The New York Clipper (December 1904)

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1000 THE NEW YOBK CLIPPER. DECEMBER it. Wc will make your PorlraiT •his size and st/le/!^ $ ] 22 CuTSTuSo • Letterheads /" -HERALDS and ' NEWSPAPERS Qatchel^nning b»um« ENGRAVERS Philadelphia Calolum Gas and Moving Picture Outfit Entariainlnt th« Kabila. ■Westartyou.fiirnlsblngcoinploteontflte with tlmple tod explicit In.tructlons. The Field If Large, comprising the rogularth,eatro end lecture circuit, also local field* In Churches, Public Schools, Lodres and (iencral Public (lathering.. Nothing a fiords better opportunities for jSS,.!. Our Outfit Comprises ft he 0. P. CO.'B modal, PURI CALCIUM 0A8 OUTFIT, the greatest oandle power,the safest and most economical gat-maklng outfit ever Invented. Welsbtaoihe. Stirtoptlcon, Hoflng Plctori NUMBS, Filial tIMai 1Dd ovorv acceeiory runs, siiiii seeded fur complete entertainment,. Absolutely the latest fllma and vlewa on tbe market, Including til subject, (or the public'! enjoyment, HII entertainment supply catalogue and • FBCIAL OF FIR fully cjplalna everything. MI MM flOHCTIWCO,, HlBitrKra It., Dial. Ml, Cbleip. Stal I m a n's Dresser Tru nfc jy to get at every thing without disturbing anything. No fatigue In packing and unpacking. Light alrong, roomy drawers. Holds a* much and costs no more than a good box trunk. Hand-riveted I strongest trunk made. In small room serves as chiffonier. 0.0. D with privilege of examination, So. stamp forCalalof. f. LHiUJUt, 86 tr.iariac !l» toanbu, 0 B CE Ugf ■SR LITHOGRAPH ABOUT HAL? THE PRICE IEW LITKO-TIHT PAPER ^ •MID FOR CATALOSUI WoitIsod Show Print m.h.iL. WANTED, For Tenting Beaton, Opening April DO here, "10 Nights in a Bar Room," People In Si Lines; Acting People Doubling Baud preferred Alio first cIsbb, sober Musf oltns, Doubling B. and 0.; must have Plated Horns; Al flrst class BUI Posting Ton. or "10 Night," Atent that Knows now to handle a car snow of this kind; a Boas Canvas Han, to Handle Past) Pole Topsnd Seats (mast be sober). Show runs Winter and Bummer past seasons. One hun- dred solid weeks; nevtr missed a salary day In my lite; don't owe a dollar to ant one; one snow • day; no parades (Band Oonoert); good salaries to useful people. Want White Porter to Double Band. Slate all you will and can do. Don't write If you can't make good, Want tbe best only. It you do concert turn say so. Want Prop- erty Man, to Doub'e Band and bits. OHAS. GEYER, Lexington, Ho. •As IVA For Stock and Repertoire Com I*L.sal I & Panles and Amateur Clubs. O ' ■ ■■aw* ■ ■** rogue describing thousands 8 Muted plays will be sent free on it quest, 'he Publishing Company. ajj Dearborn street, Chicago. Oata- of r ADC POH LEASE, ^•A*lvIV.O OB 8T0B10B. FOB LEASE, BALE OB 8T0B1I R»pairs and Al teraCons fad e, NEW JERSEY CAR WORKS. Gllflii. N. J. PLAYS LOW UQYftlM A.WBROtYNL .*Oil Mt'KON (I CHICAGO BOSTON FILM EXCHANGE. Second Hand Films, Soag Slides and Machines Bought, Sold and Exobanged. CM WASHINGTON BT., Boom a Boston. Hats., opp. Adams Hqubc. Efieo Picture Machines, Stereiptlcons, Song Slides, Films. Lenses, Oas Outfits, Electrical Ooods. eto Send for catalogue and circulars. L. MANAB8E CO.. 18 Hadlson Street, CMoago, III. Wilted, Pirfiroirs it All Kinds, fir Vndi- TILLS 00., ONE AMD TWO NI011T STANDS. Sire lowest salary. Novelty not*, write. Address ARNOLD'S COMEDIANS, Onlbsrtson, Web. A¥ T.IRERTV piano end violin; violin ate III DAD II, DOUBLES BRASS. Address WH. BOHWALB, Hnnttngdnn, Tenn. VAN FLEET RINTE AT WEST aSth. 8TBEBT, NEW TORK. R HOWARD BROSa^l^FLYING BANJOS 5 II WE OPEN AT THE COLISEUM. LONDON, JUNE 0, FOB SIX WEEKS OKLV. RETURN TO AMERICA AUG. 7. NOW BOOKING SEASON 1901-06. HANAOERS DESIRING THIS NOVELTY WRITE US AT ONCE BEFORE ALL OUR TIME IS FILLED. WE BATE A NEW METHOD. WASHBURN BANJOS USED EXCLUSIVELY. h •I ■= i IS : • C E V I 00 O) CM UNITED STATES AND FOREIGN PATENTS AND TRADE-MARKS And make yog a fortune. Ifjrou have a PLAY, SKETCH, PHOTO, ACT, SONG or BOOK that la worth anything, yon abonld copyright It. Don't take chances when you can secure our serv- ices at small cost. Sendfor oar SPECIAL Of fit TO INVENIORS before appl yli n i for a patent, it will pay you, HAWBOOK on potent* tent FREE. We advise If patenta- ble or not, FREE. W* Incorporate STOCK COMPANIES. Small fees. Consult us, WORMELLE A VAN MATER, Ceorrifltl A Fateat Ce, let, WASISH6I0H.D.I. AT LIBERTV, HARRY L. FETTERS, TROMBONE AND BARITONE, Doob'e 8'age, Union Carpenter. JOSEPH E. GAGNON, CLARIONET, B. and 0. BERT. H. DAVIS, TRAP DRUHHER, B. and 0., Full Line of Traps. Experienced men, locate or travel. "5 BATTLE OBEBK, MICHIGAN. C, W. PARKER, Abilene, Kan. Largest exclntlve mannfactnrer of Amusement De- vices In the U. S. MERBT.eo.HOCMil •HOOTING GALLERIES, Military Band Oman*, Cylinder Pianos, Nlokis-in-fllot Planoa,eto And Bering Picture Nioclaes, all miksa, bouolit and for sals. PHILABBLPBU FILM BZOBAROB. 1808Iorts 15th St., Philtnelphl A, F a , D. S. A Films for Rent Spectacular, War, Historical, Scenlo, Hyatertoua snd Comedy Featnre Subtests to Select From. LATEST ILLUSTRATED BONO SETS RENTED. Write for list Terms right. C. I VAN OUZEE no Hennepin, Are. Minneapolis, Minn MAGICAL Apparatoi. Finest Grade Illations. YOST A COMPANY, At H. Ninth St, (established 1870.) Philadelphia. 49- Large new catalogue for stamp, COWNS^Si? SLIGHTLY USED. Also STREET OOWHS. We have on hand a Urge assortment of slightly worn Evening Crowns, Dinner, Reception andlWOowns. These robes are perfect in every respect, and are especially suitable for wear in HIGH CLASS DRA- MATIC PRODUCTIONS. We hare a fall line of Seal Skin Coats and Furs of all rinae. MBS. H. STARR. 8CT Sonth 8t»U 8L. CHJCAGt*. With Eectrio Aro, CsJionm or . uu, vauui DJastrated Song Slides, BOUGHT AND SOLD. LHBTS.iMB.tM street, Sew Tort CHy. STERE- OPTI- CON, Aoetylene iAhL colors*, nua Sllkollne Tight..Id.00; Worsted Tights, tH.OOi Cotton Tlghtt, •l.T»0| Sllh Tights, from SS.tfB wp| Shirts to match all same price »• tlghtst Pomp. )S3 cental •re, 1I.OO| Elastic Supporter., 01| Cloth Supporter., Hi rent.. Send for cataloatne and lamplrl of tights tree. Positively at de- Soalt rnquired. Satisfaction guaran- ■I or money refunded, spioer BROS., M Woodbine St,, Brooklyn, N.Y. Old stand but new address. FILMS i MACHINES FOB SALE. 10,000ft FILM, FROH 8 to Seta. PBR BOOK. Bookings with clubs, theatres, etc., for Moving Picture Entertainments. Popular prices. _ _ _ F. H. DEUKRB A CO., N. T. Entertainment Bureau, 1W Ittt Avenue. N.Y. City. ' OKiiA\8 FOB SALE. New, Large Orchestrion, playing by paper mu- slo; New Card Board Organ, 67 keys, with Dram Attachments, like new: Second Hand, Fine Brass Trumpet Rjller Organ, 7« keys, with Drums. Sev- eral Small Second Hand Roller Organs, all first olass condition. ERNRT