The New York Clipper (February 1905)

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February IK TBasi:.vmw irouft: xfttt&patt J ' DHNi FORGET a. I he Watermelon Vine (tifody Lou), hCIHSOBS TO GRIND, MlVfltH MOOW. «tc. ,' By gosh, say, Josh, w lien'd.yon come f i »m dear old (ithkoih ? How'il yon leave the folks on tbe farm t Bj thunder, ai n't the pretty girls down here * wonder ■ - sajr, join, t>r goto, . Don't yon try to lund us tho kibosh. Yon c*a bet you're not so green am lot of Rnbss we've seen, Uej ! Ulnar Joshns. Hey I WALTER JACOBS, 107 TUKMOHT ST., ri<l*TON Kcnslinw, Claud Austin nml moving pictures. Lyric (II Walter Vop Dyke, manager). "Knobs o Tennessee," by the Van Dyke Stooli Co., wan highly Manufactory Inst week, nml drew to tbe capacity. "In tbe Hnnda „r the Kneiuy" week of ,r>, ■ « ■ Syracuse.— At . Wletlng Opera House ( liilm I- Kerr, manager) Field's Minstrels rflPM to good business Fell. 1. Annie Russell 4 KiiIm Glnser I), Wilton Locks ye 10, 11. ' Bantam.!) (H. A. Hurtle, nintinger).— Vogel's 'Minstrels came to fair business. "Tbe Village Postmaster" 0-8. Grasp OwnA llotiBB (Clins. II. Plummer, mnnngeD.-r-Mnrtln's "Uncle Tom's Cabin" 011. "Tbe Wayward Boa" 13-10. . ♦«♦ HEW JERSEY. Newark. — At the Newark Theatre (Lee Ottolengul, mnnnger) "The Wizard of Oz' ■his we.-k. The Rogers Brothers pleased all inst week. " 'Way Down East" Feb. 18-18. I-Mi'iin: (II. M. Hyan.s, manager). — "The Lost Boy" this week. "Under Southern Skies" wns well liked by good sized audiences Inst week. "Shadows on the Hearth" 18-1 K Ciimimiiia (M, J. Jacobs, manager). — "The Younger Brothers'' the present week. "At Risk of His Life" drew fair houses Inst week. "On the Suwnnee River", 13-18, Bi.ANr.Vij (J. H. Bucken, manager). — "Tbe Great Automobile Mystery" 0-11. "A Desperate Chance" drew fairly good houses laet week. "For Ills Brother's Crime" 13-18. • Wamimanx's (W. 8. Clark, manager). — The Hon Ton Burlesquers this week. The New Majesties filled the house last week. Fred Irwin's Big Show 1.1-18. Paoeron's (J. Austin Fynes. general manrigor). — This week, a good bill, headed by Hubert Milliard nnd company, In "The Littlest Girl." Others: The Oberstelrer Troupe of warblers and musicians, Terley, tlie poseur : Blind Ton), Matthews nnd Ashley, Brothers Bright, Carter and Bluford, Leo CorlMu and Will Dockray. Good business ruiiilnuca. Xdtb. — Tbe annual ball of the National Alliance of Bill Posters will be held at hurz's llnl!, March 7. . 1 Atlantic City. — At the New Snvoy (Fred E. .Moore, manager) "I'olly Primrose" had a fair house Jan. 'Mi. Margaret Auglln drew a big audience 31.' "A Royal Slave" enjoyed satisfactory business Feb. 1. "Queen of the Highway'.' attracted excellent business 2, 3. Nat C. (Inodwln packed the house 4. Thurber-Naslicr Stocit Co. week of 0, excepting 7. when Primrose's Minstrels appear, lilcaimr Itolisnn 13, Selmii Herman 111. 17. (IfCAN I'tKtt (W. R. Shackelford, mnnngen. — "The Middleman" reopened this nrU-netlve house 2. to good attemlnnce, for three nights. Nothing nnnniincetl week of li. Ou I'Vb. 2 the doors of the New Ocean Pier Theatre opened to Hie loeal theatregoers, just one month after the New Suvoy Thenire made its llrst hid for patronage. The Sew Ocean Pier stands upon the foundation nt i lie old house that bore the name, but irmii those foundations to the top of the gridiron everything within nnd without Is new. antl upon the most mndprn nnd Improved lines. The capacity remains about the same us t lint of the former structure, although n creator degree of roominess prevails throughout the house. Four magnificent proscentiira boxes ornament the stage opening, with private entrances from the orchestra, lloor. Wide promenades run the entire depth of die house on either side from main entrance to the stage wall. The front entrance Is in«tl» up of four large double glass doors oppninS to n large rotunda, or lobby. In the i ear of the seats of the orchesl ra circle. The IhxIv of the house In divided by three