The New York Clipper (September 1905)

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{^KPrK^fiiiou 2, THE :>;ri^Av youk cltppku. (;i)7 H6rtttti f «nadav. Sept. ■». lielnB Lolior Dor, -M nT.Aer liit«n«le«lj »«r 'THB CMP- •^S?. not I "•« «•»*" 8lit»»ilny, Sept. MAS SACHUSE TTS. entirely new iiroduclloiis OniiiH Tiui.idi'ios iili'iibca Uii; mUiviuus lust wvek. AfSTiM jc Stu.nk's MtsltiJM (Slohe & Shaw. nmnagMS).—ISirBsrs Boilthern 3«re- nnders mid Ooorge Msrdo. tbe calori'd Ven- li'llnniilHt, lAadv a derided lilt Id the curio liall Insf. w**k, and ate held over this week. J'lie vniidevlllc sbow In the thenire U hh cood ii« iisiinl, iind cooslsta or rowell's Minstrel MiiIdH— llclene nnblunon, Idii Ciiiuphdl,' Cer- Inide Campbell, Pearl Irving, Urucc Mazelle, Mnrlon CIcveliinil, IColdlc lillniorc, Harry Week of M. "fiillfonila." l>y Uii! fl.i.k n>iii- Mnv. (llil gwd biiKliH'sn. "Dr. Jeli.vll nml Mr.'Hyde" week of liT. .Nkw ('nYHT.»r. Mieo. Irn Adniin, idniinner). ChrlMjr Hros.' Sllniitrelii iwclted the lionw week of M. « ■ ♦ ' NI5W TOHK STATIC. iiiht D.TlieA .Vlf. HUil Milbi'l M ilauH, Miiry KvUDi*. Mulvhio llruii.. and ulho'n. A atrong «l)eolaHy eompany week of I'S. NOTRs.—The Kiclimond Theatre *lll open Itn eei-ond neniton or n Vnuderllle binne the enrly pnrt of next month. Tbe bnitiie ba« been thnroiighly reoovatcd. W, P. Jtende, iniiDiicer: I'. II, Mnek. slnKe iiinunKer: Itoti- I'll, Coslell"). |)rii|ii'rty uinii, mid Kriiuk .Nu- . ■ - Keul, lii'iiil ii^her Kxeeiillve Bialf for Biiiralo. At tbe Stnr (!'. C. Cornell, MiinaxiT Siilllviin. iit tbe I'mtiire: llcnlamlii mniiaiter) the ever welcome KoRem IlrotberH, Sulllvnii, liiMiJOirer ; l're<l AverIM, mxlsunit |„ ..'i^,,, ||„);(irs llrolhiTs hi In'liiud." week tri'iisiirer: Miirk lliirrliiBliiii, lieiiil iislirr. nml ' I'rank Koberlf.' utiige uiHiiiiKeri Hurry (.'. Brnwne, a Inrnl boy. ban elo.ied n aiic- ccs«(ul<iieii«on'«vltli the Ityan Stock (.'». ■ Millie "nf kejtli'a n i.Qhne nt Hie IMI-iee, Lyceum und Columbia. niiilnei:" wnR exrellent iit nil bouHes Inst »re»k. On I^l)"r I'a.v tbe Hollla StrCT^^^^ .Mckelodeo.v (C.E. Cherry, inanncer).- lonlnl, Majeotlr nlid Cnatle Seiunre will open f.,,,,,, ,,„,, ^^^^^ „, .^^. m|„,;„,,,,| froubii- '''•ruRMoTr a'..l?rT.rB (llh^ «... .SHioeffel. l"?'":"' Voun^. Charles, jierteet bo.v: Walter Btan*: Nellie ITartford and Tliiy bavU' Biir- leKqiie Co. nud lIvlnK pli'tureM. Uuslncsa Is exrellent. '"mlmlr'riiF,.\T*iR,(Stnlr A Wilbur.' mana- ™{,) Tlie regular BeoHon iit the tllobe Uneui Mondliv evening, Aug. :;8, with the lirsl r.oHton presentotlon of Hap Ward. In •"I'he (irafler." The company Is n large <ine and liioliidea many local fuvnrltea, 'i'lie eiwagemehl Is/or a fortnight, 41 nAi<i> ■<>'•«''* "'♦^"M (i!eo. W. Mngee, maaager).—Ilnl lleld'i» uew play, "Cii«ler"H I au Klzht," Ih tb0 nttraetrou (or this week. The large <flm|iany Im headed by .Montgomery Irving. 'I'he rowboyH, kcoiU* ' nml Iheir horiieN have liei>n loaned for this prodncllon ,y ((>L.,<lordon W, .MlUe (I'awiiee IIIII). ,\n»e "Plghtlng Kafe." pleased nine lilg audience* l/iSt week. Next week, Kros ityrne. in "N'eW Klgbt Hells." KMtiun TIIFATRB (Ilqstob AintlHement .Co.. i,ii|rtnger«).-^'nih,oireHng' for the llnni week nf llie Slimmer Heasoii nt thU hoime Ih "The Man from .Mexico," with Wnller ('. I'erklnH (■Kfieelally engaged for Ihe iinri of ll«iijaiiiln eue nViU'Al'oriVn?'JaVic'lVayK'Vein rAU.imiN I'AnK (tieo, A. Dodge, manager). Opening Monday. Aug. "JS: Minetle, In her slide for life; Siieedy. the high diver, and Delmore and Oneula. on the jnpiuieie balanc- ing |Mile. After a nrosiperoun neamiu i his re- sorl will eloRB on linhor Dn.v, NnnuMiiFOA I'.mik (Carle Allieric, niane- feri).—mil for week of 2S SpniiUlIng IJros,, .orrelt and Ktliel, Xewell and .Nlhlo. Sulli- van and I'MKiiiielenn, Dnimnier (^tiartel. and the linmngrnjih. ■ "The (•Ibsou Olrl" was laxt week's hill, to good liiisliieH<i, I'oiXT op I'iNi:s (Jos, .1, Itayaifttid. niann- SprliiKflelil.—At Poll's Tlieatr* (CUna. W, I'oiidn. nintlflger) fiiu reigned fiiutreini with ■•I'lif Hnby rliaser" law week, Agald the work of Prank DedltbOrne sinod oat iirouilnently. Alma cUcster'aiMed ilo her lornl laurels, while'Holdent Fowcll wait also a hit. "Cluirley'R Aunt" week of Aug. 'JS. CounT SQiAiiB Theatrk tl>. 0. iJllwore, mnnager).—"Legend of the CntskllLi" L'8. NOTf:S(.