The New York Clipper (December 1904)

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1008 THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. December 17. All Sicgeri Mentioned Huve Made m Tremendoni Firit Wight Hit With the Greatest Song andChorua of theYear, •?x L.U. Kffu v. Nelle Florede, Delia Vox, Mandril and Prruott, .If iller and, Carter snd Bio ford, Men kin, Lawrence and Dale, Jaeobs andV >mt y le»»• KI n «.io neGl rl., »{» ^■"^'V. »* , i ^"y»» d W» '•/>■. »we.» . y Hl.teri, Agne.B.yili.Jiiil* Calhoun, Cl*«tt James, Page and Lewi., Johnny Carroll. Cellini and lUwl.v. American Trio, Dodler and Clir.lyn, Billy ^lajB.BaWMratolsly', Joe KoKenna, HauieJIarth, Iff ad.lalne Burnett, Barnard Hliter.. Mutual Holdiwortbi, Annie Coartney, Waahbnrne and Flyna. Paabllihed by *" Professionals aaadltig late programme! will receive copies by return mall. Addreis an abo-re. I THE THEI11ICAL 1U8IC SUPPLY CO., ** w-» OTt * «., -, w to*. ftlwol. Kit.. 20-31. nmif (U), Auditorium, Norfolk, V*., 12-17. ItU-o-A Prevolt. Stare'*, Buffalo, 12-17. Ulppn Bisters. Mimic Hall, Boston, 12-17. lUva Bm*., Howard, Boston, 12-17. Rice It Cody. Ilaymarket, Chicago. 12-17. Richardson, Lavender a .Co., Boston. Lowell, Mam., 17-24. Hint * Williams, Ynlf'*. Kansas City. Mo., 11-17| l-.'url, Pueblo, Col., 10-24.- HU-brnga. Caroline, Howard, Bolton, 12-17. Hive * Ootaen, Proctor's. Albany, N. V,, 12-17. Wee. fanny, Victoria, N. Y. C\, 12-17. Itujer & French, Hater's, Terre Haute, Ind„ 12- 17. Rockwell. Wand, .Chats*.-San Fran,, Oat.. 12-17. Hobertv Troupe. Temple, Detroit, 12-17. Hochei'i Animals. 1'roctot's 2;ld St., N.TL 0., 12- Boy,'faille. Casino, Worcester. Mass.. 12-17. llomilrr & Doretto, Ornheum, Bkln., 12-17. Rooncy A Bent, Columbia, Cincinnati, 12-17. llostow, Muilc Hall, Bolton, 12-17. Robinsons.' The, Provo, Utah, 12-17. i llobblns A Trcannmno, Weast's, Peoria, III., 12- 17; People'!, OMr Rapids, la., 1H-24. Ilocbcfort, May A Blanche, Cole's, Lynn:, Man., 12-17. Rose A Llmlley, Empire, Terre Haute, Ind., 12- 17." Robert* (4), Broadway, flan Bernardino,'Cal., 12- 17; Boray, San Diego, 10-21. Roue, Vlvlau, Casino, Worcester, Man., 12-17. Kuweit A Locke, 0. O. n., lndlanapolli, 12-17. Kiiwtt'll, Dorotby, Orpheum, Kansas City, Mo., 12-17. Bunnell A" Tlllyne, Keensy's. Bkln., 12-17. Ryan A RJcbflelrt, Olympic, Chicago, 12-17; Bay. market, Chicago, 1B-24, ' Itynu, Lester A Ryan, Armstrong, Battle Creek, 1*. 12-17, working like beavers, to tne trumpeting of stage, having beea professionally known as oi st^atB local, were Cliptku callers Dec. »., 12-17. elephants theTroars of the kings of the Alice Vane, died Dec. 8. from pneumonia, 10. JJiey stated that w th B :.P fennv, C f C"*, 1 ?: Tungle and the incessant noise of* the ham- at the home, of her daughter, Mrs. W. P. Denver lc*a,: George ColUer, <rf;Boato»feti, o, 14-17; inef-gaw.and plane. In short, it will be Adams, at Elmhurst, L. I. Mrs. Whelan and Harry Coley, cf New^Sork WSbcy Rawla * Von Kaufman, Orpheum, Seattle, Wain., TVebb's, Cant., Seals, rroctor's 23d St., R. Y. ten. blacksmith", harness makers, wardrobe Mrs. Aucyi W. WBOUT. mother of Fay 3. H. Donovan, of Cincinnati local; a. R. 12-17. .. C, 12-17: manufacturers nroDerty men. grooms, etc., Templeton, nnd who was formerly on the Roberts, of .Newark local, and C. G. Hnowhlii. Reno* ft), Fnmliy. Mlsoula. Mont., 12-17. Wenien & oiadlah. O. O. H„ Indianapolis, 12-17, worklnir like beavers to the trumpeting of stage, having been professionally known as ofSLLoulB local, were Cm-FEU callers Dec Reed'A'Shaw, Orpheum, Denver. Colo., 12-17. Weavers, Aerial. Lyceum, Tacotna Wash., l?