The New York Clipper (September 1905)

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Srptembeh THE :srEW ^^OBK CMPPEB. 000 TAULU Oil" i;«i«'ri.:M'rM. Mr*.* Cllin*r « Aii«w)«l«. Ktc. .^ Ha AllTer—Sketch. ■■■•■■,.■ ^vriun"'"?'\bV W«*klV Shiw—lilWtral'loni With lUo mil PnftfT* MHi-dlmifoii" WorU of Piny*"".- • • ■ ■, Voii.l«nie anil M.i«erel OOfflM An^wprnl Tm Unrton [.elter Oiir riilongo l*lt«>r......... MoOmldon'x Clrcns Stranilrt. riliiwr Host Ofllce Mt««t liJ Trteprapli On iiie «»8i •;••,•;•. Vamlo'lll' Uoiit"- J-'"' •-••;•- Srvc York rittr—npTlew qqiI (3omraei)f.. hrBlbii m ihe Profp«»lon Vnil»r the T»nl(> , THKATRICAL COnilRSrONDF.NCE. Viv Hmnj't];''' Dijirlct «t OiluroWa Mniylnnil Mnmaoliiwtt" Col(ir«iU> ^rw York fInt"^ owRon Tfii" Moliif VMTlinilt Alaboma Ml««)url Sfv ln*ej (Hilo CoiMiln Inilloui WlMVMiHln Mlflilg«ii KMitifky Mliinfiwla I'MinsybanIo i'ayt. . UUU .090 . OlHI . mm . llflU . (IMl . 002 .... r,:i2 flns. 70.^ Iill4 .... lilxl .... OiHI .... CilU .... liDil .... II'S rmi Ollti am, 7<io 700,701.702 704. 7fl.-i nun , tillG . ufin , (107 . «!)7 , Otl7 , (in7 , on? , liS? . UII7 , 70!) . 70S , 70« . 7II.S . "nil .700 , 7(i!i . ;ni> . 'lOH . 70!) . lO.-i LATEST BY TE LEGiRAPH |i0BdB7 NiKht'* OpeniaBS la all th* Big Show Towaa. (iOI.DRN flATB OLBANINflS. la Ibis wfek'i Dcniila t'OllFO'J BuHlneiti DfinK Grarral Pronprritr Prrvalh «u the Coaat. flpeelal IX'palchet foTHsNEVf VonKCui-PRR Sas Krancirco, Ahb. 20.—At the Cohini- bin ITifotrp Mny Irwin, In "Mrn. Black la Unci:," btgnn last night a two wf*J« f"- K«gpmcnt. The star waa entliiiKlaBtlcally re- tclvwl. .. , .Ma.irrtic— 'Tretty I'eggy offering. „ .^t. i (in/iNO OPunA HoitHK.—Thia la (VSiilllvon'B aoi'onrt week. •'The Itflwn" la fblB 'Week'a production, has been Immcnae. CAi.iroRNiA.—ThlR hoiiae reopened Hinioay. "7, imder the mnnngement of «'bafi. r. Hntl, with the •Wheel" hiirlemiie, tbe Hrat ahuw IjeIng nrer; ft t'nmphpira l>nlnly Puree «.'o„ whlfTi opetiert to o rrowiletl house. AI.CA/.AK.—"The Imporlnncc of Kllrneat" la thia weck'a offering. ,„, , , , Ci;NTnAi,.—"On the Bridge at Mldnlglii la the puri'ent otfcrlng. Tivoi.i Oi'KOA HoirsB.—"Plrmlnle' la re- vived, beginning Siindny, 27. , „-. OIIPIIKII.M.—Hill for the week opening .'i . .Inmw H. nurton'a dogs, Hadford and Win- ihoaler, SuHle Klaher, the Tour Kioperors of Miiale. IIoih-Kltou (."»., Violet Dale, the Mill- mnn Trio, O'Hrlen and Havel, and tlie Or. nlieiim moving plelurea. , „d. CiniTK.H.—Bill for the week opening 28. the Karl SNtera, Hallen nnd Hnyea, Albliil, Nolly MeOiiIre, Wnlab and Mgon, Mabel Lam- aiin; I.nnmnrB cookntoos, and the blogrnpti. riHCHKB'H.—Bill week of ^8: Ann tnr- iieviBarlow'a doga and monkeya. Brecea and Bregea, .Salxlno ond HnrdI, Kalrliorn, llnltle nation and company, nnd I lie moving pu- .S'OTCS.—The narlnerahlp of Hall & Barton hoa been disaolved, Charlea r. Hall retaining ilic Clunle Theatre, Haframento: tbe Mac- donougli, Oakland! the Yoscm te, Hlo*'"''' and the California Theatre, lii this city. Mi Barton will manogo the Barton Opera House at rresno....Morrla Meyerfeld Jis. i"""",?" rif the Ornlieum circuit, retiirnPd to thia rity recent IV, ofter a seven months tour ol rlie Kiiropeiii countrlen. .Mr. .Meyerfeld wiw aoennJlianVd by Nljutln B^eck, general^mnn|.- ger of Chicago. the circuit, with headtionrtera PnUM OTHER POlSiTH. "The Prodigal Son" Han «<•»•>•«»"*«' at thf National Theatre, WB-hlnB- tou, n. C-TIi* Theatrea Report Rxnelleut Bunliifad-Tlii- ParUa Re- inalnlnR Op*n are DoInK Well. fiiicAoo, Aug. 20.—There are no new lilaya at the Jown town th*»tfP,«'•• ••;, '* (irenl Northern will prosenf l'';8J>' ''«" rarlH." "'lite l>"l<e of Dnliith," at.Mi- VIcker'n. nnd "Mis. Tomnlc's 'J'«Jj'8'n"J., <\'- I'owera". doae thla week Bimlneaa la "bobton, Aug. 20.—The iienson at Cllnbe, aliened with "Hap', Ward, In wawii >vl !. two iM<if.iriiinnn.« by llic Mcrv .■Malilcim l<. big liixiscii. 'I'lio jniiks oiijiual Banda UoMn drew hie crowds Ar rore.Ht Park, in Hopkina' Theatre, a good bill " rn*ir.- \^ ' "'""oiiut Pnrk the Wliri We^t r.xlilbltlon la ihe chief attrocllnn. _ '•i""?,'*".'.'*'' *"F- 2«.—"No Mothar to tiulde ller' opened at the Avenue Hiindav. to big hoiines.. The Hiicklngliam opened the aea^on Sunday, with Mlaa New Yor-j, to capacity FoDtaine I'errv Park had immenae crowda Sunday Ilopklna" I'li- villon wtti packed. I'KOntA, 111.. Au(t. 27.—The Main Street Thenlre. completely rejiivennlod. opeued to- night, and hiindrcda were i\irnod nwnv. Tlic Oranrt opened Its regular Beasoa 25, with lllchnrd Carle, In "The Mnyor of Toklo," to a packed bon!