aisles, one' running through the centre nnd one on either side. The stage Is one of the most complete In the country, being equipped with every known device and appliance. Special attention has been bestowed upon the lighting of this portion of the theatre. The dressing rooms are many and commodious and filled with every appointment. The general color scheme Is Ivory nud gold, with a geueral background of pale blue. A magnificent ventilator of white nnd gold coloring odds n striking finish to the dome, while Innumerable handsome electroliers serve as additional embellishment. Special consideration has been bestowed upon the feature of safety to the extent that without the slightest dlfMeultv throe sides of the theatre seem to open the house to the pier ou which It Is located. This will prove a decided fcntlive during the heated term. The management slates Hint $15,000 has been expended noon the Improvements, which include n large aim special npproneli from the pier proper. Hie owners have retained W. E. Shackelford as general manager of the new house, as well ns of the entire pier and all of Its various r.l tractions. * Jersey City. — '.'Shadows on the Hearth" closed u medium week at the Academy leu. •J. .Moderate business prevailed at the BIJou with "Skv Farm." Tlie Transatlantic I.xtravaganzn Co. hurt fair business at the Bon 'Jon. Aoabbmv (Frank E. Henderson, mnnnger). —"The Mlssourlmis" 0-11, "At the Old Cross Roads" 13-18. ... Huoij (John W. Holmes, proprietor).— "A Son of Rest" 0-11, "By Right of Sword' Bon Tov (T. W. Dlnltins, manager).— -AI. Beeves' Big Show Oil, High Rollers ld-18. Koto.— The Klein Brothers have secured n mil table piece of real estate and will beg n the building of a playhouse at union Bill, N. J., to be conducted after the plan now In \ogue nt their present house, the Bon ton. The singe will he seventy feet wide and forty feet deep. The house when completed -.v accommodate 2,000 people Everything will he ready for the opening In September. Trenton— At the Taylor Opera House (Montgomery Bom. manager) Margaret Anglln, Jan. 30. pleased a niei liim slr.c d house. Adclnide Thurston, 31, had fair bus iiess. Nat C. Goodwin. Feb. 1, did well. Prank Dnnlets, 2, liad big business. Imp Wizard of Oz, 3, 4, almost filled the bouse, l'nderewskl 7. Primrose's Minstrels !>, Grace George 10, "PUT! Paff ! I l'ouff ! ! ! 11. Klennor Hobson 17. "Woodland 18. Statu Btrkkt (Frank Shalters, manuger . —"Dora Thome." Jan. 28, had good business. "On the Snwanee River. oO-l eb. l, illd fairly well. "Texas." 2-4, had fair business. Al. ft. Wilson II, "Queen or the Highwny" 7, 8. the Great Lnrnyette Oil. "Queen or i he White Slaves" 13-10, "Across the Pacific" 10-18. . „„» Twin* (Edward Ronton, manager) .—8a tIsfnofory business last week. Bill for 0 and week: Rose Stahl ntid Co.. Nelson, larnuro Troupe, McMtmier Hoy»' '-Wo. Frrink Smith, llliley and Burke. Slater nnd Williams. Mr. nnd Mrs. Alfred Retry nrtd the blogrnph. i i Holioken.^— Moderate business 1ms been the rtile. , . -.,.. Ltiitc (H. P. Soulier, manager).— "A C-lrl or the Streets" r.-8. "New York nay by Day It 11. the Llllputlans 12 K., Nellie McIIerry la-la. . KsriH I A, M. ItrugiieUKiii. proprlelor).-Blll week of K: Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Kills and company, Suydor and Ilucklcv. Ilelene Herald, Mr. and Mrs. Darrow. Ada Arnoldson. Macon nnd Francis, Aerial Smiths, and Harry B. Lester. > Rlliabeth. — At the Lyceum (Kirov k Drake, managersi "The Queen of the Highway" c»me 30-Feb. 1, nnd "The Parish Priest" 1M. Moth did large business. "A Royal Slave" 0-8, "Two Little Waifs" Oil, "Nobody's Darling" 18-Hi. , .lAcnns. — "Polly Primrose" 3, "Mama's Popn" 4, Primrose's MlnstrelB 0. "Little Johnny Jones" 11, "Wizard of Oz" 13, "A Son of Rest" 18. * Cnraden.