IN ALL LINES; Sketch Team*, Oomedlana. Noreltr Acta, etc. - '" •alary,yon par board: lone ttande. Aidreai 52. 0. U. BBOl, Well*, Minn. Contain Sonca. Jokaa. Pa rod 1 e,, Heel tat Ion,, Kte., 75c. Per 100; $6 Per 1,000. Ca,h with era.r. ■• C. O. D. Samples, 10 CenU. WEHMAN BROS.. 1— PAHK BOW, W. T. Anything from* bottle of potion to a looomotlre for itage me coniuntljln itockamJ inlpped on receipt of order. Papier Macbe BoaitOblokent, Qnall, Brollera,Tarkeyi, Dacka,Ohopa,8tesk*,Leg Of Lamb. Hami, Cakee, Plea, Bread, Vegetables, Prolts, Tree Situnpe, Logs, Fire Logs, Tlnee, Palmi and Flowers, strongly made and artisti- cally decorated. Statnary. Bast Figaros, Animals —from a moose to an elephant. J. M. LEAVITT Property Maker, 300 W. 43d ST., BT. Y. Tel. 2J7»-3». One block from B'wsy. PROPS. UNITED STATES AND FOREIGN .COPVRICnTI PATENTS AND TRADE-MARKS And make tod a fort out- If ron hare a PLAV, SKETCH, PHOTO, ACT. 60NG or BOOK that It worth anything, yon should copyright It. Don't take chances when yon can aecare aaw a ara. Icesat small coot. Sendfor oar SYxClW. Cf ICK 10 WVUiTOtS before tpplylng for a patent, it mil par jkm. HA.'SDoDO*. on fattntiuntnU. Weadrlsalf patenta- ble or not, FREE. Ws incorporat. STOCK COMPANIES. Small lata. Season as. WORMELLE A VAN MATER, CepyriaU 1 Mai to. tab, WAaaawTOILsXC. FILMS! FILMS! And ■oriif Picture ■■cilia*, all Bxk«s, bongril and lor Ml a. PBILAOBLPaU PUH EXCBUBS, leosifitkistkfi, PWlAdelBhla, Pev, O. a A. AT LIBERTY. ARENT. WBITE OB WIRE. I. H. LOBEBO, va Kormsl Avenue, stcena Point, Wis. Will Par Cisl for .iviio Plciore Macllit. Olre list of Films and so forth, and lowest cash price. Address UPDEORAPr* * BHOWNELL, Manager., Bijoo Theatre, Beading, Fa. CAR8--Hotol Pullman Car, Steel Wheels, all furnished complete. Fifty Dollars per month and upward Address MISSMcMAHOK, Wellington Hotel. Chicago, UADBIOI H. BOBlfllWlIO LAW ITER. PBOFES8IONAUI MA.f AGED, 61-«3 Park Bow (World Bldg.) Hew Torfc. M. ITRAMMAN, ATTOENBT, IN BroUanay, Hew Xalft City. SHOW AND CIRCUS TENTS To thoto rngsged in the tented show business, we wlnh to call your alUntlon to the fsct that w* bave tbe largest slid Driest eqnlpped Tent Factory In Hie llnllfd HtU'r, wlieieae nmnufscluie snd sell all kinds of NIIOVV TB1HH. B11CUUY-0</-1IOUNU low, klauh, cauk kivibi, PAD1.1I>>, iiouhk blahkktb, etc, at prices Hint dely legltlnislo compelHlon. We are alio head qnsrters for COTTON. MBALabd MANILLA nOPV, (MMUMMc LAMP », BAKKU. and K1DD LIOMTB. Do not place jour order for new outfit until yon ret quotations from ns. We can tare you money. No ordei too large for us, none too small to be appreciated by us. Bend for descriptive net price lift of •KCOHO HAND tkmtb. BIKER & L0CKW00D DC. CO., 415417 Delaware St., KANSAS CITY, MO. MULE SINGERS; ALSO MUSICAL ARTISTS. It you are laying off or hare any open time address a Utter to bud hahh, THE CASCADE, Baltimore, Md. If yon cannot deliver the goods or afraid of work, sare postage. NOTE — The Cascade Is a swell Orotto catering to the best people. Mo stage. Cae only piano. Willji Zimmermanii, WEEK 10V. 21, KEITH'S TiEITIIF, ClEVilllD, 0. DELL and FONDA TSSRSH %»! Caatauy ■imjers WinUs| • Itrtaa FMUira Ad to Cloie in 0n», writs. Both Vtrsatll*. BUT DILL, KepraatatlUVa, Western Bureau OUPPIK, Chicago, lu.