The New York Clipper (September 1905)

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703 THE :N"EW YORK CLIPPEK* September 2. The BEST» the BIGGEST, the FLASHIEST^und SeU on Sight Always. CONTAINING the SEASON'S BIG HITS. Keep a Little Cosy Corner in Your Heart For Me, My Ouidlng Btar, I.m Oolng to Meet Birdie To-Nlght, I Never Meant to Hurt You Bo, Tommy, Longrtag "^J^''^„|°\*"fJf„'" *"* S ' '!*"• Whafe the Matter with BarahP Billy McNeil lor Mine, My Bashftil Moon, By the -Watermelon Vine, Lindy Lou; Eemember, Sweetheart, Renumber; She waita oy tne iJeep ijluo Sea, Where the Dreamy Buwanee Flows, tJnder the Banana Tree, Its the Irleh; .Jnst a Picture of You. Lights of Home, They All Spoke Well of ^o"- "^^ »?° ^y"i"*yii™ J*°»nB ^ Away NelUe Darling; In the Bajne Old Way, The Bongs of Other Days, Thi Palace of Weary Nights, Rosianna-ann, The Girl Who Has a Bweetheart m tne Army, ueronimo. Look for He in Cherry Time, and Two Complete Pieces of Music Up to Date, Beoitations, Jokes and Monologues, •lock book* for lOOn-OO have Jnilt been lunnd, ale* 10x13, parlOO, or tlO.On |irr 1.000. Wi oar 8oi>K Book Letter giving full Information on aoog b>ok matter*. Mend IfNt. |n atBinp* to pmy poifa|e< Bight Dirr«r<>nt »ong Booki, aUe 8x11, 60c. per 100, or tT.OO per 1,000. A. l_ONDON ^WJB Our stock book* for IttOIi-OO liave Jntt been iuned, alee 10x13, tl.aii per 100, or ilO.OO utr 1 000. We niake"»pM'lal corer or Company boolu •»««•» *»J'»„^?.It'5jEl "' n*^"* **""* **" ■"'"P'»« •"4 - - - -• ■ • - --• . -- • - r. ._. •. . • Order* niled on day recefred for atoek book*. No books sent C. O. D. oo. 711 MWillovi^ S-fe., PHil«cl*i|>l-iii Ready for Fall and Winter 1905. We are exhibiting tiie largest variety of high grade wool- ens ever shown in the tailoring trade. Our prices are attrac- tive. Our goods were ordered very early before the advance in prices and we give our patrons the full benefit. We start with an elegant suit or overcoat made to perfection, in fit, style and workmanship to measure at $20. Full Dress Sdit, silk lined throughout $40. Ask for our new Fall booklet and samples. t ARNHEIM Broadway and Ninth Street, New York. Klfo & I'r«nj«t. Vlulorlii, N. V. 0., 28-Sept. I". Rice. Andy, (llyiiiplc. Ulilciiiso. 2HlJei>t. 2. Hire Ilrm,, HhUhIoii 8|Pn. N. Y.. UN-Sept. 2; \Volti':i. 111. Iltci' * Colii'ii. <>)lonlHl. N. Y. C, aN-8«|it. 2. Koflker. VAw. O.. AlliBiiilirn, SaTnnnaU, Ua., J(t» Hept. II lUHKlcy ft llwtpllc, Cryslul. Anilcrmiii, Iiul., "S- Kci)t. 2: UrjHtal, Kokonio, 4U. Until, SlKtcm. fu«ky roliit, H. 1.. 2«Kc(»t. 'J. ■ Boycr A Fmicli, Columbia, 8». LouU. ISSStpt. "J. Roberts & Ilulsloii, Olcolf <Bpaeli, K. Y., 28- ItoblnBch & Crnnt, C!nw'»ile Piirk. NcwcnatlB, Pti.; 28Sept. 2; JumaloH.l'urW Bea»er rolln, 'l-'i. noK»TM, Will K.,' Proi:tor'«, Kcwui-V, N. J., 'M- Ml'l.l. 2. . ■ Rohlnnon. ElUd. llaym«rkbt; CliScago, 2H-ti(.-pt. 2; Columblu, St. nnulD. 4-l>.' nobliiw.n. Ileleiie. A. & S.. Uiwtoi), 28«cpt. 2. Rochofort & Mny, IMiu.'nIi, Columbim, O., Vi- Kept. U. RnKHl'B IlorNi-, Colonlnl. N. Y. C. 28-8(!pt. 2. KuKHell, I.culi, Doiolnlon, WlnliwK, Cun., 2g-Si.>|i(, liiwell ft niir.liar. llljou, Qiiliicy, III.. 28-!icpt: 2; Orystnl, Mlttiinwa, la.. 4-«. KuskpI, I'hll &. (Carrie. Coluiulila Oiirdonj, Llflng- Hlon. Mont., 2H-Mci)t. IK ' I(u«s<-ll. nijoii, IIIpp., Boiirnonoutli, Ktii;.. 28- .Scjit. 