The New York Clipper (August 1905)

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650 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER: AUGUST 19. SOUTHERN SISTERS, IM X H » I R 08IGINAI< «E O V K JL, T Y T=^ LIVING COPYRIGHT, 1005, BY SOUTHERN SI9TBRS. riATURINO SOUTHERN'S "SUNNY SOW© Time of Act, IS Min. Special Printing, Heralds, Window Work, etc. etc. Permanent addrm 633 It. DELAWARE ST., Indianapolis, Ind. Charles Frnhman'a Plana. Charles Frohmnfl stnted'ln a recent Inter- Viet? : "My arrangements la London, begin- uIok with the Autumn season, gives me prac- tical control of five of the lending theatres, nine of the best English atari), tours through England covering more than twenty com- panies, and the appearance there, at the be- ginning of the neason, of three American stars, and, during the season, companies and stars Interchanging between both countries. "The Empire Theatre, New York, trill be- gin Irs Reason, as always, with Joan Drew, in De Lance;,' by Augustus Thomas.. Margaret Dale will continue as his leading lady. Mr. Drew's engagement will be followed by Maude Adams' season. In "Peter l'nn.' In 'Peter Pan' Mls3 Adnms will again Impersonate fhe char- acter of a hoy. N. C. Goodwin, who begins a three years' starring engagement under my management In September, will first appear In 'Beauty and the Barge.' Ethel Barrymore will alfo appear this season in a J. M. llarrle pjay. After her coming tour In California she will come lo the Hudson Theatre; in 'Alice. Sit by the Tire,' and on the same even- ing Mr. Bnrrle's one act piny, 'Pantaloon,' will be given, in which Lionel liarrymore will be starred. "Sotbern and Marlowe' return from Eng- land for rehearsals of The Taming of the Shrew,' 'Twelfth Night' and 'The Merchant of Venice.' At the end of the Reason here they will appear In London. For Virginia Harned on entirely new and original play, by Henry Arthur Jones, wlil be provided. Daly's The- atre will open on Sept. 4, with the re-appear- uoce of Edna May, supported by an English company, In 'The Oaten of the Season.' "William H. Crane will appear In a new American ploy, by Broadburst and Dazey, called 'An American Lord.' I have n new comedy for Francis Wilson, which will be pro- duced In New York during the Winter, to- gether with an American one act piece, colled The Little Father of the Wilderness,' which I will also produce In London, in September, At the Criterion Theatre, In January, a big production of tbe dramatic play which was so successful in Paris, called "La Belle Marseillaise,' will be made, followed by the present Comedle Franealse Theatre, Paris, sensation, The Duel,' which Is being adapted by Louis N. Pnrker. George Ade'n new play, entitled 'The Varsity Man, will .be produced with Joseph Whcelorlt Jr. in the star part. I have also for production In New York a new poetical play, In four acts, called 'Mlz- pah,' by Kiln Wheeler Wilcox and Luseombe Searelle, and a new comedy by II. V. Esmond. "With William Gillette I produce his new play. 'Clarice,' and we will make tbe first production lu England. Marie Doro Is, to pla.v the title role. '"William Collier, who has made a great success In London, will remain there. I nave urranged to make nil the productions at the Comedy Theatre, London, for the neit three years, and after 'The Dictator' Mr. Collier will piny 'On the Quiet,' lo be followed by Richard Harding Davis' play, The War Cor- respondent,' nt that theatre. "Clyde Fitch and Willis Steele have de- livered their dramatization of 'Wolfvllle.' 