The New York Clipper (September 1905)

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750 " THE NEW YOBK CLIPFEB. September 16, THE NEW YORK CLIPPER 4«» THE FRANK OUEENPUBLISHING CO. (Umtttil.) FBUrniETORS, ALBERT J. BOIUE, Editorial and I!usine88 MiMiaii. OUR CUICAOO I/ETTER. »ROM OUR OWM COKBBStOKDItHT, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBKR 10, 19«5. RATE81 Adverllseinent»—?2.80 per Inch, ilagie col- nmn. Adrertlfcmcnta Bet witu border, 10 pet cent. exir&. SlinSOHIlTION. One yp«r In ndvanoe, $4: six montln, f2; tbrec monlliH, .fl. Koreign postnge exlM. filngle copies will be sent, postpold, on re- ceipt ot 10 centi. Oar Term* nre CbiU* TUB CI/U'PER l> liiBued every Wedneadaj morning. The last four (advertising) pagee Weateru Borean Ot tli«! New YorU Clipper, noom nu2, Adhlana Block, Chlcatco. In- IbiiigB IbcatriVnl nnw bill* will IiIuh- Hcira In the near'fdtnre, allliniii{l> n" <'lintij!e» lit moment nt(> recorded for lli« coming vfofk, "AllcB iind lli« Wglit rrlm-fMsng,' Uie 5l<l)oiii>iigb-Jlerbnrt hIkiw, will <>IK!" tlie (Irand Opera IIouhu oh Kp|iI. 17. mid .1 m'W Hand. ,. , ItlvEKViiiW P.niK.—Suiiday, a .'lom' tlip HenKoii Tills lilc pleaaiire ground HiK-cffidfiil year. AirKf.ilATii.—('LlPiwi Uiirenii ca BKiT).—Tbe comedy liy Auguatug TIioiailK, •ililch will open at tills playboine n. week iram Monday, for on eugagcmeut of two \v«ekB, U entitled "Jlrn. Lcmngwell'B Uoota^' (UliniCK XllKATRU . .. , „„M„„-„ foo tbat rents are Irving Jones closed at tbo Collscun a rmi, ger).-Thc balloon ascensloaB elven dally ""fl'Ij^^^-i^/downbultB recently Art ago, and la resting this v^eek ana ueit, ^ from this Dark, by Prpf. Meliell. bave at- going to =«".?,"°''°. !*i(};%.rv eonsldcrabe fore bcglntilng a thirty weeks' cngugaiieBt lM?ted much atlentlon, and the, tbrllllng »o""ble/ PO °'f<' ?"'„^ g rproduclng man- on tbe ^oas and Stoll tour. Mr. /oaVs JS '■"'-."■."... ^_.- ..... ....1, iii„n,tn.f»rt h» ♦"■■''» the Injustice to wmiu» *-'"»• ^^^ j^^ equals In hla line, and will makcahiS '^« »^"'"' Too'tS ffl'n«^ t^l «n\*ir^;n"«o5 ^^J^ ^^ ^^^^^^^ [round has had a most that do not ''«"<="', "^.V"- 1,, rent In Mr. copied Herbert Moyd's act from start I,, ?.« '"".'=,'' P„* ,^2„'i1w. Initio dtmcultles of finish. Although he lintdiv speaks a wow ]|,''^';,X'! JSement Swe I'M" «;nd,^ercome. '^^^^^\^~ be calls hlcs.ft -Amerlc CoSl! I of rersia baa reached the cIlmnT njoyment. He has seen the Wiim hnn shaken hands with ButTulo s declared hlnigclf happy under experience. Vichy has had tlic witnessing thU race scene. The ne hundred persons of his famllv visited the show, called Colonpl -'te his personal thanks and cot|. and, as the two shook hands ' 10,0(10 persons cheered, while )rcd the Persian national an. bah declared tbe show to bo grnnd opera. .linmmoiiJ'snd'Kprrester have been In ot..8e_ttlnB__^arge^jj;D^s j»_^«t'}j;|'^'jyj,j"j^; - -(,i,afi„ Leonard Fletcher i-eturna to (own 00 TO PRIC8S on Saturday at 11 a. m., «nd jiRer). the other pages on MONDAY and TUESDATf. I;«;,r« The Forma CloaloB Promptly, TOM- ,^,,,1,^ |^j^ creased In popularity. .... .... mnnai, nriiar cheek STiioKiiAKBR TiiBATBic (E. U, Ilarmeyor, Please remit by ejpresB, money order, ciiecE, ,„„n„„er)._,vext Saturday night "The Col- r. O. order or registered letter. All crhh en- j^.^g Vldow" will say goodbyt-. The lant closed with letter la nt the risk ot sender, • ■ ■ ) (Ham P. OeiBon, iniin- ,„,., ...