The New York Clipper (December 1904)

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994 THE 3STEW YORK CLIPPER. December i o. THURSTON IS THE ORIGINATOR, INVENTOR AND MAKER OF EVERY ILLUSION HE PRESENTS, ALL MANAGERS SHOULD READ THI8. 820,000.00 INVESTED. EIGHT PEOP LE EMPL OYED. HOWARD THURSTON IS ACKNOWLEDGED BY ALL TO BE THE WORLD'S MASTER MAGICIAN. At Ilopkln.' Theatre, Louisville, last week, broke (Irptieur ORIGIWA oke .11 pmvlooi retoidi tolh. extent of over $700.00. Similar l.u.lnn. thl> season at Oiand. InfUanapolli; Orphenn, Omaha; Columbia, Claclnn ,ii Orpheum, Minneapolis) Chicago Upera Hoaae) Columbia, St. Louis;Hopkins', Memphis, at well ns all theatre! played last leaion. PHEWOMEIMA VlKfi M/VOlCIAN. ROW IK FRKPARATION THE SBElTEtT MA _ WOBLD. RA MOUSE, SECOND ENGAGEMENT HERE IN SIX WEEKS. MAKES THE PBOFLE TALK. THURSTON HAS INVENTED MORE SUCCESSFUL AND ORIGIN At. ILLCMOWg THAN ANT LIVING MAGICIAN. NOW IN PREPARATION THE OHRATBsT MAGICAL 1'BltPOKJUlKK EVER PRRBENTED IN 1KB HISTORY OF THE WOBLD. I FOR THE Par the France, Traveling leaion of 1MB, Touring the European Continent, Visiting Italy, Switzerland, tierman j-, Austria, Hungary, Belgium and Holland. CANVAS MEN, SEAT MEN, TRAIN MEN and 4. 6 and 8-HORSE DRIVERS. Good wages with long, steady employment offered to tramworthr, sober, reliable, experienced men,all of whom, It engaged, will nave their transportation paid from New York to toe Snow, and mu« t be pre- pared to tall from New York about Feb. II, IMS. Apply at onoe, stating show experience, at followr, Canvas and Seat Hen to JAKE PUTT. Train Hen to R. P. MURPHY. Drivers to JAKE POSEY. Addreil all communication. OARE BUFFALO BILL WILD WEST, Stoke-on-Trent, staOTordshlra England F-. m. HUTCHINSON, rVl.i-i. e «r. "A WOBLD WIDE CIRCULATION." TEB OLDBIT AND HOST UTLUanTIAL THIATBIOAL AND VAODJTVUXB JOUMUX. THE ERA. SBTABL1BHBD 1MT. 4S WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND. LONDON. W. O. rORBIGN SUBSCRIPTIONS. ISe. per mhb. FROrBBBIONAL A 1> V KUTISEHE^TS. Sd. p.r line. IMEKJOAX iBTUTEB VWITDIO THE METH0P0L1B 08E THB Hi OmOIfl U THEIB PBHMAJTEHT LONDOH ADDRESS. •,000 ARTI8TE8 ADVERTISE IN ITS COLUMNS WEEKLY. THINK TWICK BEFORE BUYING-. AHB YOU PAYING FOR A TRUNK OR TALK! TAYLOR TRUNKS Hare for nearly fifty year, stood OB their own merit*. Do yon wonder the old standard is Imitated, and what they oannot oopy they try to make up In."knocks" and talk. Don't be caughthy talk, flatthagoods. Write for Oatalogoe. If yon don't get an an- ■wer In ten day. write again at probably Soar mall has been •laved. Manufactured and Bold Only by C* A. Taylor Trunk Works, 8* K. Randolph St., OHIOAUO. 181 W. 38th St., NEW YORK. W.t«h this Space for a Few Pointer.. If any other stores other than their three say they toll TAYLOR'S It U I deception. YOUNG'S PIER THEATRE, MANAGERS WEITE FOB OPEN TIME. TOUHO'B PIBB CORPORATION, W. B. BBAOUBFOBD, ButtUgw. A GREAT CONVENIENCE IN CHICAGO. Transferring, Storage, Painting, BnUdlng' Flraprooflng. ALL ON THE SAME PREMISES. RICHARD OUTHMANN TRANSFER CO. and GUTHHANN and GOODRICH. SCENERY Down Town Offloe, Room is, HI Dearborn 81, oor. tjuinoy. Phone, Harrison 1MT. 26 OABLOADB 80BNBBT, PBOPfl AND THONKS ON HAIfO POR SALE. N l>.