--i.?ho!i. W. Konda. Toll's local man- user. N lo have charge of foil's new thenire. in Worce.stiT. and .loseiib U. CrlUdle, I'oll's right hand ni&n In Hrldgeport, Conn,, will tnlte charge of the local house Henry .larmies. known as I'rof. Don Wahirs, Imy ninglcian. Ih plnyhiR-<lntts; ■ Mr, Jniaiies played on engngeinent wllh Illllninn Stock Co. in Jniy ,An orrheatrn of hIx pieces lihs been installed at Toll's, eoniilstlug of Henry I'. Menges. and dlrertnr; Thomas t.'nrr .Ir.. drninmet*: Thil (I. I'nr- enlenii. violinist: A. Tremo, troinlioulst: K. H. I.ymnn, <'l.'>rloiii'ilst. und V.. I.. Ueiijiindii, cornetilsl I'oresI I,;ike, I'lihniT, l8 d<i- Ing the biggest liiiRliiesH in his historv The Ware Opera House Is to lie Inelilded In Calm and (irnnt's New ICiiglaiid clrcnlt nnuther ,seaHon, It.s opening attraction being the new "Itell rtoy." .Sept, )2 .Itk'liard il'llrleii, who wns 10 have been n nieinber of llie "Sky l''arm" f'o. baa decided not to re- ger).—"'liie (.IliRon tll.rl Is the chief at- turn to Hie stage, btlt Inslend will l>e siiiier- tractlqii llete this week, In the rastlc ibea- ■-■ ■ - - -^ - • •- — tre. On Haturdriy, Sept. '•. the I.ynrt lodge of Elks will holi^ their barbrcUH and Held (biy at. tlirt Tinea. Tbe aeoson will cIo.sq liere next Monday night. JIa'm'motii' TllKATMK (R W. Mead, innn- ngeri.-^Week of Aug, 'J.S; Crowley and Knley, the Marsh Kainlly. Allaire a»d I'odnire, " .,( Aug. •:». Dockstader'H MiliHtrelii lie\t wei'k, .Mclnt^i'e and Heath, iu' "IM Hani Iree," were prcnotmced winners laiit week HiTJSA's.—Ulll this week: Marshall I'. Wilder. Dciliin and l.rnlmre. tloleitl's triilnwl iilottkf'yH, lliirry f.e cinlr. Ilnyaiond and i iiv- ^rlV, Cbrls. IliTinrt ami Mnber llilssell. MIS- noitette Kokin ami folhy Ji'nmlly. 'I I"' ''"' favette Show lind n HUi-rcssbirt of S. IL f>. "TrcK (T.O. Cornell, niunnger).—The sen- ion begins here L'8, with "Knhtasnin." Next week. "Te.\as." , ..„„ ArADEMY ir. 0, Cornell, irtnnager>.-~"ll>e House of .Mvslery" this week. "After MUl; iilgbt" next Wivk. "Her l-'lrst I'aNo Step' dill very well. .„ .„ l.AMYKrrK ic. \l. lliigg, aiannger).— l.,W. ninklDs' ntopbin nnrlesyiiPtM this Week. 'Ibc Tnrlslnii llell.'S next week. (lAkPKV.—MiMiager .Mi-MalionM Initial at- (rnctlon, opening lIX. is the Wi)rld llentem lOxiraviignnira i'o. WIrte, Women and Soog next week. , .... l.tNN'H .Mi;8m!M,--IIart. mnglilnn. llnvn- rbiii HIgblanderN, MorrlHoii niid Hiirwlik, fiirnMied the enti rliiiiiiiii'nt l»«t week, T»- tioiiuge bus liecii very HiibHiniil iai. Atiii.i:tii' I'AiiK (ItolM-rt K. Walter, lunn- ngeri.--Ileny I'nnillv. .Mnrlyui-s, W* lA Ilose.s. Homer and l,lr;d. Clnnilhis atid Senr- let, iterltert llyron and Arleo week of 'JA. Iliislnes:) Is gooil. ,NtirN—.MarRliMll V. WlUier was n guest of Kiliert Hubbard nt the l|iivcr«rierM reunion. Kast AoroiB, tlio pasi week. a«c-liei>t«r.—At the Lyceum (Al, K. Wolir. manager) l\loiv & Erinnger presented, Co, Aug. '.'S and week, opened Ihft senson. t'gi.RHoN (Jnle r»elinur, mnnuger),—I'or week of ai ; .Sp.Mik Mlnstr<-ls, Klva JiireIIiik ,Miiwnlls. Splssel llros, and Mnek. Charlotte Ilnvenscroft nnd tbe llmtliers Noblett. nnnl. ness In very goo<l, ... ,. , .NoTBS.- riie Kays, mind rendern, week of 28 Tain's I-'ireworks, nt Iho Celeron ball gnmnds. ::i-'.';i. allrmleil greiit crowds, .Maunger Iieliiiar was in VmingHtowii, liispei'llug the I'nrk Tlinilre, whb-li in' will manage this season, *« » I' .:. oiiF.a»\. Kl'tzhew. "Siiralogn" wils.glvl'n Ift'Jin .. i-ellent manner, and wag well niteilded last week. The new slook iorapaUy Will begin the regnlnr season iiext week, wltb •'The Seraud In (fpmmnnd.", Tbe/ouipnny will,lie under llio'iilreello!! of Mndrniy .Morlson, and will Include; Howell Hansel. l'"rank Losee, ICdwIn Xleiiildlif. Prrtncls' Byrne. Wm. Iiv- oris .1. L. Seelev. \V, .1. Hasson. .Inliii Mi-e- l-an, Mary Hall. Mary Sanders. (Hive White, f;ertnide'llcrKel(>y nnd .lerihie Kendrlek. ItOWtHlIN SyUAtlK, TlIKATRB (11. I'V Lntb- rop. manageri;—"The Streets of NeW York" Is'lbe current card jil this lioiine. Iiiist wek's revival of "Teck s Bad Hoy" was a prollralile and enloyaiile one. "Tiie flaniiiler" Is an- nonnentl for next week. • 'jf'AnK 'i'liKATiiK (CharleH Krohninn, Klcb & HirrW, managers),—This iionse will reo|)en Saliirdnv evening. Wnl. 2; Willi llie Initial preswlation of "i^'allli .Mather." n four acf dranln', hy Jf. I'tongins b'lattery, Tlie scenes of Ike plnv are all laid In itoslon. nnd the stary deals lu high llnuiiuc and nu ntleuiplcd Itond roWierv, The compniiy will Include : •Mirgnret TItt. Lionel Adams,. Knssell Hns- selt. Kleauor Hlklns, A, L. .lariett and E. H. Mawson, who Is the prmliKer ot liic jilere. RoHTON TitKA'rnt; (Lawrence Jlc/'orly, nnd .Icnnle (liratd, I.KXi.vnTox I'aiik (,L W. Onrinnn. niann- gei'l.