The New York Clipper (September 1905)

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694 THE N:ErW YORK CLIPPER. September 2, Oamepille ana IMitsfrel company ever gincc the opeDinK la 181)0. «• n »._.»». .vn HiaTrnii IICBH wr'te Ttio company hail gone under dllTerent name*, ., Pf%?;A*?^T^prL?t TccMHful In the" but If. the wmc old Clem Hackney. We new m^%'lc!lf^lJ.edyTkVtcirc«ltk^^ clo.ed a ten week,; enK«Kqmcnt In Macon, Notes rnoH Hacknet'ii Polite K.tTES- J. it Harbis and Anita Merix> report TAi.vcnB.—liUHlnesR ba* been good with this lucceas for tlieir new musical sketch, "The Yankee Doodle Girl." They Introduce sev- eral up-to-date songs Id the act, and have a ntrong mllltarf march song, written (or them by Hnydcr & Itosc. CAni. OonnoN and Montb Cbahb write that they have Just completed a new and original act, which Is meeting with biz suc- cess, called "M'lle Long and Lord llowshort." IIOOAK AND DoiiAN, black face comedlana, have joined the Cutter Stock Co., and re- . ., ,„„,..ri„„ ,,i„ ..,.,»»»» --•„ i„i.. „.>,.-. .... Flosile Wood, port aucceai In their singlag and dancing rS^^'w^'ork to^etlie wl h i ne^ march Song, cjem liackney: moving pictures, Ulu.lrateJ Specialty. „ „ .. ^?, .!^!5. i.Bin,; nrrnnized by Anna Zaronos. go„B, and little Henry Hackney. IIinoiiam, Belle Ve«na and the Tkbee J!', T^..«i to Introduce thclt ftiBcy baton '°b\„t DRAi-En, through Illness of his wife. AunuRNS have llnlabcd sixteen weeks over This Is used to mtrouute ijii ^^^/ ^^^^^^ Myrtle had to clone with the Scott-Clark the Nash circuit, and have Ave weeks to All their own company again l-;r)W. Wektlky ' - ■■■" I'nrk, Wind Gap, ?.""* '^J^ _?i?l'"'nn?ir 'lllftcB aid" wlTf'put' out li'ifmiiTer "MrnstrelV'and return to bis home, in'the Jackson (.'ryslirclrcult.' Mr.'oidMrs. Sl?;'*„^„" ompanNK«ln tbTs -eason^ In I™catur, HI., where he will remalu In- l.lngham recently ccleluatcd their sliver wed- n»n comiiuii/ "» „„„5f oi wind Gap dennltely, . ding anniversary, at Chicago. ;Yn,i r'n\V A and Ills wife, Mabc"! "*cia.leb Cwvett, a dancer, for several j!ahcot, the educated horse, finished his ^Ind Gap, 1 a., anu u _ ^ _^_^ yenrs asoclated with Ullly B. Van, playing engaeemcnt In Woodslde I'ark, Philadelphia, small roles, has joined hands with Gertrude and Is now featured at Steeplechase rler, Pa'lmer wore C •..••«» callers l»»t,^e«k. i:?,^.s;^:T';:.';n^urri.Jys'"aa'i'" «ar,f • were re- Mlller. They will he known as Clovett and Atlantic Clly, N. J. Miller, and will appear In vaudeville In a Mclkuse and Elmer write: "We com- rcllned singing, dancing and talking act. plcted week of Aug. H, at Lincoln Park, llARiiY Lake, stage manoger, nt llurgman \ew Bedford, Mass., and for the rest of the port, ind., has been engaged season play the Klynn circuit of parks. Our and we are booked and" aft"? t^li""'™! performance, we, " „J,i fnr the two succeeding weeks. . hariiy i.ake, si '"5".fr C a..«eS HmTKrm dosclS at Inman'. i-^k, Logansport, -.-■--- „,-j. , -„ liiL *•,!■*''"'",.,„',, nftcr eight very sue- ,(, ^o ndvanco work ahead of the J-^Y. o^sHfu"' ^■^"Z' Afm'nt /ri'^y bave \%„Tb Comedv and Vaudeville Co.. which ccssfui wetKH ,, V »^;t_,_^„^,^p|,pn, ^ ^^^ ^^ Joplln, Mo., Sent. 25. _ Newell and Nihlo liave signed a con- tract with Bydney Hyman, for n tour of South Africa, opening In Johannesburg, Aug. 27, of next year. The contracts were drawn - . . , . through the agency of p:trot & GIrnrd, who '"«.'.