The New York Clipper (December 1904)

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DECEMBER 31. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 1057 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Miss Clipper's Anecdotes, Etc.. .limine II. Rcralckjr-Sketrb. 1037 Up. S D. Bncteri-Skeleh i 'ijr I/indon Letter World of Pfnyers lithclvo Gardner—Sketch Nfln Plerson—Sketch ... queries Answered Chess and Checkers our Chicago Letter Clipper Post Office Music ami Hone I ,a test' by on (he uoad. Vaudeville Route List New York Cltr—Review slid Comment >l lurellnneoii* With the BUI Poster Christmas' (Ireetlug lwathe In thu ProrevKlou (lea. C. Tjler Returns linder the Tents New. Plnys and Sketches Copy righted.. Variety nod MInslrcl* THEATRICAL CORRF.SPONDF.NCG. 1033, inoo 1053 Pane. 107.(1 MM 1050 1030 1031. 10111 1031 103a 1034 1034 1034 1000 10117 1037 iii-.s, mr.') 1030, 1000 1002. jdiltl iflivo iooo 1000 iooo, tool iooo 100-1 1004 1001 Inwn "..; Indiana ....". Virginia Maryland New Hampshire .... Oklahoma ., Pennsylvania Wll'i'nliHljl Missouri ohin ' UiHirkr of, Columbia. Kentucky ..'. «ieorgta ■',. I .Maine .'..'..'.' Nebraska . •■.■ Massachusetts Tennessee I Iregon llbode Island Minnesota'..." New IrKj.'i Louisiana ....' Canada Wnslilngtun Trwia. ....■...: Michigan ..;'.' Illinois .*.'.'....' Sow York Slate Cutiheetlerit California 1.'.'.'. Kansas West Virginia' 1033 1034 1034 1034 . 1033, 1000 1035 103 ) 1033 11133 .. 1055, IOOO 1055 1053 1000 10«0 10011 1007 1007 1007 .. 1000. 1007 1007 1007 10(17 1007 .. 1037, 1007 .. 1003, 1007 1000 10(10 IOOO iooo 1003 Notice tO Oar Correspondent)!. A» XewYcar lelll be celebrated Monday, ■tan,' 1, toe desire, wherever it I* possible. Hint all matter intended for the inane- of Thu Ci.lPl'iiii dated Jan. 7, «/inH reach thin office not later than the Saturday preceding tho dale ol issue. LATEST BY TEL EftBAPH. Honday NI«chC« Opening* Ik All tho Big; Show Towns. GOLDEN gate GLEANINGS. ClirlHlnin* Alteudanro in Trcinondon* and tin- General Merit vf the At* tractions JnatltJe* the Baalneaa. HlHvial Dispatches to The New York Ban -Fhancisco, Dec. 27.—At tbo Colum- bia. "The Sultnu of Sulu" opened yesttrilny tor twti weeks, nod big houses ruled. Majrhtic. —"A Conicntcd Wooian" Is the runout attraction, opening to largo business. "Old Heidelberg'' follows. Alcazaii:— "Old Heidelberg" Is the cur- rent. bll|. "Lost Itlver" follows. _ liitAxn Opkha House, —Blanchc'~Bate8,"~in "The* Darling of tlic Uoda," opened a three week's' engagement yesterday. She received it perfect ovation ut tbo bands o( au Im- nii'iiiie audience. ' , CAptrounn.—"Shore Acres" Is the present offering; opening to n crowded house. t.'DMiiAi!—"Tbo Ueart of Chicago" la lii'iit tills week. Tl'YOlil' UcriltA Hoisis.—This Is the Hub wook-of ."King Dodo." Oiti'iiKfsi. - -Tlit! Orpbeum Uoad Show -Ti- ill, with Mclntyre and Hentb, Spessardy's bcursi■ niitrli'e Vance, Prank and Jen Latoun, ttmlrl oiid Ressner, Grace Palottu and Mil- Hurry Maids, I'robst, und, in conjunction wlth-the'rudd show, Lucy and Vluto and Al- Iiim-i ip:t : Jicllch. Many were denied uduils- slon 'in the, opening day. . CiruTsiB-—'J'bls Is the second week of "Princess Fun Tuu." Business bas been im- mense., < , Xo^u.—Uadskl Is announced for three con- cnrts.i under the local management of Will 1.- lin'i'iibiium, ut tdo AlhambriL Theatre, Jan.'il,, ij.und T. 8ho will bo assisted by tjeluiar Mcyrbwltz us accompanist. TIIOM OTHER POINTS. ITist Production on Any Stage ot "Adrcn," in WuNhliiKtou, In Which Mrs.- .Leslie I inter Stars — Initial I'erforinunee of Virginia Jlnruiil, iii "Lady Shore," In Phllndelphla- taUHl Chrlatinua Day IhiMlness A}0>'g the i.i ne. lu Spile of Bad « e.itlor, in JtloHt Of I he title*. t'lUCAiio, Dec. 