—Listed fAr tills week are: llalley and Kletcber. .\ew<>ll and Steele. ICIlswurlii An:\ Hurl. KrederlekH and Don; Knox Hron., and Hie lioniogrniili, .1, W, fionnan's <l|iern Co.. In "Said Tashn," fansl well here Inst week, Mniii'ipiin nori.rvAiiii Tiikatiik (.1. W. (Jor- man, inanager).—Oracle ■ Emnielt and com- pany, .Mltcball nnd Cain, LIkkIp Ihily nnd cornpaiiy. Hue. and Hrosche. La .Vole Hiok., Hrlndatnoiir. and the koiungrapk Is Hie I'ur- rent programme at Mils resort. .Matt Oil's mnsleal comedy. "The Helle of Boston." was jiresenled lart< week, iiatrnnnge being large. .NiiTKS.—Clias. IL Wnldrou Is now sole oMrner Of the Talace Theatre, having recently piiiehnHed h'rank V. Diinn'R Inlereat William [(. Cnpron will be tlie new leader of the orchestra at tbe HoUls Street, suc- eeedlug .lohn ('.. Mullttlly, who goes to tlie Ibiston Symphony Orchestra Ine?. Shan- non, of tills eltv. bus been engaged by Klnw & lOrlanser for "The While l.'at," The Iloslnii Ituspberrles, compoaed of local the- ntrlcnl men, have orgnuixed wllh the fol- lowing ofllcers; President, .Tnlin Keating; vice president. Theodore Wehrle; secretary, , » _, - Harry .M, Tcyaer;' Walter Wehrle. ontslde monngeri.—The regular season at (be Boston gat^ril: inner guard, John Hunliand ; Ircas- wUI begin .Saturday evt-nlng. Hept. 2, when ,1,^^. Krank Wbnlen ; aergeaiifnt arms. Bar- tlie cnmin Ojiet'a, "Happylnnd. will be aaen ^pj, Cnsey; directors. .L .Voonon. ('•. Hurry for Ihe llrst time on any stage. 'Hie piece Hodgklns, .Tobn Callahan und .Tohn O'.Mai- Is by De Koycn und Ranken. and la in twd j^y .. Ohauncev Olcott comes to the Mu- acls. The first scene tifprejienlil the conn- (g'Jtif fj^p,. jp (icorge II. Lewis has yard of the linilcrlal palace of Klysla; the ^,jj„ appointed superintendent of Ihe Co- yard of the imilcrlal palace of Klysla ; the ^,jj„ appointed' siiperint other tiie Kiysian field. 'ITib opera Is pro- i„„,i,|,i u'heatr*. Inleadcnt of tbe water works, at AncoD, Panama John T, Itnv. nf this clt,v, will reliirn lo his old part In "Sis Hopkins" Ilobt, 11. tlldrlc Is busl- neRM niiiniiger with Peter linker. In "The Legend of tbe Cntskllls," Slock Is to be init on nl Hie .New tlllmoi'e Theutie, coin- mencing In a few Week.s, Klnrence f.nle Is to bend the <'i>iniiniiy. and for an onenliiK at- Iracllon, "The t'lirlstlnn" will be given llwlglit O. (iiimnre, o( tliln city, owner of the Holyoke Opera Mouse, bas leased the house to .v. .1, nnd T, L, fjiwler, of dreeii- lleld, wlio will take possession nt once. They liavi' also Beciired Ihe riglit lo Ihe bill lionrds for llolvoke, Amherst anil Nnrtbnirpton Ihiiiy Hollars," Sept. _. L, W, Hardy bus lieen sHcnred lo l«tnk nfter C('k)K OernA HiifSM (.1 llie orchestras of the Nelson nnd New (ill l*nrllnuil.--TliP Lewis .% Clark lair nf t.'ndniice eonlliineil nitlsfaciory *i'''k endlPK Sinulnv, Ant 20. The lilggesl day «'"" I'-ll-'; liav, .\ug. Id; wllh na nii.-ii.lnncp nt 'J-l.ddJ, Thi' total ntlcndnitM" to and IneUiilhlg Aui:, :!0 Is l,;ia7,(l">0. Loiilsliiiia TitlvlinHe lin.v. which wnM celebrated If.. %vas an ovniloii i.« IJ, R, rrnnels, president of the Lonlslann I'lirchnw i:.\ posh lull. I'.lkN Hay was iiiu br till' iiianag cut uf I'orHniid Lodge, No. If., II I' «l. I'lks. which liad In line dH" uiciii berc. Two llioiisand Klks piirliilpnled in llie IMirade. representing lodgt-s from ml iiaii>. of Ihe Northwest, and Inclndliig one Llk frnni .Manila, The pnrnile was under the ill- iTcllon of (ieneral (>. Summers, grand niiii shni Aug. 17 was celclirnled as lltlnii's. l.ftuslann and Tennessee Hny, ■'*',';^i; , ^,'"','' Hny was i'elel»riiied 111. Cnplaln llnldwin ■> latest airship. Hie cliy of I'.irlliniil, niii.le .. silcrcSHful Itlgllt HI- T 'I'V.'.'^ ' ""'"'"' Is snmller llian Ihe Angelns, which has uni nroven snccessful, and N iiracHciilly a diipli .ate of the Arrow. The City of IMrdntid wiis entirely coiiHirncteil wllliln Hie bist two ^Lmioi'^v CMANti (Calvin llelllg. mniin- ger). Kolb & MM cbiHcil. 