1 have also n play, now hi English, which is i he combined work of Julian Leinnltre and Jerome K. Jerome. The original French play wos produced at the Itennalssance Theatre, I'm I?. I have arranged with Robert Mar- shall for the American rights of the new plays that lie mny write for the next three years. I have secured the new play by Al- fred Rutrn, which Is to bo produced at the Imperial Theatre, London, la October, called The Way of a Fool,' and also Mr. Butro's play, 'Mollentrave on Women,' which was produced nt the St. James Theatre, London. "Paul Potter and George Horace Lorrluier ore dramatizing the Inttcr's book The Let- ters of a Self-Made Merchant to Ills Son.' I have also a new play by the author of 'The (.Marriage of Kitty,' called 'Paris and New York;' a piny by A, E. W. Mason, the novel- ist, called 'Marjory Strode,' which I shall produce In America and England, also the comedy which Is to he produced In Septem- ber, nt the Adclpliln Theatre, London, called 'Doctor Wake's Pntlent,' and a uew comedy, called 'All-of-a-Sudden-Peggy,' by Ernest Denny. "Charles McLellan, the author of 'Leah Kleschna,' hits written a new comedy, called 'On the Love Piith,' which will be produced early In September, at tho Hnvmarket The- atre, London, the American rights of which i have secured. 1 linve also secured the great comedy success of the Athenee Theatre, Paris, ••ailed 'The Heart of a Sparrow,' for both countries, and it Ir being adapted by Cosmo Gordon Lennox. I have also secured a com- pany of actors numbering sixteen people, and headed by William Reeves, In 'The Hum- ming Bird,' who will appear In' connection with one uf my new muslcul pieces. > ' 'important musical plnys, Including 'La Petite Holienie,' which was produced at the Varieties Thenlrc, Purls, have been secured, nlso u new musical piece now being written by Plxley and Leders. A new musical play, culled 'The Beauty of Bath,' will be given by Hllullnc Terrlss mill Seymour Hicks, lu New York, next year, and while lliey ure here Sain Bernard and 'The Itulllcklng Girl' will replace them lu London, at my uew theatre; also a muslcul piny, culled 'Our Girl.' which I pro- duce tit the Herald Square Theatre during ilie seuson, mid n new musical plnv bv Oweu Hall. Maurice Ordouncau, Hie author of 'La Poupee,' Is writing the book of « new musical play tor Kdna May, the music being by Henri rllrrhiiiattli. "Charles Wyndhnm and Mary Moore will return in America nflpr the New Year, for a rlfteeii weeks' tour. Henry Irving comes a year from next October for his farewell tour, and John Hare will nlso he seen that season in America. Fay Davis, who is now in Eng- land, will return to New York lu November, to appear In 'All-of-ii-Swlilon-Pcggy." Ellen Terry will continue under inv management; nlh. .Marie Tempest, Ellnlltie Terrlsa and Sey- mour Hicks. I shall begin In London with my new slur. Huntley Wright, In September, h nil expect nlso to present him In New York. "Mnxlne Elliott has a new piny, bv Clyde Filch, anil will open the Criterion Theatre Sept. -I, and Mr. Hnckett and Mary Manner- Ing wlil nppenr together nt tbe Savov The- atre lieip. In The Walls of Jericho.' 1 shall be Interested In the production of n new play, called 'A Fair Exchange,' written fur Charles Ross, by Henry M. Blossom Jr., which will lie produced in September, mid nlso In liobcrt Lurraln's production of "Man and Superman.' "I shall produce In London The Heir to Hie Iloornh, mid nlso 'The Squnwmnn;' this latter In connection with Llchlcr & Co., with whom I mn Interested In America In this piny with William Fnversham. The nlgbt before Milling I arranged with George Pevdenn, Huthnr »f 'The Gay Parisians,' for his farcical play, 'The fliichess of Folles Bergeri',' which Is to be nrrniigcd for the American and Eng- lish stage by Paul M. Potter. This plnv, with music, is for Unttle Williams' starring tour In December. In Loudon the new the- atre being built for me, called tbe Aldwycb, will be ready Id December, and Oct. 1 ground will be broken on Shnftestmry Avenue, where there .Is to be built forme a theatre alter the style of the Empire, New York." . World of Players/ Gsobob M, Cohan's new piny, entitled "Forty-five Minutes from Broadway,", baa been finished, and Klaw & Erlanger have ac- cepted It for Kay Templet on. Mr.. C'oban wrote the libretto, lyrics and music, and. will be a partner of Klaw Jt Erlanger la Its pro- duction. .... (.'hauler Emerson Cook, author of the book of the opera, "The Rose of tbe Al- bambra," in which Lillian■ Blauvelt will be slotted, arrived home last week from Spain, Maurice- Gkau writes from abroad that be la' enjoying better health than at any time since he left New York. :, Maxine Elliott returned last week from London. She has .begun rehearsals for ber new .play, "Her Great Match," at the Cri- terion Theatre, New York. • ■ • JnmMF, K. Jerome, the English anthor, will deliver a series of lectures in this coun- try In the Fall. - Kath mi in t Grey has been engaged to cre- ate tbe leading role in n new play, entitled "Faith Mather," by M. Douglass Flattery, a lawyer, of Boston, which will be produced at tbe Park Theatre, Boston. 