The New York Clipper (August 1905)

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684 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. August 26. COLE aid JOHNSON THE POPULAR ENTERTAINERS, THE PRINCIPAL ATTRACTION AT THE PALACE THEATRE, LONDON, EN1, JOLY AND AUGUST. ENTIRE PRESS TWANfflOHS IN PRAISES. ACCORDED THE GREATEST WELCOME AND PRONOUNCED THE BIGGEST SUCCESS OP ANT ACT PRESENTED IN ENGLAND FOR YEARS. AMERICAN TOUR BEGINS SEPT. 4, COLONIAL, N. Y. CITY. r,oiwr>02v representative, MISS JENIE JACOBS, "gffiSSTOS 8T " ADDRESS M. S. BENTHAM. m^—oB » MANAGERS AND THE PROFESSION! BEFORE PLACING YOUR ORDER8 FOR A personal visit to Pelnherf's New Studio will convince yon that M to lOpir cant. can be eaved. HERE is ONE ITEM-Twenty five Perls Panel, and two extra large Photographs, sve poiltiona, finished, for <«. PPTWHPPA t=>WOTOORAk=»l-*B:F x ■»•*»« J»Xi«»Ur, 18 43 Broadway, New York. TELEPHONE CONNECTION. Between a»th and Sffth Sta, Formerly of It W. Uth'SL Now oinifH to i lie prorcHalon h frcali stock nr mvl Ish, slightly used and up lo dale Street and Evening flown*, Carriage llrcsaca, Ten downs, Opora Coals Ami handsome Purs. In ourOontM' Department we carry Inverness Oapoa, Full Drem mid Tuxedo Sulla, Prince AllicrlH In Coats end Vcsla, and an excellent line of Pall and Winter Overcoats or all kinds at low figures. We know It will be u> jour advantage ivlicn In Philadelphia to look us up. At the old place. IM4-l»»H SOUTH STREET, lint. Illli and Hit li Street*, iM.ll.ul. I pi. I. , Pa. Yal liable Coii < '.y Island CoikowwIoiis To Let IIKNT LOCATION! OW Hiritl" YV1.. NEVER UK.KOHK. OFFERED. Cornor More, yixiMfi, |1M> per (rout (not for season won; Two Stores on Kurt Ave., '.'on. front, each, fin tout for bcmhoii iiHin; Five Htorea, uft, from, each, no per front fool for season iw>«; sort, sntiaro Rpaco,second floor, with moving stairway from Surf Ave., aullalilefor photogallery or cryetBl Mane, Crystal Harden, or Cafe, aii.non for season loon; so sntiaro feet on roof, splendid for Hoof fla/den or care, ii.'iisi, moving stairway from Mnrr Ave.; Slot Machines spaces also on Surf Ave. One Million Amiinemenl Hockora Pass these Locations livery Week. Near principal Coney Island depots and atcamlioata ternm, A Form no for Homo One. One half c.aah deposit, upon signing of all leases. No other ■ - •• C. A. rAUKKR, Roomzon, Clinton and Remaen Sts., Ilrnoklyn. 11110 GRHAT ENGLISH VAUDEVILLE PAPER. THE AND «*0 1 £g*tx-CaLX3LCl. London, ■ mil :n.\ SUBSCRIPTIONS, - " - - - «S. Bd. PER THAR PROFESSIONAL AOVICHTIHKMICNTS, - - 2a. ibl., Simile Colnmn Inch NEW YORK CORRESPONDENT AND IlKP., IDA CARLE, OKKICH. 708 ST. JAMBS Hi,lit;., whore advertisement* will he received. Copies on tile. GEO. MELROSE, CATHERINE HADLEY, Oenttol Heavies, Character Leads. Leads, Juveniles and Heavies. IK1T. Ml., WT. 1M. HOT. ti-6!