>e. ♦♦♦ DEATHS IN THR PROKF.SStON, KiiANK J. Evans, whose death wan briefly noticed In Thk (I.h'I'kii of July -j-i, waa so nrnmlneiit as an actor at one time that a iirlef notice of his <'oreer follows. Mr. Kvans died In thla city after a long lllnoss, on Jnly li, from a complication of dlneoaes. and «aa burled In the Actors' I'lot, Kvergrei-n Oeniptery, under the name of r. J. (iordon. He was of the amateur ansoclallon with which Tom Keeue was connected. His llrst imbllo appearance was at Ihe Old Bowery Theatre, thla city, noder Ihe stage noange- meni of N. II. B. Clarke. He then wont to Ihe New Bowery Theatre, aensou 180.1-4, nnd appeared as Jerry I.edrew. In John I-'. Poole's ilrnmo, for Edward Kddv's benefit. He appeared at the Broadway (Wallnek's) Theatre. Broadway and Rr<K>nie. Oct. It, INii.'i. as Hon. Cieorgc Copley, in De Walden's piny of "Sam," with Clianfrau In the title role. He then went to Daly's Fifth Avenne Theatre (now the .Madison .Snuarej. and acted Soto, In "She Would and ahi' Wottld Not," It being Us flrst perforin- nnce In this city In eleven years. He after- wards played I.e'iDtlne, In '"rhetJood Naturcd Man," at Its first performonre In this city In (Ifly-two years. The following year he itritDed South, and appeared at the Varieties Theatre, .New OrUnnn, and then went |hroii;;h Texas, opening niany of the theatres In tliut State. Season nf 187:1.4 he waa tbe stock star nf the Memphis. Tenn., Theatre, aiid acted with conHlderable succesit lianlinel, in '•.Marble Heart:" Bob Brlerly, In "Ticket (t Leave Mnn;" also Klnstache Uaudlo. He continued at Ihe Memphis Theatre iis leading man. He had nt various times traveled &a leading snpport for I.otrn. Fanny Davenport. Alice Dunning l,ln- gard nnd many othcm. He alao played ns support with lOdwln Forrest, iCd- wln Uootli, 10. L. Davenport and other prominent stars. At tbe opening of the sea- son of Wood's Mnnenm (now Daly's) Mr. Kvans hecnme a memlier of the company Aug. .10, 18«n. At that lime the Brondwny singes slopped nt Twenty-third Street, and opening a theatre so far up town wan looked upon as a crazv idea nnd mnoy wondered it anyone woulil go so far tip town to see H performance. Mr. F.vnns' Inst appearance nn the singe was on Nov. 21, 181)0, In Elgin, 111., ns a memlier of .Mme. Janauschek's Cii., with Frank ,1. Colter as manager. It was in "fiuy Mnnnerlng," .Mr. Kvans ap- pearing ns Dandle Dlnmont, and Harry Dal- inn, recently deceased, aa Col. Manner- lug. It Is u remarkable fact lliat this wis the inst time that Mnie. Jnnnnsehck, Froak Kviins nnd Harry Dalian aatfd—and this Is the (Irst lime the date of the final appem-. ance of these players has. been published. I.AWMRNOB IlANi.KY, a Well known Shakes- pearean and romantic actor, about forty ye.nrs old, died Monday evening, Aug. '.'8, la Ihe Los Angeles (Cnl.) Coiialy Hospital. He was unforliinle in being addicted to Ihe morphine holilt. nnd Ihls cauned bis pro. fes'ilflnal downfall and death. His home of late yenrs was St. Loiila, where he waa w<vl thought of as nn actor. It la said Ihat Nat C. (loodwln sent him to a aanl- tarlum two or three years ago, when tbe first signs of pulmonary disease oppearrd. IMIIh I.*mmerl. his wife, who separated from him some yearn ago on account of his falling, was Willi him sborfty before Ills death She Is fl memlwr of tho'Belanco Stock Co., In Los Angeles. Mr lIBnley w;ih tor a number of yenrs. In the support of Booth and Barrett, plnylog leading Juvenile roles, nnd was -i protege of the former. Later he starred through the West In Kd- wln Booth's reperloi'v. He made a marked Impression In New York in "On Ihe MIsb'-s- slppl,"_ "Tbe War of Wealth" and "Blue NEii CUBTis, an nclor and fprmnr boxer. On m Roag. M All lioBtpa Mnnt Rraoii !>■ Not liBtvr Than MoBdar- Aiiui-se. Co., nRAMATIC, Alililcb, Chas. T. <A. II. WixmIs, mar.)—Olnela- uitl. n.. 27.!«ent. 2. I.niilntlllp, Ky., ».». Aiiliwjr Slock (J. T. .Macnuley, ronr.)—Hcranloti. Pa.. 2S.Scpl. 2. Ailalr, OregK A Adnir (Johnnie Ailalr. oigr.) — .Murnntovrn. W. V«., ao.Seiit. 2, Franklld, Ph., 4-n. Arlington's C<>nie<naii!i (Wsltcr Arlington, Digr.) —Aurora. Neb.. 'Jg.Sept. 2. "As You MdW" (Wni. A. lirnclr ft Jonepb R. Orll- nier, mgrs.)—Chlcaiin. 111.. .Srpl. .1. IndeHnltr. "Arizona" (David J. Itiiningr. mgr.)—Kansas Cliy. .Mo.. 27.Se|>(. 2. Dninha. Neb., .t, 4, Slonx Citj, la., n. Premonl. .Ncli., (1. Oranil Island 7, Kearney 8, riie.Tenne. W.vii., 0, "AI Cripnle Creek." K. J. Carnenler's—Oroaha. .Nell.. i7.n«. .Mlmnrl Valley, la., tl\. Onawn Sepi. 1. SIniix Cllv 2, !>li>nx Falls, («. Dak.. .1, 4, Yanklnii :<. Plallsnioiitli. Neli., n, Beatrice 7, Aiilnirn R, I.mycitwarlli, Kan.. 0. "As Told In Ihe Hill*" (W. P. .Mann, mgr.)