8ept. 4. E. S. Willard will produce the coming sea- son, during his engagement In this country, a new play by Alfred Capus. He will also produce "The Fool's ReveBge." ■' Lie SuunprtT last week- surrendered his option on the lease of tbe Shaftesbury The- atre, London, Eng. . The Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jan.' K. Hnckett t Mary Munnerlng) U very 111, at their, home In Greenwich, Conn. Geokoe Apr last week signed a contract with a New York publishing house by which he Is to write a book based on "The County t.'bnirmnn," "The College Widow,"' and his new piny, 'The Bad Samaritan," and em- bodying the principal characters la each. The new story is to be called "The County Judge.'-' •' Harry RornuiN has signed with Blanche Wnlsh, to play Louis klnuffsky, la "The Woman In the Case," which opens at the Mndlpnn Square Theatre, New York, Aug. 31. Mr. lingers hos been with attractions such na Dave Wartleld's Co., etc. He will Introduce a pnrt of tbe song, "Not a Big Girl Like Me." We are In receipt of a telegram from Henry H. Wtnchell, representing Charles H. Blnney. stating that Lottie Williams opened her season, in "My Tom-Boy Girl." Aug. 12, nt the People's Theatre, Philadelphia, and It was also the beginning of the fifteenth season of the house. The production, star and supporting company were enthusiastic- ally received. The company Includes: Wm. F. Stevens. Al. Lester, J. T. Lnsnlnt, Nellie Mnskell Maiid Kellctt, Harriett Davis and many others, Including a large chorus. Louise Sandford has Joined "When Reu- ben-Comes to Town." and has made n hit. De Woi.f HnrPER and Nella Bergen, his wife, are to be seen dally la their automobile,. n recent purchase of the big comedian. -Mrs. anna Stokes and her daughter, Doris, have returned from their European trip In good health arid spirits. Aunt Louisa l» to recite "The Star Span- ?led Bonner" to tbe soldiers at Fort Hamil- nm Ang. 10, * 'Homt'kbok "The Funny MR. Dooi«ey :" Gus Hill, proprietor; Fred Ryder, manager ; Chas. Gordon, business manager; Paul Qulnn, stage manager: Harry Treppert, musical director. Members of company—Paul Qulnn, Marie Richmond, Tlllle Cohen, John I.e Fevre, Joe Mitchell, Emllc Heusel, Casper Zanies, Eddie Flnvelle, Minnie Hlggens.'.Susle Karnes, JoBle Carter, Ollle Burns, Minnie Levnnlon, Nan Morrow, Marie Daley, Virginia I'belps, Dodo Phelps, Genevieve Gibson, Gabriel Barbler. Minnie Payton, May Pike, Fred Turner and Arthur Itoach. Rostrr op "Arizona:" llollls K. Conley, froprletor; David J. Ramage. manager; larry S. Richards, business manager; James Bell, advance agent; Hen li. Deane, stage manager. Members of company: Francis DeRtnonde, Lizzie McCall, Avis Lobdell, Hazel Townseiid, Ray Scott, Clarence Heritage, Ben D. Dunne, Chas. E. Graham, Lee J. Kellaru, Edwnrd J. Farrell, John Drury, Francis Cam- hello, Harry B. Owens, John Ferris, Daniel J. McCnbe and Edward Mulligan. Rohtkh of "The Smart Set:" Qua Hill, proprietor; Walter B. Moore, manager; Chas. E. White, business manager; Salem Tutt :Whitney, stage manager; James T, Brymn, musical director. Membors of com- iiany: S. II. Dudley, Marian Smart, Jerry Mills. F.lln Anderson. Chas. Williams, Salem T. Whitney, Allle Glllam, Alberta Ornies, Nettle Harris, Etta Hammond,' My Do Shields, Etta Gross, Florence Smiley, Jennie Hillmnn, Sadie Mears, Mildred Vottner, Genrgle Dobbs, Evn Swlnton, Mottle Ed- wnrds, Lennee Lozze, Bert Grant, Billy Young. H. I'. Rossenu, Phil Helm. Joe Lyons, Blanche Dixon, Daisy Brymn. Rose Brown, T. Craig. Mnlt Johnson. Walter Hlllsrd, Julie Johnson, Kid Asher, George Day, George Mt-Clnln, Newell Morse null Emma Buynurd. , Mn. and Mrs. Wm. A. Gnioo have been visiting friends at Dallas, Tex., after' having closed a long and