BWECKER, 4U B. 17th Street, New Yoik. FOR SALE, 10 CREAM COLORED MARES Seven years old, both with Silver Manes snd Tails. They stand its hands high, and weigh a,sooft. Win make a great ad. for circus or Medl ome Shows. For further Information apply to ABE KLEE A SON, 271N. Centre Avenue, Chicago, El. ARE YOU A PROFESSIONAL, I If so send for our oatolog of Greaee Faints and Make Up Supplies. VAN HORN * MIOHL, Mnfs "Oarnellan", Guar- anteed Grease Paints, Guaranteed Oarnellan Cold Cream, can. Face Powder (18 Shades), toots, lb oas. Filled Make Up Boxes,, 12.50 and $6.oo. Face Powders, Creams. Bto.7 Office, 121 N. Ninth St. Factory, »lt Aroh., PH1LA., PA. NOW MAKING , LETTERHEADS i RoyalPtoCo. 334 DEARBORri ST.. CHICAGO ILL. , S <1 I I 1 l> I l>! ZAMBEZI GEM Great Discovery. Expert* can not detect it from gen- uine diamond. Costs bnt In brilliancy and cut It has no equal. Betting solid gold. Write for illustrated catalogue. ROWS A 00., Dept.0., 848 Dearborn 8t, Ohloago. one-tenth. TENTS. WRITE US fer Prices. Urge Stock New and Second Hand TENTS always on hand. THE CHARLES P. SIEDER TENT AND AWNING CO.,Sucoessors to T. W. Noble Co., Tent Dept. Detroit Ban and Mfg. Co.. Detroit Mioh. PERFORMERS FOR SUNDAY. Sobmer Park ARTISTS OF ALL KINDS WRITE FOR SUNDAY DATE. MONTREAL. SLOT MACHINES. Over 400j every kind; standard makes. All up- to-date. Write for Cut Price List. C08MOPOL.ITAN NOVELTY CO., *M H. Fourth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. WE HAVE LOTS MORE Mechanical Fog Horns, Whistles, Automatic Banjos, Baby Pianos for Shows, Apartments, Yachts or Car; Hand Organs, Folding Organs, Holl Strip Admission TlckeU,Bla<* or White Tents, Folding Chairs, Triangles, Sswbnck Cots and Canvas Covers. SEND FOR FRBB LIST. E. H. ARUBBD8TEB, 807 3. 6th St., Springfield, Illinois. Good Medicine Comedian, Fake Organ Also Oood Team. Salary every Sunday, in U. 8. ooln. Sober, re- liable people can wore year around. Write or wire your lowest Dawnle and Thompson, wire atonte. Tickets »o those we know. DB.M. W. MADDEN. Middlesborongh. Kentucky. SlriilBieDjrili Agttts & .Mftsstrs Supplies We Always Have tbe Latest Novelties. Send for vur New Catalogue. UNIVERSAL SUPPLY CO., fitJJIlAOA IBS La Salle Rtrtet XMAS SIFTS FOR THF BOYS, TOY Magic Lanterns, Slides, Fountain Pens, Cameras and other Novelties, etc. Catalogue K mailed free by request L. MANAS8E, Chicago, III. ROYALTY PLAYS. MANUSCRIPT, PARTS AND RIGHTS FOR A YEAR, TEN DOLLARS. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. ALEX, BYERS. 144 LA SALLE STREET, CHICAGO. ILL JUST OUT, 124 PAGE ILLUSTRATED HA6IC CATALOOnK, 25e.: 8TJP. CATAL., Be None free. Only N. B. Agent for Mahatms, lOc W. D. LEBOY, 108 Court St., BoBton, Mass. WANTED, A FIRST CLASS VAUDEVILLE OR FAROE COHBDT CO., FOR HOLIDAYS, ONC HIOHT. WILL GIVE ALL TflERB IS IN IT? Write, JOHN 8. MORE, West Salem, 0. Ill ftVfC Rsadtng and Recitation Books. rLAIel. °"* l0 ( Q * Ftm - aJI Orametle ■ anwsaj ■ an papera on tale or mailed. OHAI. tfebONALD * CO., At Washington St, CHICAGO. MAHLER BROS 6th AVE. and 31st ST., N. T. * WB ARE HOW SHOWING A COMPLETB ASgC-aTHE.1T OF GIFT THINGS FOB. THE HOLIDAYS, -COMPRISING- TOYS, 8AMES, TOILET CASES, JEWELRY, HDKFS., GLOVES, Etc. AT OUR Wi KNOWN PRICE. A call will demonstrate this. Wishing Ton the Compliment* of the Season, we are yours to command, PKBFORMKBS A\D STAGE MANAtiEBS. WE INVITE YOU TO SEND