The New York Clipper (September 1905)

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^m THE K^EW YOBKCMPPER. 'Heptember 2. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER 4«l XHE FRANK QUEEN PUBLI8HINQ CO. (UmlUd.) ^ rnoPiUBTOim. ALBEAt J. BOlllE, r Editoxiai, and BumNMS Manaob*. own LONDOir letter. MOM oi;n ows cohukhpondhnt. Cllpppr IlnreBU, 4M OrmiUouriie Street, AtTO. Ip r.ycpum for Mr. Bfirra»f..rd. h.a» fW^i^^^ " mtwlc bnll llcemfl for the "'^^''^""^fiP^l; oSinock, which has been tBKen.oj" "y the Tuemlay. of thin w«k, fonnil in* at the li voll where 1 wnn obllRcd to ulnnd, owlne to rho f?owleJ bou.e, Will Evani wm Ju. flBlKUIiiR hU oct when I oppwrcrt t hon the "riilK waStt H..PC08H. (iuH.EIefi fj owed OUR cniCAflOLttTEK. tmu ouB owi«cob»*bfondi;nt. Xfekitrn Bareao Of the New York CllpPe''^^_„ i( "Ptiity froni «dy rforfefB miniature cnglneu, and Mnie. Tay- Inr the lone haired woman. Pnoi'Lii'B TiiiATnu (I*iiIlo DaviM, -lOtM- „»r).—Tbis theatre opened for the regular ?ea«on Saturdny night, 2C, under new tnap- nKCment, with Its new gtock company, la •The Belle of Hlchmond," a romantic com- iii of the former capital of the Confederncy. opeS The n?w cocnedr Includes: Earle Llnileu, RATB8: AdTerllwincnta—»'-'.80 pHr Inch, aliiRle col- bmn. AdTertlFCinontii act with hnrfler, 10 iKSt lent, extra. SIinSCIlll'TIOM. - One veil.- In nrtvanri', .f I ; nix iiiniiMt". *-': three noonlbB. $1. K-orelRn poilage extra. RtnRlc coplca will he a»nt, poitpald, on re- ceipt of 10 cenlB. Oiir Ternm nrr Cn«li. THE CMITRII III iHHued every Wednesday morning. The Inat four (advcrlliing) pigeii GO TO rnilBS on Satiirflny at "*•»••• "™ the Other pngca on MONDAY nnd TIIBBDAY. The Form« CIokIiik rroiiii.lIy, Toea- dny. iif 10 o'clock A. M. Please remit by eiprcns, money order, check, V O order or registered letter. All cash eh- cloacd with letter In at the risk of sender. jAddrean All Commiinlcatlona t» TIIIB saw YOnit CMPPBR, 47 West 28th Street, New York. • 7{r,;l<.(cicel VnMe Adilmii, ■•AuTlIoniTY." 'THE WE8TBRN BURfAU Of TkB CLtPi-Bn la located at nooin COA Ashland Illork. Chlcngo. Wllllnm V Hryon. ^a nger and oorreapondent. where advert se- inoiils and s.ibscrlptloDs are received at our rcKtilnr rates. THE LONDON BUREAU located at 48 Cranbourne St., London, W. C, John a. Carney, manager and correspondent, where ndvertlsemcntH and suhscrlptlona tra received at our regular rates. TUB Ol.llTKU CAN KB OUTAINIt), WII01.«- HAie AND neiAii.. at our agents, nrebtanoi nowR depot, 37 Avenue du fOpera, Paris, Krauce; W. MUcnthal, Krederick Strasao 101 (Terminus I(otcl), Herlln, N. W.. Ger- many; Diamond Wwi Co.. 07 Prado. Ha- vana ; Manila Hook nnd Stalloneiy Co., K8 EBColtn, Manila, 1'. I.; Albert & Son. 137- 189 King St.. Sydney, AuBtralla. TUB NEW YOIIK OI-llTKIl |»nlill«lie» iiiily one edKlon, dnrt thut U dated from New YorU. nnd nniplli performiiiicfl nt lli« AiwdlK «'» WfdiieHdnv of Inat WiH'k. Although JitislncHS, III xiillc (if Hie long niu, routlnut-H rtfmarli- ulilv gnwl, Ocorge Kdwardea will li« com- iiellod Hbortly In Wltlidriiw Ihn 9li"""> "K work In ordi'r to make room for '"Ihe llay Lord VfPKV," ail niMirn Wiuffe, In three nets, which wlfi' liH piiiduodd by Woiitwortli <'rohe. In ociiiJuncHon with Tom n. Oflvls, In Hop- The rumored lirodiictlnii In T.omlon of a new play by llnrry Arthur Jones la Inaccn- lale, for the piny which Mr. .Touch has )u»t comjili'lcil will lie originally prnduci'd at the lludaon Thenlrc, New York, about the mid- dle of OrloliiT. by Chnrlea iTohmab, Willi Virginia Iiarucd In the leading role. Mr. llcvcrldgp, who hn« boon very Huci<?|Bful In the Court Theatre produelluUH, haH been en iiagca to pliiy II lending old man a part. Mr. Jonea will go over lo New York lo supcrlii- tend the product Ion. . Here iH a Hat of some fanioim huccchh^ii of playa, with the number of their couHeiintlve performniK-ea In fiomlim: '■t!hnrlcy a Aunr, 1.400; "fiur Itoya," r.llO'J; "The l-rlvnla Bcc- letnry," over I.IWO; '•The t-'lilnenc Honey- inooh," over 1,0011; "Dorothy," n.