The New York Clipper (December 1904)

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Deoembeb 17 THE NEW YOBK OLIPPEB. 999 E Tbe publishers of Thb New Yobk Cltppbb decided several months ago that tbe; would uot publish a Christmas number. During the Holidays the news-stands ate loaded with Holiday numbers of nnmbeiless pub- lic a tins, many of which are buried, and advertisers who have placed adTertisements in them, in expectation of a wider pub- licity, are usually diiappointed. Desiring to obtain the largest osculation possible, and thereby insure the beet result to adver- tising patrons, the publishers of The Cupteb will Issue an At the commencement of its fifty-third tear. This number will be issured on February 22,1905 (Washington's Birthday), at a time when it will have the field prac- tically to itself. It will be handsomely printed on fine paper, embellished with beautiful half tone plates, etched on copper, with an attistio cover design, rivalling in beauty all previous special issues. All persons desiring to insert pictures or adTertisements in this number should apply at once, as tbe space is limited and the time for preparation is short. As we do not make a practice of canvassing people in the profession, do not wait in expecta- tion of an agent calling upon yon, but send in your order without delay. PRICES FOB PORTRAITS PAYABLE TJT ADVANCE, Siz.2ei3i- - - • 15,00 Size 4x4 - • • 25.00 PRICES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS Per loch, Sirgla Cfllumo • - 2.80 Quarter Page - • 45.20 Half Pigl - - • - 90.40 WdelePage • - - 169.50 IH U PUBLISHING CO. (LIMITED), Publ':!,*fj of THE NEW YORK CUPPER. ALBERT J. BOBIB, Raw York City, Edlto-lal and BusmenMgr., M. t\ World of Players. — Notes from Clara Turner Co.: This company Is In Its eighteenth week and busi- ness thus far has been ahead of last sea- son. Walter Stanton joined at Portland, lie., to do his "Dancing Giant Booster' 1 specialty. Miss Turner's kissing song takes several encores. The company this season Is under the management of Ira W. Jack- son, and he has surrounded Miss Turner with some of the very best people in the profession, The roster: Ira W. Jackson, manager; W. H. Stewart, business repre- sentative; II. B. Miller, advance; Clara Turner, Bra Scott, Marie Gower, Jeannette Howell, Gllmore Hammond, Kollo Lloyd, Walter J. Downes, Harry L. Waterbouse, Ned Curtis, Pete Muldoon, Walter Stanton, James Dempsej and James Dixon. We carry a car load of special scenery and Hiss Tur- ner's prize ponies, Polite and Mollle, which attract unusual attention. Everyone Is happy. The "little boy In white 1 ' walks with a strong and steady gait, every Satur- day, and Thb Clippee —well, we all scram- ble to see who will get tbe first copy. — O. Faith Adams writes: "I have re- turned to Chicago to organise my two new attractions which open Jan. 1. The new etock company, to be known as Adams' Come- dians, will be under my personal direction, and no expense or effort will be spared to make this the finest show I have ever pre- sented In the West Some well known plays, with a fine line of printing, that will be new to the West, have been secured, and some of the best actors and actresses obtainable have been signed. The tour will extend to the Pacific coast While In New York I spent a few daya with Corse Payton, after which I went to Philadelphia and settled up his brother's estate. The headquarters for my attractions for some time to come will be at the National Printing Co., Chicago. My new one piece attraction, The Mansion of Aching Hearts,' will open the middle or latter part of January." _ — Davs Seymour writes: "The Game Keeper' Co., Thomas Smith featured, has been doing very nicely and, np to the present shows a nice profit We are going fnto the bastern territory now, where, from reports, 'iislness Is none too good, but trust to get Food results.' Rowland & Clifford, proprietors ;f this organization, have selected the cast tor their own melodrama, 'The Downward l nth, and Sadie Marlon, who has been play- ing Kathleen Onall with this company, Is to create the lead. Tbos. Smith has been for- tunate In the selection of his songs this season. They seem to be Just what the