^^ „„„„..„„,„«... _ — The success ot "The fjcezer of OccK wu lu 1 Hi-00 u,. °7-'"';' - y_„„gn^., ,,S« 'resulted In the extending ot the engage- "';,"">„' the other pages on MONDAY "''"J"''^""; ,„«i,i „f timt musical comedy till Oct. 2. iTio "t»ft fo The Forma CloaloB Promptly, laoB- ,^,,,1,^ impnivenients In the work have In- jney "" dor, at 10 o'clock A. M. ciensed In popularity. ,„ „ „ JiViw nSmx ■r.check. STL-BKiiAKBR TiiBATB* (E.,U, namejr^^^ "r..T...Helen Kclley. mother of Maude ot '»«»>""" \";="''"=?'",hi"lo;Vrrnrof Alice Kelley, died at her home In this c ty Is a ^"^of,^^^'?,'"?,„*? of Jtune niajs. Lorrlmer, and Daisy Jerome. Sept. 2, ofter an operation. She was sixty- rents, «n<J,,i''e. a fflf"''? °} ,C iafarFes V Tb's house has bad some tei. „ live years of age.. T.. .Armstrong and Holly J?B«'"" !l''^L'iL'; in fhSm nri^ all of them visitors lately, among the many being: Heer pinyld the OlyWlc Theatre, _thts city. >veet hose wh^o appear in them ,^ Tree, (iyrU j!f - - •*■ AdarriM All CommtinlootlonB «o THE MOW Yonic cLirpitn, 47 West 28lh Street, New York. Bcfflilercd CoHo Address, "AutJIoliiTt." THIE WESTERN BUREAU Of TilB Clipmb Is located at Iloom C02, Ashland Block, Chicago. William V. Brynn, lay „ . - — week Is ushered In 11. with a special matl- iiee, the third which lias been arranged to meet tbe demands of Uiose who have been unable lo secure scats for the regular per- tormanees. "The College Widow" H delight 10 total playgoers, and HI capitally prcHenled oy Henry excellent company that aunoiinccnienl lliinl performances will be received with gen- eral regret. McViCKKB'H 'J'liKATkB (Gco. C. Warren, manager).— "Ah Ye How," lllled with ruril f.r.^!^"TenKo'n"-.. '^\. .lan^n^e-and'Delira p;^.Sbl/iors^"| t^^^ t^e^lfflcalty or New York about 23. where tln^ »>y subletting the^enormous^^j'ems produce some new juggling m ties' In their specialty. Clara Kenned now associated with the Victor Kremer Co Helen Kelley. mother of niuuue 01 ....^.. •••"■-,, r-,-----i„—,ho~'in«,iirin(T Alice Kelley, died at her home In this cty Is a ^"^of,^^^'?,'°8 „'? „?* Jtune niajs. - Sept. 2, ofter an operation. She was sixty- «"l?{ «n<^,,i''^.„^ ?f"''J„ °i Sb Ittlarles o< This house has bad some very dl8tlDgut«hed •—'-—and Holly ;?««'% ""^"I'l'L'^'^fS!^''''"^^^^^ visitors lately, among the many being: H«r - - city, week those who appear in them, are all ottncm iwbm Tree, (iyrll Jlaiide, Winifred lOmerj. Ho6ney and lient were the feature serious Influences, working In t^^^^ ^ewls Waller,.H. B. Irving, Forbes Uoberi: played a successful engagement at the Co- lumbus Theatre last week Charles D. Ilaker, who has been IdentlQcd with the news- paper bureau of the Forcpaiigh-Sells Broa.' Shows this season, Is back In the city, having finished bis work. Mr. Baker will be with one ot the big shows next season. ♦ «» OUR LONDON LETTER. VROII OUR OWN COnkESrONDKNT. mnnngcr and correspondent, where a"'""*'; atmosphere and Intense melodrama, will con- incnls and subscriptions are received ac our |,„„j ^,,j ttttractloii for three weeks to corns. legular rates. It la capitally oclcd in nearly every part, and "-,_., __,^/^«M BlIDBAII furnishes excellent entertainment. THB LONDON BURBAV gheAt NontiiEnN Tm;AThiii (Fred C, i-.-i«rt .t i» rranbourne St.. I/ondon,W. C, Kberti, rannngcr).