The New York Clipper (December 1904)

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1042 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. Decembers* EDDIE JUSTIN HERBERT SPENCER AUTHORS OH* STELLA HAVE JUST WRITTEN A BETTER ONE. HSwSH GET IT HOT OFF THE PRESS. PROFESSIONAL COPY FOR He. ITASIP ORCHESTRATION VOH 10c. To Professional* Only. Send Program. THE MAGIC OF THIS MELODY WILL CAPTIVATE THE WHOLE NATION. "* SPEHCERIAN HIT." <**• HOE DUVE5T.,ST. LOUIS. II. HMAN'S, BROOKLYN, WKEK DEO. 13, I9Q4, T« LEFFEL TRIO II? TIIKIR NOVEL, ORIGINAL COMEDY SENSATION, MOST ELABORATE SCENIC PRODVOTtOM If* VAUUKVILLK. MANAGERS AND AGENTS CORDIALLY INVITED. Address ao7 FRANK I.KFFEL, Knit 14th Street, New York VUj. 1.000 CHORUS LADIES. TOT A *■" T ZS X>, 20 GOOD COMEDIANS. • WANTED, Good Burlesque Producers. FOR TUB J B. SPARROW MUSIC HALL CIRCUIT. T.n week! «r more. All applications mail be made to W. B. WATSON, GeneralDirector W«i«in'i Theatre, Brooklyn. N. Y. Oherai Ladle, with Wardrobe, kindly mention mot. Managrr. rri.hlng to pnt their theatre* in above circuit,or to loaie their theatre*, addreia all oomrannlcatloni to W. A. EDWARDS. Majeitte Theatre, Montreal, Cannda. "A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Tear" TO 0UB ■OT FBIEHD8, IB THE BW0EHE WISH OP THE MILLMAN TRIO ! .; PriMBtlig a Mansions Trlpls Exhibition Upon the AERIAL. TIOMT WIRE. Deo. i», Keith'i, Heiv York; Deo. 20, Keith's, Philadelphia. Fraakford, Phila., Pa. Wl. H. BUCK..,.........,,,. ; VtTant oil at -A.11 Time -"Iras* Olnee Attraotlone In ml! l_is-»« Ve.ude>vll!e> Artlata. 9 ...Manager. SEATING CAPACITY, 3,000; TERMS RIGHT. C1TT AND SUBURBAN POPULATION, 000,000. For partlcuUm address T > MARCH 1, L,.., can of CUPPBll, WANTED, OPKN JAN. IIUHHRSII 111 BRANCHES Of 111 MEDICINE BUSINESS Skstoh Teams. KnoOkattouti, Bllsnt Acts, Slater Teams, Aulmal Acts, Good Plablst end some Heel Comedian*, with good sots end Ibet can make mam go. All moit obuee nightly for a week. Dress, not una look Hie psru SUtt partloulara anil lowest mien In flret litter; unless I know you don't their. " aik for ticket. State It you Play Piano. Long, pteaiant euga geisent, but you must t . • ' i" Addrom THOS. P. KELLKY, New Boro, Oat., Canada, Leeds Co. A Merry X mas and Happy Now Year to All My Prleuda. Musloil NmiHIis, Niw and Second Hind.-12 Strips Sleigh Bills (ntw), I ■lated, 10 to 2S B«U», lis; 17 Strep* Slotgl) Bulla (good us new), o to 10 Bella and Raok, |so; IB Note ,yre, « Else. Llghts,_£ood as now, |»^ trunk for same, It wanted. $8:16 Note Roiewood Xylophone, J.Jiv, « rnvu. «.•.«><■>, luuu ■" uwtr, v«v, uwu» ivi Hnuiui ii npuicu. .a. .0 «wio uunnuwi AJIU|HIVUV, $l (new); i:i Small Gongs, top O IX dl*. »»(new); 4 Coin*. $« (new); 30 Koto Steel Merlmbapbone < tieagan), Moor Rack, ell nloteted, llfl; SO Note Tubular ohlniei, p'ayed by pulling oorda. tilgu raok, nil DlcUed, gbod at now, $2J. P, »V-1 tmve an Idea of Mualoel Aot for Lady and Oent; will furnish a -a complete; never been done; no talking. It you have a few hundred to invest In a bit, write me. I completed one of the largest set of Swiss Hand Belle ever made, a short while ago over so Bens Ohrotn. NO IMPLICATES. HAVE LABORS! SET OF.BELL PATTERNS