}1; flan Toy," over 800; "l.n I'oupee," 778; ^rlia T.'kr:!i\TmX'U;: i^ji'':j^!;<?*^ 'i?.^l? L"oy,; lelsli ilffirTwo'w.vH'n're"' veVrlever: \nctorla mS I^ne mrat"teu.; liije got n ,,,, «cep- iliiti and iinnir "(J v« My lleKarus to I'eices- er Solinre'? with g««t%tfA ,f,^« ""'to^f, lolnliik In the chorus. Wttle llcb, who is , rc'ent nrrlvnl from a P'f "■'"'«''"t ^TXr Man tour shored honors wltli Ilnrry I'""^*"^ 5 the HUir .If the .bow. The >!«'« ^ "S had ntnhy new Jokes, and Lliey never rulleil 1° hlT tlfe bull's eye.' lllj '"\'" |!'J''?„?»''fS wllh the long shona concluded his turn in roynl f ish o Itodtord nnd Valentino weio on a S, the I'nrogon boln? nlnyed earlier III till' pveiifag- 'A'ley did n go«i\<^"J'<'«'y,J"K; ifliig uct! dofiig lots of new lantcrlill Hlncft I Siw tUeu "rtst tJeorgc Bastow. and the 8er- ^nndcra cloaed n good nll-round bill, yihn W Marline, mouologlst ,»"<« Imper- r;^-u.^si;:r;of'%xj;^^r'';ej^i^i: -■ - cast Is The rtiVIVal of Oior*^ .-.- Paris;" at the Of^t.^^'h""; «rta^™,,«';^„'S iirieadrng^"wo''n;an,'"nn"d"Edward Hass, ai m «AL»^-^»^.^Lr•l«"±«[l '^ E'o"S.£cniX."^:r ^^fn"K ^^ .ts t'lllTo^d, have entirely overhauled and re- decorated this theatre. Wnitt Cirv (Paul D. Ilowse, general miui- „KDf) _-Thc Delaware Water tiap" la the latest attrncllon at this place. Many vIsltorH linve not henfil of It yet, for It la tucked nwflv under I lie chutes Incline nnd can only be reached by Iho trnliis of the miniature railway whU-ll run around the chutes hi- ioon. ITie Inslallatlon of "The Delaware wnter Onp." water falls. New York harbor, miniature emhankmenls, Hwllchcs, water aud Hlenal towers hns made n now altracllon uC the mlnlnture railway. Wlllard's temple ut music, BInko'H dog, pony and monkey circus, the Hungarian Boys' Hand, the Mght tor- nallns nnd the PIve Boldares are the prlncl- " ??.ro?H-''irf ;'"(*f n.y. Davls^ m^^ K?t!i!e-i?.l;rcnrb?r'ofTr'' ««'«»"" da ' A b.Vt It iRn kbidot l»i[j«»l«,|"«5': drnnn and Is very nmuslng. Mr. Hell has i:!!^'r1e"s- Ko.W'?he°f ^«£5 ^^X"^, (.T- .1- Murdock. manager). It. _ In Mr. .Beirs,BU!,port_nre__two_^Chlca^^o _ThrItalian Mand at this park will ho ru io'letf iieonle, Robert Warwick, the sott-ro^ law of l"?rdlnBnd W. Peck, and Janet lieecher. Powrns" TiiSATnB (Harry J. Powers, man- ager -^(iraie aeaj, former^ I?j£l^''«■>'»" „? the Dearborn Stock Co;, succeeded Mar iraret Wycherly, In ".Mrs. Temples Teie- ^" ■■ wblcli will closi Its prosperous run '■ ■ ■• Alice I'iscner, lelsha," 700; "A Coi n ry •l'ri.".,ov" J"" tuclr season In London at the Grai HWeet Lavender," nhoUt 700; "Patency , Islington, next MonJny. The bout 7(>0; "The Toreador," 07r.; "The Ml- ,,„•,.( i,.niiy the Bnme ns Inst seaaon. ado." 071!; "Our rint," 0-15; ''A I unawnj; -• - '■•■—'- .»lrl," nil.1; "The Oondollera," 054; ' NIobe, r.liO: "The Shoii (Jlrl " 640 ;,"Thc Olr from Kay's," over ntiO; "The Clrdiia Olrl." 408 ; "yiinlltj Street," 450; "Tlic Yeomen of the Ounrd,'' 4'-!8 ; "lolantHe," a08, and "Tho Pl- Md.;.'" '072; "Our Vlat/;,'«4n :,''A 1[.'jnaw»j: "'Tile'aothams°'Iire nt m Alirambra for u dlrl," nil.l; "The Oondollera," 054 ;,"Nlobe^ forlnlglit. They are doing very_ nicely llc- qUERI EB ANSW ERED. ^ No Ilcpllei iiy Mall o i» TeleBrnpli. ' AimilKBHKH on WUgnllAltOUTB NOT (MVB1J_ ■Al^. I.N UUMBT OK BOCM SIIODLD W»ITB TO illOHB WHOM TllllY «BBK. IN CAIIE 0» THE CLU'l'l II l'»«^' ""•■'i^''' ^^^ i-nrmm wili IIB AOVKUUKBI) ONK WKBK ONLY. IV Tl « or ANX TIIKATnlCAl, "" TO llOli'l'*" or ANX TIIKATnlCAI. courMK IH SSuiViT nr.KEu TO oun uht oir IIouths bM ANoilim l-AOR. WB CANNOT HBND llOUMS BT MAii, on TBi.ic onArii. . DllAMATK.;. II. It,, llrHiidywInc.—Wc have edge -AildresH sonic llriu In no knowl- of' ilio" present wbcreaboiitB of tho parly. Adclrcsa n letter In our cafe on<l, wo will advertIsa It In Tim CLirpuR letter list. W. & W'., Chliugo, iMiHM S, H., Defiolt, , T, S. B., 8nn KrunclHco, M. M., Canton, ' «l. 11. T., aoBhcn, ■ 1'. n., Tltusvllle, , D. K., Byrneute, and . n n K. U. 7... Newark,—Sec answer to B. u.. w'll, L., I'lovldcnce.—Watch our toiito "•!l,7^"lirN«Hhvllle.-Wo can not give you *";V"li"''lU Keokuk.