-*» • ?*..-- •.',,?_- *...^ «?- ° • '~»»™i. m . fk*» .t*t~* »k.» _w>. -o t> » Revnanl, Krt. I'., Pavilion, Newcastle, Scot., 12- Welsh, Chn. A Jennie, London, London, Can., 17; Pavilion, Ulasgow. 18-24; Hippodrome, Llv- West A y«n Slclen, Haymarket, Chicago, 12-.. 8t. Lonli. 10-24. me b ■*?.' Whnrton, Nat. Crystal, Mmkegon, Mich., Whitehead A Diamond, Unique, Santa Cralt 12-17; Jose. San Jose, 16-24. While, Pat, Watson's, Bkln., 12-17. »« i"»" »"" •»»»» '"■'• »»"• »™v-« -—--- ■.«..... .—__—_•——- ----- t si«i w," Wlncbermnn'i Bears, HIptwdrome, London, Eng., exhibitions, and to deserve and •ecurj its Templeton and Ray Templeton, survive her. anlng year. 12-31. Fhare of patronage and popularity. Mana- a private funeral service was held at her i Wills A Hinian. Poll's, New Haven, Conn., 12-17; ger Frank A. Robbing state* that he has dawnter's home Dec. 11, the Rev. E. M. Chase's, Washington. D. a. 10-24. made satisfactory progress in securing the UcGuffey officiating. Willard, the Great, Everest. Tldln. O., 12-17. tiest talent In everr department of zoological locis Smith, for several season* treasurer WIllUnii.A.r^miody, Howird. Boswa, .!«•«. . exhibit and arenld sensation. He baa «ev- 0 f tne Chicago Opera Honse. and for oyer Wl i l .'5 m 'VL 8 ?. 1 ^"' B .'^Si Dubuqa*. !«■. 12>lTf- wt .i entirely new spectacular and specially ,| X years In the employ of Kohl A Castle, wniiimi chli^ W iohn«' Onto ffail Hint big and stirring features, not''up hlesleeve,' died la Chicago Dec. 10. vIST 12 17 Jot " u "- CMt0 ' F »" R,T «*- tint already so far advanced In erperinwntal Wlnij/'wino^Ajro. a Banks. Nottingham^ f^ l 5 ar 4 , s ^ re ^ , * t tM * » roduct,,>a U ' b8 °" Eng.; 12-17 ;'I*lceiter, 19-S4. Wilton Bro*.. Shea - ., Toronto. Cm., 12-17. Wllllims-Olllen Trio, Oaito, Fall Blver, Mass,, 12-17. Wilsons, Aerial, Main Street, Peoria. 111., 12-17. Wise A Milton, Osden. Utah, 12-17. Woir A Milton. Watson's, Bkln., 12-17. Wood a Uay, Park. Worcester, Mass., 12-17; Mechanic, Salem, 10-24. World's Trio, Shea's, Toronto, Can., 12-17. Woodi & Bohm, Star, Pittsburg, 12-17. Woodlborpe, Harry, Rial to, Elmlra, N. Y., 12- 17. • .- . Wyler A Wylson, Criterion, Tampa, Fla., 12-34 w»» DEATHS IN THE PROFESSION, Mr*. Gilbert* Funeral. Stage mecDanicsJ ] Cal. a vtalt 28, and was tendered a banauet at Campe's restaurant Mr. Hart was pre- sented with a handsome traveling case i>» the members at a token of the esteem lii which they bold him. . NOTU FEOM CXPT. W. D. AKMKfB OttHt ^^wlth the^p/et^'pe^r," Co^ .^^ London Ghost Show.—We_closed our Jong i.rtJ'EJS'.Ji.. e rrelty **« B ' Co - M Vvov- miscellaneous. Lonoon unosi mow. —ne i-iurou uu .«u» ert , njggte, , „ „ f,„ season of eight months at Eufala, Ala., Isov. Sotes from Local N'o 71 T » FUNETtAL services for MRS. G. H. Git.- 28- It •& to be the best season, flnan- on ? i a at re^laf meetlnr lW" 4 ♦h -: /, t ert were held Tuesday morning. Dec. 0. c|a „ g£ Am( , nt hM eTer experienced. ?",'"J-**! i e «llec?ed • hTa.Ai^S ful " the Bloomingdalo Reformed Church, the Tne / bu ,i nesB done to the larger cltleo was ^n'^jaen.. Johli iSrS; vif^ff? Tb ? mp- v. Dr. Stlnspn offlclatlng, assisted by the something phenomenal. A farewell turkey K?