The New York Clipper (September 1905)

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Septejiber 2. THE -y^lLW YORK CLTPPEK. 703 VALLEY IF YESTERDAY TIHE ONE OREA-r BIO BAI.L.AD SLIOOESS OF" THE »<Iany- Otlxer -Wlixners for I»rog:iranm. :No Oards. y.yT JigSSRa-pyAy' continental music C0„ Broadway and 28th St.. N.Y. CALL UP AND SIB WHAT WR HAVt. KEEP YOUR EYE ON HARRISON I iiot •iMtgeratc. Come and look the ground over for yoanvlf and you will Vn convlncrd. DON'T MSTfW TpjKNOC3KERS J»»><» hav« n.v.r .een thU proptrly.bat atk any of oar cutlomcTi who »»»« Invented iheir money In HARRISON, nnd who are Ja«t as wine •■ the man with the hammer IrfMk at the 1U(. Can you see any namei that ahould be oa the Fool-houMo ReKltterl We have been InteTCsting the Actors, and now (he Agent* are getting wlie, too. UEORGK TIIATOIIBR and XICNAIDR CHAM. BVRKB and OUAtJK hX RUB. OOLAN and LKNHARR. HINBH and REHINOTOH. HARRY THOMSON, The Mayor. GEORGE W. DAY. MATTHEWH and lIAHRlSi ■ JOHN J. BLACK. CLARKNCK V, •WIVBVB. . 8TBWART and DBBHOND. LOUIS PINOUS (tvllh WM. MOHRIBi. WILIiIAMH iCnnnty Chnliinnn Co.i. VHKU ItAll.KV. KU. WROTIIK (Blrket, Wnliion nnd Wrothe). P. C< AURISTnONtJ, Manngrr of NiiVHIia Oirl*. UBliMOHK and I.KK. BLVCII and LUCIA COOPHR. BBRRY nnd BKItllV. ARTHUR V. CoI.f: (Cole and Bernnid). NBLLIE t.B VINH. CIIA8. IIOMV .llney nnd I.HH;. A. n. BliKIiDON nnd other*, For Further Partioulars, write to Repre§euting "TIHE IHAI.I.EY UAND AND IIWIPROVEIVI TEL. CALL, 356'-HAWLEIMI. and ^:;».* ^»^^,^ju^ ^"^^9 NT OO., 104 and 106 E. 125tb&t..Gll7. ■m 15 Years' EiperiiBce AGENT AT LIBERTY REPERTOIRK C09IPANV PRBFEllRED. Sober, Reliable If joa Save the material to work with, and want It put ont, I will get ilie openlngB. wire or write. Meiut)er N. A. B. P. i B. of America. HARRY G. ALGKE, 2158 LEXINCTOS AVE., Xew York CItj. ED. F. ADAMS & CO., 140 W. 48d 8T„ N. Y. COMPANIES ROUTED AND BOOKED. OPEN TIME. WANTED QUICK, Al BOSCO, Van who USD llx and care for Snakes. UANClNa GIRLS. COMEDY JUDGLER. UeDllon all first letter. S. II., i-arc CLIPPER. P08SB88ION AT ONCE. line 6cri. n. T. with Two 30ft. Middles, Oft. Side Wall, Bale Rings, Unln Oujs, Blocks, Falls, Poles). Slates, Sledges, Stake Puller, Three (3) 12.\'14 UresBlnu Room Tents with Flys; One OdUe or Residence Tent, 9x18; Three Apartments; 10 Lengths Blue Scats, Iron Brackets, 3 Jacks, 0 tier high, Murray make: 1 Doable. 1 Single Ann Jet Earners, s Baker llurners. Stage. Curtains, Or- ctiejtra Platform; All Wiring and Forty 16-C»ndl« Power Globes. Ererything complete and new last season. Now In use and can be seen, near Cen- tral IIIIdoIb. Write me. JIM LOKO, Lock Box 182, Urbana, IlUnoto. For the Greatest Med. Show Ever on the Road, Complete Rep. Go. Kan wltti plays that can direct; Piano Player, ltd; or gent; High Clas.t Vaudeville Acts. State all ilrst letter. Address "THE GREAT DAVID," or 1)00 RAY, 1U13 Central Ave., Cincinnati, 0. LOUIS DEAN CO. WANTS HEADLINE VAUDEVILLE ACT (Man and Wife); must chanRc .nightly. Week stands; Elegant Wardrobe. Preference to those pliylng parts. Competent People in All Line*, write. Address LOUI» DEAN, Pine HlBir, Ark., week of Sept. 4. Allan And Bright aod Cbas. P. V'hyte, write. Good