pleasant season with the Hnrrls-Pnrklnson Co. They resumed work In stock Aug. 7. TUB HiiOTIIEIIS HlI.I.T AND MORTON SlIAnPrj have signed with the El he Fay Co., In tho "Belle of Avenue A," for the season. AumiT Dounis has been engaged by Chas. II. Green, as business manager for "March- lug Through Georgia." E.visaiikii by Charles II. Green, for "March- ing Through Georgia." opening at Wllkos- bnrre, Pn.. Sept. 4 : Albert MHiovern, Oscar Norlleet, Win. II. Hough, Francis Y'ale. Joseph II. Wooderson, Arthur E. Sprague, Chan. II. nn M Phillips, Rosalie Do Vaux, Margaret Evnns and Lou Hlplej the production. and Lou Ripley. Frank B. Hatch will stage Frank A. Thorns, manager of the Thorne Dramatic Co., was recently Injured by the explosion of the gas lighting plant that pro- vides the light for the tent. Ills left band wns cut so badly that severnl stitches were taken In it. He is now practically all right again. Harrt Lew, advance man, who has been 111 for a considerable time, has decided to "lay off" far tbe coming season, and Is now on his way to Denver, Colo,, where he ex- pects to rest for some lime. The nv.iiPt.AR reason of the Clare Jenkins Co., under the management of J. W. Leigh, opens In Indiana Sept. 18. The company's Summer season,; under canvas. Is reported as having been nn exceptionally good one through the territories, despite the large number of counter attractions. Miss Jeaklns will have three new plays this season, all emotional leada. Notes from the Trxmont Stock Co., F. Mortimer Mitchell, manager.—The com- pany i has been enjoying a pleasant elgbt weeks' Summer engagement at tbe King's Royal Theatre, Owen Sound, Ont., playing a line:of high class productions, with Mr. Mitchell in tbe leading roles, supported by Susie Kradelle, - Maud Martin, Alice Cook, Madeline -Sterling, Jos. B. Wilson, Fred Major. Laurence King, Aubrey Labile, An- drew McKenna, Arthur Leeds, Harry Pamp- lln and Bertha M. Gouldlng, cornettlst, who became a favorite specialty performer, receiv- ing encores at.every performance. The com- Sany closes its engagement on Aug. 18, when tanager Mitchell will return to New York and open his office to organize bis road com- pany,, which will play New-York, PennsyL vanla and.Ohio with bis latest successful drama, 'The Penalty of Sin." . For Henrietta. Crosman's production of "Mary, Mary, • Quite Contrary," Maurice Campbell hns engnged Boyd Putnam, Louise Galloway,.Ida Vernon and Walter Thomas. Wm. C. Dowlan, leading man of Ferris Stock Co., Omaha, Neb., for tbe paat two Summer seasons, has closed, and, with his wife/ Leonora Ainsworth, has gone to-' his Summer home at Ottawa Beach, Mich., for a few weeks' rest before opening the Winter Beasnn. Tlin Van Dykb * Eaton Co., now playing at the.Casino, Keokuk, la., includes: Ollle Eaton, Herbert O'Connor, John E. Dvorak, Wlllard Foster, Mitchell Ingrabam, J. Fred Hollowny, James E. McCoy, Joe W. Stoddard, Harry Bonn, Dan A. Murphy, Myrtle Foster, Baby "I<a Peta." Bessie Jackson, Alice Jack- son, and Fred Mack, manager. Henry Testa, prominent In heavies .with the'Thna. K.- Shea and Corse Payton com- panies, has been signed by Jere McAullffe for the coming season. Nancy Boter (Mrs. Henry Testa),'who hns met with success through tbe Canadian provinces as Tenoessep. In "Tennessee's Pard- ner,"with the McAullffe Stock Co., has been engaged by Mr. McAullffe ror the coming seasoni Miss Boyer's baritone singing voice Is sold to be remarkable for tbe strength of Its low notes. Josephine JortNRON has signed with "Ben Hnr."- as alto singer. "A Royal Crimb" Is the name of a new thriller that will be sent out by the P. II. Sullivan Amusement Co. the coming season. If. will ■ have a metropolitan hearing at the Fourteenth Street Theatre. "lv the Golden West," a new play, by Hal Held. Is the name of the latest concoction by that prolific author. The ploy Is booked solid for a season of forty weeks In tbe prin- cipal cities of tbe East and West. 