—David lIlgKlns, In his Ixjcatcd at 48 Cranoourne Bt.. i^uuuo . • melodrama, "Ills last Dollar," Joha II. Carney, manager and correspondent, ^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ oudlcnces this week, and whero ndvertlaemonts and aobscrlptloB* are prospects are bright for the sacond week ot ciluiicr Dareau, received at our regular rates. this engagement, whldi begins Sunday after- 4^ Cranlioarue Street, Tub Cl.iprr.R c*« d« obtaimbd, WH0L«- ocymhic Thkatre (Abe Jacobs, manager " London.'w. C. RALK AND RiTAlL, «t our ogents, Brcntsiio ■ for Kohl k. Castle).—Bill for week commcnr- Sept. 2. . ..,.-.- .__».....,..._..,_.... -.1 .pciii, Barry and The Autumn season ot the London theatrl- world will be In full swing within a fort- „jt, and, according to the number and hanicter ot the produ«:llouH promised, it will ! a season long to be remembered. The rlous drnmn Is to plav an Important part the coming productions, the falluro of ly comedies during the past season being partly responsible for the shift. Two plays, With fair and reasonable rents many at at present stand no chance ot oduced might be staged, and new U..V..V,.- Introduced, to the advantage of tbe stage In general nnd of London and the pro- vinces In particular. Id the West End of London the number of existing complelea theatres Is twenty-nine, and for six of these no arrangement whatever has yet been made for the Autumn season that la now- «o close upon us. Maud Jettrles, the late Wilson Barretts leading woman, and tbe original Mercia, lo "The Sign of the Cross," is now Mrs. J. B. N. Osborne, the wife of a young and wealthy TIIK NKW YORK CLiri'BR yoblUhea niilr one edition, und tlint Is date* f rniii N»\» York. qUKKl EB ANS WEBED. Nn Ueppiea hy Malt o r Telegraph. AminKHSKR OK WKXIlBAnOUTR nor OIT«N. A N QI'KBT OK SUCH 8II0DLD WBlTjl TO TIIOEi; WHOM TIlllV HBRK, IN CAIIII Of TIIM CMlM'Klt I'oHT OrricB. An. iBiTWi wili IIH AUVBRIISBD ONB WKKK ONI.T. Ij THJ lUlUTK 01" AM TllltATIllCAL COMPANY !■ KOUmiT. BHrWl TO OUR LIST OIT llOOTBS IJrew, the Kour Itlanos, Alfred Kelcey and compaDy, Joe Klynn, Pierce and Malzee, Ilerr Helioeiiwcrck, Charles flloss and Son, Spook's Minstrels, Holmes and Waldou, Italinund and tlofld, nnd Spoor's klnodrome. CliiCAOo Oi'KHA HouHH (Lymau B. Olovcr, niuungcr for Kohl ft Castle).—Anna Lauirh- lln has Hcltled down to her work In '"Jhe Land of Nod" In n most satisfactory manner, nnd Is pleaslutf every one with her nualnt nud dainty porformunces. She works chnrm- Inuly In her scenes with William NorrJs, whoso (julet nnd artistic methods prove so ngreeahlc to a public surfeited with the rough c.imcdy doninndcd of the average comic oiiorn performer. The fourteenth week of this ;ii"?i',T'r„l^'nrnr"'\v'» SannSi bMB BOUTii iroduJllon begins Monday, 11. "'^ .*.'^V."i^".,«tSn«Ai.Ti *^**"*°^ ■■''"' ■ r,A 8AM,B TllKATKH (Albert Camubcll, man- BIT MAIL OR TMLK OHAIU. BBor).--Tho ponularltv of "The Yankee Ke- iillAMATIC Kent Is steadily Increasing, and Is n very M. N., Younglown.—We have no kuowlcdBC (if the present wheren))out» of Iho Pfttly^ A«^- tlrenB a letter In our care und we will odv.or- llsv II lu our letter list. (J. a. 0., Bending, K. N, Y., Brooklyn, OU> SUUHCRIUKU, J. M., New York, Misu L. II.. Chicago. "Anxiciiim," 1). I. J., Jackson, .1. W., Indlunaiiolls, nnd - ■■ jBli.