* ^Nn MRS JOHN B. WBioiiT have been ^m handle tlielr foreign booklnga, which "".; *'^^h„ si'immer nt Lake Lodore, Pa., will Include n tour of some of t>ie lielter ,^ „„ „„, .„ „, ^ .„ ^,. _ spending '"«, °,V™™h,i,i, Mr. nnd Mrs. !• rank |,ou«e» In England nnd on the Continent, cooler. ItoHter of compnny: Harry KImmel iiMhiiiff unrt hunting wu". . ,if„nr.i ^,|p,j ,^py rgmm from Africa. & Archie Mnddot. owners; Harry KImmel, CooKB AND Miss IIotiikrt. the great ex- manager; Billy Bennington, treosurcr. Corn- cent rlques. sailed Aug. 1.5 for another extend- pnny: Daisy Bennington, Fay KImmel, Klo ed tour of the Continent, opening In Vienna, rence Mlnlck. Josle Mnddox, Billy Hennlnc Aug., Sept. 1 (their fourth visit there). - - - - with tJie entire Moss-Stoll and Oraydon tours, of England, to follow. Mr. Cooke was compelled to put hack some time In Eu new act Is a success, up to October." APlle Alma has been playing for the last twelve weeks In the Kastcrn nnd South- ern parks, ond reports big success, especially when playing return dates. Notes from the Haiiht Kimmel Co. — We are playing to crowded houses, not- withstanding the weather, which has been very hot^ but Is beginning to get a little llBhliig un<l hunting ^hef}e{l''tJ"jolS%llV'S*«°«^i«!r juse ls_ now undergo- inr'el^onyyejniprovcrncnts " •"TmY? "HAU?"re"c°cntly -elurned <rom At- .an'}l"\-.t !X;rple^snnt Huinmer ana n Inntlc City, perfect bpnltli ' start rehearsals wltU gon. ton, H. W. Garrett, piano player, and Baby Mildred Bennington. Pearl Irvino Is engaged lor the season to put on the musical numbers In the Miu- trel Maids, at Austin Ic Stone's, Boston. Geo. X. Wilson writes: "I liave been very ... successful over Ed. Shayne's circuit of parks, in Canadian parks nnd will soon appear in playing nil contracted for, and my act where New York City. _ the live turkey is used as the plot of the play- Artiii.'R Yule has been engaged for Du- let has been one big laughing hit. I llnleh mont's Minstrels. Philadelphia, for the aea- Shayne's park circuit week ending Sept. 3, The Bath As a Beautifier It is within the province of every woman to possess one of tiie chief attributes of beauty—a spotless and clear complexion From eaili«>l antiquity. Benzoin has nccupleda prominent posi- tion In the lailel and batti of beautiful women. Itsremirkablyb(nc- ficialpropenlMwerefirstdlscoveredbyUarda.anEgypllanPrlrcesi of renowned beauty, and the scciel by her transmitted to posterity. U-AR-DAS BATH of BENZOIN lakes Its name from Its discoverer, Uarda. It is prepared In convenienl tablet form hlgliiy concentrated. One tablet allowed to dissolve In the bath ImpreKnales the water with a wundious fragrance, making II soft and Indescribably pleasing. The skin retains the delicate odor (or hours, and the dellehlful freshness and velvety appearance Indefinitely. U-AR-DAS BATH OF BENZOIN, tor the bath, and Woodlark Dermatic Egg Shampoo, for the bair, ar« two toilet luxuries indispensable to every woman who Is desirous of enhancing her personal charms. A supply sufficient for three months mailed postpaid to any address for $1.00, or (or 10 cents we will forward liberal samples of both articles. WOOOARD, CLARKE « CO.. 128 Fourth St., Portland, Oregon. <A^> Uh. Juniper and IUyks, who recently llnlshed ten weeks over the J. A. Blake circuit of ..."'JJ^rr cV^ct^onVarki: ina- ■»-""« P",rks. are -K,^f;„V»'ir^'iuTf'i=^ti''l:n"^ffi ""'"'SVr^ ZTo'rl tt"pa!.t."c"o5st* ""J^Si.nno. and Oo.neh will llnl.h the