The New York Clipper (September 1905)

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698 THE l^EW YOUK CLIPPKH. September 2. MODERN BRIGANDAGE's;;!* ntPm ^GSBJ .^TXXES CSXSB'XSIkX.^^I^OOS-XCiaLE'XX OO., 42 E. 23d ST., NEW YORK. PASTOR'S Kth BTBBET. Oontinnons PerformsnoeB HOWARD Bnil BLAND, wool) and lUY, TYCKftndJI'.HMON, OILkBTTE HISTBR8, CROTTY TRIO. FKRRY, TUK KROOMAK, BYRNK anit WK8T, AMOR JKNNINGK, OHAHIjEH 11. DUNCAN, BKK MKYKR, KI.MO, MAOIOIAN, TIIR VITAflRAPH, And Kxtra AtlTHCtloD, noOKBR and COHBLBY. Of aiftk OlftM ▼•■deTlfto TliMitMat M. IHYBBrBIiD JB., PBK8.; MABTIN BUCK, aBNBBAb UANAOBB All A»pllctttona for Time Muit be AddttMt* tt C. B. BIIAT, Booking Manner. BOi Aihland Block. Chleago. III. Hiiber's "^ Museum WANTBU, nt hII tlliiOH LIVINU rHUllKllKS, Tralntd undruro nnlmiili), nnvelllon or every dc aol-lptlon for Ciirlo Iliillx and Tticntrc. AddroHH J^n.^NDKIlSON, MiinHgfr, ».» Hlxivo. Tnl»weck.TniiyPHHloi'8'rliciilrC|W. Y.tllty. B OF AMKRIOA (Iiicnrporiilcil). OfllccB, St, James Rnildlng, NoiT Y«i k, IamIvc llnoiim '.!4lh Ht. and OthATO. MKKriNClH KVK KY MUND AYAT it. FdM FOXfE CIRCUS Vo ir toutln it Me xico. Nov clly AcI h Always Wanted imlAflOlL MTISTEN LOftOE. MEETINGS HELD EACH THURSDAY EVE- NIN6 ARER PERFORMANCES it 130-141 Third Ave., lew York. Oar<i or WBOBn it CO. ALL PKRFOIlMliltS IN'VITKI). SECF3-r. I to e. INOL.li8IVK. ' nornr. HPACB CHBAF. FAIR NIOHT AND DAY. It. A. nSK, Managar. JOHNNIE RElLtY JuKSler and ParK Olrnilt. Hoop Roller, Utii Week Hclvlllc Oakwond Park, I'ltUlmrg, Pa., Auk. iW-Sept. 1. FOR MALK.-JDOnLINO APPA- RATD8 AND C08TPM>;fl, «» per fOBte. BEimiiJUJI, '•TH08B TWO TAIiL FOLKS," — WELSH AESTES-'f-*- IlKHPO.Naini.Kl'AHT.S. FDATIIRKBPKCIALTIBS. BNOAUBD. lOTBLTT VAUDIVIILE rSATDBi, SEEKER, WILKES and 00.^ Week AiiR. '.ill, KKXWICK I'AHK, IttiaoH, N. Y. .laiiioH-TIIB IIIIADVH—Kitty, who arc lit Monlmiiroiicv FhIIh I'nrk, aru up tu date in Ihclr line. t>0Dll8, Duiiceit and HarvelouH Bai[' Piiuolilnu. Toolr ntiiKe Ketllnic* are riahorate. They aloiii^ arc wiirlli (lie price vliarRed for the riiiind li'lp Irum (>uehoc. and Hlioiild lie Rcen to bo apprc<:lHted.-rili<: KVEMND TRLKORAPII, QQe- lioc, Que., Oamidft. OOMBUY JUQOLKR ATSf ini.KR. I 1*11 i;ui>in, III. Jos. DHBAXTO, UROINa anil DANCING ('OHBDIAN. WKEK or Ita, OLYMPIC, OmCAQO. CHRISTOPHER "THAT POPlll^AR MAOIOIAN." Per, ■ddroBg, 170 ONTAKIO ST., Chlcaio. MUSICAL BEBGEBS En Route with Carl FUffenheck's Show. OPKN TIMK 1900. AT LIBERTY. MISS FIIIINCES LDie, JD7EHILEB,UfOBIII)BS; WHN m LEADS AHD HBATIB8; RIMO C. cohediah, ai spboialtibb. AddrcM (IKN. IIKI.., Ohanulc, Kan., Week Aug. m; WIchllA, Kan., week Hepi. 