- ■■ iloiighlon and Mosber, Kd.Lntell, Dorothy deserving of an honoroble mention, are "Leah and reduce the cost to the promoters, who Kleschmi.'" nt the New Theatre, nnd "The Walls ot Jericho," at the Oarrlck. In fact, even now, these two shows ore holding their own with the suecessful plays In the musical line, such as "The Little MIcbus," "Lady Madcap." "Veronlque," "The Catch of the Hcason," "The Spring Chicken" and "The Illun Moon." Wliea a inaiingcr lakes a lease of a I<on- dou theatre only In rare Instances nro all the seats In the house at his disposal. It nearly nlwnys hnnpens that ho has lo be sun. Maxinc Ulllott, Seymour lllcks, Mm. Ilrown Potter, Mr. and Mrs. Kendal, Arthur C'hudleigh and Krnnk Curzon. Miigarct Ashton, after a Sliort vncitWIi, la again appearing nt the Pavilion, wlwrt she lemnlnH durlnit the monlh of Septemlitr. Dlnmond and Beatrice arc said to lie niali- Ing a very favorable hit In Meltiourur. Aiia- trallEi, With their novel maalcat act. Jack Morris, of Chicago, lute asslittant treasurer of Buffalo Bill's Wild West Khim, ahd Also of Barnum ic Bailey, on the conti- nent, Is now on hlB way buck to Amerlpn. 5- ?''f,Tsratr •"Sh%^ra°s'^.;i"e"n praylSi M^Wn^K lfnJ'»oyn?eW"lrUr fn"'i.;w"Lard'"nd 'ASstralla'^dSrfnphf l^^^i»"»"■" * ""»«'' ""<' «'»«""« »f»"' In a recent Issue t slatM Ihat Will II. Fox, the Meredith Bisters and others nailed for South America. I Intended to say Houtb Africa. They have arrived by this time. Frederick Melville's "Uotoglrl" and Sa- baret arc the two big fcullireH at (he Ilelchs- hallen Theatre, Cologne, for tbe first Ufleen days In September. Alice Ksty, who Uhb beca In AmerUii fur the Summer months. Is due In London. Klie resumes her operatic appcaranoes a I the Coliseum OR Sept. 'iX>. At' the ISmtilre Palace, Leeds, next neek ore: Newbouse and Wnra, Lowell and Lowell, and Uart and Loo. Of coumc there are others on the bill, bat these three actK are moat familiar to me and other Amcrlouus 00 this side. I saw the two new bills at the Coliseum uu Monday last. The three shows a day polli'y was Inaugurated then. According tii the current arrangement some of tho performtrs arc doing two ahows n day, while the others are only doing one. The six o'clock bill I saw first. Florence and Lllllun, lady niiisl. pnat elghlctn months, although she Is leav- ing tbe stage nt the end of thl« year to settle on her husband's sheep station In the Interior of Ned South Wales. Her marriage was short of a romance. Mr. Osborne Joined the com- pany, traveled with It, played small parts, and thus wooed and won hie divinity. Details for providing Indour entertain- ments for the thouannda of amusement seek- ers In London dnd vicinity arc novir rumored to be completed. At preaent the exact site Is uot to be disclosed, but It will be withiu n stone's throw ot tbe Covent Garden Opera House. Kxlstlng bulldlDgs will be utllued, have already obtained the aeccssary money. Philip Yorkc, formerly connected with tbe Palace and Tlvoll, will be general manager. The following arc tbe principal features of tbe scheme: Crand nuditorlum to scat 4.000 oud hold 5,000 persona. Winter garden as latge as tho TlvoU. Two minor concert halls, holding 1,800 and 000 people. Exhibition bulldlngH, with main floor 2'iO feet by 100 feet, with a superllclnl area of 34,000 squnro feet. Industrial exhibition buildings with floor area of .10,000 feet. Plrst exhibition, ...,....., .,,r,i,jn „„,,,,....- .....I. .,v .,..„ I., u.. uour iiiL-ii ui .n/,.