The New York Clipper (September 1905)

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SEPTEMBER 2. THE N:EW YORK CLIPPER. C93 Ki oru of ?\mti. K town orf«nl«lng hlc companr tor th« com- S» (caioi H« will be Mta fa a new pl«y, ^'iSbW U Hart, tntitled "A Eocky fioVd zl riVblln " under tbe manafement of John H I'avllii and Oeo. H. Nlcolal. Thej will Srp rie Dlay an elaborate aettlnjc. The aea- |i"wlll oi^n at Bridgeport, «?onn. Sept. 1 nrd will play the belt popular price houBei '\nTB8 FBOM THt JBWBLL KEU.CT 8tOCK m'—We opened the »e»8on at Parli, Ky., 3f.ii» 31. and played to the largeit week't hiisinesB In the hfetory of the honae. Han. Sreda were turned away on the opening night, ,nd at the last three pertonnances the en- ttrp houie waa aold out before the doota were inlT At the reception Saturday-after- noon fourteen hundred people came upon the ?t»Vp Jewell Kelly la aole proprietor and Stnnnier, and has selected a repertory of roitlc plays especially adapted to hit •hilitv and appearance. Caroline Klohr li iPinline lady, and la recognised as one of the JeR leading women In the South or West. Her wardrobe la one of the most eztensWe "pon tbe American etage. Baby Edna has irarod a tremendous hit In her Bingloe and 5»n(lng Bpeclaltles. The company goes South, Kins all the principal Southern cities, kimv A Erlanger are the New York booking renresentatlTcs. Roster: Jewell Kelley, oronrletor and manager: George V. Brown, Idvnncc; Clifford Watson, stage manner; Kplson A. Laurence, Chas. McDonald, Eaw- Msnce Oordon, Lewis Grlfflth, Robert Van Suren Bertlna Lee, Maude Clifford, Maude DC Armond, Baby Edna, Mario Monday, Jor- dim and Jordan, and Caroline Klohr. .\0T«8 or TDK GUS HlLL ATTBACTlONa.— Tlie principal role In "Gay New York," the musical comedy adapted from the German, «nd announced for production by Gus Hill early In September, will be played by Dan ungon. It Is that of a fashionable ladles' tailor and the scene In which the eatabllsh- B)cnt' conducted by Mr. Mason, Ig shown, nromlses to be a stage novelty. The company win embrace. In the agKrcgntc, a total of flfty rple and over three hundred costumes will shown. Behenrsals will begin on Aug. •>8 and the staging will be supervised by m'L. Heckert. ^'McFadden's Flats" will be one of the .first companlca to Invade the South. For several years this attraction has Inaugurated the season nt nearly all the lead- Inir theatres between Washington and San Antonio. The company Is now rehearsing under the direction of Mr. Heckert, while new dances and military evolutions are being ar- ranged by John Mason and Fletcher Rivers. The title role will be assumed by Billy Bairy, while Gussle Nelson, May Baker and the Speck Brothers will have leading parts. All the music will be composed by William Uos- teller. George Chenct will bo the advance representative, and Thomas E. Henry, the ■""".""'ESTEn and Maud Kellett will this season be with Lottie Williams, In "My lom Boj Olrl," playing, respectively, Herman Von Deiinlnghaua and Lillian Calvert, parts which tUey originally created with much success In last season's production. CuiH. B. BoAiiDMAN, formerly a member of the Boston Museum Stock Co., Is Summer- ing nt the Gen. Tom Thumb farm, Mlddle- lioro, MasSj a guest of George Williams. Vioi.ET BAnNBY has canceled her engage- ment as lending woman with the Interna- tional Stock Co., and Is spending a few weeks In New York, prior to opening with the Au- brey Stock In the some capacity. ^ „ _ Violet Hall, Grace Richmond and B. H. Howe hove signed for this season with the Edsall-Wlnthrope Stock Co., which tours the Southern cities. „ „ _, ,vi James Kenneot Co. Notes.— Everything Is progressing nicely, and this company will be one of the strongest of Its kind on the toad this season. Two carloads of scenery will be used, each production being complete. Each piny will be mounted lavishly, all fur- niture, bric-a-brnc, mechanical and electrical effects being carried. James Kennedy, the author-actor and popular star, will be sur- rounded by nn eicepllonally strong company of dramatic and vaudeville people. The regular season opens Labor Day, at Fall River, Mass. Roster la as follows: Mesata. Spitz & Nathanson, proprietors; 0. E. Wee, manager: Harold It. Chase, stage manager! H. A. Remick, musical director; J. IL Scott, In advance; Dick Bosanko, Dnvid ^yaltera, Danny BagnelK J. A. Grliren, W Hard Dyer, Uarry Myers, Walter Andrews, Lola Radclllle, Florence A. PInckney, Katbleen Farrpe, Lit- tle Sara Folwell and Daisy Lowell. Our vaudeville features will contain Dick Bojanko snd Lola BadcUffe, Dyer and Curt^, James Kennedy, and the famous Bell Boy Quartette (Moran, Devero, Harris and Copes). Notes rnoM xhb Ki)BKHoifF-Hii.i.MAM Stock Co.