public wants and are everywhere received most cordially. The company was given a reception at Fulton, N. Y., by Mr. and Mrs. inotnas Morrlssey, formerly In the profes- sion, Dut n - ow ^n-g-gij m profitable mercan- tile pursuits In that city. Louise Morris Is "l* playing the soubrette lead and Is re- reiving generous approval from tbe public »at Dewa Is no longer a member of this company, having disappeared last week, leav- ing his effects behind. No trace of him can oe found. He was suffering from a severe attack of la grippe. Stanley Wilkes Is play- >°S his part temporarily until a successor ™.M secured. Harry and Dora Brown "ebrate their tin wedding next week, and ? B i reat tIme ls expected. Baby Brown la ""'uuslj awaiting the arrival'of the time when Santa Clans will materialise, and as tee comnuny Intends to have a Christmas iv i I n ter honor, Lon Morris and Howard CiSu " ar * ie,ected t0 Impersonate Santa , ~ 9"S*1 Hall was granted her final de- mS ?f» 0,T o«* from George B. McLellan on Wv, 26, in the New York Supreme Court. ♦i,r\.T*! d Morton li making a success In the btack face role of Mammle Jlnnle, In r«l,> ? n * tbe Harvest," and U becoming a favorites with Western audience* TBS CUH1STHAI GIFT THAT WILL PL.UASK TBI ■■■ IS TBI 8TAR SAFETY RAZORS? NEW STAR STROPPER This bandjomely finished safety razor hu stood the test for 27 years. THB MAM WHO SHAVES himself knows bow necessary it u to keep his raaor blades In perfect condition. It Is Impossible for any blade to do Its work properly ante ss stropped before using. Over $,000,000 Star Safety Razor? have been sold. Bs sure tint In haying a razor yon find three stars stamped on the frame and blade. We guarantee this razor, and If not perfectly satisfactory we win tefona jon the price. Oorcatalogue, giving uinstrations of the different sets, prices, etc., sent on request, in lending for this catalogue please mention THE CUPPER. The Star Safety Ilaior has been Imitated but never duplicated. (In purchasing a razor please remember the above fact) Oason, complete, SS.OO. MasteUosae gets,Sa.BOaad ap. Mew Star Strapper, $1.80, KAMPFK BROS., 8-19 Bead* street, M. Y. Oral! leading dealers In high class outlery- (Remember the word "Star." — Notes from the Thurber 4 Naaher Co.: This attraction, now In its fifteenth week. Is still running along on a paying basis, not- withstanding the great expense attached to the production. The company numbers twenty-one people, and only one change has been made since tbe opening. The vaude- ville features are the beat ever seen with a repertory company. Paullnettl and llquo, who were engaged In London, Eng., last Sum- mer, by Thurber A Naaher, are creating con- siderable comment wherever the company has appeared. Nothing like this act baa ever been seen with an attraction of this kind. Mile. Peplta Delara, her first ap- pearance In this country, Is likewise a big feature In her singing specialty, while Mas- ter Phil Matt Thurber proves a strong ad- dition to the vaudeville portion of the bill. Thurber A Nasher are now arranging their second tour for next season, which will open on Labor Day, 1005, In one of the leading Eastern cities, where a repertory company has never before been known to play. Ar- rangements have been made for three famous productions, which will be seen for tbe first time at popular prices. Thurber A Naaher are proprietors, with George Dear, agent; John W. Barry and George Hoey, stage di- rectors. Thurber & Nasher have arranged to put their company In Bar Harbor, Me., for eight weeks next Summer, the engagement to commence after the termination of the regu- lar season. — James E. Sprott, press representative for Harry Corson Clarke, writes: T 'We opened at tbe Empire Theatre, San Antonio, Tex, to two houses on Nov. 20. When Harry Corson Clarke stepped on the stage he was accorded an oration that lasted several minutes, and testified In no uncertain way to tbe pleasant memories theatregoers have of hla former visit Tbe bill for the opening week was 'My Friend from India,' and business has been enormous, Mr. Clarke Is giving none but tbe best royalty plays and Is stsglng them beaut! fully, The players supporting Mr. Clarke have come In for well