'Ihoobnk BittNEY, who has signed with Burton's "Night Watch" Co., for this season, In soubrette leads and specialties, is In re- hearsal, now in Colorado. . . EnwAiin H. Ward has been re-engaged bv Brndhnrst J 4 Currle for their "Rudolph and Adolpb" Co., to piny the Hebrew comedy party In which be met with,success last sea- son. - He will act as stage manager. Anna Srei.en has been engaged for the "Saul of Tarsus" Co. ^Adelaide Randall Is playing' leads at West End Heights, St. Louis, having taken Helen I .act's place. EI.01SB Adams, who closed a successful sea- Eon^ith the Howard Stock Co., at Hiawatha Park, Mount Vernon, O., July 9, la resting at her Summer home until Sept. 1, '• - Georor Rhiiee and Carl Vernon closed a season of forty-eight weeks with "The Mis- souri Girl'' Co. (Eastern), at Sydney, Cape Breton, .July 21). They Immediately sailed ! for Liverpool, and, after a flying trip to Ixin- don and Paris, will.return to New York about Sept. 10, for the opening of the coming season. Coulter Howard has signed to ploy tbe leading heavy In "Polly Primrose" Co., under tbe management of D. L. Williamson Edward (Teddy) Lr Dye writes: "I have been engaged by Llebler & Co. for 'Mrs. Wlggs of the Cabbage Patch' Co." Notes from thb Lockb Stock Co. —Henry W. Locke will again appear the coming sea- son as Robert Silverthorn, a Southern ftlant- cr; In "The Princess of Patches" Co., which piece Is owned by Jessie Mae Hall, and leased by this company. We have also leased frem W. H. Harder, of the Myrtle-Harder Co., one of Its latest successes, "The Slave Girl." Both plays, together with "A Kansas Sunflower" (which Is owned by this company exclusively), will be Btaged with special scenery, complete. We are booked solid for the coming season In the principal theatres of Knnsas nnd Mis- souri, and with the exception of the fair daces, will play three "night stands, opening Aug. ^8 at our "hometown," Mound City, Mo., with the annual fair date. . ■ - Notes .proai Otm Hill Attractions. —Mr. Hill .hns- decided to make in entirely new- production of "McFndden'a Flats" the tomlni: season, which will be the tenth year of this everlasting fnree comedy. It will be provided with new scenery, costumes and effects, while the play, which will be on entirely new lines, will be a sequence of (he old "Flats," and re- tain tbe atmosphere of this successful car- toon comedy. The cast well be In keeping with tbe refurnishing; only one of the former members, Billy Barry, will be retained. Marv Baker has been - engaged to create a novel character thnt is likely to prove one of the surprises of the season. Ohan. II. nun o£ Hie Wistaria Co., has been-engaged by Sam II. Harris to play a part to be written for blm by Geo. at Cohan in his new comedy, "Forty-live Minutes from llruiidwuy." Tbe season opens Sept. 18. John. F. Wkdurr, who was compelled to rest Inst season on account of Illness, has been' engaged to piny Obadlah Blurton. lu "Our New Minister." UUm. IlAWTHOnNR AND JESSIE GRI8WOLD. who recently closed with Geo. II. Adams' "Ilumpty Dumpty" Co., have signed with Stephens & Linton's "My Wife's Family" Co. They leave for Detroit this week for re- hearsals. Notes fvom "McFadden's Flats" Co.—Re- hearsals ore going on now. Among the mem- bers of this season's cast are Gussle Nelson Mnrjv Baker. Billy Barry and the Speck Brothers. The new edition of the "Flats" will require a company of thirty-eight peo- ple. George Chenet will be the advance renre. sentntive, and Thomas It, Henry tbe man- ager. Ar,. R. Gatlord, the well known musical director, composer and arranger, formerlv of Shubert Bros.. F. F. Proctor, and the How- ard, 'Boston, has been engaged ns leader of the orchestra at the Grand Opera House, this city, which will open the season Aug. 10, with. Henry W. Savage's production of "\Voodlnnd. r.J£K»« ^T*»l«wri has- signed with Star Show Girls Co., playing leading Juveniles. Mart Boiand tins been re-engaged by Henry B. Harris to be the leading woman for Robert Edeson, in "Strongheart. Bertha Skelen has signed with Pilgrim & Elliott's "For Her Sake*' Co, to play tbe American girl. • "Fantasma" will be the Hanlon pantomime this season, "Superba" having been shelved after llfteen prosperous seasons in favor of tbe pantomime which first helped to make the Hanlon nnme famous. At their Cobasset shops tbe