—Wc have an eicellcnt line of bookings for this season, and prospects never looked better. We are booked again over the territory we have made so suc- cosafully for the past seven years, and this time with a larger and better equipment than ever. The Kansas City Scenic Co. has Just completed a full line of elegant scenery for our productions. Nelller Kerkholf will still be featured, and an excellent supporting com- pany has been engaged. Pbabl M. Woolson has be"!,.*"?"*** »" heavy woman with Dot Karrlll Co., this being her second season with this company. Notes from thb HABttiNOiot) Stock Co. —Beatrice Harrington, of this company, has been very 111 In St. Anthony's Hospital. Terre Haute, Ind., during the past three weeks, and nithough comrellcd to pass her twenty-first birthday in that Institution, she was kindly remembered by various members of the com- pany. Among the presents was an elegant diamond ring from B. A. Harrington. As soon as her health will permit, Mr. Harrlng- • ton will take his wife to New York City, where they will rest until after the holidays. Ilex Leslie Klngdon, who has successfully managed the Summer tour of this company, win have entire control during the regular season, which begins at Terre Haute, Ind., Sept. 4. Mr. Klngdon has engaged a num- ber of well known players. John T. Tiernbx, wh(, has been HI for over Ave years. Is at present at the Hooper House, WolfsTllle, Md., where he Is soon to undergo an operation tor a disease of the hip. Habrv S. Hadkield, tor the past two sea- eons with Richard Mansfield, will this season be a member of the stock company playing nt the Empire Theatre, Boston. Boston is the home of Mr. Hadfleld, and he formerly played there with the Bowdoin Square ana Castle Square companies. . Paul Aiimbtuono will leave for Salt Lake City this month, to conduct rehearsnls of bis play, "Ann La Mont," In which Florence Rob- erts will star this season, under the direction of John Cort With the engagement of Uavid R. Young the cast bns been completed, nnd the entire company will leave New YorK on Sept. 5. the llrst performance being schca- uled at Solt Lake City Oct. 2. ,,. „ . Francis TucKEtt, who manages the west- ern branch of the Chicago Play Factory, in (Jaleaburg, III., wishes to announce that ha has written two sensational plays this Sunt' iner. which will soon be produced, one by the H. W. Marks Bros. Co., and the other by the Ilnrry Manners Stock Co. . Notes fhom Cokt & Kbomdebo Attbac- TioNs.—Coincident with the first concert (alve will sing In New York, we have en- Rnged the famous New York Symphony Or- chestra, under the direction of Walter Dam- roseh, to Inaugurate the diva's Initial con- cert in this country. Berrlck Von Nordcn, Ihe SwIdUh-Amerlcnn tenor: M. Booiman, the well known baritone, and Mile. Schmltt- Iternnrd, a famous Continental planlste, have also been engaged. Ca-w2 r«'£.J^^,"'"*"' 8QtiA«B Stock Rf.77. .»'.'• •>•«* WW more la the United Jl£r.??* ^"V Scotia, traveling In all over rourth at New Castle, N. 6. Builnest has been from Wr to good all Summer. We closed our "Tracy, the Outlaw King" Co.' July 8, after a prosperous Spring and Sum- ?„J if"I-»-'^^,°'»^* • l"""? o' two hundred and eighty mllee from Chatham, N. B., to Danforth, Me., arriving there at 8.10, having been on the road all Jay. Our advance man had the scenery all up and the audience wait- ing. The curtain went up at quarter to nine, and we enjoyed a fair week's business. Maine Is overran with shows, and we are going over our old route into Vermont, New Hami? shire, and New York State, tor fair dates, then South. We have only two weeks mora of our regular season, and will at once re- organize for the Fall and Winter, opening early In September. Our "Tracy, the Out^ law King,' goes West with a new equip- ment of scenery, and will b« billed like a circus. Our Herald Square Coi. will have a new repertory of plays from the pen of A. L. Fansbawe, and will include the following: "In a Woman's Power," "The Gypsy Countess," "The Crimson Cross," "The Hunters of Kentucky," "The Minister's Secret," "Forsaken at the Altar," also ver- sions of "Sapho," "Stranglere of Paris," "East Lynne,"^ "Michael Strojoff," "Sorrows of Satan," and a matinee bill for children, "Jack and Jill In Dreamland." We have re- ceived over 60O answers to our 'ads' la Tua CLirPER. Roster op "Ooh New Minister" Co.