EXTANT. SEND FOR OATALOUUE. Kl) WIN R. STREET. Inventor and Maker, at Brook St., Hartford, oonn. LOHEON VAUDEVILLE THEATRE, LONDON, ONT„ CANADA. W ANTKU-VauiUvllle Acta at all times, Musical Aula, Sketch Teams, Equilibrist and Novelty Aots oi all kludi. We pay no' fanoy aaleiiet. No Sunday work, Break your Jump between Now York and Chicago. ' Wo are) on ttie nuln lltn of all roadi. Performers booked In this bouie for Ottrlstm wand New Yo»r weeks wo will exnoot them to arrive herein time fir loo'oloc* riheaual, asweglvehoiiday.matlnoD. 0» Veldt and lirtda, write. BENNBTT A FLEMING. FAITH HOPE ORIGINALITY THE> (3)GRACB« A FISHY RIU, A BIO HAN, A LITTLE WOMAN. FEATURING KRANKIE GRACE, THE FEATHER WlilOUTCOMEDIAN, IN TUB KNOCK OUT CLASH. MISItltY t'HKlMTMAS AND A IIAI'I'Y NEW YEAR TO ALL. Itli- GAUDS TO SANTA CLAUS. VAUP, FEATURE MYERS STOCK. BENNETT aad COLLINS want A good BINOINfl A DAKOINO SOUURB- rtJINQ COMEDIAN with optodato specialties, A . . j oen do yome JaveuUee, good, HUSTLING AOBNT n broth; PIANO PLAYER. Other uietut repertoire) people, write, " or Doobling In Braes glroii preferene*. first letter. Salary musti be low _ No. 1 BINOIKO and n do some juveniles, good, HU8TLIN0 AOENT who la not afrsld of Us NOTM—People aoing BpeoUltlM I.KAIIER, write, flu WANTED, FOR BIJOU THEME, DES MOINES. IOWA, HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE ACTS Addreia BIJOU THEATRE, Pea Molnei, Iowa. MAN WITH f ILLUSTRATED SONBS, NOVEL VARIETY ACTS, CHORUS BIRLS. FOR JANOMY TIME III MEW ENGLAND. Addreia L. Care of Lyceum Tbealre, Boston, Mais. FOR SALE, A l.BASK OF CONCERT and TWO BALL ROOMS lilVJSM HUDMILLK SHOWS (W 8VIDAY. Bummer Oarden, Bowling Alleys, Lodge and Meeting Rooms. Entire stock, Karnlture and lease for aa'e. CASH neceasAry. loo, car rare from New York. Addras LEASE, Roomo, 11S3Broadway, KewYoik. AT LIBERTY, DEC. 25, Alice Llndley, Soubrettea, Ingenue*, Donule »peolaltle«.| Elegant wardrobe, experience, ability. One night or rep. Responsible managers only. Addreia BE1MBRT A LINDLEY, OUlesple, 111. Edd. Selberl, Pint Comedy or Juven- ile*, Specialties, Strong Dancing Singles. AX IVIB0RTY, C. M. 8TKML8MITH, Characters, Character Comedy, Old Men and Gen- eral Business. BjU>IH 8TKKLSMITH Characters, Juven l-es and Genera I Huslnem. Sober, reliable, wardrobe and experience. One night Hand preferred. No specialties. ■ QILLKDPIE.ILL. Who Can Show Me For a Few Hundred Dollars. Address ARTHUR M. WILHELM, CLIPPER Office. WANTED AT ONCE, GOOD DRnMHTIG s VAUDEVILLE PEOPLE (i«n boov competent people at all times. Mste Ksnsss City your headquartera, If you want work. Managers, write ns for people. State highest. WBBTEBJ AIUSflBIT 00, ia09 Orand Ave., Kannas City, Ho. 1.-1M TRAUB OBIT TUB ORIGINAL! "LIP-EASE" Bxpetteooed OORNKT and BAND I write, state ail ..rr.viw.v.sKi-- -\r± l t*» *"• Biff* Bl»repre»ent. No time for correspondence. Address J. MOV liBNNRTT, week Deo. \* to 21 Sullivan ' Is Mdiana and Illinois Aoa.OktO.aBNs) oPKtt TIHB to 84 solllvsn, Ind.; Deo. H to 81, CarlUle, Ind. Manager* BN MARK A Hold that makes weak, tired lips strong sad flexible, enables performer to play louder and longer without fatigue. High and low notes come easy, prevent lips from oracling, heals