111. Hie ioiigesl Ihenlrb-al run on record hi I'lirtlnnd • elglii weeks, ihit three IiIIIk were presenleil-- "I, I) I' , MiK Ileuulv Simp," and n doiihlo bill. "Tint Sklmllenle" nnd "The Klmlergnr ten," Husiness was excellenl. McKwen, liyii millsl, weeic of 'Jl ; K-/.rn Keiitbill 'iX. Wilt>'ii ,nekn,ve Sept, •!. IlKt.AHrii (I-;. L. Snrketl. tnanager).- WolIT. manager) Iviaw & Erinnger preseme., '"■ t"^,';^^^,,',|,;. t„ Sniketl. tnanagerL—The tor the tlrsl time on any '"'«K'^ i^iig. J4-(l, j, ,,^ ,., |„„, ,, ,„,„„„, week ..f the Uogers Hros n 'The Hogers llriis. In ' ' ^ , ..;vi„,„,y. piie Or albl Ihe Ireland.'' I. uiiislca piny, in three ac s. Kv ^;,f;,^;.^'o'„„ which <1ate Will II. Wnllhm' Iinrl. and ninsic liy .Mnx Hniruianu. Mr. Mr .Vallv hnil fnnilshert these two flever c;<iine- dlan's with one of tbe best vehleb'H be has ever wrUteii for tbeai, and the nnisle of Max HolTinanu ncored n big hil. Hesse l>e Vole, Corlnne nnd .Mnarlce D'Arey t lu IrtdWIdiml snceeases. In nddlllnn In the stars. I'neked Iioiisi'h were the rule. Cbas. II. Ull- lliigham presents, for Hie llrmt iliiie on any flnge. Liiln (ilnser, Iti her new oih'MI, ".Miss CiSpy nnd Carl Hn.vdn. Hot.i.ts Stbkkt Tiikathe (Isaac B; Uleh. nnfhager).—"I'JiP Heir to ike.Uooruh" will )» tbe opening attriicllon nf this'bonst, com- inancin;? Laboi^ Day night. ^ .^ h. •. Corxi.\'lAi, TiiKATnB (Chna. Fi'ohmaii. Ilich & Harris. innnnKcrii).—The legiilur diuumlic sfilfinn at this liouse commences nert Mon- day, nflernoon;, wllh Wright Lorltter. In •The .Sbeplierd King." The engagement Is for one week, nnd Joseph Weber's company, In ''.'Hlggledy Tlggledy.'' will follow, jL.tmti'0 TiiRATRK (Stair & Wlibnr, mnn- ag<ir»l.~li;vn Tangnny win open the seasori at this house, Labor Day afternoon. In "lh« Sambo (Jirl,". _ ,„^ •. 1 OaStU SQl'Aiie ' TnK.\TiiB.—The regular I'all and Winter eeason will liegin here ne.xt Mondav. wllh a prnduction.of "Old IleldOI- berg." The new stock company will Ijiclmle; John Craig, Llllinn ICemble, .John Wnldron, Mary L'awton, pioreni'e Knbn. Cbas. AVyn- gn(e, Marlon Ballon, Wm. SlcVny. Leonard Tirndlev, S, Altken, Mary Vonng, Mnrk Kent, Kale Ityan. Wlllard Howe. Maurice braiik- Ihi, fiflward Wnde, Leah Winslow nnd John .1. (lenry. „ , . KEmi'a Thbatkh (B, V. Keith, mana- gpr),—The Colonial Scplellc. and Beiisuca (.'Ircna arc heavy typed features In this Other capital entertain kevlcw Tbentr* (J. J. Kilmer and nnly. Vnl- II. Diamond, and Vllona principal performers Week of, Aug. 28. CANOniK Lake Tahk (.N, H, Traction Co., managers),—The;-Canohic Lake Optra Co, offered,"Iliirou llHmbug" last week, lo good buHlness, and pleased. The new members ot the company are: J, .N. Byrne Jr,. Boh Stan- ley. M, II. tliinith. Kdgar Scbodeld, lllsn Brady, Marguerite .Murray anrt Pelicn De- (^le-pient. All have met with favor. "Cin- derella." wllh Hose Murray. 28 nnd week. .M'lle Schell's trained lions will be the park feature.' IlAMi'TOM Beach Casino (J, J. Fiynn, mnnager),—"Tiie Joilv (.'ompanionjt" week ot 28,. '!. 1'". TbomuH will be thu principal cotuo- dlan, BuKlness continues good, I'lnhiy and HUrke made a hlg hit lust week, CUN'riiAr. TAHii TirEATBB (.L J. I'Tynn, manager).—Business is good here. Tlie llo- lonlai Specialty i.'o. current week. LpwiiLi. OPt;«A HousB (Fay Hroa, & Hob- foi-d, mnnngels),—A succossful opening, ail, with the Dennctt-.Moulton Co., headed by Wnlter Woods and Theodora Dudley, "Mor- tal Enemies" was ably given, Tlie apeclnl- ties nic: Jiimos Itlcfimond Glcnroy, Baby IMdIe, and -Morgan and Crnno. .Mention,— Kred Kincrson will again be Irensiii-er and general ninnuger ot the Opera House The Peerless Kertale, MlnBirelM more Tlieatres lolin .Mcl'ee. of Clilcopee, left last week lo cimimeiice rehpiirsliig wllh Snlhern nnd .Miirlowe Hiitli Itnndforth lias been engaged for the lending Juvenile role III "Site flared Do lllglit." Tlie r.lkn held their iinniinl claui-lmke at illverslde Drove, '.