-Addresa Hlchnrd Mnns- ""ll." S. I'., »ulTaln.--Tho salary depend; iiiioii the nblllly of tho performer nnd merit Il"c""p., West Phllndclphln.—Watch our voule list each week. U. K. It., Bodnlln.—Advertise your want* In Tub t'l.iwKn. . ,, J. W., Mllwiiukcp.-Wo onII not aid you. [f. Von It., Kingston.—Address the Itld- path Lvceum Uuronu, Itostou, M««h. II. K. 11.. Sniidusky.—AildresB souii thi' lino you desire. ... , , , N. M. .M.. Ilostou.—I. Wo hnve had no record of the compnny for soino time, •-'. AihlrcKK pnrl.v In laro of TiiK Ciri'En. nnu ■we win Hdvevllsi- I he letter In our liitler Hat. A. i:. 8., Hurllnglou.—1. Adverllse your WHUlK In TliK CMITKH. 'i. The salary VII rios II. T. D., U;|llliuurp.~ Wc have no menus Of knowliw what the cost would be. (1. a., Plilladelphln.—We enu not uld you. A. v.. M.. Chicago.—We have no aiioli "it V'. ll.~"i:8efol luformnllnn," puhllahed by 'Vut: Clu'i'ku, wilt give you Iho desired Rhx. MoiicsBcu.—The letlers were scut In rare of Ibe Aclor's Society, 114 West l-or- llelli Streel. New York City. , ,, .. „ W. M. It., I'Hmhcrlnud.—"Cahn's Ouldo,' Emiilii- Thenlrc Hulldlng, New iork City. Will furnlBh you what you desire, DAHBIIALL. II. C, SIOH.X City.—A. loses. Jl'he. game provoulcil by rnln mukos no dlffcrenco is lou;^ Hs one of his Icnni was beaten. II. W. v.. OBkaloosa.—It. wins. A. a team failed to Hccninpllsh Mint which he bet It '''d1"w.'' K.. Urooklyn.-M. J. Kdl/ died from pneiimoiilu Nov. «, 1801, nt Itoslon, gUHbS. , UAItDS. A. W. II.. New York.—II Is right. A tould only I'lHiiit out nfler taklug n trick. J P. CS., Salt l.nkc Cll.v.—II wlUH the en- tiro put tiud C Is for opoulug tho pot without having onencrs. M. II., Hullluimc—The counU are iis you tueiitlou them. A U.5 points. « tir. piilnls, 11 U. S., WuHliliigtoii.—In eni'hre ii player must alwii.vs tolliiw Kull If he niu. J T., Ucllv Kourche.—A'B hand Is dead. Ti wlu« I III" Hide pot of $11 iiud tho iimlu iml. with the exception of iVy Hhmv for »7, pi'o- vldcil. oC coucHC, <"K hand Is heller lliau Uk. If, howi'ver, P'r hand Is beller than C s then p'wius the entire pot. il RIKO. , H. W C, OsVnlooia.— II. wlna. II It. 4\. lliiMliHi. A. Iimi's. V <: E., I.oiialtig.-ll Im Ibe Hfluin l'«ri}'- • MISl^lilM-ANKOI'H. • Hr <'.vTiiHUiNr.«---Address Arthur IHilly. I, A.--W11 have lib knowledge ut any ^'f Ic!.''New'York. -If fuel did ii.d «.ll .n (ilsly bctoru July 1 he loHca. rates of Penzance," JOJ. C. 8. McLellau some four years ago wrote o nlny which has never been produced. It IH called "The Jury of I'ate," 11 play dealing with the relnciirnnllon of man, and a Ug Hcnsullnn Is predicted for the piece when It Is produced. It Is divided Into seven tnb- lenux, some of which havu n ecnil-fautastlc background, wllh some allegorical clmractcr<i, of which throe arc the Jury. Death Is also one, und nn Ideal Is another, the remaining tablcnur are modern nnd not fnnlastlc, Ino action of the play takes jilnce In Kraiifc. It Is snirt that J. M. Hnrrle Ih tblnkliiK Knrloiislv of giving up pluy building, Ills IlKiiightH ore divided now between writing iKMiks and writing plays, and he leans to- ward the IwokB. .. . , ,. "The Catch of the Season" readied Its llitM hiiiidreillh pcrfurninncn nt the Vaude- ville Thentrc on Monday week. /,cnn Dare and <J. P. Ilunlley ri'liirncd to the cast of "I.ndy Mndtni.,'ki,Bt tli.; Prince of Wales Theatre on Momln>\.tnHl. 1 bo day following the piece reKlHlcril.o,ll» two liuii- drsd nnd llftlftli performnnj tb. . "Mr. Pottle" Is the nnnic'orihe iicvf niu- ^pite^ HlfOl piny, by Paul Itubeus, with which the Waldorf will ho reopened In November. (,. I". Ituntlcv will be In Iho cast. nUd the rooii- ngi'iueut IH nlso trying to secure Anna Held for tho lendlnit feiniile role. "What the lluller «nw" lins iiroved such n draw nt Wyiulbam's that 'Mr. Moulllot linH nrrnugcd for iiu extension thtire, the piece to be transferred nfforwards lo uiiotber llienlre. "The Kntnl Wc)ld|ug." In nn entire new drpfB. commenced another Bcuson ut the Camden Thtntt^ on Monday, last. The com- pany Is one organlv!e<l hy Itert Coote. Wllbird Newell la soon to arrive In London nnd will ijo 011 n provincial tour with "Tho tlperutor." Horry Urowu, the singing comedian, ar- rived ifils week. He atarts on the Moss & Stoll tour on Monday next, opening nt Leeds. A case of consldernhio theatrloul Interest, which Is at present In court and which la aides the two balleta. "m I-ndy Mctlrln and "I/Entente Cordlale.''other Alhambm oStcrta ners are: "La Ueve," mtmah Ulnrd, Billohg nroth.'rs, Kitty l'™'-"?;,^'"'' 8^"f|: dUis; tlinrlcs Prellei Dogs and the tlrbanora '"lC";.i^.'