— At the Camden Theatre (SL W. Taylor manager) Diminutive Arthur and Mildred Boylan, In "Too Proud to Beg." made a big hit here. "On the Suwsnee ltlver" opened to very satisfactory business. "Her First False Step" Feb. 0-8, "Queen of the Highway" 0-11, "A Little Outcast" 1310, "Nobody's Darling" 10-18. « ■ » TEXAS. Ft. Worth. — At Crecu wall's Opera House (Phil W. (ireenwnll. manager) "Princess Chic," with Sophie Brandt, received an enthusiastic reception Jan. 2.1, 20. Rose Coghlun. in "Diplomacy," did fair business 27, 28. "The Runaways" had two big houses 31. John Griffith, la "Macbeth." Feb. 1: "Sergeant Kitty" 2, "Iris" 3. "That Little Swede" 4. Warde-kldder Co. 0. Shepard's Moving Pictures 7. 8. Kliznueth Kennedy 0, English Ornnd Opera Co. 10, 11. Staj! (II. B. Burton, business manager). — Under most favorable conditions this new place of amusement presented Its. claims for jialronage to the lovers o( variety Jan. 30. Willi a splendid 'ocatiou, mid everything new, the house presented a gala appearance. A llrst class band, under the leadership of J. it. Uayncs, nnd an orchestra In churge of Prof. Uivlns were features. The fact of the business mnaugemunt being In the hands of Harry B. Rurton assures good bookings nnd that the natrons will be treated well. The opening bill Included the Three llmindos, whirlwind (Inrtcers ; Delmnlne nnd Blewett, Clara lliintooii. Fannie Florence, Ludevlue Itenton, (lea. .West, Jennie Fowler, 4'rank Chant, Sadie Nellson. Lenta Armstrong, Mabel Dupont, Mohnmmed nnd Torn Fey. l'eor pie were turned awny nt the oiienlng. Standard. (M. De Iteque, manager). — New people opening 30: Clins, nnd Ihiltle Verdler, Liiudli* and llaertel, Aggie Allen. Leona Mendel. Mnrtvn Sisters mid W. C. Rollsnd. Its. tnlncd : I ,uce nud Luce, l.ottn Vernon. Mnttln Webb. Llttel Dot, Luhi De Mar, Lulu Lnwton and Leltle Colton. 'The Conductor" brought out the stock. Business opened hit?. Cuow.N (Phil Epstein, manager). — The Fen'< Pros.. Vienna aitettiests, were the featurn week of 3D. clins. lloey, wllb a new budget of songs, and Thompson and RiiBsell, In' a new sketch, were Ibe oilier ■openings. Retained : Mn |or and Mirinr, Beulnh De Mon, Carl C'njiclnnd, tlrace Williams, Lee nud Rosa Kdnionris, Ktlrel Husnell. Ktta Ln Rose, Doris WardeH nnd Adn Yule. "Tinning tho Tables" bv the stock. Business continues big. Notrs. — The benefit tendered to Billy Williams, (he old time minstrel, nt the City Hall. Jan. .10, was n big success Manuger De Remie. of the Standard, has returned from a senson with his racing stable on the Southern circuit. . ■ Houston.— At the Houston Theatre (Mnurlce C. Michaels, manager) the Imperial Minstrels (Jocnl), for charity, drew three Inrge houses Jan. 27. 28. A double bill of "Side Trucked" and "The Sign of the iPour" drew nirlmmcnHe house 30. Thoinns Jefferson, 31, had . two big houses. VI lie Princess Chic,'.' Fob. 1, drew Immense business. Rose Coghlan 2, "The Runaways" ft. Elizabeth Kennedy 4, "A Chinese Honeynioon 7, Chaunccy Olcott 8, 0, Creston Clarke 10, Km pish .(Harry \an De Mark & Frank Rich, managers).— "The Colden West," week of 23. came, to crowded houses. "The Green Eyed Monster," week of 30, tested the capacity. Sr award (Alvldo & Lasserre, managers). —Business Is very satisfactory. "A Pair or Jncks" made a rousing cnrtnln raiser last week to an excellent programme, lira neonle: George and Belle Milton, tirncn IlnrJourt, 0111 Brownie. Doc Holland. St. B. Campbell, Mnrgaret Burkhurt, Jessie Woods, OIkii Howard, Berna Dnueoitrt, Mabel Wright, Sadie Ncllscn, Ernest Bailey, Maud Grayson. Thelma Holmes, Grace Riissel. n-VS-i.1 m«J more. Fannie Florence. Pauline Rettlck. May Vau Colton, Goldlo May, Virginia Rankin, Irene West and Excella. i Dallas.— At the Dallas Opera House (Geo. Anzy. manager) Rose Coghlan, in "Dlnlomacv." drew big business Jan. : -iO. "Prfncess CHIC' played to IbwmIn^ "7 "8 "The Runaways" 30. John uriiuiii Til'. Bessie Toone. n '1'cxas Girl, In "Iris. Feb 2 : Savage's English Grand Opera Co. 8. BUSH (W. 11. McDanlels, manager).— I ho Grattan De Vernou Stock Co. closed. Jan. .'8, n very succesBful engagement, l.aramencliuj •10 the Broadway Stars, composed of vaudevllle perfotniers, opened to big Kdnm..