'it. —The double celebration of UiilxtuiiiH started the holiday week with a bor 'ofllco iiinIi of gratifying idm Sunday mut luces were not generally lurge, hut crowd- ed blouses..twice on Mouduy ruled everywhere. Chicago 'riiiudny ulglit crowds were In ovl- deucc-'us ustml Cecilia Lol'tus had the Monday 'ulglit novelty, crowding Powers' to eupuejRJ'. ...... tin 'J'angnay's "The rjiunbo •JUI'i was -the new thing Sunday, pucklug the Ureal' rfuft'ueru Utls Sktimer. at the t;raud Opera llom.e, "The (ilrl frum Kay's," ut the Illinois, uud "Fnntuuu," at the Uar- rlclt, Verb" continued attractions which pros- pur'ed..'. ..:;.-"HIh IIIgbne<is, the Bey,", still tills the La, Salic "in old Keutueky" wus all j<old. out, opculng Sunday ulglit ut Me Victor's The August In Daly Muslcul Co.. cbungiid' the hUl, at the Studebaker, to "i'lio 't'o'uuti'y Olrl" Monday nfteruoou The outlying cofublnutlon houses, with popu- lar price attractions, have enjoyed four inipkej Houses thus fur, and the stock com- liany ibrstroH have fared us well ,Thc bnrlesquo bouses prospered immensely Sun- day ..and'. Monday Sontb side theatre- Cocn hail thu Marlowe Theatre, Englowood, restoii-d to'tbcm Sunday, wben tbe tiouse was' reupcued for popular ptlced eotnblna- tlous The Boer War coutlnuea to great crowds at, the Coliseum The weather man sent us cool, pleasant weather Sunday, mid drltzMug rulu for Mouduy, all of wblcb helped) to hurt our vnrloim theatres accord- lug lo.'tlte class und culci'laliuueut offered. Boston, Dee. 27.—8. B. O. was' tbe rule twice yesterday nt all places of amusement. "The Bogers Bros, la Paris"' was the only attraction not hhTing a matlnes, but opened In the evening nt the Hollts .Street. Nat C. Goodwin was seen la "The . Usurper," at the Colonial, for tbo first time. Another novelty was Henry Miller, In "Joseph -Untangled," nt the Park At the Majestic, "The Tenderfoot" was the offer- ing The only shows holding over were: " 'Way Down I'sst," at the Boston, and "The County Chairman," at the Tremont." "Sunerba," nt the tJlobe, and "Tracked Around the World," at the Grand Opera House, were popular priced attractions The Castle Square stock production was "1'iuler Two Flags." At the Bjwdoln Square, "Jesse James" was tho hill Special holiday features nt. the vaudeville and burlesque bouses resulted In overflow business nil day, The IHJoii ThMire waa opened yester- day with two performances of "The. Little Princess." For the remainder of the week tho BIJou will be occupied every afternoon by the same piny, and evenings by Margaret Wyclicrly, In tho Yent'j plays. Pi!ir..\r>Bt.ruu, Dec. 27.—Holiday week o|iem-d well at tbo theatres, many giving spei-inl matinees which, with evening per- formance)!, were largely attended "Par- sifal," at the Opera House, attracted an Immense audience and held them enthralled with the magnificent production Tho opening of "The Sorceress,"' at the Broad. with Mrs. Campbell, pleased a large gather- ing, whllo the Chestnut had tho popular of- fering ot Do Wolf Hopper, In "Wang."..., The first production on nay stage of ."Lady Shore," nt the Gnrrlck by Virginia Hsrned,' drew well, and appeared to make a decided- ly favorable Impression... .Cbauncey Olcott, nt the Walnut, welcomed friends , The rest of the combination houses shared In the general prosperity Vaudeville, at Keith's and tbe Bon Ton; a minstrel per- formance at the Eleventh, with curiba and the vaudeville, museum and burlesque offer- ings all had their full share of patronaee. Kansas Citt, Dec. 27.