2; Oaiiibcrwell, 4-»; Illpp., Ncirwicb, 1)-1((; WnrrliiKlon, 18-23. Hnnlfllp. Kiiiiilly, lliiltf, .Mon.. Sept. n-O. Sakriiu, Soliiiipr I'nrk, .Moiitrval, Can., 28-Sppt. •I HiiU'l. JciHppliSnc, I'oynrosl Orfeiitii. nmlnt'calh, Hum.. 28-liept. 15; lluimrchcr's, Vleniiii, Ann., i(i-ao. Haiillue Utm., Allautic Unnlvii, N'. Y. C, £K- 8ppt. 2. Slirpii'H' DoilH ft Poiilpii, Orpbcum, .M liinPHpolla, Si'pt. .'I-U. ScIipII. Wui., C'(iiir) t.aiii', N. 11., 28-aept. 2. Kciitt. Mike llowaril. BiMtoii, 28-Hppt. 2; A, ft S., Boxtoii. 4-ft. Si'lii'uck Urwt., MorrlaiHi'B, Kuvkavray, N. Y., 28- ijcpt. 2. Hoyiiiour ft Hill, TbIhciupku Park, Attlcbuto, Mukr,, 2K-Sc|it. 2. Nrvd-uiico. Maripiri't, Cook'u Park, KvaiitiTlllf, liiil., 2.S-Si'pl. 2. »i-trM, Ciiad., KdtU'K, N. Y. 0.. 28-Sopt. 2. ScriuiiH, Thv, KpiiIdii'k, lliiiralo, N. V.. 28-8ept. 2. futli'n CD. WcHtllebl, MaBB.. 8i'|it. 4-0. i^rjiuiiur ft Hill, Uatca, Attleburo, Aliiaa., 28- Kept. 2. K«:k«i', Wllk<-8 ft Co., Kviiwiek Park, Jlliaca, N, Y., 28-Sc-|il. 2. tihnw, Pftf, Stcrplccbaiic Pier, Atlantic City, N. J.. 28-iji'pt. 2. Blintv, I.llllnii, I'-ulrylaiiil, Palcraon, K. )., 28- Mfpt. 2. . Hlnipaoii, ('lii-ri<l«li, SheH'a, Turotilo, CaD., 28- Srpt. 2. biN ft Geiliipy, KuKt Kiiil Park, Mi'mpbla, Tfiiu., 2H-Si'pt. 2; Dlynipic, Ohlca«o. 4-». I^lnlor ft Kliii'li, Park, I.u|{an)iiKirt, Ind., 28- HiMil. 2. Kiiiirl ft Ki-amicr, Hhcii'H. Toronto, Can.. 28Scpt. 2 Kiiillli ft lliikor. Park. I'oltHrllle. I'a., 2H-!4Pi>t. 2. 8ii>iltT ft Itiicklry, OIWBC'a, WartilUKtori. D. O., aH-Sopt. 2: Tn'itt. Trenton, N. J., 4-0. Soiaera ft Wible. Uuvemalor'b, Atlantic City. N. J.. 28-Nupt. 2: Ilowunl. Ilostnii, 4-U. S|>i'pit.v, K. F'., Paragon Park, Knntaakct Beacb, Mima., 2!l-.Se|il. 2. SpHUblluK Ilrba., NoruinlirgH Park, Boatou, 28- .S'.'pt. 2. Kpniilillii^r, WcKt :<ldp, Btlolt, Wia., SH-Sept. 2; lioluliiiftn, WInnliK-K, Oiii., 4-0. E!|illt<, llpriunn, Ivrilli'ii. BohIoii, SB-Sept. 2. SiHi'ik Minatrcln. UlymiiU', Cblcni;u, 28-.S4>pt. 2. SplKHdl UroK. ft Muck. Kdlli'H, Ikiatnn, 28-Hppl. 2 Hti'txou, Wnllir, .ft ii)., Vaylv't, Atlantic City, N. ,1.. 2a-Sn>l. 2. Sleiiililir. Siilllo, Kfltli'K, Plilln.. 28-Sppt 2. Sli'i'i'iiK, KUtIc, Ocdar Point. Handuiltj'. U., 28- Si-pl. 2; n.'U. II., (Irand niiplila. .Mlcii., 4-0. Rli'pbi'iw. P.iul, Klrotrlo Park, Aitiiiiiy. K. Y., 28-Scpt. 2; llen\rlc-k Park, llliaca. 4-1). Btllli llroH., Ildinliilmi. Ulnnliii'ic. Cuti.. 2N-He|it. 2: MInni'apullH, Minn., 4-0. Sti'hicrt ft. Tlionnii: Park, ^(lllillelotl, N*. Y,, 2S- Si'Pl. 2. HiKiio. Itcllc, I'nlryiuiul, I'atcrMM, N. J., 28-i!!ciit. Slai'ili'lin ft Cliani'y, SInr. Kl. Wayne, Iiiil,, 28'-' Si-pt. 2. Sliiiirt. UiamVd. Waalilnvlon, D. ().. "JM-.Sppl. 2. ' Stnicy ft ilKK'ki I, Kptlli'a, Ilontdii. ;!S-S<<pl. 2<' SIriiud ft Tlinlchuf, ynmil, Potllaiid, Oro'., Bfi't. 11). Stialiliiiil ft Wllfiuu, I'alrvlcw Ptirk, Tayton, O., 2S-Scpl. 2. Stalit. ItoKc. ft Co., Urplii'iiui, Dfiirt>r, 28.Scpt. 2. Kt. liliHU, 1.00. WmaUlilc Park, Ptilla. 28-Sppt. 2. SI. Julian, •■ M;ir»pliiuii, Klectrlc Park, Ncwnrk, X. .1 , 28-8i'pl. 2. .'<l. •^ove Ill-OS., Kniplre, Donvi-r, Col., 28-Hciit. 2. Sull.v ft Plu'lpH. Iliirymnn Park. I.iixiiii»purt, Iiiil., 2)<..Srpt. 2: llljoii. l.itUHliiii, Mii'li., 4-0. Hulllvan. Mark, KclUi'a. Iloalon. 28-St'pt. 2. Sullivan & INisqiiciiua, N'oriiinbcga I'nrk, Ihiatou, 2H-Sept. 2, Hulllran ft I'miliiv, IiIph, rinid ilu I,nc, Wia., 28- SiMil. 