|.F"^'Xesa rSannwr™ •&Jf*Vmi I S. r: « ,0,,n v. Walur Bectley. ..There was,a special d , ^Ig^a t0 aU members of the com- °,? l £^"JL 1 "! 83 ?-, aD f! e iK'.^ a ."„? m , IUl ' flDOn - nEKT In Rev. Rev. « . i u,-. j -, . i • i ■ ! ■ ^ musical Ecrvlce, chiefly liymns that Mrs. „„, b _ Mr * j^j Mra Araent, and many a «i h „ i„i„„i:, ri'JJ 06 ??*™ wlu »'«»« notl. OllDert liked. i-Ms was under the direction Seer fu f {oast was drank to the health 'of fy the linanclal Becretary,two weeks ahead. Yackley A Bnnnell, Oarlck, Wilmington, Del,. 12« of P. F. del Camplgllo, who composed the or- tDe nogt an a hostess. A beautiful cut glass »» » •"• - - gan pselude, "At Heat," which was dedicated water get was presented to the captain and SOUTH CAROLINA. to Mrs. Olibcrt's memory. In his eulogy D | g wI f e Dy tn6 members of the company, . Dr. Stinson dwelt upon Mrs. Gilberts chrls- w h| Cn waB highly appreciated. All the old Charleston. — At Owens' Academy «f tlan life, and said that In her acting she had members have been re-engaged for next sea- Music (Wll T. Keogh, manager) Bar'ow-, hro.igbt comfort to many. Dr. Btlnson then g0Q . capt. Ament will make bis home and Minstrels drew fairly Dec. 8 "Qiiiacv Toh*. May, Circle, N. Y. C, 12-17. ■' ' young, Ollie A Bro., Orpheum, Los Angeles, Oil.. 12-17. Yorae ft Adam*. Orpheum. Bkln., 12-17. Young. Mr. A Mrs. Arthur, Proctor's 23d St., W. Y. OL 12-17. Zara A Stetson. Proctor's Oth Ave., N. Y. C, 12- 17. ,..«ii "ih. iiresf n n it. Nnrrlatown Pi 12- 5!eB0 ' c,rl * z * n0 ' Empire, Hoboken, N. J., 12-17. f n n v»,iS« » V ST SMmmer. John. Ohase'i, Washington, D. C. J2-17. 'TiJ)..«..Yonker*, N^ Y., , l»-24 i _ > Zimmerman, Willy. O. O. H.. Indianapolis, 12-17. Sllmmerman, Al. A Pear). I'lom's, Madlion, Wl*., 12-17. read these lines, whlrb be bad written: Klgbty years of hopes and fears, Klpbty years of joy and tears, Klgbty years of changes tossed, i:igbty years by losses crossed. Klgbty yearn vl battles fought, Tobedle, Fred. Proctor's Bth Ave., N. Y. 0., 12-17. Toll me not they were for naught KIghty years of garnered*love A)i ttint'n true thn hanuana rail future Winter quarters In Hot Springs, Ark. Adams Sawyer" pleased a good house 11 "The This Winter he will rebuild bis ghost show Beauty Doctor" 18, "The Smart Set" 15 on a much larger scale and will also build Shepard's moving pictures 16, 17 and organize three other up to date attrac- « , » tlone. Next season bis company will consist A 260-page book, containing full Informs- of over sixty people. tlon about Stereoptlwn ontfite bow to onVrsf. Roster and Notes KROX Chief RoiXINO tn em. and showing the me boas o "g l?in?SSc! Bear's Indian Mbdicinb Ca—We are work- ceBiful puD u c eI b?h| t ions, will be sent free? bv ilttder toe Cents. Sato, 0.. K., Apollo, Vienna, Ann., 12,-31, Han, O Hanna, A Co., H. A B.. Cblrnto, 12-17. Surony. (Illbert. Keeney'i, Bkln., 12-17. fuwtene A Sears, Weusl's, I'eorla, 12-17. Kaaas, Keeney'i, Bkln., 12-17. (snrnker Bros.', Sheedy'i, I'all Blver, Mam., 12-17. Hmunyon. Mom., Main St., Peoria, III., 12-17. li.-ii.fl. Jnsenblne. Olymntc, Chicago, 12-17; Uay- nuirket, Chicago, 18-24. ft.-liuii A Hiultlu-, A; A fl., Boston. 