The New York Clipper (December 1904)

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998 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. December to FILMS FOR RENT THE FILM RENTAL Established for the Benefit of the Moving Picture Ex- hibitors Desiring a Weekly Change of Programme that will include New and Inter- esting Subjects and a Service that will enable an Exhibi- tion equal to the same offered in the Metropolitan Cities at the same period. THIS IS WHAT YOU WANT WHITE FOR IT Fill RENTAL BUREAU, 64 H. OLiBI STHEBT, CHICAGO, ILL. H*^ HtCMOp- ,*liv» — •!••■• for publlo • * 7 entertainments. Illustrat- ing hlitorhiaiKl current events, „vj „ popular on etc. Mottling affords ■> , better opportunities (or men ulib aa.ll e.plu1to MAKE MONPV w ;>°p . MAKE MONEY I mf" "* ""• "'"■I"'"'' c.l»li>»uo, u-lli what an outBt 'Ofl-. 00 "*' "falui t»» owrallull aid In.l.ucU t«u TOUi, '•» **_„ »•» to coniluol p»jrln, tntctulumniu. BHvfttttM ' £-/_ SeAUIIiTllIt, St.. Oullllla \\\\VM\\wtoiUMu •' «•> " ""•" 8'""'. lllllilkii,. °* I - J.wV.rt. i«*», »e • "HARB ACH'S" • ... BULLETIN ... LARQE CATALOGUE FHEK. REX * STEREOPTIGON WITH EVERY FORM OF LIGHT. BEST ADD CHEAPEST BONO STKRKOPTICON. OILY SONS, POSE AID SERPENTINE SLIDES GET OUR SPECIAL PRICKS. -ALL THE FEATURE.- EDI80N AND BIOCRAPH ¥FILMS* PERSONAL-ESCAPED LUNATIC, PARSIFAL, TRAIN and BANK ROBBERY, ETC. SEND FOR OUR MAMMOTH OATALOQUE. ALSO WE HAVE 8. H. Films $2.00 Up. Many 1,000 Feet WE WANT MOTION PICTURE MACHINES BTEREOPTICONB, FILMS, SLIDES, RtO. Stall for Hit and prices. LATEST LIST SUP.«. OF MOTION MACHINES. FILMS, SLIDES. LIGHTS, SLIGHTLY USED. Also NOVELTIES mailed on application. FILM BOXES, REELS, Bianchi Cement. U*! 1 ' EUREKA SINGLE DISSOLVES KIHETOSGOPES. 1904 EDISON u " i """ Exhibition I LATEST AND BEST MOTION PICTURE MACHINES, |TI UP. IHE&CD.,mu:»; EUGENE CUNE CO J MOVING PICTURE MACHINES, STERE0PTIC0N81 MAGIC LANTERNS THE OXYLITH GAS OUTFIT. BEST COLORED SONG SLIDES. ES OARRT XXV STOCK ALL PII All Orders Filled Same Day We Receive Them. THIS IS THE PLACE YOU ARE L00KIN8 FOR. FREE CATALOGS, EUGENE CLINE * CO., 59 Dearborn St., CHICAGO. NCW YORK OFFIOI IO KAST Hitr-i SIEGMAN & WEIL, 77-81 W00STER ST. (Bit. Spring and Broome), New York. Theatrical Supplies, Grease Paints,... " m * * Tights, Wigs, ... Gold I Silver Trimmings, J *»?, Spangles, Etc., FOR CATALOGUE No. i. iota. for Catalogue No. e. We imd good* C. 0.0., iiibjtct to Impaction, but roqulro a dipoalt on all Order*. CONTRACTS TICKETS, PASSES, CARDS, Etc. SAMPLES. WEBB PTO. CO., 868 Dearborn St., Chicago, IU. ii The Girls In the Overalls" (COPYRIGHTED.) Tae Bait Advertised Film on Earth. Sea ID-Pale Illu.tra.ted Article la SBW YORK JOl'IlBAL, BAN FRAN CISCO BKAHMEia, BOSTON AMBtUCAU, CHICAGO TKIBCJNK and CHIOIOO AMERICA!*, Etc., Sunday, Oct. 16. LENGTH, 350ft. PRICE, 142. SEND FOB CIKCUIARS. TRACKED bv BLOODHOUNDS A LYNCHING IHEADLINE!) OF ILL |The Host Sensational AT CRIPPLE CREEK. | MOVING PICTURES, | Film Ever Made. Negative Actually made in Colorado. Length, 460ft Price 164. S5ffi h 'BULLFIOHTATJUAREZ, ME Three Bulls Killed sad Six Horaea Oaml la Front of Cam.ra. LENGTH, AOOA. FHICB, (TS.OO. WATCH FOR GRKATE8T BBN8ATIONAL, FILM EVER MADK. READY SOON. SEND NAME FOB ADVANCE INFORMATION. SELIC POLYSCOPE CO., 43 Peck Court, CHICAGO, ILL. H. H, BICKWALTKH, General Western Agent, Dearer. Colo * SUCCESS SUCCESS JC ■i i I L- kVI AN IMPOSSIBLE V0YA6E -IN 40 TABLEAUX- THE LATEST AND MOST 80R8E0US SPECTACLE III MOVING PICTURES LENGTH, 1930ft. PRICE. IlllO.OO. Write for our Supplement is, whloh oontalni Half Tones and Full Detorlptlon. "Star" FUm~ Subjects. 632-633-The Astonishing Frame, - - 130ft. $22.50 634-636-Tho Wonderful Hose Tree, - • 200ft. $34.00 (SPECIAL, FILMS FOR COLORING.) • gaston ivmr^ms, + ao« EAST SBtb NT., HEW TORN CITY. F\ Are tour specialty. Try us for prices. All our lamps are Dew code style, and will pais Impac- tion in any sta'e. Send 2c. stamp for catalogue Wa are toe patentee and mannfaoturera of toe Olenln 8tage Pooket. METROPOLITAN ELECTRIC STAOE LIOUT1NO 00, Kleotro - Optical Stage Llgbt lug Apparatus. 133 West 40th St., New York. Telephone aios-8Bth St. STERE0PTIC0NS FROM $12.00 jhhbeb. 