The New York Clipper (December 1904)

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1054 THE NEW YOBK GLIPPIEB. DlfcBiMfcER 31. THE NEW YOBK CLIPPER THE FRANK QUEEN PUBLISHING CO. (Llmlttd. noninou. ALBERT J. BOB.IE, kditosial and Bu siness Mamacx*. SATUBDAY, DECEMBEB 31, 1904, €bes$. RATE8. Adftrtlsementa— »2.80 per Inch, flu'* «H- Adr»Uaem*nti stt with borflrr, 10 H' •sat «ztn. ■UBSCJUPTIOH. One year la advance, 94; lis months, 12; three months, fl. Foreign postal* extra. Blagie copies will ba sent, postpaid, oa rs- cslpt of 10 cents. Oar Tenni are Cask. rHB CLIPPER la Issued every Wednesday morning. The last four (advertising) pages GO TO PRESS on Saturday at 11 a. m., and the other pages on MONDAY and TUESDAY. Tha Form* Closing Promptly, T»«. day, at 10 o'clock A. M. Please remit by express, mosey order, cheek, P. 0. order or registered letter. All cash en- doted with letter la at the risk of sender. Address All Communication* to THE NBW YORK CLIPPER, 47 West 28th Street, New Tors, Xtgistered Cable Addrett, "Authobixx." THE WESTERN BUREAU Of TBI Clipper Is located at Boom 502, Ashland Block, Chicago, Wnlter K. Bill, manager and correspondent, when sdver- tlsements and subscriptions are received at •nr regular rates. THE LONDON BUREAU Located at 48 Cranbourne Bt„ London, W. C, John H, Carney, manager and correspondent, where advertisements snd subscriptions an received at our regular rate's. THl CLIFTEB CAN Bl OBTA1NH), WHOLB- siLs and biiail, at our agents, Brentnno'a iiews depot, 87 Avenue de 1'Opera, Paris, France; M. Llllontbal, Frederick Btrasse 101 (Terminus Hotel), Berlin, N. W., Ger- many j , Diamond News Co., 07 PradO, Ua- vaua; Manila Book and Stationery Co., 128 Kscolts, Manila, P. I.; Albert « Boa, MT- 180 King St, Sydney, Australia. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER publishes only one edition, and that fa date* from New York. ■ QUERI ES ANSW ERED. Ho Replies by Mall o r Telegraph. ADrolSBBB OB whereabouts NOT OITStS. All in quest or buch should warn to THOSE WHOM T1IEI AlBS, IN CABS OB THE CLIPPER Post Ofhcb. All utniBa urn* SB ADVBBTIBED ONE WEEK ONLY. IV THE Boon or anx theatrical comfanx is ■OUGHT. BXFEB TO ODB LIB! Of RODTIS ' OH ANOTBIB PAGE. WE CANNOT SBMD BOUXU •X HAIL OB XSLE QBAPB. DRAMATIC. W. J., Hartford.—We have no knowledge ot tho present whereabouts of tuo party. Ad- dress a lottor In our care and wo will adver- tlno It lu Tub Clipper letter Hat L. D. R., Wllllmautlc, P. II., New York, Hotel Anderson, Mrs. C. W. 0., Troy, A. A. T., St. Louis, Mim. M. R., Philadelphia, W. 8., Brooklyn, N. C, Brighton, A. R. T., Swcedsboro, and H. H. H., Phojnlxvllle.—See answer to W. J., above. A. A. A., Now York.—1. Apply to som; dealer In brass musical Instruments. 2 and 8. Wo have no means of knowing. 8. II. L., Deluvnn.—BUI Dovero's poems were published by M. Wltmark k Sons, 144 West Thirty-seventh Street, Now York City. H. V. R., Jamaica Plain.—Summer Beason '03. J. B., Jr., Broken Bow.—1. "Hearts of Oflk" Is dotibtless tbe play to which you re- fer. 2. Address Mrs. Janies A. Heme, cars or Llcbler & Co., 1402 Broadway, New York City. l". N., Newark.—Address tbo quartette In core of tub Clipper Bureau, 48 Cranbourne Street. LoDdon, W. C, Bog. J. J. Mcll., Philadelphia.—Advertise la Tub Clippbb In the Spring or early Sum- mer when the companies are forming. W. B., Ludlngton.—1. Hartley Campbell was the author of "Sly Partner." 2. Wilton Lactam created tbe rote In this country. 3. Newport, R. I., Sept. 8, 1807. R. W. 8., Syracuse.—1. Dan Darlolgh snd Bob Mack are the managers. 2. Watch our route llBt each week. C. W., Newark.—Advertisement would cost $48.00 net. II. V. C, Toledo.—We have had numerous queries of thu same kind from your city, and courtesy to a contomporary forbids our giv- ing: you the answers you desire. It Is a com- petition which. If you cnler It, you should not expect aid from any publication. L. T., Philadelphia.