Gor- iHcccssfui year s ^'>J^™ ^ working un- man circuit Sept- 2, after fourteen success- arc "'"i'nB.wIt'' K";"l hookl''8. tbrougU the ful weeks, to ipen in the houses. *'■"■. ^,'J„A„;m wcHt "" '^' Tub Stanley Hihterh (Mottle and Anna) '■'ivRvS AND WEST 'losed a one year's en- met with success nt Yokel's. Casino, llock^ ^■e^A'i'ttStllr'M.rou.thweek.on ■TiiE S1HTEH8 Meredith write from Lon- don : "Wo have been specially cngoged for South Africa, nnd arc getting one of the largest saiorles ever otTcred a sister act. We return In I>cccmber, go on the continent to (III engagements until Summer, and then re- tura to America with a new big act." Tub Diamond Comedy Four have Just (Hied a successful engagement of six months. and arc now spending two weekB' vacation at their Summer home in the Catailna Is- lands, after which they will piny return _ . . a very pleasant en- c opened Aug. H, ut the West Af,.!,..'. >i nt II I'lv way of Loiidiin, to open nnd have just closed at «t Cnpr^o vii, 6cL^ 10" with London time to llockford where wo had - 11 u gngenient. Wc opened A . , . ,,,.,,..1. ».iin ntipned at Side Troatre. Janesvllie, Wis. Crainb, LoNfl AND CI.1.NL. « 0 opencu »' mahnonky and Wilson ore playing the inn Piirk, ^- «veiiin( . O. I" ■'"•r «* J^^ const liouHes and report doing well. « .>^r:!,.^te^^ . Xr .'r .™;iied'^;^ „ T..K C0L..»,mA Ti-hatiie. Brooklyn, opened I,unn (he 1 . . nftcr tho llrst perfurinnnce, the seioiid week. ,, , _„,, ■„,, •n.K 1,^^^CINU METEORH, Kemiedv nml Wl - ^^ „V„„„gcmcnt of Wm. T. Keogh, it will kciiK. will roiniiln in v«"< cvllie ils scnsoi^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^"^ ^ ^,|^^^ burlc«<|UO house, as they hnvo plenty "' K"*"},,,^"'" ""'"'"" Mnny nltcrntions have been made to make nud nre meeting wllli grenl HUciess. J. Fra.vci.s Dooley writes that his young son made his debut on the stage at Attlc- boro, Mass., July 29, in Ulxon and Holmes' act. He Is only five months old, and was a big hit. Mr. Dooley writes he Is booked solid for the season In vaudeville. TnoiiA, ICuropean Juggler, has played the Keith circuit with great success, and Is fully booked up to January next. Mr. Troba's act consists of a series of marvelous manipula- tions of heavy articles, such as cannoa balls, shells, sentry boxes, etc. C. L. Evans, of the Evans Trio, was taken seriously 111 with nervous prostration while playing tho Unique Theatre. Minneapolis, Minn., July 10, but after resting three weeks west. _. . . t •' '■'■''^ Minnctonka, has entirely recovered, Haioiit and Dean write: "We are finish- and the trio will All the rest of their book- ing our eighteenth week, Iiaving opened ings, wirli our ftrce comedy sketch, A Mlsllt Tost J. Grimes, of Tom and Gertie Qrlmes, Meeting,' Kclj. 0. We have one more week reports success on their Western tour, and on the Harry Hnwn circuit of parks, nftcr they have signed contracts for the (jastle which we will return to our home In Con- and Orpheum circuits. ncctlcut. Wc hnvo some excellent bookings Sam ItEnpoRD, of Uedford nnd Winchester, for the early Kail, after which Mr. Holght writes: "While at Grand Unpids, Mich., re- will assume the stage management nt the cently. I received word from home that mv New Kamllv Theatre. East St. Louis." grandfather died suddenly, leaving me Chan. Ciiossjian writes: "I have llnlshed $17,000." Mil. and Mrs. Uoduie Carroll write: my ciigagement nt Luna Vark, Cleveland, 0.. Uay.mond Merritt, who recently completed "We arc ploying soino very successful en- nnd am booked at Johnson's Island Theatre the Edward Shayne circuit, opened on the gngcmeiits tiirougb Wisconsin nnd Illinois for five weeks. I nm nicctlnii with success Heller & Starling circuit, Aug. 21. nnd have Just closed at the BIJou Theatre, with my lliuslrated song net." Notes from Billy Kersnnds' Minstrels.