012.00 -HPIf NEW AND SECOND BANDS FILMS, MOVING PIOTCRK MACHINES AND SONO SLIDES. PRAROE A SOHEOK. M N. CaWert St., Balto,,Md. Fine MlglGll Appmlus, ILLUSIONS, TRICKS, Ktfl. Orand End of Century, fully Illustrated, book cata- LUGCB, Do., free by mail, Catalogue of Parlor Trloks free MARTINKA A 00.. Mfrs., 403 sixth Ave., N. Y. TENT8. WRITE US fir Prices. Lnrge Stock New and Seoond Hand TENTS always on band. THE CHARLES P. 8IEDER TKNT AND AWNING 00., Successors to T. W. Noble Co., Tent Dept, Detroit Bat and Mfg. Co., Detroit, Nick. THE ABOVE IB A SAMPLE OF OUR 76o. Newspaper Half Tone Made for Fosters, Newspapers, Letter Heads, eto. SPECIAL PIUOE ON LAHQER SIZES. Cuts delivered when cash aeoompanles the order. Bend Wo. tor a trial ordor and bo convinced. We do the beat work promptly and at the lowest prioe. PERFORMERS FOR SUNDAY. Sohmor Park ARTI8T8 0FALL KINDS WRITE FOR SUNDAY DATE. Narstn's Stereopticon Offer: THE SAFEST STEREOPTICON INVESTMENT IN THE WORLD. Through the neat buying and selling facili- ties of HARSTN A CO., and the Unique BARSTN STEREOPTICON PLAN the pos- session of an artistic and reliable stereoptfcoo la within reach of every exhibitor. We Offer 100 Cele- brated New Profes- sional Stereopt icons Which from every standpoint represent the result of perfection In modem stereopticon building. If you take advantage of any one Of the HARSTN STEREOPTICON OFFERS at once you will Save from $5 to $20, FOB THE BTBREOPTICONS OFFERED BY US ABB THE Best Hade. Built to Last aLifetime BY THE MOBT SKILLED STEREOPTICON BUILDERS IN THE WORLD. The Stereopt Icons we offer are: Electrie Stereopticon, With an Electric Burner and Adjustable Rheo- stat, Switch, 25ft. of Cable and 15x15 Sheet, one doten Carbons, 2 sets of Bean- tlfully Colored Song Slides and Carrying Case, all com- plete 940.00 Galeium Stereopticon, With Lime Turning Jet, 1 Box of Limes. $30.00 15x15 Sheet, 2 Seta of Beautl ed Bong Slides and all complete, fully Colored Son, Carrying Case, Acetylioe Stereopticon, ner, 1 Box of i of Beautifully $40.0d With one Powerful 8-Tlp Burner, 1 Box of Chemicals, 15x10 Sheet, 2 Seta of Beautlfullj Colored Song Slides, and an Acetyllne Qua Generator, Car. rylng Case, all complete - With every Stereopticon we give foil In- structions bow to rnn It We advise you to take advantage of these great Stereopticon Offers immediately, sa the orders, we know, will be tremendous, and prompt action on your part will be the only mesas of your being sure of securing one of these Btereoptlcona Immediately. your old Stereopticon for new one and pay the Exchange. Balance on Delivery. We Manufacture Cloak and Serpentine Slides. Write fer Lists. our own Bte- reoptlcona, Bong Slides, WE ARE constantly told by friends that we need more stylish offices, and to move up- town. Our answer was, we are satisfied with our present quarters and there la no need for anything better, for If we moved In more stylish offices oor rent and expenses would be higher and we wonld have to charge more for oor goods. The lack of Style Is a part of the system by which we sell high grade goods at tie lowest figures. Call or write today and satisfy yourself that yon can do more with little money at 5, than In any other place In the city. Our prices are so attractive that you will not buy elsewhere but here, aa you can see from the prices below: Edison Combination Machine, Lata Medel, - - $70.00 Libln GimtilnatliR, Lid Model, 50.00 E«sm CsBHInaliiD, '99 Model, 40.00 FEATURE FILMS (SLIGHTLY USED): LKt Child, - (538ft.) $70.00 Permit, • (37 lit.) 40.00 Escaped Lunatic, - (61711) 80.00 The Terrible Railway Tragedy, - - (310ft.) 30.00 Out In the Streets, - (640ft.) 80.00 Train Robbary. - (60011.) 60.00 Bank Ribbery, • (600ft) 60.00 Edison Personal, - (675ft.) 67.00 Edison Train Robbery, • (740ft.) 80.00 Yegg Bask Robbery, • (840ft.) 110.00 Bite Board, • (800ft.) 50.00 Life Savers' Response, • (720ft.) 50.00 Battle of Ya.u, • (670ft.) 50.00 MONTREAL. AND B.OOOFT. OF OTHER FILMS AT B CENTB PBB FT. AND UP. WE RENT MHEJILMSIIID SLIDES With ox> Without Operator*. AT THE LOWEST RATES. We take old Films and Machines In ex- change for new ones. We make a specialty of High Grade Sheets. FBOH t3.00 UP. WK STILL BELL HADITJJg BUTTONS US CUNTS BACH. ALFRED L. HARSTN 138 EAST 14th 8T. V NIW YORK, TEX- 3812.aHAM. N. Y. CO.,