«g company Includes: F. Augustus Cook. Modame Millie. Jnnelle nnd Vaughan. Madame Slolelle, Mlu-ay nnd Crol and Edison's projectoscopc. OREGON. liism nml t'o.. Edwards and Edwards, the lAurells, Miller Bros., Unlsy Vernon, Nat I'nrr and Edison's projectoseope. Aiti-.viii: (S. Mortnu Cohen, manager). — Richard Burton. George Trump, Lansing. Brown nnd Wilson, Teed and l.srelle, and American bioscope. Lvtuo (Keating A Flood, managers).— Tho new Lyric Stock Co., in "The ITcnlckers," week of Jan. 3D, llljou (Fred T. Merlll, m*nuger).^-The llllou Stock Co., 30, In "Tlie New Tutor." Maid (A. Shapiro, manager). — Zelma Summers, Helena and LnmontB Sisters. tiiii'HKi'M (W. A. Simons, manager). — /.Inn's Burlesque company. Mae Vernon, Ida UoHsiter. Krnuces Venlta Grey, Imogen Maustleld, Eva Winston, Nemo Catto. Jack Imvla, Mae Emerson, Belle Piper. Hawley and Vass, Kate Rockwell, Amellta, Edith ' Stanley. Loulae Iieater, Jones and Ravelle, Marjory Mandvllle. Royce and the Knnfrettas. FnlTZ's Nkw Tiikatiik (J. J. West, mnnnger).— Jack nnd Myrtle Mack, Bee Southwick, Rnoney and Forrester. Fay Leslie, Johnnie Itlggs, Mnrgurlte Elennore. Thelmn Wheeler, Helen Gould. Josle Myers, Marco a nJ" (ion/.oles, Minnie Ward, I.uclle and Jim Xeahltt. i ObAZiRii's Cosckbt Hali. (Ell B. Davis, manager). — Georgle Verdi. Mndine Allen. Lillian RavmoiAI and the Mexican magician. KnicKSox's Music Ham. (Charles Berg, manager).— Battle Ward, Mile. Dorthy. Ionise IJster, DorlB Greenwald, nud Rnrdlrk, "the Man of Mystery." 4>» CALIFORNIA. estnblisbeii. Work on the Improvements will begin nt mi early date. ' ■> » » INDIANA. WAHIIIMJTOV. Los Angeles. — At the Mnson Opera House (II. C. Wyntt, manager) Paul (illmore, in "The Mummy and the Humming Bird" drew well Jim. 20-28. "Mother Goose" opened to capacity 30, for a week. Florence Roberts will appear Feb. 9-lft. '• ■ Moaosco's Buuiiank TiiKATHB (Oliver Moros«-o, munager). — "The Little Church Around the Corner" came week ending Jan. 28. "Held by the Enemy" hud good business. Underlined : "Darkest Russia." BRt.ssni (John II. Blsckwood, manager). — "Did Heidelberg" closed lis second week, to remarkable busiuess. "Are You n Mason'/" Jan. 23; Feb. 0 nnd week, "The Prisoner of Zemin." ,. , (iiiANn (Clarence Drown, mnnager). — Stetson's "I'ncle Tom's Cnbln" was successful Jnn. 23-28. The Black I'ntll Troubadours 31)Feb. 4, Beu Hendricks, In "Olo Olson," 0-11. iiiipmki:m (Martin Beck, general mnnnger). — Features for Jan. 30 and week: The Ten Nelsons, Four Musical Avolos. Clifford and Burke, Eleanor Folk. FltJigornld, Doiiglns mid Ford. Klne nnd Gotthold. CIiiirhIiio and orpiieimi motion pictures. Cnpnclty business. Pxiqi'k (llcntv. k Znllee, malingers). — l-Vntures 30 nnd week : Etimminl Anderson. All Vndn, Weston and Prnu, Bryan nnd Itnnd, William Ellon. Wise, Milton nnd company, and the |liili|iiescoiie. Broaiiway (A. II. Morgnnstern, mnnngrr)r -'Week of 30: Eva Perklus. Jon Allinoti. Miirclla Bros., Collins and Wilson, . I lertle fntlbtle, McKnlghlj It. Clinton Montgoraenr nnd Illustrated songs. I . • Casino (C. W. Allsky. manager). — rcoplo 3D and week: Edward llnrt. nnd Mme. Bessie, Heidelberg Quartette, Emma O'Neill, Ti-nsk nnd Rogers. I.eWItt and Asbmore, Lorraine and moving pictures. Notkh.— Another popular price theatre, to lie known as tlie Empire, will lw erected here. Mlgnou Foster, lins Joined the Belescu Theatre Co II. S. Maddey. formerly with the Rlngllng Shows, and for several monlhs past a reporter on Tint Lo» A»(/clci /.'rninliici-, leaves shortly for the East to Join Pnwnee Bill's Wild West Show.. ..Tim I.os Angeles Socle! Y Vaudeville Show, under the niiiiingemeiit of Ralph Wray, Is organized lo piny the bench resorts near Los Angeles. dul. lurid. — At the Maedonough (Hall k Rnrton, manager) Blanche Bates drew packed houses, at advanced prices. Jnn. 24-20. Joseph Murphy hod good houses 20-31. I«wls Morrison Feb. 4, Stetson's "Uncle Tom's LMBtic (H. W. Bishop, manager). — Bishop's Co. of players drew successfully week ending Jan. 20, In "The Mountebank." Bishop Stock Co.. from the Majestic, Han Francisco, presented "Mlzpah," 30 and week. "My Precious Baby" Feb. 6-11. Bf.m, (Ed. Homan, manager). — Features 0 and week: The Weavers, Clins. Brown. Grlffen Sisters. Dan Russell and Blanche o'Xeil, Jessie Dale, the Yale Duo and tbe vltascope. Business Is Inrge. Novelty (Tony Lubelskl, manager).