The New York Clipper (December 1904)

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1052 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. December 8 FILMS PATB1TTBD AMD COPyBIOBTlU OCT. IS, IBM. WOUNDING OB* AMFOBTAB. PROLOGUE. GBEATE8T RELIQIOUB PRODUCTION IN MOVING PICTURES 8INCB JBB PABSION PLAT. DRAMATICALLY AND PHOTOGRAPHICALLY PERFECT. SPECIALLY POSED AND REHEARSED. IDENTICAL TALENT, SCENERY AID COSTUMES HMD IM THE ORIGINAL DRAMATIC PRODUCTION. LENGTH, 1,975ft. PRICE, $335.75 Complete Illustrated Lecture and Musical Score Furnished with Each Film. ABBEST OF PAH8IFAL. ACT I, SCENE I. KLINGSOR SUMMONS SUNDRY. ACT II. SCENE I. PAB8IFAL IN THE MAGIC GARDEN. ACT II. SCENE II. DESTBUCTION OF TBB MAGIC GARDEN. ACT IL SCENE lit mm liininniR co., MAIN OFFICE tod FACTORY, ORANGE. N. I. NEW YOBS OFFICE: 88 CHAMBERS ST. CABLE ADDBB8S, KUBILIAN, NEW YORK. CHICAGO OFFTCHL804 Wabash Avenue. OFFICE for UNITED KINGDOM: 26 CLERKEN WELL BOAD, LONDON, E. C, ENGLAND. :llin< AOKNTI TBB KINETOGBAPH CO. 41 B. 2lrt St., New York PETER BACIGALUPI 788-788 Mluloa St., San Francitco, Cal. KUNDBY WASHES PARSIFAL'S FEBT. ACT III. SCENE I. Our Western Office, 304 WABA8H AVENUE, CHICAGO, Carries a Complete Stock of Latest EDI80N FILMS, PROJECTING KINETO- 8COPE8, PART8 and SUPPLIES. PABSIFAL HEALS AMF0BTA8 AND BECOMES KING OF THB HOLY GBAIL—ACT UL SCENE II. The Largest Amusement Organization in the World, SXEMAXT.MXLLXCAXT IfclARDI 6RA8 CO. tlO TENT BOO F»E Rival ■V IV'I'HI) Performtn Im All Branch*, of tne Bu.lneif—Ladle, for « A J* BBUBFa n.dl.m Dance) fend photo.) will be return «d; Door Talker*. Ticket Seller.; Man or Woman wlthTBAlNBD SB ALB. WILL BUY Five Sixty Foot D>n>fr Care; two Flrat Claie Sleeperi; niit be la good condition. All perfbimere addre.s A. , Committee! IlD DABlfW AD HIT p - *>■ Eox ,e *. , and Other*, VB. UUMIA uMill, Atlanta, a a. HIOLITZ ind DKW, (A Winner I Beautiful Heltdjr). DAVIS and DKW. (Pathos, Poetry and Pretty Mnele). "SOON THEY'LL LAY MB IN MY CASKET" HILLIUAS and WIltFOHD. (The Sad Story of a Broken Heart). Bead late programme and postage (or Professional Copiel of lateat Inst, and Vocal Music. Orchestrations loo. PIONEER PUBLISHING CO., • «08-a0» BalUraore Bldsj., CHICAGO, lbs.. JAMES and BONNIE FARLEY A Comedy Aorobatlo Singing and Danolng Aot With a Novelty Aorobatlo Finish. MONTH OF JANUARV OI»HEN. ADDRBII Abb AQBHT8. Permanent: Bj Esat82d St., M. Y. City. ^.WARNING ~~"~ Managers ! Booking: Agents! Performeia ! Imri of Booking or Playing 10 called FLAG AOTS or ID8I0AL A0T8 ulig UTIIIATIOIAL FLAGS lit any loim, u I shall lroteet myself. NOVEXTT MUSICAL ARTIST. Buftnlo, It. V., a.n. Del. Willy Zimmermann, DBO. »0, IIAYHARKET, CHICAGO. Bolo,., BICIIARD PITROT. FRED and ANNIE PEEOT A NOVELTY COMEDY JUGGLING AOT. THIS WBBK, BAM T. JACK'S. RETURN DATE. iUMLERS SUPPLIES.-.^SSsSS^^S Are'oor specialty. Try at tor prions. All oar limps are newoode style, and will pan inspec- tion In any ata'e. Send 2c. stamp tor catalogue. We are the patentee and manufacturers of the Olenln Stage Pocket. METROPOLITAN ELECTRIC STAGE LIGHTING CO., Kleotro - Optical Stage Lighting Apparatus. 