— Suiuh Beiiil. Iiid., :io. Three Rivets. Mtrb., 111. Allegan Sept. l, Illg ilaiilils 2. Mo^kcgon ::, 4. l.uillnRlon R, .MiinlKire G. Caililltc 7, Reed City ». Bnjr Clly l>. ".\ii ArlKliKratic Tramp." A (Harrr A. Mnrray, ivitt.) —riiltnn, .Mo.. :I0. .Ie(fer.»nn City ai, w- ilullii .><ept. I. Nevada 2. riilsbiirii, Kan,, :•. ■Ii>|iiln, .Mo.. 4. Colimihu-., Kan., .V OolTe.Tvllle <l. Ilarllcsvllle, Ind. 'fer., 7. C'lierryvale, Kan., «. Port .'Jroli n. "All Arislncrotlc Tramp," B (S. K. Lester, mgr.) Prederlckionrii. .\lo.. :I0, f^ape Olrnrdean ,'11, I'oiilnr Blufr Sept. t. Charleston 2. Calm, III., 4, Pillion, K.T.. «. Union Clly. Tenn.. 8. "AI I'iney Bl.lge'—St. Ifluis. Mo., Sept. 4.0. 1tc*ieriile Cbainv" iMUUiilhul M^.i Alloiiiy. N. v.. :tt-Scpl. 1. DlSieis «t Working dlrlii" (A. II. Wowls, mjr.)—Pnitldfiice. H. I.. ag.Seiit. 2. Turoiilo. Call 4-tt. 'iDr. j'ekyll and Mr. Hrde." D. B. Levis' tOwnr .tones, mar.)—Damllle. III.. M. Klwnoil. Ind.. Sept. 1. Aleiaiider 2. Mniicle 4. (Ireenvllle. O.. .t. Snrlnafleni il, Crlmni t. Plain Clly K New- ark ii "l>,-ail»i'">il nick." Both Morrl«on'«—Parson. Knn.. Seiil. 4. I'reiloiiln \ Coney tl, Tulsa. Ilol. tWr.. 7. Saimlpa 8, V""'""»"' "- . „ .. Fkleswi, Hol*rl I Henry B. Hirrls. mgr.)—V. i. CUy 2S. InileHnlle. . , „ „ Klflotl. .Muxlne (»;. B. Dininghain, mar.)—N. Y. City Sept. 4. liKleHnWe. Eaunelt. Katie (Frank Kayman. nifr.l— B«.t City. .Mich.. :i0. Saalnaw .Sfpl. 1. 2. ^Hlaiul '-'.,»»- anilotte :i, Marlon, Ind.. «. Terre lltnle », «. (■banipnlitn. ill.. 7. Ilennlslnwii 8. Allpo ». Ewlng. (lertriidi--LlHle Rock, Ark., S8-Sept. ». Fort Smilli 4-9. , „ „ F.ollp,<ie 8io.'k (i.loyrt 4 Oenler. mgrs.)—Roswell. Ni-illex., SR-ni. Arle«la Sept. 1, 2, Carlsbad 4- 7, I'ecos. Tex., *• t». . ., . . .,„ Erwoml's Big Stock (K. J. Krwooil, niKr.)~foa- lorla, O., 28.«»l(c. F.hlers ft Lawrence Slock (Oeo. A. Ijjwrence, mgr.)—JKitchlnwn. Kan., i8-Sept. 2, Kni|wrl», Knplre Slock—Fall nirer. Mast., Sept. *«■ ■•K.W<(tlnn of Mr. Pipp" (Arthur * Li Shelle, m«ni.I—Chicago. 111.. 2»-Sepl. 0. "1™" WItiiei".'' Lincoln J. Carter'!—Chlca«o. III., "jssepl. I>. . ^ ■ "Kleveiiih llonr," I'1'>«'>>1„''' ,*-•,»" "—?"'£T" luirg. 111.. «0, Dlion 31, Roekfurd Sept. I, U- '■l-figiil"Bells," Byrne Bros.'-I..Tnn, Mass., Seiit. 1, 2, Hontim 411. . , «,,. „ Fisrtier. Alice IP. O. Whitney, nigr.l—Chlcnio. FIlBl'mrauni.' Itoberl (l*on Frieilman. "jr.)— N, Y, City 2S Sept. 2...^e*ark..2''.'L/yf;!,,,,. I.ililiiiiir. iWio. A, lllilily. iiiEiM Van- tvutvi. II. O.. :il>, Ih-lllniibitui. Wimli.. ;ll. Seat. Ilr St'pl. I. 2, Porllaiiil, (in-.. 411. lA>i'lmer. Wright (Wni. A. Ilraily, mar.)—lUrt- fonl, Onnn., .11, Boston. Mass., 4-a. Loraliii'. Roliert (C. 11. tMllliiabaui, mir.l—!i. Y. Clly Sent. S. Indrnnlle, l.p.<ll#. Iloinlielle (Slin Allen, mgr.)—Chester, Pa., aSSepI, I, l.yiviiin StiK-K iK. 0. flnisjean. mgr.)—Pills- liiirg. Knn.. 27'.^Ml. 2. .Nnsiesbn 411. l.<H'km' llrainstlc (Will II. Un-ke. mar.)—For- est Clly, Mo.. .10. Illawallia 4-11. f.vceiini ComiMly (Al. M. nvnnn, mgr.)—Porls- ' month. O.. 28Sr|il. 2. Maiichralcr 4.|l. I.n Beniie. F»« (Ilnrry I.n ileaiie. ingr,)—Orn- ham, W. Vs.. 2S.S..!.I. 2. "l«»l In II Big CII.V (A. II. Wissls. initr.l- Phllailelpbln, Pa., JMScpi. 2. Bnlihouri-, Mil., 4.l>. "Little BeJ Mcliool IIomhc" (J. A. West. ni«r.) — Owiwoi. MM.. .'III. Ilhacn :il. .S4'|it. 1. FMnI i,<liiK 4, Clinrlotle .'i, lli|.)tliivs 0, Kalaniauio (Win. Mncnule.r, niitr. I — M, .Moniil Slrrlliig .11. Ilurl- I. Mnxntlliio 2. Iliick islaml, llloisniiigloii ^, Kewniiw S, "Across Ihe Piiclllc." Chas. K. Blaiieys—Toronto, Feiiberg Slock (Oeorijf Jl., *'».'*}?• 'V'-Vr"'' Can.. '.'S-Sept. 2! ^ gor. Me., 2S.Sel. 2, Walervllle 4.0, Aiigml "After Midnight" "LItlle lIonH'slcail" Jackniitivllle. 111., Ingtoii. In.. Sept. 111., :i, Peorlii ~ ilnlrnbnrg ti. "Life that Kills" (Waller Fensler, mar.)—Bal- IliMore. Md., 28 Sept. 2. Caoiileii. N. J.. 711. "l.ltlle Oulcnul." K. J. Cariientcr's—<'ilHlnn. In.. Sept. 4, Iowa City .1, New London il, i.'iilraelil 7. Ulluinnn 8, llwk Islnml, III.. II. "Lraeiiil of Ihe Cniskllls" (Pclcr Baker, nur.l — PlnlnAeld, N. J.. :il. WllinlnKlnn. Del., .Sept. 1, AiinapiilU. .Md.. 2, .Newimrl News. Vn.. 4. Norfolk ,'i, Suffolk il, Prlrrslnira 7. Illi'hiannil 8. 0. "l.lRblhouKe by the Sea" (Vance A Sullivan, nigra. >—Pnlerson. N. J.. Sept. 4 0. "l<ivers and I.nnntlc^"—WsHhlnglnn. II. P., 2S- Sept. 2. May, RIna (Cliarles Frnhnian, insr.l—N. Y. Clly 28, Inilelnile. Mclnlyre ami lleulb (KUw ft Krlniifer, mats,)— N. V. Clly IH. Indctlnlle. Manlell, IIoImti B. (Wm. A. Brmly, lugr.)—St. lowu, N. Y., 28'Sept. P. Beimel{..Mniillnn (A. P. Iteeil. mgr.)