— Bill 0 nnd week : The Four Crohn, Mny Tunlson, Fern Comedy Four, Oliver Asbton, Loyola, Mr. nnd Mrs. Morton and the vltngraph. Business good. EilPIBH (K. M. Carlson, mnnnger). — Attractions 0 and week : Cook nnd Boyd, I*e Tung Fook, Keco Ives, Cummlngs and .Merlev Orii, Center and Ives and motion pictures. Business Is Immense. MARYLAND. Portland.— At the Marquam Grand (Calvin Belli, mnnnger) Wm , Jr. »nd Joseph tntrersou illd very good business. In "Ine illvah?" Jnn 23, 54. The MnntelllOporstlc Co nreseuted T "11 Trovatore" without a ,hm-iis "'I to standing room only. Louis Mo r s'on" 1, l°el» 1, in ¥'Faust |" "f he Mm Slipper' 3. 4. Edna Wallace Hopper 0, 7, JTcull;MM,kP(A8|L1Ball«rd,manager)-Tl.e Columbia Theatre Stock Co. hsd n good opentig Jnn 20 in "Moths of Society." Howard onld, the now leading man, made his llrst nnpeiirn ice on this date, nnd scored hyvny. •'ll.e Crime of Du Hols," by James Keana nnd the stock company, did fa r Imrlness week of 22. "Sweet lavender" Feb. 5. KMrlM (George l,.Bnker. mnnnger) -The Noble Stock Co. had u very good opening Jan 21), In "The Moonsulners.'p /'For Love and' Honor" Feb. 2. "Carmen' 4. "Nettle. the Newsglrl." did very good business week of Jnn 22. "Over Niagara Falls" reb. ... The new'lv organlxed com)inny, supporting Lou se Brandt, begins n two weeks' ctigngement 12. "pining In "Lovers' Lane." , Edgar Bnume. lately Tending ronn of the Columbia Theatre. •Ill be leading man during that engagement. Giunii (F. Lincoln, manager).— Blanche Botes. In "The Darling of tbe Hods," week of and the blograpb. , Stah (9. Morton Cohen, manager).— Be Baltimore. — At Ford's Opera House (Charles E. Ford, manager) Eleanor Robsnn begins a week's engagement ■ Feb. 0. ln ••.Merely Mary Ann." Kyrlo Bellew had ■ week of fine MMuWM with "Raffles," closing 4. George M. Cohan brings "Little Johnny Jones" 13. Academy (Nixon k Zimmerman, mnnnBers).— il. H. Sqthern and Julia Mnrlowe entsr upon u week of repertory 0, In "Much Ado About Nothing,'' "llamler and "Romeo nnd Juliet." "Plff! Pnff!! PouflM" closed a prosperous week 4. "The Rogers Bros. In Chark'h (W. Warren De Witt, manager). — 'London Assurance" 0 nnd week. "'ITin Ticket of Leave Man" , closed 4. "ICu^t l.ynne" 13. Lyric (B. TJlrlcb, manager). — "Qulncy Adams Sawyer" commences 0. . AliniTomuM (JHines L. Kernan. manager). — ' McFadden's Ffnts" 0-11. Kellnr closed n week of fair business 4. "Down the Pike" 13. Maryland (James L. Kernnn. mnnnger i. — Rice und Cohen. Empire Oily Quartette, HiiKlmoto Japs. Hill and Wh! tinker, Burton and Brooks, Marcus and Gsrtflle and Doherly's poodles furnished the hill for tl and week, •Hollioay Street (George W. Rife, mann f>r). — "Too Proud to Beg," o add week. unities* was very large last week, with "Across tho Pacific." "In Old Kentucky" comes 13. • •.. ■ Bf.AJtiY'8 (Charles E. Blnney, manager). — "For Fnmc and Fortune," 0 and week, with Terry Mctiovern. "A Olrl of the Streets" did fairly, closing 4. "Alone in the World" in. _ , Moncmbntai. (.Tames L. Kernan, manager i.— Tile Moonlight Maids opens 0. for, one week. Tbe flowery Rurleshuers had a good *%t&9%tt M«fffll«) reiitWritinir a Ne* Ynrk sytidlcate. last week closed a deal fur a ten years' lease of a ten acre. plot of irnund near Druid Hill Park, on which o Summer park, to be known as "Fairyland," will be Indlannnolla.— At English's Opera House (Ad. F. Miller, manager) Itoselle Knott. In "Cousin Kate," Jan. 28. pleased two large houses. "The Prince of Pllsen," 3J, Feb. 1, sold out st every performance. Charles llnwtrev tilled the house 2. llerlbn Onllnnd Jl. 4. "The Girl from Kay's" II, William H. Crane 11. Richard Mnnslleld 13, Kyrle Bellew 17. 