The New York Clipper (September 1905)

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September 16. TTm isTj^-w T-omx! ci.tppt:ti. (40 TWO LITTLE GIRLS TWrO CSREAT SONB SENSATIONS. I.OVEED ONE KinST VRUSIl: Two lll'ie girl", "f '■'">" " niolli<'i''s story, Bnili Inved thP ^om" Ind inQny .venrs neo. oni" day lie tiitDed to pretty Nell and klsspd lipr; ,,.1,1, gripvpd Mny'!4 heart, for stip, too, loYfd liim h». VpI'I sow the tears In Mny's lirlfilit eyen n-glenmlng. Then to the Ind she (iirni'd nnd prniidly anld: miiHtD't kiss mo so, for I dou'l love yoii, cHonra: Tli'o mile (rlrU loveil one utile Uiy, He loved them holh tlip siinii- One Ruld one .Iny. "He's voiit«, Sl.^ler Slny, I WHH Jimi plnylng n (rnint'." She tiirned nnny, a tenr In her eye, the uMii-r one's liedrf flileil with Joy. l.ine he tool; for lili wife, tine wns mid all lier life, I'or they Imth loved tin- some little boy. liy .%I.KHKU IIHVAN ■ oil .1. u, »iuia.V!f. SKCOND Vr.ll,SF:: Ki'slde n while cot ki K ii wniuHii nei-iilng, .\lid L'lizex mill l»'> wid, li':ir illiniiii'd eyeti. f^ "Come, tell til me your sei'rei. diiir, hIk' iniu-iiiiirn, i Tile oiher one lookn up nnil voflly "litl's : "I Itnike my heiirt fir ymi. my diirllnit ulsier, for yoiir ilenr wike 1 iiwl Ills love iivvtiy. I loved hini heller, detir, llinn words inii irll ymi, lllil loveil yoii liest, my own denr !il':H'r Mny." Mn'v loTCS you oest, no go kiss Iicr Inaten'd." Wben70U've read this a tor? and heard I he melody .IIM.MIE XlUr.l.KN bag put to this song gem, v„n .nn ibcn tve >vUat you lau do with the 'Jrt heninlfiil sIMes AI,. SIJII'SON hiis ninde for ihU i r of stoti* lliilliids. By DOI,t,V JARDON* .,.,,^ grenlesi of nil Man-h Songn. The Mnrih Soiiit thiit nlwav« *liin. They will slug It nnil ^B Mg mmm n'lth yuii. 18 new nnd lienHllfiil Slides, fused niid uiiule liy l.'lite 'I riiiispiinuey Cu. J. B, .M|li,M3V. ^ ^ ^ Wben7ouve reaa luis story ana neara me melody .IIM.MI VIOLETTE COME ALONG, LITTLE GIRL, COME ALONG I he Mirvlval of the Fittest suits this ease. The Only Waltz ,Song that siir'.ives the Siiinmer, beeaiise the |)eople A^k for It. and Want It. I'hars reason en.niBli why You MUoiiliI lliive It. PADOrS DAY The hest lrl«li Mnrch Sour of the yeiir. 'I'lie ilmnis Is n iiiivi'lly medley of liinli soncs wlilih hns tliein nil with yon NOW WHAT .°»r.'. OF THAT XHIIMK By KOfJAIITV mid MDI.I.KN. I'j.C Intest Comic Hit, An everydiiy phrase, hut nu iim-oinmonly kooiI souk, wIIIi eiiilless of hrlijlit iiiid "^ ' funny verses. SI-IK'S IMO\M/ AI.. UmAN .1. U. MIII.I.KM. Ki>. AIAMUKN .1, 11. MIII.I.KIV. TICKLE ME The .Novelty f'liou SiiUK. w'hiih Is lonv n hll on lwi> lOiilluents. The Im-sI nf luiiii slmles. clevereHl of lyrliH, mid Cnti'lili-Ki .Meloilv of the Yeur. ROSY - - - AMNA CAIH.IMVKLti H Hi B .1. II. MIII.I.KN. The mil' lirlKht, jinrllriiliir liviii of lis kliiil. A .Sereiuiile Snni;, wllh m Meluily nf si'dio'llve giiue. (looil for sliiyU or hiK iimiilier. UIBI ITV — ^A^IHO ■? ^ILA^I^ONETT £D, UADDSN and J. B. MULLEN ARE