The New York Clipper (December 1904)

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DECEMBER 10. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 993 LUBSN'S FILMS. i MEETMEIFOUNTAIN p COPYRIGHT 1904. The aright..t, and Best Comply Cbas. Vila, Up Bill, Dewi Walls, Aft.r ■text Car., Op Ttih, Over r»CH tad Tbro. f b W«t«r. The ri"l«t ■it! Car., Op Ttiii. Over Fincei mad Throagh Water. TM STO "luttMU! Eriry Se.a. Is Fall of Up roar lorn. B.rrlmMt. LENGTH. 475 FEET. PRICE, S52.25. ILLUSTT ATED CAT41CGCE ROW BEADY. PBIOE OF ALL OUB PJLI8, 1 le. PER FOOT. , 21 South 8th Street, Philadelphia. BOLD BANK ROBBERY COPYRIGHT 1004. HOST SEH8ATI0NAI FILM EVER MADE. THRILLIM FROM 8TABT TO FLHI8H. LMNOTH, eoo r«««. PRIOC, r»©«3. 6REAT TRAIN ROBBERY. Copyright 1904. Moit Popular Picture Kur Shown. ■.•a«tB, 000 Feet. Price $60. Life of an American Soldier Copyright 1904. Patriotic Hit. Great! ' L.ugth. 600 Peat reateet Money- Baker. Price. Joe EXPOSITION MODEL CIHE06RAPH WITH STEREOPTICOl COMBINED, iiclBdlig Giltlai Laip, Electric Lup, A.]«tiblt RBNttil, Fllit ail Slldu., 21 S. Eight. Stmt, fhlli.elpMi, Pi. m WANTE FOR THE TRAVELING SEASON OF 1905, WITH THE MUM BUI Greatest Show On Earth, Cam, Seat, Chandelier, Railroad, Property, Wardrolie, Cage Animal and Elepheat Hen, Hostlers. Grooms sad Jockeys, Blacksmiths, Horseshoera and Wheelwrights, and Bzpertenoed 4, 6 sad S-Horse Driven. Oarernl, painstaking, trustful and reliable men will be appreciated and well paid, while to all are offered the beat accommodations and a season's engagement If competent. Applicants may apply In person or by letter, as follows: Canvas and Seat lien, to OHAS. McLKAN, Winter Quarters, Bridgeport, Conn. Chandelier Ken, to OHAS STOCKS, Winter Quarters-Bridgeport, Conn. Animal Men, to GEORGE CONKLIN, Winter Quarters, Bridgeport, Conn. Elephant Men, to WILLIAM EMERY. Winter Qnarters. Bridgeport, Conn. Drivers, Grooms and Jockeys, toTHOS. LYNCH, Winter Quarters, Bridgeport, Conn. Blacksmiths, Wheelwrights and Horseshoera, to DAN TAYLOR, winter Qnarters, Bridgeport, Conn, Porters, to ED. 6c a AE fper, Winter Qnarters. Bridgeport. Conn. Wardrobe Men and Property Men, to it. 9. BIOSBT, 34-27 West Mth Street, New York City J. A. BAILEY, Manager. 5IS-37 WEST 34th STREET, SEW YORK. PROCTOR'S ENTERPRISES. F. F. PROCTOR, Solo Proprlstor and Manager. I. AUSTIN FYNE8, Qonoral manager. I BEAUTIFUL TIEATIES 6 Devoted to Reined Entertainment. Proctor'e 5th Awe. Theatre, Proctor's 23d St. Theatre, Proctor's 08th St. Theatre. Proctor's lSSth St. Theatre, Proetor'a Newark Theatre, Proctor'a Albany Theatre. PROCTORS STOCK 00. Preientinc Best Pl»ya. WASTED, BEST ACT» IB VAUDEVILLE. If you do not receive a reply. It may Bo because the time la oiled; you are therefore tdvleed to writ* again In four week*. Do NOT enclose stamp for reply. INSTRUCTIONS TO ARTISTS BOOKED: •»* plota of acta; complete "prop*' list; If