— ■ ■ ' "~ Notes from Itcntis-Snntley Company.— Wc opened our season at Waukcgan, HI., July Manager Abe I,eavltt says Hint he has ex- 20, In a blaze of glory, being obliged to ceeded nil his previous efforts la orgnnlzing turn people awny, so great has the popularity his company for this season, and for striking of this attroctlun become. The great water- mnguKuence of costumes and scenic effects, melon first pnrt that bad been heralded Ills pioduutlon, be snys, cannot be excelled. ,Mutt Woodward, the author and composer, will put on both of the burlcttas. The open- ing tlrst pnrt Is entitled "Lndy Tenser," which is a satire on Llilinn Russell's latest musical success, ''Lady Teazle." The hur- BVRNB AND "KB^i .""»-- ;f ;j-- away Beach, Introducing their singing and _„, _.. ..._, - - „ ., Bjigcmcnt o the I nt lit c nsi k dfty-two. dancing act. They play New Brunswick, dates throughout California and the North *'^Vut r^Zf"l\naY'V^^^^^^ with ttlo Mclvlllo circuit to follow. The loPHY l,"'!'"'/o' |:,,,er cngngcmcuts, Anna Si'Karh states that she will hcre- ts fourleeiiti we^ek of Bummer en^ J. ^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^,^^ ^^ g,^ '\'r'r hka writes • ^ 1 at inesent playinft tres. She Joined hands with Mnttle Stanley, thniuBl" Ciili".riifa with my "wn show, nna and as the Stanley Sisters they report sue- nnv I rowrand wife, linndculT experts, and "— '-- " VllMy PlXuerl blacii fiico comedian nnd ""•r.TE'w.LS.m SIHTERB (Omco oiid Gladys) arc in Ih.-lr second week will' J'- ,}';, "'•[.X itiir iiiirli-HHUc Co.. at Iteno, Nov., doing prin- • "iS^rR'ul H»»l.relt«-H, >'"'V'" "r"''" w th success In their '1<»"' \-"""f "5 "'^jjouth WiNlKlini STEWART _ will , «.,,.''"•, 8°"'" Barney First, the eccentric Hebrew come, dian, Infurnu us he Is meeting with success In his new act, entitled "A Hoclnliie Guy," featuring his original Jewish cake wnik and buck dance, lie will sail for Sydney, Aus., for a tour of twenty-two weeks. and flnluwiny night, Aug. 20, the name be- ing changed to the Alcnznr, and, under for this seascin. , . , „_.,„„, 1''iiei>a Lancaster lias formed a pnitiicr- ahlp Willi Loin Bigger, to preHcnt "}•'»!' I'InsH singing net, 'riicy have Hlgiied with 1. H. McCrundv-s Jolly tllrls Co., lo do their specialty and to piny pails. MAfi. iRViN.i. wllh the Minstrel Mn da. roceully nt Austin & Stone's, ivpurts tlint she met with smci'ss presenting her dancing Hpi'ciuily. , l''AN.\v Mei.rov, of the Melroy Trio, ecle- liruted her slxlecnlli birthday Aug. 2, nt Los Angeles, Cai., nnd received mnny gifts from relatives nud prcifcH-ionnl friends. .Mni.vEV AND Wardk, "llie cnizy kid and dnITy Houlirette," nre now In their foiirleeiitii consecutive week from Clilcngi) to California. Thi-y are booked solid for tho next three moTitlia. , . „, ItKNo AND .Mi'iiii.xY plnycd the Olympic Theatre, t.'hicngo. 