RESPONSIBLE. Tlie most popular fnvorlte since "KKOKLIA." I'Valiired nlulitly hy MI^S Vllliil.NIA IC.AUI.I,'. nl llie Aeiliii Theatre, luiil now llie most miiiKhl nflvr lloTelly In yeiirs. Complete I'rores.slounl Copies of any or nil o( lliese Songs, with Oreliestrnllons, will he se'iii I'llKH. on ii'ielpi of luii* iirottniiii. Sfmiips iiinst he I'liiliiHeil fur pnsiuKe. «J. 1EL0^%I%IT^1E:^^9 41 west 28th STREET, NEW YORK. I'i'uiirleliir IKIWI.KV, llliKHMRH Ulk.'R rATALItllUIi:. WARED (mcE, roa WILLIAM V. MONO, IN The CLAY BAKER SHALL DRAH&TIO 80UBBETTB, URQE OH&RAOTER HEAVY HAN, 3 QBNTL^MBN, SINGERS| FOK C'HOin. Want Uitrpeuter, small purt., Wllllurd ISchrnMi, HTlre. Address HARRY BUBII, Mgr., Htaiihcn- vllle, Ohio. Sept. U>; CiimhrUKC, Olilo, Sept. 10; (ireenshurg, Ha., Sept. 18. PIANIST, OrpHeum S'toolc, tldOll aHI'KKTOIltK fKOI'l.H WIIITK. EDWABD DOTLE, niaililtelil, Uhlo, week aw pt. IK . ATP t-IBERTV", HEFAINE HARTE, I.eudlDR or Becood BuHlness. EOW. C. STEWART, ChurActers or (lenorul Biiilncss.Speolali}, IIIuh- iratedSoDKs. Lutcst and best. AI outllt. Can lie featured. Kiegant wardrohii. Rcs'iioiisllilo and e.\perl«n(.'ed. Cnii Join lU onee. K1)\V. t!. STEWART, Hotel Mitchell, I'corlu, III. AT UBEBTX, BEORCIANA EDDINGS, 1.KAD8; young, pretty, iiwell wnidrohc, FRANK E. MOORE, (IKN. BUS, Botli experienced iiDd relluiile. Hepurlolre or Stock preterred. Writ* or wire S IIKRMAM. TKXAS . A BIG FEATURE ACT IL'S iRVaOUS DDES. K.very Dog a Star, every trlok "a Feature Trick." Have also ii noud tlovlDg I'lciuie und Soou Machine, Am an K.vperlenced Operator. Week siaud Hhow.s. "Only Itciluble Cos." uddresn 1 '.U.IIAI. L, care of Hall .t- l.ung, Coliimlius, I nd. Tlie Play~Factor|f. "Repertoire of Vaudeville" tnulnlus your choke of three Sketches and two Monologues, and it score of Oags. While It hmtii Ii for the Budget. MANUSOltllTS for Slock Coinpsules, pcrnniueiii and iravellDK, on very low luyiiliy. MANUSUItlPTS for Amateur Clubs e.f emui from royalty. 50NKW I'l.AYS. MRS. A.W. BROWNK, liOd K. IlUIKlN ST„ CUIOAQO, PASTOR'S l«tll ST., .'id AVE. FRANK BUSH, HA V.MAN A FRANKLIN, Ulllan.lHhortyDeWlit, Baker ,t Lynn, Mr. anil Mrs, Harry Thome .V Co., Hayes .1 Wyune, Rlcv.V Kemp, Alpha Tiio, ItarrlDgtou .V Uurlelle, The Fullers, The (lolders, M IS Extra Attiactlon, LIZZIE DALY & CO, » Cr\M.C' Cs^O^ujjOi Of Hick Olau Vaadcvill* Tkaatraa, U, HByHRrBLD JB., HREa.; „„_ UABTIN BBCK, GKNIUIAL UANAQBB. ill ABpllcatloaa for Time Muat b« AddreaM« t* C. H. BRAY, Booking Manager, D04 Aiblaud Block. Chicago, III. Huberts 'ht'! Museum WANTKU, ut III! times I.IVINU i'RUIMlilKS, Trained anil rare anliuals, novelties of every de- acrlptlun for Ciirlo Halls and Theatre. Address J, U, ANDERSON, Manager, as aliove. INTER NATIONAL ARTim LODGE. MEETINSS HELD EACH THURSDAY EVE- NIK6 AFTER PERFORMANCES At 139>141 Tblrd Ave., Hew York. Care of WKBER Si OO. XLl PERFORMERS INVITED. Jos. DRSANO, SINGING and DANCING COMBDIAN. WHEK OF 20. OLYMIMC, CHICAOO. STODDART STOCK CO. "Wants Qttiotc, Al Heavy