—Chas. Hnwtroy, in "A Message from Mars," 0|>ened a three nights' engagement with a matinee nt the Willis Wood Slondny, and was warmly wel- comed by an nppreclatlvc audience. "Peggy from Parte" packed the Grand Iwlco Humbiy nnd again Monday, acorlng well.. .. Tho Orphcum's Christmas nnd Monday busi- ness was big; the eight Collnl ClnJrcouK were the licadltncrs At ilifi Glllls "Mc- Kadden's Flats" went with a rush to big business, Ousslc Nelson scoring with her singing and dnnclng "The Sign of the Cross" did well at the Auditorium, and tho Tiger Lilies Oiled the Century Yale's nnd the National, the two ten cent houses, had crowds Dorothy Morton, In "Glit- tering Gloria," remained over for two Sun- duy performances to fair houses at the Willis Wood I'Mna Wallace Hopper comes to tho Willis Wood In "A Country Mouse," commencing Thursday. Wasiiinotox, Dec. 27.— Vf. H. Crane opened nt tbe National, In "Business Is Busi- ness," to a full boose Lionel Bnrry- morc, In "Tho Other Olrl," had good busl- neus nt the Columbia "Buster Brown," at the Lafayette, was greeted by u packed house Mrs. Leslie Carter. In "Adrca," Bolasco's new offering, was well received nt Convention Hall, and was n Belasco triumph. "Tho Way of tho Transgressor" did well nt tbo Academy The Might Merry Vussar Girls headed n big bill nt Chase's, and had big audiences afternoon and night.... The World Beaters, at the Lyceum, made good to two big undleuces on the ojica'ng day. Cincinnati, Dec. 27.—Theatrical Christ- mas Jovs were tempered by a downpour which had little effect on holiday turnouts. Mine. Hejauo did not open at tho Grnud imtii night, wben sbo was soen in "Uu Couslne." In "King Dodo." nt the Walnut Street, Itosc Cecelia Bbay scored heavily "The White Tigress of Japan," nt Heuck's, nnd "Two Little Waifs," nt the Lyceum, drew crushes At llohlnson's the Forcpnugh Stock' put on "A Gentleman of France" to delighted crowds The Gay Musqueradcrs proved a good People's curd. Ft. Wayne, Ind.. Dec. 27.—"The Majestic Tlioatrc wus entirely destroyed by Bre this morning. "Loulslaua" waa booked for to- night and tomorrow! . +~+ ■ MICHIGAN. On tbe Road, All Ilonlca Must Beach IV Not Later Thau Monilny. .... IinAMATlC. A Adams. Mamie (Charles Prohman, uigr.)—X. Y. City 20. Indefinite. , „m.:„i; Allen, Yliihv (Charles W. Allen, nor.)— S. Y. CUy 20, Indefinite. , „ > Angl a, Marjraret (Frank L. Perley. mgr.;—De- :|0. Toledo, a.. :ii, Cnlnmlxis Jan. -2. Aubrey Mock. Kastem illarry Millennial, mgr.) — U»mL Mnsa.. 20-:it. lynn Jan. 2-7. Aul.rev Sine*: Western (W. D. KIHsrral.1, mar.) —New .Castle, I'u-. M-JUi Cumberland, MU , "Arlwiiii.''' Kastern. M. B. RayaKind'a—Kreeport, III., M 1'ls.m 20. 8terllfig lu). Uarrbwn at. Itwk luliinil Jnn. 1. Diilmqiie. la.. 1!. Oeeorah ii. C)iat)«< City ■*■ Maron Ulry 3, Algon* 0, Fort Drslse 7. Mll „ Arliisn." Wealern, M. II. ItaynKind s—Killings, Arl Detroit At the Detroit Opera House (B. C. Whitney, mnnager) Kyrlo Bellew, In "Bat- tles," played to good business Dec, 10-24. Margaret Angltn. In "The Ktcrnnl Feminine," 2(1-28: "'Jlio Two Orphans" 211-31, Kleunor Itobson Jul). 2-7. Lycech (K. D. Stair, mnuugor).—Wil- liam Drnuiwclt, In "Captain Harrington." en- tertained fair slued houses 18-24. "Hndor Southern Skies" 23-ai. • LArArjrm (Dr. Caiupbell. manager).—The Bjron Douglass Stock Co.. In 'Tho Iron- master," was well received week of IS. The attendance whh good. The company, la "Prince Karl," week of 20. WittTNKY (E. D. Stair, manager).—"Queen of tho Highway" was presented by a capable rompanv. to big business, week of 18.. "Alone In the World" 2.-i-ai. _ , J Tumflk (J. II. Moore, manager).—Packed houses last week. Kill week vf 2(1: Msr- guerlta Sylvn. Archie Boyd and company, Churmlon, 'Mile. Cl)ester'8 trulned dogs, Mayme Itcmlugtou, Piccolo's Midgets, Wil- ton Brothers and Cantwcll and Harris. Avcni'h (Drew & CumpMi, monngers).— Kctitz-Santley Co. prescuted a drat class en- tertainment, and drew well 18-24. Tho Fay Foster Co. 25-31. ««> Noras rnoM Ciiuistt'h Famucs Min- sTiiti.s, under tho management of Walter Stock.