118 West 40th St., New York. Telephone «10*-S8th8L HABBY HOLIAH, Last Season Played the Country Editor In the "County Chairman." Now In his 18th week Starring In the "PABI8H PHEBBT," Management HARVSQY 6i GaGB. CHRISTMAS WEEK, YONKBR8, N. Y. FRED ZOBEDIE, THE GREAT HAND BtUNCER UMKELY MCILHENHY'S! A Most Delightful Beaconing for Oy.tera, Bonpt, Fuh, Boasts, Salad Draftings, Game Etc, Etc. A drop or two gives a spicy, plqasnt flavor, creates a keen appetite, and In.area good digestion. insist upon getting Mcilhkn.i y *s-m nse nearly naif a century In the leaolng hotels and restaurants and by the best families throughoutthe land. FREE BOOKLET ot new and unique recipes. Address ■cILHENMY'S TABASCO, New Ibtrla, La. TEE 'OBieiSAL CONCORD PARK, MANUFACTURER OF SHOW CANVASSES V >' BBST PLACE TO BCV 1W^\.^nT Watches, Jewelry. Silverware. ^gVSggV Stage Brilliants, Medicine and Wk gw am Show flood., Prof. Wames- tt» •' son's Greaao Paints, Burnt Cork, 31 H' Pace Powder.eto. Rosslter'f Song Ylj HIbV Books. Pull line of Essie Em- ^fTfoif^^ blems. Send for Catalogue. -v-TlBP Tho ow Raitnble. B 0. UHKB A CO., 84 Wabash Ave., Chicago, HI. Fins Msglcal Appintis, ILLUSIONS, TRICKS, Etc. Grand End of Century, fully niustrated. book cata- logue, t5o., tree by mall, Catalogue of Parlor Tricks free MABTINKA A 00., Mb*., 403 BIZth Are., N. T. ROYALTY PLAYS, MANUSCRIPT, PARTS AND RIGHTS FOR A YEAR, TEN DOLLARS.) SEND FOR CATALOGUE. ALEX. BYERS.i ,'44 LA SALLE STREET, CHICAGO, ILL i MAUKIOB H. BOSBHZWBIO LAWYER, professionals managed. •l-M Park Bow (World Bid*.), New Tort. a Aaaxos.t THE SUMUER THEATRE IN THE CITY. 26,000 PEOPLE TO DRAW FROM, The most popular Summer Amusement Resort In the South. Will open Monday, May 22, with an all new theatre, strictly up to date and managed on business principles. Did good business last season with no accommodations. This year we have the goods. SEATING CA- PACITY 1,800. For open time nad terms address M. M. IRWIN, Manager. mail ITIDV ff^AAIifi Uniforms, Guns, Swords, Revolvers, Osnnons, Tents, Ete. HUH 1.1 H ART UUUUO Everything In the Mllltarv Line—fully deserlbed In our large ktagaalne Catalogue, containing net oaah prices with upwards ot Illustrations Price of catalogue U cents—mailed on receipt ot a contain stamps, mentioning this advertisement, customers write nataai our 'CATALOGUE IB WORTH ITS WBIOHT IN GOLD." Wehave the largest stock In the world of mUttery goods from Government auotlous. Dealers Supplied. Frances Btnnerman, M Broadway, Kew Tori. DIRECT FROM WHOLESALE, I ANY LENGTH. Swell Effects I Exquisite shapes In Crape de Chene, Chiffon Taffetas, Pean de Seine, Sapho, Peau de Crepe, and all the newest, best weaves I oounk Send loo, for full line aamplee, refunded first order. „„,„,.. H.ICU\IIDB & PrtlPPS, 80 STATE STREET, CHICAGO. OSE HIGH CLASS SOCIETY SKETCH "THKIB, PIBoT {kBARBBBL. 1 •raaantad hy WIL! Abb GOOD AGEHTI. Big hit st the Howard Athenaeum last week, two shows dally. This week, Colonial, Lawrence, Commencing Feb. 10, Kohl-Castle Circuit. For open time address WILLIAM MORRIS. FIT WIT & f* fl Wig & Toupee Makers, £ UJMIk ttlfUlPAlliT and POWDER. MoVICKER'B THEATRE, Chloa*o, ML Telephone—Central, 60s. Bend for Catalogue.