^X'soi.'B success at the Pnlaco ban been moat pronounced, and ♦Hey,"*"!,^ continue at that houae t'or »ome tlinc If American dates would permit, but the latter •Minnat be changed. They close tonight, nf°or 11 four weeft' stay, and will return to Ai^erlca on Aug. 20. opening at the Colonliil In Hint city on Sept. 4. .lenle Jncobs, Cole and Johnsons I,«ndon_ re|,rc8cnlnlve, In- forms me that uegot atlous are under way for a return to I.ondou of the popu'iir '"■nnle nnd Kraiics arrived la Loudou from Lucerne yesterday, anil will reiunla for a day or two. Monday they open nt Illack- pool for three weeks, after which tbev go to Amsterdam, nnd theu Imck to Eng nni lor three weeks more, with Pnrls to follow. Lavlne nnd I,oonard are meeting with marked success nt the Palace, nnd have been offered Immediate time on 'He. Moss ami Stoll lour. They will very likely accept ""I'l'iink Oardlner, of (Inrdlner and Vincent. :ltes from Leeds, under date of Aug. HI. gram, . „ , at this playhouse Sept. ^ . starring under V. C. WhHaey's management. In "The School for Hushlinds," follows Sun- ""oATiacK^iiriiAThfi (Sam f-Oorson, mami- „er).—On Sunday evenlnB, Aug. 20, ine fleeier of Oeck" began the second week, of what promts to be a successful fun.Jbo nIccB hn» met with popular approval and is gaining more admirers wltli every perform- JScc. A new musical number will be added this week, entitled "The Kaklr Man." It will lie sung by Dave Lewis and ten girls. .sSiiAKRB THEAT«E3 (B. It. Uarmeycr, manager).—Tho fifth week of George Ade s comedy, "The College Widow." began Mon- day. '/S. and one of the most succeaaful runs In the history of this theatre will soon be over 'Tbe College Widow" has only three weeks to remain In Chicago. In order to satisfy the heavy demand 'oj. ^leSt'' '»"« extra matinees will be given, tho flrst being on Monday, 28. ,^ _ „,,_„„ McViOKBB'B TitBATiiB (Ceorgc C. Warren, manager).—Nnt W. Wills and his company. In "The Duko of Dnlntk," will cl«»e their engagement In another week. Brondhurst & Turrle have given the comedians every advnntngc ot company. Bcenery, coBtumea and nccessorlcs. (5n Sandny, Bent, a, he will bo succeeded by "As Ye Bow," written liy Uev. M. Snyder. Wni. A. Brady nnd •;b- from Our success still contlnueH, even this week at the Tlv.ill, Leeds which s considered about the hardest audience In Lngland. Wa like our customary four nnd Ovo,curtains and close the show at that. Everllnrt la on the bill with us. He also holds his own with this tough bunch. They were In doubt as to who to make the lieadilaer '««, <h'8 ^Ymi so, to settle It, they printed half the bll a with Evcrhort on top, nnd the other halt with us on top. I have read several notes regarding the great '•""•"e™,''"?«, "LJ? London Coliseum on Hank llolldttv. They iilayed lo 12,000 on the day for four per- formances. Well, wo did hotter than that In LIvcriiool In threa performances. We ployed to over l!),O0O, and kept It up all the week. The house was packed nt every rerforraancc, __: ■ ■■ Blttli ■ -'—•■'-•- "'"■- •" 0,000." Joseph Grlsmer will oresent It. OlIKAr NOBTHEnN TlIKATIlH (Krcd (.. h< erte, manager).—Oenrgc Ado's ''''•^Kp f/" Paris" will be tho attraction nt this house for one week, comnienclng with the Hunduy matinee Sept. 27. Arthur Deiignn. who will bo remembered as llcglnnld Illckcy, \vlll be iignln seen In that role, nnd he will be ns- Klated bv a competent compnny. All the old Hohgs linve been retained, and scvernl new ones have been written by Gcoigo Ade. Oi^YMiMC TiiKATnB (Abe Jacobs, mnnngcr for Kolii & Casllc) .