™u ivci. t.ioi tA.ilu.i.v..., cions, occuplcd tho stngc whcD I was ushered content to make his agreement for a tenancy Urltlsh industrlea, to show what Is produced to my stall. '"" '" ' with thi! knowledge thnt a few rcacrved Beats In each part ot the auditorium belong tu Hurau ODD or other who. nt one period, for snnio consldoratlun or other, holds a squat- irr'H right there. These acnts are placed and how It Is done. High clnas variety enter talnment each evening. Admission, twenty- live cents, which includes tbe whole build- ing. Ureal attention Is to be paid to tbe in- dustrial side, one object being to advance Urltlsh innnutacturlng Intcreata as much as possible. It Is also stated that there will be They played on many Inatrii- ments In a capable manner, and were n(- tired In attractive garb. CutlottH Levey fol- lowed, singing the well known Amcrkuii song, "The Gambling Man." Jlnrhball Moore, the stage producer of the ColiscuiD, ndded a drnmnfic ftnlsh to tbe song, eatlllnl Three I HlB Last Cut." It was a now lis. with n booking library or agency, to be sold „,. . „. - — when the theatre In opened, and the manager ,,u„.,il,.v. ... 10 «.=.. =.,..»... .^..^ ...^.., „... — ii..t«, .,„> uu... v^...., ... ...„ - - eujoyable show tor the chlldron, who nlways muBt take tbe responsibility of making people roof gardens nnd restauranta. In many re- ish to songs of thiB type nnd waa entcrtalii' delight lu hearing Florence llolbrook slug comfortoblo from whom ne receives not n. unccts It la on Improved form of the comprc- lag In a way. The fourth number un lh( "Mary Jane," while the chorus, dressed as penny. Otbo Stuart, Interviewed on thin honslvc places ot nmuacmeal with which bid, "A Scene at the Kalrgrounds," waa 1 i'. IJ!, "OahkoBli.-^tlco nnnwcr to M. N., ""/r W P., Pern.—Wo have no kniiwlmigo iif any such publlcntlon, nnd ns practical ex- iierleiictf Is the only leiicher In Ihut line, we do not believe such a publlcntlon would be of aiiy vnlue lo iiuy one Intuudlng to under- lake HUch an cnternrlse. 1". I'. B.. at. LouIb.— 1. Yes. 2, Vedo not know In what Stnlcs It Is forbidden by law. ;i. AdUreaa Ibe District Attorney In the Miss A. K., lielroll.—You cnii lliid out by iiddroaHltig tho uianagers ot the houses you msntUin.. I). II,—Addroa.H Mr. Kyau. J. J. M., J'ouKbkoopsle,—Walcb our route , _ lUl ciich week or ndriresH n letter In care ot Streels," with Laurn Aiherlu In the leading 'I'm; CMrrBii, and we will ndvertlse It In our role ot Kli maids, are washing, Ironing nod beating carpets. Cecil Lean la still holding the good iiacc with which he started, while Margaret MieDonnld's beautiful voice is much appre- ciated. The prettiest song la "My Rvoning Star," sung by Buby KItzhugh. Bijou TiuiATne) (William C. Itoehe, man- jigcr).—"The White Caps" Is tho title of the attraction for week of 11. It deals with an Indiana Judge and his daughter, who would be sacrllfccd to the vengeance of while caps were It not for a detective, who finally suc- ceeds in saving tho girl. AcAPKUY OP Mdbic (William C. llochc, ninnnger).—"The Queeu of the White Slaves" In this week's oOTcrlng. CoLUMni;s TuBATiiR (Weber Bros., mana- gers).—A new musical comedy, with voude- vlllu luterpolatlons, "How Baxter Butted In," will begin a week's engagement in Chicago Sunday afternoon, 10, wlta Sidney Toler as Hilly Baxter, who will be supported by n large company. Ai.ii.v.'innA 'I'liK.XTni-: (James If. Browne, ninuager).