Man. Hun with Picture Machloo. •Mlierj, write. Tickets lo reliable people. Write or wire. W. L, STEWART, City Motel, London, Ontario. Aorobatio Lady "f good appearance, to work wIthCoinedlan In a irpuiahleaet, Siaieagc, welglil, e.xpcrlcnce and i-apabilltles to X . L. M. T . CHAXOB, care of 0L1 I^P^■R^ AT LIBERTY AFTER SEPT. 18, 'lOlINIVIE FREER, Dui'h, Irish, Rube and Black Face Comedian; "■oou, Hot, All Around Dancer; Lois ot Oood Spe- • lalllew, Ooinctly In Acts. Open lor Vaudeville, ■Minstrel, Farce i^omedy. Good Medicine Shows, wnie. JOHNNIE FRKKR, Elwell, Mich. CHRISTOPHER "THAT POPUI.AR MAGICIAN." Per. address, 178 ONTARIO BT„ Chicago. MUSICAL BEBGERS En Route with Carl Hagenbeok's Show. OPEN TIMK 1900. CEO. W. EYERS -POIIK-CIIOI'S- jijil., Care of CLIPPER. A UEAI. GKIIMAN COMKDV ACT. KHERNS and COLE, IN VAUDEVILLE ORVJLTE and FRANK Are out WEST working for MR. UAILKV (llsrmuii & Bslievl, undBuHMRS.ORVlLLE Wanted, Car. Want Large Comliloatlon, Sleeper, Klner or Bag, . j^ U. MKKCKR, Hill llvsn. Ind. WANTED, SPIELER. " .vou are nol a spieler don't write. A gold luiiie fur the right man. I'ROF. M. ELETLINU, 80S S, UalD St., Akrou, O. BERTRAM MILLAR, 47 W.'iBth ST., NEW YDIIK. ^ OTIIUSE TWO TAI.I. FOLKS," ..-. WELSH &ESTES— RESPONSniLKI'ART.S. FEATLRKSI'KOIALTIKS. KSUXORD. FID 111 THE WORLD'S FAMOUS HAND BALANCER, Tourlnu Mexico with Orrin Bros.' Circus. Pc-rraunent adilrCHS, ORIUN UIIICUH, Mexico City. AT LIBERTY PEC. 25.1«0&. DBEAMY. AN ENCORE WINNER. IRRESISTIBLE. <'FOR A GOOD OLD TIME. 99 New Wftllz.Siiii_ iiiiiK, I'V PIRHSON mill ELMS. Briiihl Words, Irresislllile, Uniiiiy Melody, Just llie souk Ci>r Your Full reperlulrn. RK.—I'rofesHlouiil INiples nud OiTlicslrulloun lo all perforiiiers seiidiUK us late progranis.—lNlO t'AIIIIM. W. T. P1ER80N JR. CO.. Mnslo Pnblithers. No. 815 5th St.. S. E. Waahington. D. O. "MAItUIAGK 18 SnililMIS." We e k i>f Sept. II . Sl ur Tii culrc, lMes;rl»iiil^((; RICHARD C.MAODOX, DUTCH COMEDIAN. Address CLIPPER. FILSON and ERROL, mn W. HOlli HT., NKW vonK. PIIONK, IliOORIVKKSlllK. BBRT LiBlfflVON, IMfKllSllNATION OF STAIIF, OEI.KIIIU I'lKS. This week lit Hopkins' Tlieiire, Louisville, Ky. Per. address, SCO 8ci;aiid Avenue, N. Y. Cily. BUWAHD MAUDE THE MUSICAL BRCNNANS ItvllBoiI Comvily Muitlrul Arlltls. Permanent address. NEW YORK CLIPPER, Jain.a-THE IIHAUV8-Kitty, Olcult lleach, N. T., July 30,1S06; llrltannl»on-ilip-B»j, Ottawa, Ont., Canada, Aii|r. 7, '0.'>; Riverside ParK, Montreal, Canada, Aug. lii, 'u.'>; Mouliiiorency Falls Park, l^ucbeR, Canada, Aug. .'U and'2', >or>; RF.TUIIN', Riverside Park, Montreal, Can , .Sept. a, '05; .Sohinor Pirk, Minireal, Csuaila, Bopt. Hi, 'Ot SPECIAL FKATVIIE IN VAUOEVIM.K, HARRY THOMSON, The Mayor oftlin llotvvry. MR. and MRS. NEILO, A Great luggling Act. ' /albert e. bocdon^ ! World's Greulesl Hoy Manipulator. ! I P, 8.—Not a whole lot, but a few, JACK I V SAMI'BELLK.MkI- mil's Concert Co. y BARNEY FIRST, WANTED, strong EingiDg and Dancing Comediao and Sonbrette, 0001) LKADINO MAN and L.UlV, PIANO PLAYER (Male) and Oilier Useful I'cop'e. AM Oeuta must double Brass. Other i.'seful People, write. Tickets If we know you. One nlKhler. .State lowestsaiary In lirst Idler. 