—lloriielts. vine. N. Y., 2S'.Sept. 2, Jamextown 41*. llpiinett..Moiil(on (C. II. Orolark, mgr.)—Qlovers. Tlllc N. Y., 28Scpi. 2. BeniieitMonllon—Lowell, Mats., 2B-RrpL 2. Berry Stock (Miles Berry, mgr.)—(treenvllie, O., :8.Sepl. 2, Slirlbytllle, Ind.. 40. Benton's ComedianH (I'eri«e R. Benton, mar.)— Clisnute. Knn., 28'Sept. 2, Webb Oily, Mo., 3, Carlhnge 4.(I. Rrlmis, Floyd R. (Tntbolt ft Wallace, aigra.)— Delevnn. III., 28'Sept. 2. Bennett Big Show-Sunk Center, Minn,, 2R.:tO, Melrose :il-Sept. 2. Mllacn 4. Indeflnlle. . Breckeiirldge Stock (Ciins. llrcckenrlilge. ,mgr.)— .liinctinn Clly, Kan., 2K-Se|il. 2, .HIerllilji 40. Bmdfonl Slock (B. A. Iiowii>. mar.)—VIneland, N. .1., Sept. 1, 2, I'.lklon, .Mil., 4-0. lln»re d» Oince 7-n. Beverly. Daisy (P. W. Trnyte. mgr.)—A>hlaliul(, <>.. 28.Sepi. 2, (Ireenviile. Pn.. 4'fl. "Hail SninnrlMii" iHenry \V. Savage, mgr.) — Wusbliialon. i). C. Sept. 411. "Hen Hur" (Klaw ft Krhiiiger. mgrs.)—Rl. Panl, .Minn.. 28'Sept. 2. Mliiiieaiiolis IIP, "IliiHter Brown." Koslerii, .11. B. Bayainnd's— Brooklyn, N. Y., 28.Sept. II. "Piisler Brown." Western. M. B. Raymond's— Delrnlt. .Mich.. 2".Sept. 2. "Boy Behind the Hon" (W. W. Wooltolk. mur.) —I'hiladi-lpliln, Pn., 2N',Sepl, 2, Newark, N. J., 4.«. "hig Hearted Jim," Kliml ft Oa«i>oln'«—Chlcngo. III., ' II. "Honker's (Uilld" (llirry Shannon, mgr.)—Klk- hiirn. Win., :I0, Burlington :il. Woodstock. 111.. Sept. 1. Oconomowoc, Wis.. 2. Walertown :i, OKUEoKb 4, Fort Alklinoii ^, Kvausyllle II, ImI- gerlon 7. .Mount Iloreli N, BIchlaud Ceiiler 0. "Bowery News Olrl" (Ble«s ft Totten,'mgrs.) — .Muiichcster, S. IL, 28':in, Holyokr, .Masn., ;ll- Sept. 2. New Brimswick, N. J., 4. Fienlngton fi. Con»holiocken, Pa., il. i'otlstown 7, Kastoii S. r.. OHiHliobocken, Pn., <:, I'oltsliiarii 7, Knsloii S, Lnncuslcr II. Collier, William (Charles Fnihman, mgr.)—Lon- don. Rng., 28, liKleDnlle. Colnn.. ( ,M. (Snin II. Harris, lugr.J—New I.Midon, Oonii., !lli, .Meriileii :il. Cllfforil. Billy—Pbllndelpiiln. Pa., 28-Sept. 2, N. Y. Clly 411. CookCliui'cb (II. W. Taylor, mgr.)—SuleiD. Mas*., 2a-Sept. 2, ilnverblll 411. Cliiise'Lliter Theatre. Moiilbern (Chas. Iltrrlsoo, mgr.)—Ilunnihal, Mo., 28-»ept. 2, Paris 4-11. CbaHe-Llmer 'I'beutre, Northern (Olrnn F. Chaw, mgr.)—Monllcello, la.. 28.8ept. 2, Clurluda 4.». Culler's Comedians (F. C. Cutter, mgr,)—Spring- Held, .Mo., 28-Hept. 2. Carroll Comedy (Ion Carroll, ragr.)—Pennsboro, W. Va., 28-Sciit. 2, BlcUnioud 4-». Colunibin Slock lEIwyn & Arnold, mgta.)-Goa- fcrneur, N. Y.. 28.Mepl. 2, Lyons 411. Cornell Slock (W. E. Cornell, mgr.)-Olyphaot, Pa,, 28-Sept. 2, Susqueliaima 4-U. ' ■ Ham 2S-Sepl. "l''«sTi;ifriln New York" (A. ."- W'»™1«. "it"-'- Vewsrk N J.. 2«-Sepl. 2. N. Y. Clly 4.0. "|.i«r III.' Brolber'H rrliue" (Oeo. N. Bellinger, mgr.I— Si. l«nls. .Mo., 27.Rept. 2. "Fantnsma" (Wm. ft IMward llanhio. mars. I— Bnffoln. N. Y., SSSpnl. 'J. "Fight for Mliiliins"—Philadelphia, Pa., 28.8fpt. Halt. Mr. "Fai rioyt'a •>«."c died Aug. 10, from Internal Injuries sua . _., ,,...,....,., .... talned wnlle attempting to swim tbe Whirl- Chicago stock (Cbos. 11. BonsKain, mgr.)—I pool llapids, at Niagara Foils, N. Y., on iiioii. Can., 28Scpi. 2, Butler, Pa., 4-11. -'- ' ' --■ •-— '•-— ' Criterion Dramatic (W. .1. Alicr. mgr.)—Hayes. vllle, O., 288(01. 2, UhrlcbHvllle 411. Aug. 18." nfr. Curtls"had long been known In both theatrical and sporting circles, tie was born nt Niagara Fulls. N. V., Dec. 4, lirnflor,'' to an ovcrllovv tbe 'The CMis- houas ler's Last l-'igbt" packed the O™'"?-•• ••^ •The Mnn from Mexico," at tbe KoiP're. ."S^ "The Streets of New York," nt the Bowiloln Stiiiarc. Iiad line crowds -, "^^,^"','-8* Widow* opened Its aecond week ot the rre- nionl....... .Kcllb's and llie Howard had large crowds The Troenderos hecan the season well nt Ihe Pn'""-••%,•.••• ,'„„ Cohimhin nnd Ihe Lyceum also did well, , Cold weather liurt the parks Siindny. Pilli,A'DKM.rHiA. Aug. 2ft.—Seventeen local hroisea were In full swing liisl tight, with no lack of pntrnnase The Olrnrd has •Papn'h Boy:" Hart's, "T'he Convcts Daugh- ter-,'• Trocndero, the Jolly Cllrls. and all oiiened Ihe season well The Park,_wlth "When johnny Comes Mnrchlog Home, hna cnpaclly,....."Thc Way of the Tionasres- sor." at Notional: "The Jolly Huron, at llie • irand, and "Lost In a Big t-"lty,' >»'"'« People's, fared well The White Mock Co., nt li'orepnugh'B, continued "The Crisis HHccesKfiiily "Tlic Klcbt for Mll- llona," nt the Standard, hud capacity. ..: Vaudeville at Keith's had crowds. ......Large audiences attended the Canlno for Vanity Fair; at the IHJou fur tlio Yankee (IIris, and Ihe ' ' "" onodle Mrynnt's Unrlcsquers.. Lyceum for Hurry ...The Jolly tllrls niiened the Trocudero In tine style -T'o Uleve'nlh, Diimont's, the lOmpire, with ' hmli- lag Island," and Iho muscuiu, did well. Wasiij.sqton. Aug. 21». — "The Prodigal Son," .lad Ms premiere at the National last iilghi: before nn Immense audience und was n proliuunccd success Ford and iJehrue, In "Lovers and Lunnllcs," bud cnpatdly hoiisevat the l,afByetln "Why C.lrls Ij-hve Uome" packed Ihe Academy - Tlie Agoust Kumliy was the lop liner lit • 'hnae's Tlie Ulgb Hchuol (Ilrla, at the I.vceiim, opened to capnclly. CiNniNNATi, Aug. 20.