'I. WANTED QUICK, AGENT That can Handle Drusli and Car Tent Show, LOUISIANA, MO. THE FOUR HUNTINGS -"W A. iV T" A 818TKB lino ACT to do nliiKlng specialty and plar •mall parta; also cnoitl'8 (ilRLS who ting and dance, tor the IkukHIdk Huuceaii or (lie season, THE FOOL HOUSE. Aildraiia HARRY DtlI<L, Hcpt. % V, East 8t Loula, III. VAUDEVILLE PIANIST AT LIBERTY AKTBR SEPT. 0. Sl(|ht Render. 10 years'expe- rience. Transpusv, Arrange, eir. Sober and rollalilo. Locate only. ANDY KKKN'AN, i'i.t Kiiiiilii Ate. Minneapolis, MInii. ADeiE'.:LION$ OPBN FOR PARKS, FAIRS. PLATINQ TlIK pXrKB. Address care ULIPrBR, Or am K. .17111 8I1C0I, N. Y. FREO ZOBEDIE, THE UP TO DATE HAND BALANCER. TonrlUB Mu.vico with Orrin llroH.' Ulruua. ATIiIBERTYDEC.85,1905. CEO. W. EVERS Add.. -PORK-OUOPS— Oaro uf (}LirPER. J)l M^fli/VKJ »^ma»*a"mi»i» «'«r«i&«ifK« a j««.r a • KHERNS and GOLE, IN VA ^DBVILLB. ■. Hmiitl, HiMD SImiBD, "DIAMIIIAOB IH HUnLIMB." Poi niutmm ii<ldi»«»,)l»7 B , l«th HT., N. Y FILSQN and ERROL, am w. soil! ST.. nkw vttHK. ^ I'llOS'i:. IDWiUIVKltSlUK. Hal Godfrey, atft W. soil! ST., NBW YORK.*' PlIONi:, HWtl RIVKIISIUK. ORVILLE and FRANK Ate ont WK8T worklnit for MR. IIAILKY (Hartuun A_Baney);_iind^»ol8MJl8.01U\-||.l,h^ RICHARD C. MADDOX LBAniNO roniBniAN, CIIAS. I.AMII'SMl'ltltAV 0OMK.HY 00. ^y*!?? "i->pp'''R- llitTiCM ait<i KBNliST OBRMAN COMRDIANS. IK VACOF.VII.LB. Poim. mirtrcaa, •JU SKCOSl) AVE., PEORLA, tLL. UNION ELECTRICIAN, FOR VAUDEVILLE ACT. Call II. MARTYNNi!:, 2110 West 38111 St., iBt floor, N. Y. "Wanted, X^o** A KNIGHT 98 CO. ACTORS AND MUSICIANS. People 111 all lines. Those wlio douUlc preferred. WANTBD—A 1 AOBNT. Address (.'HAS. KLM8, -M) Indiana St., Cliluago, III. A Sure Fire Lanffhing; Act JOHN and ALICE McHOWELL ThiH week, LYCKUHTIlEATnb, Cincinnati, Uhli>. Pittsbnrgh, Penna. FORT PITT lOTEL, r»©ni:i. ^^e« and lOtli St. This magnlflcont Hotel, containing every Modern Appliance forthd Comfort and Convonienoe of Quests, WILL OPEN ABOUT OCT. 1, 1905, It 1b looated one block fVom the Union Station, within five minutes of any pa.rt of the buBineas or theatrical district. The Lobby and Public Rooms are the Largest and Finest of any in Pittsburgh, There are over 400 Bleeping Rooms, a large percentage of which are connected with Private Baths, and all are OUTSISB Rooms. The Furnishings and Decorations will compare favorably with any hotel in the country. In the Restaurants, of which there are three, a Louis XIV, a Louis XV and a Palm Boom, and In the Cafe, tho Best Foods, Carefully Prepared and Served, will be Purnishod at Modorato Prices. 