12-17. Scott Bros., Keith's, ClevelanM, 12-17. S<-ott, Margaref, Kelth'i, N. Y. C. 12-17. rtmlt A Howard, Star, Hamilton.. Can.. 12-17. Sella, Obn*. A Tlllle, Jaculi*', Peoria, III., 12-17. g Sedmn. t!has. P., Keith's, Providence, 12-17; 'i — Kelth'i, N. y. C., 10-24. i.I the building, rovers one acre or ground. Hyde Htcii, John Drew. Nat Goodwin. Sir Beverly, proprietor and manager; Prof. Law- . 4* yhriitmat and Hen Year* Kill le cele- Sevmmir A Kenneth, Casino,' Worcester. Mass., We will throw up a 40ft. ring at once and Charles Wyndbnm, A. M. Falmer, Daniel son. mimical director;- A. M. Clarke, secre- or«'c<J Uondoy, Uec. tti, a*d Jan. t, rfrpecl- 12-17. . „ go to training ponies and dogs. We have Krohmnn. Justice Joseph F. Paly, Frank h. t ar y nnd stnge laannget, and a coinpauy of <r«'V» ice tleebt, xcherever it is pottible, that Si- Mary, A Co., Orpbenm, San Fran., Cal., uirendy commenced to overhaul our wagons. Aiken, William Blipham and Dean Van Am- twenty people. o" matter intended for the ittuea of Thb HIT. . _ . _ This has been a very successful season, and rlnge, of Columbia University. The inter- ■ wiliabi) Maooon manager for Pre*- Si?"H Uatca ft* ,; ani Jun - % «"<>" «a<* side of thejedger I* fur ahead of fff^tiggtfg£tt'tF "" ?""' - wrlt ! M, - : -'.' Tb ?.. no ^ SSs^MS H+SSLtR fi=» ""> Ba «"*»» »- All that's true the heavens will show, „g InT opera houses, and meeting with success. 5™H M^AJllrter miiutoVrir nr nmieinn**.- 1 ! Klfchty years of work all done, cfief Rolling Hear Is the proprietor; Dr. B. wlKSSmtoK Cheery as wben^first begun. t Montgomery, lecturer and office worker: "„£. '»»«™ ouaes, iv Nassau street, New World of Players.' itgomery, „ In respect to Mrs. Ollberts memorj' there Wade Ellis, manager and musical director; rehearsals of any of the plays on Homer Howard. Irish comedian; Bright 1 —— the morning of C. This made It possible for star, soubrotle. Boiling Bear Is making a ItosTKit and Notes fhom Oeo, S. Ki.t'h the members of bor profession to attend tha u lt with his violin novelty act. liverjbody Cihcub. —We closed the season of 190* at services. The members of Mrs, Gilbert s j s v , e ll and happy. llrookport nnd drove to Winter quarters, at company occupleo. the front pews with her Beverly's Sovthhbn Tbocbadocrs opened Vnducah, Ky., at the old Victoria mills, relatives and closest friends. The pall- „t yateshoro. Pa., Dec. 1, to good business. - ~>t the show Is as follows: J. W. srletor and manager: Prof. Law- Notice to Our Correapoadent*. si .,1 ft Word, Howard, Boston, 12-17. During the past sea- lew Spencer (James Krhardt), n > OlrrrS Pe\enbSr." Ill i"i1 '■ "b pr a«- son we only lost four days while traveling time minstrel dropped dead in Chicago Dec. «d 10-M. Ie,er,t>ur »' , "" 1_ "' B,ir "'* In three States, and covering a distance ol 7. He was born fn Baltimore aboul flfty- »rru*4 Walih, Poll's, Briageport, Conn., 12-17. 8,187-miles. The only sad event of the sea- jx years ago. bis brother having, at one been touring the State ofDCB* closed [n cali '" J the ** » sf t—a . rw Ellsworth, after the most successful season Hheriian A Be Forest, Keith'*," N. V. 0., 12-17. ' ' »L v | n „, Khawi. Aerial. Colonial. Lawrence. Man.. 12-17. £g ISSSVJSFLJr 9 JgHiPg* gg gg Sheridan A Korrest, Boston, l^iwell. Man., 1H-2A. " 0Q largor than ever. Hlill Held. 8lmon"oar*ier°!co^Trent"'TrentouV ffTX,' 12-17; ion" wasJihe loss or'tloby, our "laVge "riding time," been chief of police In thnf city, victoria. N. Y. a. 10-24. monkey, who