— Four theatres opened ibn season Munday, and cooler weath- er Increased Ihe receipts "The Show 'Hrl," at Ibe Walnut, and a good lilll ot the Cnlumhiu, attracted good business "Se- •'rel Service Som." at Heuck's, and "Slaves "I the MBI." drew to capacity The I'nrlslnn Widows, at Ibe Slnndard, and Pat itellly's Big Show, at tbe People's, opened lo good business. The Summer resorts drew Well. Kansas Oitt, Aug. 20.—"Arlronn" opened we!l nt the 'Irnnd Sunday Two big niiiHj>nces nt the Auditorium greeted "Florn- •lora." M the Qlllla "A Girl of the Streets" scored. The Century opened Iti ISOO, and mode his debut aa Master Eddy, cooturllootst. In 1881, at tbe Old Adelpbi Theatre, Buffalo, N. V., then under the man- agement ot the late Dan'i Shelby. In 1880. Mr. Curtis entered the prize ring and traveled as apnrrlng partner for Billy Crosn, of Chlcngo. In 1801. he re-entered the the- atrical profesalonul under his own niime (Ned Curl la), ploying the actor, in .lobn Wild's "Itiinnlng Wild" Co. During the past three veara he had been leading -comedlap with Bennett & Mouiton Co. Last Spring he de- termined lo return to atbletlca, hence bla attempt to swim tbe rapids. Ills wife, daughter, mother and a slater. Kdythe Cur- tis, with "Bnbes In Toylond" Co., survive him. interment was In AVoodlawn Ceme- tery. Niagara Fulls, Aug. 21. „ ^ , TiioH. K. .Mai'Donai.o, od actor, died at Virginia Cltv, Nev., Aug. 12, from heart failure, aged Ihlrt.v-sii years. He had been a member ot Iho Oeorgla Harper Co. for a number of seasons. During his sixteen years lo Ihe profession he bad been with the Uuhlc Thealre Co.. D'Ormond & Fuller. Taylor & Kryor and other companies. He wns n memlier of the Ml Paso. Tox.. Aerie of Kngles, and the Virginia Clly lodge liad charge of Ihe funeral. His wife and child, holii members of tlie (Jcorghi rinrpcr Co., survive lilm. „ ,, Mil. r,BSMK, of r,c»llc nnd Hnrsfleld, whose name In private life wiis Link WIndcId llecd, died In Tnmpit, Fin.. Aug. 7, from stomach trouble, aged Ihlrty-iilne .years. He had forinerlv upiieured lu vaudeville with his wife, Lillle Saislleld. until she wns stricken with cancer. Inst year. Mr. Leslie then Joined hands with Billy Campbell. Ills wife and sister survive him. I'liii.ip Kl.KKiH, who was known ns "Indiana's 700 pound man." died from drop, av nt hlH home in Hlilesvlllc, lud,. Aug, 'J:i. lie had traveled with circuses. Ills weight often reached 773 pounds, II was snld. Miis. Thomas BA«nv, the well kuown actress, whose name In privalc life was Mrs. Will, iledmond. died Aug. •-Ti. at lier hoiiie In Plcrmont. N. Y., from ii coropllcniloo of dls- eascs. .Mrs. Iledmond for many years was connected with the Boston 'niealre. She was horn In Yorkshire. Kngland, her ranldeii name being Clara BlddleK, a daughter of Charles S. Biddies, an uclor. She first ap- peared on the stage nt the age of ^our. w III Mr and Mrs. Thomas Keel. In 18o4 Ihe iute Thomos Barry l.ioiight her to America lo open the Boalou Theatre of which he was manager, and she married Mr. Barry la IfiMt. She was the leortlng lady of th*" 01 ""e The- atre la Bo.iton when it burned In 187.1. After the death of Mr. Barry she starred with William Redmond, whose wife she at- ""s"mA SrAM.%. who had beea with, the Kuclld Avenue (Inrden Opera Co., nfvema, O during Ihe Summer, illed from typhoid fever In thot city week of Aug. 21, Cruwford's ComcJliiiiii (11. I). Crn>»foril. mgr.)— Auburn, Nrlir,, 28-Sepl. 2. Uamburg, la., 4'0. ChuuiKcy-Kelfrcr (Fred C. Cbmun'ey, mgr.)— llurrlsburg, Ph.. 28'Scpt. 2, Ocllysburg 4-0, .Mount Curinel 7-0. "College Widow," Kuslern (Henry W, Bavagr, niKr.)—BoHloii, Ham., 28, IndrHnite. "Collcee Widow," Western (lleory W. Savage, mgr. I—Chicago, HI., 28, Inilednlle. "County Cbulrmaii," Kusleru (Henry W. Savage, mgr.l—N. V. City Sept. 4'D. "County Cbniridsn," Weslcru (Henry W. Savige, mgr.)—Omuliu, Ncbr.. I). 10, "CourcHnlon of K Wife" (A, H. Woods, mgr.l— Oinuba, .\elir., 2H'Sepl. 2, Kaunas Clly, .Mo., :i'0. "CUIhl Slaves of Now York" (J. P. K.ckhardt, mgr.)—Cblciigu, 111., 2?.Sept. 2. CIcveliiiul, U., 40. "Country KlU" (II. U, Wbltlnker. mgr.)