>;) James .Mend, n well known Inick ami wing ilancer, lins Joined (leorge Priairose's Mlasfrels The following were at Hrookslile Titrk Inst week; .Mudgo nnd Morton. Irene Lee, Seeker, Walker nnd coiu- jiany, and l.ytieli Nettle Vesln. ef this eltv'. Is wllh the .Summer opera <!onipuiiv at Korlck's Thenire, illmlrn. N. V Alma (Chester's mony friends from West Held were present at one of the recent piTfortnniices at Pnirs Tliealre. and left her ii large bouquet. The Ibrense of the Colonial Tliealre, Plltslleld, was renewed by Mayor llrlggs, sub- Jei't to the UHiiul restrlclloaN Anna LIvod has left the Mountain Turk Opera Cnnipaiiy, to go witli Went and Vokcsi' Co. Tuniiloii^—At tbe'1'iuinlunTUcalre ((,'uhn ,t Cross, managers) the regular season opened Aug, 2;i. with the hew—rilgbr Rells." which had IIB iruBbimary good liuslntss. The Cook- cinirch Co,, 24, did well, matinee and nlgbr. Cluru Turner 8epl, 4-0. Kmlly .1, Oiirney has lieen re-engiiged as resilient muiiugei', und will be'ns'slsted by Bertha TO. Ilodgea. SAHiiATiA J'AUK (Jos, J. Khnn, manager). -For wc»I. of 21 1'lie Trolley Party" pleased Inrse aiiiliencps. The nilo Specialty Co.. week of 28, InchideH: Vnniicr and Hell- nmre. Clarke nnd Teni()le, Henry T, WaltO and Palmer and llerlrnai. TAt.A(iiii:iiA Tauiv (Wlltiiir J. Tucker, innn- gcr).—A sliiiug vniidevllld hill drew well week ot 21. I'or week of 'JS : I'rof. Ivvelsel, Krank Seymour nud Kiiiiau tllll, Johnson and Wells. Alf Holt nnd Aiiiin Ciildnell, NOTKK,—lUiberl I''. Jolinsoii. of IIiIk city, ban been engaged ns niiislcni director wllh the Wulte Conieily (;o,, nnd Joins, for Ihe oncnlng. nt Jnniestown. N, V„ Aug, 28 'inhe Hui'grenves Shows will exhibit 111 The New Hrlslol County I'lilr opens Labor Day, for Ibfee dnys. • • 'Worcester,—At Hie W<irccsler rbeallo tJas. I'. Itock, resident iiuinager) Wesfa MliiKlreis will till ihelr nntuinl eiigngetnciit Sei>t. 4. The new "KlgUt HoIIm" ployed 10 fulr pnlroauge Aug. 'JH. i'"iiANKi.i.s' SiiiiAtiK (Rhen 4 Burke Co., tnunagerB).--Week of Se|it, 4, Malcolm Wil- liams nnd ills stock cotu|iany will produce "Tho Senntor." opening bin Winter Bcuaon, nnd be announces tliiil iienrly the enlli'i; Summer comjninv will return in bis suppurt. Lauk TtiiiATiiK iSniiforil Waliln, mnnh- c,.!-),.—Week of 2S, J, ,1, rjorinan's Orliilnnl Abilmma TioiibadourH, Busluess BUcuUcnl. -PKrnpu. Hoou, iiiiiiun. •■>•"■—• romnany .. - n hit Inst week In. the new sketch. As n ^ J „■! summer pnrka, nnd open iheir Man Sows." ,The Fadettea Woman's Orchea- ''.^ J^ > ^^ „t Atlantic City, N. J., 28. Ira cloaetif llielr tweUHi and fliinl week last ■>*.""" " _ ^_ Saturday evening. Big honsea still eontlnuc. HnwAnn Athhkakiim (Carl' D.' Lotlirop, Ims'ne.iis inhnnger).—Kor Ihe second week uf llic season lho;innnagement provides a bill of Bttong,drawing cards. On the list are: Crane Brte,, Bcnmnn and Jtoore. Worlds Cnmedy:i.''our. Le Hov lind'Lo ■\'nnlon. Polk nuil Tresk, Hie Oregsoiia. Maxamllh l)no. Anltle Morris. Kane. I'Mestua, MclJvoy artd Miighes, Hie D'Alvhies, Crouch nnd Itlcliardn, Tarngon Trio. Mike Scott, nnd the Howard- scope. The ItoiiRe was crowded opening week, nnd a flrst eiass show was oltcrcd. Tai.acb THEATiiH (Chas. H, Waldron, man- njer),—Manager Waldron's own compan,v, tlie Trocadcro BurleSiiuers, Is tb<> "wheel at- traction hero this weak. Tho burlellati are en- titled -Tloplng the Winner',' and "A SBtntly Sinner," ThecompanvlBagondone.aud among ■tlie vandcvllle people are;' Tho IJcdonu Arahianfi, the Orahams, Hoyce and Black, Mae Taylor, (he Wllaons. Anna Hill, nnd llrhin. the heavy weight Jdggler, The house stock eompany cloned n niost successful Hum- inep season Saturday evening, Aug. 2(1. Coi.pjiiiiA 'J'HBATnH (flnrry N. Fnrrcn, Lynn.—At the Lynn Theatre (Frank fi. Harrlaon, mnnager) the season wns opened Aug 21. bv Ihe Dot Karroll (.'o„ which played lo fiilr. business. "A I'lilr of TInks 'in' "Right Bells Sepl. 1, 2. The Hoe Htnc< Co, Is tbe nttrnctlon 4-11. • Stii)Ai.'i:'H Ht;t.AV lloiisu Tiikat ir, Nahant (C W. Shenfe, mannger),'—Tlila Is tbe clos- ing week nt this house, wblch biiH had a good season. The hill IncludeK: The Jenn- nette Bros., the Lombard Bros,, Dwyer and Ferghson. Irene Cnnwell nnd the bioscope. Bas.s point, Nohnnt (Mrs. J. J, Coognn, manager).—The theatre closes Labor l)iiy ,veek, anil will wind np wllh Billy Washing- ton's big (iolorod troubadours.. This week: Carter and Opjj, the Olbsou Shitera. John and Carrie JInck, (lenc Leslie and Marie Coogan. Last week was Miss Coogiin'M drst upp'.:ir- nnee. and she made u decided lilt, s'l-KM TiiK,vTnH. Solem ((leorge H Clieet- ham. manager).—The lioiuie opened Its sea- son 20. wllh the. Cook-Chnrcli Stock Co. hSSked for Ihe week, . "Eight 5« «„wn« l'!-'- Fnll niv«r.—At Ihe Academy nf Music (Cahu Jc (Iraut, lunnngers) ,Mlner's Ameri- can IturleRitners pla.ved to big ImsinexK Aug, ■jr,. Ilnppv Ward, lu "Tbe firutter," waa enjoyed by n good sized audience. 