111., roceully, and their act was one of the big Inugiilng KUcco.ises of the riU'W. They nre now on the Crystal I'nrk circuit, tliioiigh ICiiiisns and .Mlssoinl. IlKAimoNT AND H.ivwARii. wlio nro In their ninth week on the Lnng and Nash clrcHlts, open Oct. 1, for live weeks, wllh K. P. fluirclilll, with the frystnl circuit to follow. Inking IIS luitll Jnii. 1. CliA.s. ItiiuNM, nmiiager of the Big Clly Vniidevlllc Siiow, auHtnlnod serious Injuries hv a full from n door In the renr of the stngo at tho Pnddock Oiicrn House, Beatrice, Neb., ou the night of Aug. T. THE Hkrai.k SgiiAUK Comkiiv Four, after a very Hiuressful Heimoii In the Suulh, opeue<l their season nt Pastor's Tlienlre Aug. 14. CiiAKi.KH Mkrritt and Mav Ito/.Ei.i.A nro nipellnc with iiig success on Ihe Frank Mel- ville eliTUlt of parks. At Monroe Park, To- ronto, liieir net was tlie laughing fenturo iif the hill, ns It wns nt Kenwlck Park, llbnea. N. Y, They are booked up solid until Hoc 18. Chan, and Jai-k Aiikarn, comedy unl- cyclists and hIcyi'llalH, report succesH over llic J. A. Blake i-lrcull of parks. 'I'iiey wero niso well received nt Proi'tor's lifilh" Street nud Fifth Avenue llientres reeeiilly. NllTKS KIIOM HKNIiERSON'S VAirilV.VIM.H AT- TRACTio.NH.—We are still touring.tlhlu, nnd IiuhIiu'hh is good. We e.<i»'rU>iiced receiilly il tprrllile aloriii, wlilch lore our lent pretty liiidly. lull we linve our brniid new tent nnd will lie hotter niiie lo slaiul the storms. Siiiui' ihiiiiges liiive lieeu niiide since our o|ieniiig. Tile l.nttns, llert nnd Mnrle. Joined «M two weeks ago. atler Irnvellng from Wunn. hid. Tor. Mr, Henderson's health has been fiilliiig the lust few weeks, nnd he liiiH given up aerial work nitogether nnd has turned Ills alteiillon lo the inniingemeiit of his show, wiiifli Is giving good sniisfnellon everywhere we liioy, nnd some return tinles luive lieen llxed for llie near future. '1'iik t)i.i> llEi.iAiii.H never fails to reach us In good time. Till: ji.iM'ixn Miri'iiKi.i.s were engaged for Elei'lrlc I'livk. Ailuiii.v. ,\. Y., for Aug. 21, ns nn ndiled nlirncllou, afler which lliey go lo r"'a. WnHliliigloii. .M'l.i.E. IlKTit writes: "I am ngnlii work- ing alone, nnd In fulnre will he known hv mv full immo. Ilelh .-^loiie. I iuive slgniMl with "i'he School tllrl.' lo do inv lon.iy- liirvey toe dniieliig ns n special fenluie. Wmi.i: n.AVixu nl the Plrkwlrk Tiiealre, Soil DIepi. t'ai., week of Julv ;il, Mnsler Wiley Ferris eiilerdilned ilie sick nnd wound- ed sMllor.«, of the lilfnteil Bennington. Hi liie Imrracks. Mnsler Wiley sung several iiuiiiliers and in return was taken on lionnl llie HiMiiilngtoii and Ihe Flagship Clilcngo nml preneiiletl wllh sevi-nii lueiiieiitoes. nnd will be one of tho largest vaudevilio nets ever taken nbrond, as there will bo Iwenly-thrco peoiiic. Tiio act will open In Paris, Oct. 15, remuining in Europe one year. Ou Its return. Dial and Armstrong will put n large vaudevilio euinpnny ou tho road. Willie In lOiiroiie they will secure some of tiie liPHl nets tliat cim be secured. CiMimroriiKR writes: "I opened on tlie Central Vnmleviile circuit Aug. 7 and mode n decided hit. I will shortly iiegln on the Davis & Churchill circuit, and am doing well." Dickie Howard is filling a five weeks' engagement at the Alcazar, Denver, Col., wllh Dendwood, S. D.. to follow. GAiivAN, hag puncher, who lately returned from a trip through Japan, Cliliin, Australia, Mniiila and Honolulu, was playing nt Sut- ton's Grniid Opera uoiise, Butte, Mou., week of Aug. Mil). ICaui.e Fi.vnn Informs us that he Is do- ing splendidly with his vaudeville dates nnd expeclH to Join Otis Bower's .Minstrels, lietug featured wllh siinie. P.