2; lilM. Siiclwynnii. 4-0. SuDiCTK ft Mliilcra, Nc.vplty. Ui'ii\<T, 2S-Sp|>t. 2. Hwlft ft Unoklry, Miirkixw llcmli, Ihimplon, Vn., 2S.Sf|it. 2. fsjlvmir'r. l.B»'n»iiii< ft draw, ttjc Bi'acli, N". Y., 2SSi|il. 2. . RylTnn' ft ivNHi, l,nkc \Mv Park, Ft. Wortli, Tivv.. 28Si,'pl. 2. Tallnit ft tbigrr!!, UtpliiMiin, Miiiia'tiiiolla, Hi'pt. 4 !1 Ta.vlora. Tlie. Allanllc OnnlHi, N. Y. (!., :>■ .•*tM>t. 2. Taivio, Mail'., Norr'lt.v, Oaklnnil. Cal.. 28-Sppt. 2. 'lavlor 'I'Bin Sl»trra, ()ri>lioiini, UtICH. N. Y., .Sopl. 4-11. Tn-ioolt. Morrhoii'a, Uockawny, N, V-, 28-Sp|)t. TpI'L'P ft Panlpl, (HyiiniiP. Oltliaito. 2K-Sopt. 2. Tpiitpy. l-;in)c'r. TriMil, TruiliHi, N. J.. 28-Mppt. 2. TPiiiplotun, l.'l'irii'p. Lnkpuioiit I'nrk, Allouiiu, Pa., 2s.Sept. 2. TppcI ft l.nrrll. PlikwK-k, Snn I1|p»i, C«1„ 28- Sopl. 2- HokprKllPld. 4I>. Tlinini,, .Mr. ft Mia. Harry, Audlturluni, I..rnn. Maaf.. 2.'<Sn.|. 2. TIn'niMUi. Itairy. lli'iuli'rMin'a, Coupy lalanil, N. Y. t\. 2S.Si'iil. 2. Tho'-iaH ft Kulli'r. Ilcll. Oaklanil. Cal„ 28-Mrpt, 2. Tlionipaiin ft Viilm-ii. Ki'llliV, Himiun. 28-t>ppl. 2. Tlionitifnti ft ■Spriiln. Pnjlno, Olinrliitip, N. Y., 2S.S<'i>l. 2. TInn. .Mill-. I1l|i»i. laliiipnilnR. Mirli., SS-.<!4>pl. 2. 'Toiii." Tn-nl. 'rn'niiin, N, .1.. 2S Si-pl. 2. 'I'luupkln*!, >VlllnniM, ItucknH* Itpai'ti, llnntpitin. Vn., 2S Soil. 2, T»i« ft Tiirvy. rryslnl. Marlon. Inil.. 2S Si-pt. 2; rr.ralBl. Al'ilprH.n, 4 ti. Toliin Slutera. Trent, Trenton, N. J., 28-Hept. 2. Trolley Our Trio, Orcbvum. Ullcn, N. Y., PS- Sept. 2: Trenton, N. J., 4-0. ^'rolm, Ilni-niiirket, Oblcaso, 28-Sept. 2; Colum- bia, SI. I/inlK. 4-0. Trnri'') I'iitb tluartet, gbcu'a, Turouto, Can., 2H-Kepl. S. Trnubailoura, Tliree, Roaa Park, DlnKhBinton, N. Y., 2R-tlt>pt. 2; Oleron Patk, Jameatonn. 40. Triiewlell, Mr. ft Mrif. Ilowanl, Temple, Oelrol:. 28-8e.6l. 2. Taiidn. Ilnrr.T, Paxlanu Park, Uurrtsburi, Pa., 28-8ept. 2. Tyce A Jernon, Pastnr'i), N: Y. C, 28-Sept. 2. Tyrrell, Ai. II.. Caaino Park, Ktlamaioo, Micb,, 28-Hcnt. 2; liilon. Battle Creek, 4-0. ValdlngH. I.jikerlcw Park, Lowell. Uau., 28- Sept. 2. Vamora l''nn]ll.7, AI Freaco Park, Peoria, 11., 28- tippt. 2. Van Gotre ft Colrely, Fair, Trumanalnirg. N. Y., 2R-Sept. 2. Vardetta ft Heraliry, Orpheuin, Springfleld. «., Hept. 4-0. Vaidnrea. The. Wbllc City. Clilcaito, 28-a»pt. 0. Vaaaar Oiria (8», Proctor's 2;id St., N. Y. C, 28-3001. 2: ProPtor'K, Newark. N. I., 40. Vprnielt" .V Dionne, Hipp., Great Ynrniontb, Knit., 28-Sept, 2; Hipp., i,oneatoft, 4-0: Hipp., fo- Teiilry, ll-lC; Hipp., Wirdaloro. 18-2S. Vickeri, Matlle, Faltniount Park, Dayton, O., 28- Sppt. 2. Victoria, Etia, liallMon Spa, N. Y., 28.Sept. 2; Wallon. 4-u. Viw ft Viola, Spring Lake Park, Trenton, N. J., as-scpt. -A Voelker. .Mr. ft Mra. Frederick, 0. O. H., Indiau- a|)olla, 2a-Sept. 2. Von Wpnzl, Mirai, Keith's. Boaton, 28-.Sept. 2. Volpie'K AnImKlH. II. ft S., K. Y. C. 28-Sepl. 2, Voniler .^ Dellmure. Sabliatia Park, Allentuwj, I'a.. 2«S€pt. 2. Ward ft <l<K)d«iu. A. ft H., Buatoo, 28-Sept. 2. Waller ft .Maiilll. Wind Onp, Pa., 28-Sept. V. Warner's Doga, Ueudenwn d, Cvuey lalund, N. Y., 28-Sept. 2. WuMlier Htx'H.. Cr.ratal Puik, Sedalia, No.. 28- Sppt. 2; Peunlc'H, Loarenworti), Kana., 4-0. Wnlliourn ft Whltnej'. SSprlng UunU Park, Londuo. Can,. 