— Miller * Conycrs, proprietors; Louis Miller, business manager; Joaeph Conyers. stage di- rector ; H. W. Phipps, treasurer; W. C. Tan- ner, stage manaeer; Oeo. IL Fee master car- penter; W. H. Hunt, properties: W. B. Ed- wards, electrician; John 'Terrls, John Barker, John F. Webber, Fred Clarke, Calvin DIx, H. H. Harrlman, J. B. Lorenzen, W. C. Tanner. H. W. Phipps, Oeo. M. Fee, W. U. Hunt, W. B. Edwards, Gertrude Perry, Alice Wasbburn. Phlla May. Notes from "The .Convict's Dadohteb" Co,—Ed. II. Salter, proprietor of "The Con- vict's Daughter," western company, opened bis seaaoa at MuskeRon, Mich., Aug. 0, with a cast tbat Is satisfactory to the managers, press and the public. Tbe company has been selected with care and expense, there- fore gives a production far superior to any cast heretofore used In presenting "The Con- vict's Daughter." The following is the roster: Ed. R. Salter, proprietor; W. T. Boyer, manager; Fred Conrad, general rep- resentative; Chas. Johnsone, advance; Fred Davis, agent; Geo. J. Elmore, stage director; Wilbur Christy, M. Harry Rowe, Thos. Rich- ardson, Richard HInchclIlT, Otto Schauble, Chas. Stalper, Edna Keeley, Carrie Belle- more, Estelle Cleveland end Felton Sisters. Tbe company is en route to the Pacific Coast. Roster anp notes trom "The Little Red School House" Co., which opened Aug. 19— Roster: J. A. West, Clarence Kent, E. A. Butler, Harold 0. Moran, Walter Wilbur, Chas. Rose, Sydney Btirric, Joseph Oobey, Lorlo lloyt, N. B. Marshall, Claude Mars- ton, Helen Leise, Hattle Laurent, Minnie Pearl West, Donnle Mario Wilbur, Mrs. Birdie Wilbur, Mrs. J. P. Lyon, Venettn Thurston. Business staff: J. A. West, sole owner and manager; Clarence Kent, stage manager; Joseph Gobey, advance representa- tive ; W. B. Marshall, electrician; Wolter Wilbur, assistant stage manager; Sydney Barrle, master of properties; Lorln lloyt, master of transportation; Mrs. J. P. Lyon, musical director. Notes kiioh tub No. 1, Wbbtebn, Shaw, Gallagher Big New York Players.—The regu- lar season opened at Itredsburg, Wis., Aug. 14, to big business, despite baving opposi- tion. The opening bill, "How Women Love," a new comedy drama, written by Sidney It. AlUs, expressly for this company, was warm- ly received, and does credit to Mr. Allls, also to our manager, for the manner In which It was singed. In tbe cast are tbe following well known people, which tpenk for the suc- cess of tbe production: ivatarlno Parker, Marie Young. Madge Carson, Mrs. J. Leigh- ton, Miss Martin, Baby Louise, J. W. Car- son, Eddie Ferno, J. A. Leigbton, S. T. Lcamlng and M. C. Luther. Ira & Eaulb, who has been playing with the Poll Stock Co., at Wntcrbury, Ct., closed his engagement of fifteen weeks Aug. 10, to begin rehearsals for Hlmmeleln's Ideals, play- ing lending heavy business. JAS. M. Ward, who produced "Through by Daylight" many years ago, and later was seen In "The Shaughran,' also with many first class companies, is at tbe Elks Home, Bedford City, Va. His friend, J. Bernard Dyllyn, recently bad an Interesting letter from Mr. Ward. Roster of thb Mureat k Mack Co. : Ollle Mack and Joe W. Spears, managers; E. A. HIgglns, business manager; Robt. Mer- cer, advance agent; Wm. Bullen, assistant advance sgent; Thos. J, Grady, stage mana- ger ; Wm. Roberts, property man; W. J. Pat- terson, carpenter; Thos. Spry, electrician; John Clyde, musical director. The company; Chas. A. Murray, Walter Dale, Joe BIrnes, Walter S, Bower, Stephen Pridenn, J. L. Sam- ple, Trocadero Quartette, Gladys Van, Baron- ess Von Zelber, Fannie Sandford, Audrey Qulnton, Anna Dale, Camllle Astor, Ida Stur- giB, Ethel Gllllard, Llszle Purcell, Billy Sea- ton, Mne Du Bols, Marie Franklin, Annie Oels- ler, Bessie Schocfleld, Florence Cordelia, No- rlne Dunham, Jessie Cummlngs, Elsie Harry, Estelle North, Lucille Thall and Bessie Davis. Season opened Aug. 17, at Aabury Park, N. J. Howard R. Brandon writes: 'Owing to the diaaolving of the Howard Brandon Amuse- ment Co., which controlled the following at- tractions: Howard Brandon Theatre Co. (Eastern), Howard Brandon Theatre Co. hvestern), Howard Brandon Stock Co. (playing permanent stock), 'A Thorouehbrcd Swede,' The Funny .Mr. HoollKon,' and others, In preparation, I have decided not to continue these attractions this season, and have signed with 'A Poor Relation' Co., play- ing the principal cities of the East. Tha three Summer shows of the Brandon Amuse- ment Co. closed on Saturday, July 2D. after a fairly prosperous Summer season of tour- teen weeks. I have leased the rights of A Thoroughbred Swede' and 'The huijny Mr. Hooligan* to Vlc Crane, who will be featured In these pieces, supported bv Edna Lurcne Crnlg. Next season my various attractions will again go out. The season of 'A Poor Relation' Co. opened In Chicago Aug. 0. Madib Db Long has signed for this sea- son with the Four Huntings. In their original farce comedy. "The Fool Ho|ife',.