Hanlons have been actively at work on tbe production of "Fantasma" for the past Ave months, a force of forty odd men being emploved under the direction of Chief Scenic Artist Smytb, Master Carpenter Konst and Property Master Brunton, all of whom have assisted In the construction of the Han- lon spectacles for the past fifteen years. Tbe Hanlons promise a moat elaborate produc- tion, everything being new. The play has been re-wrltten by <Julncy Kllby, of this city, new music has been furnished by Edw. Kleck- hoefer, ballets by Alvlene, and costumes by Boston and New York costumers. The com- pany will Include Clara Thropp, Lorle Pal- mer, the Sve Hanlons, John H. Haslam, Al- fred Swenson and forty others. The tour will Include forty of tbe largest cities of the United States and Canada. "Fantasma" will be one of the Christmas attractions at Boston. Notes from a. H. Wood's Enterprises. —"Post In a Big City" Co. opened at the Star Theatre, New York, Aug. li. Harry and Sadie Fields were In tbe audience, and at tbe last moment tbe soubrette of tbe company was tnken seriously 111 and could not go on. As the part is prominent tbe curtain could not go up until some one had been secured to take her place. Some one suggested to have Sadie Fields go on and do tbe best she could. To oblige Mr. Woods, her manager, she volunteered, and the audience did not know that Miss Fields never rehearsed or even saw the piece before. At the close of the performance Mlsa Fields was overwhelmed with congratulations for playing the part so well and saving the performance. •Mmb. Alexandra : Viarda presented recent- ly, at the Hotel Rudolf, In Atlantic City, for the llrst time in English, ber new play, en- titled "Gabrlela." The play proved a strong one, and tbe actress received much applause. She was supported by a capable company. Roster op "The Mysteries of New Y'ork" Co., with Master Willie Tllden In the stellar role : Joseph Jarrow, general manager; George II. Haynes, business manager; E. Guy Spang- ler, Vernon Somers, John O. Hewitt, J. Wal- ter Nichols, Harry S. Bastlck, Tom Cooper, Wllllnra Robinson, Victor Dewey, Lawrence Faulkner, M. Sloman, Joseph Boaaz, Eileen O'Malley, Bertha I.Kingston, Gussle Tllden, Dolly Lawrence, Rose Blake, Inez Bolton, Naomi Perry and Master Willie Tllden. Louie E. Ramsdkll and wife (Etna Ramsdell) have been engaged by W. F. Mann, to create the two heavy rolea In "As Told In the Hills" Co. A. E. Anson, an English actor, and James Carew, have been engaged lor Clyde Fltrb's new play, In which Viola Allen la to appear this season. Fritz Adams has been engaged for tbe light comedy in "York State Folks" (West- ern company), and opened tbe season at Han- nibal, Mo., Aug. 7. Notes from New York Theatre Co., O. M. Williams, manager.—Our roster Is: O.M. Williams, J. G. Stutts, J. De Castillo, L. F. Perkins, O. W. Cordero, Chan. Bailey, Harry Homnn, Verna Jackson, Aggie Al. Stuttz, Jennie Rrown. The "yellow Jack" scare In Louisiana canceled all of our Summer dates In the South Const States. Roster of "As-Toed In thb Hills" Co.: W. F. Mann, manager; Emily Gale, who plays Ibe Indian girl; Qns 'Neville, Louie E. Ramsdell, Jack Sherman, Jack West, War- ren Ashley, Wm. Belts, W.' Del Vecheo, D. F. nayslette, Harry McNeely, Bert Duncan, Emily Gale, Etna Ramsdell, Burdle Bartram, and Messrs. Brown and Black, and the two performing bears. Robert A. Rorerts, the well known stage producer, has been engaged by Klaw & Erlanger, to look after certain of their mu- sical productions in the future. , W114. Archie has signed for "Rabes in the Woods. Sbubert & Fischer have engnged a midget woman for the other baby role. David Belasco has engaged Orrln Johnson for the lead In the revival of "The Heart of Maryland," in which Edna Wallace Hopper and Odette Tyler will also have parts. Daniel Fhohman has engaged Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walcott for "The Embassy Ball " now being written by Augustus Thomas for Lawrence DOrsay. Notes from thb "Old Arkansaw" Ca- pping to Fred Raymond leuslng this success- ful comedy drama to George Lyon, E. Jack Devlne, who has been In advance'of the