The New York Clipper (August 1905)

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AUGUST 26. THE ISTEW YORK CLIPPER. 685 THE BIBQEST MONEY MAKERS: LUBirS MACHINES MP FILMS HIGHWAY ROBBERY The Most Sensational Film Kver Made. 3N l>lfT..r..-t Scent-.. A Decided lilt. LENGTH, 700 FEET. PllICE, $>. OM TOM TRIP THE COUNTERFEITERS Sensational, Ki Length, TOO Feet Sensational, Exciting Chase. Price, $T7, Another Hamoroo. Film at which They are Laughing Yet. PHICE, S3N.AO. II II 1905 LENHTH, 3S0 FEET. I«8S A. Price, II Conts Per t="oot. WRITE FOR OUR SPECIAL ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES, CONTAINING OVER 9,000 MOVING PICTURE FILMS. EXPOSITION MODEL CINE06RAPH WITH STEREOPTIGON COMBINED, tit ™ wdbl ciheoohaph, *r a ¥ * V WITH 8TERE0PTIC0I COMBWED V>UUt BOLD BANK ROBBERY MiiHt Sen.atlnnal Film Ever Made. Length, 600 Feel. Price, S«0. Incladlng Calnlnra Lamp, Electric Lamp, Adjottable Rheostat, Films and Slide*. 1\ g. Eighth Street. Philadelphia, Pa. I II I AT LOS ANGELES, GAL., ft I THEO. ROTHSCHILD, Pres. FINEST THEATRE ON PACIFIC COAST, SEATING 1,200. THOROUGHLY MODERN. LEADINGIiAST (Soprano), SOUBRETTE and a VERSATILE COMEDIAN. 20 weeks Burlesque, Musical Comedy and Vaudeville. Ask for salary you expeot to get One show evenings, except Saturdays and Sundays. Address PEARL WILKINSON, Stage Director, Novelty Theatre, San Francisco, Gal. OPEN TIME ALWAYS FOR GOOD VAUDEVILLE ACTS. TERRE HAUTE FAIR, CARNIVAL AND EXPOSITION AUG. 38 TO SEPT. 3. Most popular fair in the Middle West. Attendance last year 125,000. Troop of V, 8. Cavalry, Fanclulii'« Band and other.. Dedication of new 1300,000 Ilrldge part of talr program. CM PLAGE FOUR GOOD PAY SHOWS. '■'" " limi j MYERS, Igts., Terre Haute, lid. Wire TOIWI DELLA Acrobatic Dancing Novelty. A TEAM WHO CAN SING, DANCE AND TALK. Alao Flnlah In One. First Clasi Agent) and Rlanuger., Addre.s CLIPPER Bureau, ftO'e Aslilaml Block, Chlcugo, III. WANTED, AT ALL TIMES, V AUD E VI L.L.E: ACTS MEN. CHAB. H. WALDRON, Palace Theatre, Boiton, Halt. and PACIFIC COAST AMUSEMENT CO., SULLIVAN and CONSIDINE, Owning and operating 80 First Class Vaudeville Theatres East, Northwest and West. wwv a TevT-*Tt-a-rVT"», at all tlmos, FIRST CLASS ACTS OK ALL KINDS \V AKIXVU, that can dollver the goods. _____ BOLE HOOKINC AOBNTK: OHAS. WRAY/2U Denny Bldg.. Seattle, Wash.; STERNAD A BROWN «! 8. Clurk St, Chicago; ARCHIE LEYY, HI Eddy St., San Francisco, Cal. THE GREAT AND ONLY Colonel G. Bordeverry, Toe World's Greatest RWo and Pistol Shot, the Piano Marksman. Hcadllner of all the Leading EBtab Hthhioiits throughout th« World. CHAS. HORN IIAUPT, Business Manager. ORPHEUM CIRCUIT. &tiong oareof cum _ MIVERHaTOR'S th^atreT^^:-.:; -. * t _-»„ »»-„«. . OTn Pl'HV Rim. M_T. Olty, »y H. J. LARKIN, Sole Prop.: SID FERN, Bits. MgT. WANTED, at JU1 Times, BIO FEATURE ACTS. No aot too lM |j,J 0 J,_H W h i 0 ii.nager HENRY BROWN, VAUDEVILLE AOBNT, 00 DEARBORN STREET, Chicago, 111. Have You Seen Henry Brown? ■■__.! ' . ' JJJ 1 >2_ 2 2 nac „ __ _■ S ED ™ a S-Im i Sl__ • • H -s " _K t_ > — ——• le JMII-Eil-I-'e. BfANUFACTCHER ot Theatrical Boots A Shoes. All work made on i.hort notice. No disappoint- ment; we make from 1 pair to 1,000 pairs. Clog andBalletShooi a specialty. KM W. 23d St., New York. Tel.100 R Chelsea. M. R i.6j KELY MANUFACTURER OF SHOW CANVASSES DUNLO, PA. Close to R. it. station. Capacity aoo. Eloctrlo light and steam heat. Busy mining town. 3,000 population, Good stand for small shows, medi- cine men, etc. J. R. WOODS, MANAGER. AT LIBERTY For Coming Season, Versatile Leading Woman Experience, appearance, wardrobe. Prefer Block or llrst class Repertoire. CORAL CONOLKTON, Barrett House,88th 8t. and nth Av., New York