„P.''«„! playing a character old maid (Miss Pie Plant), and has won a success In the char- '"rosteb of "Uncle Josn SpRncEnT"' fNorthern).—Dave B. Levis, proprietor; J. P. Donohue, manager; E. T. Peteraon, advance agent; Arthur Howard, stage monnger; Theoj dore Stout, musical director. Members of company: i. P. Donohue, Dave B. Kennedy. Ouaile Kelt, Louis Roahmnn, Arthur Howard, K ancea wiyne, Pierre Akcy. Llllinn Field, John Petty, Fred Bristol, Theodore Stout, ChBB. Monroe, Billy Cronln, Al. Green, John J. Canlleld, J. 8. Dowllng and !'••«:*'''"«•, CKAWFOnn's Comedians, under direction of Crawford & Weever, will open their season Aug 28, nt Auburn, Neb. This compnnv we are Informed, Is presenting a repertory of biBh cinss nlnys, carrying a band ond orcbeslrn, and Is booked through Nebraska. lown, Knn. ms Artnusas, Indian Territory, and the South nnlshlng the season in tbe Southern ""Wfuira MACK has closed hi. Simmer stock pncnsemont with the Vnllnmnnt Stock Co., wfi?Kport, I'n.. nnd left for Defrol to {nrtToTenr,„l, with "My Wife's Fnmlly," with wblch company he will be featured. Notes nou Jab. T. UcALfiN'a "Hana Hanson" Co.—We opened our season Aug. 14. to big business. We carry our own band and orchestra, which Is • featvre. Our show Is stronger than ever. Mr. McAlpln. owner and manager, bis spared no eipense In mak- ing this an elaborate production. We carry all new scenery, etc., the show Is booked solid, and we ore looking forward to a pro*- peroua leisoa. Our roster: Jia T. McAlpln. proprietor and manager; Looii Bels, bail- ness manager: Mr. Eaton, advanca represen- tative; Martin Bowers, general director; Will Amann, stage manager; C. M. Jobnsott, electrician; Joe Schults, master of transpor- tation ; Geo. Holtskop, stage carpenter; John Eleen, leader of band and orchestra: Lew Hlttt, Harry Darr, Clydt Adams, N. J. Lo- renger, Sidney Drew, A. J, Htlsted. B. D. Swinney, E. Mutchler, A. J. Oeyer, Abraham Wolfson Mike Brown, Will Bloom, Dolly Foster. Fay Desmond, Josephine Olson, Bllta- belh Bartley snd Baby Eugenia. Martin Sueklet writes: "Have secured tbe right to produce 'An Orphan's Prayer,' from Edwin De Coursey. Have had built new scenery, complete for the four acts, and carry the live stock for tbe first and last acts. Tbe company Is as fu.lows: Martin Sheeley, manager; E. Hoffman, agent; Frederick Bernard, Edwin Percival, Eugene Sargent, Allen Grey, Oretta Alretus, Gertrude Rltcb- ey, Laurel Love, Alice Landry, Tom EllloK carpenter." TOM Artiictr, of the Arthur Stock Co., and manager of the New Opera Uouae at Fari- bault, Minn., has been very III with fever, and has canceled most of the time with hla stock company, which was booked In tha West. Mr. Arthur Is at present St Roberta Lake, Minn., regaining bis health, BobL Smitb being In charge of tbe theatre, EoHALL ft WiNiHBOPB bavB Signed the well known team, Arto and Delmay, as spe- cial vaudeville feature with their company for this season. Tiios. T. SHEA Is with the Pleasure Bay Opera Co., Pleasure Bay, N. J. A. Robert Goerircu writes: "My recent 'ad.' In the Clipper brought me nearly one hundred and fltty answers. I have signed with the Cutter Stock Co." For Ous Hill's new musical comedy, "Gay New York," the following players have been secured: Dan Mason, Louise S<\nford, Chas. E. Formsn, Lillian Hacrleln, Lizzie Mulvey, Ed. Adams, William Burlow, Ed. Brunner, James Dcvlne, Viola Rio, Wm. Leonard, A. E. Car- lyle, Anna Page, May Martin and a chorus of forty show girls. Chas. Barton will be manager; Harry Yost, buslp^ss manager. EiiuA SiEQEL will be the principal sou- brette for .Miller & Plohn, lo their produc- tion of "The Black Crook." Edward J. Henuhaw, late of the "Robert Emmett" Co., has signed to do the Irish character comedy role of Dan Duffy. In tbe "Dared Do Right," one of Jas. U. Walllck's productions. Lanotrt Asiiton has signed with Broad- hurst k Currle's "Rudolph and Adolph" Co., for this season. Susta HuwAiiD Is successfully playing the Boubrette role, with Ultcbcll Bros.' "Gam- bler" Co. LI7.7.IE, Bernard and Fat, late of the Four Duffys, have Joined Nobles' Dramatic Co., for this season. Enoaoements for B. C. Whitney's "The Isle of Spice" Co.: Chas K, Ilnrt, as musical director, and Ethel Tlllson, as prima donna soprano, to play Teresa. the KERKIIOrFlIII.LllAN STOCK CO. Will open at Watervllle, Kan., Aug. 28, playing several weeks of fair and re-uutnn dates before the regular season opens. The man- agement states that opera house managers on the circuit of towns they have played for several seasons assure tbem that pros- pects for business look promising. The