-Wiir- Kun. Ind., :I0. Knox III, Argus Sept. I. Itaches- ler 2, LiigaiiHiMirl 4, Kokoiuo B, Plyroonlh II, Fort Wayne 7, 8, Fraukforl ». "Curi>e of Drink," Clinn. F., illuney's—HI. Uiula, .Mo.. 27-Scpl. 2. "CuHter's Lust Klglil" (Friiik C. Ilhodea, mgr.) —lluslon. Mans., 28'Scpl. 2. "(.'iuy Buker" (II. Biilib. mgr.)—CUamlienilHirg, Pa., :io, Ynungsiiiirii, (I., ;il-Seiil. 2, Klyrli 4. Dcluvuu ,'•, Bi'licroHliiInc U, Cliiliicoihe 7, Jnck- Huli 8, P;ii'kcr)<bnrg, W. Vu., II. "Convict's DniiKhler" (Kd. Sailer, mgr.)—Chi- cago, III.. 27-Se|il. 2, Drew. John (Cbiirles Fmhiiiiin, uigr.)—.N. Y. Clly .><e|il. 4, IniMultc. IliHiiie. Allen (Keiincy ft Westfali, mgrs.) — Hock. IhiiiI, Mc, Kcp(. 4, Until R, Porllaiiil U, Ulilde- fiiril 7. Wolervliie 8. Ihiiigur P. Di'uu, Irfmis—MurHlmll, Tei., 28 Sept. 2, Pine BIng. Ark.. 411. 1)0 Pi'ivllurdi'tlo Stock—Suiiieni(!l, Ky., 2M-Se|il. 2 1)0 Vuss, Flora. ,Nu. 1 li, 11. Iloluuur, mgr.) — Ciiip|H>wu Fulls. Wis., 28 Sept. 2. Do Voas, Flora, No. 2 (J. B. Ilolnour, mgr.) - AlUinlu. 111., Sept. 4 0. DutIs I.UingHloiM'-llftruil. .Mich., 27-Sc(il. 2. "iinrid Karuiii" (Jules Cuba, lUgr.)—llruutlyn, N. Y.. .Sept. 4-U. "Ikiru Thoriio." B (Buwiund ft Cllfforil. nigra.)— llui'iifsler. Iiiii., :ill, lAigunsiKirt :il. Peru Hepl. I, .Murhm 2. Agivu. O., 4. .Mineral Clly &, A|. lluiiw d, Jliiiprvu 7, Fust LI«cr|iuol 8, HIeuben- vllle II. "litini Thuriie." C (llowluiid ft Clifturd, ingrs.) —llur«iird, ill., .10. .Marengo :il, lleuua Heni. I, Jullcl 2, Hummouil, Ind.. 11. K.lgln. Ill,, 4. llockrord .'>. Sluugbluu, Win.. (I, Potluge 7. lie. lull 8. Jaiiesrillo !). "libra 'I'lKjriii'." II (Bowiuml ft ClinoM. mgrs.)— Big llaiilii*. Mich,. :iO. ilml <'lly :il, l.wilng. tun Sepl. I, .Mmilslce 'J, 'I'niterse CItj 4, Kaj. kasha .'•. "IKiru Thome," K lllowlniid ft CIIIToril. logm. )— Amherst. Wbi.. :iO. Blank lllreB F<ltS':ili lie- nominee Sept. I, Eau Claire 2, Braliirrd. Minn.. 4. Wesl Su|>erlor, Wis., 0. Dniulb, Minn., 0, Aitkin 7, Drtrolt 8. Ferris Fills 9. "DcserlBil at Ibe Altar" (Percy n. Wllilaroa, mgr.)—Peterson. N. J.. 28-30. "Down by Ibe Sen" (S. W. Cnmlis, mgr.)—Law- rence. .Mans., Sepl. 2. Dover, N. II,. 4. Frnnk- liu Fails r>, I.ecanla <l, Monlpelier, Vt., 7, Ilarre 8. 81. Alhans n. "Dangerous Life" |M. B. (looclmin, mgr.)— Brockvlile, Got,, an, Ottawa ai-Sept, 2, [.',,,1,1," Porter J. While's—Bsrrle, Can,, .10, "Flftlgaii''l' Bin'''' "(iflVle ilack ft Jos. W. 8pe«r», n5?M-Fll«al«>tb, N. J., .-Jepl. 4.fl. OoSTl/ln. N. C. (flM). J. Applftou. mgr.)-N. Y, Clu Sept. (I, Inilellnlle. „ , flllnnire, Paul (Jnles Murry. mgr.)—Pnlersirti, (larield B'i"'Hlick' (J. S. llarlleld. mgr.)—Oil Ollr, Pa., 2K'Sepl. 2. (irace llaywaril Swk (Dick Ferris, mgr,)-l.ln- enln, Ncbr.. 4.|1. . „<. „ . o >i.. fllfforti-llearlng—Kilgew.Hi.1, la.. 28.8epl. S. Man- "fllrroVtbe'siri-ets" U))vker ft Vernnee. laiirs.) —Kansas Clly, .Mo., JT-Senl. "J. SI. Ji«e|ih .1, 4, Omaha, Nehr., r.. d. is-« Moines, in.. 711. "Olrls Will Be dlrls" (Win. A. Brady, mgr.)- Toronto, Can.. 28'Seiit. 2. ,, „ ^ « , "fiyiisy CIrl." Win. T KeogU's—Newark, N. J., •ill.*].!. 2, N. Y. City 4.II. "Ilambler," Mitchell Bros.'—.Norrlslowii. I'a., .ID, Bending SlSepl. 2, lloHlon, Mass., 411, illtclicock. Ilnrmoiid (Henry W. Savage, mgr.) — ■ N. Y. City 'J8, hidfOnllc. , ^ ., HIggius, D«»ld (K. D. Slnlr, mgr.)—I.afuyelte, Ind., :i0. 'I'erre llniile ;ll, Bloomillgl 111., Sept. 1. Peiirln 2, Clilcsgn .'l-ld. Howard Hull (Henry Plersnn, mgr.)—N. Y. Clly ■JS'Sepl. 'J, Pblloildlihlu. Pa.. 40. llnlper. lU-orgl. iHiimcr A: Dclrick, nigr"."-- (ifuss Valley. Cal., 28-8eiit. 2. Neytdii flit *•'. rt'a Contfdy (H. n. Alleii. niur.)—Anna, 111., :8."eiil, 2. ( K.i., 4'fl. illiiiueieln't ideals (J1.I11. A. Illmiarlgfn. mgr.), lllnrroelefii"' Iniiwrin'l Stock (H. P. Illiumeleln, inKr.l---Keulou. II.. 28 Se|il. 2, Lorain 4 P. Howard'DorKft (fleo. B. Howard, ingr.)—Terro ' Haute. Ind.. 28Sepl. 'J. Herald Snuure Slock (lllller ft Fanshawe, mgrs,) -Dexter. .Me., 2S'Sepl. 2, Newimrl 7-1). Ilciiderson, Mmnl, Slock (Joseph Pan-nl. mgr.) — Sogluaw. .Mich.. niSepl. 2. HI. Cbsries .1, 4. Harvey ft (lage IVuneilr—Pall ItUer, Mass., 28- Senl. 2, New Bfdfonl 4.11. Hilrrlbglun «lo(.k (R. L. Klugdon, mgr,)—lerre Haute, Ind., 28'Hepl. 10, llnnllngs, the Four (Harry Dull, IIL, UO. Easl .HI. Louis Sept. 2. cntur 0. Snilivon T. Terre Iluntiv "IJigglMy I Iggletly" (.lo»e|ih Wcls-r, ton, .Mass.. 8epl. 4'H. "llelr lo Ibe l|w(<iah," Klrke La Shrlle's-Dos- tou, Mans., Sept. 2111. ..... "Her Oulv 8ln,V Lincoln J. Carter's—Liidliiglou, Mich., iio. Cadillac Hepl. I, Traverse Clly 2. "Heart of Chicago." LIniidu J. Carler's—(Irand Riplda, Wis., :iO, MarshBeld Ul. NsIIIsvIIId 8c|d, 1, Lu Crosse 2. . , "Hoaest IlearlB." KihnI ft «lar.iolo'»—Uroflon, N. Dnk., 30, Uraiiil Forks .11. Crookslou, Mliiu., Sepl, 1. Fargo, N, Duk., 2, JuiochIosii 4, .Mtii- dou B, lllrniTlve. Muul., U. .Miles Clly 7. Iluiv- man.8, Ilnlle 0. ... "Ilutisc of .Mysli-ry" Olllleulhal Bros.' AniiMC. Co., ingrs.)