can open and dose In one; EXACT time of acta, and of "clow In;" hilling tor newsjpapers Ji^.jeroaTaiames; and CLEAN PHOTO- ?Sf?? B '0* tOBBIBS TWO WBBKB) In ADVANCB OP OPEJNINO DATS AT BACH gOTJSB, addressing RESIDENT MANAGER PAILCHB TO COMPLY with these IN- STRUCTIONS WILL SUBJECT ARTISTS &&MrS Or CANCELLATION. VAODB- VILLB BEHBAR8AL8 MONDAYS, 8 A M-, BBARP. _ Playwrights, Authors and Play Agents, Vtudevllie Artists and Players, address ■»• Austin fykes, General Manager, FOTHAVE. THEATRE. W. Y.CJTY. V^i^t\.C5 OR STOllftn. .. . ttattra tad tltaraileaa Mitt KEW JERSEY CAR WORKS, MM, 1.1. SPECIAL $1.00 OFFER 3A-Fiat Belcher Ring, lTX-New Tiffany■•> set with a perfect X- tug. JTOT OCT.. Most «t. Diamond. A very attractive Ladles' Ring stvUsh ring tor gentle- on market: eel with a men. perfect x-kt Diamond. Either of these rings sent npon receipt of PRICE, $1.00. Settings extra quality GOLD FILLED. War- ranted for ten years. Rings, brooches, stick ptor, studs, etc., from 11 no; earrings, ft and up. GENUINE BARRIOS DIAMONDS are the only stones ever discovered tnst cannot be detected from real diamonds. Send string sue of Anger. MAIL ORDERS PILLED PROMPTLY. THB BAHttlOS DIAMOND CO., ST. JAMES BLDQ.. 1185 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Take Elevator to Suite 8».' NO branch paces or stores anywhere. BIG SELLING Coatala Bongs, Joe... Parodies, Hacltettoaa, Etc., 75c. Per 100; $6 Per 1,000. Caih with ord.r. No CO. D. Samples, 10 Cent*. VVEHMAN BR08., 106 FAHK BOW. B. V. Side Splitting Stomp, Monologues, Etc., written to order for 11 and np. I print no books. Give me a trial order. FRANK YTJ5KER (Dramatist), Randolph, WIS. 1000 Pictorial Half Sheets ia one color. 1000 Pictorial One Sheets in one color $20 $35 Send for Samples. THE LIFB'OGRAVTJRE COMPANY. Main Office and Works. La Crosse, Wis. Eastern Office, 1888 Broadway, New York City. RYAN, LESTER AND RYAN It BIG FEATURE THIO WEEK, KALAMAZOO, HIGH., Pa'ace tf AnnsemeDto. :n tii BROADWAY THEATRE, 80. SHARON, PA. Steel tows, population 18,000. Fay roll, monthly; pay every Saturday. Only theatre In town OPEN TIME, DEC, JAN. AND FEB. NEW MANAGEMENT, BKIBBOLL BROS. FRED ZOBEDIE, THE GREAT HAND BALANCER Proctor's 2Sd Street, New York, this week. AT LIBERTY, W. T. ROBSON, CHARACTER LEADING MAN; auline Robaon, OEN. BUS. OR PIANIST; BABY jaunita, age 8 yean. Address HOTJMA, LA. SINGING and TALKING COMEDIAN. WANTCO, BAY'S IEW OPERA H0U8I, Nqna, Ohio, A GOOD XHAB ATTHACTION. Matinee and Night Musical Opera or Faroe Comedy. Owing to misrepresentation, have the above date open. Write or wire. 0UA8. H. MAY, Plqua, Ohio, ■linolla. Tight., i».00 ( Worsted Tights, $».00i Cotton Tight., Sl.uoi ail*. Tight.,from »9.S» npf Shirt, to match all ansae price ns tlghti! Pumps. flBeents, Salt* ore. ll.00| Eleitle Supporter., • it Cloth Supporter., sis teats. ■end tor catalogue and .ample, of tights tree. Positively n