rep- ertory includes: '"I'he Portals of Justice," "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." "Resurrection," "t.arrled Life," "An Old Man's Darling" and "The Pearl of Savoy." Chahles E. Bloomer has been engaged by Kane, Sblpman A. Colvln, tor the part of Kev. James Bartlett, In "Cousin Kate, supporting Alberta Gallatin. Mr. Bloomer is spending the Summer on tbe Island of Nantucket, Mass. „ Notes foom toe Whitb Stock Co. —We are now on tbe lust halt of our Bummer sea- son, and business Is increasing each week. Miss Winston, our lending lady, bad to re- tire July 25, nwlng to a severe case of Calo- mel poisoning, but resumed her duties 81. Everything Is rapidly being got Into shape for the road season, which opens Sept. 11, and without doubt White's Stock Co. will be one of the strongest and best equipped attractions of Its kind on the road. Only the very beet time In Wisconsin and Mich- igan will be played. The company will num- ber eighteen people, with a feature orchestra, and will open with every piece thoroughly rehearsed, strong plays and a big lino of ■dvertislDg novelties. Frank M. Miller and wife (Marie Elmer) bavs signed with Cboa. Yale's "Devil's Auc- tion" Co. for the coming season. Mrs. Mil- ler has just returned from a three weeks' visit to her mother, In Canada. Mr. Miller has been musical director In Woodlyne Park, Camden, N. J., for tbe Summer. Billy Saxton, of Saxton and Hilton, writes: "Ike Ullson, of Chicago, has bought the Grand Opera House, Itock Springs, Wyo., and bai contracted with Stair k lluvlln for tbe coming season to have a number of tb« first class attractions booked. Tun Old Re- liable Is very much welcomed by Mr. Hll- son." M. F. Kktciiuu and tiib Aldens closed with Oscar Handler's Stock Co. July 22, and rejoined Angell's Comedians, a company they have worked two previous seasons with. Wu. Daley writes: "I am In good health, having fully recovered from my Illness, and will open my season Sept. 4, In advance of the Rafbburn-Mana Co., with twenty-two people, a car load of special scenery and a fine line of novelty advertising. In conjunc- tion with our pictorial and block stands. Rathburn & Mann have spared no expense to make this one of tbe winners. Tbe feat- ure act, the Flying Rothburns. Is well known. There are seven more high class specialties, and we represent the highest standard In repertory." The Denver Thbatbb Co. either owns or controls the following theatres. In addi- tion to tbe New Curtis, Denver; and Grand, Salt Loke City: Masonic Temple, Boulder, Colo.; Turner Hall, Cheyenne, Wyo.; Opera House, Laramie; Opera House, Rawlins; Opera House, Rock BprlngB; Thatcher Opera House, Logan, V.; Opera House, Brigham; Dewey Theatre, Park City, and Opera House, Provo. The company is authorized to book for the theatres at Fort Collins end Greely, Colo,, and are negotiating for several other houses In Colorado and Dtah. Franklin Ritchie has been engaged to All out tbe rest of the season nt the Na- tional Theatre, Rochester, In support of Jessie Bonstelle. Frank Halstead closed his fourth conse- cutive season with the Krwood Stock Co., at Reeves' Park, FIndlny, O., and is now taking a brief rest at his home at Landii- burg. Pa. Wallace Eddinoer has been engaged by DnvId Belnsco for the part of Lieut. Telfair, in "The Heart of Maryland." Will R. OfKtDALi has been engaged by Rowland A Clifford, to support James Kyrle MHcCurdy, In "The Old Clothes Man." .\((TR from Patten 4 Perry's "Jerry From Kerry" Co.—We ployed to the largest busi- ness that has been done on Prince Edward Island. TiiiD Shine goes wllb "Tbe Lighthouse by Ihe Sen." Like and MAnrnA A. Pri.i.nT hove signed ns a snerlHl feature with "Tbe Romance of Coon Hollow" Co., for this season. Notes from De AWa'< "The Collsa* OlrL" —Tbe following bavs (Ined (or tha season, which opens Oct. 1: Rose Becardo, Bdltb Becardo, D'Arrllle BIsten, Fay Palmer, Stella La Belle, Grace Boony, Annie Campbelle, tbe RItchlsons, and Ed. and Nellie Thardo. We will have tbe finest paper money can boy, witb two nen abend. Dr. De Alva will maoBf* the tbow, giving It bis personal at- tention. Tbe British Bntertalnera have been on tbe road seven year* without closing, and the little old fasoloned circus, under the management of Bd. Thardo. has been • big winner. Geo. (Dad) Burtcn will be In ad- Vance of "The College Olrl," and as "Dad" knows a tblng or 'two, It will undoubtedly tw a big winner. Dr. Da Alva visited tbe Norrls A Rowe Greater Shows recently, and says It Is one of the cleanest and neatest ■bows he baa ever visited. The circus license has been reduced In most of tbe towns in Canada, which permits them to show where the license before wss prohibitive. Waitb'8 Combdt Co. and Conceit Or- cnisTBA Notes. —Dndor tbe personal di- rection of James R. Waite this show will again tske Its place as a leading repertory attraction for lOOSOS, touring the Middle and Western States. The name, to local man- agers, as well as players, Is a gtisrsntee of tht best in this particular lino of amusement, In Which Mr Walte started In 188S. A host of the best stock and repertory people has al- ready been engaged. The season will open late In August. 