qnlokiy sll cub,. oracks and auratones. All comet sua 'otter players should use It. Price, postpaid, St ota. Address MONTOOMBRY LIP-EABB CO. 2912 Loonat Bt.. fit. Lonli. Mo. WAITCO, A 8000 8IET0B TSA1, Obanaefor a week, rtnimuat play piano. Other performers, write. Address NkD BDRKE, 1«M Monroe St., Bt, i»uia. Mo. 20 Years Before the American Public, ANNA EVA FAY AND HER COMPANY IN "SOMNOLENCY" Now Playing Har FlPTB WEEK at the AVENUE THEATBE. PITT8BVBB, PA, OVR RBCORD-9 Weeks, Bt. Lonlat r. Week*. Olnclnnntlt 3 Weeki, Ullwaakeat 3 Weaks, CleTelandi « Week*, Toronto; -i Week*, BnlTale; % WToek*, Detroit, * Weeks, Albany. Tcnr Undor Direction of D. H. PIWGREE. HAVB 'T'WO WBEK8 OPEN. Address AVBWIIB THKATRB, Pltttbnrg, Pa. WANTED AT ONCE, HEAVY MAN, JUVENILE MAN, COMEDIAN, HEAVY WOMAN, Y0UN8 AND CLEVER SOUBRETTE. ■ar l. State lowest islarv (as It la sure), I pay all. Send height, weight and age. Photos will be re- turned. No tickets unless known. Most be able to Join on wire. No ume for correspondence. Address OHAB. w. BBNNBR. Manager "COON HOLLOW" CO. (Sonthern)i St.Psrli, Ohio. CARL CALDWELL. A. M. KELLER. KELLER STOCK CO. Wf7 « "rljnn A-1 General business Actor who doeB specialties, Property Man.who does " •**•** * specialties and small parts, also a good, live Agent who ' Is thoroughly posted. All roust exhibit refinement mid education tie well ns good dressers at .all timet. Answer as per route, to KELLER & CALDWELL, Owners and Managers. WANT GOOD SUMMER STOCK LOCATION FOR CITY STOCK. MANAOER8 WRITfC. I_ADY AND Rose Aqtiixialclo, The Perfect Woman. BOMB OPEN TIME IN JANUARY AND APRIL FOR BUSINESS. I .' ' »■ AJLBB1RT BUTHBRLAHP, Mt. James Balldlpc, N. Y. A Mtrry Cnrfstmas and A Happy, ProsparoMS New Yiar to AN FrlMBj. FDB and H 'JEZ A. -JP H Are Delivering "A LOAD OF HAY" for the Next Six Months on the Novelty and 3 L. California Circuits. Hyde and Heath bave a very Rood "Load of Hay," And as GOOD things come blgb, you will have to nay A very fair price, and If we come your way. Address care We ore sure yovi will say, It's a VERY GOOD "Load of Hoy." ARCHIE LEVY, Agent, 111 Eddy Street, San Kranclsco, California. THE Du BERG COMEDY CO. Va/ A N T S RBPBBTOIttB PEOPLE IN ALL, LL\K8 For balance of this and Summer season. Those doing specialties preserrcd. Would like tp hesr from a good Singing and Dancing Soubrette. State all and lowest salary in first letter.' Address P. 8.—Silence polite negative. W. O. CONNORS, Mgr. Dn Berg Comedy Co., Salero. Mass. MEDICINE PEOPLE IN ALL LINES, Inoluding First Class Looturer, 8. and D. Comedian, to put on GOOD Acta and make thein go: also Pianist for orchestra. Must. read. Sketch Team (man and wife). Obnoge 1 or a week. Make your salary low, for you get It. Address ROYS A ROBERTS, Roberta House, Spring Ave., Troy, i. Y. ■ ' ' -—"^ The Rella-Cole Comedians. Wanted, Property Man with good Specialty to play Blt«; iiux )1», it l«w.U| pay own. 'A. j.coi.jd. sr Wapaanoka, I. v., as, :4:i, M; Ada Hi), Specialty; aaeful people, write; name loweat; pay own. 'A. J. COLB. awKI IN VAUDIVILLI • and MRS. DBO. 18, STAR THEATRE, MUNC1E, IND. and usloal Exports, - On tanr with Clara Bathes* Stock Co. Wost Calgary, If. W. T., Dec. 1«. j mi in i ur