2S-8ept. U. "^ Wallace ft npucb. Star.' Aurora. III.. 28-Sept. 2. WnlUorf ft Mrndei:, Suulbem Park. Plttaliura, 28- Sppt. -i. WalHli ft Mgon, Chutea, San Fran., Gal.-, 28- Sept. 2. Wall, Jimmy, Columbia, CiuclnnutI, 28-Sept. 2. Wiiltn. AI.. Scintiietu Park. PlttHlnirit, 28-Sei>t. 2. Wadddl, Fred, ft .Mae, KnlrTlew Park, Soutta- bt'Klge. Maar.. L8-Sept. 2. WH.vnp. Cliaa.. ft Incubator Girls, 11. & S., N. Y. 0., 28-»ppt. 2. Wnld,itfln ft Daly, Dewer, Oakland. Cal.l 28- Scpt. 2. Wnltp, Henry T., Sabbatla Park, Allentowu, Ph.. 28-Sepl. 2. Weston. Dun, .Murrison'a, Uoekawny, N. Y., 2S- Sept. 2. Welab, Chaa. & Jcmile, Cryalal, Kokomo, Ind.. 28- Hi-pt. 2. Wel|«. Panlliie, Iluuderaon'a, Coney lalund, K. V., 28-Se|»t. 2. Weaver ft Jouea, GuTernalor'*, Atlantic OttTu-lt. J.. 28-Sc|it. 2. . "7 WelCli. Cbna. ft Jennie, Crystal, 'Kokomo, iDd:, 28-Sept. 2; Star, Muncle, 4-U. Welaii ft E>te« Lynn, Masa., 28-Sp|)t. 2. Jf"; Weulon ft lluyDiond, Urump'a Park. Macon, Oa., 28-Se|it. 2; Park, Girardevlllc, Pa.. 4-0. Wfnley, Ix>ulB. Temple, Detroit. 28-Sept. 2. Wcat ft Van Bloieo, Koblnaon Park, Ft. Wayne, Ind.. 28-Sept. 2; Park, Petoaky, .Mich., 4-5. Wiinrt'jn ft L» Itoy, Lako Contrary, St. Joaenli,' .Mj., 28-Sept. 2. VVIiiteaidea, 'fbe. Bijou, Orecn Bay. Wla.. 28-Sept. 2; UUou. Marinette, 4-0. Whilpley ft Bell, Street Ity Park, Plymoulk, .Maa^., 28-Sept. 2. White ft ArllugtuQ, Park, Weatfleid, Maaa., 28- Sopt. 2. . . . :.. M'Uittaan. Frank, Tceb, BuCTnlu. K. Y., 28-Scpt' 2. Wiiiclivcman'a Bean,, Fair, tiouTiiucur, N. Y., 28- Sept. 2: Fair, Nnatiua, N. U., 4-0. Wlckoir, Baby, & Co.,. Uijou, Marquette, hlliti,] Set>t. 4-U. Wiclierii (U), P.ijou. Marquette, Midi., 2S-Sept.'2; Ilijou, lalipeiuing, 4'1>. ! Wlllig ft Lu^aou, Electric Purk, Kanaaa City, Mu., 28-Sept. 2; Fumll.v, E.'St. Louis, 111., 4-t>. WibbT. Ma-abull P., Shea's, Buffalo, N. Y.,: at- Scjit, .2; Sbea'e, Toronto, Can., 4-0. Wtlauu Trio. G. O. II., Indlauapulla, 28-Sept. ' 2: Cilumbla, St. lrf>uia. 4-0. WilMin, Alt. ft Made, Palace, Bo«ton. 28-Sept, 2. WitllaniB I)<M, Subbutia Park, Tauutou, Maaa., 28-Ser.t, 2. Wllllama ft Eeach, Star. Muucle, lnd„ Seiit. t-X Willlama ft Mayer, Kmplre, Lomlne, ()., 28-. Sept. 2; Olympic, So. Itriid, Ind., 4-1). Wiltuii Bru.1.. Orpheum. Denver, Col., 28-Sept. 2. Willlaina ft Melbum, Itet-erc BcacU, Boatou, 2!>- SP|>t. 2. Wood, Francia, Berwick Purk, llliaca, N. Y.,-28- Sci.t. 2. WiKid ft Kay, Paatur'a, N. Y. C. 2S-Sppt. 2. WtirUI'K tloniedy Four, Howard, UuatuD, '.iS-Sept. Widr ft ^(adelln, Lakevlilo Park, Akron, O., 28 Sepl. 2. Wcaahrani. V. P., Ilillalde Park. Belleville, N. J.. 2S-8eiil. 2. WiaaKoril ,(: Marlboro, IIIJou. Calumet, MIcb., 28- SeiM. 2; Bljuu, Marquette, 4-0. WoiMinatda. Giv. ft 'May. IK'mlliig'a, Kocknway, N. v., '.'SKept. 2; Park, Bnyunue, K. J., 4-0. WtHitlen ft Hayes, Ilpll, Oakland, Cal., 2a-Sept. 2. Young. Ollie ,% llio., AinUtorium, Lynn. Maxa., 28-.><cpt. 2: Moliawk. Schenectady, N. Y., 4-0. Young America l)nlntp|le. HpRdenmn'a. Oiiiey lalar.d, N. Y„ 2^.Sr|>l. 'i. Yolie ft Strang, Ptwtor'a, Newark, K, J., 2«- S-pt. 2. YoungB ft Ilmuka, Paitany Park, Uarrlaburg, Pn., 2H-.Sept. 2. ZaiiclKx. 'J'lip. VlelorlH, N. V. C, 28-Sept. 2; tbok'B, lluciieali r. N. Y., 4-P. Z<iraiiiis, ft 8l«lera lleiiB, Urenluluuil, Kocbeal;.'!', N. v.. 'JS-Si'pt. 2. Xiiiel ft Vernon, Mlyiupic. Cbliagti. 28-Spp(. 2. Xninpn. tialely. Sprlimllelii. 