—We bellovo the com- pany closed tor reorganization. Mns. W. B. McC, liberal ltldgo.—We can not aid you. B. D. 8., Patcrson.—Wo con only advise you to Interest somo malinger In your work. A. K., Now York.—Address party. Watch our route list each week. Mish M. II., Chicago.—Sco routo list In this issue. tiivToitn.—Rcltzmnnn, Broadway, between Tiveiiiv-HPvenlli and Twenty-eighth' Streets, New York City. CARDS. J. P., Denver.—1. No. It Is used In mls- tigrls, an offshoot of poker. 2. It docs when- ever straights are allowed. 3..No. W. J. L., Montreal,—The game Is unknown to us. 3. 0. L., Tipton.—A and B win. The nnlnts count In this order of precedence: nigh, low. Jack and game- High, jack; there- . tore, takes precedence over low, game. RINO. Cruiksbank. —1. Peter Jackson fought J. ,7. Jeffries March 22, 1808, at Ban Francisco. ■S. Three rounds. Ho died July 28, 1001, at Sydney, Australia. MISCELLANEOUS. J. S. K., Kansas City.—Moke Inquiry ot one of the leading papers ot your city. L. J. B„ Norman.—We have no knowledge of the game. Constant Reaper. —Address tbs present mayor of Jacksonville, Fin. \V. H. U., Kits.—Address tho Attorney General of the State. A Winning; Game. DV MANIA. Under the holly and greens, Wrapped In a soft happiness. Moving our Kings and our Queens, Portia and I played st chess. She was coquettish and gay— Hopeful was I and sedate; She made her moves "Just for play," 1 was for winning a mate. Over tbe chessboard we strayed— A move left ber Queen In my track, My hand over hers quickly closed— I cried, "I will ne'er give It back." Now while the Christmas bells ring, Seated 'neath holly and green, I am acknowledged the King, She, my adorable Queen. Am. Oh. Bulletin. Cheaa Deed* Accomplished. We ore pleased, and because It Is right, to see that Mr. Marshall definitely agrees to post a preliminary forfeit ot $500, with the understanding that Dr. Lasker, at tbe same time, posts n like amount in the treasurer s hands It la very satisfactory to be as- sured by Mr. M. that tbe cbamplonshlp nego- tiations will not Interfere with tbe Jsnowskl match In Paris, January, 1005 "Marshall's Chess Openings'' bas been laid on our table by the courtesy of British Chest Uagasine. Space would ntterly fall to say In full what we wish of this work; so, brief- ly, It Is tbe most satisfactory and under- standable elementary chess work wo ever saw. When Mr. M. believes an Attack, or Defence bad or the best be says so, and docs not ring In a lot of "trumpery" stuff to con- fuse bis students. 12 mo., portrait nnd biog- raphy, pp. IV plus V—185. $1, American note, to Editor British Chess iicgazinc, 38 Park Cross Street, Leeds, Bog......Tho KngllBli managers of the cable match suggest April 14 and 15 next as suitable dates for the contest. "These dates will. In all like- lihood, be confirmed by the Brooklyn Club." snye The Haglc We await with much Interest the result ot tbe collegians' battles. The "big ■ four," as previously given, com- menced Dec. 22. Their captains arc Q. A. Brackett, Harvard; G. W. Tucker Jr., Co- lumbia; W. N. Woodbury, Yale, and T. C. Mowry, of Princeton. Charles Curt, di- rector of plsy: II. Helms and C. 8. Howell, unplres Tbe triangular league college tourney, Cornell, Brown and Pennsylvania, comes soon after the above James Ma- son, wbosc recovery from a long prostrating Illness seemed assured, has suddenly fallen victim to a serious relapse To show bow much the relative rank of problems Is a matter of taste with Judges It Is amusing to note that In a recent European problem tout-ney a competition by no less a master of tbo art than A. F. Mackenzie was placed lust by a German, and first by an English Judge! Mr. Wallace E. Nevlll has won the charaplonlshp of the Mechanics Institute C, C'„ the leading chess organization of San Francisco, with a score, 12% to 3%. Mr. N.'s portrait graces the December A. 0. B. Tbo telegraphic match. Chicago vs. Franklin C. C, Philadelphia has reached a conclusion by dint of some