The New York Clipper (August 1905)

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AUGUST 29. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 091 MORS. AND AGENTS, ATTENTION. THE FAMOUS DELNO-GARNEL TROUPE OF 4 TWO HIGH CLA88 AERIAL GYMNASTS AND TWO LAUGHABLE COMEDIANS, Presenting their n^^jj^VE BAR AERIAL ACT . * nd meeting with success as the AERIAL FEATURE with ADAM FOREPATJOH 8t 8ELLS BROS.' SHOWS. MANAGERS DESIRING TO 3BCURE THIS ATTRACTION for Winter and coming Summer season of 1906, address per route, 4-PAWS tt BELLS BROS.' SHOWS; or, Fermanent address, 002 OTTAWA ST., Grand Rapids, Mioh. ■"the great BARLOW MINSTRELS, J. A. COBURN, Owner and Manager. WANTED, io complete and enlarge company for regular Winter how, opening Sept. 3, < rMTURS COMEDIAN, STRONO END and SPECIALTY, Good lints Singer, I.jrlc or Top Tenor, | iobuMTenor, Trombone, band and orchestra; 2d Violin, doubling trombone, baritone or cornet;; UANC1NU TEAM, doubling brass or good strong ends; COMEDY MUSICAL ACT, doubling brass, or I ■MM be utile to place good Musical Performer (either comedian or straight). Have opening for one i uore Novelty or Comedy Act. Wish to hear from Minstrel I'eople In all linen. May lie able to place umetilately'. stale age, weight, height and permanent address itek; Oluclnnatl, Ohio, Aug. 21 and week (Chester Park). Springfield, Ohio, Aug. 20 and BIJOU FAMILY THEATRE, Baltimore, Md. J. J. JONKS .fc P. P. CRAFT, Proprietors. WlllepeD SEPT. 11, presenting Reilned VAUDEVILLE. EMPIRE THEATRE, Washington, and two other Theatres, Opeu In November. AFFILIATED WITH MR. EDWARD MOZART'S PENN THEATRE CIRCUIT. niHrnrn A ' Pianist, First Class Illustrated Singer, Union Killer, and Sign Writer who will make Wftnllill* , him.seir userul, Expert Picture Operator. State lowest. Permanent engagement. P. P. CRAFT, filjon Theatre, Baltimore, Md. A FESA'X'lTiRXS ACT or Two, Three or Four People Can Oet Immediate Engagement With the Great Play, LORD BALTIMORE. Man be a Novelty and be able to Join at CAIRO, ILL., SAT., AUG. 2«. Prefer something on the Circus uruer-Anltnal Act, Acroliutlc or Musical, with Electrical F.irecls. State very loweBt. No tares. Address J. X. HRNTEROW, llellcfontulne, Ohio. You'll Hike Ion Bite With "MOOBB" Sonne 1 BONO ILLUSTRATORS , You'll Mali* a Decided Suoeese With These: You'll Hake Hore Hits With "HOOBE" Bones I SWEETHEARTS FOREVER A Sweet Henllmrntal Ballad. Beautiful Story • ( harming Melody- • Never Intl. to I'leaue. ALICE DARLING Stirring Military Ballad - Something Different - But tiooil - No u-n.-j '.1 .tlrluily. TIIK MOORK MUSIC ((MANY, Inc. Professional Copies Free on Receipt of Stamps for Pottage. Enclose "RAHK B. PERRY, Mgr., , SLIDES $5.00 PER SET. 1345 Braadway (36th St.), N.w York City, neath TRE moon," w.llu*,!■.„' Send lor "LOU-IE," Comedy Wall*. K u lellent lor Soiitn ilia or Uululi An, IINUHHLI.AR TO HKND," Ureal " HE- .. >$ THE BOX OFFICE WINNEB, $$ REUBEN IN NEW YORK." (A ROARING FAHCE COMEDY.) Cin'place good soubrette or Sister Team with specialty, character Man,and I'lano Player who irruOKca. Also GOOD LOOKING CHORUS II1RLS. IIKNRV I'. WILLARD, Room IteOO, 110 IV. 341 li St., New York. nsr t e r> COLHON .<. MUMI'H SCENIC PRODUCTION, RIP VAN WINKLE, BAND AND ORCHESTRA, Ilea tor all parts but "Rip." Two Hinging and Dancing Comedians. Lad; with specialties Tor Mtenle prefer one with Child, ENTIRE HAND, all to double stage or orchestra. Can use good si.iviK'i! v Team. Must lie good dressers, sober ami reliable. Long season. Stale age, height, weight auil lowest salary first teller. We pay board. All Managers In West send open time. Address OOUSOIM & NIBLO, St. Josaph, IWIo. FOB SALE OB LEASE. I will 8*11 or Learn my Beautiful Western Military Drama, Madeline of Fort Reno. ITodticed by long BROS., PAWNEE BILL and MAT 1,1 I.I.IK season of 18»h, I have |G,O0O.u< of tine lithograph paper In my possession, and the show enn be put on lu ten days'time. idiitetui DR. W.H.LONG, B18 Walnut Street, I'hlladelplil oo worth Call or L Pa, SIEGMAN & WEIL. 77-81 WOOSTER ST. (Bet. SarlDg ■nd Broome), Now York. Theatrical Supplies, Grease Paints, . .. 