2(t, 'I'he piece Is full of bright lines nnd catchy inii- slc. niid was iirodiicod with elaborate scenery nnd hanilsomc coatiiiiieM, "Little Johnny Jones" 28. Harvey & (inge Stock Co, 2l)-Hepf. 2, ICmplre Stock Co. 411, SiiKKDY Ht.TOU (D. 11. BiiOlnlnn, mana- ger).—The Hufllntou Stoek t.'o. presented „„ ^,^. ,. The City ot New York" before well pleased „BHlBlnnl. Mnzle fJ eek, "Held by tho Kneroy j„p|j j^nHp, audiences last wc week of Aug. 28. NicKELniiKON (M. R O'Brien, manager). Week of'28; Marsden Brothers. Ulsle Weal, the Macks. Kddle Mehcen, Itowhind nnd Pickering, nnd optlconc. Bualnesa Is good. Notes,— .lohn A. imly, n locnl hoy, has been engaged to play Jnvoidlei* tor Ihe Itnr Union sTnek Co Hargrenves' Circus will ni)pcnr Ihmc Aug, iOt. 110. ♦■» COLOHADO. II. Moure, mnnii- gerl.—The stiu'k co., l)i ■•FHenils," closed whiit wn» the best stock'Hensoii at n Hoebes- ter thenire Aug. 'Jft. with record breaking at- tendance. Hmise will he closed week of 2.S for reiiovathig nnd reilccorntlng, opening Sejil. 4 nnd week wllh vainlevllle. CiintNi'iiiAN' (Henry C. Jncidis, innnnger). —I'or 2,<< and week (upenluK week) Al, Ki'Mves' Big Co. NA'riiiNAi. (Max llurlig, tiiniiagcr).--Hnv- erlv's .Minstrels 2N-:iil. "•pcxuK" Ill-Sept. 2. OsTAUio IIi:ai'ii iJiio. J. Collins, ninnn- geri.—Large cruwilH. The .loHslyii 'I'rio ihrllled Ibronija hii^i week. Owlug to smue lalsunderslnuillng I'ouwuy's llhnca Hand fnllcrt to p\it In nii nppenrniice' '20. nud its lilai'ii WHH busllly tilled by tin' lloyai Hun- garbin Hoys' Hand, Conwny's Ithaca Band, however, is beri'. Is'ginnlng •24, -' Ska Biikf./.m Pauk 'I'iikatuh (I''. J. Kocn, nianngfr),—^Week of 28 marks tbe cloHhiK of tlirs popular tliealre, Willi the sninc bill IIS iirfsentiil 21 nnd week. The tiiMWon has been n most succcHsfiil one, nnd lis genial nuinuger, Frank .1, Koch, deserves great credit. IIMEAMI.ANI) (11. K, Wilson, direclorl.— 'I'hls pretty park is palroidxrd by birgn crowds, OiiN (.'anipbell scored lietivlly 21 and week. Hill '27 nml week: /.nitkiioii, Sisters Hesa, .'..'CuIn nnd Wrbsler, t.'lins. Knisar, wrestler, and Garrntnone'a Band (local). . » ■ Allinnr.--IInrtiinnus Illeerker llnll <IL II, JncoliH. ninuagcr) Is now open, nnd popu- lar prtcci* will iiievall, "Tho lloimo of Mvs- terv." Aug, 21 ^ri. proved ii slroiiK drnwlng alt'rHcHoii. "Acrosn Ihe I'ncilic" packed Hie theatre 24. WosCh .MitiMireis, 2.-i, 2(1, drew well. "Afler MIdnlglil" 28 .1(1, "A Deaiierato Chance" :I1-Sept. 'i. IIMI'IUH (Frank Wlllhiuis. i-PMldent mnna- p*r),— 'I'IiIh limme, afler being tliorougblv i^enoviiled nnd eqitlpiied wllh new scats, will open :i(l, wltli Eva 'ruiiginiy, PtioCTOii'M (Howard (Irnluiin, resident mnnnirvr).—The alork coinimny nrcsenled "NccdleB nnd Pins." lo n large fiillowiiig, Ajig. 2H and week.will be the lust of Mm Hummer senHon of slock, "Hliips that Pass hi tho Night" IH Ihe piny, preceded by "The Man's the Thing." Hcpl. 4 and week, ra- suinpllon oF vaudeville, (l.itirrv (H. H. Nichols, trtnnaitcr).—This house will open Aug, 28, wllli Ihe Eiirope-IM Sensallon BHrleHquers, for one wwk, Kt.KcrnK.' Pauk drew great crowds all last week. At the thentro the following for '28 and week: "Dldn." Pniillnu Wells and her pickaninnies. Tnul Steidiens. John K. (.'Inrk. I.iitzle Evans und compiiny, in "'J'ho Old Love," Laoiios Isr.ANp eoullmies to nllract good sixed crowds, 'i'lin Itliodo Island l.ndlea' Or- chestra Is a lending (cuture. « llllcn,—Al thu Miijnatie (Hclailiert riros., mnnngnrs) "Bnnkers nnd Brokers" was well presenti:d by Yorhe and Ailnms and an uhlo i-ompony. Auir. 23. 24, and drew big hoiises. "Across the TacKlc" drew n good hnuso 2.1. Ilnvorly's Mlnslrels closed Iho week 2(1. lo U'pneked liOllKe. "PrllicesH Chic" .11. "Afler Midnight" Sept. 1, "Ilimy fT.r.y" 2, and "'Iho Kreutzer Sonata" fl. Ohi'HEUM (Wlliaer & Vincent, ninnngersl. —Opeuhig '.'8 and week, wit it ICHiiiernlda Sisters and four Flower (iiris. Oeo. Day, 'IVonsAliiiiillc Four. Hnrry Hotter und com- pany. Trolley Car Trio, Konni'dy and yiiai- rclli, tbe Himpsons, kinettigraph, Orpbeum orchestra. Drew Hates, forineHy connected wllh Ihe box office, will stico«'d Frank Hill as treaaurer, Anilirose O'Brien will net ns "" ■ ' rnv, Ollle Claylon and ••Alice of Obi Vhieeuiies^' 2:i. Lillian Ln« rence. late lending woiiuin of Ihe Aleawr 'IlK'nlre. San Frniirlsco. siicweds l.iii'bi .Moore, nm lending Imly, on tiiat date. Mi»s Jloiire will reninin iiiMler Din tniiiingeinent of llelnscn Jk MnyiT. liikltiK Mlsi< Lnwrencv's i)lnce at ihn Alcn'/ar. llAKKM (Keating & Floral, ninnngersl,-- Monday evenliiK, Aug, 21, grand tcstlaioiiliil lieueflt tendered lo Ella Wllsini. (lUAMi iJ. II. Krrlekson, innnnger). ■ Jiiseph Cnlbihnn, llu' IliMnus. Leonard und Held, r>ed 1'nrlnliin, the Tnyiiir HrolherM, Idii llitssell, nnd the (Jraiidiscoiie. ' Stah (J. II. ErrlchHiin, manager).