adjudicating. Chicago, 0%; p. c. C, 0%. The 6 leading tables are of most Interest: Phillips 1, vs. Shipley 0; Uedemann 1—Bainpton U : Johns- ton 0—Volgt 1; Medlnus 1—Rclcbhelm 0; Houghtellng %—Robinson Vi: Parke 0— Mlotkowskl 1, etc., which seems to about set the pace The four leaders In the cur- rent Manhattan C. C.'s tourney, otter seven rounds, are: Schwlctzcr, 0>/j to Vj; Hun- ham, 5>£—IVi ; Jones, 0—1; Kochlcr, 4—0. In the recent annual match, 10 a side, Harvard vs. Yale, Harvard on tbe sixth lead- In* board won OVi to Vi, but lost all the other 4. always will be Interested In those club move- ments designed to bring forwsrd and en- coursge tbe young and less experienced players The Manhattan C. C. Is vigor- ously pushing Its annual tonmey with four- teen entrants The Monte Carlo Inter- national w'll tbls year lie transferred to Ustend, to be held in June next, and arrange- ments are on foot to make It the greatest of the series. M. Jules Arnous de Riviere. mansger, ss before Via Tribune we learn that the current cbamplonshlp tourney of the Chicago C. C. has twenty entrants, nnd that after three rouuds Kppens and Me- dlnus lead with a clean score of 3. A Lady Cheaa Editor. Miss Rose Jefferson Is chess editor of The Commercial Appeal. (Memphis?) She scored a game vs. Marshall In a simultaneous exhibi- tion, snd gave It in ber columns thus: TWO KT'8 DEFENCE. Mii«R.J. MsrshsU. U..PtoQR8 OtoKRi m:.p-3b4 qbxp 16..BHPXB ftXBP 17. .KB I KR-Ke i-.T-RS QK-Ksq i»..KRhome u-Kts 20..K R-Ktsq Q-K 3 2I..Kt-Et P-KB3 21..Q-K4 PXKt(o) J3..QXQ+,Reslgns,for Msrsbsll, FtoK.4 QKt-BO KKt-BS F-Q4 KtXP nr Castles KB-B4 IM..W a. «*t, »«■-.•— K R-K sq i Bis game Is helpless. UISIB.J. 1..PWK4 2..KKi-B8 S..B-B4 4..F-C8 S..KPXP 6..KBXKt 7..P-KB8 8..KtXKt ».. Oat ties 10..BU-GS 11..P.KB4 I2..Kt-B8 (o) If 22..R tka Q; 23..P tks b, R tks T; B tks B, etc.—R J.— Via Eagle. Checkers, Solution of Position Ko. 20, Vol. 02. BX CIUS. SOBEHTS, FLUSHING, X. X. Black 12 20 K14 White 20 2» K7 White to play and draw. 7 3 14 18 21 IT 10 0 18 8 20 80 20 20 10 15 17 13 Drawn, 3 7 20 28 11 8 0 1 30 20 20 21 10 10 11 7 7 11 28 10 8 11 18 15 Position Ko. 30, Vol. B2. DX ED. KNOBXKR, KBW XORK. Black 2 0 10 K18 n ir» 23 10 8 11 22 1" » 13 17 14 10 17 21 14 10 18 2U 23 4 8 White 0 13 14 28 K11 White to play and win. Game No. 3V, Vol. 52. LAIBD AND LADY. BY »I». J. YATES, E.M.HAM. From Xotts Cuardian. 24 20 2 18 10 13 0 0 23 14 9 13(d) 31 211 7 10(b) 13 II) 1 0f«) 14 7 13 IT 3 10 The World's Cuaniuiouanlp. Some progress has been made towards this Important event, and Mr. Marshall Is report- ed to be especially prompt In bis movements to promote the consummation of so desirable au object. As the victor will not bo entitled to a seat in the council of tbe gods on Olympus, nor even be enrolled as a demigod before wbom common mortals must "bend the pregnant hinges of the knee," Mr. M. evidently does not see tbe use, much less the necessity of pouring out a flood of pour par- lers to befog the wnole situation and disgust all readers. Both parties refer In general terms to the stipulations drawn up for tbo Lasker-Tsr- rasch match, wblch Dr. L. again offers, and Mr. Marshall, In the main, agrees to. Our readers will like to see tho full set of these articles, which we have not previously given. They are: ... "1. Tito match to be for the world's cham- pionship, and stakes of 52,000 a side 2. The player Arse winning eight gurnea to bo declared tbe victor, draws not counting in tho score 3. Tbe determination of the opening of tbe contest, within six months, to rest with Dr. Lasker, who, however, must set the exact date by giving bis opponent six weeks' notice thereof. [In this case Dr. L. suggests April, 1005, as a proper time for tho match.] 