1""«J * -• .. ,„- 1 UATALOQUK Tights, Wigs, . . . ) no... Gold & Silver Trimmings, Spangles, Etc., Wo oind goodi C. 0. 0., eubject to Inspection bet require o deposit «a »l or eert* MOVING PICTURE PRINTING. - HENNEOAW & CO., Cincinnati A BEAUTIFUL HOME BALLAD, (nni nrn mil rn i Bend i ota tor Catalogue no. E REX LESLIE KINGDON JUVENILES OR GENTEEL HEAVIES. Wardrobe, appearance and ability. Responsible Mgrs., uildress aio MAIN ST., JOPLIN, MO. (0. M„ write or wire. IMPORTANT.) THE BURKE-McGANN GO. WANTS Al LEADER ARRANGER, OKA DA TIC PEOPLE IN ALL LINES who can Join on receipt or wlro, write lu MM of dlsap- Muiineut. Rehearsuls at ilaverstruw, N. V., Aug. ■ M. McCANN, Manager, JOHN A. NOIILEH. writ*. VAUDEVILLE PERFORMEES, ATTENTION. SS& IvYRIC THEATRE, CM SBK" 0, SULLIVAN, CONSIDINE & RYAN, Proprietors, Will open on Alio. H or SKI'T. 4, under the personal management uud supervision of CDWIN R. LAIMO. I'or time address AL ONKEN, New York representative, cure of Armstrong Exchange, 131 W. «d St., ». V., or STKRNAIU) A 1IR0WN, 07 So. Clark St., Chicago, III. THE LEFFEL TRIO A NIGHT ON THE OCEAN. In their nineteenth week with the 11AR0RBAVB8 SHOW. Address kam m FRANK LKFFBL, us per route, or ALL PIRST CLASS AOEMB. Wanted,for Raymond & Poore EAST LYNNE CO., J,'ew more People to Double Hand and Stago and lliittd and Orchestra, Character Man, Oharuder ««mcu, Orchestra Leader to double Clarionet, (iood salaries lu « "j^Jk^ 00RK Plains«?", Mich. WANTED. DRAMATIC AND VAUDEVILLE ARTISTS. «t*W Leading Man, Leading Woman. Character Woman,singing and Oaitclng Souiirelle, tomcdlan. I A Song that should be sung lu every home. Sent on recelnt of price, 60 els. Half to the profcislou. PAX .V son. Publishers, Toronto, Cauuda. mum plaitiso. NO COBTUMK as attractive tor stage wear as an AOUORDKON PLAITED OOWN. Plaiting by "KAl.K" means lite best work at the lowest prices. Send for booklet, Special ducouut to the theatrical trade during the Hummer months, . FALK, 123 B. 59th St., • • • -Hew Tori, De lisle, JUGGLER, AT LIHBHTl FOR TRIM HEAaON. Aililrt'KS, August itl and W, BAEATOC1A 8P1UNOM, New York. DoYou WANT MILITARY GOODS? BAND UNIFORMS, ARMY or NAVY SITIH TKNT8, OUNS and EQUIPMENT OK EVERY DESCRIPTION. From Government Auction. No matter what yon want in that line I can supply It. New or second band, Send tor cataloiue. B. B. ABRAHAMS,, 123 Honth St., Philadelphia, Pa. "Tell It To Me" EZRA HJGKT* ALL'S 3d BOOK, ALL HEW - JUST OCT. For ule on all trains tad newi standi, or b, mall, MSo. Addreae EZRA KENDALL. M loath Tth Ave., Oft. V.moo, a. V. ALSO MUSI CAN COMPOSITIONS. WE AH II AN UK AND POPULAR- UK. OOPYRIOUT SECURED. Par- ticulars Iree. POPULAR MUSIC PUUIilHIIINO CO. 11.11 Bntwr prlaw H l«lg., Chica go. MHIIi-POtlnS PUBLISHED ON ROYALTY! Have You Seen Henry Brown? HEARD IN THE BAGGAGE ROOM. HRST BAOtlAUE MA8TER-"Those BAL Trunks give me a pain." WSSOB BA O0AOE MASTER-"What's the matter with 'emt" „ F1KST BAUUAQK MASTER—"There's no fnu lu trying to smash 'em, jou can't break em. CLARIONETTIST LIBERTY. Thoroughly competent In all lines of the business. Location preferred. D. M. rice, .'