deservea praise on all sides. They are: Margaret Dale Owen, Laur- ence Wakefield, Robert Turner, H. G. Lons- dale, W. Wagner, James Dickson, Rachel Crown, Anna Wynne, Gertrude Norman and Josephine Rlemann. The business end la In the hands of Frank Rich, and the press de- partment Is being looked after by myself. From tbe present outlook It is safe to predict that we shall spend the Winter In the Sunny South." — Note's from the Bennett-Bubler "Two Orphans" Co., O. A. Bennett A F. W. Buhler, owners and proprietors, with Chss. L. Doug- lass, manager: Our business through Ne- braska his been very good. We are carrying an exceptionally strong company of ten peo- §Ie. Our roster Is ss follows: Geo. W. Mur- ock, H. Kemper, Wm. G. Price, J. D. Her- bert, Cbaa. L. Douglass, F. W. Buhler, E. G. Sorter, Jsnette Douglass, Louise Woodson, Bonslr Price snd O. A. Bennett. In advance. — Walter V. Coyle writes that he closed with Rowland A Clifford's "Over Niagara Falls" Co., three weeks ago, owing to tbe Ill- ness of -his mother, who died Nov. 19. Mr. Coyle ls at his home In Chicago. — Mr. and Mrs. Dick Mack, of Conroy and Mack, mourn the loss of their daughter, who died at Msnalngton, W. Vs., Nov. 27, aged six months. — Sadie Fields will appear before long In "Rebecca, a Child of the Ghetto," a play especially; written for her. — Arthur B. Jennings reports meeting with success In the comedy part of Tip Taylor, with "Eben Holden." — Harry Nelson, of tbe team of Nelaon and French, while playing Norborne, Mo., Nov. 9, with the Wallack Theatre Co., re- ceived s telegram stating that hla mother had just died In New York City. — Hal Denton and wife (Beatrice La Mott) closed with tbe Lyceum Comedy Co. at Blroy, Wis, Nov. 20. George D. Young and wife and Ed. Branch Joined the. com- pany on the same date. — Frank Worthing has been engaged by Charles Frohman to play an eccentric com- edy part In Plnero's "A Wife Without a Smile." — George W. Donahue, light comedian, was elected a member of the B. P. O. Elks, Madison, Ind., Lodge, and waa Initiated by Trinidad. Col., Lodge, No, 181. — Cusnman and St. Claire inform us that they have been, and-will continue, as the leaning vaudeville feature team with the Chase-Lister Co. (A), under tbe manage- ment of Joseph FarrelL They are also play- ing the leading comedy and soubrette parts, respectively, and pleasing the audiences. — Edney Bldge writes: 'The Edsall-WIn- thrope Co. ls around again this season, visit- ing old friends snd making many new ones. At Winston-Salem, recently, five members of the company' were Initiated Into tbe Eagles, making eight In all with the company. In Danville, va., Earl Wlntbrope, Mr. Edsall and Mr. Ridge were entertained at a chafing dish party, In tbelr honor, by Miss Crumpton, of that city." — Lorena Atwood, a well known California actress, who waa engaged by George Tyler, ere be sailed for Europe, to play Mrs. Vldal, In "Raffles," supporting Kyrls Bellew, has made a success In the part Miss Atwood was lately leading woman of Belasco's Stock Co., at the Alcazar Theatre. — Alyce Lovelace baa regained her health, and Is with the Hopkins Stock, at Memphis; Tenn. — Tbos. H. O'Nell, who was compelled to close his engagement with the "Railroad Jack" Co., at Saginaw. Mich., Sept 24, owing to a severe attack of typhoid fever, has fully recovered snd rejoined that com- pany at Sioux Falls, S. D. Mr. O'Nell was treated st St Mary's Hospital, under tbe auspices of -the Order of Eagles. His en- gagement was held open for him. — Harry Harper la In his ninth week as principal comedian with tbe Kennedy Comedy : —T. Dwlgbt Pepple has been engaged by the Tyler Amusement Co. as representative of the Eastern "Hooligan's Troubles" Co. — Notes from the Harry Nye Stock Co.: This company ls booked solid for the re- mainder of the aeason In Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. Ws will open Dec 12, playing three night stands. Tbe company numbers twelve people, exclusive of the advance corps. Four feature specialties will be carried, and royalty plays of established merit snd reputation will be produced. Harry Nye Is owner snd manager. — Frank Yunker, dramatist, sgent snd manager, writes us that owing to the death of his grandmother and later the death of bis father, on Sept 22, last, that per-. sonal business matters require his attention at his home at Randolph, Wis, for tbe next six months, end be has taken up his old voca- tion of writing comedies. Uaudeville and minstrel Noras vbom Littlb Eqipt's Co.