died three days before we sister, his on y sunt 1 -' Slnon A Paris, Haymarket, Chicago, 12-17. closed. Mounted by n taxidermist, he will sides In - Baltimore, Klddon Bros., Bon Ton, pblla., 12-17; O. n., mill be with the show. We will carry fifty- shipped from Chlcai RUvZ"Sfg femb^Olnc^natl. 12-17. g hMd ot M< * k Md *«» ^ ie » Mt — £[& ft'* &tt 7^3TS«ESl "3 '* Vl^W, 0 ' 09 /"«• >"^ Sea 'l&"Jtf IHtMr '* Pinch,.'Miller's._ I.lmj, Ohio, 12-17; hurdlo net. He goes- of his career. Capacity business has been —T"' Notes from Uie Clair Tattle Comedy Co.: the retord of Prescclle. He Is spending the This attraction, embracing Claire Tuttle and Christmas holidays at the former horns of H*fke °- Felgar, has been organized, and will Thb Old Rcliable simply de- answers with the result that a splendid supporting com- Llnyi, 12- of the year to practice. bucu wuii jue ^arauui """""■; '"■=?."."• «•„ p ai \ n * 7, Th . i™, a "»o signed a contract with Major Stuart, De nas secured a splendid supporting coui- \l n B rti U ^r? q ?h«'fl 0 i? Bt^ThettreBalUmore then firs! doTne S- ho le V. h ? Brlt . ll,h <-<>«lngent at the Bwr f a "»»- Harry Bradbury, who l B well known to Bridgeport the first {* t ^ t ck ln fa a i M a ,? ft ' t i J m , ore ' kSS.. !vj l ,°fi2S War exhibit Lieutenant Woolmarans, of J" newspaper circles ami among mauager* Pluenlx, Coliunhus, 10-24. Kmi'liH, Aerial, Keith's. Providence, R. I., .-- 17.. ment as equestrian director with the Bar- "delphla, where he remained for some pany be Intends to oreanl?e Him-iley-Arlhiir Skelch Club. Keith'*, Providence, num & Bailey Circus, to accept a contract time -as one of the permanent features r ., STSSL «.„,„,.„ n„ «»•. Will a. Kiy. _ AIIc7~F5nill'n' BenhTe with _tte^Thompson 4 Dundy. Hlppodtome. >< . tt> aqptwy. Wp jraa .lp.lkVR. JSSZSVL3ll!SS^JfSSS'S*: Too'thman, end the musical director Fs"c5rt £****£!£* i aB ..fl?" ed ,. h,8 ^ on «?5- SffiSI. *„5f° edl h c i' B JH3*2P>J* ESI «lnlnthe Boer%ar, to" appewTn The com- Tan <^, Among the aVtlni commny a«-Kluy and Tim Leavens, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Hod- II 0i»ii imu, fctruiw, it. j., il".i. Slnlil. Rose, A Co., Keith's, Providence, B. I., 1217. Stetrart, Arthur. Orpheum, Sprlnirfleld, 0., 12-17. Stanton & Penrose, Palace, Sioux City, la., 12-17, .Stuart, John K„ Memphis Memphis Tenn. 12-24, Stanley ft Wilson Music Hall, Itoiton. 12-17. St. Belmo, James, Auditorium, Norfolk, Va., 12- 17. St. John A Le Ferre, Haymarket, Chicago, 12-17; Columbia, St. Ixwls. 16-24. St. Onge Bro*,. Portland. Portland. Mae.. 12-17. Mutton A Harmon, Lyceum, San.Fran.j Oil., 12- F.nlly Family, Paitor'i, N, Y. 0., 12-57. Sulliraa i Pnquelcnu, Orpheum, Omaha,, Neb., 12- 17: Orpheum, Kansas City, 19-24. Sutmn's, 'rhe, Main St., Peoria. III.. 12-07. Kwlekanl, Mr. A Mr*., Proctors, Newark. N. J., 12-17; Proctor'*- 6th Ave., N. Y. C, jlO-24. Swor A Weatbrook, Rmplre. Volejo. Cat, 12-17; Novelty Grand, Sacramento, 10-24. Talbot A Rogers. CO. II,, Chicago. 13-17. Taylor, Mae. Fall Blver. Mass., 12-17. ' ' Ten I, Raymond, O. O. H., Helena, Mont.. :1217. Tennv A Murray. London, London, Cnn.. 12-17. 