- Prompt attention to all mall orders and tetegramB. Studios, Shops, storehouse and Stables, 101-111 Throop BL. near Van Bnren. Phone, Monroe BTt. Willy Ziminei maim. DEO. 3-10 COLUHBt'B THEATRE, CINCINNATI Bole Repre.entatlre, RICHARD P1THOT, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION EXCEPT LITHOGRAPHS* THE EMPIRE CITY JOB PRINT, GEO. J. PHILLIPS. Manager, 3*0 PEARL ST. (Fox BnUdlng), N. Y. CITY. Stook Paper For "When Wo Were 11,""Wealth and Poverty," "Belle of Richmond," "Spotless Town. BOO KINO SHEET FOR 190&-10M NOW READY. CIRCUS FRUVTUgQ A (SlPKOIAr/TY. NOTICE, TO VAUDEVILLE PERFORMERS, put in A WEEK AT THB STAR THEATRE, IkVrOiM, OANAI Break your Jump between N. Y. City and Ohloago. FEATURE ACT for week of Deo. 29, No Sunday work; 0 night* and 3 matinees. Want J. O. APPLBTON, Haaager. WAR FILMS! WAR FILMS! WAR FILMS! JAPANESE CRUISER IN ACTION. BOHBARDING POUT ARTHUR, JAPANESE TORPEDO BOAT, JAPANESE BATTLESHIP SINKING RUSSIAN CRUISER, the Greatest Feature Film, ever also the GRBAT TRAIN ROBBBRY and the GRBAT BANK ROBBBRY, all at bargain prices. Send for ll.ta. Don't Delay. Only a limited nnsnber of these flints. WILLIAMS. BBOWN dt BARLB. Dept. B, BID Chestnut St., Phlla., Pa. ~~ ~ M0R0L080E and B1N6IHG COIEDIAH. ADDRESS ALL FIRST CLASS AGENTS. MORRIS MANLEY, J. C. DESOJH SI 07 North Clark St., Chicago, ill., MANUFACTURER OF Musical Bells and Novelties As used by Leading Artists the World Over. Send for 111. catalog. XOHLER A CHASE, 11O'Farrell St, San Francisco, Oal., »nr Western agents. ST bars, 8 octaves. Concert Xylophone, good as new, $12.60. 87 bars, 8 octaves, Bleel Marlmbsphone, used a few times. |U.oo. a octaves, 26 heavy Orchestra Bells, shop worn, $13.60. 8 Four In Sand Bells, $12.00. 82 Metal Bamboo Chimes, played like xylophone, $28.00. 36 TubapboneB, with resonators, $20.00. 16 Tubapbonea, plain scale, $10.00. 18 Aluminum Chimes, $60.00. 37 Aluminum Chimes, $88.00. 13 bars, steel Harlmba- phones, $18.00. 23 Organ Chimes, $100.00. 20 deep Aluminum Chimes, for bass and accompaniment, with Trunk, $121.00. All above big hits. Sento. 0. D. on trial to responsible parties. CRACKER JACK A delicious popcorn confection, pot up In moisture proof packages that keep It fresh a long time. A quick seller for theatres, circuses, traveling theatri- cal and medicine companies and all places of public amusement. W. also make a large line of PACKAGE CAN- DIBS and the BBLIABLB POPCORN BRICK. Inform as where yon hold a confectionery concession and wa will send samples and prices. HOEOnBEIM BHOB.ft ECIBTEB, CHICAGO. TRICKS. All the Latest and Best. TOST A COMPANY, it N. Ninth St. (Established 1870.) Philadelphia. SET Large new catalogue for stamp. PHOTOGRAPHS ablnet Photos of yourself for selling or lobby, per 100. Edan a OARBONA flnlsh. Samp.ioc. BUBBAND OR WIFE PHOTOH. |».oe -1,000: FORTUNES, »oo. :8am p. 100. For Futurt Photographs and Lovers' Poet Offloe. WUlard St, FhUa., Pa. SOME NEW OUTDOOR AMUSEMENTS FOB SUHHBB RESORT. Most liberal terms :o right parties. Address TOLCUEBTKIt COMPANY, Baltimore, Mil. WANTED AT ONCE, Pnotoarapher with Outfit, Qood Ian with Jewelry Spindle, Three Palmists, A Shooting Gallery Han with Outfit. Rare opportunity year around. Other privileges write, win buy Jewelry Spindle, also Wheel of Fortune. State all first letter. RIQQ8 AMUSEMENT CO., Columbia, 8. 