—We are la our fifteenth week and our business ls still on tbe capacity basis. We have only made a tew changes In our roster since Au- gust Tbe show noes with a rush from start to finish and we claim to be the best one night stand burlesque show on the road. We are booked for return dates In nearly every city where ws have played. Our time Is filled up to and Including May SO, and tbe early part of next season Is also oiled. Ths present ros- ter is: Jerry SulUvan, midget comedian; Henry and Francis, singing ana dancing duo; Lawrence Sylvester, comedy gymnast; Car- ney and Flynn, Irish comedians; Marie West, "the Girl In Red;" Wagner Sisters, singers ana dancers; Eva Smith, Helen Sullivan, Net- tle Grant, Lillian Grelner, Helen Coulson, Ethel Delmar, Annie Adams, Pearl Dupre, Jeanette Bay, AHie Gllmore, Julia Wagner, Arthur Grelner, musical director; Chas. F. Edwards, business manager; Thomas Dilling- ham, electrician. The tour ls under the direc- tion of the Atlantic City Amusement Co., of which Cliff W. Grant la general manager. 1 Fabbon amo Fat are aucceufully using sn encore, entitled 'Tbe Last Quart," written for them by Larry McCale. Anton io Van (fonts, equilibrist, and Emma Cotrely, lady Juggler and equilibrist, report meeting with success. They sre finishing a one year's engagement In the Northwest snd tbe Pacific coast , _ Jack B. Ds Vondb writes: "I Joined De- onxo A Wigand'a Kuropean Stars In Cam- bridge, to do my bicycle act, and have been meeting with success all along tbe line." Russell and O'Nbix. ind Alt. P. Jambs have Joined hands snd have been engaged at tbe Orpbcum Theatre, Vancouver, B. C, for the season, to produce tbelr comedies. AnatB amd Dahm white : "We closed a very successful season with Gollmar Bros. Shows, with which our act hss been a feature tbe last three seasons. We open our vaude- ville engagements at the Qarrlck Theatre, Wilmington, Del., week of Nov. 21, where our act met with big favor. We opened on the Keith circuit week of Nov. 28, with Poll's and the Kohl A Castle circuits to follow. Da Vabo and Cobtis played a club for Frank Spellman on Nov. 26, at the Masonic Temple, Columbus, O. . Bilxx Sfswcbb (Grogan) writes that he was greeted with big receptions sll last week at the Standard Theatre, St. Louis, with the Merry Maidens Burlesque Co. James Hsnhbssbi, having finished suc- cessful engagements in the East, will begin his Western time in titles. N. X. ,_ Taa Thbjb Dailst Sistibs have Just closed a two weeks' engagement at tbe How- ard, Boston, with oneedy's. New Bedford, with Fall River and Woonaocket, also return date at Austin A Stone's, Boston, and other good work to follow. Fbldmah and Ball, wooden shoe dancers, are In tbelr sixteenth week ss one of the vaudeville features with the Grace Hayward to., now touring tbe West. They write that It Is one of the largest stock companies now on tour, carrying twenty-two people and a car load of scenery.- - • - Tim Gbsat Aitkin, contortionist, writes that he was one of ths feature acts engaged to entertain the guests of the Great Southern Hotel, at New Orleans, Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 24. The performance marked tbe open- ing of the Great Southern's pavilion. Tub Btandabd Thbatbb, at Guthrie, Osis. Ter., which bes been closed for some time, will be opened under new management on or about Dec IB. Ma. and Mas. J. T. Lbwib, In their set, "Seth Spinners Troubles," report success. They carry special scenery and mechanical effect* Thb Mabvblods Mabtbllbs, Harry snd Emma, bicyclists, opened Nov. 21 after lay- ing off five weeks, ss Emma Martelle was 1)1 In a hospital. They are booked solid until May over the 3 L and Northwestern and Colorado circuits. Qua Htan (Rube Ryan), trick 'cyclist.baa bas been very 111 la a hospital at Brlgham. Ala. He waa with 'The Fatal Wedding' 1 Co., also with the Gasklll Carnival Co. for the two weeks, closing tbe season