—The attraction nt this plny- hoiiBi) for week ot 11 will be "A (llrl of the HI reels," one ot the best molodruniaR on the luller list , II. W. S.. .Marinette.—Tho author Is un- known 10 us. A. S., Newark.--ItoHi parties are living. II. Y. U.. Penu Yun.—1. U l« Hie snmo iiariy. ;;. Yea. .'1. At tho Oarrlck Tlioiitre. .M. C. R, Iloehesler.—According to their luiminncement they will all appear In reper- tory Ibis HOllSUM. . ..., ., (', ,1, .S.. Lelmuon.—Address the Uidpath Lyceum Bureau, Chicago. HASBUALL. ('. I!., Oneniila.—If tbe iMorrls team re- fiiiicd 111 ptuv after tbe umpire lind ordered It 111 do Mil, I hen be had uo Hltcrnnllvc than to ;;lve Ihe game to Oneontn by u score of 0 lo 0, anil beta go with the reault of the game. i;. ('. U.. Alliauy.—Yes. L. M. S.. Oil Itois.—The umpire had uo light lo deiiiire bets off, IIINU. ,1. (i.. Cliarli'.Hlon.—Address party, himself, fur (li'Klrcil Infornuillon. r. it., i:ile.—Ves. nt Sun Kmuclsco. V. A. M.. Uoxl>uiy.--lle never was. \S. S,, Keriell.—Answer will apjiesr' next week. TIIH1>\ Yiiik.— Yon are riglil and I'liucAnKno Tiii'ATUK (Harry II. Hedges, innnngor).—Uice & BaruD's Big Gaiety Co. furnishes the current nttrncllon. Foi.i.Y TiiH.iTiiK (John A. li'eunessy. mnn- er).—The Tiger Lilies will he Ibe bill for iiubject. says that the absurd system handl caps tliose who produce playa. Ills rent, tor Instance, nt the Adelphi, Is $IJ5.000 a year, and the pronrletarv seats thnt he can not touch are, when sold, worlh |aO0 a week to someone who finds none of the capital to provide the ntirnctloii on the stage. Speaking of the AdelphI Mr. Stuart, who b»s made u success by artistic nrodvictlona at that house, Is now extending his Intereats, and has Just acquired an option on the lease of the Prince ot Wales 'rjieatre, his occu- fmncy not to begin until the present sub- ease to Krank Curzon shall expire Ave years hence. Ilegardlng his future plans Mr. Stuart says that he does not Intend to rely wholly, or nearly so, on Shakespeare, but every Christmas he hopes to revive some work of the great dramatist, and next Chrlat- mns, on tbe return of Oscar Asche and Lily Braytou, will present "As You Like It." "My new play," he ndds, "due on Sept. B, is not a dranin. 'Dr. Wake's Patleut' Is a comedy, und there I break new ground at the Adel- phi. , It la a play that gives big scope for display, nnd the dresses, which are to be wonderfully beantirul. will, I think, antlcl- nate the fashions by six months. Later on I shall, produce Mrs. Henry do la Pasture's Peter's Mother,' a piny that she wrote be- fore be/(lnnlng her novel of the same name. 1 linvc niso secured 'The Lonely iMIIIIoualres,' liy the same author. It has been currently reported In t|lieatrlcal circles," adds Mr. 11 niid wc<k. On th" progrnmme are: .\lex. Stuart, "that I Intend to combat the actor. «'nrr, Hebrew comedian; Richie W. Craig, manager system. That report is Incorrect iiiiialcal wit; Will J. Cook, operatic come dluii, rviiil Carrie Ezler. The company will iipiiear In two musical reviews, "A Tem- pnrary Iluabuud" and "The King ot the Cof- fee Fiends." Besides a vaudeville olio will Blackpool visitors are familiar. The new premises, It Is claimed, will bo opened by Lariatmas ot next year. I understand that the next tenant of tho Shaftesbury Thentro Is to be Tom Byley, i>r Fisher and Ilyley. Thla Is the house