0. HIGH CLASS MAQICAL APPARATUS At moderate prices. Large atock, Immense variety. Illustrated Catalogue Free. New Mammoth Catalogue Just Issued, 20c. List of 400 bargains In tine apparatua for 2c. stamp. A. ROTBRBBRQ, 170 Ontario 8t, Chicago. BON TON, Phila., EIGHTH, BBLOW V INK STREET, OPEN OCT. 81. High Class Contlnnons Vaudeville. AH persons mnst send photos and billing matter two weeks In advance. Artiste be prepared to do two or more a day. Aots always wanted. Write to above Theatre. NOW MAKING 1905 I^Ob 1 LETTERHEADS! RoyaJ'PtQ.Coy 334 DEARBORN ST.. CHICAGO ILL. GOOD OPKN TIME IH DECBHBER AND JANUARY. RED BANK OPERA HOUSE -AND- PARK OPERA HOUSE HENRY 1. OARR1TY, A«burj Park, N. J. BOSTON FILM EXCHANGE. Second Band Films, Song Slldrs and Machines Bought, Sold and Kxobauged. 601 WASHINGTON ST., Boom 43, Boston. Meet., opp. AdamB House. THOMPSON'S GYMNASIUM, 117 W. 2M ST., NEW YORK (old Koster A Rial's), Hallktt THOMPSON, Manager (late Wood's Oym.) Bpeolal rates to performers, $1 a week. wB^Mb. 47 WEST 38th STREET, NEW YORK. A Til II IP Hi m HICHE8T AWARD EVfiB OBiBTtD TO I nlUlflr II IBSTBUBBIT8 OF THEIB KIND WAS BIVEI TO IDE harmonicas agggrdTons Awarded GOLD MEDAL at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904, -FOR- Superlor Tone, Durability, Skilled Workmanship. An Impartial Proof of their THE KIND PROFESSIONAL PLAYERS CAN RELY UPON. J*or Sale ISveryvvlier©. M. HOHNER, 354 Broadway, New York. MANUSCRIPT OF SONG POEMS ORIGINAL MELODIES, Or COMPLETE WORKS, And If they nave any merit wa have tile facilities to make them go. All lettsrs answered promptly. PIONEER PUBLISHING CO.. a08-a09 Baltloaare Bids;., CHICAGO, ILL. UNIVERSAL KBE KLIEGL BROS., Props., 1303-B Broadway «fc IS9 W. 88th St., Haw York. E7EBTTHDIQ Electrical (or Tteetrei sad Production*. Productions Supplied Which Spank fbr Th.saselTes. PA R8 IFAI^MBTROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE, DARLING OF THE OODS, I in BARRY A BBN HUB. WEBER ft FIELDS' WHOOP Dfl DOO, NINETY ft NINE. QALVE8TON FLOOD, iris. rniiu \jv a Telephone, 613088th St. BABES IN TOYLAND. WIZARD OF OZ, E. H. SOTHERN—THB I'BOTJD PRINCE. SHEPHERD KINO, LEW DOCKBTADER'B MINSTRELS, FALL OF POMPEII. DOHTBUY BEFORE CONSULtlNC OUR PRi£j s SLIDES <illPPI IFC Op ALL KINDS. r ; - JUrrLILJ - CATALOGUE "FRE.T 7 STFIREOPTICON AND FILM EXCHANGE. 106 FRANKIIN ST. - CHICAGO. : W. 8 MOORE M'C'R. N NEW WORK (FROM COLOGNE, GERMANY) 4311 EAST 17th STREET NEW YORK Manufacturer of ORGANS FOR MERRY-80-R0UND8. SHOWS. ETC. Flaying by ROLLER OR CARDBOARD Memo. NEW ROL.B.KRS A 8PBOIALTY. Mr. Kremer, North Beaoh, savs: "The tunes of my organ, made bjjou, are tomj greatest satis- faction. Undoubtedly the nneBt and moat excellent musto fever heard. Arrangement and tuning are of the highest degree. Everybody Is speaking about my organ." QTD ATeF half -™ne 31 H/% ■ Er PROCESS CO. . PARK ROW BUILDING. N.Y. A.! _ 1|ffi JScts. SQUARE INCH* A ■ cul ? PLAYS Fir Stick Cenpulis, dr Ripirtiln CoinpsnlM, fir Asiliyrs LARGEST AB80RTUBNT IN THB WOBLD. Books for borne amusement, Negro Play*. Paper, Scenery. Mrs. Jarlert Was Works. Catalogue §m I Free I Free I SAMUEL KBENCU, IT W. 3Kd St., New York. • avin isra. CASH 30ln 80ln 88.00. WITH 401n 33ln 80.85. ORDER Send for cnta. BELBER TRPMK AND BAO CO., 10H Colnmbla Ato., Phlladelpbla, Pa. SHOES FOR 8TA0B,STREBr AND EVENING. KX0LU8IVE STYLES AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. Short Vamp and Stage Laata always on hand. Mall Orders Filled. Fit Guaranteed. BKRNSTEIN, so» Sixth Ave., near 81st Street, N. T. Wl TeL HI Madison Square.