.OK Monroe St., Decatur, lmL PHOTOGRAPH8. Cabinet Photos or yourself for selling, taper 100. irl.OOO. Edena CARBON A Dnlsb. Send photo. UUSBAND OR WIPE PHOTOS, $'2.00 perl.OOOjKORTUNlB.Mc. Hamp.lOc, — for Future Pbotoi, Lover* P.O.AHou venir Post cards ludld; W8 Arch St.. Pblladelphla, Pa AT LIBERTY, AL. MARKS, Come J inn. SOFT ANO WOODEN SHOE BPKCIALTIKS. WINFIELD, IOWA. The Woods-Browning Stock Company . The Boat Uropiatlr Organlial ion Hint will tour the Mouth IliU Heasuo. Royalty Plays Rew to Repertoire, Each Play Elaborately Produced with all Special Scenery. WANTED, SPECIALTY PEOPLE, TEAMS OH NINQLEH, THAT CAN CHANGE. Long-season uud pleasant engagement for the right people. CIIAS. lUiMAINE.xi'ven days ahead. '. ,■ WOODS X UROWNINU, Mgrs., Masonic Theatre, Cuvlligluu, Va. THE CRESCENT COMEDY CO. virAwr/r qhtiok:, h. iiBiiuin- Peoiile in all Hues, Muu lor Juicnlles'aiiil Light rmuedy, Al llenvr Mun, Vituilevllle Team that run dauce. Oilier u.efiil people, write nr win-. Must Join mi wire, .state all Ural letter. ■"■: Address R. A. BERGMAN, Portland, lud. MUSICAL HART Al". HI, L.AKB ONT. park, KINGSTON, ONT. AT LIBERTY FOB COMING SEASON, Orchestra of 10 Pieces That doutiles brass. Uood repertoire of standard and popular inuslc. Itellulilc llieatre or nulel pre- rerred. Address LEADER (IE IMOIIESI'IIA. Sail Suiirl Park, Wllkcslinrre, Pa. .IAS. K. L_ I E3 PI ™r" Y, Ai.itK u. ALDEN IIIOII CLANH VAUDEVILLE KNTKHTAINERN. REKEHKNOENi John D. Hopkins, Howard Atllimieuin mill Trans Oceiuili- Cos., llyrlim llriH. Elgin HellH, Burn ii in A Bailey's Yaudevlllo Conrurl,Tony Paslor, llurllg A NMUnun, S. K. II MURRAY etc., etc. I', S.- Both play responsible parts in Comedy or Drama. PorniauMiil address, N. Y. Cl.l iiilgilim, ERORAOENTS. \ITANTED AT OIVCJS FOR WINTER NHAHON, Acting People that double Braes and can make good. Also Leading Lady aid Soubrette. Also Orchosira Loader than mike good on Clarionet In Band. boozers don't answer. Stale all In llrst letter. No telegrams. No lime to dicker. Tell It all la llrst letter uud permanent and present address. Want man Hint can play heavy ami unmir nn trom. boue. CHAN. IIKYEH, I'eurla, III. MANAGERS, ATTENTION. I have some Uuod On*. Night Mtanil Dates Open at mp COLONIAL THEATRE. Bristol, Fa. Can play good attractions to from I'.'tsi In Rod, gross. Ilenu-iiiurr, HiIhIoI Is on the iiiulli line I'enna, R. It. and lies between Trenton and I'lillaileliiblii. I'opulnlhiii li'.i.oii. with I1IMI In ilinw iii.m. "JAMEH OTOOLK ON KILLARNEY" opiinm) my seiisn TI.'ESDAV Nlllll'l to l.lnii rninl inlimn- slous. For time, address DR. W. II. I.ONO, ins Walnut St., Philadelphia, I'u, Wanted, Experienced Dramatic People in All Lines With wurdrobe and ability. Musi lie ladlea and geiitluinen. Hiind pliulos. which will be rntiiriieil, aud state nil tli hi Inner. This Co. has not closed a day In past two aeasoits. Peiinrnier. «bu are neeMig Sood pli'iisnnl eugageuient at reawnmble sure salary, write quh-k. CAN Al.St) USE tJOiiti I'KClAI/riRS. Address ipilck, JEAVONS' STOCK, Blairsville, Pa. AMTTED a inaii i ma m: combined m »»■■ . TO 8TBEI6TBBI 8I0W FOB A L0N 8EAB0I S0DTH, ALL KINDS OF CIRCUS, CONCERT AND SIDE SHOW ACTS. Will advance traiiapottulKn In parties that are known to us, Would like to Iicur from Hob I'ensley, West ami Zsiita, Muckey and Clark; ffUrivt as per route In ULIPI'ER. ACTORS AND MUSICIANS. WANTED, Man for Itlp and Derrick; preference II Double Band. Darlluue, Double Becond Violin; Clar , B. ami 11 ; snare lirunV Lowest tuiary Oral letter. I par expenses. Join near umtha, Sept, a. For No. % show, Mao ror Derrick, Oeneral Business, First Violin, liar.. Piano, Tuba, Alto, Clar. uud Trow., near Chicago, sept. 10. Both shows Winter and Summer. Sure salary, tjlxlh aeusoo. ' EILKIt'S RIP VAN WINKLE, care or Rees Priming Co , Omaha, Neb. JUGGLERS SUPPLIES- nun-, Ratlins, tluus, Itulliug (Hones, Hoop', ■ Wlrewulkers'Ap|iiirstus,RoiiiuiiAxes, Stamp I nr C'atalog uud list. Kdw. Vau Wyck, Clncluiiutl.O.