18. Park (Dlrkson & Tnllsitt, managers). — "The Beamy Doctor." Jnn. 211-28, packed the house. "David Hnrnni," 30-Feh. 1, scored a big success, to cnpselly business. "Dnngers of Working (Hrls'' 2-4, ">lore to lie Pitied Than Scorned" 0-8. GiiAMi Opera Hoiisr (Shqfer Zlegler, manager).— Business sllll sticks to capacity. Fur week of 0: Williams and Turker, Hallen and Fuller, Powell's Mnrlonettes, Lawrence Crane. Ainertlne Mellch, Haines and Vldocq, Vete linker. Lucy and Vlate, and Hie bloscoiie. EMt'inr. (Clins, /.Immermiin. manager.) — Itellly a Wood's Big Show, last week, di-ew good business. World Beaters week of tl. ititnnwny Girls 13-18. . . 1 1 Marlon.— At the Iniliitnn (K. L. Klnneman, manager) "Peggy from Paris." with Grace Belmont, was greeted by n standing mom lions.. Jnn. 30. > Eleanor Whitney, Josle Sadler and E. II. O'Connor deserve special mention. "The County cn'nlrmnn" pneked the utilise to the doors Feb. I. Theodore Rnheris won much praise. "Iler Only Sin" 3. "The Crisis" 0. "A Trip to Egypt" 10. Gn*Nii (H. L. Klnnemnn, mnnnger). — "Ills Better llnir" hnd two full houses Jan. '.'•*>. "Peek's Bad Boy" brought nut IWn S. R. O. houses 28. "The Two Johns" furnished two hours of fun fur two capacity houses Feb. 2. "Who Is WhoY" 3, "An Orphan's Prayer" 4. "The Little Churi'h Around the Corner" 0, "Hi. Si nud I" 0. Crystal (John If. Amnions, manager).— Patronage Is uniisiinlly good. For Week of 0 : The Musical Reeds, Irene While. Kelly nnd Kdsev. Mike Scott. Illustrated songs and the klnndrome. ' • Notes. — Mnnnger Amnions has placed n hnndsnme pew electric sign In front -of the Crvstnl Theatre The Bnimntlu Club of the Normal College presented (he comedy drama. "Ilenrls nud Diamonds," before n Inrge audience 3. > e . Kvnnsvllle.— The Crnnd ( I'edley k Hlirch. mnnngers) wns filled nlmost lo overflowing Jan. in, wllb Dustln Fnrnum. In "Tim Virginian." 'The County Ctinirinuu" played two performances 28 to S. R. O. Maxlne Elllofl Feb In, "Dnvld Hnrum" 13. Rlchn.-d Alnn"lleld II, "The Two Oriihnns" (nllstari 24. I'Knn.n's (Pedley * Hnrcli. mnnngers). — Jnnies J. I'orbejt. In "I'nls." crowded ilio house. "Ills. Mnjesly nud Hie Mnid" n. Evans Hai.i.. -High School Commencement Jan. 27. Mush-nle by Hie Trio Club (local Inleiiti. Tbe Slegel Meyer Dainty Co., on Feb. 3, jiext number of Y. M. C. A. star course. , Ti»rr» Hnntt>.— Atfllis tlrniid Opera Bouse (T. W. Bnrhydt, nuinnger) llosello Knott eftme Feb. Jl, to first idnss business. "The Mnid nnd the Mummy" plnycd 4. to Rood houses. Madame Ondskl 0, "A Mrssngfl from Mnrs" 7, "llnppy Hooligan" 8, Maxlne Elliott 0. ■Emmbh (Thos. If. Flnnegnn, mnnnger). — Vnudevllle and burlesque hill the current week Is gnnd. nnd S. It. O. business contlnues. Hunday mntlnees, recently Iniroduced. have proven winners. Mr. Flnnegnn will-.prnhnhly milnnge the Hummer park at Des Moines, In., the coming senson. *»» MIL'IIIfiAN. Detroit. — At Iho Detroit Opern Bouse (B. (.'. Whitney, manager) Annie Russell, lu "Brother .Inclines," enterlnlned large and appreciative audiences ao-Feb. 1. May Irwin drew packed houses 2-4. 'The Prlnco of Pllsen" 0-11. LviiBUM (E. D. Stair, manager). — "Running for Office," presented by n well balanced company, drew good houses last week. "York State Folks" fl-fl, "The Strollers" 12-18. Lafaykttk (Dr. Cnmplioll, manager). — The Byron Douglass Co. presented "Tlie Silver King," to good nixed audiences, last week. The piece was elnborntely staged Willi all the roles In capable hands. "Mr. Barnes of New York" week of 0. Whitney (K. D. Htulr, manager). — "The Factory Girl" entertained packed houses last week. Boh Fltzslmmonn week of 5, "Tracked Arourtd the World" 12-18. Tpsu'lk (J. II. Moore, manager). — Last week marked the fourth anniversary of the opening of this theatre, and the management provided a big bill, Standing room the entire week. Bill week. of 0: Jessie Burtlett Davis, W. H. Murphy, and Bluncbs Nichols company, Mory Dupont and company, Fred Nlhlo. Hersug's horses, the Dollar Troupe, the Billions, diillnndo and the American klnntogrnph; .AvEMttn (Drew k Campbell, managers). — The Imperial Extruvagunr.n Co. pleased large houses lust week. Tbe olio was good and the chorus well drilled. The Coy Morning Glories Co, IS1 1. Note.