„ WT. 138. Ritli li*»o etporienoe and anility. Wardroiio BUST, modern. Featured last season In "Dr. Jekyll and Hr. II vile." Will join at once any rival class Hop. ur One Piece. Please stale llinll. Address GEORGE MELROSE, Cmo of Nevitt Hotel, Louisville, Ky. iute: For ('«N»i'ou\ Grand Concert Orchestra nth Reason). Ono aucusiuincil to Hooking will, Lodges, Olulm. etc. First money and guarantees. hm> Rpsrilal Paper. Well known Co. Will nay straight salary and commission on guarantcea. Aim WANT flOLlB CORNET SOLOIST AMI OTHER MUSICIANS. .i. tosonovK, p. o. u.x 4»3, Minn,apoiu, nina. f Long's Colonial Thoatre, Bristol, Pa. Ai previously anununceil, I win sail for Germany alionl Oct. 10, and will rent ttic Theatre tor tills cmiiliig Heasnn or.longer. Or will sell anmo for a aacrltlco to go. d, wide awake iuiin»Ker. Averaged Iriim 1200 lo J1100 per week profit last season. Mvlinoka and statements open to examination, Call or address OR. W. II. LONG, WIS Walnut si., Philadelphia, Pa, DELMORE'SGO NCERT AND VAUDEVILLE CO., A No. I Versatile Sketch Teiiui, Single Sllmil Aria, Man with Melon Mnchlne. I'lnno Player, sight render; A Km. I Lecturer, lulildlc ageil man preferred. Alinve people must be Indies nud gentlemen. A llvliig auliiry to performer* thai hit alive. Show opens Sept. 'St, ItllKi. Krleuds, write. Aiulri'H* : T. II. CMAKr'IN, Mtilt., Put rick, Kniuiwhn Co.. W. Vn. CENTRAL VAUDEVILLE ASSOCIATION of INDIANA, OHIO lid MICHIOAN. TBI. FIRST CLASS VAI'DKVILI.K ACTS of all klnda thai are suitable for ladles and children. », To such acts wo can oirnr 10 to 13 consocuttvo weeks. Acts going West communltate with i; lis sun, Orphciim Theatre, Sprlugflold, 0,, for Springfield, Hamilton, 0., Munleo and Rtohraond, Ind. Acts going Kast write JOHN 11. AMMONS, Orvstal Theatre, Marlon, lnd., tor Marlon, Anderson and Kokotno, Ind. Tranaportatlou from point lo point will not exceed 75c. per lump. These are all 10 and 2fl cent theatres, giving three or more performances dally. VENTRAL VAUDEVILLE ASSOCIATION. SOIMCS PUBLISHED ON ROYALTY send ua vour Songs, Song Poems and Inst. MSS„ ITBl.lMlKl) OR UNPUBLISHED. We advertlae, lutiularl/o and publish on rovuliy. We also handle published MSS. and Entire Catalogues on rovally. NORTH AMauKlCAN SUIH1C OV., Ml W. 'aKth St., \. m York. SHOES FOR 8TAOE, STREET AND EVENING. EXCLUSIVE STYLES AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. Short Vamp and St a n" LavaU always en hand. Mall Orders Filled. Fit guaranteed. WILLIAM BERNSTEIN, T«l. MS Madtton Square. wo SUth Ate., near Slat Street, N. T. OUR HOSIERY DEPARTMENT AN INSTANT SUCCESS* i tarn ALWAYS IN THE MARKET. JOHN and ALICE McDOWELL, THIS « HKIi, laiPF.IIIAL TIIKATHF, ST. I.OI'IH, MO, Wanted, for Colo and Rogers' R. R. Show, s -ib' Tn mlione, llarltKne, Tuba and Alio, Trap Drutiin'cr, Pour and Six Horse Drivers. Fraall Colored Rand. Lr.iV LAVELLE, write. ix Horse Drivers. Fmall Colored Aaiiiess Ai'ousris junks, UeReule, Tenn, FILMS FILMS Outfit No. 4't't was snatched up beroro you could shy "JACK ROBINSON." lforluniilcly, for simic one, we can duplicate It with