\uiNii, venlrlloiuiist, Is now on the Levey circuit, in California, having recently closed on the Sulllvnn & Consldino circuit of the Northwest. Master Willie IUiim. hoy eorncttlst and vocalist, with Do Hue Bros.' Mlnalrela, re- ports success. He is featured with the band, playing triple tongue cornet solos, nud also slugs In tlrst pan. lii\ Williams, of Frank nnd Ida Wil- liams, the black face sketch team, Is at her home. In Kentucky. llAnuv Lamiu'nt, of Lamount and Pnn- ielte, is very ill in Chicago with nmiarla fi'ver. He lias been ill over two weeks. The team has had to cancel all their work. IlouKRT AND Dh MiiXT, wlio recently closed a suceesHdil tour of the West, have signed with Webber & Hush's i'arisian Widows Co. Notes t'uo.M the Huiirowes Siit>wN.—Wo nre In our fourteenth week nnd the season has boon a very pleasant and also a pros- peroiis one. We carry fourteen people, viz: Boyd Burrowes. owner and uinnnger; Itoxniez and I,n Voii, Leroy H. Bell, lloyd nnd Ivn Burrowes. Mnx Plllae, Kelly Sisters, Orvlllc Jones, Leonard and Leonard, Prof. Hnrrolfs perforniliig dogs and ponies, Fred V. Stopli- ena. nnd Oulee nnd Vernon. We onrrv a fiOxtlO top, and the company Is transported from town to town In the private Pullman car, "Catwloiiln." The "Ghost" wnlks cvcrv Suiida.v. which brings "the smile that won't come off." TiiK i>Lii Kki.iaiile renches ns every Saturday ami every one Is onger to psruse the eoUinins. W. S. BiiTTEiiKiKi.D has leased the Hanih- lln Opera House, Bultle Creek, Micii. He win reehrlatcii It the "Bijou Theatre." nnd oiii'ii oil Sept. 4, with iilgfi class vaudeville. He niso lins an option on a ioiMition in Jnck- "ion, .MIeh., where he expeela lo open n BIJou Tlienlre by Sept. IS. Nothing but iilgh class aets will he played In both houses. iHENK i.Ei:, ••Tlie Mnuhnltnn Girl," re- liorlK meet lug wllh aiiceess this Summer In Ihe pnrkw. Siie scored lliiely week of Aug. ". at Greater Eleclric Park. Newark, N, .f, wllh her Kong.i, dances nnd diarncler changes. FUAXKIK C.MiKV, ••The Manlpulnlor," Is 111 at Ills iioine in Bay I'ltv. .Mich. He wilt rejoin Ihe Capitol Amusement i:o. when ho recovers. ItoiiKHT AND Xkllu: niproRD nro Rtlil with ihe Heiio * Alvoriis Show, and report sue- cess wllh their contortion act. Vicroui.v Sawtkm.i: and Gi.Anva .Sears have signed with Plnkiiis^ Alcazar Beauties Co., lo play parts and do their speclnltv. so much in advance, was one of the most beautiful nnd novel first port settings that had ever been presented In Woukegan. It was originated and designed by the genial business manager of this attraction, Geo. L. Barton. The show wns very strong oud pleasing, the olio being very good, con- funny after- iopement. Geo. Kersnnds were forniance by managers. The Dayton Sisters, who recently laid off a week In Chicago, owing to the severe illness of Maud Dayton, left for Denver, to open on tho Novelty circuit. Bbrtina and Brockway report success with their up-to-date Bliiglng and dancing act. They nre now in their third week of parks, having signed for seven weeks on the Pllmmer circuit of porks. SciiiiocK AND KicE, acrobotic 'cyclists, who recently concluded tliree successful weeks at White City, Chicago, III., ore nt present rehearsing wltb Byrne Bros." "Eight Bells," for this season. K.