— Ed. R. Salter, manager for May Irwin, greeted old friends Inst week, ills former home wns In this city, where lie wus treasurer of the old White's, now the Lyceum Then I re. Healtle.— -At the Grand Opera House (John Cort, tnnnsserl "The Rliltnn of Siilu' 20-Keo, I. Melbn. in i-oncerl. 3. "The Silver Slipper" 0-1 1. To follow: Kdun Wnllnee Hopper, In "A Country Mouse:" De Pochmnn. lu .piano recital: J. II. Studdart, in "The Bonnie Hrler Hush ;" Jos. Mnrpliv, In' '^Kerry How., Iind "Sliiinn llhile." HRATTiJi tJ. 1'. Howe, ninnngerl. — lllnnche. Bates. Ill "The Hurling of the Gods," ll-P. Tiuitii Avenue < Russell k Drew, mnnngers).-Week of Jnn. 20. "Over Niagara Falls;" week of Feb. fi. "Nettle, the News Irl," To follow: Maharn's Minstrels, "Olio Mow Won," "The (rime of Dubosco." At.i'A/Aii.-— Jan. 20, the l.otidnle Theatre Co.. lu "Pawn Ticket 210:" week of JUL Williams Opern Co.. In "Osy-Oo:" Wllllnms Opern Co.. Feb. hVII. In repertory. T« fol W ,11'V. t.vll low :' Sheldon Lewis, In ""' .»rl Jekyll nnd Mr. Ilvde." OlIPHUUM. — New : Musical lleutley, Mor 5nn and Chester, Fnnnlv Donovan, Corn llrkel nod plckauluules, Clarniice Sisters, Berger Bros., Arthur Jackson and moving pictures. PANTJUHM anii CnvsTAL. — New ; llpwell and Emerson, York-Hertiert Thrje, Wnrd, Lester and riininnnv, Herklldei, Realty and Price, Annie Leslie Williams, Mnck and Elliott, Bates and Ernest, Hie llurtlnos, ntrhnrd Burton, Morry I.nng and moving jfletures. E.MfiiiK. — Now : The Four Ramblers, Jus. J. Hennessey. Herbert, Leona Clifton nml moving pictures. u « ; . routqPK.— New: Dodd and dog, Irving nnd MplllmniL Iji Rose and Hatfield. Cordon 'Trio a ml moving pictures. ■♦ Tnonnm.— At the Tncoma (Calvin Belllg, mnnnger) "The Sultan of Siilu," 'Jan. 23. 24, hail good houses. Win. Collier, 2". bad n well lllled house. Lewis Morrison 2(1, 27, Ednn Wnllnee Hopper Feb. 8. LvcrtiM (Bean Worley. mnnnger).— -"Over. Niagara Falls." Jan. 27. 28. drew fnlr houses. The Keith Slock Co., In "Slnves of Russia," 30 nnd week. „ . „ CiiYsTAt..— Week of 30: Avery Family. Gits Leonard, Davis nnd Hall, and Leo White. Business Is giMld. (Nti'iiNi'M.— Week of .'10, the Mnhm-Mngrnth Company did n good business, Kjiphik.— Week of 30: The Mnniilng Trio, Tegge nnd Daniel. Fetni llnrt. Bi'Slrlen Fletcher mid Charles Allmnnd. Busiuess Is gnnd. Ennuis continues to do fair business. ♦ »» IOWA. lies »i..Iiip*. -At Foster's Opera Hour* (Win. Foster, mnnnger) "The Girl from Kuv's" pliivcd to cnpnclty Jnn 28. ■Murine Kllloii, booked for i-'ib, 2 hi this. Iinuse, hnd In lie trnilsferred to Hie Aiilllloi'luni on account of. Hie big demand fur scats. "The Krrnnd llnv" ■•». Oils Hklnher II. CllANli tli'tuiA. lliii'HH l Win. Foster, nuiiin,-i.|.i, — »A Millionaire Trunin" showed to fair houses Jan.. 20-28. '"IJie Spnu of Life" did n fairly goml business ItO-Kcli. 1. "Child Hlnves or New York" 2-4. "The llenrt of Chiengii" « 8, "Why Girls l^ttve Home" Mil,, Bi.ini' (Fred Illicit aiiiiu. manuirer),— lllg liuslness continued Inst week. Bill week uf ll:Luc» nnd Lilcler, Mlett's dogs, the JSnellers nntl I he Hnvoys. (Will S. Collier, business manager) "Tim Sign of tlm Cross," Jan. 20, deserved a beller housp. The Rntletlgo Htnck Co. did well .27, 28. Maxlne Elliott Fob. II, Murray mill Mnck 4, Hutledgu Slock Co. 0-8, "Sweet Clover" H, Klliiitrii Sisters 15, "From lings In Klein's" Pimn.n'a '(Hdw, f^nrrnn, manager).— flood business continues with these people week ut Jan. 80: Tot Young, Ed. nud Hazel Lucas, Joe Kills, the Dnlys, Ray W. Fay, l he stock c», and the polyscope. Aiini'mutUM (Thos. A. Berkeblle; mann fen. — Hhlpp's Indoor Cirrus week of Feb. 20, nslead of 111. Hurllnifton.— At the Grand (Chnmherlln, llarrlngtpp k Co., muusirers) Hilly Vnn WeasetrJan. 