4. Inasmuch as Interest In the match la not limited to one country, and the game would be best served by having tho match parceled out among different lo- calities, it Is advisable to make arrange- ments with that end In view 0. Bids for the contest to be restricted to clubs and other chess organizations, Dr. Lasker being authorized to close deals on behalf of both principals 0. Tbo time limit to be four- teen moves an hour, and no session of play on any day may exceed six aud a bait bours. 7. No more than one game to be coin- gleicd on nny two successive days. . Tho principals to bo In honor bound not to analyze adjourned positions by aid of a board or nieces, aud to decline the advice of outsiders. Dr. lasker does not here demand that Dr. Tarrnsch ahall mako a preliminary deposit of 2,000 marks ($000) n as a guaranteo of ;ood fnlth;" why docs be demand It ot Mr. larsball? We aro glad to bco the report that, In the main, Mr. M. accepts tbe above terms, and is ready to deposit $500 towards the stakes when necessary; but, as Is right, when he does so he stipulates that Dr. Lasker shall at tbo same time deposit sn equal sum. And why not? Tbe next step Is awaited with much Interest 10 13 13 IT 10 10 « 13 20 B 18 25 20 0 (a) Appears to lose. - (b) 10 IS 20 23 28 24 8 11 11 15 28 10 then 25 to 21. 28 24 10 14 23 19 15 18 10 7 IS 22 0(0) 20 23 22 20 23 10 20 31 7 3 27 2» 18 27 32 23 12 10 32 28 28 24 8 12 5 0 30 20 T 10 14 7 3 10 White wins. (o) 10 14 25 21 20 22 13 17 I) 13 22 13 (d) 18 23 11 18 18 23 14 18 20 10 10 10 24 10 20 16 then 23 to 27. White wins. 14 18 3S 28 31 27 19 10 12 10 3 12 11 15 12 10 White wins. r> o 30 25 0 13 15 18 21 17 White wins. e 14 18 11 Notice to Onr Correspondents. As Nca Year Kill be celebrated Monday, Jan. I, we desire, wherever It is possible, that all matter intended for tha issue of The Clipper dated Jan. 7, shall rcaoh this office not later than the Saturday preceding the date of issue. MAKVLAND, K' Si s kwO Char. Whalsn, monolpglst, arrived In Km Xeik Dec so, ttofe'Gltfua, _.._._ Brevities Gathered In. M. Linn Bruce, our New York lieutenant- governor-elect. Is not only a chess player, but has a happy aptitude for Illustrating other subjects by chess terms— e. g., hut Idea of the late political canvas: "So far sa the State ticket was concerned, I think the ex- perts would have said that In tbe opening our opponents developed a better game, which promised ultimate success; but we certainly played the better middle snd eud game, and accomplished a very satisfactory finish Desp'te tbe added cares of my office, I shall never bo too busy to enjoy a good game of chess." The annual chess match, Yale vs. Columbia, was played on Dec. 8, and was won by Yale, 8)4 to 2 Mi In Princeton vs. Rutgers, the former won with a score of 4 to. 2 The Princeton players are en- ergetically at work to select their champions for tbo grand Intercollegiate tourney to be held In this city .The true spirit of chess, and the true methods of promoting Its Interests, may always bs looked Brooklyn C. C. A cup has. been Offered by the directors to be competed for in a special tourney, .onm only to the third, fourth and fiiu. tiuncs. ■ma cxiaa V\mi ?.«* aud Baltimore.—At Ford's Opers House (Chsrlcs E- Ford, manager) Henry W. Sav- age's English Grand Opera Co. Dec. 20-31. "The Merry Shop Girls" were here week of Academy or Music (Nixon t Zimmerman, managers). — "Mother Goose" Christmas we«k, after which Wright Lorlmer returns with "Tho 8hcpherd King," for two weeks. Lillian Russell scored a big success with "Lady Teazle," which was an unqualified suc- cess In every way. _ _ . Chase's (W. Warren De Witt, manager). —"Under the Red Robe" 20-31. "The Mys- terious Mr. Bugle" was given last week. Auditorium (James L. Kernan, manager). —"The Burgomaster" 20-31. "David Harum" did fair business 10-24. MAUXLAND (James L. Kernan. manager).— The bill for Christinas week embraces: Ps- plnts, Sydney Desne and company, Charles F. Semon, Emmett De Voy and company aud Walter C. Kelly. HoLi.inAX Stiieet (George W. Rife, mnna- p. r )._"Tbe Factory Girl" 20-31. "Dangers of Working Girls," formerly known h "Deal- ers in White Women," drew fairly week end- ing 24. Hi.a.nkv's (Charles E. Blaney, manager).