—We are touring tbe South with great success. The company lust received their new street wardrobe ana scenery, which is beautiful. The company numbers twenty- four people, carrying our superb band and orchestra. Roster of the company: Walter Stock, Kurl Lambert, Karletta Christy, Geo. Kane, Geo. Manvro. Geo. Keller, tbe Three Keuos, Southern Comedy Four, U. 8. Adams, Herbert Sharp. Peter ThorUson, Waller De lira, Kay Powell, Bob Allen, Edward Fowler. Prank Flllman. Bus nnd line and Dick Bogers, with Geo. Byoc In advauce. sit;. 2*. Miles CHy 20. l-'argtt. N. Duk.. Mi Drawl I'oaks Jan. S, Ctovkston, Minn., 3. (iraf- loii. X. l»«k.. 4. WllinlisT,-. Mnu.. 3-7.. "Acnsn ll)C PiielOc" (llsrry Chiy llliaicy. mirr.) — Atlanta, <ls.. 20 ill, nirnilngliuni, Ala., Jan. "■7 "At Ctlppte Creek"—Crtnidcn. X. J.. 2t>; "AKine In Hie World" (.Mltleiithal UroUiers, insri>.>--!><'11ult. Mleli.. 25-31. Scraiilon, I'u., Jim. 2». Wllkosharro 3-7. "Afier MMiiliiht" (S|M!neer & AI>orn, mgrs,)— " Hinnlir, N»i.. 28. !>'■• )lolncs. In.. 20-31, St. Paul. Minn., Jan. 1". ,. ■ "An lillot Slave." Fred C. Taylor's—Sbelbyvllle,, 29, Oreciisburg 20, Maillson 30, Seymour "At Old'Point Comfurt"—Trenlou, X. J., Jan. 5. "At Illal; of Ills Life" (Mark K. Swan. mgr.)-r- Caiaita " f J.. 20-28, Wllmlnglou, IHd., 20-31, llotKikeii, X. J.. Jim- Ms KHinbelh 3-7. n . Blmelie ltales (David IWMCS. nuir.)—8«n Prim. clM». Cnl.. 20.Jnn. 14. ■ ' - BaniTncre, Ktbel (llirrlrs Frohnian, mgr.)—N. Y; CHy 20. Inilenr.lte. - , .,.«,„ Ucltcw*, Kvrle (Ltcbler St Co., uijjr*.) — Ilnftalo. N. Y;. 20-31. X.'Y. City Jnn. 2-7. Brmnwcll. William (Henri Uresalit. mgr.)—Cleve- land, 0.. 2*-81. ., , Dlalr, Ungenle ttleori.T A. niiimenlbal, lugr.)— Providence. B. L. 20-3J. Brooklvii. X. Y., Jan, "•7 Ben'sford. Barry (J. J. Oolemnn. mgr.)—Llucoln, Nfh., if*. Palts City 2ft, t*avwiwi>rtb. hau. (Kol- dlcw' Home) 30, Leavenworth 31, Topcka Jan. ],'Wlrhlla 2. Parsons 3. I'lttHbnrg 4, tola o. Lawrence «. St. Josepli, Mo.. 7. llenion, IsJUlse (A. II. Woods, mar.)— Marlon, 0., BH. Columbus 20-:il. Cincinnati 1-7. . ■ ., Bindley, l'lorenec (I'orrtsler & Mlltenih'al. mSM.) —XI. Pant. Minn.. 23-31. Kiintlng. MUM (Pjrl Burgess, mgr.) —Anbiiru, Nr Y.. 20 31. lockport Jan. 2-7. Brcrkehrldgc Stock tCliurles Breikenrldge, mgr.) —Matsball. Ma... 20-31, JefTcraon City Jan. 2-7- IlurseMrCanii tM. McCniin, mgr.) — Magara Fulls. X. Y., 20-:it.' Clean Jlu. 2-7. Ilentno's Coiuedlnus, (P. U. Boutuii. mgr.)— Oltnrclie, Okla., 20-28. MiiLtliUer 110 31, W»- tonua Jan. 3-1, Genry 0-7. Weatbcrford O-ll. Bennett fc Collins Stuck (J. Moy Bcuiielt, mgr.)— Carlisle, Pa.. 20-31. "Ben Hlir" (Klnw 4- F.rlanger. mgrs.)—Houston, Tex,. 20-31. Now Orleans, Iji., Jan. 1-7. •'Bonnie Brier Bush," Jumes II. Stoddart (KirUe 1A Slielle. mgr.)—Qulncy. III.. 2S. Moberly, Mo., 80, Topekn, Knu., 31, Ateblsun Jnu. 2. St. Jo:«'|ih, Mo., 3,- Lincoln, Ncbr., 4, Omaha "Buster Brown." Western. M. B. Koymoud's— Wn.bliisiou, U. C. 20-31. Philadelphia, Pa., Jail 3-7. ' "Binder Brown," Kaslern, M. Ii. llaymond'a— Bearer Palls, Pa.. 28, MuKoeaport 2V. Ubar- lerol 50, ConnellnTlllc 31. I'uluntovrn Jan. 2. jjorgantowu, Vf. Vn., 8, Wcstou 4, Fairmont 6, Clarkaburg 0. I'arkenbmg 7. ....'„ "BaiicU of Tveys" ((Ins Botbucr, mgr.)—U'xlbg- ton, Me.. 28. 20, Fulton 30, Jefferson CUy 31, Alton, 111., Jon. I. Clinrleslon 2, Xuntlcello a, Kpflnictlchl 4, Petersburg 5, l.o tloy 0, Uloomlag- "Break'for Lllwrly" (J. M. Jneotm, mgr.)