show closed nt Lnngdon, N. D., and Is now visit- ing Tu Fargo. Merle II. Norton, who man- aged company, will take 'The Missouri Girl" to-the coast _Avjs Maythis has signed with A. H." Wooda, to play the soubrette part in "Fast Lire in.Now York, , H . A m M J i,t 9. n &• Bbooks has been engaged for 'The Sign of the Four" Co. Misses -Pavey and Carmontellb write: 1 »e closed onr Summer engagement with the Ferris -Stock'.Co.. at Omnlrn, Xeb, Jul? 21. Mnrle Pavey, who has been the leading womnn at Boyd's Theatre the past thref seasons, jeft for Boston, Aug. \ accom- panied by ber aunt, Miss Cnrniontelle, who has also been with this organization, as char- awh io? med J enne ' ,he P" 81 rbree sensons. Both Indies have worked steadily for the nnst four years, and will rest nt Miss t'armon- telle ■ Summer home,- 'Oeeon Sproy,' Wln- throp, Mass.. until the. end qf October" .IQ""— . fnmtut- hns loaned Edward Alleles to Aubrey Mittenthnl for "A Four- "frS-SST'a ln . wn *h I*"™ Aug. Is to star. BrotK, l'?e.aV- Ppear ' D ^ U ° g " S Aones Marie jfttvis visited her daughter. gjg.JMT. ,«ttbe Maud Henderson Co" at Kokomo, Ind., last week, x. T , HB Wistaria Grovb Co., now at the New York Theatre, will go on tour, with "The (iih In the Red Dominant the1 Wnd The Osier burlesque, "When We Are Forty-one" will f. l ,1r,y^ee a K , s%o l ;, e r. COn,P ' 1Uy '* *»« Impossible to cancel her European' engage-" Marion DriAronv has been eneared h» ^be g t,in„n, B a r „ n •? a,1 '" «*W« % • Williams and West, black face comedians £y! eS&'-ltranded S^ 0 * ^ "« ^ mSS s SJ^ ax has ml * ned fron ' «•• • Maurice Campbell has engnged Bovd S!", nnDJ , I-oulse Galloway. Ida Vernon and trnry" n ° m ** t0t " M «"' ""y, Quite Con RoBFtiT B. Maxtem.'s company will In. t Ch *?, les b ; d "'W»oham has engaged Notes from the Bprke-McCann Co.— Tbe company supporting tbe two popular stars,' Wm. Francla Burke and Gerald Id e Mc- Cann, about to enter upon this, Its third season of most gratifying success, Is now or- ganized and equipped on a broader and more elaborate - scale than ever before. Many of our old people have been retained, having been with us since the start,-and still con- tent Manager McCann has secured ex- clusive rights to three great plays, which will be presented on a Bcale of magnificence "Heir to the Throne," a beautiful historic drama, In which (Jeraldlne McCann, the twelve-year-old star, will assume tbe lead- ing role. "Tbe Bells of. Moscow," an up-to- date Russian: bill, and Geo. p. Randall» great sensational melodrama, "Her Fatal Mis take ;" Mr. Burke's two successful plays, "a Cowboy Preacher" and "Aa Irish Nobleman " will also be nsed, as well as a scenic and costume production of 'Tbe Lady of Lyon'." Tbe vaudeville contingent will still be a feat- ure, headed, as usual, by the Great McCann Family. We will play a great portion of our old territory again, at tbe same- time gradu- ally Invading the best repertory houses In the East.- . •The Toast of tide Town" Is the title substituted for 'The Comedy Mask," the play Clyde Fitch Is writing for Viola Allen. Charles Frohmak will have a new mu- sical play, "Our Girl," by Tanl M. Totter and Edgar Smith, and it will have a pro- duction at tbe Knickerbocker Theatre, New York, in the Spring. Fanny Broiioii produced a four act light comedy, by Louis Vernon Harcourt, "An Angel Unawares," nt Bournemouth, Eng. July 3J. > s. Tns Woods Sisters' Company closed the regular season nt Atlanta, Ga_. July 20 nfter a successful tour of forty-nine weeks The eompnny was to have filled some park dates In Mississippi, but owing to the yellow fever scare decided to close. ' The regular season will open the later part of August, in Illinois, with new ploys, printing, etc. Effib Ellsler will appear in her' original role In n production of "Hazel Klrke," open- ing at the Grand Opera House, New York, In September, under the manngement of Julei Murry. Manager L. B. Walker, of Walkers Amusement Knterprlses, recently spent a week with his brother. Lawyer Walker, of Rockland, Me. They made several fi«rjin* trips. * miscellaneous. Dr. Andrew Rankin's Quaker Med. Show has been playing