— "Tilly Olson'* comes 20, succeeding "A Wo- man's Struggle," which closed 24. MoNliiiHNTAMJames L. Kcrnnn. manager). —Clark's Runaway Girls" open 20. for the week. Tbe World Beaters bad a fair week 19-24. ««♦ NEW HAMPSHIRE. Manchester.—At the Opera House (E. W. Harrington, manager) I'lske & Stock Co. Dec. 20-81. "Tho Isle of Spice" Jan. 11. Pam: (John Stiles, manager 1.—"The Child Wife" Dec 19-21. "Dora Thorns" 22-24, "The Factory Girl" 20-28, "East Lynne" 29- 31. Casino (Al. Martz, msnager).—Wcpk.of 20: G.iffnty nnd Grant, Pat Dal ton, Louisa Bochefort, Ida May nnd Lizzie Hart and Fred Smith's new ono act drama, "On the Road to Goffe Falls." Note. —Lena l.n Belle snd Marlon Harry clcted at the Casino 20. on account of tbo death of their mother, which occurred at At* tlcboro, Mass., 20. • - — »»s OKLAHOMA. OUR CHICAGO LETTER. XBOM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT. Western Bureau, , Of the New York Clipper. Room SOZ, Ashland Block, Chicago. The Cbrlstmss holidays find Chicago with only one absolute novelty In Its catalogue of amusements—Cecilia Loftus. in 'The Serlo-Comlc Governess," at Powers, If we rxcept the populnr priced offering of hva Tangusy. In "The Sambo Girl," at the Great Northern. At McVlcker'a "In Old Ken- tucky" opens for the holiday fortnight Christmas afternoon, nnd nt the Studebaker the Augustln Daly Musical Co. changes Its bill to "The Country Girl" on Monday after- noon. Dec. 20. "Fantana" remains at the tlarrlck, "The Girl from Kay's" continues nt the Illinois, Otis 8klnner, in "The Har- vester," begins his second week st the Grand Opera House, and "His Highness tbe Bey is still the stock company offering at tne l.a Salle. The week stands opening Sun- day afternoon, 25, Include: Sclmn Hermann, at the Criterion; "The Heart of Maryland, nt tbe Academy of Music: "Why Women Sin," at the Albsmbra; "No Wedding Bells lor Her," st the BIJou, and "The Smart Set, at the Columbus. The Trocsdero and tolly offer a change of bill In "The Wheel" pro- gramme of combination burlesque: May How- ard continues at the head of tbe burlesque stock company at Sam T. Jack's; dramatic stock holds forth at the People's, Howards nnd Bush Temple of Sluslc, snd vaude- ville Is provided, as usual, at the Clilcngo Opera House, Olympic, Haymarket and Hyde A Behmao's. Tbe Boor War. In a class by Itself, continues at tbe Coliseum. Illinois Theatre (Will J. Dsvls, mana- ger).—Sam Bernard, Hat tic Williams nnd "The Girl from Kay's" continue a potent combination, attracting large audiences and delighting all beholders. Wm. Gillette. In "The Admirable Crlchton," will be the first change In attractions for the new year. Powers' Theatre (Harry J. Powers, man- ager).—Cccllls Loftus presents the leading novelty of the week, opening Monday, Dec. 23. In "The Serlo-Comlc Governess." She follows a prosperous fortnight of Margaret Anglln ami "The Eternal Feminine." which ended Ssturdny night, 24. On 25 Leon Wnchsner's German Co. will give its cus- tomary wecklv performance, coming down from Milwaukee for that purpose. Grand Opera Housb (Harry Askln, busi- ness manager).—Otis Skinner, In "The Har- vester." enters upon the second week of his engagement 20, bonked to remain until Jan. 7. when Rlehnrd Mansfield will succeed him. booked for five weeks. During the past week Mr. Skinner enjoyed excellent business, and "The Harvester" has won most favorable opinions. GAitntcK Theatre (Sam P. Gerson, busi- ness manager).—Two weeks more of "Fan- tana," starting Christmas Day. aud then tomes Ada Behan, Jan. 0. Last week was "Fautann's" twelfth, the hundredth perform- ance having been celebrated with the week's beginning. Business remains Immense. McVickf.r'b Theatre (Geo. C. Warren, business manager).