100 ROOMS AT $1.00 PER DAT. 300 ROOMS AT $1.50 PER DAY AND UPWARDS C. A. BLANOHARD, Manager. AMATEUR with sniiill cnpllal to bny oul part Interest In llrst cliiBB company. Unusual oiTer to right parly. Would like to hear from dramatic people In all linen. Address !»!» N. MAHSllAI.I, .ST., PIIILA., PA. >Af A IN IT E D , >'orlho HIsgeMtUcpcrtoIre Company III the Unl'ed .Stales, I'ridorCanvsB, LEAUINO MAN, LKADINO WOMAN, siso r.KNERAL BUSINF.SS MAN, also PKOPLE FOR UA.N'II A.M> ORCIIKSTKA. People who double ou Siiige prelerred. Show never closes. Address CiKO. K. CASH, Iius. Mgr, Iluilcr llrainatlu Co., Chunuie, Kan. Trap Dmniiiier, Uliisicians, UOUUliK STAUFi OR PIANO, for balance of this and Winter season. - < ClIAS. \y. OGDEN. Waiipaea, Wis. "One of the Finest in the Business." AT LIBERTY, I CIIILUOWEK PARK TUEATRP, ,; Knoxvllle, TcHU. • F«R SHIE- DOI'ULB tiBT(in) FOVR^ l»IN-IIANO 8WIHS OBLLiS witli rcBoDHiora <l>ciiBau's iiiake), Rimoat now. Will buy Alto and Tenor 8axnpliolioi<. AddiCKS COOPKK.t AlllUinX HoutlUOllo, 111. FOR SALE-DISSOLVING VIEW OUTFIT, As follows: Pair First Class Stureoptlcons,.Dl^ solver, UxyKOn (las Tank, .'lOft., Screen andaftuui too Slides; Kood as ncvr. Address K, adi, Frecland, Pa. AT LIBERTY-AGENT. One iiIrIiI preferred. Respoiiilldc Ren. coiiahl. ercd. w. h. WIIITK, n l.awtoii Ave, Aiiliiirii, N'.'T. MUSIC ARRANCEDT COMPOSED, ETCJ' A. KRETSMAR, 412 H). 16tb 8t„ New York. MASTER WILLIE BkUHl, Feature lu Baud with DE RL'K BROS,' MINSTIlKLS. Hh week. HOY CORNKITIST, lllR ' --' fll nivvnn mbdioinb perforhirrs. nAI1lnV~**0omeditn who can dauon and put <<narla,(^)nl»rllnnlsl wlimloPH wire and IngRllnir. i, .1. Ilrnilv, pionso H'lltK. ^It AV^PAHKKII.SIalJ^P.r Yates l ^o., K. Y. WANTED, MElcilJE LECTURER, BbACi FACE COMKDlAN, PIANO I'LAVEU. Mnsi read ami take. Uttiers nilte. Sslsry sure. YEKMK SIIARI'STEEN, Mnnatrr, BrjRn, 0. WANTED QUICK, REPERTOIRE PEOPLE 'lu all lines. Stale ngu, weight, height, and If you do spccliilly. Aildi'CSH OTTO II. KRADSE, Man- Bgor woods" Sisters, Harry, III. ATrRAOTIONS WANTED, FOR HANLEY'S OPERA HOUSE, PALDIYRA, MO. Nowly palmed iind fiirulslied. MuHlcal Farep Comedloiiiud Minstrel Sliuwcipoclitlly wanted, (lood biwIacsN for good companies. .S08EY ItllOS. MUSICIANS WANTED For Beecher & Stanley's Cos. IIARITONE.TirUA, SI.II>K;caher Uoiililo SlUKC iirOrclioslm. Address WALTER J. McDONALD, llcrrlngton. Kaii.,orper roiile, i|Ulck. VAUDEVILLE ACTS celoron'^ theatre, CLOSING WBBK, NO SUNDAY SHOW. -WANT ONIL^Y Write or wlr« quick, Addrexs BRBAK TOUR JVMP. JVLE DBLDIAR, lUanBgcr, Park Theatre, Youngstown, O. I WAJVTKD QUICK, FOUNTAIN COMPANY CENTRAl, Management KAIIN and ECHOLS, First Class Experienced People In All