at Charles- ton, a C. He ls now with the Murray Comedy Co. for his second season, doing his specialty. Clabbncb V. Toolbx, lata of the Who, What, When Minstrels, Joined the Barlow A Wilson Minstrels at Fulton, Ky. Thb team of Shannon and Lucibb hav- ing dissolved partnership, Paul Lacier will hereafter work with his wife, Lucy Noel. Tbe team will be known as Lucy and Lucler. Edwin Gbobqb reports success at Sbeedy's, Fall River and New Bedford, Mass., with bis eccentric Juggling. He hss been work- ing steadily the past eight weeks and has Chalk Saunder'a house, In Pawtucket, R. I., to follow his engagement at the Hub Thea- tre, Woonsocket Aethub H. Khbbns, of the well known vaudeville act, Kberns and Cole, who baa been battling with a complication of dis- eases for the past year, has been ordered by hla physicians to quit work entirely for at least tour months. Mr. Kberns baa can- celed all work and will go to bis horns at Wyoming, O., a suburb of Cincinnati, where, under tbe tare of Medora Cole, bis wife, be expects to recover from bis serious Illness. Ths Tunis Rbnos write they sre still on tbe Goldsmith circuit, playing through Mon- tana. Week of Nov. 28 they were at Helena and are this week at Butte. Thb Dobothba Bistbbs opened on tbe Novelty circuit, at Denver, Col., week of Nov. 20. Their act, they write. Is going well. When thsy have finished the Novelty circuit they open on the Goldsmith circuit. Joan Kblvills closed a successful sll weeks' engagement on tbe New England cir- cuit Dec 8 and opened on ths New York circuit at Amsterdam, N. Y., Dec. 6 for two weeks, with Syracuse, Ullca and Buffalo to follow. Bana Kaufman writes under date of Nov. 22.—"I am now In my seventh week at tbe Alhanbra Theatre, London, Eng.. with my specialty and have made such s tremendous success that George Scott, tbe manager, has added an extra number for ms in his big ballet." Jbbbt Bast. Biatbicb, Leo and Jerry Hart Jr., arrived recently from London. Tbey will spend tbe holidays at tbe home of Mrs. Hart, and will return to Europe early next year to Oil further bookings. Mr. snd Mrs Hart have been playing England for seven years with unvarying success. Bgbkjbabt and Blast have signed with "Hooligan's Troubles," to play parts and do their specialty. They report meeting with MrlLHEHHY'S! A Most Delightful Sessonlng for Oysters, Soaps, Flat.. Hoasts, Rnlait Dressings, Game, Cto , Etc. A drop or two gives a spicy, piquant flavor, creates a keen appetite, and Insaves good digestion. insist upon getting McIIiHKNNi'•■-In use nearly half a century In the leaolng hotels and restaurants and by the best families throughout!ho land. FREE BOOKLET of new and unique recipes, Address MclLHENNY'8 TABA8C0, New Iberia, La. AASPI Ulev 144 BOWERY, SEW YORK CITY. For a naif century we have been giving real bargain* la diamonds, it Is ridiculous to sup- pose that stores located on Broadway, where enormous rents prevail, can compete with us. A comparison of goods and price* Will convince the most sceptical. VALUE! BUM. HOW tjM. This in the ring we have been selling for flu, but for quick sotlon we offer a limited number at ids. Diamonds will be reset in gent's rings It desired. Chance of a lifetime. _ , . Bend for oar Forfeited Loan Ball Orders Filled, Catalogoe. Tnquiries Solicited. ■ ■•I- Notbs vbom tub Sam T. Jack dub- lesquzbs. —On Thanksgiving night, st the Hermitage Hotel, Grand Rapids, Mlcb., tbe Order of Grills, composed of members of the company, held their eighteenth dinner, which was a big success. Among those present were: Louis Harris, chief Grill: Frank Har- rlgan, sporty Grill: Harry Seyon, comical Grill; Wm. Jossberg, musical Grill; Harry Willis, Dutch Grill ;"ke Wall, property Grill. Among the lady Grills present were: Sadie Harrlgan, Mrs. Seyon, Addle Delmore and Misses Sutberlsnd snd Foods. Everybody had a glorious time, and the festivities closed with Brother Jossberg'a speech. Smith and Ciiamtion were compelled to close with tbe Sam Devere Co.. owing to tbe serious Illness of Mamie Smith Champion, who la now lying 111 In a Brooklyn hospital. Thb Babtbumb, Loale and Besale, acro- bats, foot Jugglers snd bead balancers, eloped at the Orpheum, 8an Bernardino, Cat., Nor. 20, end opened at the Clneoaraph Theatre, Los Angeles, Cat, Nov. 21, for two weeks, w'th San Luis Obispo, Cat. to follow. 