—Jacob Lltfs ever popu- lnr "In Old Kentucky" opens Christmas afternoon for another of those annual en- gagements which always pack the house. Blanche Walsh terminated three weeks of "The Krcutzer Sonata" Saturday night, after a succession of crowded houses msde up of delighted auditors. "In Old Kentucky" stays tarn weeks. Studebaker Qhutee (R. E. Harmeyer, business managsr).—On Monday. 20. tbe Augustln H."ly Musical Co. changes Its bill from "Tho Clngalec." which ran for live weeks to fine business, to "The Country Girl," hooked for mi Indefinite period. Great Northern Theatre (Fred C. Kberts, business manager]. —Kva Tsnguay will start the holiday merriment here on Cbrlstmss afternoon, with "The Sambo Girl," a musical frivolity, new to these precincts. Geo. Sidney, In "Busy I/.zy." was Isst week's attraction, aud tbe old favorite show snd company was liberally patronized and pleased BS usual. La Salle Theatre (E. B. Mackaye, busi- ness manager).—With Al Shcan constantly adding to his vogue in the leading role, "His Highness, the Bey," Is continued as tbe of- fering of the musical stock company, the sixth week starting Christmas afternoon. Columhi.'s Theatre (Weber Bros., mana- gers).—'The Smsrt Set" opens Christmas af- ternoon, following a week ot "Wedded nnd Parted," and offers a little change from the melodramatic bill of fare usually served up to patrons of this resort. Criterion Theatre (Ben M. Glroux, busi- ness mansger).—Lottie Williams and com- pany. In "Only a Shop Girl," Is the current attraction, starting Sunday afternoon, suc- ceeding "The Charity Nurse," which wes in profitable evidence during the past week. Academy op Music (Wm. Roncbe, business mansger).—David Belasco's name Is asso- ciated with "The Heart of Maryland," which Is at this bouse for Christmas week as the attraction following "Why Women Sin," wblcb, during the past week, attracted liberal patronage. Ai.hambra Theatre (James H. Browne, business manager).—"Why Women Sin" will be made known here Christmas afternoon, to remain during tbe current days. Selma Her- man, in "Wedded, But No Wife," provided ex- cellent and thrilling entertainment for last week's crowds. Bijou Theatre (Wm. Roche, business man- ager).—"No Wedding Bells for Her" declares the heroine of the present "thriller." wblch Btarts along Its fourteen performance way on Christmas afternoon, succeeding a week of "A Span of Life," which ended Saturday n'glit. 24^ . Oklahoma City.—At Ovsrbolser Opera House. Kd. Overbolser, manager) Walker Wliltesldes. Dec 18. In "David GarrlcVs 1-ovr," hnd a large audience. "A Bunch of Kvj'a," IS, blcuM greatly. Iubh Tehple Theatre (Ellzalietb Schro- ber, manager).—Geo. Alison and Mabel Mont- gomery will be the chief figures In "A Tem- perance Town," put on for Christmas week, by the Flayers' Stock Co. The bill lsst week was "Frou Frou." People's Theatre (Fred G. Conrad, man- ager).—"Tbe Stowaway" Is the ChrlBtmns week bMl, following "East Lynne," which was in evidence during the past week. Eu- gene Moore and Lillian O'Nell have tbe leads, as usual. Howard's Theatre (Lorln J. Howard, manager).—May Hosmcr begins an Indefinite occupancy of this theatre Christmas Day, opening with "A Lost Paradise," support- ed by a specially chosen stock company, of which Lee Beggs will be tbe leading man. Olympic Theatre (Abe Jacobs, manager for Kohl & Castle).—Opening Monday after- noon, 20: Payton and Harris, McKlsson and Reed, Whalen nnd Searl. Ferguson and l'nss- raorc, Mexlss and dog, Flo Adler, the Aherns, Jcsle De Witt, Edmund Day and company, Burton and Brooks. Mabel McKlnley, the Newsboy Quintette. Tobln Sisters, Rickey and Nelson and Geo. K. Spoor's klnodrome. Con- sidering the week- before Cbrlstmss business was good ending Saturday. Willie Zimmer- man's artistic impersonations of musical com- posers nnd conductors, familiar snd historical. won tbe artistic success of the bill, while Williams snd Tucker shared the artistic ele- ment and provided strong heart Interest and good comedy. In "Sklunys Finish." Lew Hawkins won one of his oft repeated local successes, with witty monologue and song, and a well' rounded bill furnished the cus- tomary good entertainment. . Chicago Opera House (C. B. Draper, rannager for Kohl & Castle).