—MulTiilo, N. V., 28.8e(il. 2. T0I11I0, 0., 3^ Bowling llrreii 7, Lima 8, llunillliiii 1). "Hans Hanson" (Jiiiucs T. McAlplii, mgr.)—Hnc Clly, la., 30, Ki'hniler III, llolcmeiu Sepl. 1. Kingslev 2. Sioux (nty 3, 4, Huwiinieii «. Hoi-k Vaiu'y II. 7. Cuiitoii, H, Unk,. H. Hluui Fulls U. "Her Wnhllug D»y" (Jainea Wall, mgr.)- -llnitl. more', Md., 28'Hv|il. 2, Wasblnglon, l>. C. 411. "iluollgan's Troubles" (A. J. Ayleawurlh, mgr. I —MankulO. Minn,, Kept. 2. "Holly Tolly" IJos. M. (lalles, mgr.)—St. Paul, Minn., Sept. :tn. Vllls Fnlher'H Kin" (Jml Carlloii. agr.)—llulier. Mo.. Sepl. 1. Pleasant IIIII 2. HoMeu 4, Hedalln fi.~>r&rshull U, Uih-aiia 7, lllgglnsvlilc 8, Lexing. ton 0, "How lluiier Bulieii lu" iVum-e ft Huliivan, mgrs.)—hiiiiuiisiHjIlii, liuL, 28.,'lil. "Her First i-'alse Klep," C. F. Whllaker'a-Dc. ■ roil, .Mich., 27-Sepl. 2. "Hearls of Oidil" I Phil Clly,.N. J., 2H.««il. 2, X "ilnmau Hearts" (Win. K Vllle, Mu., :W. HulN-rly jegerwn Cllv 2. "Iloolignu ill ,N«w York." Fr«».«! ft Browne's-- .MuskoKM-. Ind. 'fer.. 31. Sliswnwr. Ohlu.. Hrpl. 2. liklsliisnii Clly ::. Anliiiorr. Ind. Ter.. 4, (Inineatille, Tei., fi. Fort Worib U, Dailus 7, McKiniiey 8, Hlieriumi ti. "How IlearlB Ate Broken"—Mi-uiphls, TriiM., 28. Mepl. 2. Irwln, May-San Kralicisco, l^nl., 28'Hc|il. U, "In Old Kcnlncky" (A. W. Dingwall, mgr.) — Nt. Paul. .Minn., 27-,S«'pl. '2, Mliiiieaisjils :IU. J«weli-|i«liy Slui^k "Cbiittanoiiga, 'feun., 28'Hi'pt. 2. ColiniibiiN, (Is.. 4-II. Jvikliis, Clara (Jos. W. iJ-igli. mgr.l -Chk'igo, mar,)—Cairn, I, Dsiia r>, De- . liui.. 8, II. mgr.)—Iliis- Hniil, mgr.)—Jersey Y. cllj 4.0. Riley, uigr.)—KIrk. 31, Met leu .Hepl. I, IB, 28.S(-pl, I. "Jerry from Kerry," I Bay. Oul.. :tu. "Joliy Amerliiiii Tramp" -Port lluruii, Midi.. 'alien ft Prrry'n—Norlii (II. :iu, P. Frankllu. lugr. 1 Lapeer 31, Vusnui 8<ipl. I, Bay Cllf 2, Siiglnan 4. Haltle Creek U. Kuolt. Ilosolle (Ksnr, Sbiiimuu ft CVilvlu, mgrs. 1 —Warren, Pu., Ill, MeadTlllo Sriil. I, Akruii. ()., 2,' FbrI Wayne, Ind.. 4. Angula fi. Jucksuii. MIcli.. (I, l.ntinliig 7. Cimrl»ll« 8, (Irund lluplds P. Krmlall, Kira (LlL-lilcr ft Co., lagrs.)—Heatllr, VVush., Heiil. :i-S. Karndl, Dot (J. C. Welsh, mgr.)—Ilavrrblll. Mass.. 28'Se|il. 2. l.ewlslou. M«„ 4'U. Keller Slock (A. II. Kelli-r, mgr.)—l.'lyde, Kan., 28'Sepl. 2. ,tiigii>la 411. KlngsleyBuKsetl 11-:. B. Iliiasell, mgr.)—Mount Sterling. III., 2l-8epl. 2. Klmmrl,^ Harry—Uryuni, III., 28-30. Cuba .11- Hejil. 2, 1^ IlariM' 4-0. Kcunedy Come<ly—Woonsockel, R. I., 3|.Hepl. 2, Kerkboir.Hlllman Slack llvnn Kerkhoff. mgr.)— Wntcrvlllc. Kan., 2Sr,n, Prnnkforl 31'flriil. 2, Stockton 4.». "King of Ihe Opiam Bine." Chas. E. Blaney's— Dayloii. O., 28..10, Columlms aLSepI, 2, I'llls- burg, Pa., 411. "King of Tramiis" (Empire Amuse. ('/»., mgrs. I— .Mount Hnliy, N. J., Sept. I, Coolesvllle, Pe., 2, Boypraford 4, Pnllstnwn n. Wllllamstown l>, Tower Clly 7, llarrlibnrg S, Keidlng V, llam"|Kirt, in., f,-. Myrklc Unnler Hinck, Weslern (Kugi'iie J. minagerl.--Wheeling, W. Vs., 28.Sepl. ! Kti'stsiri, Pn., 4'n. .; Mvrkle'llnnier StiH'k,r'Snutliern (l.ulhiuini ft Ij-lah, mars.)—Lufiiyelle, liuL, 2S'Sepl. 2, Vnlpnrahn 411. .Mvers. Irene, Big Stock (Will II. .Myers, mar.)— Wllkeshnrre, l^i., asSept. 2, Allenlowu 40, Miithers, Clara—Calgsry, N. VV. T., Cnn., 'JS, liideHalle. McDonald Stock III. W. McDr.nnbl. ingr.l—La- mar. Colo., 2S'Sepl. 2, Ihsigi: Clly, Kan., 4 11, Vnrrny ft .Mnckey iJrilin J. Mirray, mgr.l—I.<ni. don, (I., 2S'S,>pl. 2, Warren 441. Mnn-V Slock (1.11 Conile ft Fb-slier, mxrs.l—llt- lawo, Knn.. Sepl. 4-11. .McDonald, Jack, SPs-k (John T. Cimdon, mar. I — Burni'Mville, (I.. 2N.Si|il. 2. .Miirlelln Mis re's SliH<k (Frank A. Misire, mar. 1—Churdnn, O., 2H'Scpt, 2. Bin'hpnrl. Pn.. 411. Malllce Sln..k (Ward II. Mnllice, inar.l—l'n«. dlllu. N. v., 2H.Sept. 2. Mnaiui ft Imsisi's Puvllhin Thrnire (lliirl liiisiui, mgr.)—llns'iicnslle, Mu., 28.Se|il. 2. Seymour, Is.. 4 11, (Irecur Clly, .Mo.. 70. Mnribinlcl Slis'l. (Morilauiel ft Hiuiler, nigra. I — WiiislonSsi N. li., '.'N'SiiU. 2, Danville, Vs., 4 II. Msdisiin Sipisre 'I'lieulre (lien. W. Lowe, uur.)—• ll"|i|mer, nn'.. 2H.Hi'pl. 2. Wuhco 4 11. Murk Smck (IP<iiJ. F. Mack, mgr.l—lli'llnwa Foils, VI.. 2N..1<'pt. 2. Mhhiletnn Slock—Sngliiow. Mich., 27.:IU. Vlller Bros.' HInck—.Mlilun. In., Sepl. 411. MInnelll Bros.'