'The business department will be in the hands of E. D. Flske. who basofllces St the Manhattan Theatre Building. The Con- cert Orchestra will be under the direction of Robert Johnson. The band under tbe direc- tion of Cnl Huntslnger. for the past threa seasons director of the Flske Stock Co.'s mu- sical department Among tbe engagements are: Virginia Dormer, Edythe Marlon Bryan, Louise Fraser, Pearl Lytell, Addle Johnson and Baby Irene, Frederick Huxtable, Monte Montgomery and James Walsh. Notes raou Firk A Griffin's "Colo- kado Waif" Co.—We are organiiing and booking our company for a forty weeks' tour of tbe Dakotas, Iowa, Nebraska snd Missouri, and time Is rapidly coming In. In two weeks we will have all time filled. We have a fine line of special paper from the Erie Printing Co, and Standord Show Print, of St. Paul, also special scenery, nnd will carry a swell uniformed band. Our high grade specialties are equal to Ihe best and with a llrst class company we look forward to good business. Rowland A Clifford will star Jsmes Kyrle McCurdy In an elaborate production of '"The Old Clothes .Mnn" this season. Tho tour will begin In September, snd a strong supporting company tins been engaged. In- cluding Kate Woods Flske. Marie Lozay has signed with "Tbe Train Robbers," for chnricteri. Charles FRontiAN has contracted with Jerome D. Kern for tbe exclusive use of sll the composer's works, who Is to compose a certain number of songs for Mr. Frohman's musical productions each year during tbe life of the contract. James L. Glass will reorganize the Donna Troy Stock Co., and put out his new attrac- tion, "Queen of the Cowboys," featuring Iiounn Troy. Grant Simpson will play the lead. Tbe llonna Troy Slock has Just llnlnhcd a successful engngcment over luo Walker cir- cuit, and opened la Sioux Falls, S. D., to capacity, Ci.AiKR TuTTLD Is resting nt her home, Berlin llelghls, 0., on Lake Erie. Notes from the Lyceum Comedy Co. (Enst- ern).—This urgonlzntlun Is under the man- agement of J. Harvey McEvuy, presenting Evn Hlllman, supported by a company of sixteen people, with band and orchestra. We will cover tho same ground as last sea- son, namely, New York, New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine. Manager McEvuy has 1 no expense in securing tbe best of paper and scenerr. Each production Hau> B. VicuM writes: "Tbe Fenberg Btcck Co. opened Ita fifth regtilar seison at Batb, He., Aug. 14, to a big house, plsys and -' making a strong hit. Tbe company players Is, wltb( Is, without a doubt, the best tbat Manager Fenberg has bad .during his managerial career, embracing the following people: Miss Leigh De Lacey, Testis Loraine, Ethel Ham- erick, Zula Ellsworth. Alice Varney, Madge spared no expense in securing tbe best of plays, paper and scenerr. Each production Is the sole property of McEvoy, Rondeau and Relchvlnc, aud they expect this season to be their banner year. The company will remain out for fltty-two weeks. Frank L. will hereafter book bis attractions through tbe Bhuberts, Instead of through KInw A Erlanger. "The Dragon Fly,'*^ a poetic melodrama, by John Luther Long and Edward Chllds C'arpcnter, has been selected by Henri (Ires- sitt as the vehicle In which ho will present Minnie Sellgman and William Bromweil as co-stars tbe coming season. John Dhury ploys Tony in "Arizona." "A Corner in CorrEB" Is Tim Murphy's new play, Chas. J. Lauubbr has been engaged u stage director with Myrkle-llnrder Co. WILI.ARD Bowman Is engaged In vaude- ville with Mattls Keene for the coming sea- ton. Eleanor Cainks goes to Forcpaugb's The- atre, Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. Drlancrt Bahclat (Helen Jones) go with "Deserted nt the Allnr." Alice C. Kennedy Is with the Ilennett- Moulton Co., under management of Will ^ Partello. Mildred and RoncLERi, under ths msnags- ment of John M. Ilickey, open Oct. IB, In the travesty, "The Flight of Princess Iris," which will be presented with nil new scenery and effects. Murray Carson Is ro-wrltlng It. NOTKH from the E. O. Rogers Big Stock Co., under the management of Will It. Pow- ers.