8WEKT .1 ItOUlNHON, HuiiiestoB, lows. • "BARCAiNS * 23 SUPPLEMENT 23 MOTION PICTUItR MACItlNKH, FILMR, SouirSlcreopticous, OXV-LITIIK OAH OUT- flTH, Eieoiric Lamps, HhiiOMliits, OXV IIVD. SETS. HIilDKH. nil'., ell., al special low prices, HKND KOIl HUP. Ji'l, ALSO UUR IIIO KILM LINT. HABeACH&GO.,Kurr«,PbiIa..Pa. 31 REAL PARODIES, IncUiilliiK'Shade of Olii Apple Tree," "In Vacation Time," "Yankee iiiinilie Buy," "Tnminiiny,''"Hack lo Hallliiiore," "flood Bye, Hwe-I Marie," "Aie.vaiider," "(;ob,\ Me," "Bunker Hill," and n olhera in Ihv KiHUd lui puKe liouli of coiiieiiv, MADISON'S lUfl in m BUDGET m, lU njT03Ti CillTAIMlLSO II EXI;KLL^NT ItfONOI.OCIKH, M HKIvT<:III<:m FOK -t .1IAI.KN, 'I MKKTtJIKH for KI. anil KKKIALK, :i GKKAT liUHLKsaUKN, Run 4U Minnies I'jii^Ii', sure lills. Also A BUKf^lI OK MINCKLLA.'VKOUM features, InchiilinK iiuwHidowulk (.'oiivursa' lions, newsliutcli for twofoiiules, Iiiiuilrcil4 of new llclirow, Irish, Diilcii and liinck face f\uK», ele. lle.lHlaKO tun Jnmi's Madison ins ever written. NetwiiiistaiidliiK llic IN- cpcaseii si/.e, price reiiiaiiis asiiiWHys, ONE DOLLaR PER COPY. Muck iiumiiursont of print vxi'i'iii iillDOKTN a, 7 uiiii s. 1 will send any 'J tor $l.60, :i for ft, or BIIDQF.'I'S X 7, H and iu tor ('j.Mi. Ii. J, K. IIKIL, 1404 Third Aveniin, New York, (.ll/fllt ftif Jaiim iliiiUnuiiA s L E. 1^ u Tui I'li^j Can do lUiylHlDK a oas Sluvr lilies. Iadls|i«nsulile tor liie iiriissHiK I'luini for the healing of wsler, leu, eolfee, ele, Ju<l the ihUiK III HnrmxieaHepululs, ell'. WclKlil.siw. Burns vricK' leis, mil I'ioHH anil sniiikelvs, li eiinnol explode. Ciiiisiimes '.' eeuisiif wood or grain alenhol in nil liiiiir. Never ifels out or orilor. Aki'Iiis wauled, HeiiMinywhero, nxpreis IMiUi, ti.iNi. C, a.dl.llllAU A Co., 401 Duarliorn Htreet, Cli lcayu. LEGAL WARNING. 4 ACT COMEDY DRAMA Racalptt, 22S Nlghti, $66,9B7,B1. Low lenus, elcuaiil prlnihiK, Can iw plaveil nllli sU people. Address n. U. CAUKMAN, MKr. R. H. JACK, (iuu, iiei., Joplln, Mo. ilyron and Lunxdon, wriie. wanted; for 1.1 CAPABLE ACTOB. PI.AV ANYTHlMi CA.ST KIlR; ABLE Id IHIIECT AMI MANAIIE KTAIIE. WOHAH FOB 8EG0HD BUS. SOMF. CHAilACTERS. Joint cnKagoiiiont only. Hlnck, llrst elasH rep. One nlay preferred, AddrcBr, iinlek A. n. Di.NllAM. 11)4 W. lOlh St., N. V. Cily, GOMEDiAN and SOURREtTE WANTED With alruni; Feature Sueclaitlcs, either Musical lusiriiincni, bluKlng, liancinK or Novelly. :■» weeks' eiiKaiteuieul with well known New York HUtress. Address MfiU. ELLIS, 1813 N. luth St.. Piiliada., Pa. Slide Troinlionist AI Liberty After Sept. 16. Exiierlenced in botli Concert nnd Tiicalrlrai Work. Tlieaire preferred, or will Join ReroKiil/.eil MiisiralAi'l. Addres.i TKOUBONIhT, Koss' Piriliou, Orean Uroie, .v. J. Man tor Ulterson and Lady lor Sibil. Must lie aiile lo act; pay your own. Slale lowesl salary. DAVE B, LKVLS, Heavvr Falls, l'n.,Supl. 14; ilrsdiiock, Pu.. K,; Butler, I'a., HI; Vanileitrlii, Ph., IS; Now KenslnKton, Pa., In. WANrEO AT ONCE, MUSICIANS On all insiriiiiieuls. Vim's work. No imiaiiea. Corii'l, H. ami o. Cmiks, Hushes, W.irkliiitnicn, wrilu, wire. HOLI.Y RliSHMVN. isie i>r (;rt» wold's 'leu MkIiIh l.'