— Marlon. Ind., 28, Warsaw I'll, Plymouth 30, 1." Kunsport 31. - "Breeay Time." Basteru (K. Webster Pita, mgr.) —Monroe, (la., 28, (Irldln 20, Uarrolltou 30, Olnrtoiru at, Cartcmvlllu Jan. 2, Murletta 3, UHliiFHvllle 4, Anderson. S. O, D. Piedmont 0, ilrrenvllle 7. "BrtfM Tluie." Western (h. Wobaler Fits, rogr.) - -Kl'iisler, Kan., 2S, Hutchinson 21), Pratt 30, Wichita ill. Harper Jan. 2. Sledford. Okla.. 8, lllaekwell 4, Ponen D, Kewklrk 0. Slllfwater 7. "Benuty Uwlor," Fred K. Wright's (Thoa. W. Prior, iugr.1— Blriulughuni, Ala., 20-21, Mem- phis, Tcuu., Jan. 2-7. "Bunker's Child" (Harry Hliunnon, ingr.l—Au> iimlokH, Okla., 28, ileaiy 211, Watongu 30, linld 31. Waiikinnls Jan. 2, Pond Creek il. Klngoisu, Kan.. I. Lamed 0, sterling U, Lyons 7, F,lls- vorlli 8. ..... ,^ "Boy of the Streets ' (Herbert Tnson. mgr.)— Nclnlla, Mo.. 28, Boonrllle 'JO, Briiuswlek iifl. Chllllcolbe 31, Moberly Jul). 2, MM il, SprlDgrletd 4, Webb City 0, ltlch Hill 0, But- ler 7. "Betrareil nt the Altar" (llrundt i Goldsnilth, iniirs'l—Dunkirk, hid,'28, Kokmuo 2f), llocUes- tcr.aO. Warsaw 31, South Bend Jan. 2.' . O Crune. Win. tf. (Choi-lea I'roliuuin. mgr.)—Wasb- liii'ton. V. C 211-31. .Newark, X. I., Juu. 2-7. Carler. (Dnvfd Belam), wgr.)—Wash- In.ton,' D. C, 20-31. Crosinun, Ifeuriettu (Oavkl ikdasco & Maurice Curiipucll, mgrs.I—Baltimore. Md.. 20-31. Campbell, Mra. Patrick I Charles Frokuian, tngr.) —Plilladelphla, Pa., 20-Juu. 7. .Conwtock, Xuhuetle (James K. Hackelt, mgr.)— Druuil Kuolds, ■Midi.. 23-28, Toledo 20-31, Cletelaud Jul). 2-7. Collier, William (diaries Frohmau, uigr.)—Mln- iteiipolls. Minn., 23-31 St. Paul Jan.-1-7, . Cohan, Ue". M. (Sum llarrla, mgr.)—Brooklyn, N, Y.', 20-31. Crvstoii ClaiKe tJules Murry, mgr.)—Norfolk, Va., 28.' Conipiest;, Ida—Sprlngfleld, Mass., 28, Hurtfgrd, CorWiti'jiun'es ,7., Mini Inez Macaulcv (Hal Davis, mgr.)— Minneapolis, Minn., 25-31, Chicago, HI., Jan, III. Cook-Ubon-li <fll. W. 'fnylor. mgr.)—Cohoea, X. Y.. 20-21, YmiteiH Jan. 2-7. Can-enter. Prantde llw: ilrnily. mrr.)— Snlem, Mass.. 20 ill, Fall Hirer Jan. 2-7. Corson Clarke—Houston, Tex., 10, Indefinite. CurlM Dramatic (M. II. Curts, mgr.)—Downs, Kun.; 20.31. Mluneiipolls Jim, 2-7. - » Carroll Cuainiy (Ion Carroll, uigr.)—Bluefleld, W, V».,'20-.1I. Crollus Slunk. Joseph J. Flyim's IS. I„ Martin, has.' mm'.)—Watervlllc. Mr., 20-31, Augusta Jan, 8-7, i Crescent Comedy lllelguinii i CulunilSgS. Ufr*.) — Amerlciis. On., 20-31. CoMcle Jan. 'J 7. Cleveland Stock IB. A. Tlllsun. riigr.)—Hmltli- loro, III., 28, 2t), MUlls>rry Grove 30,'31. New ffcaislnss Jan. 2. 3. Coffcca 4, 3; Itamsey 0, 7. Cole. Bells. Comedluiia—Ada. Ind. Ter.. 20-28. Colonial Stock—Woonsorkcl. It. Ii. 20-31. "Cuotiiy (Jhalriuua." Eastcru l Henry W. Savage, iiiur.i—Boston, Mass., 20.' IndeUulle. "Ouiity Clialnusti," Wesiwu (Munry W. Savage, niiir.i—Moiitaouierj. Ala., 28, Colinabus, Oa., 'JO, lAllanta 30, 31. "Chei'kers." Tbonlus W. Itoss'(Klrke La Sht-lle, iiiaT.)--X. Y. CHy 20-Juu. 7. .: . "Cidlege Widow" (Heury W, Suvuge, mgr.)—X. Y. CHy. 20. mdeUalie. . "Common Sense Bruekett" (Henry \f. Savage, mgr.)—X. Y. CUy 2».' linleUalle. ' ■ , , "Clillil Wife." Win. T. Keogh'H— Xew Harcii, Conn.. 2U-28, Bridgeport 30, 31, X. Y. City Jnu. 2-7, "Clillil Slaves of Xew York" (J. II. Iiaae, mgr.) —Huglnuw. Mlcb.. 20-iil. Ihrtrolt Juu. 1-7. ' "Call Boy." F. II. Lauibert (Harry Cdwards. act- ing mgr.) —Hearting. Pa., 20-28, Scraulou 22-81, Pittsburg Jan. " "Country Kid" Center. Kau.. . i'U-rson Jan. 2, Xrwion 3, Uldoradu 4. Hutchlu- foo S, Abilene U. Wtcbitu 7. "Clitcago Tramp" (W. C. I*c Buugh. ntgr.)— Water Valley. Miss.. 2*. Wuiona 20. Graeuwosd 30, Lextngtou 21, Durant Jan. 2, Cautoa 3, Crystal Springs C, Hunk-horn 0, Brookhavau 7. "Circus Day" (II. M. Itadas. mgt.)—Malooo, V. r., 28, LdWVtlle 20, lk»uvll)e 30. Fulton II,' Osirefo Jan. 2, lluldwln*vll!i> fl, Canastota 4, Diielila'5, Caoideu 0,' Stamford 7. Drew. Julin (Ckarho■Fnsuaan, rogr«)—X. J. Lily 2IM11, t'llca, X. Y„ Jan. 2, Syracuse 3, Uoehcs- lev 4, Bnlfslii 5-:. ' W"*»y,' LawrmeV (Klrke La Sbelte. mgr.)— IsMilstllle. Ky.'.. £(I-2S. Miinele, HhI.. .20, C"- lumlmk. 