—CiltT Iti'iin nnd eompany, Onslow nnd ilarneli. Wnndlborpe nnd wlllard. Hoy Mcllralii. Ihe Moritrls. llrenno, nml the Htaroscope. LVUli' (Kealltig *e Flood, iiliiinigersL— I be Lvrle Hlor.k Co., week ot 21, In "The Siege o( Ihe Alatnii," lOKi'ltHiiM (W. A. SItiinns, inanager),— Atnek of 21 n grnnil iiroiliictinn of "The \ en- del In." wllh Ednu Wlhtia. Myrtle Frnnks, Vir- ginia Stocklon, Sophia Franks. PenrI nnd I'liHililv. (letifva ('('.'Ii, Fny Ibilloii. .Mnrie Andrei-, J Audre.v, .Veil Hoy. Ilerlle HIl iili-d, Itose OwiMiN, Leiin Frrol. A, <'.. Thnriii .Miss Tnlbutt, and Ciinipbell IlroHiers. OAKS SiiMMKii PAUK (S. ii, l''rleiibiM<1er. rimiiiigi-r). —I'iKtreiuely large biisiiM'ss. Tain's "Lnsl ihiys of i'oMipell" '28. •»» •rax\n. »ehled 28 During Ibc Suuinier the bouse baa been decorated and Is now looking line. has been added mnnager),—For (he opening of the reijuhir V?" i'*^" scei^erv season Manager Fni-rert olTera MlneVa Merry *'"Iv^-.Sb_.pi,p Xndllorlum. Mnnnger Katies' ""'""°""-'- ■■" *• """ '"'" """• new vaiidcvllle Ihealre. will open no. ijiid Ihe III will Include: Charles F, .Seiaoa. VValnun a 1 Morrlsev, ^^l'. and Mrs. Harry Tliorne SS compauv Hn flrnnnan. Ollle Young nn.l llro (7rl Herbert and Foy nnd Clark TlieVleta Theatre will open 18, Kiirtli Ailiinis.-At the Empire (,L F. Siililvnn. inniinger) lioi'^-jM.':\", J,'!iW7 llurleaquers na the attrnctlon. The show opens wllh "A Iilvelv IToneymnon." and closes with "Dr. She." Vaudeville Is fur- nished by l^niniona, FMv^ardB rind Emerson, '••inlly Nice, (irnmlick and Kelly, Hie (lolilln 'litis, lllllv Noble, Marie Hnrrlson nnd the U 'I'roy llroK. The London Onlely Olrls held Hie b ds last week, and S. R. O, bnsl- iie«s ruled every evening. The ThnroiiBli nredii next, LvorttM TiiBATiiR (O. II, Bdleiieller. man- ag»r).-..T|M. Ili*b Hollers entnpflliy Is n ten- 'II of litis hotiHC the current week. Tlie is-r- forhiance ennsUls.of two iinrlestiues nnd an olio of (ho following cards; Crawford and Hemt^mnii, crane and couipnay. Murphy lud nrnwn, Wesseii. Walters and Wessetf. nnd t-oilller. Stevens und Blssell. CliBS. IL Will- nenver.-At Eiltcii (InrdeuB (Mury Elilcli- Long, mnnager). week nf Aug. 20. Mlitlde FeaTv ^ind (be Bellows Slock Co., In "Mme. Snns Hene." whlih waa preaenled well and lind packed Iiousck. '•In (lie Pnlnce of' the King 27 nnd week. TAnou OaANti (i;. I-', Mi'Cdurt. lannager). —Week of 27: Kolb.and 1(111. In "I. O. C." and "The Beauty Sliii|i," KnIb nnd Dill re- main next week ritiPiii!t',M iMarlln Itok. general tunnn- ^,,|.| _ Week of 21 : 8clii'|ip^H dogs and iMiiileM, Fredo and Pure. Mr. anil Mrs. Alll- ••otu Tnlliiil and Itogei-s. Ileiirletin lb' Serrls, riuiiiYii". ''■'■;■•;»:•• ■ij;,,Lp , ^,^ ;v ^ |,,,ing sliilimr.v, Herlle Fowler, Di' K«e Trbi. ^'.''''i^.''^??i^^e, % Dnnle7siil V 0 •■•Sllt^^^ nnd TtlniHlrotne. Packed ho.iaeH rule, llnvi^rly's ^''.''y^"^'?.,' '^1 " i„Lnr j"ne<»'' 8, Nr.w Novn/rr (Henry I.iibelskI, lannngerl. of the Four' 7, Little Jnhany Jnnes n, _,^f^^^ ^^^ ,^, ,||,^ „,„■,,,, , |,„„ „„„,„,.,„ Mnbel '"'''\'."'/',>'"•,..„„ fW I' \Iende, man- The bill Incliidnil : The Cale I'.iuillv, Headi ngerl.-Tbe ' "'' '", " .J^,'' ,'. ,,| „,''fi,,, •„.„ W. Clifford nnd Keino fou.ed.v Four. fl.;Tn:iilii:d: cln'k,^.;n7'Te^^^^^^^ N.«' (.^. It. ivi,„n ager,.- HiiMMfr Park (.7, W, Bnker, mnnnger).— Lnst week Mcehan's Irnined dogs pleased gnod.utlendunce. Bill week of 28. Hyatt's Orcheatrn. TITjca Park (f;hn«. Rcram, innnnger),— Week of 28, Bnlh's Orc^hcstrn, NoTi;s, — Ilngenlieck's Animal Circus 21). I'). Sherman Danli,v, (he nilvniiee ngeni. Is amusing (bo peoiile wllh n pet Hon that follows hlin around, _ 1 .. Tro>'.