City EXPERIENCED PEOPLE, FOR FIRST CLASS REPERTOIRE COMPANY. Preference given to those doubling brass. Hake salary low as It Is sure. Join on wire. CRAWFORD'S COMEDIANS, Novado, Mo,i to Aug. ?0; Auburn, Ncli., 28-Sept. 2 . LIBERTY, AFTER SEPT. 83, BRASS BIND, 12 MUSICIANS Last season with Naval Show, World Fair, St. Louis. Present time samo show, Luna Park, Coney Island, N. Y. OFFERS INVITED. Road or otherwise. Wrlto O. DRUMMER, Dlrecter. AT LIBERTY, AFTER Alii. StO, COB-VET, B. and O. Can lend band If necessary, is years' experience. No Jump too far to rellablo show and do not need tickets. Floto Show save stamps. Theatre Job preferred. Address I. R. IIAYNEB, 2M7 (larfleld Ave., So., Minneapolis, Minn. Wanted, VAUDEVILLE PEOPLE All Kinds, Aerial or Btage. Also Ladles' Band and Orchestra, Piano Player. OPEN AUO. 21, for sea- son; one to two weeks If you arc right, l-arge tent, waterproof. 11ARVKY BROOKS, Blotix City, Iowa, care of Vaudeville Canvas Theatre. Prlnurs of Roll tlckotB, please send samples. Fine Magical Apparatus, ILLUSIONS, TRICKS, Htc Grand End of Century, folly Illustrated. BOOK CATA- LOGUE, _c„ tree by a—U. Catalogue of Parlor!u1cks free MARTIN* A A CO., -M, «M Sixth Ave., N. T. VAN FLEET RINTE 47 WEST 28th STREET, NEW YORK. PVAN FLEET v-fc FREE!! HALF POUND CAN OP FREE!! M. ST^IIV'S OO-LVD CREAM AT THE STORES OP J, & F. GROTTA, DRUOOIST8, 440 Sixth Ave, NRW tork ...OS Broadway, Cor. 27th St. CITY. KnlckorbockorTlioatro lliilldliig. Each person presenting this Advertisement, and purchasing One Dollar's worth of morclianiiuo' of any description, will be presented, with the manufacturer's compliments, A RKUUI.AR FORTY CENT BOX OF STEIN'S COLD CREAM, ABSOLUTELY FREE. Make-Up Box c. COMPLETE. TRAY, LOCK, 2 KEYS. Length, «■; Incliea. Height, 4>< Inches. Width. A Inches. 31 9C Rouge No. 18 Java ni c - Powder L\ KNIOKKRB KEI COLDCREAM y|| Pound £}} G. Hall 9 cSwansdown Powder G. Gossamer IE Powder 10 or. «&, Sixth Ave., cor. 27th. Broadway, cor. 38th MAHLER BROS. Professional Underwear House of America. 8PECIAL NOTICE FOR AUCU8T. We are now prepared to furnish all Companies with Dance Skirts and Bloomers for Season 1905-06. Estimates furnished on application. Lowest prices in the United States. Call or send and be convinced. Our Original and Kamout Short SIlOO DODla Vamp^tag< wsiww ""T " | n all materlale. Special prices on quantity ordure. Up-to-date Stylet. Full Assortment of Tlgbtt, In Bilk, Cotton and Won ted, also Silk Hone In all ■hadei, at prlcet beyond competition. We carry at all timet a Complete and Varied Assortment of all the Hosiery Dept. shades, at prlcet beyond c Make-Up Dept. most popular Make-Upt, Powder* and Urease I'ilnth Headquarters for De Voy't Pufft, Lotions and 1'repa- rations. OUR MAKE-UP BOXES Made from tbe very best tin, are black enameled. Especially made (or professional use, baring a tray with compartments for Grease Paint, Powders, Comb and Druab, Wlgt, lite, X<\n Etc. Uat double action lock, with two keys, at 4VCi Our COLD CREAM, expressly prepared for tho Tbeatrtcil Profession, guaranteed to be absolutely pure and never become rancid In any climate. Put up In lib. Screw Tod Tin Cant at 4Bo.t %lb. at 2Bc. Enclose 2 cent stamp for Sample of Cream. All mall orders mutt be accompanied by money order. None tent C. O. D. WE KEEP THE BEST AND MOST COMPLETE LINE OF THEATRICAL TRUNKS AND DRESS SUIT OASES IN THE CITY. MAHLLECR BROS. THE LEADING THEATRICAL SPECIALTY HOUSE OF AMERICA. 6th Ave. and 31st Street. New York. PRINTING CO. LtTTER HEADS SSlKfeftWrTl MWiMsaWU I PrVG i5w/.7i6n_v \'o f joor. or CuTcJ 20' CHICAGO FBAIH PDB. CO., I "I've Got a Little Sweetheart SO W. 15th St., N.V.C. | ot fly Own." 10c. 0RC1IKHTRATI0N, 100.