0.,'.J.iii. .'I. 4. Marlon o. Fort Wayne 7. Dii.titsaap. JuseMi tPrvil A. HaswarU. mgr.e— Clctlntoe, Tex.. 28. Steiaienavllle 20. Brown- • «i-ui«l ill"., HHtini Jan. 2. Ib ar W s h l 3.' Itryaft'«, Xnvnsola C. fluntavllle 0, Naeoa- DaVlliaoo tftncjE (A. B. Davidson,'mgr.)—Baclnc, •DSavjWwTUmAM (Phil I*vy, mgr.)—Wheeling, T..",Y«., 20-111. _ . . Dahs Mario (W. K. Martin, mgr.)—Vlckshurg, .- Jill's.. 20 ill,. Port Gibson Jan. 2-7. Dalle*. W. «... Stock—St, John. X. it.. 20-Jan. 7. Do Tow .Danielle iTlmmiis K. De Pew. mgr.) — Ilnnje. (lo., 20-31. Du Vdes-Sloek fttain Dn Vrles. mgr.)— acnova, - N'. Y., MSI, Newark. Jan. 2-7. "David llarnni." No. 1 (Julias Calm, mgr.)— Itochesior, X. Y.. 20-28. Sytncnae 20-31. Pitta- SSL Pa.. 2i7. "IfaVld Ilarnm," Xo. 2 (J)dlus Cahn, mar.)—To- •taiit; (>., 33-28. c.ilinaien Sliill. Wheeling, W. VS.. 2-4, S!aiir»v|lle. If,, 5, Coslmetou (I, Sleu- lieuviile 1 tentown 31. Atlfliitle City. X. .1.. Jan. 2. «ll- nilnstuu. Uel., il. Hlclunoiid. Vn., 4. Peters- burg 3. Xewport N'rwa 0. .Norfolk 7. "Game Keeper," Ttiamaa J. Mmtlli tflotvlsnil « ClliTonl. msrs.l— EllsalsMh. X. J.. 20-28,. Il»- iHikcn. X. J.. 3-7. "Glri ut the Mtreeis," f Lillian Mortimer (Ifs'k.'r ■ Vrrnnre. insrs 1— Bnlllmnro, Mil., 2M-31, KlliAbelh. X. J., Jan. 2 4. "Greut Aiilnronhlle Mystery," Tlunle * Senmon's — Brooklvn. X. Y., 2<l-ill. Pltlslnirg, Pa.. Jan. ,»» "Great Way" (Frank f.. Perry, rogr. 1—Canton, S. Dak.. 28. Hock Valley, la., 3D. Akron 20, HnnnMen 81. H Hackctt, James K.—X. V. City 2rt,lan. 7. Hnwirvy. Cliarlfs tl'lisrles Frollimsn,. nigr.l— Kaunas CHy, Mo.. 23-28, Dra Moines, la., 211. iiO. Ilurllnglon. In., Juu. 4. Cedar ltaplds 3. lliirnrd, Vlrvlnla (Charles Frohnian, rogr.)—Phil- adelphla. Pa., 20-Jan. T. '• Hi'pisr, iMna Wallace (Frank >(cKee, ingr,>— St. Joseph, Mo.. 28, Kanaas CHy 2n-31, Den- ier. Colo., 2-7. lliinronl, Charles II. IF. Lniircitco Walker, nig'. • —.Nebraska City, Xihr., 2S, Lincoln 21), 30. Omaha ill. Des Moines. In,, J n n. 2. Creatou il. oiiiiniwa I, Keokuk o, Muakntliie 0, Daren- iwrt 7. Driven from Home," Patrice (Forrester «.• Mlt- ..Ir'aver l-i twithal. nigra.)—Kmoklys. N. Y.. Jan. 2-7. Hall. Don C—Cbeyemie. W)-o„ 2031, Uonver, "Dcsrrteil nt lha Altar" (Percy 0. Williams, mgr.) ,,y" n -: , J » n - ?;1\ ,. . —Syracuse. X. Y., 20-28, lloebester 30-ill. Illiiuncleln s lileali (John A. Illuiineteln, mgr.) — "Dnwn ont the' Farm" IDaS Ktoerson. mgr.)— ..cheaier. Pn.. 20>1i. Allentown Jan. 2-7. ' Catontuwn. Ga-, 38, Cnnletla 20, Tipton 3D. Illmmeleln'a lmi«r(nl Stock (It. F, llliomrleln, Hriinswlok Jan. 2, l'eniaiidlnn, Fin., .1. HI. An. msr.i— Ushko.h, Wis., 20-81, urceu llsy Jan. mwtliin 4, Pnlatka .*., Tullaba»»i>e 0, lliilubrldge, ,,-;•„, , ,„ Ga., 7. . • , . . '• Hunt Stock (B. II. Klllumr. mgr.)—Bryau. (I.. "DniiKCrs of Working Olrls" (A. H. Wissls, mgr.) ,,- u ' :,l ,-„ —Bjilfalo, X. .V.. fcWH. Clerelanil, O.. Jan. 3-7. Hiiwonl-Durset (A. JL Miller, bus. mgr. i—Park-- "llvaperstc liance." Forrester * itllienlhal's— ersliurg, Vf. Va., 2u-!ll, Beaver Falls, Pa., Jan. Philadelphia. Pa.. SO-Hl. ,,-<■ . _ , „ . ' "IK>VU'» Lane." Frfistern. (Knnleo FHcb, uigr.)— "nrepiirt Cotseily. Charles h. Harris (Vf. II. Shine, mgr.)—Bangor, .Me., 2d-:il, Haverhill, Mass., Jan, 2-7. lloyt'a Coumlv (II. (I. Allen, nigr.l—Snntli M«. Afeater. 1 ml. Tsr.. 20-31. .Mean, Ark., Jau. 2-1, Tcxarkann B-7., dearfleld,' Pn„ 18, A"o,uiu Sll. 10 ' F.lllott, Maxlno (C. 11. Dlllliighiuu, mar.)—l'ort- . land. Ore., 20-28, ToeoDla. Wash., 20, Victoria, I, ,■ -Ml' ,- u *..- HI llniiimond, l'aiillne (Clirion Wlilluiaii, mgr.)—Fort Folnlcld. Me., 2II-3L . Harvey ft Grgii t'ouicdy—YonUera, X. Y., 20-31, II. C. iin;-Vancouver ill, Seattle. Wash., Jan. 2. 3, North Yakima 4. Sisnkanc (I, 7. F.iloson. Kiihcit (Henry 11,-Harris, rogr.)