Repertoire People In All Lines for the Bradford Stock Company Would like to hear from a gootl. Iiusllliig Agent. JAMBS H. BRADFUKD, Manager, Vlnclaud, N. J., wpt. I and 2; Klkton, Md., Sept. i, s and 6; Havre Uc (Irace, Md., 7, 8 and u. Wanted, To Lease Or lanage Ab Opera Hoase Foratermof yearn, located in a thrifty town or citj, where I can devote my oiitlro attention to same. llHve no choice of torrltory; anywhere In the United Slates. Am capiiblc of lianUIIng high daw attractions and vaudeville. Invite oU'ers from >tars, one iiighl or repertory companies as inauager. Address "JIM" LONG , . Lock Box 1»2, Urbana, Illinois. WANTED, WOMAN for Heavlc.'i, (lOOU SIN9IN'(i and DANC- ING SOUBRETTE, must lie small in Htatue. .MD- .^ICUNSto DouDle In Band and Orchentra. Must join on receipt nf wire. WALLACE DE WK8TLAKE, Bus. Mgr., PONCE DE LEON COMEDY CO. 813 Temple Court Illdg., Atlanta, Ca. FAIR WEEK OPEN, Good for $800 to $1,000, FOR First Class Repertoire Co., 11 eiiY opi ii, McGONNELSVILLE-MALTA, 0. We can give good C'omli Opera Cos. or any high class productions PAYI.SG business. Write us. ADAMS i BAIK, Mgrs., .McConnelgvllle, <». WANTED QUICK, FULL COMPANY. Tell all. Send photo*. EBEBT lAHER STOCK. 119 Aliott .Street, Detroit, Mich. >n«ed, for LUGiER'S FAMOUS MINSTRELS, DOUBLE BASS AKl) TUBA or QOOU TDBA, B. and 0.; also a GOOD SPECIALTY that can do IQ- slde Ends. Slate your sslarv in flrst letter. Ad- dreaa per, add.. BOX «10, Onset, Mas s. BUY JINGO Is a new book of monoiogoei), Joken and comic poetry, price 'J6 cents. One dollar for 25 suie tiro narodles with a parody sheet and a copy of Vou can put an act together thai will be REN SHIELDS, 31 AVe.t :U«t St.. N. Y. City. JINGO. a knockout Musicians Wanted Tuba to double string boss. No band parades. Week stands. Answer (lulck. State Ralury. Pay own. CAl, UU.STSIN'OER. care of Waitc's Com- edy Co., Jamestown, N. Y., week Aug. 28; Sharon. Pa., week Sept. 4. Two Good, Experienced Leapera for Return Act; also can use Al Top Mounter for Acrobats. Good engagement for right iiarty. ART DA COMA, Care of RINGI.BY BROS.' ClltCUS, Mason Clly, Iowa, B; Carroll, Iowa, n; York, Keb., 12 ; Lin- coin, Neb., 16^ For Sale, 9ft. Ciants for Parades and Fairs, Greatest luoucy gcllci-son carlli. Bcdefla, Coon, Cake WalkeiH, Iri.-b PollceiUHn, Annt Bridget, Uncle Sam; also Fat Policeman. New goods. No second hand trash. E- Wnlter, •.'80 sth Ave., N.Y. WANTED QUICK, More Single Ladies and Sister Teams. BUnche Richard, Doillo Lester, write nulck. Also A No. 1 stock Comedian. AddicsH HELENE MIUNON, . Mgr. Sauer'B Garden Tliealrc, Xanesvllle, Ohio. ■u With Picture Maobine, Flenir FUfflB, Sorion and Gas Tanks, To Join at once, other talent that can change for anljihlB, write. No fancv palBry, but yoo get It. ■Addrcsa f. p. OLIV F,R, Manager, Amherst. N. 8.. Cnnnda. TWO ROMAN RACINa OIIABIOTfl Xnst be cheap. Address T. MOAU, Care of K.Y. CLIPPER. For Sale (heap, Snv Scenery. Never used. Palace Scene, iOX'M feet, very line; Street, IJils. ^ . »■ „ .. K. WAI.KEH, 28* 8th Ave-, New York. (VIOLIN,) A No. 1 Leader and Trap Dnims. Experienced all lines. Locale or travel. Address 218 W. BOARDMAX ST., Youngstown, 0. NEW OPERA HOUSE, PEIZER,S.G. GOOD SHOWS WANTED. POPULATION a,«HH». WANTKD QUICK, All 'Round Medicine People. Piano Player doing Bpeclalty. Answer niilc.k with lowest salary. MGR. MKDIClNECCTHPkhannock, Pa. (VIOLIN) AT LIBERTY for coming Heason. Lx- iwrlpnccd all line.