\TES Bro.s., who are now oa tho Shayne circuit of parks, have tho Kohl & Costle circuit to follow. Van Aveiiy writes: "After dissolving t>art- nerslilp with Jack Heniy, I hove Joined linnds with Lew Penrl. Wo have been very lualals of n grand spectacular flrst successful, and the net Is going big. We [titled "The (Jiirden of llosea," and "ave some good work booked solid until Oc- of seven vaudeville acts, as follows: ""'"'• ^bo '"'t?'" P"''' "^ "'at month we rpcn on the Bijou circuit. The team will be known ns ,\very and Penrl." Capt. FAaio. the high diver. Joined (he Byron Rpaun Show nt Heading, Pa., for tlie remainder of the season. AiMBU Tasma, of tiic Tasmaninn Troupe, was recently nt Fairyland. Pnlerson. N. J.. Introducing a novelty in the act of aerial contortion, suspended hv her teeth J. n. McCarro\, stage manager of Keith's Boston Theatre, was recently presented with n hnndsome meerschniim pipe by the South Boston Yacht Club. Tiic members were ten- n"«l a banquet by Mr. and Mrs. MeCarron. Faqan and SlBRRiAsr are camping out at "f"- *'c< ""'on Is well known In the profes- Lnkewood Park, Naiiehusett Mountnlu, West- J!?," 2? ^""'^1 Cnrmontullc. of the Carmon. minster, .Mass., nud enjoying life. Miss »«"* Siniers (Ilnttle and Mabel). Among the Merrlam lias entirely rctovcrcd fioin her late ?,"'''''S "'•"'•o Marie Pavey. niece of Mrs. Mc- iliness, contracted In BulTnlo, N. Y., week of h.')"""' '""' "" »'«"''■. Untile Carmontclle, July 10, which compelkMl the team to cancel * :'°„1^° .."J.',?"'"'!/!.'.''« l«ot_montli8 nt the two weeks' work at Klmlrn oud Utlcn, N. Y. They ore always addlug new stuff to their act, wlilcli has been going big everywhere. 'I'hey opened nt Shcafc's Belay Theatre, Bass Point, Nahant, Mass., week of Aug. 21. Stella Wiswell, of Juneau, Alaska, is g lub Cannon, nebo Fernandez, Belle Court, loll Nickoll, Virginia Ross, Corn Adorns, Fanny Kldston, WInnIg Aldrlch, Grace De- vera, Lena Clinse, Hmma McVeigh, Grace Armstrong. Penrl lUtlng, Hulh Snntord and Grace Strung. Business staff: Leo Lcavltt, It. H. Brock, Edward Oliver, Geo. Hayes and George Marshall. Dave Strait, the frog man, has Joined hands wltb Jack Dlonne, and the tenm will be known as Dlonne and Btrnlt. They have nearly completed a comedy sketch, entitled '"The Tramp and the Frog," consisting of acrobatic and contortiou feats. Notes frcm De Huh Orgs.' Ideal Min- strels. —Wo opened our season July 15, at Florida, N. Y., to the iarsest house ever pl?yed to in tlie hlalury u( the town. The company numbers eighteen people. Including a concert band and superb orchestra. The show CO ■ ■ part, en an olio of seven vaudeville acts, as Muster Willie Bauiii, phenomenal Juvenile cornet virtuoso: a big five dancing act by the Four Dancing Mnrvcis, and featuring tho Alnbama dnncing wizard, Waiter J. Qos- seuz: that tulkative man, Billy Dc Kue, with an mi-lu-dnte budget of topical songs. Jokes, etc.; the Great Kurtcilo, In acts of physical culture; tlic musical minstrels. Hobby and Sawin De Une, In mirth and melody ; Hill and Adams, tlie comedy ncrobiita; I'rof. W. T. Bruwnlag, with his grand spectacular 11- luaion, entitled '•Mctcmpsycpois.