—At lIiuid'H Opera llouwa (.M. Rels, mnnager) the snnson opened nnsnleiunHly Aug, 21, 22, wltb "KankerK und Brokers,' III good audiences, "A Despi'iute Chance" drew good houses 24-'2(t, Ji-ssb* Mae Hail, in "The Street Singer," 2K-flO; I'.va TatiRiiuy .'1(1, I.YfKtni (Harry E, Wnod, manager),— This llientre n|s<ned 2H, iiniler uew manage. iaei|l. and Ihe Morlliuor Smiw Slock ('ii., wlilrli bilK is-rn nt (he hoiisi- for Hie past year or more, will eontltiiu'. with .Mr, Snow iiH l"ailliig ninii nud Itose K. 'I'npley nn lead- ing woman, "Arlstis-nicy" o|icn» the sea- son. '28 . i.Hortr. (Win; H. Ihirk. mnnager).—The season ojteni 2« nnd week, ivllli Hie Jersey Lilies. The Ibenire hlH been cnmpleielv overluiiih'il. nnd ninny UiiprovonietilM linv» lieen made. Eiirii|s'aii HeiiHaliiiti iii'<il week. « .IntiifSton n. At (lie Siiiiiiiels Opern Hiiiise I SI. Ilels, iiiiilinner) (lie U'alle CiKueily rt. ■Worth.—At Lnko Erie I'nrk (Hnrry 111 Iturloii. manager) week opening Aug, 2(i; Sylvnn und fl'Neul, In ••llelny's Visit ;" Hank nnd l.uttlu Whllcouib. In "I'liii In n Harii- yard;" Vlrglohi Hiinliln. In lllustrnted songs, nnd new pTciurcs by thu Erbiogrnpb. Haxl- n(>ss is gnoil. I lliisKN Ilt':iiiii'l'a (A. Huh (IImkco, nuinn- f!(ri.—"rlie IlftWthoriiM Tlieuiro- Co,. In rap- iTIory, opened m, wllh high class special- th's between llm acts. Iluslness colli liiiies to bold up wi'll. 'SrANiiAuti (.Mrs, M. Do Heritie, mnungeri. -•-People 21 mill week; III T Ward. .Marie Colton Andersuii. Iielihy IHckllnK, Hi'S- mIo Vert ficttle Culloti, llonddil-and lUitidail, Lulu De .Mnr, KIkel lliisscll, IVarl Hllniure, Jot.' Molhinil, Hlln (.'onslaiiello. Lit- nil 1)01, Frnuk Luouard, Eininu HIewell. J. M. N. and (teorgle Powers, and Lain Lnwriui. llnshiesM is guud. 'SrAU (Dinwiddle & Hnitlon, nianngei'Hi.- - People 21 and week ; Friitik nnd Frank, Hob Ihilly, Jnok Hauler, Jns. Wolfe, Clarii lliiii- (onn, .Tuck llninsey, .Mngilv Lawlni;, .lobu .MerHtt, and hlleanor nuiiliar. HiiKlness is good. CtiiiWN ((iuo. Frltnell, mnnager).—'I'hls house opened 10, under new ninnngenieni. People: Howard nnd Alion, fTlinil. Iloey, Al- vln Onshlngton, HHl.v Berry. Helen llrnke. Frank Olbbons, .leHtle De While. Dlimstng and Blessing, and Uuhy Tolta. niislness Is good. Iloualoii.—At Iliglilnad I'urk Thenire (Freil M. Hishup, liiauiigur) "The Ticket of Lenvo Man" was put on Aug. 21 and week, and proved couclUHlvoiy that It was as iiuliit- lur as over, hy drawing lo tho cnpiirlli. HarHev T. Brown, presn nueiit of tho High- laud (^o,, left 18, to do llio publlclly work for the IVihIi Teniplo Thnntre, Chicago. He loft many frlondd, wiio wished hitn success In hl« now field, Fred M. IIIslt<i|i was In Ilnlln« 10. tryhiK lo liileresi inaiiauei's In gelling up a Suiiinier Iheutrlcnl clrciill. lie wns parlinlly successful. STA.-vtiAnii (Alvldo & Lnsnerre, uinnnKcrs). —Iluslness continues In the capacity. I'eo- pln 21-2U: Mutlie W(4i. KrniiNl llalley. Wni, rrlehard, Heymour nnd Blani'hard. Rniina lllewelle. Kelly and .Moori', Llllinn Pnhiier. Moore Hislers, Irene West. Mnllle Cornest, Neil Nugget, WInnlngH nnd Evans, Hurry Sleele, and thn Trllvhnrd Brothers. NuTKS,—Tint liilerslnte Ainiiseiaenl Co. Is working with nil rniildlly on IIh new theulre. nnd annuiiDcn the <i|ii>nlng for Ihe Inllur pari of Sep lenthi'i'. »« » MAIUfll. I'orlltinil.—At Iho Oem, Peak'R Inland <(:. W. T, fSodltig, mannger) Ihe aloek gnv ",MrH, .tack" Aug. 2l-'J(t. In a ini-rltorloiiH way, to Ihe Inrgeat hniise ot tho hhuhou. After n very aurcessfiil seaaun, lite rogiilnr slock closeif 20. many of Iho members leaving for (lielr Winter engnKi.'inen(H, A, 0. Heuininuii's Co,, presenting "Tlie Heal Widow llrnwii," 28. for two weeliH, Cai'm Tiiimthh, Cfliie Cotlngo PiirU (E, v, PlU'lnn. mnnnger).—"A Stranger In a Hfrnnui' Land," by Ihn Hlock, 2I-2(I. drew extienielv well nnd wns inticli enjoyed. "A Coiinlry ()lrl" 28 nnd week. UlVKurdV I'AliK (II, II, Hmllli. resldeiil manager),- -J. W. (Inrnian's Musieni C(iineilv (;o,i preapniltig ".Mr. Plaaol from Mnis," held close atleadon 21-2(1, itieaslug (he patrons, jKrPKUHoi^ (r.'nlin & Hranl, iiianngerxl, - I'lxlenslvfl renoviitlnn \«'lll be dlscloseil nt llie reopening '28, '211. when "Tiie Si'liiu>l llhr^ Hirers. West & Vokes Sent, I. 2, Piuiri.AN'ii (Jns. 1'!. .SIoiMP'. iniitingi'ci. Valiialile IniprovenienlM will be iiotlci'aMe al Ihe opi'iilng. Sepl, -I. ^«» V nil MONT. Ilurllnicli Al tlie Slrmig Thenire (Cnbn ti (Iriint, laniingi'isi Ijiiina P.iiiiHiii' To, jibivi'il til e.iei'llelll liiil|-,|t'-4. I!i(-li;iril'i \ I'nimle's Minstrel-, Aug ;il, •The W.'iywniil Son ' .Sejit. I, "Jiidiiiu Hltnpkhn^' 12,