Cleveland, O., for tbe past sixteen weeks, to good business. Dr. An drew Rankin, lecturer and proprietor: Dr Geo. E. Wright, specialist and ottlce worker James B. Woods, all 'round comedinn; Frank Mac, Irish comedian, vocalist and dancer, and Herbert Rankin, musical act. Bos Mack, the well known manager and agent; who has been putting In the Summer season with carnival companies, Is nt present general agent of the Robinson Amusement Co., and reports business big thus far this sea- son for his attractions. Owing to the yellow fever scare in the South the Robinson Amuse- ment Co. may close its season the latter part of'October, and not go South. The mammoth new auditorium at Atlanta, which Is located nt Ponce De Leon Park, called the St, Nicholas Rink, wlil be opened on Aug. 15. This building will seat about ten thousand people, and has a clear audi- torium space of about 300 by 130ft., without any obstruction or posts, and Is a convertible building, which can be adapted for many pur- poses. The Casino Theatre at Ponce De won will be remodeled for next season, "hen remodeled with the slight change which w> 1 he necessary. It will he adapted for Winter as well as Summer entertainment, inis. In connection with the St. Nicholas Rink, gives two large commodious buildings for Ponce De Leon. Will F. Lindsey, secretary of the amuse- ment committee for the re-union and carnival' to be held nt Leon, la., Sept. 0-8. writes: We are making big efforts to have our re- union and carnival the most successful ever held here. Crops are excellent (best In teu years), the people are prosperous, and It will be a harvest for paid shows." ■ AnnisoN and Livingston recently closed ? ,w . en . t / weeks' engagement with the Swal- low & Markle boat show. Martyn-ne Si8tRRH and A. Ray are wllh the New Sunny Sooth Floating Palace The- atre. Mas. M. R. Smith, mother of Cnpt. 0. W. Smith, proprietor of the W. W. W. Medicine Co., died Aug. 0, at their borne at Pickering, MO, Tnn MAHiNr.t.LAB. after closing thirteen weeks with the Gnsklll Carnlvnl Co.. July 91. opened at Crystal Turk, St Joseph, Mo., Aug. 6, with other work to follow. A two days' picnic will be given Aug. 3i>. 31, nt Kllbourne, Mason County, 111, repre- sented by live lodges of K. of P., M. W. A., M. P. L, K. of M. and C. of H. .Follow 1 xn Is the roster of the Rollins Thunder Mown Co. : Rolling Thunder, Mri. L. B. Newell, Mont Wnkelee, Fred Avis, Alice Mong Mrs. Chas. York. Thomas Iji Vere. Chns. York and Frank Wakelee. Chas. York and wife Joined Aug. 8. for tho rem of the season. Executive stnff: Rolling Thunder. Proprietor: Mr*, h. B. Newell, treasurer; Mont Wnkelee, stage director. riiE Sr-AHKl.En, of the hlg Nugent & Free- man Electric Novelty Co., Ir still carrying the bunch lo the top of the ladder. Our banner week of the senson was nt Olive Hill. Ky., when everybody with the nggregntlnn got a big piece of money. Olive Hill, al- though a small town, was n hlg winner. We hod nice bright wenther during the whole week. The "(Ireat Train Robberv" show, as well ns the vaudeville show, did extraordi- nary business, and the aggregation gets big- ger every week. We are carrying forty-five people and Ave shows, merrv' go round and hcrrls wheel, nlso our own electric llghr plant so we can plav tbe small ones and still get the business. iw.?°T e! L F "" M TnB Qoakeu DorTons Co.— This la Dr. B. B, Grubs' first senson with hH own company, and he has gone through so- called worn ont territory, to record making business everywhere. His company Includes the following people: Dr. Bent. Strlckler. Ed. Ahl. eccentric: Gporgle Ahl, song and dance: i.a \ettp nnd Adnms, comedians: Mnx Gels- ler. In musical art ; Jns. T. Growlev. Ger- man comedian, and the Kellv-Boh Trio, In- clud ng the famous boilng nnd pnd dog, Bob Fltslmmons. . . Notes From Gpt's Electric Co.—We have been In Iowa all Summer, under ennvas. and business hns been above the svernge. Roster: »>a.v Hillings, owner nnd manager: Myron ■ naf , on - s,s * e manager; Evn Billings, rnn- ?J!7) 0| r";tnr: Chas. Barnes, agent; Essa m'.'InBs. Kfhel Billings, Ethel Bncon. Ralph TyUbott and Bill Spivlns. We will close abom