'IVnpante, The. O. H.. Lancaster, Pa., iS-17. Ten Ichl Troupe, Circle, N. Y. C, l2-lf7 '1'eaana Slaters, Orpheum, New Orleans, La„ Id- 24. Ilim Mr. A Mrs. Harry, YorkvllVj. N. Y. 0., Thep, Jack, Trio, Proctor's, Newark,' N. J„ 12-17; IToctor'i. Altmnr, N. Y„ "" at gj mi ftgg ; jahssaassstsg gSSHftftSiS snS^&SS*** ' ploy of the late J. H. Haverly In his various Many local leaders are scheduled to sneak 1_m«"i,a 't.w iT ne ' Pa - _. - ' mi„iMi «_,„iu ni. i«„. _i__,~.i ._ __3 i, i. »-.. ._j .?:. rrr_ ,J1 rr ll f ■pea* —-Maud Jeffries via mnrr <ul or previous. — Henrlk Ibsen is now said to be restored S£PaiSEi al2L2*La*£ 22ftc2= ^aSTV& and De Shields Bells" rM-T»**:i nilU 171111.11 Mara JH.-IIWIU1I1IIV.C VVUVIUUCr, ••* -- — --»- — - - ■ ■„■.■ —™^ST^» »*■»*■■■ »w va»va many of the animals meet apparent death «<■'• nnd took to the mlnBtrel profeslson, in the tumbling waters of a SoutnVrn river, with which he was thereafter almost exclu- whlch will cover much of the stage. slvely ]_dentlfled. He was a mamber of nABBY Bonnrli., of the reportoral staff of The Newark <N. J.) Kve>\lna and Sunday A>ics, has signed with Hulburd's Wild West and will j ■ ut Laredo, Clabence have Just closed a prosperous season with £"'".>• ■""-"* t, ^-'"cago, most or tne past j» uumoer ot tne local theatre managers from E^Unrt Hr f i5"r»2,"u the Gentry 8hows, and will take a vaca- Summer, and his last appearance upon the will be guests, and many members of com- ™ na <J Jate d Dec. 8 tlon In hunting at Mr. Pick's ' Marl Wll, P. Melrose, somersault e< wrian, closed his fourth sesson with the Great the stage. . executive board at Pittsburg. The boys of AuR5h»' ?g Th» Snrt?^^ 1 ""', JP^^e , eu Wallace Show. Nov. 7, and has signed with Chab. Hbndbicks, a lion tamer, who gave Boston and all of Local No. 17 were delighted Aa[la h _*■ *"dlence recelved.her.warmly nutiauu, aateo: uec. a. Isadora Duncan, the American dancer, home In Mis- Btn *° wn ? at *hat house Nov. 80. when he panics now playing here will be among tho h*™* » l5SJ? a %* a J th , e American dancer, ™ attempted to do a specialty. IlU mt-mory entertainers.' firo. 8 0eo. Colllerrof thlslocal, sS&.sssrtSPU SMSEJ! tb J? Ph ,' lll ? r " lit equestrian, was gone, however, and he had to retire from was elected a member of the internatlonaf ternretinS pi£wi on Thursd . a ?'J?* c -i 1, m ' the Bamum & Bailey Shows for 1^05. exhibitions at the Chutes, Ban Francfsco. °,n * he re-election of National President BleaarPJSasi viSSSZ* !K week Lr%&B ■otbb fbom tub Frank A. Robbins Win- Cal., every Sunday morulng, died In that Charles Joseph Bro. Wm. Watson la In in^ n rlt?« .^ «Z?iSn hla K a , week i- 40 '. < T Qi'abtbrs.— Even outside the grand city Dec. 1, from blood poisoning, which town <ita thsslck list. The local wishes to if th.°2S n « 'n?: 00 ?. 0 " 80 from tne esta,e y of the unsophisticated will be found resulted from injuries he received during tha nk the PlttBbnrg brothers for courtesies _rh.Viir S^5iS ,ett l. .- —w- k.n... ...—z s^ sea. -* .^_ wntu,,., . i a Ei—.— ■ —manes rrouman has disbanded the Notes from tub frank tbr Qi'arteus. —Even outside army of the unsophisticated w many who believe that the life of the his act on Sunday, circus "main guy" Is "A thing of beauty, a Hon which he was nnd a Joy forever." That In Summer his tacked him and tore his leg ingntluliy. The * al tf > """'a «« expert in inventing most arduous labor Is to gather In all the loose 1''- 0. Eagles took charge of the funeral, and ordinary Tieadgear. Bro. Jim Gammon, _ i?i„~„«„ u, a, sheckels wherever his city of tents Is pitched, interment was at ML Olivet Cemetery, San chairman on banquet, Bbould be congratulated Bt~«f oi„~ . L ndle7, Jiaw ^"rlng In "The while In Winter he Just luxuriates in all Francisco, Cal., Dec. 3. on the smoothness with which things are ?i?