—St. Paul, Minn.. 25-ill, Minneapolis Jan. i-7< lilwnrds, Waller . I Wells, Diinno & Hnrlnn, mgrs.) —Trent X. J.. 20. lt.ils.keu 20-31. Kllnpra,, Sisters—M. II. . Itaymonil's — Sashvllle, Teun.. 2H-31. C'lncliiimrl. (>., Jan. 1-7. ISniwaon. Mary '(Samuel I/Bwla, mgr.)—Bellalrr, Oo'dd, Kew Lexington 27, Lancaster 28, Wells- tan 20, Jackson ilu. Xclsonvllle 31. Kellnae Stock (l.lnrd. ft (lenter. mgrs.)—Mats- K.:yrf:o";c^S.r«feg.. T X.V..203l.flle..aFa.h "'ti^'tiPSg®' M*T»*«. ■»!- i:dwiu;i.-' T Si.s.k (Jefferson Hall, mgr.l-l'm-.«. ''TV^X'mIZ* * ***"' n """ ,) ~ rnoisb. O.. 2081. I-arkerahnrg, W.'Vs.. Jan. - Untl „ f chlcami!'' Lincoln .1. Curler's (Fs|. lilkiirt.ft Hawkins- Ide«l«_n«bnrg. Ida.. 20-28. "Xl^^mU'TTrJ^r SI' *3& llniiimond. Pauline (('llfcon Wlilluiaii, mgr.)—Fort Will L'oniei Newburih Jam. U-t. Hoeitter Kboiv (jack livfflor, mgr.)—Applcton, Wis., 30, Inilellnlte. Hammond Slock—Augusta, . Me., SU-.'It, Wotrr- vlllo Jan. 2-7. llemleraon Stock'. (W. J. ft II. It. Henderson, nigra.)— Princeton, Mo.. 20-31. Harris-Parkinson Hloek. IHoherl II. Harris, uigr.) -Wluaion-Holem. X. C, 2031. ' ylaii '• V Plske. Mrs. t Harrison (iivy I'lske, mgr.)—X. Y. City 20, liiiiellalte. I'avcraliam, Wlllloni (Charles Fiobiunu. mgr.) — Lunesstcr. I'u.. 28, Itcsdlng 20. Itoeheslcr, X. v., ,i<), at, Baltimore. Md., Jau. 27. Flltslinnions, Ituls-rt. ami Julia Muy UlSonl (Jos —ColnmlMis. o„ tUt Butler, Pn.. 20. X"'V."!i 5S*> "•• °'< K"* '•'8" |1,, • I'"-. •'«»■ 3, Weilsvlllr, 0., '3. Ganousburg, Pa„ B, Wayneshuig i|, Wnshlugtou 7. . >**. t'lr-l!, 1 iilac istep," c. .f>. Wblfukcr'a' IN, A. Sehlllir. uigr.)—Memphis, Teun., 20-31, Naahvlllp.Jiiu. 2'T. ■ • Filrtiunstiiii. nigc.) —Brlilgeis>rt. r.'oim., 28, New HI. SI nnd I," lloyen ft. Burko Llnck Hsmllloii. ■ Haven 211-31, X. V. Ullr Jan. 2-7 mgr.)—(lrisiiivl|le,.0.,' Ian. a, Klchiuoiul. Ind,. FeatargiStock (ImM M. Fenls'rg, mgr.)—W0011- J llsrdltoii, »)., 4, Franklin 3, Mlamlsburg 0, Xenls 7. ■ 7 * ?. " ""■""""^l "lloiy u*., Hcr,".O.F. Whltnker'a'dt; HIT Fcltus, mgr.)-.Hl. Louis, Mo„ 28-31. Dayton, .0., Jau. 3-4, Toledo fl.f. nlierg. socket. II. I., 2(I'3I, Pltlallelrt, Mass., Jan. 2-7. Flske, May. I J. C. Cosgrove, uigr.)—Brockton, Muss., 2d-ill, Merldeii, Conn., Jan, 2-7, Flskc A 'Stock fli. 11. pisku ft T. V. HIiKk, , uurrs.) —Manelirsii-r, X. IL, 20-31, Lawrence, Human lleiins,!' Kasletli (Jesse M. Blineliard, Mium.,Jon, 2-7.. uigr.)—Butler. Pa., 37. |«e. Harim 28. Ilciuivu Fkdier ft: Walters' Own (B. It. Fisher, mgr.)— 30. Jersey Hhoro 30,' WelUbom 31, Krlo Jan. Warrior, o.. 30-31. Marlon Jan. 2-7. "Flaming Arrow." Lincoln J. Carter's (W, F. Jackson, mgr.)—.Newport News, Vn., 28, N'or- folk 2ii. I'eiei'sinng 11(1, Lyiichbur.; 31, ltoanoko Jam "J, Danville 3, lireenslsir.i, ,X. C, 4, Durham 3. I'nlelgb 0. Kewtwrn T. ■Apf :l'orler J. Widlc's—Wlnlleld, Mo.. 28, Cllhtoti 20. lialciiii, linn . 30, Carthage. Mo.. Ill,- iDla, Kim., Jan. 8, Coffryvlllo * (i, mmiehi 7, "I'Vaioltf IK-tcetlves," itiicsell Brolliers lllalVf mgi. l-Cli-velnni. O.. 2»itl. "Fatal ■Wedding,"- Central, Snlllva.i, Harris ft Woods' (Cnr.v Ale.Vdow, uigr.) —llnylon, O., 23, iiK,, IuJJwihk'IK lllg.,' 20-31, Louisville, Ky., "Falsi Wwli'.lng" Kaslern, "Hiilllrati, Harris ft Woods' iW. N. Sullabiiry, mgr.)—Hot Springs, 2, 8. "Human IlHilrta.'! -Western (Claud Hauudera, mgr.)— F.scanaha, Mich., 38. (Jludsinnu go, Mar- ipiette UO. Ilauuock .31, Cohiiaei Juu. 2. Iron. ,.,^',T l •''• A'l'lnnd, Wis., 4, Dilliltb, Minn.. 0, U. Illlls of California''—Omaha, Neb.. 2fi-3l. "Hot Old Time." Gua .fill's (Hurry Hill, mgr.) --Kansss.Olly, Mb,. Jan. 1.7, 5. Parsons "Hnpl'T Boollgmi," lUaterii, (his Hill's (1). A, ,,."'Hey. iivglO—lUilralo. N. Y„ 20-31. s iKiuiini'l "Hiipi.y Hooligan," ■Wssltrn. (Ins Hill's (Al. Del- sou, rogr.)