Lines; Ileevv Mim w.'i At wardrobe who can Play Home Clmrac^lera, hlulii Uomodlan wllh Up to DiUf Singing and Dancing Spceliiltleii, specialty Team (man and wife) that can Pliiy Responsible Lino of Parts ihat can chant's tor three I lint Class Man Piano Player, Solirlciy and wardrobe Indispensable. We pay all. Slop at beat liotuls. KAIIN AND ECHOLS, care (Jrand Opora House,Colorado Springs, Colorado. Sioddart Stock Company, NOW IN OUR laiU SVCCBSBFUI. WBBK AT ■ ' ' SPRING BANK PARK, LONDON, ONTARIO, WANTS GENTEEL HEAVY MAN, Al OHAIUCTER HAN, MAN WITH PICTURE MACHINE OUT- FIT TO RUN PROPS, Al .n.'NKMLE MAN THAT CAN SINO ILLUSTIlATEirsOMJS (live nlil P^ llculsrsaiid lowest siihiry (pay own) ilrst liiier. Regnlnr season opens Sept. 18. par- L, .STEWART. BOQEBS' STOCK CO. WANTS Man for Gcuteel Hciivlps and Con. Hiislncss, Woman for (lood Ooii Hiisliiess, other good Rup. People doing specialties, a strong Danc- ing Act and other good sncclalllos. Uusi Join on wire; give loxTesI salary inUrst; long season; sure money: don't inlsrcprci'cnt. \V, II. P()WK:R8, Uxr., Frankvlllc, N. Y. WANTED QUICK, JUVENILE HAN.OOIIBDUN, OHARAGTBR WOHAN, OOOD PIANIST. .Can pinec people In all linos all the time. Write nntck. IniiuedlHl« cogHRciiicni. THE DIXIE THEATIllCAL EXt'HANOE. A llaiit a. Oa. r»lciMiist at Irfibei'ty AFTER SKIT. 4. Al VAUDKVILLK. REP. OR ORCHESTRA. WILLIAM 8CHWAR/,, Care of NEW VOItK CLIPPER. Wanted, a Man Ihat Can Do a Single Specially OiielliMI doesanend nreferred. II von drink dnn'i wrIIP. Addri-is Al, MAHTZ SPECIALTY 00,. Kss('.\, t;(iu«., Hopt.i; IVrtr.vtnD4, Depp River 5. IVliTUU 'or WEEK OP SEPT. M, <M. A KIII.ST nAnllliVf Ol.ASS HKPRUTOIRE COMPANY, for week of our Old Fashioned Agrlriilliira> Fair. wireorwriic. oossom. Ugr, Opera llonsc, Rich Bill, Mu. WANTED, FOR THE EIGHTH ANNUAL Keokuk Free Street Fair, OCT. 3, 4, IS, « and 7, 1905, n?h1?,'",.!!"l .Vr^"?*^"' HiBh ^Vhe, Aerial Casling Act, Strong Acrobatic Act, Troupe of Jay other Feature Aols. Also want Seven First CIsas Pay Shows, swell fronts; Ferris Wheel. I °"''^ E- V- KIRCHNER. Mnnuger, Keokuk, la. 3d ANNUAI. TOUR 3ci PRINCESS COMEDY CO., Under Management of GEO. STEVENSON. WANTED JMIHKDIATKI.Y, Snubrelle. .1,. venile I.udy. Lad, for Oen. Bus. that Can tloul>l« Piano, Comedian, Ilenvy Man. Oi-atieineii for General Bus. Salary sure. Lung and pleasant engagement. Enclose photo and bibIc all In tlrst letler. r.»-».ui.»i,iK« rter» K.S'K»",!?,;'M5!! »&,;?"■• ""■""■■ ""■ M. A. M^ADAMS, BOX ft92, BA38 AND TUBA. AT LIBERTY SEPT. 4. MEADVILLE. PA. Gus Sun's Minstrels Want .titer. Address FRED 0. tOH Ltn, Jlgr., Care of New Orplihim Theatre, Springfield, 0.