-?iJ;'ff' k h f 8 f* 111 »» 'he Actors' Fund metropolitan luxuries. Particularly at this Nick Standwood, whose name In private K° ln K- B| Hy Van undoubtedly has the W*l.t~.?J}l? h E . oe nR - 8 collected during her Benson, the cold fact Is that In Summer the life was Dominic P. Barbe, formerly of the youngest advertising agent In the business Ek„ uca, J w S ,n during one of the acts does not, and can not, let song and dance team of Standwood and i'"' 6 Sa mmy Desseur, who is visiting his ..,^iiVr„ pa i 9s ^r, oer tambourine through the inder his feet, or In Winter Leslie, died In New Orleans, La., Nov. 30. * ather during the holidays. Business mana- iS!L nlg & Uy ; T . hi ?# K - Haeket * »nd Mary Manner- y, Nov. 27, when Sultan, shown Bro. Watson during his stay in Pitts- «mn, n ,'SJffJlT . ha . s ^banded the was performing with, at^ *"**• »">■ 0«o. Collier has a weakness for deciSed'tht? 1 ^! .$« ln k °,'* nnjr ' ■ and , h ^ re his leg frlghlfully. The ha j?' helng^ an expert In Inventing extra- lain ' p * y 8nal1 never ta p,ajt<i big circus man the grass grow under Tonka. Phil A., Kmnlre, Vallejo, 'Cat,, 12-17. Tonliey, Pat. O. O. II., Clilcigo./l2.17, Trobii. Shea's, Buffalo, 12-17, while sucking their pawa; but for him there manager, dropped dead In this city Dec. 4. McCotchy, of the celebrated Jackson Family ~i,i 7 , °word, • a romance In blank verse, Is no surcease from continual anxiety, re- Ho. was well known In the profession. Last bicyclists, havo returned from a successful w '" cu I 1 s running at the Royal Adelpbi The- ■search, vigilance and hard work. Should season he was with "Red River," and was season with Rlngllng Bros.' Circus and are • ASH? 011 .- there be any scepticism on this point), a arranging for "Down Our Way," at the Third S, 1 home, In i;ast Boston. The father of .1,111*. t A - Cummlng writes: "After a Wlntor quarters, ot Passaic. N. Avenue Theatre, New York, when stricken. Bros, Dave, Harry and Ralph Suwrlor died °v , ^ ui : yet 7 successful season. I regret J r nmlell. Mr. A Mrs., Colnm'jla, Cincinnati. 12- T | alt to the winter quarters, ot Passaic, N. Avenue Theatre, New York, Tronbadonr Vour Kmnlre Nnin^pi itmr 12.171 J* of the Prank A. Bobbins Co. all new Minnib RoYLANCio, an- Oriental dancer, ^° v - p> a "«r a lingering Illness. Bro. Car- 11° B ?. y l,° at , r ^ wa « obliged to close with Slro Notthigliam {n-sf?"^ W " ' nrVat .feature shows will soon dissipate It. died in Waukegan, III., Nov. 28. from hasty U -1 ° has Joined the Meade Specialty Co. S2!*A 8 J°«* C J>- »' NlBbville, Tenn., on Troeheart. billon A Btirkc. JLsnambra. Savannah. Tlw he will lenru something of the hust- consumption. She wbsnwjbII known In the Bro. Snnrty Monroe and Bro. Win. Hale bad n !L c V n ?. ™1i b ot m * father." • 0a„ 12-17. ■ «•«■»■«» "« ling, .herculean task Involved In organizing WesL Interment was In Trinity Cemetery. -SB?,!"*" 8 9.' a " the hilling for the.Stair & n,"^,nf x • if 8 " 6 Klngdon has closed with Trovotio, Olympic, Chicago. ? 19-24. such fin amusement enterprise as this pro- New York. Her hi— Trcloir A Tempest. OolumAu, Cincinnati. 