*. Ijicate or travel. ,.,.,. ur"hMlmJ.e(idf r, Jlea^lU'ark.. Wc"iJ.'?l!'.Mn.' At Liberty. Jnvonlles. Harry Kimmol Go. Man for characters, Javenlles; Woman foraorac l.esds; Musicians for Band and Orchestra, those doubling specialties given preference. Utatc all, Wc pay all. Al Agent, write. UAKRY KIMMKL, Cuba. 111.. Aug.31.Sept.2 ; LaHarpe, lll,Sept.4.6.e. Wanted Quick, for "Vncle losh Spriceby," Eastern, Al Baritone, double 2dTlolin; Cornel, band nnd orchestra. Mention lowest aalary; pay owp. Address DAVE B. LEVIS, Mgr., Upper SandiilKy, 0., Aug. 31; West Salem, 0., Sept. 1; Barbertou, 0., Sept. 2; Canton, 0., Sept 4: Salem, 0„Sept. 6. AT* 1.11 :i»TV, BEX GBEENFIBL.]> (Age 33, Height 6fl. ;in., Weight l'i.Mi>.) CHARACTER COMEDIAN, 8IN01N0 AND TAIiKING SPECIALTIES. Address 218 KENTUCKY AVE., S. R. Wash., U. C. Good 111 'RoDid Performers. Ckange for one week. Tickets, if I know yon. Stale all In llrst letter. WANT TO BUY an Kdlson Picture Machine. CLEM UACK.NEY, Macon, Ga. OPEN -riiviK, BERLIN, N. II. WANTED QLlOK—AUractlons lor Music Hall, only Opera House In city of 12,000. WEEKLY pay roll ot 18,000. Want good Rep. to open liouse week of Sept. 4. If yoo want money get m i|ulck, All time open until Dec, 1. Address GRANT HETH, Manager. THE BRENNAN STOCK CO. WARTED, FOR SEASON OF '95-6. Ucpurtolrc people In all lines, except leadltiK lady; a good I.ciidlng Mun, nniat be, tiill. Would like to hear ti-om a good piano player. A Property Mun who cun do u good Kpcciulty. Other specialty pcopletoplaypurtB. All people must know Iheir ousinces and iittcnd to It. .Make salarv low If you want the engagement. I pny all. U. K. BUENNAN, Mgr., Ucthcl, Vt. People for long seiison. Open Sept. 1.'. AI Piano liuyer. with Spoclultlcs or Small I'lirts: S. and V. Cunfcdlan antt SuiiljruMc. Muslclana that can Double Stage. Tell iil' 111 fintt. I imy hotel und It. It. Must be clever and have wardrulie i ,1. UUIESK. 117 X. 4th .St., MInnL'apolls. Mlun. ]»rrrE:x>» FOR flis Goban's "Kiog of Tramps." .Man, for trump, with hiit aiwi-ialty; ulnging, dunclog Soubrette: VIoMo, double Imtltonc. Sprlnglleld, III., Sept. 2; East Ht. ImmU. 4. GUS COHAN. WANTED QUICK, OWING TO UlSAlTOI.N'niE.NT, t .loin on wire. RITTEK & I'A.NHIIAW. 1 Icrald S<iunrc Stock Co.. Cherrylleld. Me. it Liberty, Mvaoee Agent. If you appreciate sobriety uud alluulion to iHiHlhcKs, addroaa WALTER (• ALI.A.VA.N. SprincUi'ld, Tenn. Attractive Tocalistn, MuhIcuI,' farce couiedlea, comic opera, vaude- ville. Apjdy 12( ij B'wiiy, llwuim ;«)1-:{01'. X. Y, One Piece or Rep. - Hotheater, Ind. CHORUS GIRLiS Forty weckn" eiigsKements for mualcal force cuniedleK. extntvuKunzaa. Ajiply 1 2U4 Ifw ay, RootuH mUWS , N. Y. _ SUNNY FURNISHED FLAT TO LET. 4 Large ItooniK, running through. lioimekeep- Ing. Improvemcnta. niT.VCAXS HELL. U'lT K. '.'Oth HI. X. Y . FLOSS CANDY MACHINE, Willi GuHollne Motor. Cost. $ino.O0. Will sell for «."iO. Fliat cIhhh order. Aililre»K L. ItEllXl, 11.'