^' Business Is flue, and show Is booked solid for tho senson CLUB COCKTAILS are scientifically blended from choicest liquors and aged to Dlease the most critical palate. No trouble, no time, no disap- pointment. Just strain through cracked ice and serve. Seven kinds—Manhattan, Martini, etc. G.F.HEUBLEIN«BR0„P„?S1,. Hartford New York London TWO WEEKS SUPPLY OF TOOTH PASTE FOR YOU At Our Expense We vriDtyou to juit(i7 ny-Jen Tooth P&ato becautte w« ktnow ItJi Huperlor qualllleH will uiako joii a per- mtnont upor of It. It 1h ho dllFerent from otiier prsparatlonv tltntlf 7011 Iiavo been uKlnR one ot-ttio ordiniu-r, old ntyle dctitlfrlciMi your (trot trlul or Hy^en will bea dellKhtful rrvelntlon to yon. Il't< fture, iinow-wbllo color, lt> aoft Mno texture, ttiv ilc Icdcy anil rlclitiftim uf ItA flavor nnd tliucleanithitf. cooling and refrflvhinjr effect It lian on tlie vcliolt; mouth, have inaile IIv-Jen Tooth FaHte tho HtanilBnl for c&relul to\ka. You can KOt It ofany Kood ilriiif- KlKt In )tM} tutioB, but wo are wilUnK that yuii Khoiilil try It tlrnt at our exponHo anil wo will Kindly vfnd you annltrat'tlvo tube, one third of tho rfgiilar nlze.aml oonUlnltiK enough jiaato to lanC for two tvcttkn, If yiiu will nltuply nenil ui your tlrUictilnlH'imnio and four cent* In Htanit>H to cover the timlllriK uxpeniie. C>nly one ot theuofroe tubuR tmiit to a fatiitly. Write now before you do a thing* BImply addreei HYJEN TOOTH paste: 216 KInzle St., Chloago. Rummer home of^ Mrs, .McCnrrou, nt Wln- throp Ucneh, Wlnthrop. Mnss. .Tamkh c. Monrox and Masub ni,uioNn l.nve 8lKne<l with Hyde's nine Ulbbon Olrls. liiK JoKK CoMKiiY KotR are with Wm. Josh TalyB Minstrels. vlsltbiB her slater,'Mrs.'Uobt.'v'nirOstenT r ^'■''''''»J';«"v Minstiikj.s Notes. Arthur and her brother, Ur. Lewis, nt Clinton, In. I'lJi.V '„► km""'^'^ nnd pniprletor.—This show ..Lkn I(. Ma.ntbli. writes': "My m," onette fierleeks^'t'Iliir^f'^Ji'"' i^"^' ^5' "':" ""■- If''" weeks tour of the Itooni, Sfluthern nnd L^S,'*"* >',''■".!,""• .'"•«nl''"K tlie record nt nil pnrkB. Mr. Gny Intends to nut out n Inrcer Nliow next sensoii, with liaiid, orehestrn, gnc- --. My marionette hlpiindroiuc lina met with grent success ou the rnflllc roust. This innkes my nineteenth eonseeullve week on the Wcslorn circuit, nud I hnve Jive more weeks contrncted before KolUR Unst. where I open on Jiicksou's iiiirk elrenlt for six weeks, with the Nnsh circuit to follow. My new net Is the dnest In every wny ot niiy innrlonctte net ever iilnylng the West, nud It Is iironouiiced n hit by iircss nnd imlillc, nnd II Is the only net of Its kind where two people ninnlptilntc n complcto chorus of dgures." IloN'.NiK U.>vi.oiii), "The r.lrl from I'osej Counlv," Informs ns that she will not bo with Ilutler, Jnrohs .t l.owry's Merry Mnld- eiis, ns reported, but will remain In vaude- ville this senson. IlKi'ixi AMI AiiTiifii sniled for Germany A»R. s. to open at tho 'Winter (.Inrteii, Her- "■"■ 'V.'^-,'",- fur."'* weeks, after which they play I'nrls for cIkIiI weeks. IlKA.vv Axu Axiii;nsox returned here the West, nfier a successful year's euRnce nient In continuous riuidevllle. cinl Rceuery nnd costumes. .Vaiiion ni,AKR hrts closed a successful engnBenient with noone's I'nrk Co., and wll open the season with Ilnrrj- nrvnnfn Co. to piny n prominent charnetcr psrt nnd pro- duce n Ids numlior. ►.,''''''■?."•*'*?■" ''l*." iinfu'thed a yountr net- ress with n benntlfnl lilch soprano voice I 1 he persou of CInrn O'.VpIH.' mIss O'Xell \'\yV ''""'K'""-,"' I'rofossor O'Neill, of Ilos' i"i?„^ fJ'°„Jl''7"^'" ?"' ■^'"••onie Nordlen). nnd who Is anxious to succeed In vnudevllle 'Tom 'I'P.wny she hns been i-ecelved In e pocket edtlon of "It. M. «. rhmfore" t Cnnnrsle. It would seein ns If she would aiili her object. She conies from the Bos c servntory. Xle.ssrs. I,eo Stevens n, II r fp.,m ?i'""i """,""?*■'' "'<'''■ Intention of openlnt the from I ii.,bwlck Avenue Music Unlj Vl h n b eh