the Shuberts were to run tbia season,' but re- cently gave It up. SInre the long run of '"Pbe Priniic of Pllscn" the houac has been closed, with the exception of n few weeks. Mr. liylcy's plans are not known ns yet, but It Is mor-j than likely that he will In- augurate his season .with an American mu- sical phiy. "King Petticoat" Is the name of the new musical plav to be done at Daly's as soon as the popularity o^ "The Little Michua" wanes, which, however, will not be for some time. Uuslneas with the current show at Daly's was olf color at the start, but lately the at- tendance has been very good, and now that Adelaide Gouce has been added to .the show the capacity of the bouae la taxed at nearly every performance. But to return to "King I'eitleoat." The new comedy will deal with the mnsterfii! i^haractcr of that picturesque figure ot eluhiecnth century history, Madame Do Pompadour, xvbose ascendencv over I.onls XV is a pretty familiar atory. 'J.'ho reaource- ful mUtrcas of the French monarch was a consiimiitc uclieHH, cBtnlillshcd the Theatre des Petite Cabinets for the amusement ot her sovereign, and, for the King's pleasure, lU'ted with the courtiers In tragedy und com- edy, opera nnd ballet, Tho posslblUtiea of the forthcoming production are, therefore, Milllcleully ob^lol'.s. Iha a tiicaslng one In more wayu~ than one. Al- lertus nnd Mlllor were rcsponiiblc for ibt act, and they did nothing to bo sorry loi. Mlas Millar's clever cornet work was wnrnily applauded, und the bualneas llko way t] which she went at her work vanlsbeil all thoyghtB of bad notes. Albj'rljii was tho comcdiaa of the trio, nnd ni; proved to be a good one, IIIb entrance aril Imll throwing at Iho wooden dolls keen Ibr nudlencc in good humor. After MIsh Millar put aside her cornel shR asHlsted Albcrtiis lu club Juggling teuta, a little out of 1 lie ordinary. They were recalled many llraea at the close ot tho act. "The Wreck of Ihu Hesperus," a new houac number, gave I no choristers a chance lo show their ablllt.r. Tho Ideii Is tukeh from Longfellow s poem of that name. In other words. It Is alerf- eptlcoD views enlivened by deacrlntlvc muali'. The singing was >ery prulsowortiiy. hut ine views were only fair. The house alioulil have bean' darkened for the latter, bnl » was only bait so, Leila Uozc. In a soiiB BiehB. entitled "My Buiijo Loo." was a fa- ^<lrlle with the audience, which, by the wny, was big upstairs, but. only fair la the lo»'>''' part of tbe house. I never heard Mlas lion' sing before, but T afterward learned thai she Is In great demand for provincial pnnin- mimes. The Umpire Comedy Four caiui next. Before the boya opened I fesmi that they would not be given liii« enough to give » good account of themselves, but am pleased to say I waa In error In uiy fears. On their otiening night they «eri^ given sulllclent lime to muko good, and <li I think nctor-managcrs arc limited In their choice of plays by the desire of their friends Seymour nicks, EUaline Terrlsa and com- 86.'"Thrs'''niinrtctt(n»Thrfirst "that'has liee" to see them In parts that will keen them paov open on Monday next at Itnmsey, Isle given any kind of time ut this house to il" constantly on the stage, l.lint consideration of Msn, a fourteen weeks' tour. In "The their act, and I am glad that the manacf - - - , ,, , does not enter Into the cnleulatlona of the Cntcb of the Season." The out of