—Bill for week commenc- ing Monday matinee, 28: Mr. iind Mrs. Por- .shoftiy to come before a jury In the lllgU Court In London, Is Hint In which Chnr — Hnnnan Is dcfeiidnig 1 brought against hlni ny ribs nn action for libel _, _. .. 0. .M. 8. McLellan. with'n counter claim upon .Mr. Ilannans part iignUist Mr. McLellan and Charles Kiohmuii, In respect of a letter published a crtuplc of months ago In 'V'/in Hlaoo. In which Mr. Han- nan claimed that Mr. iMcLollau got his Idea for "Leah- Klesclinn" from his prnvloiisly copyrighted play, "The Coachman with Yel- low Lttcc." We strolled down this nftcriioou to the American Line docks lo suy ndleu to my old friend, Ted Mnrks, who was homeward bound, nnd who should we meet but DBve Montgomery, Adniiilnl nnd Miss Taylor, Krun- ces Nnmon, nnd the Agoust Kanilly, nil sail- ing for America. You can Imagine my sur- irlse two hours after tho sailing of the kins I), rfshcr, Znzcllc nnd Vernon, Macey nnd Ilnll, Joe Flynn, Dclniore and Darrcll. Les Elgonna. Spook Minstrels, Tcgge and Danlol, VVndy RUte, Nettle Fields, Chns. Gloss und son, Dlion nnd Holmes, Delmo, and the kintidrome. , Havmakkgt Tiikatbi! (W. W. Krccmnn. manager for Kohl 4 Castle) .-Programme for ".iS nnd week: Le Hoy and Clayton, Carver and Pollard, Unrlou and Ilurton, Perkin Zouaves, Ethel Robinson, Brown and Brown, Jasiier, Jenkins nrd Jasper, Harris ahd De Loss, Musical Avnios, Mr. nnd Mrs. Esmondc, Clarence Sisters, Troba und the klnudromc. La Sai.lh TiiEATnB (Albert Campbell, mun- nger).—"The Yunkec Itcgcnt" entered upon the third week of Its cngugcmciit 27. riiu play Is. full of good music, most ot It being the kind that Is catchy. Cecil Lenii is steadily Increnslng his following, nud iiH bis songs nro hits. Ono of the prettiest Kongs Is "livening 8tnr," In which tho chorus forma lu the shape of u Btur. CHICAGO OPEBA HousB (Lymau B. Glover, ■ ■ ~ rtnnt placed Sunday. 27, by the I oyal HiinK«rlaii Knnbcn Kapiicllc, an organization heralded ns one of greUt merit. The happclle Is makint Us fltrt tour of America iindcr the leadership ot Kappelniclflter Johann Weber. KiVKRViEW PAnK.—I'nin's big war spec, tide "The Kollof Port Arthur." closed Sun- day evcnlilg. 27. Me concluding pcrform- nhCPH were psrtlcuIttTly brilliant. The estab- lished nark attractions will continue, as will tfie concerts of Kappelmelster Herold and his ' CiciiTBS.—A dog sliow, ft troupe of acro- bats, the water cnrnlvnl,Sooker'Hnery ride diJwii th^ cnscLdes. attrt nii exhibition of lire- works are billed as next week's attractions. Sans Souci Park (Leonard Wolf, mBD«- aei) —Blondln. the aerlnl sprite, demon- strntcd his nrowess for the Inst t me on Saturday night, 20. Id the theatre, the llnal performimco o( "In naffy I>and' wns also tfven on the evening of 2(1. Beginning with the Sunday rantlnee, 27. "Upside Down, » bright, new comedy, will he given. Director HaWstraWBCr, of ihe l'(rst Ileglmeilt Bnnd, libs prepared Some" choice pfpgraitiraes for tho coming week, and tho usual side nttrnc- tlons Will lemsln. „ ,„ CoLisEOSt (Stewart Spauldlng, mnnageri. —Only u few days remain In which lovers of good music win have an opportunity to ehJoy the Bpiendld concerls ot tho Lllery Band, as week Is the last one of the engagement of that organtzotion at this '' Bkookb Casino (Thomas Preston Brooke. inanngerl.--A new soloist for week of '.'li has been secured. In the person of Clara Hess, a well known mezto soprano. Miss Hess has a pleasing voice of unusual quality and range. . „ „ AKTEnMATii. — List of CLirrEB Bureau callers for week of Aug. 21: Delphi Do and Uclmore, L 11. 