121". prcsslvo era demands. Under tho ouergetlc Chicago, survives 1 Tree A Qeruon, Orpheum, TLw Augelcs, Cal., 12- dlroctleti of Gonnral Superintendent Lucius Violet Krankli Vas She to Blame?" Co ntler the mnnagement of Gilbert Hare, Savoy Theatre, London, Dec. 6, Mrs. usband, Al. Boylance, of ,\ vl ,', bur houses during the absence of -Bro. tno S resslvo era dcmnndB. Under tho ouergetlc Chicago, survives her. i.onier at the convention*;.Bro. Frank Lloyd ti."7L „lrcctleii of Oonnral Superintendent Lucius Violet Kiianklin, of Geo. and Violet °", r president, Is in charge of aU the Dolltl- f. ne -r? a 7 0y ThPstre, London, Dec. 6, Mrs. _ IT- .,.,.„„. ' Koster he will llnd an army of performers, Franklin, died suddenly from heart trouble f a L work in Cambridge, Mass. Bror'Joe r, " > w n -Potter produced a dramatic version • v !?''i- ' chr «* c, > .Washington, B.C., trainers, keepers, wagon builders, carpen- ot their home In Baltimore, Dec. 8, aged /O"* 8 . of tha Boston Theatre, celebrated if"** ''?*"> " J Pagtlacci." The play was .. * :.•■' : . . . Notks from tub McCadbon KuRorBAN twenty-one years. Her husband, mother and V*. tenth wedding anniversary last Sunday we » rewired. . .,-'-- Ueiier.^raiiiilc A Claudc» I'ark,_ Worcester, Mass., Siiows^—The..Potior, FRtnlly has been _very two brothers survive her. All il;« 1 _ bo /J! J W e «. Invited. Bro, Clark, of mTJi?}*** ' ro .'? the .Crollus Comedy Co. 12-17. Vane, Harry, Jackson,* Midi.. |12-17, Valillugs. the. (1. t)..H.. Pit sburg, 12-17. J asiar Glrli, Poll's. *Jew Hav en, Conn.. 1217. Valvctin Bros., Kelth'i, N. V. C. 12-17. Van Foaien A McO/.uley, Main St., Peorl*, lll.e Veinou, Orplieiini! San Krincl Ice, Oil.. 12-17 Veriuette & Dlqr.iie, Orpbfcuu,; Cra«, Auatrls, Id- Penred In a number :il. , ! • iienn capitals. Mr. . successful lu linstock's Hippodrome In Paris, Kdwaiip Downey, of Downey and Illnchey, the Springfield local, Is In town for the ban- W Sl 0 *^ 1 a bl ? week's business InTlRDgor nnd has been re-engaged tar the rest of the died at Atlantic City. i\. J., Oct. 24. He ? BCt - Bros - Hlmcs and Hogan have him In li.? r? ., Dec, „*' closing the week with "Tracy Winter season. When they close tlieyi will made his debut In Philadelphia, with Joo ,ow ' m k 1 « '1 t0 tne capacity of the house. Immediately Join our show, in which are Doyle, now of Doyle and Granger. Mr. ' Xstes from Brooklyn Local No as At K1 ^ na Jd Crollus Is a great favorite through- some of the greatest circus celebrities, among Downey's Inter partners were Dick Welch, the last regular meeting, on Sund.v rw a SULi ew . En s"lna<l. We carry twenty-three tllO latest being * K ~ a.^..«..,- v A ...«*. «i.. n^n ivm» n » MU r* A i. mu.. «t .._ JtMI i.:./T . **. u are well known te with Secretary a Russell. 80 Tha Sil2riS , «ii* p,3 l : , ?taply n eaormousv" ^e., Biooklyq, N. tT as^ooa as «ri=i 8 i ory . o£ 1Je « r t ?' ui the Barga" l» an jh, n. »., .« goon «s orlghial etorv. and Is not taken fjrom »ny WSHaTflfciTItsssv^aSsssTESR Can.'.'12. J. fSajkJ^piS toys."on'DM."2;'at ¥SS a^^S^"i\^'V^X'hime^Ztt '■ )fMmS«^fJSm^L^i '%&'<^ raiT ^^sW'-^ o°!! ,b ^». w li' P |iT tt " "t 1 * H. -. . > . imrg, III. \ tloo, at Norfolk, Va. V&dZ&wMSElr^ ***> °? I^SZhWSfa^f^p* "** ..^>.««% Prof.. Keith's. *i. X. C. 15-17. 9PJ Ft*nk, «. O, H„ 1'ltB.tMirg, 12-17. tlrst tliuY N 'iX a clog dancer of great popularity. possible. Crcu. LowANDr anil wife (Elena _ Oiuck _ TLitNnB._ formerly of the London Kid Koster,