the exception ol the Ozo-C'tirb! Light, for which wv will auliKtllutc it MclJInlcy or Arnold Cal- cium Outfit. Thus, an lOdlaun IChlbltlon Ma- chine, nn Kdlsun Brett Train Robbery, 700ft.; an iiddllloniil nimi't. to make 1,000ft. In all. mi a 10 incite reel, nod the Culclum Light Outfit, nil for 1100.00. This la outfit 455'/. for $100.00. Outfit 7^8 la the wonderful Cnmcragrnpli No. 1, with a Calcium Light Outfit and I'.OIHl feet of Miscellaneous Film, mounted on ten Inch reels, for $180.00. xWVH HOT TO HE "QUICK" IK YOU WANT o.NK 09 THK8B BXCHPTIONAL BARGAINS, FILM BARGAINS, HEADLINERS. Krom Chrlatlnnla to North Capes, like new, two scenes, colored, a rathe l-'llm »47.50 The I^ist Child, Illogruph Film 05.00 The Iv1111,111111-•, 1 Child .30.00 A Chase In AutomoblleH, very funny.. II7.0O The Mscaped Lunatic, Hlngruph I'll in.. 05.00 lluruum'a Trunk 25.00 The Pouchcrs ... 17.00 SPECIAL. Two Kdlaun Reels, with about 1,700ft. of Mis- cellaneous Film, for f65.U0 A CINCH FOR TI1K QUICK MAN. Lubln'a 1005 Model Clneograph, with Stere- optlcon combined, practically new, for .* I.' .ai. You can barely dUtltigulsh this from new. Will sell this machine with above mentioned 1.700ft. of Film on two lOdlaun reels, for .floo.DU. If you're quick, you'll save n lot of money. Tina la the pliice to get anything from n Hotlle of Cement lo the highest priced Ma- chine and Films, the LAICUKST HXDIiVW VE in:.\l.i:its in our line In Philadelphia. IA0HIRBB AID PUIS WANTED, PROVIDED THEY ARE GOOD, LEWIS M. SWAAB & CO., LEADING DEALERS, 33B SPRUCE,.STREET, Philadelphia, Pa. MUTOSCOPES AT A BARGAIN. Having Just re purchased the exclusive right. to the Long island territory, formerly In the hands of the Long Island Mutoacope Co., we llnd ourselves overstocked with a limited number of new and perfect Iron cabinet ma- chines. These we offer aa follow.: LOTS OF FIVE - • LOTS OF TEN - - - LOTS OF FIFTEEN LOTS OF TWENTY $40.00 38.60 • 36.60 • 36.00 machines These are the regular standard usually sold at $45.00, and tin. opportunity Is one that we have never before been privi- leged to oiler. No more will be offered at tbcae prices when this lot Is gone. Picture, supplied on the regular rental bails, with privilege of free exchange. Nn orders entered unless accompanied by a deposit. No agents' commlsalona allowed from these figures, American Nutoseope & Biograph Co., 11 E. 14th ST., NEW YORK. LEARN TELEGRAPHY AND R. R. AOCOVNTIKO. 160 to $100 per month assured our graduates nndet bond. You don't pay ua until you have a position. Largest system of telegraph schools In America. Endorsed by all railway Ofllclala. OPERATORS ALWAYS IN DEMAND. Ladles also admitted. Write for catalogue. MORSE SCHOOL OF TELEGRAPHY, Cincinnati, 0.; Buffalo, N. Y.; At'anta, Ca.; Lacrosse, Wis.; Texarkana, Tex.; San Frauclsco, Cal. GOWNS F S ° T R J£ E STAGE, BLIOHTLT USF.D. Also STREET OOWNB. We have on hand a large assortment of slightly worn Evening Gowns, Dinner. Reception and Tea