0. Morrle, manager of "A Hu- man Rlnvti" Co.; Brummage and Clark, James A. Ilennessy. Wilson Trio. George nnd Pau- line Kldd, Clam Hess, Gertrude Morton. Krnnk A. Winch, James Edward Sprott and Bedford nnd Winchester General .Mnu- iiger George Illncs. of tho Hlnen, Blake & Wlllnrd synillcnte of shows, has Just arrived In Chicago, where he closed a denl wllh 'IhompBon & Dundv, at Luna Park, New York, for Prof. iSlake's , Dog, Pon.v and Monkey Circus and the Mnc Musical \\ll- lards Murray and Clayton have jilst 8lgile<I with Katie Eramett, In "The Wiilfs of New York" Co., for forty-two we_ekH. Verona D. Clayton Is fcatuHns her man -- "— ^'- """' and It holds, sitting and standing, close to "'^IVnlght, nt Glasgow, thc„Tossing Ausllns will dissolve paitncrshlp, Ralph will double with rred Bailey, of Ilalley nnd MadlsOn. who hiivo nlso sepnralod. and the new Arm red durliis the c"mlng_ season comedy. of imiiih Austin, will , , , „„ ,„ female role In Ihe musical play. Ibey will , j|,g tn-jifn, ,vccit of Its run Monday, 28. leave for New York next Wednesday on the y^^„^ Lnughlln will bo seen In the Juvenile Otenhlc. Ercd Austin will remain In Bng- ,.q1„ „( B(,„nip, the little country girl. Mabel laud for a while and will do a new act. Harrison, who has played this role since the Ono week from todn.v Hanks \\ Inter nnu opi.„inB tik-ht, leaves tho company early In his daughter, Winona, will leave these shores goptemhcr, owing to a previously made con- for the Stales. They have been la tngland f^^^^ ,pt,o re,t of the tayorltes In the cast almost a yenr. On their nrlrynl In New ,,,|„ ^main „iti, ti,u exception ot May Do will be featured during the coming season manager for Kohl & Castle).—An Importnn In n mhslcal comedy. Ivntherlnc Dnhl, wife p|,(,ngc lakes place In "The Land of Nod' ot llnliih Austin, will be seen In the lending ^y,,,;^ n,j^ Bucccasful musical fantasy enteiB York Miss Winona will Immediately begin rehearsals with Ihe Orpheuni Show. Mr. Winter will probably bo seen In a now skctdi. Certain people would lead one to believe that the Amerlcnn vniidevUlo perloriner Is not treated well by the English mnnagcrs. gang plank and take hlin nbonrd. Mr. Adnmliil sent a Wireless to the ship to send bliu his dolhcs and niouey on tlio St. 1 an . which la due to arrive tomorrow, and wblc-h the Phllndelpblu will meet at Chorbourg. This ntleruuou we al rolled down to the Cast In docks nnd saw Will II. fox and tho Merc ditb SlBtcrs off for South Atrlcn. 'Phe fiocoud anniversary of the Shepherd Itiiah Empire was celebrated last night. A special programme, Inatlng over three boiirs. was given. 'The rollowliig nerforuiers pnrtlcl- patcd: Horace Ooldln, Mndgo Lcsshig, Dutch llnly, Kate Carney, George Mozart, Arthur lllgbv, the Coliseum Choristers. Alexandra Dagiiinr, Phil Bay. Hnrry Lauder, Mnrlo I.oflus, Mark Sherfdau, Lily Langtry. P..rnc8t Sband, Mario Dalnton and Eugonc Slratton, T. Heed Plnnud has estubllsbcd In tlie courts hlB claim to certain, coutlnental, American and colonial rights In the Knruo skelohes, known as "The Early Birds and ■■i'he Mumming Birds." Mr. Knruo alleged that Mr. Plnnud hnd forfeited such rlghlB bv default on Ihe ngrecuieut. hut Mr. Plnnud ciiiuo out victorious nud now piocceds lo NISW IIAMPSHIRE. Mnnelicstcr.—At the Opera Hoijbo (L. W. Harrington, manager) the opening oc- curs Aug. 'Jit. when Ulchard & Prlngle s Georgia Mlnetrets will bo seen, Sbepard's moving pictures Sept. 4. Pabk Tiikatuk (John Stiles, mnnagcr),— "The Howcry Ncwsalrl" opens this house 20, playing a four niglits' engsgoment, end- ing 30, , , Lakb Pavilion (Traction Co., managers). —Week ot 21, "Boccaccio," with practically tho same compnny that wns seen here eorller In the sensoni In "The Telephone Girl.' Vor the lailt week nt this resort, week of 28, "The Trolley Party." . ,, , jToTKH.—Bro. Kugcne Jobin has been rusti- cating the past few weeks nt Revere Beach, Mass; Bro. Pete McAllister will have charge ot the stage nt tbo Torrlngton (Conn.) , „,.. .. . Opera House Uro. Ernest Provencher Denmnrk. playing the iilecea lu question nt „aiA a visit to his former home here, 20, Ihe Scala 'hientre, Ooiwnhngen. "Tho Mum- „.|,)|(, ,,„ ,.