—We opened tbe regular season Aug. 21, pinying four weeks of fair dates. Our time Is filled up to April next. In cities and the larger towns. We carry a car load of special scenery and equipments, and look for- ward to n prosperous season. Harry 6pkl informs us that he recently closed eighty-two consecutive weeks with (hs Archer-Forrester Co. Notes from Mahon & Imhon's Bio Pa- VII ION Co.—We are still on the top wnvo of success, and our canvas Is packed every nlgdt. Our managers ore busy now getting things In sbope for our regular season. New'scen- ery, printing and plays are being arangcd, so we will have one of tbe best popular priced attractions on the road. Clyde Pitch's play, "The Toast of the Town," which Viola Allen will present, la to be made Into an opera for Emma ICames' use. Mr. Fitch will write the libretto, and ths music is to be composed by I'ucclnl, Georob a. Bdes has been engaged by J. J. Coleman for the executive staff of Louis James, In his coming rovlvnl of "VIrglnlus," which opens nt Ford's Opera House, Balti- more, Labor Dny, Sept i. La Centra and La Rue have Joined the Geo. H, Adams "Iliimnly Dumpty" Co., In- troducing their musical net, and also work- ing in the pantomime. 1'helr now electrical dining table Is meeting with success. Will A. Miller, mannger of the Elysium Theatre (formerly Farantn), New Orleans, La., writes: "This house has a fine line of attractive, popular priced attractions booked." Herman KonN, for the past twelve years stage manager with Ilelnrlch Cnnrled's Stock Co., nt the Irving Place Theatre, New York, will leave for Germnny to liegin a Ave years' engagement at tho Berliner Theatre, Berlin, Oer. W. II. Stevens will play Old Fury Cal- vert, nnd act as stage manager for "My Tom- Boy Girl" Co. Tun NiEMEN Theatre, Sandusky, O., purchased by Jno. A. HImmeletn, is to be converted ln(o a modern ground floor theatre, and will lie called the (Irnnd. Ci.AiiriB Ln GouNoi.'n is engaged with Dan Sully, 10 play the Colonel. .Votes from the Via Stock Co. —All our people ore now under contract for this com- pany, nnd rehearsnls commenced Aug. 18, at Ashlnnd, Ky, We open the season at Charleston. W. Va. We arc a little new this season, hut look out for us, as we will have many surprises. Leigh De Lacey, Testis Loraine, Blbel Ham- erick, Zula Ellsworth, Alice Varney, Madge Artell. Baby UcBraay, Lawrence Brooke, John W. Barry, Horice V. Noble, D. J. Ha^ rington, Jno, uigglns, H. C. Perklni, John Yollay and Harry Sawyer. The specialties were probably the strangest ever presented by popntar priced attractions. Including Henri French, with four assistants; the Mil- lard Bros., comedy bicyclists; Marls McNeil, cornettlat; Billy Walsh, conedlsn, singer and dancer; Ettiel Hsmerlck. singing come- dienne, and Baby McBrsdy, cnlld characters. The repertory Is at follows: 'The Christian,' 'Petri of Savoy,' '(jueen of Ihe Highbinders,' 'One Touch of Nature,' 'Secret Service Sam,* 'In Honor Bound,' 'The Fatal Wedding,' "The Factory Girl,' 'Wedded, but No Wife.' 'The Flowers of the Forest,' and 'A Pardoned Bon.' Everv bill It staged with all special scenery. The executive itsff Is: Geo. M. Fenberg, manager; Hirry IL Vlckera, buit- nesi manager; Artbur MIsck, musical direc- tor ; Jno. W. Barry, stage director. Ths com- pany bas the best ot time and magnificent paper, with a line of productions the public want. Everything points well In Manager Fenberg's way for a big season." Notes from tbe "Neighborly Neighbors" Co. —We enjoyed very large business during a recent three days' engagement at St, John, N. B., ths press pronouncing It tbe brightest inuslcal comedy ever seen In that city, Caroline McCoru, who played Mrs. Drown, In the Eastern "Butter Drown" Co., last season, bas been spending tbe Sum- mer at Sturgeon Bay, Wis., a resort famoui for Ita good flsblng. W. S. Bi'TTBRFiBLn, who bns been promot- ing the building of new theatres In tho West this Summer, baa returned to Now York. Ho will manage a company of his own, or be at- Boclnted with others In hsudllng attractions this lesson. Notes from the Harrington Stock Co.—We closed our Summer season of sixteen weeks Aug. 20, and immediately open ths regular season. Roster: E. A. Hnrrlngton, proprietor; Rex Leslie Klngdon, mannger; Geurgo SnIIsbury, slage director: lleatrlce Ilarrlnglon, Naomi Hnrrlngton, Nina Mllli- fnn, Goldle Beach, Margaret Moles, Clam homton, Lonetta Salisbury, George Salii- bury, Reginald Leslie. Unrry Hamlin, George La Val, Ilnrry Moica, Krneat Held, Mason Gregg, W. W. McKlnney, 10. R. Holtmnn, George Crowley, Joe Busley, Oscar Briggs and Lester I.luitsny. The Ciiari.ks 10. Evans Compant, of New York, was Incorporated In Albany, N. Y., Aug. n, with a $8,1)00 capital, lo produce "The Flllbiisters." Tho directors Include >e SiMibcrt, Wllllnro and Kninnucl Klulii. DoiiirniKA Histkiih have signed wllb Stephens Jk Linton's Eastern ">Iy Wife's Fnmlly" Co., for the scosuu, which opened Aug. 12. Nellie Mahrbi.l win again play Manny Pullolt, In "My Tom-Buy lllrl,''^ which ab« originated Inst Spring. Notes from Will A. Peters' Slock Co.