—Ilrecnilcbl, (I., 2N Sept. 2. Mugralb Slock (Jim .Mugrnlb, mgr.)—Sealllr, Wiiali,. 28, liiiirllnlle. "Mrs, Ledliigwell's BiKils" (Cliarles Friihmau, iiigr.)-~N. V. Clly 'JSHeiil. 2. ".Mrs. Temple's Tslrgram ' (W. N. Lawrence, mgr.) Chieagu, III., 28.Sepl. 2, ilinsha. Nehr., II H. "Marriage of Kilty" (Jules Murry. mgr.)—Akron, O.. :iu. Ilrand Baplds, ,Mlcli,. .VU. "Mr. llooley". (Freil liytler. mgr.l—Tnlwlo, (I., 27.30, (Iroud ilnplda, Mich., 3l'8epi. 2, Cbi- I'ugu. III.. 311. ",My 'I'om.Biiy Olrl" (Henry II. Winchell, mgr.) — N. Y., 'J8'Si.|il. 2, Pruddi'iice, B. I.. 4.11. ".MIdnlgbl Flyer" (F.ii. Aiulersnn. uigr.)—Frank. fort. Ind., 311, Tiplon :il. Fori Wayne Sept. 2, Klwuiid 4, Lnfayellu .I, llreencnstle d, .Madlsnil 7, Coluinlius N. ".My Wife's Fnniliv." I',s»leru (Slepbciia A Lin- Inn. ingiii. I—llili-sgo. Hi.. 28.Sepl, 2. Mem. phis, 'reini., 411. "My Wile's Family," Western (W. Mcllnwnu. ingr.l—Dellaiii'e. 11,, :il, Foslorln Sept. I, SI, .Murys 'J. LIuin 4. "McFuiidcn'a Finis" (Thiis. B. Henry, mgr.) — Norfolk, Vs.. 4, r,, lllcbinoml II, 7, Siuilli llelii- leheni. Ps., H, Bending II. "Mysteries of .New YorS"—Klisals'lb, N. J., 28. :ui, "Missouri Olrl," Wealiirn (Merle il. NorUiu, mar.) -Walerlon, la,, llll, Wsverly 31, darks- vlllo Hepl. 1, Mssmi Clly 2, Aiis-ri l,i-a, .Minn., 4, Ownlonns :v. .Msiikslft 11. ".Mnbuiey's Wisbllng" I Daniel .McCoy, ingr.l—Van llureu. lliiL, lUI, Mnrlon 31, Limn, II,, Sepl. I, Piqua 2. ".More lo lie Plllitl 'I'l Sioriieii" (Ais- I.evy. mgr.l-N. Y. Clly 28'Sepl, 2, Bultliiwre, Mil.. 411. "Me. Illni ami I"- l>hllu<lelpiiio. Pn., Sepl. 411. "Mllllunaire Tramp" iFiisI C. 'riiomas, mgr.) — .\lniicle, lull.. Si'pl. 2. SpringtleiU, II,, 4, Neivniuu, Juseiih I Frank Vigiiis), mgr.)—<!rwiii', I'ldo., 30, AluniiMu :il, lluruagn Se|it. 1, Silver- loll 2, 'I'plliirlile 4, lliiray A, .Moiiliiise 11, Paoiilu 7, ilolcliklas 8, Delia II, .New York Piu.vers isbniv ft Oallngher. nigra.)— Eau Claire, Wis., '.'S-Hciil. 2. "Niiioly ami Nine"- Brooklyn, N, Elisalielb, N. J.. 7 P. "Nrlublairly NelKhlsirs" (Friiuk W. .Nssnn, mgr.l '- Nornsy. Mo.. :iu. Brlilaeton 31, North Con- Hay, N. II.. Si'iil, I, Saiilsirnville 2. .Manclm- ler 4.U, .NaNliuu 7, Porlsinnulh 8, Suuford, .Mc, II. ".Nellie, the .Newa dirl" Kloiild ft FrenI, nigra.) -Erie, Pn.. 28:111. McKH>s|»rl 3l'Se|ii. 2, Wbreling, W. Va., 40, .Muliiilnglon 7. Chsrlerol, Pu,. 8. ".No Miilber lo ilulilo Her"—Lnnlsvllle, Ky., £7- Sept. 2, 81. Louis, Mil., 311. "Iiur New Minister" (Miller ft Coiiyera,'nigra,I llrivn Buy, Wis., :il>, .Menoinini-e, .Mich., 31, Iniii Moniitalii Seiil, I. Msiilstbpo' 2. l':HcsnDliii 3, (lludsliine 4, IsliiieniliiK .1. .Xlitnineiie II, Culii* mel 7, lluni'<H'k 8, llladntoihi II. "liver NIsguru Fulls," A lllimlund A nilirard, mgrs.I- 'lliiiilliigloii, hid.. Ihl, Fori Wnyiw 31. .Monlis'iler Nrpl. I. liurt ford lily 2, Anilersan 4, KIu'inhI Ti, .Miiindu II. iliiyltiii. II., 7. .Mluiuls- liiirx S, Xeliln II. "Over .Vliigura Fulls," II lllowland ft Cliiroril, mgrs.) -Poitllue, 111., - :io, lllisiniliiglon 31, Cliiilim Sept. I, IN'cNiur 2. SprliiKtIebi 3. Jack- sonville 4, lloiiuiliul. .Mo,. .'1, PlllsHeld, III., li. "On. Hie Bridge st .Mblnllifii." Enslern, Kllnit *.: Ontsolo'H IMfiird, liiil., 311, Jii«ouvllle 31. Terre llunlo S<>pl. I, 'J. EvnnHvilie 3, llnuvlile, III., 4, ihsnlur .'•, llbHimlnglon il, Fnlrbnry T, llllawa 8. Hlreatoi- II. "On Ibe Brhlge nt .Mldnlglil." Western, Kliml ft ilHisobi's -ilreiil Fslla. .Muni., 30. Ilvlena 31, Wulliiis'. iilii., Sepl. I, Wardiinr 2, Spragne, WukIi,, I, l>enilleli>li. Ore., r>. Walla Wfliln. Wa«b.. II, Norib Ysklmn 7, Klleiisburg 8, Olrni- plii II. "obi Arknnsnw" Id, W. Lyoii, mgr.)—Oak*, .Neb., :ui, llrlllou, S. lluk.. :!i. Ais'rdcen Si'pl. I. 2, llnilou 4. liiHivleb 3. Fiiiilliner il, llei|. Held 7, .Norllivllie 8, Mellelli- II. "OM 81 Sti'bliliis" (Englainl Amuse. Co., mgrs. I -Newark. N. Y.. 31. Wwdsisirt Sepl. I. Au- iMirii 2. (iHwego. 4, Fulton .'1, Cunundalgiiii 11, Albion 7. .Mlibileisirl M, ,Meillnn II. Pailon, W. B. IJ, ,M. Stout, inarl—Fsirlinry, III., ,11. I^lri.utur Sifil. I, Olluivj 2. Hprliig Val- ley :i. Sivrling 4, .Meiiduta r>, .Morrisoa d. Puriiell, Kslhryn IW. II. 1'llr.geralil, iiigr.l— CnrlHiiidnle, Pa., 28-SmiI. 2. Ilarrialnirg 4-0. Pheiau Slock (E. V. Pbelan. mgr.)—Poriltnd. Me., 28. Indeflnlle. Parlon Sisters (Dau 8. Holt, mar,)—Anderson, 8. C ZS'Senl. 2. Oreanvilie 4.ii. "Pmdiaal Son" (l.leliler ft Co.. mgrs,)—Wasb- lnglon. I). C, 28.Sepl. 2, N. Y. (Ity 4. imlefl- Y., 28.Sepl. 2, ulle. "Prince Ciisp" (W. N. I.owreiice. mgr.l—N. Y. Clly Sepl. 4, Inilellnlle. "Parson's Wife"—Paleraun, N.J.. 31 Sept. 2. "Polly PrlniMse" (D, L, Wllllanisou, mgr.)—s