„„/^ with the llarvey-Oage Co. lulng Birds" will be Been lu America under » «>»■ t'lmrlOB Krohmaii's muiuigement. „ _, Coopci' ami Itoblnsou Hullod from Sonth- nmpton for Iho Stales lust Ihiesduy. Inablll- IV to vancel Amerlcnn time booked was the liiusc of their departure from these shores. Coutlnental booking made while the comedl- uns were at the Coliseum has been sot back. ■I'be tcnni made u big hit on their llrst ICiiropean appearance, and will retiiru to this loiiiitry lu Deceinber, to renmlu fur n year and a 'hulf. tieiiarii, of Gemiro nud 'I'hool, was pro- Koiiled one day this week with a very haml- siuiie gold headed walking allok b.V J ha lllo Urolbers, who are hooked to pisy this coun- try netl year. Gcnaro nnd Theol have signed a coutrnct lo go with the Wallace Show next sertWm, lieglnuliig In April Iliey lice nl the Einpliv, llollnwn.v. this week. I.'rniik and Jen l.nlona \\n\f been n big HUiress oil I heir I'unenl Hlay lu Eiiglanil. riiov will l"> oil lour mil II .Vor. 21. when thev sail for America. (0 fulllll lluio hookwl ou"lhe Kellh olid Williams' circuits. Tbi'y nrc lK)0Ui'd xollil lu the Slntes until June. A long Kiimtiu'r vncntloh followB. Alfred Sclwyu, who was uiftuuger vi tu« MfCitddon'N OlrcuM SIrnndeil. The Heiirv W. McCnddou Circus, which left New York bist SprlUg for a European tour of live years. Is strnndcd lu Grenoble, In tho South of h'rnnce. It Is said that two hundred Ainortcaii cnnvns men, acrobats, ani- mal trainers nnd uthers are loft there with- out mouev. The Slate llpimrtmcnt Is power- less to aid the eoiiiloycs of Iho Uiow. ns It Is necessary lo get special le»?lBl»lluii from Con- grecs In order to supply even truuspiirlulluu for thoiii. 4-»* lUnnv CoUHOM Clasku wrllcs: "1 closed <Bv stock season of ten months on Aug. 1. During tho season we made many remarkable liiniiw—New York to Bnn Antonio—then lloiiston, Halt l.uke flly. Denver, nmsliii. ^flnIleapoll«, SI, I'huI, liiilnlh and Pueblo, In order unmed, We could have kepi nn •luiftpliig.'Iinvlug hnd lliue oljeieil al «in iilpeg nl Ihe conclusion of the Pudilo eiigngenieiil, but got luuucHlck for little old New York, and the new residence irti Mnrnliig- Klde Heights, wlilrli I was Jusl llulshing off when we Jumped to Ictast," Sousn, who will be replaced by Beatrice McKenzle. Hijoii TiiiLvrw: (William C. Hochc, mana- ger).—"The Convict's Daughter," In which the escnpe of an Innocent convict on » moving train !a one ol' the principal scenes. Is the attraction for week commencing with the Saturday mnlliiee, 20. ArAi)i:.MV ov MuBic (William C. Roche, mnnngcr). — Charles E. Blaney's detective plnv. "The Child Slaves ot New York," will lie 'the bill for next week. Mr. Blaney has lalelv added to the features a real Guttling gun 'in action. It Is seen la the third net In which the den of the child slaves Is raid- ed by the burbor police In the shadow of Ihe Brooklyn Bridge. The cast, which Is headed by Will' H. Vedder, Is sold to be ex- cellent. Coiujinua TiiE.wnR (Weber Bros., mana- gers)—The well known farcical comedy, "My Wife's Knmlly," with new spcclnltlcs, will be next weeks attraction, 'fherc are three nets devoted entirely to fun, with the specialties, by Don nnd Thompson. Linton ItonmlMi, Gale und Wensley, nnd the Doro- thea Sisters, plentifully sprinkled through each act. At.liAMDitA TilKA'rui! (Jumes II. Browne, manager).—George Klluit. an nctor of great popularity on the mclodruiua circuit, will appear In "Bin Hearted Jim" for week of 27. Ills principal support Is n horse, which responds nt Important moments ns the faith- ful uld of tho "big hearted" Sheriff Jim Saxon. TnocAtiEiio TiiKATiiB (Harry 11. Hedges, manager).—The regular scnsou ot the road shows begins Sundny, 27. with Bob Man- chester's Cracker Jacks. The nature of the l/iirlesque Is called "Nature In Mnrble HnllB." lu tlie ojlo are: Bob Van Osten, Hcuulngs, Lewis nnd Ilcnulugs. the Clemencenu Broth- ers, the Glockers nnd Sbeppard Cnmp. "Sui'i- Ing Island" Is billed for week of Sept. ;i. VoLLV TitKATRf, (Jolm A. Fennessy, man- ager).—Fulton's Jolly Grass Widows will be the Httrncllou for week of Aug. 27. The t^liuw opens with n tlrst parti eutltled "The -NlHtrliiionlnl club." 'I'lic olio lucludes: Mniid Elliott Lewis null Co., lu u sketch, "Tho Factory Girl;" Bush und Gordon, Pl- iiurd nud Wallers. A. IC. (.'aldeiu, Thomson uud Loiircncc nud May Yulr. Lo.siii>s fJiMB MusEU (William J. Swee- ney, mnnngcr).