28. "Peck's fiud Hoy" Feb. 2. •Why GIHs Leave Home" 7, "Devil's Ani'tlon'' 8, "Hoolignn's Troubles" Bl, Madura's Minstrels W^'From lings to Riches" HI, "A Chinese Honeymoon" HI, Mildred llollnnd 17. iiAiikii'K. — Crowds lust week. Hill for till: Musical Forresls, Wliehin and Hearis, Lew Pearl, Albert Fye, Helen Thuinns and blogrnph. ♦«» ■\VI8CON8IN. «ranil ll«pld«. — At the New Powers (Harry G. Summers k Co., managers) this theutre was dosed for two weeks. "Peggy from Paris" Feb. Jl. 4, W. II. crane li, lie Wolf Hopper und "The Isle of Spice" In Iho near future. MAJrsTtt! (Orln Hialr, manager).— "York State Folks," Inst week, pleased large audiences. Byrne Bros. 3-H, "Happy lloollgmi" OIL Giunii Onr.RA llfiUHR (Orln Stair, mannger).— Robert FltMimmons. In "A Fltlit for l,ove." 20-Feb. 1, played to crowded houses. "From Hags to Riches" f.-8. smith's Oi'gnA Hwisn (Mrs. W. B, Smith, manager).— Fair business. Broadway Burlesiiuers 5-11. innocent Beauties 12-18. NOTK.— "From Bags to Riches." 5-8. will lie the Inst of taelonratnu to be seen at tbe Grand Opera Homo for some time, as Messrs. K. D. and Orln Stair have sublet thn house lo )•:. P. Churchill and Hal Dnvls. who will devote Hie theatre lo "polite" vaudeville, nnd lu connection wllb their other bouse:. Their Intention Is to. give continuous performances, with nn-nilnil«slou nf Hie. Tlley Will open Sunday, Feb, 12. • • r . Kalntnasnn — At the Academy nf Music (B. A. .Hush, .mnnnger) Hie Glare Hiywsrd Co.. Inst weak, drew big . biiflwM. liitnlU away people. Wib. H. crahe Fen. 8, "V»tV from -Paris" o. . ' .,»,.„ I'ALArr. nr Avusr.Bnits (Praok |M deb, manaler).— Large crowd* of Haters nightly. ' Milwaukee.— Business the past week rnn from fnlr lo good, riAVinsox.— Clins. Ilnwtrey, JIO-Feb, 1, and "The Virginian," 2-4, were well attended, "The Olrl frnm Kfly's" fi-8, "The County Chairman" 1215, "Tlie Shu-Gun" HUB. ArAiiKitr. — I'klwnrd Thiiuhoiiser will offer one of his big productions, week of (I, In "The ICtornsI i'My." James Durkln, the new lending mm, hits est a lil Isbed himself as u prims fuvorlte. "Sue of Lone Farm" last week drew average attendance. "Darkest Hussln" I3-18. Ai.iiAMiuiA.— Manager O. F, Miller offers 'The Lighthouse by Hie Son" n-ll, and "llsppy lloollgntr' 12-18, Business lust week wns satisfactory wlih "Shadows of n Great City." tftjot:.— "The Sign of the Cross." a favorite nt this house, was well received last week. Florence Bindley, III "Tho Street Klnger," Ji-H, and tbe Russell Bros. 12-18. PABHT (l.cnn WnHMiier, maunger). — The (lertiuiii Stock Co. will appear In "Marianne. Mill Weil) nus dam Vnlke" Kilinlnv. Xi, and "Die Vclden Lconoren" 8. "Trniimulus," tbe suiiess of tho season In Germnny, Is soon lo Is) nut on by Maunger Wscbsuer. Stilt (Frank R. Trot I man, manager). — The Vniilly Fair Co., lust week, was up to I lis A I standard In every respect, and made a great lilt with good sited audience*. Tho (lay MnmiiiernderH fill, Riley k Wood's Big Show 12-18, Cnvs-Mi, (F. .11. Winter, manager).— -Iltlwles* continues good. Bill tl-12 includes: Steve Hiirdll'k, Biirimiu and Burtsoiij Cooks mr.i in,, ,,,,p, wittiw,,, npjii uuimwii, vwjir nnd Moore, Connie and Itossley nnd Rnstelle. HiiA.vo.— Manager i:. ii. Simon offers c1 1 : Nettle Field*, Harry De Marin, Gardner and Revere, Hockwdy, . and Conway, uu Jobp A. West. Rig business. * Ran Clair*'.-— At the Grand (C. D. Moon, mnnnter) "A Chinese Honeymoon" lllled the home Jsb. 25. I'llnore Hlslers Feb. 2, Mason and Mason 12. Illnncho Rates Hi. cxjqi'H.CAl. Schulierg, manager).— Week of Jan. Ill): Hnrtlett And Collins, Ceo. W. Leslie. Hmko's trained dogs nnd sheep. Harrington anil Kblil, Curds and iilakemurs and Prof. Hcllrnedcr. ;. ■ ' ; i' i * I »' , — Assemliltman U'agner, uf New York, has Introduced at Albany a hlliito wipe out i hunt n<. 11 ticket sped i lot I on. Mr. VVngftar's I. Ill In one nf Bin mum sweeping measures that have been frnin'd lo check tbe theatre ticket speculation evil. __