—Opening Mon- day afternoon, 2(1: Tbe Qulnn Trio, Joseph nnd Nellie Morris. Mlett's dogs. Early snd Lake, tbe Cnmpbell-DIUon Trio, Kenyon and )"io Ganui). Kt. .Tolm and l.a Ferra, Slnon and Perls, Knight Bros, nnd Sawtelle, Lewis "McCord and <-ompany, Rl;c, and Cady, W p st aud You" Steles, Betey fee, tlie Bedouin Arabs and Geo. K. Spoor's klnodrome. Tbe general excellence of tbe past week's bill served tn keep the business at a high average, considering the nearness of tbe holiday sea- son nnd tbe rush for Christmas shopping. lUr»iA*tSET Tueatbb (W. W. Freeman, manager for Kohl & Castle).—Opening Mon- day afternoon, 20: The Schiller Brothers, Clark and Duncan, J. C. Fox, Westherly and Grundy, the Itomsey Sisters, Howard i'ruesdell nnd company, Wynne Wloslow, Techow's cats. Lew Hawkins, Williams snd Tucker, Willie Zimmerman, tbe Society Belles and tleo. K. Spoor's klnodrome. West elders arc having the best vaudeville they have seen, and business keeps up a splendid average. Felix and Barry, Josephine Babel, Ilyan and Blchneld and Delmore and Lee came in for special, and deserved, favor last week. Hyde & Bbhman's (Archie Ellis, maris- gel -i. —Opening Monday afternoon. 26: The Florenz Troupe, Bandy and Wilson, the World's Trio, the Sletropolitan Grand Opera guartet, Lillian Leroy and Robert Henry odge and company. Retained from last week : Jessie Millwsrd and company, O'Brien nnd Havill, and Singer's monkeys. Harrigan, tbe tramp Juggler and monologlst, closed a fortnight of repeated successes Saturday night, 24. O'Brien and Havill scored well In last week's bill, the new "Miss Havill" proving a graceful and accomplished assist- ant In the success of the act. Tbo Italian Trio ended their return engagement with a renewal of the vocal triumphs they won earlier in the season. 8am T. Jack's Theatre (Sidney J. Euson, manager).—The intermingling of burlesque nud vaudeville continues a potent offering here, business continuing at a most pleasing standard. May Howard, ss tbe feature of the entertainment, has proven a valuable ac- quisition to an already popular organization. Tiioavuap.o Thbatbb l Robert Fulton, man- ager).—Tbe City Sports return to "The I.evce" for Cbrlstmss week, bound to renew tbe success earlier won In tbls locality. During tbe past week L. Lnwreneo Weber's Parisian Widows provided excellent enter- tainment for enthusiastically appreciative crowds. Folly Tkeatee (Robert Fulton, msna- ger).—Williams' Imperials make their first bow of the season Sunday afternoon, to remain for tbls week's fourteen perform- ances. The Fsy Foster Co. wss in evidence last week, amusing the customary Folly crowds which, after the Sunday opening, do not run at an astonishingly high average. Coliseum (Stewart Spalding, manager).— The second week of the Boer War opens Christmas afternoon, two dally performances continuing the advertised rule for the an- nounced live weeks ot the engagement. Be- ing a decided novelty, our amusement seek- ers are being attracted lu large numbers by tbe Interesting and invigorating entertain- ment. Aftermath. —General Manager Martin Beck bas decided upon some Important changes In tbe executive staff of the Or- pbeum forces. C. E. Bray, who bas been manager of the New Orleans Orpbeum sines the house oened, will come to Chicago to as- sume tbe duties of assistant manager ot tbs entire Orpbeum circuit. He will be suc- ceeded In the New Orleans house manage- ment by Thomas S. Winston, who bas been press agent. Mr. Bray will have a general supervision of all tho Orpbeums, and under tbe direction of General Manager Beck, will do tbe bookings after Jan. 1. Frank H. Vin- cent, who has been in charge of the Western office of William Morris" Vaudeville Agency, has licen selected by Mr. Beck to succeed Rob- ert I). Girard as tbe New York representa- tive of the