.i., Iloiilsliiiiu, .V. r. ALMA T. GRIPPIN, PIANIST. Onu piece preleired. NEW .■<HAItON, IOWA. TliniiiKh WILMER J. Mi ALI.IHTKR, 4n Wall .Sl„ New York, Allorneynl Law for Iho AiDKN IIKN- EDICT iW'I'ATF,, all rilfiiis lo produce or lease P-ABIO nOINAANI lias lieen vested In T. 11, WINNETT, All (ion- iraelH for said play niiisl iiuslunuil iiy saliMVIu- Moll, and nianaiters peruillliiiK llloKUl jirodlle tlons of sniiiu will In: prosociiled In tlinfnii iixieni of the l.'onyrlKht Lan. PENALTY: tlUO for Ihn liral iinii f :,(i lor every Huhseijnent iierforinaliee; upon ciinvli'tioii, imprisonuieni for unu year; actors and Heiresses also iUliUi.—Sec. 4iiiiil, ILK. lievisuii Hialules. For iirnjier autliorllv lo pro iliicu ilic above play, address only TllOS. 11. WINNETT, I4irj lliiiailwav. New York, Altorneys. MILLIKEN ,V Mi'llOLAS, :'sn BroiidWIiy, New Yiirk-wlth represunluilvn lawyer* iliroiiKhoiil ihellnltodHlHles. L.IBERTY, Trap Drummer, Bell8f Xylophone, etc. Troupeorlncate, W. A. LAIVU, 'JO.'i Oul hwalle HI., Clevelatol, Ohiii._ AT LIBERTY-A r Hebrew Comedian;' Has AIho 111, Song Outilt and liave guisl hIiikIok voice. Ol'ier Tiirna up lo dale. Oood AM 'H.uiiid ^isn lor sioi'k or road. K. M. CLARK, Cievelaml, li. PRINTING. AdvnrllsInK llif Lwlval Fll WrII* fitr •i<iii|il.'s II 11)1 jirle)'., THE DONALDSON LITHO CO.. adHress wanted. II. <;. WOUDWtHlTIi, llasN Player, foriiieily Willi "Two Tramiis" Uo.: IIEO, li. LOi'liEN', fornierlv iimiiitKer "Diamond Bros.' Minslrels,'' l.'iiriiei I'ia.ver; 11. 0. IIROWN, former address New Allianv, ind., or Iheirfrliiiids, will confer a favnr on all parlies eoncuriMid iiv giviug us ihelr iireseni wiicienliouls. iiBOK,VI\ K. .1. P.. line of THE OLIPI'KH. Attoiition,Baii(i and Oreiieiitra leaders! Do jron want t« Laarn loCompoi* ana Arrana* Hualcl If ao, send Uo. lUmp for trial iossun. Notliing to pay nutUyou have boon taught l,essoiis 1,11 and a. If tlioae leouiu do notcnnvlnco yon that this Is Mtrlotljr LtcU- lniat»,lhonTh»y ar. Kraa. Don't »rll« UD- leas you have a thorough knowledge of ths rildl- Dionui of inuslc, and Builnvii. V. W. WILCOX (llarinonUt), IflJ O HiomUvay, N. V . musicians; WhiiiciI, Hood TuLaanii miiers who can keep op Willi a week stsiiil, R, It. Hliuw, No iloiiiilliiK on canvas. Just play thi: iiorns. CAUL K. .VEKL.Wnvvrly, luwa, Care L|lili!ago Ainilsiinient Enierprlsii^ S tO XS IMT is JEC"^ AND ALL THEATRICAL (lOOD.S. Heenerv palniei) elieaply and quickly. Amateurs supplied, CIIAH E. MILLS, tilT W. 41st HI., New York t'lly. WANTED, for Hayward's East Lypne, Piano i'lav«r,i|Ulck. Wire luwesl salary. Wepuiiall. », M. LAPAItTE, VVe-il J,eliaiion, Iml., .'.el-l. II; Veeilershnrv L'-, Wayiietown lu. id