.I2 First Ave.. New Voi-Ji OEOAHS, Cardboard aad Cylinder DiMiAXS, huitable fur hUuIIuk rinks. fp|lr«. uieirv-gdroiiniln, lilroet abows. dudclii« bulla, i,. IlElt.N'I, VS.U Klrst Ave., Now Vnrh. BEI. BUS. lAI ud WOIMaid riAIIST wAinccD .....,;.■;.,■;.• Olhern write. Threa night alands. _ I'KANK J . STAKTO.N. Norw ich. Vcw Vorl. AT LIBERTY after Sept. 4. Over ten yeartion IIki road. JOIIN IIENIIT Mc UARTIIl, No. lo; Nu, <ith St., Newark, OUIu. (•SeatFLOTO SHOWS CIRCUS BEAUTIFUL0MAMMOTH MENAGERIE Finest (lilt Edge Tented Enterprise in the World, WANTED FOR NEXT SEASON UEOINNIKO IK MAHOIl KOU A LONG ENGACK.MEXT. PIII.I.LMAN TRAIN SHKVICE THROUGHOUT. BEST 01" ACCOM.MODATIONB KOIl KVEHYHODY. The Biggest and Strongest Thrilling Act that can be Featured. AND ALSO SENSATIONAL AND ENTERTAININO ACTS PERFORMERS OF WORTH AND MERIT. NO SAI,ARY TOO HIGH FOR PEOPLE OF ABIUTIT. niB munt Parformers, Side Sliow People, aa well as Oonlraoting Agenta, Oar Mn< agera, BlU Poitera or Oanraa Hen. If yon are Ibe beat In your line and want an engagement with the Oreat Floto Showa, Seaaon 1006, tteglnalDg In Haroh and ending in November, write today. General Olllce. ^H^ OI«K A^ B»r^Oi:*0 SHO-WS, Winter q,a»rlerM DENVER, COLORADO. NEW MODEL STEREOPTJCON wilt send forexHmlnailonnn receipt of $;i (ki, to gnKraiil"n e.viinws ciiarBi'". II.I.I'BTIIATBD BONO Hl,inE8--ANY SOIVG—|;i.00 TO $:t.lKI, NtR((e KfTerla, Flliiii and NU|iplle. of Every Detcriptlnn. Wlixn In Hie iiiarkri for iiny of fb<i nlinve, i-onault n. and anve money. HEllMAN M.UOVN ^ CO.,'4011 Knit Utli HI., Nkw linrk.N. Y. HARRIS PARKINSON CO. WANTS . Clever Pianist. Hn.t Join at nnrn. Holirlety Bereuary. I^rnnkfurl, Ky., IhU week) lluNtlnn- lon, W. Vu., week Sept. 4. THEATRICAL EXCHANGE 608 Sixth Ave., N. Y. Phone, 667A 38th. DON Tj,ie:nq's Managera can aecuro KIRHT CI.ASN VAIIDKVIM.K A< TH nnd C-iiOlllW «IRI.S AT ALL TIMKH. EIrat Cla»a I'errnriiiera Heiid In Voiar OjicH 'rime, PRODUCTIONN HTAI'K. MKRTCIIKH WIIITIKIV. Hi-O^ £8 13, Vaudeviiie Acts Week Sept. AddreiK IN and later. Miiiall lioiinr, •» dale ln««e*t aaliiry In flrat lelfrr. J. O. APPLETUM, Mrf.. Star Thaatra. HamHt^m. Can.Ja. •gF" CHORUS CIRLS and ACTS. I want l«n K'lrHtClaH« I'biiriis OlrlH; iiiiiHt have voices, wear llgbc; bIghCKl ra'Hiy paid; wardrnlie furnished. Alan wanl Singii! Lady Acts, Novcl'li -, .Miihlinl Act iinan and wurniini aiiUhlng ni;W abd suitable, lor liurl<<i.i|iifisb»w. Addrfffiiulrli. CLIKK W. 1411A AT. TIIE.MRi; KOViL, Miiblii:iil,thli wi-ek; STARTIIKATHK, rorniilo. week sept 4 OLERTAHflT PARK. THEATRE and ZOOIORIOAI. SARDER. '^^"iS"^^-* WANTEIl-HlgbClasH Vaudeville Acta for week ii|i<>nliig He|ii.;i. and for i>da)> opening Kept 1". closing Sept. IH. Alr"i big Aerial or CaHlliie A<:Ih, or •ilh>>r Hi'iiaallenal Ai-Ih, fur outdiioi allracli'in tor. same lliui-. Addips< J. W. Itl^HKNIIEnY, Pie-.|dctil, Care CMPPKR, uiilll Aug. -I; latir. roliiinbnH, Ohio. \A/«ntocl, AOood iUaicly Club Juiesl*r Must lio young. Stale very l<i«-i»l salsry and full parlbulara. Send pliiiKilf |n>»Klhl«, Orwilllrailt clever ainaienr: nil charge. Not under 14 yvars. Picfer miallglrl. Mm.! br ri-«p«riable. iiiii> fiom auiait town preferred. MR. COLHKItr, csrc of CLlfl'£H.