111., 28SMit. 2. • Zel. itayinond, C^MUinbla. St. l.oula, 28-Sppt. 2; lluymnrkct. Ubici.iio. 4-0. Zlnkurtlla. Mile., While City, Won-ester, Mans., 2H-S(pl. 2. ....^ Zlmmermiiii. At. * IVnrl, Hijun, Suiwrlor, WU., 2SSppt. 2. Zliunip.-. Joliii, (Vlirnn Pari;, Jnnipxtiiwn. N. Y . 2S Srpt, 2 ; Ketlh'H. N. V. f., -lO. 7,i»Wn ft Ivlng. Park, na.vnniip. N. .1., 28.Siiit. 2; l^icpirli' i'nik, llalln.. Md., 4-0. Znellnerf" (.'t), KtitoKltion, Toronto, Can., 2S- S.'pt. 0. WANTED - I'aatiBmaniioddj Mfdicine Co. WBnt< Perrormera in all lirannlie-t of tlie Medlclna Bnalneas. Teamn, Novelty Pcrtormcri", .Song and Dance Coniedlana. Piano Players; othera. write. Thoae ttiat wrote lictorr', wriic again. Work in ftftllaonly, Tickelsf yea. O. (I. IIUNTKU, nohln- II9D, Kan. too I.VTTBRIIKADK or Knv., 2.>c.; 32da., 2uc.; 16ili<i,30c.; half mne, tl; ronpniia, l.'ic: etii. B«niple»,4e. BllHWortb Fig.('o..Weblieravllle. Mirii IVARTBD, Heavy Man. wife for Sm»ll Paru; LeadlOK Uan, Specialty Man, double Taba. (No pkradex). Stale age, height aqd weight; lowest. 1 iwy all. Rehearaal Oct. 2. Harry LaReane, Box OM, Blueflcld. W. Va. Can use good cook on car. MABY K. PBOSPEHT THAYER. 276 Pine Street, Prof., R. I., Writes Sketches, Mono- loinea. Etc. When writing send stamp. HAMPLE PARODY. "Old Apple Tree," lOe. AT MBKRTY—AI Med. Lecturer. Long ex- perience. Hare rauatcal spcclaltlea for pay night. Fake organ. Mention best offer In first letter. Wopld like to hear from AI Comedian. Add. 231 OANISTEO ST., HornellBVllle, N. Y. -WANTED, MUSKlAXg—Trombone, Cor- net, Alto, Piano. Hu.1t join at once. Add. E. P. DELANEY, "Winning Hand" Co., Clarendon Hotel, Chicago, III., nntll Sept. 3; then Belvidere Harrard 6, Byron fl, Oregon 7. LADl' 'WltiL SEIiI< some handsome Street and BvenlDg Gowns, t5 to tI6. Riding HablU _DE88AP, 24.5 W. U6th St., let apartment, east. IVANTED, to Join on wire, Lady to P'ay Piano and Organ and do Specialty Work in Acts onstage, AI Lady AcIh for Vaudeville, Singing, Dancing, Poses. All must be able to Double Stage and Piano, State full particulars and lowest. tKing, pleasant seaaon. white Remedy Company, Ren. Del., Kushequa, Pa., Aug. '28 aod week; Johiiaonburg. Pa,, .Sept. 4, 6 and«.^ FOR SAliE-Pose Ouint. Silk Tights, Dress and Slides, tl5: Serpentine Dress, (8; Black Ait Outflt, tlS; 20 Colored KlTecta for llancc, $4, Lot.t ot tricks cheap. Enclose Ktamp or no answer. MRS. WM. CARL, -'84 Court St., Rochester, X. Y SKBTCHES.Traveatics.Burlefones.elc.wrlt- ten to order. I furnish only the best original work. JOS.KERSUAW, S29 Buttonwood St., Phllada. STROKa CORKKT snU a Few Useful All .'flouad rerforniera for Big Show and Concert, to join on wire and later. Salary Ion-, bat snre. Sonth all Winter. lievcr close. Write or wire to Jamcsburg, N, J. WILLIAM TODT. GfcT NEXT to "Olive," wallz song hit; pro- fessionals, Sc; orchestra, lOc; cheap but line; rates to dealers; send coin. Bafunno Bros. Music Co., 6206Kiinglngion Ave., St, Louis, Mo, . FLVTE AND PICCOLO (Boehtn system) at liberty. Double Moving Pictures with or without outflt. Can famish Violin. Flule and Piano witli up to date music. Hotel preterrcd. C. FRED. RUHLMAK, 73 Wright SI., Wllkesbarre. Pa. ■U'a'ntKD— Black Fuce Comedian. Must play banjo or gultnr. Hyou boo-,(e—^"oh, well," you know. SJulurr all you lire worth. I'ny your own board. Wire or write. «. . UANVAN.MKD. CO., Potlaville. Pa. PARTNER, $;J00, one-half Interest, or sell outright, reputable show. Booked solid best houKCK. Everything ready to open. Company rcbeurslng. Call quick or address HASSFA'. 