de- posit required. BatlsfaollODguaran- teed or money ref nnded. SPIOER BROS., M Woodbine St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Old stand bnt new address. THREE PARCELS OF GROOHD, All In good locations, and SUITABLE for LARGE ATTRACTIONS, to let. II. POPPER A BRO., Hart Ave.. CONEY ISLAND. N. Y. IN The Only Family in the World that is Doing this Triei of 4 High AT EVERT PERFORMANCE, WITHOUT THB AID OP A HOPB. WITH 2 LADIES, 2 GIRLS AND 9 MEN TOGETHER Tali special achievement Is an absolute novelty, done onlv by ns In the entire world. Our crest ions have never been produced before, and will certainly cause s great sensation. Wfl are doing (nil Twilling Someriaalla upon Should- en, 3 High, Dm, Denbiei and Tumbling. Only Ike Best and Original Trlcki. We alio are doing Living Staluarj iota In Acrobatic Groups, the beat Act of thla kind In America. Also HUTS FLUNG anil COMIC ENTREES. S. GARGINETTI Champion of Understandera. Weight (laire), and hold 1,888 In my Original Four High Trier, with j Two Men In Hand Balance. We speak five languages, and have per- formed 38 years In the best towns In Europe, Africa. Ails, South and North America, as a Special Pesture Act. The last four seasons with ' the great W. L. MAIN and SELLS A DOWNS snows, at present with Mil PUBILLONE8, Habant, Cuba, for the entire tetson. Yd 8ut>w la Fall Evening D en, Its Beat and loot BilUiut Wardrobe la Aorobitlo Aot. MUST Bl 8IEN TO BE BELIEVED. Permanent address, 887 R. 123d STREET, NEW YORK. THE TITLE, 8001 WILL AMD PBOPEBTT OF THE Adam Forepaugh & Sells' Brothers Shows, Circus, Menagerie and Hippodrome. One of the Largest, Oldest snd Moat Snccesifnl Tented Exhibitions. Including R. R.Osrs, Wsgons, Horses. Animals,Cages,Tents,Seats, Properties, etc., etc, NOW AT COLUMBUS, OHIO. TUB WINTER QUARTERS can be rented. No options, flrst come, first served. For further particulars address ADAM FOREPAUGH & SELLS BROS.. Columbus, O., or 1103 Broadway, Hew York. When the property bat been sold notice will be published In thla paper over onr signature. Horse and Animal Trainer I want to engage Competent Man to Train Troupe of Ponies for Exhibition. Also hsve two Young, Tame BoflsTaes, aid two Burns Want Trelmd. Wages lie per week. Board costs |4; six months'engagement to train. After stock Is trained will pay bettor wages to travel and handle same with flrst clsss organization. Bute sge and experience, sll in flrst letter. No boozers. Ten days' silence polite negative. No farts advanced. J. C. BILLKIt, 101 Maoris, Bliss, O. T. FRED ROMALO PARROS (LATE OB PAllll«JN DUOS.) 1- IjIB WOULD LIKE TO HEAR FROM GOOD, 8TR0NU ONDEKBTANDER FOR BALANCING AOT. Address 18 MAUJKB ST., BROOKLYN, N. Y . IN NESS LSI RYAN PHOCTOIl'a BTH AVE. THIO WEEK. OUB OP TUB BEST rtllOTK«HllB IKBTOBE* IB VAVOBV1LLB. WEEK OF 1>E0, I CHICAGO OPERA II0U8B, OUICAGO, ILL. WBBK OF JAN. 3, ItOt, AND LATER OPEN FOR EASTERN TIME.