FOR OUR LATEST CATALOG OF USEFUL ELECTRICAL NOVELTIES, MANY OF WHICH MAY BE USED I^oi? Stage Purposes. Onr Eneotrio Light Walking Canes, In the handa of Minstrels, Chorus Girls snd Met, make a brllllan t effect on a darkened stage. Onr Electric Candles (cannot be distinguished from wax ones) sre ideal for the stage, and they cannot set fire to anything Inflammable. Onr Msgic Pocket Search Light is Just the thing for you. No breaking your bones In dark passages, simply press your flrjgos snd tie whole place Is illuminated. Other novelties are explained In cur catalogne. Mention THE CLIPPER when asking for It. AGENTS HAKE BIG HONEY SELLING OUR GOODS. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS. J. W. SCRIBNER & CO., 238 Niagara St.. Ton»inii, • r. TIO TKEATIES AT HTICA. 11 TO X.ET, TMC ORPMIUM, FROH MAY 1,1905. AND TMI MAJE8TIC, FROM MAY 1, IMS, FOR A TERM OF YEARS. Proposals received until Jan. 1,1106. Address a. D. LATOHBR, Trustee, Utlca, N. Y. SEW YORK. CHIOAGO. HEFNER WIGS MAKER, IN W. Wth STREET, NEAR BBOADWAT, H. T. CHICAGO BRANCH, CHICAGO OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. A. kerbhaw, Resident Partner. Bead for Catalogue 0, either offloe. BABODA DIAMONDS Just discovered. Brilliant as the genuine; one-thirtieth the coat: stand acid test and PUZZLB EXPERTS: SOLID GOLD MOUNTING; thorough examlnaUon allowed before payments. Write for cata- logue. THE BABODA CO., Dept A, CT-f 1 Wabash Ave., Chicago, ni. SHOWS CARNIVALS, (kc CARSIVAL POSTFR C<> tr.\i»otis. "timsfNi Rtaonemus Leg Improver Patented. For Men with bowed, crooked or hollow let*. Make pants hanr per- teetly atralttit, no matter bow (owed or crooked the leg*. Made of aloml- »...u, .u.iaiuio, no inconvenierjci Contolldatvd Novelly to.. Box B. SprlngBeld. Ohio. WANTED, MED. PERFORMERS AT ONCE. NO tickets. Will advance upon arrival, state all flrst letter, or wire. Address DR. EARL FRANKLIN, Geneva. Ohio CLOOS-T. SPENCER, OrlKtiil Tliitrlul CLOG MAKER, 440 West 36th St., New York. Stamp for price list. All orders strictly attended to. Ossa or deposit required. SONG BOOKS. OCR. GREAT VAUDEVILLE SONGSTER 18 THE 8E8T EVER PUBLISHED. Contains 60 LATEST BITS, SUCH A8: 11 Welcome ts the Flowers la May," "Where the Sunset Tnrnt tbe Ocean's Blue to Gold." "Big Indian Chief," "Polly Prim" etc., eto. 76c. Ptr Hundied. $7.00 Par Thounnd. In Six Different TITLE 0OYE88 and COLORS Send 2c. Stamp for Sample Book. AMERICAN SONGSTER CD. 34 E. 21st St, New York. CROSS TTtEATRfCAJ. PMN7WGAM>OVOfM/WO innfwiir 1 [CROSS PRINTING CO. . CHICAGOl li UIIUIIILHUi) amooa. owu. cavraxn nam en. usl, Pkg. STAGE MONEY, 160. TRICK CARDS, 6C. Book of cuts, 200., containing ever 600 engravings- Joseph J.Fiynn Wants Immediately, - A FIRST OLABS HEAVY MAN, FOB TBE CROLIUS COMEDY CO. People In all branches ot the Repertoire Busi- ness, wri'e. Wm. Howstt and w. H. SUrtej, wire. RICHARD P. CROLIUS, Croilui Comedy Go., Bath, Me., week Deo. 13; Rockland, Me., week Deo. IS. \AS A IM T E D , GOOD DUTCH OB IRISH 8IKOINO AND DANC- ING COMEDIAN: GOOD VIOLINIST, TO DOUBLE STAGE; must have music for email orchestra: s and D. 80CBRBTTE, NOVELTY MAN, and other good people in all lines tot the Medicine Busi- ness. No boors goes. Ticket If I know you. GEO. LA VBTTS, Centre Town, Cole Co, Mo. WIG OB.SHINDRELHJIIltrlMlWIg A MAKER. Good work forlowprlces. V118 West SMh bTREET, New York. Bend stamp for price list