8aos amd Btabb write that they have re- ceived a copyright on their new act, entitled "The Sculptor's Ideal," which they will pro- duce over the Keith circuit In a few weeks, after which they go to Europe for an Indefi- nite time. They will carry an elaborate stage setting and electrical effects. T. H. Minder, proprietor of tbe Topic Theatre. Billings. Mont, gave hla company a Thanksgiving dinner at his new borne In that city. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Minder, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Clark, Bes- sie Clark, John O. Ham, Eddie Ennls, ths Reeds, J. H. Steel, Yerlck and La Londa. Art Isglng, Clearings and McAlester, Claud Cere, Sutton snd Allen, Jim Gilds, De Vaun Sisters, W. Patterson, Ds Mar and Lane, Eddie Fay. Arlington Sisters, Bessie Vernon, Mr. snd lira Geo. Gladywln and May Love- Ington. Naobl and Adams have been reengaged on tbe Grauman circuit, and report meeting with success with their new comedy, "Tbe Twentieth Century Messenger Boy." Eddie Lamont, in his musical act, closed a thirty weeks' engagement with 'Tbe Fatal Step" Co., and bas joined the Harry Du Bols Stock Co. tor tbe rest of tbe season. Edwin F. WaxTWOBTH will take tbe man- agement of the Margarst Huntington Refined Entertainers for the reat of the season. Mr. Wentworth baa obtained excellent time for this attraction In the larger cities, and looks forward to a very prosperous season. Geo. W. Leslie writes that he scored s success st the London Theatre, London, Can., and at ths Star, Hamilton, Can. Thb Bbibklbts report success since they returned from the West, playing clubs In and around New York. David ilrlnkley has signed with James Settler to plsy a prlnelpsl part In "A Wise Coon" Co. W. O. RozaUi, tramp musician, hss Joined hands with Jensvlere Hsnnan, singing and dancing soubrette. The team will be known as Eozell and Hannan, the Trans- Atlantic En- tertainer* They are booked solid through tbe East and West. AtBDRTDS AMD Jissii MlLtAB have Just closed engagements over tbe J. H. Moore and M. Shea circuits, also tbe Anderson circuit, Including three weeks with the Orpheum Sbow. They open In the City of Mexico Dec. 14, for elgbt weeks, after which they plsy s few dates In this country, before beginning tbelr European tour In July. Chablib Kdhn, of the Three Kubns, with tbe Brigadiers Co.. underwent an operation for appendicitis st Scrsnton, Pa., Nov. 16, which wsa successful. He expects to rejoin the show in s few weeks. William J. McQdimm (Csnsdlsn bari- tone) writes from Key West, en route to Ha vans, Cuba: "I bavs Just recslved word from my wife. Mrs. McQuinn, st Peterbflro, Can., announcing the birth of a baby boy." LOTTIB GlLBON AND BlLLT HAST, SS an extra feature with Miner's Americans, report doing nicely with the show. Liei Nobl mourns tbe death of her father, which occurred in Kansas City, Mo., Nov. ie. Ubisabo and Theol will sail Dec. 17, to open at tbe Csiino de Paris, Jan. l. Tbey are booked for three years solid. In Europe. TBE r 0BISIIAL PETER'S . CfVf Oriqiiuil ' ^e*; swlss; >milk" ' ^chogol'ate m Sa.nt&. deois' Best Gift and «n> that delight* eifrybody. IRRESISTIBLY DELICIOUS. WHOLESOME as Bread and Butter. tBn ORialSXL-OAcr Brandt are ImUatinu. LAMONT. CORLISS i CO../-f*url, ll Halu>Sn. ii, Mm Vwt. Every bottle con- tains the same dash exuberant life, which no J guesswork decoction' possesses. Get ihe orig- inal "CLUB" brand. Seven kinds — Manhattan, Martini, Vermouth, Whiskey, Holland Gin, Tom Gin, York. C. F. HEUBLEIN & BRO., ,C,-„. .(WATFORD NEW YORK LONDON "HowTo Illustrate" • NO • I.OO nw "ArtofC.aiciture" lWhthoroflfMrdmwIotfAAd lllo»- tntUif, In all It. iraiirtM. IMc, two book., tW.aB poat-pild. ]S ptf- lltuj. C»UloffU« Ml raqum. ■BOWS) BVSLIBHINO. CO., Ram. 833 III fills ire.,ft* lirt. MUSIC COMPOSED AHD AHHANOED (or any Instrument or number ot Instruments Sonn,words and muslo,sketches, etc. Hend stamp CtUB, L. LEW18, at Richmond at., Cincinnati, O. yi PISO'S CURE FOR • Ml AL-TUIM, nlSUAHH u< flHUU ,KI trsAiHs •» rram tins i,rir»(UM ■"■ tit fix aaj Sjaeial iwm—. SSfj CONSUMPTION