town en- ment has awakened to the fact that a tuineH he presented, among the features ot which ninnnger who does not net. At the same gagcment closes at Brlatol eurlv Id December, tour Is deservlnir ot more than five or six are: La Veeii and Cross. Joaetta Webb, time, although I hold my views about my This will be Miss Terrlss' flrst touring ex- minutes. The ouarlette la also playing t«" Jeouett'i Sherwood and Cunnlghnm and Lord, own policy. I cannot help thinking that we perlcnce. houses a night at tlie Stratford Empire. Hie PKon,K'« TIIE.ITUB (Leslie M.DavlB, nmn- all owe very much to the nctor-manngora of Mrs. Brown Potter Is touring the seaside heaullners, Bella and Bijou, being ludls|io»e<l. ager).—Commencing, with the Monday even- l,ondon. towns with a small concert compony. Next This Ih hard work for their opening week In mllllnry melodrama Having failed lo Dud another Weat End ' '" -'-" "-- — " •'■• ■ • -"— •—■""' (1., New II. J. win. niiscin.i.AM'ioi'!!. 1'. v.. 1'.., Slate Springs.—Aildresn the edi- tor of Kiinie Jiiuriial puliVlshed la Ihe luloreit of fiirmers, "A It, C." -.We dii nut keep reinnl.H ot ditch evfiils, ♦-»■♦ K.VTiii;iii.'<v: Wii.i..^aii ami Cn, will pri'senl (fur Ihe Hint iiau' o» nay Hlaec) "A Oypsv Wooliic," a I Keith's Theatre, New York, Fti- dav atlcruiion, Sept. 15. Adra AInalee will nplioar lis Ml!". Willow (Ibe weeping wltlnw). nud Fieilerlc Diiuioulln as i;ur(on Khigalatid. H New York business uinn. The nccae Is liiUI III 11 liiwii IVstlviil lit a Siiniliier rest- ilrnce. and uirnrs In Ihe evcnlnc. Aiii:r.»; lliTi'uii;, whu bus gone latii vnudc- vUle, niakliig her Inlllnl nppeniancn nt True- ■■ et ■rh ■ ■ ■ • und Mayer. Koler and Seymour, Bennett Sis- lera and Cllne's CllnctoBCope. liO.spoN OiMK MiisRH (WUUnm J. Sweeney, lunnagerl.—.Vn excellent programme has been arranged tor the eurlo halt nnd also the then- tro for week ot 11. ("V.vaK SruKKT MrsKt'M (Harry M. Hedges, niaiiagiM-1.—-Curlu hall nitraci Ions will be heiiiled liy Fran/ Hellhofer's Alpine Yodlers, nnd will Include Mra. Armsliy nnd her four- yeiir-iilil "ipmds;" Clary Moruu. Ihe woman lit luvstery: Louise Adams, a clever vlollnlaf, nnd Edith King, the luidgel. WniTi: City (Paul !>• Howse. general uinn- ■ oger).—Boy Knabenshne. the aeronaut, who has Intcly made senantlonal flights over New York, will begin a sorleu of ascensliins hero on Sept. IS. 'lliero will be Ihe iwusl free at- liiirtliiiiK next week, anil all tbe coucessluus will be In full blilHl. regardless of the weath- er. SchlUoiiyl's llungarinn lliind will give niH'U nlr cuucerts lu tbe puvlllun, lt,u'iNA I'AiiK (J. J. Murdock. luauageri. —"The llesurrertliin ot Christ." a vital |)or- Mnudtt Wllman, hotter known under her Madge Fox and her hiiabund professlounl name of Kntherlue Pole, one have been In town nearly a week. Miss Fox straight Juggler, am of he most popular Soulh African uctresscs, opens nt the Palace on Monday next, and alBgcrs lb ffic dnST. jy. ..?"■"'•.:>: V.^." .8.'; "i; '• ■«"'„.°:?.-''''.!:.."' J°- K«"t t'"!P« «•■« .expected ot tbd" "KHp" FiSS aal latter part of i NanlviiB Japanese 'I'roupe. Henry .K"'"!'" and Preston and IJelmalue. hnunesliurg. at her iiome in Bath, next No. Girl . ^^ ^ _ They were on the car > Ings are expected of the "Klip Flap antT latter part of the show. After a bit "t All who have beard the young lady food the Coliseum again claimed my ntten-