230 E. 128th St.. New York. WANTED (it'ICK. Side show People for Downie'a Circus. Address or wire ■_ THOS. L. FIN.V, KB per route. . J.^CK nOONE'S PALACE THEATRE, Syracuse, N. Y., Wanla 20 Lady Performers and .First Part Women Immediately. Good ones favoretl specially. State Fulr soon. Big mone y. Write or wire. Long engagament. VNION THEATRE, 330 K. Washington St.. Syi'iieiise, N. Y., opens Sept. 4 for season on business principals. All performers and llrst part women, write Immediately. • State Fair'soon and big money. Fred McOrau, pro- prietor and mnnuger. JERonE MORA'S work is all clover, And full of surprises new; No trick be ever attempted Did he once ever fail to do. Uls actions are really quite gracetol, - And he uses no patter at all; HIS coBtumca and Bettings are tasteful. And blB Hot Is all "bustncsB," no slallB. MR. and MRS. NELLO, JUGGLING ACT. Aug. 27, Farm Thenire, Toledo. Ohio. GHAS. N. DUNCAN THIS WEEK, TONY PASTOR'S AC;a1N. Permanent address 217 K. '-'Otli St., .\. Y. --THE BUCKLEYS--- RBFIXKD MUSICAL K.NTEItTAINRRS. All First Class Agents. WUiTED, HEDICiE FWLE For Lot Work from Platform. Al SKETCH TEAM; also AI B. i\ COMEDIAN, wllb banjo or gnllar plrrerrcd. Salary no object to sober and reliable people. L. 0. CARPENTER. PotUvlllt, Pa. PARTNER WANTED For Singing and Dancing Aul, Male or Female. sute height, wolgbl; photos and programn re- turned. IVAN JEFPERSON, care of CLIPPER. WELLINGTON ORGS. Being Featured wlthSTORY'S BIO VAUDKVILLK CO. PKR UODTK. Cornettist At ULberty AHKR SEASON'S F.NOAGEMKNT, WHICH EnT>8 SEPT. 11, Address StniAllEHAI.E, Salisbury . ill Park, .Mass. It Liberty. First Class igeiit Or Mt'R. Immediate ongagcraenl desired. Address "THKATRICAL," centre Square, P». RACIRttV HTilTY 4<A ^Vants a Pianist, male: BVafiDQ BIVVA uVt VaudeTlllo Team ihat can play pans. Long season; good towns; I pay KlUglro lowesl terina or dbt'l write. W. U. POWKllS, rrankltnTlllo. N. Y. Wanted, Eiptrienced Pianist and Drummer Fnr.lmrlpsiinc thoairo. Also Driininier with full line of 1'rap< and Uella foralork tlicalre. Addre.^.* tt. F. JARROE,28SlUhSI., Troy, K. V. WILL SELL Part Interest IN ESTABLISHED ONE NIGHT STAND ATTB ACTION To e.xperienccd stsg? Manager who can act or competent Advance Agent. - Usr.a! sniary In addi- tion to Interesu Address •a Care CLIPPBB, 47 Wtst 28tli St., W. T. City. Wanted, Comedian Who sings and dames,for reptrlolrc work; a Strong Sister Team and a Good Sketch Team and a Strong Novelty AcL Can place Good Acting People in all lines who do specialties. Salary aure. ScasoD of forty weeks, commencing Imme- dlalely. Also vsnt Competent and Reliable Pianist and a Good Property Man who can act. Address WAHRKN NOBLE. Mgr. Noble's Theatre Company, 1297 W. Monroe Street, Chicago, HI. Ooiiie East or West, SBNIJ YOVR OPEK TIME CASTLE THKAIKE, BLOOHINGM. ILL On MAIN LINE Chlcaizo to St. Louis, Chicago to Kansas City. GOOD, CLEAN ACTS suitable for a PARTICULAR LADY AnDIENCE given engaoie- luenta. NO SCN'KAVSHOW. 