Downs. These robes are perfect in every respect, and art especially suitable lor wear In HIGH CLASS DRA- MATIC PRODUCTIONS. We have a fall line ot Heal Skin Coats and Kurs or all kinds. MRS. H. STARR, 847 BOUth State St., 0B10AQ0. Oreat Discovery. Eiperta can not deteot It from gen- uine diamond. Costa out one-tenth. In brilliancy and cut It has no equal. Betting solid gold. Write tor illustrated oatalogne. BOWK A CO., Depu 0., »5 Dearborn 8U, Chicago. ZMBEZI .EM ATTENTION EVERYBODY ATTENTION. ») M "A BUM RAG" By J. SCHILLER. Something Hvoly and mtchy. Plensee everyone. Very cha.racti "SIGHTS THEY DIDN'T SEE Bv 8. .1. REYNOLDS. What they saw and what they didn't la vastly different. "WAY DOWN IN OLD KENTUCKY By BUD GRAHAM. A prettier aong waa never written. For a two rent stainu and program we will mall you protesalonal copie.. PIOHEEB MD8IC P0BLI8BIBS CO.. 202 Manhattan Bldg., Cbicigo, 111. THE CRADOG-NEViLLE CD. PRESENTS THE LEADING ROMANTIC ACTOR, WILSON R. TODD. And Superb Cnmnunr. 'M People. In High Class Scenic Productions end Six Big Vaude- ville Feature Acta. 'Time ull tilled. Repertoire people, WM. < it Mini. 1 Mannirera. t;HAM. II. NEVILLE. ( ManOKBM, Lyric Theatre, Washington, Pn., to Sept. 4. Ailtlri-ns POLI'S THEATRE, WORCESTER, WILL OPEN ON OR ADOOT SEPTEMBER 10, NOTICE. Artists Holding Contracts for tble Honse will be held strictly to the lamt. g. Z. POLL WM. MORRIS, Agent. ' ', IN OSCAR F. COOK'S MAJESTIC STOCK CO. ™> FULL ACTING COMPANY, MUSICIANS, Band and Orchestra and to double stage; SPECIALTY PEO- I.E who play parts. FEATURE VAUDEVILLE ACTS to oloso In one. Dorothea Sisters, wrlle. • CARL w. COOK, Manager, south Bend, Ind., Aug. 21 and week; Hlcksvllle, Ohio, Aug. 38 and week. VAUDEVILLE ...^.., M .w H . nB p, Permit 1 . to Qlve the Ladle, of Your Audience a Lesson In 4$~ NT I ON it TRAINING A HUSBAND (COPYRIGHT). (Wanted, Twenty Old Maids that Double in Brags) FERGUSON, DUPRF.E & CO. Address MURRAY FERGUSON, 313 E. Tlat Street, Mew York City. I COMEDIAN. '•■■" OTHER PEOPLE WRITE. Address H. C. MOORHEAD'S BIO STOCK CO., Faraons, KantM. CRUIKSHANK CONCERT CO.«^^S^sS^^S^. dies, etc.. etc. Incvcrclosc. Sober Comedian with specialties, Scrlo Comic, good looker, etc., etc. The foolish nald unto the wise men: Give us of jour ull for our lamps have gone nut. And the wise men Bpakcth and said unto Ihe loo'Wi: You go to , we burn gas. ' . CRUIKSUANK. Millionaire Humorist, B ethe l, Vermont, U.8. A. Wanted, Tolson Stock Co.. Leuillng Mun, Heavy Man, Userul Stock and ltep. People nil Lines. Open at once. State all, send photos. Good Tenui tlitit i-im piny parts. 40 weeks' work. ' ' W. F. CONLOX, Mgr. Doling Park, Sprlngbeld. Mo. Have You Seen Henry Brown? MANAGERS LOOKING FOR "B1CJ OUTDOOR FEATORE." ADDREli ZOJUA, SPIRAL TOWER MARVEL, COLOWATER, flllCII., THIS WEEK. PICTURE rllNIKi BRST, CIIKAPKST. WRITE FOR BOOKLET. FOR LOBBIES, WINDOW DISPLAY Oil HOMki USE. THE NEWMAN ART ill'"U. CO., 1H-120 W. 30tb 8L, Now 1'orL