—Mobile, Ala , 27. Odumbus, Miss., 2N,..1neitana,' , renn„!i0, Nashville ill, clisttn- iio'K.i Jnn. 2, Kuoivllle 3, MIddlaboro, l(y„ I, Itlehmond 0, Lexlnglou 0. Paris 7. Winchester "Holly Tolly" (Joseph M, Uellcs. uigr.)—Torre Hniite. Hid., 38, PaiJuCub, Ky.. Ill, ■■ sr^-^ss »■*• ■-• ■ •■st^w.ll ^ * >SSfJS •/-" ■«•>« Vffl llfg") -■■,»•»• B *•*■■■! ' STI7J S U>(UVI|ll( l\ I ,, 1} I r 'Al'k.s'28. Lllllo Buck 2ft, McJiphls, Teun.. "Haua Haiisoi)" (Jos. T. MuAlplu, mgr.)—Clie- 'tOi/Bl. ' ■ l"|'«. Kail., 28, VlDlta, Ini). Ter.. 20, Clureiuor. "t'ulah'Weilillrs." Weairfn. Sullivan, Hunls ft 3d, Muscogee .'31,' South McAUster Jan. 2, Wests' ()".. T. Zlegler. mgr.)—Grass Valley, llniishorao .:i, wi|bur|ou I. Heurtnfuril, Ark., i'.il.. us. Virginia City, Ncv., 20, Ouraui City A, Potenii, full, Ter,, 0, Menu. Ark., 7. lo: Ilwio M, Osylpii, I.'.. Jan. I, 2. Salt'Lnku "Heart of Terns"' (A/'Vtllalr, nigr.l —(Ireenvllle. O...III, Will.loo Jnu. I, Jueksuu 2, Asblaad. City,-CI. 4,.'Provo City A. Colorudo Springs. Colo.,-7. '■1'r.iio Hugs to" Jcaepb Suiilley (M. II. Meyers, uigr.)—X. Y: Oily 20-:il. "For.iWai Brolbers CrluS'" (Geo. X. Bellinger, iiH.T.W-1'ltlshurg. I'u., 20-31. "I'aeaort' /Olrl." F.astern tPhil B. Isaac, rogr.) I'.ullliiiurc, .Mil.. 20-31. "Kor'Mother's Sake." Itnseo ft Hothiiid's (Win. mgr. 1— Tucoiiiu, Wash., 2S-2S, Ky., il, '■ ..! Irnlii.' May (K.diynrd B. Mailer, mgr.)—X. Y. CHy 20-Juu. 7. "In Newport," Psfir F. Balli-y nnd Fuy Teuiplo- lon (Klaw ft Frlatiger, lugrs.)— N. Y, City 20, hnleUulte, < ,' . "iris"—Mllwuilkee,'Wls.,'23-28. . Te.varti.iua, Ark., I. Puleslluv, Texi, 3. Tyler 4. Corslcdiin 3, TVmple 0, "l-'iiuny Side of Life'.' 'III. Lnullwry. mgr.)— CnlOUtowu. Pn„ 20.' Utmnellsrlllo 27, Morgan- (ovnv'W.i'Vn.. 28,. Mi:unhuitoii 20, WaahlugloTj. I'il,."80,' HOellsster 81. "I'lihlfi llOninnl" (Oscar' Junes, ■ mgr.)—Lnke 'iluirlcp. Lu., 28, orange, 'Tel., 2ft, Gslvirstou •jjjT. .,r,. Jeuvnns, Irene, tsftock ITIieo. HoiTooioii, mgr.)- - Klugslon. cnu., 2U-3L' Cliulhum Jan. 2-7. "Jiiines Boys In Missouri" (Frank Ouiiolu, uigr. I --itiuoieihDio, Ky., '38, Purls. Teun.. Jl>. Pailucab, Ky., ilD, lleii'Icis™ ill. Owcualsirn Jan 2. Hh'iltiyvllle il. Paris 4. Irmilon, o.. 3, llmilliigioii. W. Vn„ II, p.'i'lsmoiitli, 0., 7. "Jerry limn Kerry," I'nlluii ft Perry—Detroit in. r .k. I. , .- ,. , .. .. ■> ..... . , "") .mill i.wii;, | anon «. r III f i ..Vlll,,, 'xe^, ^ ffiuffl! Us^uro're.V^'jZiL >,U "" M '^' ¥*»■ *«. » *W- K . "I'sf0e;.piiil Pgrtune"—Tretdnu, X. J.. 1 27, 28. . " •' ' » t "FldOle-Dce-Dcu"--Newark, X. J.. Stt-:il. , Knoll. Hoselle (Frgnk L. Parley, uigr,)—(Jl'uftoii, X. Duk., 28, (Baud Forks 2ii, Wmtlpcg. Man., ill), III. ' i" I " 1 ilium I wruji iiirTt, iusi U'aSlL. 28.' Porllaud, Ore.. 20-31. aSjU« KSM H-Deleber. rosr.J-Ullls- 'WiS??^ AlSW&SfVk ""' Tikfe.." 1 ,' feS^SXftS Ki^oll^&il^'i^^vXi^r.^lb i, TMHhl Anlonhi Jan. I, 2, Ilrvnbani 3. Bryan 4, Ileus tou S, Oulvcslon U, Beauuiont 7. Dili, liniijur, Me.. Jau. ill. h. Whittakcr. mgr l—clay 20, Coocordla 30. H«l3aV'gt.'rMcV 0. Hunllkgtou, W-'Va.. 7. ' Hi ■ Lofliis. cccr'1" 'flJa-lsl Probiaau, iogr.)—Chi- cago, 1U., 23-Jap. 7. Wlltiu IW . ,hurlc-s (J( lumbls, 0., 20-28, Grand Baplds, Mich., Juu. I'L . • , . Olastrv Vsugbsi),' Stock—Cleveland, 0.. 20, lu- UrntrHayvranl Stock (WhiUm ft Kieii. mgrs,) — BIooHfttglou, 111., 20*21, Bockford Jan. 1-7. German LIHinjtliiDS. Tschudl's—Hcrlbuvr, Xebr., 28, .North bvud 20.' Hcbnyier 30. York Jau. 2,- Hastlllg# 4. Kearney 3, Harvard 7. ' . "Dirts .Will be Girls," Wu, A. Brady's—Pitts- barg. I'u., 20-31. "Olrl troui Kuy's." Sam Bernard (Chsrlss Frob- nmn.mgr.)—Cnicago, 111.. 20-Jan, 7. "Ctrl from lCHy'«" fcllurlcw Prohman, mgr.)— Lewis. J. C. (W. A. Junker, mgr.)^..'-Uogerslowiij ltciduig, Pa., 28, PvlUvliiV 29, Caitou 80, Al- Ud., 28, Cbambucsburu> i'u., 21). Mlddtutowa Lorlnuir, Wrtght—Brcsjklyn, ,V. Yi; 20-31, Belli more, Mil., Juu. 3-14.