8-F,IGHT-S SHOWS WEEKLY. (ilveTIliEofACTnnd FULLEST PAR- TICDLARS In addrc«slng. (ilLLINOHAM CO., Proprietors, or WM. AVERY, Manager^ l-ll FIRST CLASS ORGHESTRA LEAOER (VIOLIN), FOR WIKTKR SEASON. Permanent theatre en- gagement preferred. Address <inick, hKO G. BRYANT, ll> Qnincy S(., ot Hlnneiina Park Theatre, ■ Pacblo, Colo. 81E Ul Complete show. Powers' No. 2 Machhie, 22ft. Screen, 2 Rheostats, e.OOOfL Films, 10 Set Song Slides, with mngic for songs. Cable trunk and full line of special paper. No reasonable olTcr refused. Addre>J» BANCIlOtT IIOUSI-. 2l8t St. and Broadway, N. Y. GRA>.T LUCE. J. C. CRIPPEN, MUSICAL DIRECTOR. (Sight reader). Have Stercoptlcon. One piece or rep. NEW SHARON, Iowa. WANTED QUICK, ONION SM CmiPENTEIi, FENBER6 STOCK GO. (Western), WILL D«8H0K, ittgr., Yonkcra, tl. V. \Kr A IM The following musicians, for llie Lima Phllhar- niunlc Orchestra: Violin, Viola. Clarlouel, Oboe, Bassoon and Trombone Playern who are Machln- isU, Palcters and hand roller Cigar Makers. First class reliable workmen who are good iiinslcians will be given good positions ut once. Address GEO. H. METHEANy, Harper Block, Lima, Ohio. Fer Rent, 78ft. Car, GooliiRatioD Sleeper, dining and baggage, side and end doors; el.\ wheel truck>i; will pas.-* inspection any road; first class condition. Can also furnish «Sf. top. M mid- dle, seals, lights and all complete. Ouitltnowin Texaii. Will be shipped North after Sept. 18. Address J. S. KRITCHFIELI). Sliver Creek, N. V., 8cpl. .1; later pare of CLIPPER P. 0. JIM BADfifl, HAZEL MeCkUNB, A Ko,l Advance Agent,'jHventIcs, Heavies, Director, I Ingenues and Leads, Have Scrlpla. I t(nlck Study. Oood Dressera on Street and Stage. Address JIM BAUOB, Tulao, I. Ty. Can Use a 6ood Sl(etch Team that can Do Singles. Also a good Singing and Dancing Come- dian. All must be up in Med. Biz. Lady to play riano. Address H. J. JOHNS. Danville, lil. WANTED-FOR STEVENS & MOSSMAN CO.. Rep. People, .luvenile Man, Piano Player. Sister Team, Muslcjsns that double siage._ winter en- gagement. TcII all. NEW ItERLIN, ILL. DEWEY MUSIC HALL, UTIGA, N. Y.-Per- formers going East and West, book In for a couple of weeks. Sister Acts, SketcliTfams, Male Teams, Single Ladies. DAVE BARRY, Mgr. Wanted, Lecterer to Do Straights and Falie Organ; also Ulack Face Man who can change tor wcck(noboo/.ers). Name lowest salary. Mluroblne Med. Co I ■Hi ft'yckon Ave., Hrooklyn, N. Y. Back From 30 Weaks In Califernli, POWERS and THEOBALD. Bo oked aollil to January. ALL AGENTS. FOR SALE. A 4 ACT lELODBAIA. Alsoa good (Quartette Sketch, sketches and Plays written lo order. Address BERNARD KLINO, Playwright, 367 Jay St. Brooklyn, N. Y'. AT LIBKRTY, Ingenue, Juveniles, And Qen. Bus. Address ELIZAUETU NIEMEYER 1)27 X. Csinpbcl Ave.. Chicago, III. HINTRn—£''!."=''„'''';'"" "'■ Soubretle aud Al IIAllluU Wed. Performer to Join at once iKiwest brst letter. Must have "rlnctums and didos" enough for one week. WATOSKA WEUl. CINE CO.. Norm Blue Hill, Me. AND SONOR KOn VAUDKVILLE. SPARKLINO & UrnK.PlmywrlKlita llainuumd. Ind. ' ZTAr^kXTTTO BUY A throe (8)abreast DENT7.EI.MF.RRV (lO-ROrND. SiHit Cli.