- We have Just secured the Sniilhcrn rights to "A Sliver Ungger" nnd '"I'lio Sigu uf Ihe Four," from llnrtey A Wolford. Also th« great llcvoliitloiiary play, by Earl MacLollnii, In Ihe Duys ot Wushlngtnii." Also tho roar- ing comedy, "My Wife from Japan." Tho nixivc tour will be our fcuturo bills, and w* will carry coinplcto sots fur them. There will bo sixteen people with the coinuoiiy. Among tiKiMO engaged are: Mny Wiilters, lending Indy ; Ilnrry E. Allen, leiulliig man; Knrl MncLvllan, heavy man and stngu direc- tor; Knid Dellc, suiibrette; Will A. Peters, cuMicdIan; Juincs Smith, comcdlnu; Caro- line Dovcrc, heuvlCN and clinrocters; Edirnr Seldon, gcucrsl bimlnrss; the Eldons. 'lbs company is nearly completed, cotton Is high and all looks good fur a successful Uoutburn tour. LuuiN MiLi.Bu goes with "Wedded and Ported." Josiei'ii CuowBLb goes with "Up Slate Folks." Wii.i.AHn Bowman goes Into vnudovllls next season witb Muttle Keene. Jensih Ciiaiiuow plays thu leads In Rue- sell Bros.' new play, IIariiy Owens and D. J. McCahb go with "Arizona." Cecelia QnirriTil goci with "Uncle Daniel." Harry It. Wnon has been engaged os musi- cal director for "My Tom-Hoy OTrl Co. "TiiH Ginubr lliiBtD Man," by Frederic Rnnkin ond A. Baldwin Hloaue, will bo pro- duced in Niiw York In October. The cast will Include Cherlduh Simpson, Homer Liud, Ed- ward Itcdway and Frunkle Ualley. Stella .VfAYiiEW will appear In lunport of JuHitph Cuwtliorno, In "In Tammany llnli." SiJ>:ANNa Laiitju will appear as Rosamund, in "Sowing the Wind," under tbe mauage- ment of Al. S. Rolh. Notes from the Edsall-Winthrop Co.— We closed a season of one hundred and four weeks lust nionlb, and after a well earned rest of seven weeks wo begun our third season Aug. 21, opening In North Carolina, snd tour the South, pluying Klaw A Eriang- er's Soutliern city time exclusively, present- ing aliHuiutely all royalty plays. We hove recently secured the MoutUeru rights, through the Henry lielniar Play Producing Co., of "A Gcntlenian llurglnr' and "The Winning Hand," and will give them complete scenic productions. People so far eugngcd for this senran are: Violet Hall, Grace Richmond. H. Ben Howe, Cecil R. Morley, Arto and Del- may and Ollle Savin. We hope to complete our roster In a few days from our recent "ad." In the ever popular Ci.iwer. 'IIib well known lenm, Arto and Delmay, has been en- gaged as our special vaudevlllo feature. Mr, Bavin, our genial stage mannger the past sea- son, will be with us again, 'riio company will be under tbe management of Mr. ICutall, and Miss WlnthroiMi will be featured In .'>ns of tbe strongest repertory of plnys ever got to- ?;el1icr by a Southern company. "Jack, the llant Killer," will l>o our Hoturday inatlneu offering, and should prove a big drawing card for tbe little ones. Notes from tho Western company of Lot- tie lllnir Parker's "Under Southern Skies," Harry Dnel Parker, proprietor and manager. —Cluiid K. Saunders, acting manager; ET J. Buckley, business mnnagor; Wllllard Perr,v, stage manager; It. E. Worlham, carpenter; Hsrry Thurman, properties, nnd Will Mathl- Hon, electrician. Wo opened nt Kenosha, Wis., Aug. fl. Tho company Includes Estelle Sprague, Laura Wall, Laura Itogcra, Alice Kfoore, Lillian Stephens, Ruby Marie Huni- rihreys, Ethel Elliott, Miss Carlottn, Josephine Lynn, Olive Ilrown nnd Etta Long, J. J. Hambrook, Frederick 10. Mortimer, Murdock J, McQunrrle, John 8, Fender, Wllllard Perry, J. Orimih Wroy, Harry Wilson, Andrew Glnddford, George A. Cameron, Walter How- nril nnd Thomas Townsond. Marion DitAiioiiN, who ban been engaged by George II. Brennnn to crento the role of EIhIo Htnneinsn, In Tbomos Dixon Jr.'s new play, "The Clansman," bns arrived from a tour of the cuntlneni, Miss Drnughn went abrnnd Imincdialcly after the closing of "The Kdncatlon of Mr. I'lpp," In which she en?- nted the principal feminine role. 'I'lie n.-- hearsnls of "The C'lnnsinan." which nre un- der way, are under the direction of John Htnplrton. He will bnvn the co-opern- llon of the niilhor, .Mr. DIton. Tlis opening pertormnnre will take place nt ■Norfolk. Vn.. Thursday, Kept. 21, nnd the eiigfl(rrinent will continue during tho rest of the week, a record engagement for tills city, wbtch is only occasionally a two-night stand.