—ll^urlo hall bill for week ot 27 : The Itoberlos, Impalement act: Nel- snu. nrmlesB wonder; Chief Dnvey's Indian Vlllngc, Prof. Iflli'li, rifle shot, and ProL Vi'lo's Puiii'li und Jud,v. In the Ibentre: .Mniul Avlluglnn. Julln l.oe. Harry Dodd, nud Hull's inoTlug plclures, ri.ViiK StIIkkt Mi'BKi'M (r,niilA.M. Hedges ftiaiuiger).—Mrs. Oriiisby's "iiunds" will lend the curio hall attractions next Week. DIher fealuri's will lie; Chnuilccy Mnrelaud. heavy lunu; l^tlllh King, midget; Ptof. Uhud- rag time specialty The Miil- roy Trio has Just closed a season ot ten weeks on the coast.. Waller A, lliomp- son Is now nsKoclated wlHi the Victor Kromer Music Publishing Co George und Pnullm! Kldd are meeting with gionl Bucc-css will; the Korepaugh * Sells Circus Bedford nnd Winchester stnrted for Han hranclBi'o lust TupJdliv, where they open on Iho Or- pheum drcidt It Is announced that the benutlful phivhoiisc, now known ns Hyde & Bebmun's, Is lo be uamc<l tbo Colonial '1 hen- tre on Its opening, lule lu Kcnieniber..... . 'Hie SludehuWor Theatre will lie Invuded by Iho Slmhert forces for a term of weeks, lic; ginning Sept. IS. Tho flrst attraction will be "The Klllbustcrs." » i » DISTRICT or OOLUBtlllA. WaablnMlon. — Uxcollcnt business pre. vulled last week at tba playhouses, good weather and good attractions coutrlbutlnit to that end. This week another house Is added to the list, y\x.: , , , Tub National (W. U. Kapley, manager) opens Its season with the Initlu) producUvii of Hall Calne's new piny. "The Prodlgiil Son," under tho munagemenl ot Lleblor & Co: RlcUuid Cnrip, In "The Mnydr of Toklo, Sept. 4-0. Till .HE CoiuHBiA (Joseph E. Liicketl, man- ager) opens Sept. 4, with tbo llrst piodiii- lion of George Ado's comedy, "The Bad hii- raarltun," Ineludlng the following: Ulchard Golden, George Marion, Edward Leo, Jaqlics Krugcr, SamM Heed. E. ¥. Backus, Annie Sutherlund, Cnrylle Mayor and Grace Elsher. Lakavbttb (Iiu J. La Motle, manngen. —This week Johnny Kord und Mnymo Gerhiie, hi "Lovers and Lunatics," by Walter Cole man Parker, Last week "Tho Liberty Belles" scored a decided hit, and the house was crowded nightly. Elsie Jttuls, In "ibe Little Dudiess," Sept. 40. CiiASK's (.uIsM H. Winifred Dc Witt, man- ager).—This week : The Agoust, family, Sny- der nnd Buckley, the Daudng Mitchells. Stunrt, the male Pnttl; Bullafzcr SIstorK, Al. Lawrence, Leipzig nnd tho vltagraph, Tne bill last week, beaded by Loulae Dresser, wns highly entertalnlug und Ihe audiences were largo, AcAUKMY (.L W, Lyons, mnunger).— rhm week, "Why Olrls Leave Home." Lust week. "When tho World Sleeps," was well receive;! by crowded houHCs. "Her Weddlug Doy Sept. 4-0. LvciiUM (Eugene Kernnn, mnunger).— liiia week, the High School Girls. Last week the Innocent Melds made good, to big bUBlnens. The Imperials Sept. 4-1). NoTKS.—It Is positively known that tbo Shubert Brothers ure negollnllug for In Washington to add to their Indoneudcut chain of theatres, but whether It will he a house already In existence, or that u uow one be built (or thorn, la ns yet undcternilued... W. H. Conley, n young Washington actor, mnde n pronounced hit Inst week, la The Llherlv Ijelles," as lending comedian. « I* MARYLAND. Unltlni«irc. — At tho Holllday Slreet (George W. Ulte. manager) "Her Weddlug l>!iy"lH the bill for Aug. 28 nnd week. Joo Welch hnd a good week 21-20, lu "The Ped- dler." "l/)st III n Big t.'Ity" Sept. 4. ULA.Niiv'K (Charles 10. Bliiucy, manager).— "The Life tUnt Kills" Aug. 28. "The l\hltn Calls" drew well week ending 20. Sept. 4, "More to bo Pitied Ihnn Scorned." MoNl'^(^5^T.lL (.loseiih Kernau, uianuger). —The Baltimore Beauties begin a week's en- gagement Aug. 28, following the Jolly GIrli lliirlesriiiers, who einseil 20, Tlie High Bdiool GlrlH Sept. 1, Ei.rcinir P.viik (A. Peniiomnii, ninungiTi. DorRPVBl, Ihe riylnn llnllilnini'. KnIlnowskI Brothers, nnd the Alhnno 'fim are wt nllrflVllons lu' the Casino Aug. 2S. *~^^^ Ur.Tii Gm.i! has liist dosed a successful loatou with rrnuk C. Carter') Co.