Orpbeum circuit. He will be In- stalled by Mr. Bray on Jan. 1. In his new position.. ..Tim Murphy and Florence Bind- ley, with their companies, laid off In Chicago last week Jsmes J. Morton Is In town, laying off until he opens Jan. 2, at tbe Olym- pic. Ills wife, Josephine Alnsley, will Join him here, and on Jan. 0 they will celebrate the first anniversary of their marriage with a supper to tbe'r friends of College Inn Greetings come from Alice Raymond, who arrived In Queens- town Dec. T Geo. lllllman send? Christmas greetings from Lymnn Bros.' Co. ..... .Bay Baker, James Thornton, Guy Liv- ingston, Albert Hogarth, Henry Truax. But- ler Mandevllle, Jack Lacey. Paul Nolan, Chas. Campbell, Nellie Wlllard, Esther Noble, Alice Gerblng and Mabel Ellis will bo In sup- port of May Hosmcr and Frederick Boggs, In stock, at Howard's, opening Christmas Day John A. West, the "musical brownie." made the round trip to New York from last Wednesday to Saturday........ Ferris' Comedians slosed the season at I<or- ralnc, O., Dec. IT. Cecil Owen, who man- aged the show, and Dolly ©avis, csme to Chicago. Mr. Owen Joins Msy Hoamers forces, st tho Howard, Jan. 1 Mort Sanford was In- town last week, completing final arrangements for opening the tour ot "A Study Tn Scarlet," at Faribault, Minn., Christmas Day Christmas greetings from Mitchell and Love are acknowledged. They open on the Orpbeum tour after the first of the year, for a round of the six Eastern houses "Human Hearts," Western, laid off here last week, and Stage Man- sger. Tot Young paid a visit to tbe Western Bureau of Thb Clipper ••• The announcement Is mode that the Mar- lowe Theatre, Englcwood, will reopen Christ- mas Day, under the management of Harry J. Somers nnd W. D. Russell, with Mr. Rus- sell as local manager. "The Village l'nr- Bon" will be the opening attraction nnd the house will be booked in the Stair & Hav In tvstem, playing; week stands nt popular prices. With thu house remodeled and com- pletely "conforming." It Is hoped to msko the Marlowe a popular centre of amusement Interest to residents ot tbe extreme South- ern portion of Chicago The Apollo Musical Club will render "Tbe Messiah Suudnv nnd Monday cveuings, 25. 20. nt l he Auditorium. Mnic. M. HIsHCn De Moss, l'nullne Wnltmsnn-Brniidt, Thcodosc Van Yon and Herbert Wlrhcrsuoon will lie the soloists. 0 Tbe Illinois Theatre was tho scone of a professional benefit performance In aid of the Fassnvant Memorial Hospital on Thursday aflcrnoon Mrs. Jules Levy writes me of the gratifying success nttalned by herself and her children, Louise nod Jules Levy Jr.. In Western vaudeville. They play theatres In Des Molces, Ce<lar Rapids nnd Mllwnukee, a week esch. between now and Jan. 14 Tom North tclla me ho has retired from the position of manager for Billy S. Clifford's Co. to assume the nian- Hgemont of "The Old Clothes Msn," In which James Kyrle MrCvrdy, Its author, will star Jsck E. MeGec. with "Human Hearts" this season. Informs me he was divorced by Judge Knvanaugh, In this city, on Dec. 0. from bis wife, Teresa A. Dale.. Among the recent engagements through A. Mllo Bennett'a dramatic exchange In this city msv be mentioned: Walter McCullough and Josepn Callahan, with the Thnnhouser Stock. Milwaukee; Robert C. Lalng and Mil- ton O'Brien, with "Eben Holden" Co.; Oscar Brlggs and Anns HardlmRn with Mr. Jeffer- son, for "Rip Van Winkle;" Maud Brandon, with "Everyman" Co.: B. M. Hawes. with "The Elopers" Co.; Jack Krall. with "A Runaway Match" Co.: Wm. C. Dowlnn. w th Calumet Theatre Stock, Clilcaro : Frederick Van Rensselear nnd Charles Klngsley with "An American Woman" Co.: Mabel Fortune, Mary Hall, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Williams, Lillian Maulshy and H. J. Seacbriat, with the "Alphonse snd Gaston" Co.: Mr. and Mrs. Frsnk Beslli with the Woodward-Bur- gess Stock Co.: Kate Toncrnv nnd F. Gull- lard, with "The Old Clothes Man" Co.: Ann* Hamilton, -Charles Mnjiton nnd Sadie M