<>h. KARt. KOR, tiH W, Baltimore .st., BaUlmorc, Ud. POWEB'S CAaERQBAPH, FIREPBOOP ■A0AZIIE8 and TAKE DP DETICB. The Modern Notion Plctarn .Mnrhlaa. FILM SAFETY NOW ASSURED. Our Fireproof MagazlnM and Take Up Device will nt any E.thlbUlon Modern Mollon Picture Ma- chine. An entirely new apparatus by which abso- lute safety to the film from los.s by FIRE 18 a.S- SUREU. The only device of Its kind which has re- ceived onicial endorsenienls from the Local au- thoiltlee as such. Vrit4 for CATALOG, All of our Apparatus Is fnBy protected by United States palcnta issued or pending, and Infringc- mcDU! win be vigorously prosecuted. N. POWER (Ke^y York Film Eichange), 115-ln Nassau St., N.Y We must liave more of you. Good money lo the right people. Must change for one week, and raake good, swtc salary Orsf letter. Can you Join by wire notice? DR. L. R. BI:NN£TT, Care ot Bennett Mejlclne Co , Cam tie n, H. I. WANTED, TO COMPLETE M Tmo Light Comedians, GcQcral Business Women. Cliaracter Comcdiao. Specialties. Knockout Teams. JOE MARKS, Perta, Ont., Can. WANTED, GOOD COMEDIAN tvith Strong .Specialty; PIANIST and other nsefui people. Slate salary and all In Srst letter. Join on wire. Address ROBERT SHERMAN, Decatur, Ind, PABTNEB WANTED $000 buys one-half interest In a big money making company booked In the large cities and ENDORSED by the very best managers. Finest references obtainable. AN OPPORTUNITY SEL- DO.MOKKEBKD. EXPERIENCE UNNECESSARY. Inve.iiUgate quick. Address BONA FIDE. Care Blpgliamton Press, BIngbamton, N. Y. ELECTRICIAN WANTED, (Union Man.) Must be expert operator, to mn Fire Dance Act and Stereopilcon. Season's work; week stands; open In N. 1'. Sept. 11. State lowest salary and references. Address quick FIIIE DANCER, care of N. Y. CLIPPER. BARNEY FIRST, A SOCIABLE GUY, Eccentric Hebrew Comedian, featuring his orig- inal Jew Cake Valt and Eccentric Jew Buck Dance. Week of Aug. 28 at BENNETT THEATRE, Richmond, Indiana. Will consider a (iood Bur- lesque Show from RellHijle Burlesiiue Managers. Periu. address 602Afhlftnd Block, care of Wesl- ern Bureau, CLIPPER, Chicago, III. WANTED QUICK (Owing to disappointment). Juvenile Man. Comedian and Soubrette wUh specialties, and others. Most Join at once. FRANK RICH STOCK CO., week Aug. 28, Austin, Tex.; week Sept. 4, Temple, Tex. Wanted, for Prof. Pamahasika Pet Show, All kinds of Birds, Dogs, Monkeys, and all nlher good Trained Animtls. Also a Man'tbat can Tram and Uke charge of Stock. Add. PROF. PAMAHA8IKA. Remington, Indiana. P. S.—Can n.«c two good Novelty Acui, Magte, Musical or Juggling. Experienced Medicine Performers OP ALL KINDS. Black Face Sketch Team, Silent Man. All People Doubling Sugc and Band, write. Pianist doubling hras',, write. Slate what you will do and lowest salary first letter. F. s. 8T0RV, Plllsford, Vt. iniEIIIATE EmiGEHEIIIT For Gea. Bus. Man, double band. Union Carpenter and Property Man, play some parts: fleneral Business Wouuiii, good looking. MUSICIAN, Trombone, double BftrltoDc. Other musicians, write. JSO. A. IIIMMELEIN. . Kelley Island, ().; Bellalre, 0., 4 9. Wanted Quick, Sketch Team and Comediao. Change tor one week. Organ fakir given profer- en ce. . O. t; LOYD, Laurel, Iow a. VlCTOn VANNATTA, Actor, Sfl. Tin.. 15611,, Hppearance, bIiIIIIt. experi- ence, double Brass. DlftlS. VANNATTA, feat- ure plaulst, sighl reader, no parts; prefer "ue nighlef: joint only. AITKIN, MINN. Flrat AT LIBKRTV CInss Forany Imsiness. UENRY F. (iOEIIEL, Kovnton Bench, Sewaren, N.J. After Sept.,'., ,'•{> Soulli iilh SI.. Newark. K. J. 50 Oeota. Book of 10 Sbetebes. 60 Celts. 6 Acts for I male and l female; 6 Acts for n males. Money order orar. stamps. Address BEIIKAIIIl KLISO. Playwright, 3iT Jav St., Brooklyn, S. T.